path: root/src/emu/machine
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/machine')
2 files changed, 79 insertions, 79 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c b/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c
index 401d9763362..c112813968a 100644
--- a/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c
+++ b/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static const ldplayer_interface *player_interfaces[] =
// &ldp1450_interface,
-// &vp932_interface,
+// &vp932_interface,
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ static void read_track_data(laserdisc_state *ld)
UINT32 vbiframe;
UINT32 readhunk;
INT32 chdtrack;
frame = &ldcore->frame[ldcore->videoindex];
/* special cases for playing forward */
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ static void read_track_data(laserdisc_state *ld)
/* if the previous field had a frame number, force the new field to pair with the previous one */
if ((ldcore->metadata[fieldnum ^ 1].line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE)
frame->numfields = 1;
/* if the twice-previous field was a frame number, and we've moved one since then, consider this one done */
else if (frame->numfields >= 2 && (ldcore->metadata[fieldnum].line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE)
@@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ static void read_track_data(laserdisc_state *ld)
frame->numfields = 0;
/* all other cases */
diff --git a/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c b/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c
index 34d75e231c8..4b2f638f584 100644
--- a/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c
+++ b/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
Still to do:
* determine actual slow/fast speeds
- *
+ *
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static void vp931_init(laserdisc_state *ld)
/* find our CPU */
astring_printf(tempstring, "%s:%s", ld->device->tag, "vp931");
player->cpunum = mame_find_cpu_index(ld->device->machine, astring_c(tempstring));
/* find our timer */
astring_printf(tempstring, "%s:%s", ld->device->tag, "tracktimer");
player->tracktimer = device_list_find_by_tag(ld->device->machine->config->devicelist, TIMER, astring_c(tempstring));
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ static void vp931_data_w(laserdisc_state *ld, UINT8 prev, UINT8 data)
static UINT8 vp931_data_r(laserdisc_state *ld)
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* if data is pending, clear the pending flag and notify any callbacks */
if (player->tocontroller_pending)
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static UINT8 vp931_data_r(laserdisc_state *ld)
vp931_ready - return the status of "ready"
- to the caller (ready to accept another
+ to the caller (ready to accept another
@@ -327,17 +327,17 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output0_w )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
- $80 = n/c
- $40 = LED (?) -> C335
- $20 = LED (?)
- $10 = LED (?) -> CX
- $08 = EJECT
- $04 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE II
- $02 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE I
- $01 = inverted -> VIDEO MUTE
- */
+ $80 = n/c
+ $40 = LED (?) -> C335
+ $20 = LED (?)
+ $10 = LED (?) -> CX
+ $08 = EJECT
+ $04 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE II
+ $02 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE I
+ $01 = inverted -> VIDEO MUTE
+ */
if (LOG_PORTS && (player->out0 ^ data) & 0xff)
@@ -371,15 +371,15 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output1_w )
INT32 speed = 0;
- $80 = n/c
- $40 = n/c
- $20 = n/c
- $10 = n/c
- $08 = inverted -> SMS
- $04 = inverted -> SSS
- $02 = inverted -> SCAN CMD
- $01 = OSM
- */
+ $80 = n/c
+ $40 = n/c
+ $20 = n/c
+ $10 = n/c
+ $08 = inverted -> SMS
+ $04 = inverted -> SSS
+ $02 = inverted -> SCAN CMD
+ $01 = OSM
+ */
if (LOG_PORTS && (player->out1 ^ data) & 0x08)
@@ -388,19 +388,19 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output1_w )
player->out1 = data;
/* speed is 0 unless SCAN CMD is clear */
speed = 0;
if (!(data & 0x02))
/* fast/slow is based on bit 2 */
speed = (data & 0x04) ? VP931_SCAN_FAST_SPEED : VP931_SCAN_SPEED;
/* direction is based on bit 0 */
if (data & 0x01)
speed = -speed;
/* update the speed */
ldcore_set_slider_speed(ld, speed);
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output1_w )
static WRITE8_HANDLER( lcd_w )
- Frame number is written as 5 digits here; however, it is not actually
- connected
- */
+ Frame number is written as 5 digits here; however, it is not actually
+ connected
+ */
@@ -426,16 +426,16 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( lcd_w )
static READ8_HANDLER( keypad_r )
- From the code, this is apparently a vestigial keypad with basic controls:
- $01 = play
- $02 = still
- $04 = jump 25 frames backward
- $08 = jump 25 frames forward
- $10 = search for frame 50(?)
- $20 = search for frame 350(?)
- $40 = reset
- $80 = play reverse
- */
+ From the code, this is apparently a vestigial keypad with basic controls:
+ $01 = play
+ $02 = still
+ $04 = jump 25 frames backward
+ $08 = jump 25 frames forward
+ $10 = search for frame 50(?)
+ $20 = search for frame 350(?)
+ $40 = reset
+ $80 = play reverse
+ */
return 0x00;
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( from_controller_r )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* clear the pending flag and return the data */
player->fromcontroller_pending = FALSE;
return player->fromcontroller;
@@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( to_controller_w )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* set the pending flag and stash the data */
player->tocontroller_pending = TRUE;
player->tocontroller = data;
/* signal to the callback if provided */
if (player->data_ready_cb != NULL)
(*player->data_ready_cb)(ld->device, TRUE);
@@ -502,14 +502,14 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( port1_r )
UINT8 result = 0x00;
- $80 = P17 = (in) unsure
- $40 = P16 = (in) /ERP from datic circuit
- $20 = P15 = (in) D105
- */
+ $80 = P17 = (in) unsure
+ $40 = P16 = (in) /ERP from datic circuit
+ $20 = P15 = (in) D105
+ */
if (!player->daticerp)
result |= 0x40;
return result;
@@ -522,14 +522,14 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
- $10 = P14 = (out) D104 -> /SPEED
- $08 = P13 = (out) D103 -> /TIMER ENABLE
- $04 = P12 = (out) D102 -> /REV
- $02 = P11 = (out) D101 -> /FORW
- $01 = P10 = (out) D100 -> some op-amp then to C334, B56, B332
- */
+ $10 = P14 = (out) D104 -> /SPEED
+ $08 = P13 = (out) D103 -> /TIMER ENABLE
+ $04 = P12 = (out) D102 -> /REV
+ $02 = P11 = (out) D101 -> /FORW
+ $01 = P10 = (out) D100 -> some op-amp then to C334, B56, B332
+ */
if (LOG_PORTS && (player->port1 ^ data) & 0x1f)
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
if (!(data & 0x01)) printf(" OPAMP");
/* if bit 0 is set, we are not tracking */
if (data & 0x01)
player->trackdir = 0;
@@ -550,14 +550,14 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
else if (player->trackdir == 0)
player->advanced = 0;
/* if bit 2 is clear, we are moving backwards */
if (!(data & 0x04))
player->trackdir = -1;
player->trackstate = 1;
/* if bit 1 is clear, we are moving forward */
else if (!(data & 0x02))
@@ -572,13 +572,13 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
/* turn it off if we're not tracking */
if (player->trackdir == 0)
timer_device_adjust_periodic(player->tracktimer, attotime_never, 0, attotime_never);
/* if we just started tracking, or if the speed was changed, reprime the timer */
else if (((player->port1 ^ data) & 0x11) != 0)
/* speeds here are just guesses, but work with the player logic; this is the time per half-track */
attotime speed = (data & 0x10) ? ATTOTIME_IN_USEC(60) : ATTOTIME_IN_USEC(10);
/* always start with an initial long delay; the code expects this */
timer_device_adjust_periodic(player->tracktimer, ATTOTIME_IN_USEC(100), 0, speed);
@@ -599,16 +599,16 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( port2_r )
UINT8 result = 0x00;
- $80 = P27 = (in) set/reset latch; set by FOC LS, reset by IGR
- $20 = P25 = (in) D125 -> 0 when data written to controller is preset, reset to 1 when read
- $10 = P24 = (in) D124 -> 0 when data from controller is present, reset to 1 on a read
- */
+ $80 = P27 = (in) set/reset latch; set by FOC LS, reset by IGR
+ $20 = P25 = (in) D125 -> 0 when data written to controller is preset, reset to 1 when read
+ $10 = P24 = (in) D124 -> 0 when data from controller is present, reset to 1 on a read
+ */
if (!player->tocontroller_pending)
result |= 0x20;
if (!player->fromcontroller_pending)
result |= 0x10;
return result;
@@ -620,9 +620,9 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( port2_r )
static WRITE8_HANDLER( port2_w )
- $40 = P26 = (out) cleared while data is sent back & forth; set afterwards
- [Not actually connected, but this is done in the code]
- */
+ $40 = P26 = (out) cleared while data is sent back & forth; set afterwards
+ [Not actually connected, but this is done in the code]
+ */
@@ -664,18 +664,18 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( vbi_data_fetch )
int which = param & 3;
int line = param >> 2;
UINT32 code = 0;
/* fetch the code and compute the DATIC latched value */
code = laserdisc_get_field_code(ld->device, line);
/* at the start of each line, signal an interrupt and use a timer to turn it off */
if (which == 0)
cpunum_set_input_line(machine, player->cpunum, MCS48_INPUT_IRQ, ASSERT_LINE);
timer_set(ATTOTIME_IN_NSEC(5580), ld, 0, irq_off);
/* clock the data strobe on each subsequent callback */
else if (code != 0)
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( vbi_data_fetch )
player->datastrobe = 1;
timer_set(ATTOTIME_IN_NSEC(5000), ld, 0, datastrobe_off);
/* determine the next bit to fetch and reprime ourself */
if (++which == 4)
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( deferred_data_w )
/* set the value and mark it pending */
player->fromcontroller = param;
player->fromcontroller_pending = TRUE;
/* track the commands for debugging purposes */
if (player->cmdcount < ARRAY_LENGTH(player->cmdbuf))
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ static TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK( track_timer )
laserdisc_state *ld = ptr;
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* advance by the count and toggle the state */
player->trackstate ^= 1;
if ((player->trackdir < 0 && !player->trackstate) || (player->trackdir > 0 && player->trackstate))