path: root/src/emu/machine.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/machine.cpp')
1 files changed, 1424 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/machine.cpp b/src/emu/machine.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9562d4aa32f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/machine.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1424 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Aaron Giles
+ machine.c
+ Controls execution of the core MAME system.
+ Since there has been confusion in the past over the order of
+ initialization and other such things, here it is, all spelled out
+ as of January, 2008:
+ main()
+ - does platform-specific init
+ - calls mame_execute() [mame.c]
+ mame_execute() [mame.c]
+ - calls mame_validitychecks() [validity.c] to perform validity checks on all compiled drivers
+ - begins resource tracking (level 1)
+ - calls create_machine [mame.c] to initialize the running_machine structure
+ - calls init_machine() [mame.c]
+ init_machine() [mame.c]
+ - calls fileio_init() [fileio.c] to initialize file I/O info
+ - calls config_init() [config.c] to initialize configuration system
+ - calls input_init() [input.c] to initialize the input system
+ - calls output_init() [output.c] to initialize the output system
+ - calls state_init() [state.c] to initialize save state system
+ - calls state_save_allow_registration() [state.c] to allow registrations
+ - calls palette_init() [palette.c] to initialize palette system
+ - calls render_init() [render.c] to initialize the rendering system
+ - calls ui_init() [ui.c] to initialize the user interface
+ - calls generic_machine_init() [machine/generic.c] to initialize generic machine structures
+ - calls timer_init() [timer.c] to reset the timer system
+ - calls osd_init() [osdepend.h] to do platform-specific initialization
+ - calls input_port_init() [inptport.c] to set up the input ports
+ - calls rom_init() [romload.c] to load the game's ROMs
+ - calls memory_init() [memory.c] to process the game's memory maps
+ - calls the driver's DRIVER_INIT callback
+ - calls device_list_start() [devintrf.c] to start any devices
+ - calls video_init() [video.c] to start the video system
+ - calls tilemap_init() [tilemap.c] to start the tilemap system
+ - calls crosshair_init() [crsshair.c] to configure the crosshairs
+ - calls sound_init() [sound.c] to start the audio system
+ - calls debugger_init() [debugger.c] to set up the debugger
+ - calls the driver's MACHINE_START, SOUND_START, and VIDEO_START callbacks
+ - calls cheat_init() [cheat.c] to initialize the cheat system
+ - calls image_init() [image.c] to initialize the image system
+ - calls config_load_settings() [config.c] to load the configuration file
+ - calls nvram_load [machine/generic.c] to load NVRAM
+ - calls ui_display_startup_screens() [ui.c] to display the startup screens
+ - begins resource tracking (level 2)
+ - calls soft_reset() [mame.c] to reset all systems
+ -------------------( at this point, we're up and running )----------------------
+ - calls scheduler->timeslice() [schedule.c] over and over until we exit
+ - ends resource tracking (level 2), freeing all auto_mallocs and timers
+ - calls the nvram_save() [machine/generic.c] to save NVRAM
+ - calls config_save_settings() [config.c] to save the game's configuration
+ - calls all registered exit routines [mame.c]
+ - ends resource tracking (level 1), freeing all auto_mallocs and timers
+ - exits the program
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "emuopts.h"
+#include "osdepend.h"
+#include "config.h"
+#include "debugger.h"
+#include "render.h"
+#include "cheat.h"
+#include "ui/selgame.h"
+#include "uiinput.h"
+#include "crsshair.h"
+#include "validity.h"
+#include "unzip.h"
+#include "debug/debugcon.h"
+#include "debug/debugvw.h"
+#include "image.h"
+#include "luaengine.h"
+#include "network.h"
+#include <time.h>
+#if defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
+#include <emscripten.h>
+void js_set_main_loop(running_machine * machine);
+// a giant string buffer for temporary strings
+static char giant_string_buffer[65536] = { 0 };
+osd_interface &running_machine::osd() const
+ return m_manager.osd();
+// running_machine - constructor
+running_machine::running_machine(const machine_config &_config, machine_manager &manager)
+ : firstcpu(NULL),
+ primary_screen(NULL),
+ debug_flags(0),
+ romload_data(NULL),
+ ui_input_data(NULL),
+ debugcpu_data(NULL),
+ generic_machine_data(NULL),
+ m_config(_config),
+ m_system(_config.gamedrv()),
+ m_manager(manager),
+ m_current_phase(MACHINE_PHASE_PREINIT),
+ m_paused(false),
+ m_hard_reset_pending(false),
+ m_exit_pending(false),
+ m_soft_reset_timer(NULL),
+ m_rand_seed(0x9d14abd7),
+ m_ui_active(_config.options().ui_active()),
+ m_basename(_config.gamedrv().name),
+ m_sample_rate(_config.options().sample_rate()),
+ m_saveload_schedule(SLS_NONE),
+ m_saveload_schedule_time(attotime::zero),
+ m_saveload_searchpath(NULL),
+ m_save(*this),
+ m_memory(*this),
+ m_ioport(*this),
+ m_parameters(*this),
+ m_scheduler(*this)
+ memset(&m_base_time, 0, sizeof(m_base_time));
+ // set the machine on all devices
+ device_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ device->set_machine(*this);
+ // find devices
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ if (dynamic_cast<cpu_device *>(device) != NULL)
+ {
+ firstcpu = downcast<cpu_device *>(device);
+ break;
+ }
+ screen_device_iterator screeniter(root_device());
+ primary_screen = screeniter.first();
+ // fetch core options
+ if (options().debug())
+// ~running_machine - destructor
+// describe_context - return a string describing
+// which device is currently executing and its
+// PC
+const char *running_machine::describe_context()
+ device_execute_interface *executing = m_scheduler.currently_executing();
+ if (executing != NULL)
+ {
+ cpu_device *cpu = dynamic_cast<cpu_device *>(&executing->device());
+ if (cpu != NULL)
+ strprintf(m_context, "'%s' (%s)", cpu->tag(), core_i64_format(cpu->pc(), cpu->space(AS_PROGRAM).logaddrchars(), cpu->is_octal()));
+ }
+ else
+ m_context.assign("(no context)");
+ return m_context.c_str();
+ if (strlen(options().autoboot_script())!=0) {
+ manager().lua()->load_script(options().autoboot_script());
+ }
+ else if (strlen(options().autoboot_command())!=0) {
+ std::string cmd = std::string(options().autoboot_command());
+ strreplace(cmd, "'", "\\'");
+ std::string val = std::string("emu.keypost('").append(cmd).append("')");
+ manager().lua()->load_string(val.c_str());
+ }
+// start - initialize the emulated machine
+void running_machine::start()
+ // initialize basic can't-fail systems here
+ config_init(*this);
+ m_input.reset(global_alloc(input_manager(*this)));
+ output_init(*this);
+ m_render.reset(global_alloc(render_manager(*this)));
+ generic_machine_init(*this);
+ // allocate a soft_reset timer
+ m_soft_reset_timer = m_scheduler.timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::soft_reset), this));
+ // init the osd layer
+ m_manager.osd().init(*this);
+ // create the video manager
+ m_video.reset(global_alloc(video_manager(*this)));
+ m_ui.reset(global_alloc(ui_manager(*this)));
+ // initialize the base time (needed for doing record/playback)
+ ::time(&m_base_time);
+ // initialize the input system and input ports for the game
+ // this must be done before memory_init in order to allow specifying
+ // callbacks based on input port tags
+ time_t newbase = m_ioport.initialize();
+ if (newbase != 0)
+ m_base_time = newbase;
+ // intialize UI input
+ ui_input_init(*this);
+ // initialize the streams engine before the sound devices start
+ m_sound.reset(global_alloc(sound_manager(*this)));
+ // first load ROMs, then populate memory, and finally initialize CPUs
+ // these operations must proceed in this order
+ rom_init(*this);
+ m_memory.initialize();
+ // initialize the watchdog
+ m_watchdog_counter = 0;
+ m_watchdog_timer = m_scheduler.timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::watchdog_fired), this));
+ if (config().m_watchdog_vblank_count != 0 && primary_screen != NULL)
+ primary_screen->register_vblank_callback(vblank_state_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::watchdog_vblank), this));
+ save().save_item(NAME(m_watchdog_enabled));
+ save().save_item(NAME(m_watchdog_counter));
+ // save the random seed or save states might be broken in drivers that use the rand() method
+ save().save_item(NAME(m_rand_seed));
+ // initialize image devices
+ image_init(*this);
+ m_tilemap.reset(global_alloc(tilemap_manager(*this)));
+ crosshair_init(*this);
+ network_init(*this);
+ // initialize the debugger
+ if ((debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0)
+ debugger_init(*this);
+ m_render->resolve_tags();
+ // call the game driver's init function
+ // this is where decryption is done and memory maps are altered
+ // so this location in the init order is important
+ ui().set_startup_text("Initializing...", true);
+ // register callbacks for the devices, then start them
+ add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_RESET, machine_notify_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::reset_all_devices), this));
+ add_notifier(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT, machine_notify_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::stop_all_devices), this));
+ save().register_presave(save_prepost_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::presave_all_devices), this));
+ start_all_devices();
+ save().register_postload(save_prepost_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::postload_all_devices), this));
+ // if we're coming in with a savegame request, process it now
+ const char *savegame = options().state();
+ if (savegame[0] != 0)
+ schedule_load(savegame);
+ // if we're in autosave mode, schedule a load
+ else if (options().autosave() && (m_system.flags & MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE) != 0)
+ schedule_load("auto");
+ // set up the cheat engine
+ m_cheat.reset(global_alloc(cheat_manager(*this)));
+ // allocate autoboot timer
+ m_autoboot_timer = scheduler().timer_alloc(timer_expired_delegate(FUNC(running_machine::autoboot_callback), this));
+ manager().update_machine();
+// add_dynamic_device - dynamically add a device
+device_t &running_machine::add_dynamic_device(device_t &owner, device_type type, const char *tag, UINT32 clock)
+ // add the device in a standard manner
+ device_t *device = const_cast<machine_config &>(m_config).device_add(&owner, tag, type, clock);
+ // notify this device and all its subdevices that they are now configured
+ device_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ if (!device->configured())
+ device->config_complete();
+ return *device;
+// run - execute the machine
+int running_machine::run(bool firstrun)
+ int error = MAMERR_NONE;
+ // use try/catch for deep error recovery
+ try
+ {
+ // move to the init phase
+ m_current_phase = MACHINE_PHASE_INIT;
+ // if we have a logfile, set up the callback
+ if (options().log() && &system() != &GAME_NAME(___empty))
+ {
+ m_logfile.reset(global_alloc(emu_file(OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS)));
+ file_error filerr = m_logfile->open("error.log");
+ assert_always(filerr == FILERR_NONE, "unable to open log file");
+ add_logerror_callback(logfile_callback);
+ }
+ // then finish setting up our local machine
+ start();
+ // load the configuration settings and NVRAM
+ config_load_settings(*this);
+ // disallow save state registrations starting here.
+ // Don't do it earlier, config load can create network
+ // devices with timers.
+ m_save.allow_registration(false);
+ nvram_load();
+ sound().ui_mute(false);
+ // initialize ui lists
+ ui().initialize(*this);
+ // display the startup screens
+ ui().display_startup_screens(firstrun, false);
+ // perform a soft reset -- this takes us to the running phase
+ soft_reset();
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ g_tagmap_finds = 0;
+ if (strcmp(config(), "___empty") != 0)
+ g_tagmap_counter_enabled = true;
+ // handle initial load
+ if (m_saveload_schedule != SLS_NONE)
+ handle_saveload();
+ // run the CPUs until a reset or exit
+ m_hard_reset_pending = false;
+ while ((!m_hard_reset_pending && !m_exit_pending) || m_saveload_schedule != SLS_NONE)
+ {
+ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_EXTRA);
+#if defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
+ //break out to our async javascript loop and halt
+ js_set_main_loop(this);
+ // execute CPUs if not paused
+ if (!m_paused)
+ m_scheduler.timeslice();
+ // otherwise, just pump video updates through
+ else
+ m_video->frame_update();
+ // handle save/load
+ if (m_saveload_schedule != SLS_NONE)
+ handle_saveload();
+ g_profiler.stop();
+ }
+ // and out via the exit phase
+ m_current_phase = MACHINE_PHASE_EXIT;
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ if (g_tagmap_counter_enabled)
+ {
+ g_tagmap_counter_enabled = false;
+ if (*(options().command()) == 0)
+ osd_printf_info("%d tagmap lookups\n", g_tagmap_finds);
+ }
+ // save the NVRAM and configuration
+ sound().ui_mute(true);
+ nvram_save();
+ config_save_settings(*this);
+ }
+ catch (emu_fatalerror &fatal)
+ {
+ osd_printf_error("FATALERROR: %s\n", fatal.string());
+ if (fatal.exitcode() != 0)
+ error = fatal.exitcode();
+ }
+ catch (emu_exception &)
+ {
+ osd_printf_error("Caught unhandled emulator exception\n");
+ }
+ catch (binding_type_exception &btex)
+ {
+ osd_printf_error("Error performing a late bind of type %s to %s\n",,;
+ }
+ catch (add_exception &aex)
+ {
+ osd_printf_error("Tag '%s' already exists in tagged_list\n", aex.tag());
+ }
+ catch (std::exception &ex)
+ {
+ osd_printf_error("Caught unhandled %s exception: %s\n", typeid(ex).name(), ex.what());
+ }
+ catch (...)
+ {
+ osd_printf_error("Caught unhandled exception\n");
+ }
+ // make sure our phase is set properly before cleaning up,
+ // in case we got here via exception
+ m_current_phase = MACHINE_PHASE_EXIT;
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ if (g_tagmap_counter_enabled)
+ {
+ g_tagmap_counter_enabled = false;
+ if (*(options().command()) == 0)
+ osd_printf_info("%d tagmap lookups\n", g_tagmap_finds);
+ }
+ // call all exit callbacks registered
+ call_notifiers(MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT);
+ zip_file_cache_clear();
+ // close the logfile
+ m_logfile.reset();
+ return error;
+// schedule_exit - schedule a clean exit
+void running_machine::schedule_exit()
+ m_exit_pending = true;
+ // if we're executing, abort out immediately
+ m_scheduler.eat_all_cycles();
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ if (g_tagmap_counter_enabled)
+ {
+ g_tagmap_counter_enabled = false;
+ if (*(options().command()) == 0)
+ osd_printf_info("%d tagmap lookups\n", g_tagmap_finds);
+ }
+ // if we're autosaving on exit, schedule a save as well
+ if (options().autosave() && (m_system.flags & MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE) && this->time() > attotime::zero)
+ schedule_save("auto");
+// schedule_hard_reset - schedule a hard-reset of
+// the machine
+void running_machine::schedule_hard_reset()
+ m_hard_reset_pending = true;
+ // if we're executing, abort out immediately
+ m_scheduler.eat_all_cycles();
+// schedule_soft_reset - schedule a soft-reset of
+// the system
+void running_machine::schedule_soft_reset()
+ m_soft_reset_timer->adjust(attotime::zero);
+ // we can't be paused since the timer needs to fire
+ resume();
+ // if we're executing, abort out immediately
+ m_scheduler.eat_all_cycles();
+// get_statename - allow to specify a subfolder of
+// the state directory for state loading/saving,
+// very useful for MESS and consoles or computers
+// where you can have separate folders for diff
+// software
+std::string running_machine::get_statename(const char *option)
+ std::string statename_str("");
+ if (option == NULL || option[0] == 0)
+ statename_str.assign("%g");
+ else
+ statename_str.assign(option);
+ // strip any extension in the provided statename
+ int index = statename_str.find_last_of('.');
+ if (index != -1)
+ statename_str = statename_str.substr(0, index);
+ // handle %d in the template (for image devices)
+ std::string statename_dev("%d_");
+ int pos = statename_str.find(statename_dev);
+ if (pos != -1)
+ {
+ // if more %d are found, revert to default and ignore them all
+ if (statename_str.find(statename_dev.c_str(), pos + 3) != -1)
+ statename_str.assign("%g");
+ // else if there is a single %d, try to create the correct snapname
+ else
+ {
+ int name_found = 0;
+ // find length of the device name
+ int end1 = statename_str.find("/", pos + 3);
+ int end2 = statename_str.find("%", pos + 3);
+ int end = -1;
+ if ((end1 != -1) && (end2 != -1))
+ end = MIN(end1, end2);
+ else if (end1 != -1)
+ end = end1;
+ else if (end2 != -1)
+ end = end2;
+ else
+ end = statename_str.length();
+ if (end - pos < 3)
+ fatalerror("Something very wrong is going on!!!\n");
+ // copy the device name to an std::string
+ std::string devname_str;
+ devname_str.assign(statename_str.substr(pos + 3, end - pos - 3));
+ //printf("check template: %s\n", devname_str.c_str());
+ // verify that there is such a device for this system
+ image_interface_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_image_interface *image = iter.first(); image != NULL; image =
+ {
+ // get the device name
+ std::string tempdevname(image->brief_instance_name());
+ //printf("check device: %s\n", tempdevname.c_str());
+ if ( == 0)
+ {
+ // verify that such a device has an image mounted
+ if (image->basename_noext() != NULL)
+ {
+ std::string filename(image->basename_noext());
+ // setup snapname and remove the %d_
+ strreplace(statename_str, devname_str.c_str(), filename.c_str());
+ statename_str.erase(pos, 3);
+ //printf("check image: %s\n", filename.c_str());
+ name_found = 1;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // or fallback to default
+ if (name_found == 0)
+ statename_str.assign("%g");
+ }
+ }
+ // substitute path and gamename up front
+ strreplace(statename_str, "/", PATH_SEPARATOR);
+ strreplace(statename_str, "%g", basename());
+ return statename_str;
+// set_saveload_filename - specifies the filename
+// for state loading/saving
+void running_machine::set_saveload_filename(const char *filename)
+ // free any existing request and allocate a copy of the requested name
+ if (osd_is_absolute_path(filename))
+ {
+ m_saveload_searchpath = NULL;
+ m_saveload_pending_file.assign(filename);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_saveload_searchpath = options().state_directory();
+ // take into account the statename option
+ const char *stateopt = options().state_name();
+ std::string statename = get_statename(stateopt);
+ m_saveload_pending_file.assign(statename.c_str()).append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(filename).append(".sta");
+ }
+// schedule_save - schedule a save to occur as
+// soon as possible
+void running_machine::schedule_save(const char *filename)
+ // specify the filename to save or load
+ set_saveload_filename(filename);
+ // note the start time and set a timer for the next timeslice to actually schedule it
+ m_saveload_schedule = SLS_SAVE;
+ m_saveload_schedule_time = this->time();
+ // we can't be paused since we need to clear out anonymous timers
+ resume();
+// immediate_save - save state.
+void running_machine::immediate_save(const char *filename)
+ // specify the filename to save or load
+ set_saveload_filename(filename);
+ // set up some parameters for handle_saveload()
+ m_saveload_schedule = SLS_SAVE;
+ m_saveload_schedule_time = this->time();
+ // jump right into the save, anonymous timers can't hurt us!
+ handle_saveload();
+// schedule_load - schedule a load to occur as
+// soon as possible
+void running_machine::schedule_load(const char *filename)
+ // specify the filename to save or load
+ set_saveload_filename(filename);
+ // note the start time and set a timer for the next timeslice to actually schedule it
+ m_saveload_schedule = SLS_LOAD;
+ m_saveload_schedule_time = this->time();
+ // we can't be paused since we need to clear out anonymous timers
+ resume();
+// immediate_load - load state.
+void running_machine::immediate_load(const char *filename)
+ // specify the filename to save or load
+ set_saveload_filename(filename);
+ // set up some parameters for handle_saveload()
+ m_saveload_schedule = SLS_LOAD;
+ m_saveload_schedule_time = this->time();
+ // jump right into the load, anonymous timers can't hurt us
+ handle_saveload();
+// pause - pause the system
+void running_machine::pause()
+ // ignore if nothing has changed
+ if (m_paused)
+ return;
+ m_paused = true;
+ // call the callbacks
+ call_notifiers(MACHINE_NOTIFY_PAUSE);
+// resume - resume the system
+void running_machine::resume()
+ // ignore if nothing has changed
+ if (!m_paused)
+ return;
+ m_paused = false;
+ // call the callbacks
+ call_notifiers(MACHINE_NOTIFY_RESUME);
+// toggle_pause - toggles the pause state
+void running_machine::toggle_pause()
+ if (paused())
+ resume();
+ else
+ pause();
+// add_notifier - add a notifier of the
+// given type
+void running_machine::add_notifier(machine_notification event, machine_notify_delegate callback)
+ assert_always(m_current_phase == MACHINE_PHASE_INIT, "Can only call add_notifier at init time!");
+ // exit notifiers are added to the head, and executed in reverse order
+ if (event == MACHINE_NOTIFY_EXIT)
+ m_notifier_list[event].prepend(*global_alloc(notifier_callback_item(callback)));
+ // all other notifiers are added to the tail, and executed in the order registered
+ else
+ m_notifier_list[event].append(*global_alloc(notifier_callback_item(callback)));
+// add_logerror_callback - adds a callback to be
+// called on logerror()
+void running_machine::add_logerror_callback(logerror_callback callback)
+ assert_always(m_current_phase == MACHINE_PHASE_INIT, "Can only call add_logerror_callback at init time!");
+ m_logerror_list.append(*global_alloc(logerror_callback_item(callback)));
+ popmessage - pop up a user-visible message
+void running_machine::popmessage(const char *format, ...) const
+ // if the format is NULL, it is a signal to clear the popmessage
+ if (format == NULL)
+ ui().popup_time(0, " ");
+ // otherwise, generate the buffer and call the UI to display the message
+ else
+ {
+ std::string temp;
+ va_list arg;
+ // dump to the buffer
+ va_start(arg, format);
+ strvprintf(temp,format, arg);
+ va_end(arg);
+ // pop it in the UI
+ ui().popup_time(temp.length() / 40 + 2, "%s", temp.c_str());
+ }
+ logerror - log to the debugger and any other
+ OSD-defined output streams
+void running_machine::logerror(const char *format, ...) const
+ va_list arg;
+ va_start(arg, format);
+ vlogerror(format, arg);
+ va_end(arg);
+// vlogerror - vprintf-style error logging
+void running_machine::vlogerror(const char *format, va_list args) const
+ // process only if there is a target
+ if (m_logerror_list.first() != NULL)
+ {
+ g_profiler.start(PROFILER_LOGERROR);
+ // dump to the buffer
+ vsnprintf(giant_string_buffer, ARRAY_LENGTH(giant_string_buffer), format, args);
+ // log to all callbacks
+ for (logerror_callback_item *cb = m_logerror_list.first(); cb != NULL; cb = cb->next())
+ (*cb->m_func)(*this, giant_string_buffer);
+ g_profiler.stop();
+ }
+// base_datetime - retrieve the time of the host
+// system; useful for RTC implementations
+void running_machine::base_datetime(system_time &systime)
+ systime.set(m_base_time);
+// current_datetime - retrieve the current time
+// (offset by the base); useful for RTC
+// implementations
+void running_machine::current_datetime(system_time &systime)
+ systime.set(m_base_time + this->time().seconds());
+// rand - standardized random numbers
+UINT32 running_machine::rand()
+ m_rand_seed = 1664525 * m_rand_seed + 1013904223;
+ // return rotated by 16 bits; the low bits have a short period
+ // and are frequently used
+ return (m_rand_seed >> 16) | (m_rand_seed << 16);
+// call_notifiers - call notifiers of the given
+// type
+void running_machine::call_notifiers(machine_notification which)
+ for (notifier_callback_item *cb = m_notifier_list[which].first(); cb != NULL; cb = cb->next())
+ cb->m_func();
+// handle_saveload - attempt to perform a save
+// or load
+void running_machine::handle_saveload()
+ const char *opnamed = (m_saveload_schedule == SLS_LOAD) ? "loaded" : "saved";
+ const char *opname = (m_saveload_schedule == SLS_LOAD) ? "load" : "save";
+ file_error filerr = FILERR_NONE;
+ // if no name, bail
+ emu_file file(m_saveload_searchpath, openflags);
+ if (m_saveload_pending_file.empty())
+ goto cancel;
+ // if there are anonymous timers, we can't save just yet, and we can't load yet either
+ // because the timers might overwrite data we have loaded
+ if (!m_scheduler.can_save())
+ {
+ // if more than a second has passed, we're probably screwed
+ if ((this->time() - m_saveload_schedule_time) > attotime::from_seconds(1))
+ {
+ popmessage("Unable to %s due to pending anonymous timers. See error.log for details.", opname);
+ goto cancel;
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ // open the file
+ filerr =;
+ if (filerr == FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ // read/write the save state
+ save_error saverr = (m_saveload_schedule == SLS_LOAD) ? m_save.read_file(file) : m_save.write_file(file);
+ // handle the result
+ switch (saverr)
+ {
+ popmessage("Error: Unable to %s state due to illegal registrations. See error.log for details.", opname);
+ break;
+ popmessage("Error: Unable to %s state due to an invalid header. Make sure the save state is correct for this game.", opname);
+ break;
+ popmessage("Error: Unable to %s state due to a read error (file is likely corrupt).", opname);
+ break;
+ popmessage("Error: Unable to %s state due to a write error. Verify there is enough disk space.", opname);
+ break;
+ if (!(m_system.flags & MACHINE_SUPPORTS_SAVE))
+ popmessage("State successfully %s.\nWarning: Save states are not officially supported for this game.", opnamed);
+ else
+ popmessage("State successfully %s.", opnamed);
+ break;
+ default:
+ popmessage("Error: Unknown error during state %s.", opnamed);
+ break;
+ }
+ // close and perhaps delete the file
+ if (saverr != STATERR_NONE && m_saveload_schedule == SLS_SAVE)
+ file.remove_on_close();
+ }
+ else
+ popmessage("Error: Failed to open file for %s operation.", opname);
+ // unschedule the operation
+ m_saveload_pending_file.clear();
+ m_saveload_searchpath = NULL;
+ m_saveload_schedule = SLS_NONE;
+// soft_reset - actually perform a soft-reset
+// of the system
+void running_machine::soft_reset(void *ptr, INT32 param)
+ logerror("Soft reset\n");
+ // temporarily in the reset phase
+ m_current_phase = MACHINE_PHASE_RESET;
+ // set up the watchdog timer; only start off enabled if explicitly configured
+ m_watchdog_enabled = (config().m_watchdog_vblank_count != 0 || config().m_watchdog_time != attotime::zero);
+ watchdog_reset();
+ m_watchdog_enabled = true;
+ // call all registered reset callbacks
+ call_notifiers(MACHINE_NOTIFY_RESET);
+ // setup autoboot if needed
+ m_autoboot_timer->adjust(attotime(options().autoboot_delay(),0),0);
+ // now we're running
+ m_current_phase = MACHINE_PHASE_RUNNING;
+// watchdog_reset - reset the watchdog timer
+void running_machine::watchdog_reset()
+ // if we're not enabled, skip it
+ if (!m_watchdog_enabled)
+ m_watchdog_timer->adjust(attotime::never);
+ // VBLANK-based watchdog?
+ else if (config().m_watchdog_vblank_count != 0)
+ m_watchdog_counter = config().m_watchdog_vblank_count;
+ // timer-based watchdog?
+ else if (config().m_watchdog_time != attotime::zero)
+ m_watchdog_timer->adjust(config().m_watchdog_time);
+ // default to an obscene amount of time (3 seconds)
+ else
+ m_watchdog_timer->adjust(attotime::from_seconds(3));
+// watchdog_enable - reset the watchdog timer
+void running_machine::watchdog_enable(bool enable)
+ // when re-enabled, we reset our state
+ if (m_watchdog_enabled != enable)
+ {
+ m_watchdog_enabled = enable;
+ watchdog_reset();
+ }
+// watchdog_fired - watchdog timer callback
+void running_machine::watchdog_fired(void *ptr, INT32 param)
+ logerror("Reset caused by the watchdog!!!\n");
+ bool verbose = options().verbose();
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ verbose = true;
+ if (verbose)
+ popmessage("Reset caused by the watchdog!!!\n");
+ schedule_soft_reset();
+// watchdog_vblank - VBLANK state callback for
+// watchdog timers
+void running_machine::watchdog_vblank(screen_device &screen, bool vblank_state)
+ // VBLANK starting
+ if (vblank_state && m_watchdog_enabled)
+ {
+ // check the watchdog
+ if (config().m_watchdog_vblank_count != 0)
+ if (--m_watchdog_counter == 0)
+ watchdog_fired();
+ }
+// logfile_callback - callback for logging to
+// logfile
+void running_machine::logfile_callback(const running_machine &machine, const char *buffer)
+ if (machine.m_logfile != NULL)
+ machine.m_logfile->puts(buffer);
+// start_all_devices - start any unstarted devices
+void running_machine::start_all_devices()
+ // iterate through the devices
+ int last_failed_starts = -1;
+ while (last_failed_starts != 0)
+ {
+ // iterate over all devices
+ int failed_starts = 0;
+ device_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ if (!device->started())
+ {
+ // attempt to start the device, catching any expected exceptions
+ try
+ {
+ // if the device doesn't have a machine yet, set it first
+ if (device->m_machine == NULL)
+ device->set_machine(*this);
+ // now start the device
+ osd_printf_verbose("Starting %s '%s'\n", device->name(), device->tag());
+ device->start();
+ }
+ // handle missing dependencies by moving the device to the end
+ catch (device_missing_dependencies &)
+ {
+ // if we're the end, fail
+ osd_printf_verbose(" (missing dependencies; rescheduling)\n");
+ failed_starts++;
+ }
+ }
+ // each iteration should reduce the number of failed starts; error if
+ // this doesn't happen
+ if (failed_starts == last_failed_starts)
+ throw emu_fatalerror("Circular dependency in device startup!");
+ last_failed_starts = failed_starts;
+ }
+// reset_all_devices - reset all devices in the
+// hierarchy
+void running_machine::reset_all_devices()
+ // reset the root and it will reset children
+ root_device().reset();
+// stop_all_devices - stop all the devices in the
+// hierarchy
+void running_machine::stop_all_devices()
+ // first let the debugger save comments
+ if ((debug_flags & DEBUG_FLAG_ENABLED) != 0)
+ debug_comment_save(*this);
+ // iterate over devices and stop them
+ device_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ device->stop();
+// presave_all_devices - tell all the devices we
+// are about to save
+void running_machine::presave_all_devices()
+ device_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ device->pre_save();
+// postload_all_devices - tell all the devices we
+// just completed a load
+void running_machine::postload_all_devices()
+ device_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_t *device = iter.first(); device != NULL; device =
+ device->post_load();
+const char *running_machine::image_parent_basename(device_t *device)
+ device_t *dev = device;
+ while(dev != &root_device())
+ {
+ device_image_interface *intf = NULL;
+ if (dev!=NULL && dev->interface(intf))
+ {
+ return intf->basename_noext();
+ }
+ dev = dev->owner();
+ }
+ return NULL;
+ nvram_filename - returns filename of system's
+ NVRAM depending of selected BIOS
+std::string &running_machine::nvram_filename(std::string &result, device_t &device)
+ // start with either basename or basename_biosnum
+ result.assign(basename());
+ if (root_device().system_bios() != 0 && root_device().default_bios() != root_device().system_bios())
+ strcatprintf(result, "_%d", root_device().system_bios() - 1);
+ // device-based NVRAM gets its own name in a subdirectory
+ if (&device != &root_device())
+ {
+ // add per software nvrams into one folder
+ const char *software = image_parent_basename(&device);
+ if (software!=NULL && strlen(software)>0)
+ {
+ result.append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(software);
+ }
+ std::string tag(device.tag());
+ tag.erase(0, 1);
+ strreplacechr(tag,':', '_');
+ result.append(PATH_SEPARATOR).append(tag);
+ }
+ return result;
+ nvram_load - load a system's NVRAM
+void running_machine::nvram_load()
+ nvram_interface_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_nvram_interface *nvram = iter.first(); nvram != NULL; nvram =
+ {
+ std::string filename;
+ emu_file file(options().nvram_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_READ);
+ if (, nvram->device()).c_str()) == FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ nvram->nvram_load(file);
+ file.close();
+ }
+ else
+ nvram->nvram_reset();
+ }
+ nvram_save - save a system's NVRAM
+void running_machine::nvram_save()
+ nvram_interface_iterator iter(root_device());
+ for (device_nvram_interface *nvram = iter.first(); nvram != NULL; nvram =
+ {
+ std::string filename;
+ emu_file file(options().nvram_directory(), OPEN_FLAG_WRITE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE | OPEN_FLAG_CREATE_PATHS);
+ if (, nvram->device()).c_str()) == FILERR_NONE)
+ {
+ nvram->nvram_save(file);
+ file.close();
+ }
+ }
+// notifier_callback_item - constructor
+running_machine::notifier_callback_item::notifier_callback_item(machine_notify_delegate func)
+ : m_next(NULL),
+ m_func(func)
+// logerror_callback_item - constructor
+running_machine::logerror_callback_item::logerror_callback_item(logerror_callback func)
+ : m_next(NULL),
+ m_func(func)
+// system_time - constructor
+ set(0);
+// set - fills out a system_time structure
+void system_time::set(time_t t)
+ time = t;
+ local_time.set(*localtime(&t));
+ utc_time.set(*gmtime(&t));
+// get_tm_time - converts a tm struction to a
+// MAME mame_system_tm structure
+void system_time::full_time::set(struct tm &t)
+ second = t.tm_sec;
+ minute = t.tm_min;
+ hour = t.tm_hour;
+ mday = t.tm_mday;
+ month = t.tm_mon;
+ year = t.tm_year + 1900;
+ weekday = t.tm_wday;
+ day = t.tm_yday;
+ is_dst = t.tm_isdst;
+#if defined(EMSCRIPTEN)
+static running_machine * jsmess_machine;
+void js_main_loop()
+ device_scheduler * scheduler;
+ scheduler = &(jsmess_machine->scheduler());
+ attotime stoptime(scheduler->time() + attotime(0,HZ_TO_ATTOSECONDS(60)));
+ while (scheduler->time() < stoptime) {
+ scheduler->timeslice();
+ }
+void js_set_main_loop(running_machine * machine) {
+ jsmess_machine = machine;
+ EM_ASM (
+ JSMESS.running = true;
+ );
+ emscripten_set_main_loop(&js_main_loop, 0, 1);
+running_machine * js_get_machine() {
+ return jsmess_machine;
+ui_manager * js_get_ui() {
+ return &(jsmess_machine->ui());
+sound_manager * js_get_sound() {
+ return &(jsmess_machine->sound());
+#endif /* defined(EMSCRIPTEN) */