path: root/src/emu/netlist/pstring.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/netlist/pstring.c')
1 files changed, 193 insertions, 193 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/netlist/pstring.c b/src/emu/netlist/pstring.c
index 7d5a55ff166..6287fac8109 100644
--- a/src/emu/netlist/pstring.c
+++ b/src/emu/netlist/pstring.c
@@ -24,68 +24,68 @@ pstring::str_t *pstring::m_zero = NULL;
//#define DEBUG_MODE (0)
- #define IMMEDIATE_MODE (0)
- #endif
- #ifndef DEBUG_MODE
- #define DEBUG_MODE (1)
- #endif
+ #define IMMEDIATE_MODE (0)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef DEBUG_MODE
+ #define DEBUG_MODE (1)
+ #endif
- #define IMMEDIATE_MODE (1)
- #endif
- #ifndef DEBUG_MODE
- #define DEBUG_MODE (0)
- #endif
+ #define IMMEDIATE_MODE (1)
+ #endif
+ #ifndef DEBUG_MODE
+ #define DEBUG_MODE (0)
+ #endif
- sfree(m_ptr);
+ sfree(m_ptr);
void pstring::pcat(const char *s)
- int slen = strlen(s);
- str_t *n = salloc(m_ptr->len() + slen);
- if (m_ptr->len() > 0)
- memcpy(n->str(), m_ptr->str(), m_ptr->len());
- if (slen > 0)
- memcpy(n->str() + m_ptr->len(), s, slen);
- *(n->str() + n->len()) = 0;
- sfree(m_ptr);
- m_ptr = n;
+ int slen = strlen(s);
+ str_t *n = salloc(m_ptr->len() + slen);
+ if (m_ptr->len() > 0)
+ memcpy(n->str(), m_ptr->str(), m_ptr->len());
+ if (slen > 0)
+ memcpy(n->str() + m_ptr->len(), s, slen);
+ *(n->str() + n->len()) = 0;
+ sfree(m_ptr);
+ m_ptr = n;
void pstring::pcopy(const char *from, int size)
- str_t *n = salloc(size);
- if (size > 0)
- memcpy(n->str(), from, size);
- *(n->str() + size) = 0;
- sfree(m_ptr);
- m_ptr = n;
+ str_t *n = salloc(size);
+ if (size > 0)
+ memcpy(n->str(), from, size);
+ *(n->str() + size) = 0;
+ sfree(m_ptr);
+ m_ptr = n;
pstring pstring::substr(unsigned int start, int count) const
- int alen = len();
- if (start >= alen)
- return pstring();
- if (count <0 || start + count > alen)
- count = alen - start;
- pstring ret;
- ret.pcopy(cstr() + start, count);
- return ret;
+ int alen = len();
+ if (start >= alen)
+ return pstring();
+ if (count <0 || start + count > alen)
+ count = alen - start;
+ pstring ret;
+ ret.pcopy(cstr() + start, count);
+ return ret;
pstring pstring::ucase() const
- pstring ret = *this;
- ret.pcopy(cstr(), len());
- for (int i=0; i<ret.len(); i++)
- ret.m_ptr->m_str[i] = toupper((unsigned) ret.m_ptr->m_str[i]);
- return ret;
+ pstring ret = *this;
+ ret.pcopy(cstr(), len());
+ for (int i=0; i<ret.len(); i++)
+ ret.m_ptr->m_str[i] = toupper((unsigned) ret.m_ptr->m_str[i]);
+ return ret;
@@ -94,58 +94,58 @@ pstring pstring::ucase() const
int pstring::pcmpi(const char *lhs, const char *rhs, int count) const
- // loop while equal until we hit the end of strings
- int index;
- for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
- if (lhs[index] == 0 || tolower(lhs[index]) != tolower(rhs[index]))
- break;
- // determine the final result
- if (index < count)
- return tolower(lhs[index]) - tolower(rhs[index]);
- if (lhs[index] == 0)
- return 0;
- return 1;
+ // loop while equal until we hit the end of strings
+ int index;
+ for (index = 0; index < count; index++)
+ if (lhs[index] == 0 || tolower(lhs[index]) != tolower(rhs[index]))
+ break;
+ // determine the final result
+ if (index < count)
+ return tolower(lhs[index]) - tolower(rhs[index]);
+ if (lhs[index] == 0)
+ return 0;
+ return 1;
double pstring::as_double(bool *error) const
- double ret;
- char *e = NULL;
- if (error != NULL)
- *error = false;
- ret = strtod(cstr(), &e);
- if (*e != 0)
- if (error != NULL)
- *error = true;
- return ret;
+ double ret;
+ char *e = NULL;
+ if (error != NULL)
+ *error = false;
+ ret = strtod(cstr(), &e);
+ if (*e != 0)
+ if (error != NULL)
+ *error = true;
+ return ret;
long pstring::as_long(bool *error) const
- double ret;
- char *e = NULL;
- if (error != NULL)
- *error = false;
- if (startsWith("0x"))
- ret = strtol(&(cstr()[2]), &e, 16);
- else
- ret = strtol(cstr(), &e, 10);
- if (*e != 0)
- if (error != NULL)
- *error = true;
- return ret;
+ double ret;
+ char *e = NULL;
+ if (error != NULL)
+ *error = false;
+ if (startsWith("0x"))
+ ret = strtol(&(cstr()[2]), &e, 16);
+ else
+ ret = strtol(cstr(), &e, 10);
+ if (*e != 0)
+ if (error != NULL)
+ *error = true;
+ return ret;
pstring pstring::vprintf(va_list args) const
- // sprintf into the temporary buffer
- char tempbuf[4096];
- vsprintf(tempbuf, cstr(), args);
+ // sprintf into the temporary buffer
+ char tempbuf[4096];
+ vsprintf(tempbuf, cstr(), args);
- return pstring(tempbuf);
+ return pstring(tempbuf);
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -154,35 +154,35 @@ pstring pstring::vprintf(va_list args) const
void pstring::sfree(str_t *s)
- s->m_ref_count--;
- if (s->m_ref_count == 0)
- m_pool.dealloc(s);
+ s->m_ref_count--;
+ if (s->m_ref_count == 0)
+ m_pool.dealloc(s);
pstring::str_t *pstring::salloc(int n)
- str_t *ret = new(m_pool, n+1) str_t(n);
- return ret;
+ str_t *ret = new(m_pool, n+1) str_t(n);
+ return ret;
pstring pstring::sprintf(const char *format, ...)
- va_list ap;
- va_start(ap, format);
- pstring ret = pstring(format).vprintf(ap);
- va_end(ap);
- return ret;
+ va_list ap;
+ va_start(ap, format);
+ pstring ret = pstring(format).vprintf(ap);
+ va_end(ap);
+ return ret;
void pstring::resetmem()
- // Release the 0 string
- if (m_zero != NULL)
- sfree(m_zero);
- m_zero = NULL;
- m_pool.m_shutdown = true;
- m_pool.resetmem();
+ // Release the 0 string
+ if (m_zero != NULL)
+ sfree(m_zero);
+ m_zero = NULL;
+ m_pool.m_shutdown = true;
+ m_pool.resetmem();
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
@@ -191,10 +191,10 @@ void pstring::resetmem()
- : m_shutdown(false)
- , m_first(NULL)
- , m_blocksize((DEBUG_MODE) ? 16384 : 16384)
- , m_align(8)
+ : m_shutdown(false)
+ , m_first(NULL)
+ , m_blocksize((DEBUG_MODE) ? 16384 : 16384)
+ , m_align(8)
@@ -205,105 +205,105 @@ pblockpool::~pblockpool()
void *pblockpool::alloc(const std::size_t n)
- return (char *) malloc(n);
- else
- {
- int memsize = ((n + m_align - 1) / m_align) * m_align;
- int min_alloc = MAX(m_blocksize, memsize+sizeof(memblock)-MINDATASIZE);
- char *ret = NULL;
- //std::printf("m_first %p\n", m_first);
- for (memblock *p = m_first; p != NULL && ret == NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (p->remaining > memsize)
- {
- ret = p->cur;
- p->cur += memsize;
- p->allocated += 1;
- p->remaining -= memsize;
- }
- }
- if (ret == NULL)
- {
- // need to allocate a new block
- memblock *p = (memblock *) malloc(min_alloc); //new char[min_alloc];
- p->allocated = 0;
- p->cur = &p->data[0];
- p->size = p->remaining = min_alloc - (sizeof(memblock)-MINDATASIZE);
- p->next = m_first;
- //std::printf("allocated block size %d\n", sizeof(p->data));
- ret = p->cur;
- p->cur += memsize;
- p->allocated += 1;
- p->remaining -= memsize;
- m_first = p;
- }
- return ret;
- }
+ return (char *) malloc(n);
+ else
+ {
+ int memsize = ((n + m_align - 1) / m_align) * m_align;
+ int min_alloc = MAX(m_blocksize, memsize+sizeof(memblock)-MINDATASIZE);
+ char *ret = NULL;
+ //std::printf("m_first %p\n", m_first);
+ for (memblock *p = m_first; p != NULL && ret == NULL; p = p->next)
+ {
+ if (p->remaining > memsize)
+ {
+ ret = p->cur;
+ p->cur += memsize;
+ p->allocated += 1;
+ p->remaining -= memsize;
+ }
+ }
+ if (ret == NULL)
+ {
+ // need to allocate a new block
+ memblock *p = (memblock *) malloc(min_alloc); //new char[min_alloc];
+ p->allocated = 0;
+ p->cur = &p->data[0];
+ p->size = p->remaining = min_alloc - (sizeof(memblock)-MINDATASIZE);
+ p->next = m_first;
+ //std::printf("allocated block size %d\n", sizeof(p->data));
+ ret = p->cur;
+ p->cur += memsize;
+ p->allocated += 1;
+ p->remaining -= memsize;
+ m_first = p;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
void pblockpool::dealloc(void *ptr)
- free(ptr);
- else
- {
- for (memblock *p = m_first; p != NULL; p = p->next)
- {
- if (ptr >= &p->data[0] && ptr < &p->data[p->size])
- {
- p->allocated -= 1;
- if (p->allocated < 0)
- std::fprintf(stderr, "nstring: memory corruption - crash likely\n");
- if (p->allocated == 0)
- {
- //std::printf("Block entirely freed\n");
- p->remaining = p->size;
- p->cur = &p->data[0];
- }
- // shutting down ?
- if (m_shutdown)
- resetmem(); // try to free blocks
- return;
- }
- }
- std::fprintf(stderr, "nstring: string <%p> not found on free\n", ptr);
- }
+ free(ptr);
+ else
+ {
+ for (memblock *p = m_first; p != NULL; p = p->next)
+ {
+ if (ptr >= &p->data[0] && ptr < &p->data[p->size])
+ {
+ p->allocated -= 1;
+ if (p->allocated < 0)
+ std::fprintf(stderr, "nstring: memory corruption - crash likely\n");
+ if (p->allocated == 0)
+ {
+ //std::printf("Block entirely freed\n");
+ p->remaining = p->size;
+ p->cur = &p->data[0];
+ }
+ // shutting down ?
+ if (m_shutdown)
+ resetmem(); // try to free blocks
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ std::fprintf(stderr, "nstring: string <%p> not found on free\n", ptr);
+ }
void pblockpool::resetmem()
- {
- memblock **p = &m_first;
- int totalblocks = 0;
- int freedblocks = 0;
- while (*p != NULL)
- {
- totalblocks++;
- memblock **next = &((*p)->next);
- if ((*p)->allocated == 0)
- {
- //std::printf("freeing block %p\n", *p);
- memblock *freeme = *p;
- *p = *next;
- free(freeme); //delete[] *p;
- freedblocks++;
- }
- else
- {
- //if (DEBUG_MODE)
- // std::printf("Allocated: <%s>\n", ((str_t *)(&(*p)->data[0]))->str());
- p = next;
- }
- }
- std::printf("Freed %d out of total %d blocks\n", freedblocks, totalblocks);
- }
+ {
+ memblock **p = &m_first;
+ int totalblocks = 0;
+ int freedblocks = 0;
+ while (*p != NULL)
+ {
+ totalblocks++;
+ memblock **next = &((*p)->next);
+ if ((*p)->allocated == 0)
+ {
+ //std::printf("freeing block %p\n", *p);
+ memblock *freeme = *p;
+ *p = *next;
+ free(freeme); //delete[] *p;
+ freedblocks++;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //if (DEBUG_MODE)
+ // std::printf("Allocated: <%s>\n", ((str_t *)(&(*p)->data[0]))->str());
+ p = next;
+ }
+ }
+ std::printf("Freed %d out of total %d blocks\n", freedblocks, totalblocks);
+ }