path: root/src/emu/sound/c140.c
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1 files changed, 520 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/sound/c140.c b/src/emu/sound/c140.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..180a34b2bab
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/sound/c140.c
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+Simulator based on AMUSE sources.
+The C140 sound chip is used by Namco System 2 and System 21
+The 219 ASIC (which incorporates a modified C140) is used by Namco NA-1 and NA-2
+This chip controls 24 channels (C140) or 16 (219) of PCM.
+16 bytes are associated with each channel.
+Channels can be 8 bit signed PCM, or 12 bit signed PCM.
+Timer behavior is not yet handled.
+Unmapped registers:
+ 0x1f8:timer interval? (Nx0.1 ms)
+ 0x1fa:irq ack? timer restart?
+ 0x1fe:timer switch?(0:off 1:on)
+ ASIC "219" notes
+ On the 219 ASIC used on NA-1 and NA-2, the high registers have the following
+ meaning instead:
+ 0x1f7: bank for voices 0-3
+ 0x1f1: bank for voices 4-7
+ 0x1f3: bank for voices 8-11
+ 0x1f5: bank for voices 12-15
+ Some games (bkrtmaq, xday2) write to 0x1fd for voices 12-15 instead. Probably the bank registers
+ mirror at 1f8, in which case 1ff is also 0-3, 1f9 is also 4-7, 1fb is also 8-11, and 1fd is also 12-15.
+ Each bank is 0x20000 (128k), and the voice addresses on the 219 are all multiplied by 2.
+ Additionally, the 219's base pitch is the same as the C352's (42667). But these changes
+ are IMO not sufficient to make this a separate file - all the other registers are
+ fully compatible.
+ Finally, the 219 only has 16 voices.
+ 2000.06.26 CAB fixed compressed pcm playback
+ 2002.07.20 R.Belmont added support for multiple banking types
+ 2006.01.08 R.Belmont added support for NA-1/2 "219" derivative
+#include <math.h>
+#include "sndintrf.h"
+#include "streams.h"
+#include "c140.h"
+#define MAX_VOICE 24
+struct voice_registers
+ UINT8 volume_right;
+ UINT8 volume_left;
+ UINT8 frequency_msb;
+ UINT8 frequency_lsb;
+ UINT8 bank;
+ UINT8 mode;
+ UINT8 start_msb;
+ UINT8 start_lsb;
+ UINT8 end_msb;
+ UINT8 end_lsb;
+ UINT8 loop_msb;
+ UINT8 loop_lsb;
+ UINT8 reserved[4];
+typedef struct
+ long ptoffset;
+ long pos;
+ long key;
+ //--work
+ long lastdt;
+ long prevdt;
+ long dltdt;
+ //--reg
+ long rvol;
+ long lvol;
+ long frequency;
+ long bank;
+ long mode;
+ long sample_start;
+ long sample_end;
+ long sample_loop;
+struct c140_info
+ int sample_rate;
+ sound_stream *stream;
+ int banking_type;
+ /* internal buffers */
+ INT16 *mixer_buffer_left;
+ INT16 *mixer_buffer_right;
+ int baserate;
+ void *pRom;
+ UINT8 REG[0x200];
+ INT16 pcmtbl[8]; //2000.06.26 CAB
+static void init_voice( VOICE *v )
+ v->key=0;
+ v->ptoffset=0;
+ v->rvol=0;
+ v->lvol=0;
+ v->frequency=0;
+ v->bank=0;
+ v->mode=0;
+ v->sample_start=0;
+ v->sample_end=0;
+ v->sample_loop=0;
+READ8_HANDLER( C140_r )
+ struct c140_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_C140, 0);
+ offset&=0x1ff;
+ return info->REG[offset];
+ find_sample: compute the actual address of a sample given it's
+ address and banking registers, as well as the board type.
+ I suspect in "real life" this works like the Sega MultiPCM where the banking
+ is done by a small PAL or GAL external to the sound chip, which can be switched
+ per-game or at least per-PCB revision as addressing range needs grow.
+ */
+static long find_sample(struct c140_info *info, long adrs, long bank, int voice)
+ long newadr = 0;
+ static INT16 asic219banks[4] = { 0x1f7, 0x1f1, 0x1f3, 0x1f5 };
+ adrs=(bank<<16)+adrs;
+ switch (info->banking_type)
+ {
+ case C140_TYPE_SYSTEM2:
+ // System 2 banking
+ newadr = ((adrs&0x200000)>>2)|(adrs&0x7ffff);
+ break;
+ case C140_TYPE_SYSTEM21_A:
+ // System 21 type A (simple) banking.
+ // similar to System 2's.
+ newadr = ((adrs&0x300000)>>1)+(adrs&0x7ffff);
+ break;
+ case C140_TYPE_SYSTEM21_B:
+ // System 21 type B (chip select) banking
+ // get base address of sample inside the bank
+ newadr = ((adrs&0x100000)>>2) + (adrs&0x3ffff);
+ // now add the starting bank offsets based on the 2
+ // chip select bits.
+ // 0x40000 picks individual 512k ROMs
+ if (adrs & 0x40000)
+ {
+ newadr += 0x80000;
+ }
+ // and 0x200000 which group of chips...
+ if (adrs & 0x200000)
+ {
+ newadr += 0x100000;
+ }
+ break;
+ case C140_TYPE_ASIC219:
+ // ASIC219's banking is fairly simple
+ newadr = ((info->REG[asic219banks[voice/4]]&0x3) * 0x20000) + adrs;
+ break;
+ }
+ return (newadr);
+ struct c140_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_C140, 0);
+ stream_update(info->stream);
+ offset&=0x1ff;
+ // mirror the bank registers on the 219, fixes bkrtmaq (and probably xday2 based on notes in the HLE)
+ if ((offset >= 0x1f8) && (info->banking_type == C140_TYPE_ASIC219))
+ {
+ offset -= 8;
+ }
+ info->REG[offset]=data;
+ if( offset<0x180 )
+ {
+ VOICE *v = &info->voi[offset>>4];
+ if( (offset&0xf)==0x5 )
+ {
+ if( data&0x80 )
+ {
+ const struct voice_registers *vreg = (struct voice_registers *) &info->REG[offset&0x1f0];
+ v->key=1;
+ v->ptoffset=0;
+ v->pos=0;
+ v->lastdt=0;
+ v->prevdt=0;
+ v->dltdt=0;
+ v->bank = vreg->bank;
+ v->mode = data;
+ // on the 219 asic, addresses are in words
+ if (info->banking_type == C140_TYPE_ASIC219)
+ {
+ v->sample_loop = (vreg->loop_msb*256 + vreg->loop_lsb)*2;
+ v->sample_start = (vreg->start_msb*256 + vreg->start_lsb)*2;
+ v->sample_end = (vreg->end_msb*256 + vreg->end_lsb)*2;
+ #if 0
+ logerror("219: play v %d mode %02x start %x loop %x end %x\n",
+ offset>>4, v->mode,
+ find_sample(info, v->sample_start, v->bank, offset>>4),
+ find_sample(info, v->sample_loop, v->bank, offset>>4),
+ find_sample(info, v->sample_end, v->bank, offset>>4));
+ #endif
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->sample_loop = vreg->loop_msb*256 + vreg->loop_lsb;
+ v->sample_start = vreg->start_msb*256 + vreg->start_lsb;
+ v->sample_end = vreg->end_msb*256 + vreg->end_lsb;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->key=0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void C140_set_base(int which, void *base)
+ struct c140_info *info = sndti_token(SOUND_C140, 0);
+ info->pRom = base;
+INLINE int limit(INT32 in)
+ if(in>0x7fff) return 0x7fff;
+ else if(in<-0x8000) return -0x8000;
+ return in;
+static void update_stereo(void *param, stream_sample_t **inputs, stream_sample_t **buffer, int length)
+ struct c140_info *info = param;
+ int i,j;
+ INT32 rvol,lvol;
+ INT32 dt;
+ INT32 sdt;
+ INT32 st,ed,sz;
+ INT8 *pSampleData;
+ INT32 frequency,delta,offset,pos;
+ INT32 cnt, voicecnt;
+ INT32 lastdt,prevdt,dltdt;
+ float pbase=(float)info->baserate*2.0 / (float)info->sample_rate;
+ INT16 *lmix, *rmix;
+ if(length>info->sample_rate) length=info->sample_rate;
+ /* zap the contents of the mixer buffer */
+ memset(info->mixer_buffer_left, 0, length * sizeof(INT16));
+ memset(info->mixer_buffer_right, 0, length * sizeof(INT16));
+ /* get the number of voices to update */
+ voicecnt = (info->banking_type == C140_TYPE_ASIC219) ? 16 : 24;
+ //--- audio update
+ for( i=0;i<voicecnt;i++ )
+ {
+ VOICE *v = &info->voi[i];
+ const struct voice_registers *vreg = (struct voice_registers *)&info->REG[i*16];
+ if( v->key )
+ {
+ frequency= vreg->frequency_msb*256 + vreg->frequency_lsb;
+ /* Abort voice if no frequency value set */
+ if(frequency==0) continue;
+ /* Delta = frequency * ((8MHz/374)*2 / sample rate) */
+ delta=(long)((float)frequency * pbase);
+ /* Calculate left/right channel volumes */
+ lvol=(vreg->volume_left*32)/MAX_VOICE; //32ch -> 24ch
+ rvol=(vreg->volume_right*32)/MAX_VOICE;
+ /* Set mixer buffer base pointers */
+ lmix = info->mixer_buffer_left;
+ rmix = info->mixer_buffer_right;
+ /* Retrieve sample start/end and calculate size */
+ st=v->sample_start;
+ ed=v->sample_end;
+ sz=ed-st;
+ /* Retrieve base pointer to the sample data */
+ pSampleData=(signed char*)((FPTR)info->pRom + find_sample(info, st, v->bank, i));
+ /* Fetch back previous data pointers */
+ offset=v->ptoffset;
+ pos=v->pos;
+ lastdt=v->lastdt;
+ prevdt=v->prevdt;
+ dltdt=v->dltdt;
+ /* Switch on data type - compressed PCM is only for C140 */
+ if ((v->mode&8) && (info->banking_type != C140_TYPE_ASIC219))
+ {
+ //compressed PCM (maybe correct...)
+ /* Loop for enough to fill sample buffer as requested */
+ for(j=0;j<length;j++)
+ {
+ offset += delta;
+ cnt = (offset>>16)&0x7fff;
+ offset &= 0xffff;
+ pos+=cnt;
+ //for(;cnt>0;cnt--)
+ {
+ /* Check for the end of the sample */
+ if(pos >= sz)
+ {
+ /* Check if its a looping sample, either stop or loop */
+ if(v->mode&0x10)
+ {
+ pos = (v->sample_loop - st);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->key=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Read the chosen sample byte */
+ dt=pSampleData[pos];
+ /* decompress to 13bit range */ //2000.06.26 CAB
+ sdt=dt>>3; //signed
+ if(sdt<0) sdt = (sdt<<(dt&7)) - info->pcmtbl[dt&7];
+ else sdt = (sdt<<(dt&7)) + info->pcmtbl[dt&7];
+ prevdt=lastdt;
+ lastdt=sdt;
+ dltdt=(lastdt - prevdt);
+ }
+ /* Caclulate the sample value */
+ dt=((dltdt*offset)>>16)+prevdt;
+ /* Write the data to the sample buffers */
+ *lmix++ +=(dt*lvol)>>(5+5);
+ *rmix++ +=(dt*rvol)>>(5+5);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* linear 8bit signed PCM */
+ for(j=0;j<length;j++)
+ {
+ offset += delta;
+ cnt = (offset>>16)&0x7fff;
+ offset &= 0xffff;
+ pos += cnt;
+ /* Check for the end of the sample */
+ if(pos >= sz)
+ {
+ /* Check if its a looping sample, either stop or loop */
+ if( v->mode&0x10 )
+ {
+ pos = (v->sample_loop - st);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ v->key=0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if( cnt )
+ {
+ prevdt=lastdt;
+ lastdt=pSampleData[pos];
+ if ((v->mode & 0x40) && (info->banking_type == C140_TYPE_ASIC219))
+ {
+ lastdt ^= 0x80; // flip signedness
+ }
+ dltdt=(lastdt - prevdt);
+ }
+ /* Caclulate the sample value */
+ dt=((dltdt*offset)>>16)+prevdt;
+ /* Write the data to the sample buffers */
+ *lmix++ +=(dt*lvol)>>5;
+ *rmix++ +=(dt*rvol)>>5;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Save positional data for next callback */
+ v->ptoffset=offset;
+ v->pos=pos;
+ v->lastdt=lastdt;
+ v->prevdt=prevdt;
+ v->dltdt=dltdt;
+ }
+ }
+ /* render to MAME's stream buffer */
+ lmix = info->mixer_buffer_left;
+ rmix = info->mixer_buffer_right;
+ {
+ stream_sample_t *dest1 = buffer[0];
+ stream_sample_t *dest2 = buffer[1];
+ for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
+ {
+ *dest1++ = limit(8*(*lmix++));
+ *dest2++ = limit(8*(*rmix++));
+ }
+ }
+static void *c140_start(int sndindex, int clock, const void *config)
+ const struct C140interface *intf = config;
+ struct c140_info *info;
+ info = auto_malloc(sizeof(*info));
+ memset(info, 0, sizeof(*info));
+ info->sample_rate=info->baserate=clock;
+ info->banking_type = intf->banking_type;
+ info->stream = stream_create(0,2,info->sample_rate,info,update_stereo);
+ if (intf->region)
+ info->pRom=memory_region(intf->region);
+ /* make decompress pcm table */ //2000.06.26 CAB
+ {
+ int i;
+ INT32 segbase=0;
+ for(i=0;i<8;i++)
+ {
+ info->pcmtbl[i]=segbase; //segment base value
+ segbase += 16<<i;
+ }
+ }
+ memset(info->REG,0,0x200 );
+ {
+ int i;
+ for(i=0;i<MAX_VOICE;i++) init_voice( &info->voi[i] );
+ }
+ /* allocate a pair of buffers to mix into - 1 second's worth should be more than enough */
+ info->mixer_buffer_left = auto_malloc(2 * sizeof(INT16)*info->sample_rate );
+ info->mixer_buffer_right = info->mixer_buffer_left + info->sample_rate;
+ return info;
+ * Generic get_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void c140_set_info(void *token, UINT32 state, sndinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* no parameters to set */
+ }
+void c140_get_info(void *token, UINT32 state, sndinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_SET_INFO: info->set_info = c140_set_info; break;
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_START: info->start = c140_start; break;
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_STOP: /* nothing */ break;
+ case SNDINFO_PTR_RESET: /* nothing */ break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case SNDINFO_STR_NAME: info->s = "C140"; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_FAMILY: info->s = "Namco PCM"; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_VERSION: info->s = "1.0"; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_FILE: info->s = __FILE__; break;
+ case SNDINFO_STR_CORE_CREDITS: info->s = "Copyright (c) 2004, The MAME Team"; break;
+ }