path: root/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/emuopts.cpp')
1 files changed, 31 insertions, 31 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/emuopts.cpp b/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
index 031bfffc290..68e3bf7c2d2 100644
--- a/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
+++ b/src/emu/emuopts.cpp
@@ -30,14 +30,14 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
// config options
{ OPTION_READCONFIG ";rc", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable loading of configuration files" },
- { OPTION_WRITECONFIG ";wc", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "writes configuration to (driver).ini on exit" },
+ { OPTION_WRITECONFIG ";wc", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "write configuration to (driver).ini on exit" },
// search path options
- { OPTION_HOMEPATH, ".", OPTION_STRING, "path to home directory (read/write) location" },
- { OPTION_MEDIAPATH ";rp;biospath;bp", "roms", OPTION_STRING, "path to ROMsets and hard disk images" },
- { OPTION_HASHPATH ";hash_directory;hash", "hash", OPTION_STRING, "path to hash files" },
- { OPTION_SAMPLEPATH ";sp", "samples", OPTION_STRING, "path to samplesets" },
+ { OPTION_HOMEPATH, ".", OPTION_STRING, "path to base folder for plugin data (read/write)" },
+ { OPTION_MEDIAPATH ";rp;biospath;bp", "roms", OPTION_STRING, "path to ROM sets and hard disk images" },
+ { OPTION_HASHPATH ";hash_directory;hash", "hash", OPTION_STRING, "path to software definition files" },
+ { OPTION_SAMPLEPATH ";sp", "samples", OPTION_STRING, "path to audio sample sets" },
{ OPTION_ARTPATH, "artwork", OPTION_STRING, "path to artwork files" },
{ OPTION_CTRLRPATH, "ctrlr", OPTION_STRING, "path to controller definitions" },
{ OPTION_INIPATH, ".;ini;ini/presets", OPTION_STRING, "path to ini files" },
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
{ OPTION_CHEATPATH, "cheat", OPTION_STRING, "path to cheat files" },
{ OPTION_CROSSHAIRPATH, "crosshair", OPTION_STRING, "path to crosshair files" },
{ OPTION_PLUGINSPATH, "plugins", OPTION_STRING, "path to plugin files" },
- { OPTION_LANGUAGEPATH, "language", OPTION_STRING, "path to language files" },
+ { OPTION_LANGUAGEPATH, "language", OPTION_STRING, "path to UI translation files" },
{ OPTION_SWPATH, "software", OPTION_STRING, "path to loose software" },
// output directory options
@@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
// state/playback options
{ OPTION_STATE, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "saved state to load" },
- { OPTION_AUTOSAVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic restore at startup, and automatic save at exit time" },
+ { OPTION_AUTOSAVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically restore state on start and save on exit for supported systems" },
{ OPTION_REWIND, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable rewind savestates" },
{ OPTION_REWIND_CAPACITY "(1-2048)", "100", OPTION_INTEGER, "rewind buffer size in megabytes" },
{ OPTION_PLAYBACK ";pb", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "playback an input file" },
@@ -81,24 +81,24 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
// performance options
- { OPTION_AUTOFRAMESKIP ";afs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic frameskip selection" },
+ { OPTION_AUTOFRAMESKIP ";afs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable automatic frameskip adjustment to maintain emulation speed" },
{ OPTION_FRAMESKIP ";fs(0-10)", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set frameskip to fixed value, 0-10 (autoframeskip must be disabled)" },
{ OPTION_SECONDS_TO_RUN ";str", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "number of emulated seconds to run before automatically exiting" },
- { OPTION_THROTTLE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable throttling to keep game running in sync with real time" },
+ { OPTION_THROTTLE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "throttle emulation to keep system running in sync with real time" },
{ OPTION_SLEEP, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable sleeping, which gives time back to other applications when idle" },
{ OPTION_SPEED "(0.01-100)", "1.0", OPTION_FLOAT, "controls the speed of gameplay, relative to realtime; smaller numbers are slower" },
- { OPTION_REFRESHSPEED ";rs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically adjusts the speed of gameplay to keep the refresh rate lower than the screen" },
+ { OPTION_REFRESHSPEED ";rs", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically adjust emulation speed to keep the emulated refresh rate slower than the host screen" },
// render options
{ nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE RENDER OPTIONS" },
- { OPTION_KEEPASPECT ";ka", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "constrain to the proper aspect ratio" },
- { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCH ";ues", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer stretch factors" },
- { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCHX ";uesx", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer stretch factors only on horizontal axis"},
- { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCHY ";uesy", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer stretch factors only on vertical axis"},
+ { OPTION_KEEPASPECT ";ka", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "maintain aspect ratio when scaling to fill output screen/window" },
+ { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCH ";ues", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer ratios when scaling to fill output screen/window horizontally or vertically" },
+ { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCHX ";uesx", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer ratios when scaling to fill output screen/window horizontally"},
+ { OPTION_UNEVENSTRETCHY ";uesy", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow non-integer ratios when scaling to fill otuput screen/window vertially"},
{ OPTION_AUTOSTRETCHXY ";asxy", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "automatically apply -unevenstretchx/y based on source native orientation"},
{ OPTION_INTOVERSCAN ";ios", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "allow overscan on integer scaled targets"},
- { OPTION_INTSCALEX ";sx", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set horizontal integer scale factor."},
- { OPTION_INTSCALEY ";sy", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set vertical integer scale."},
+ { OPTION_INTSCALEX ";sx", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set horizontal integer scale factor"},
+ { OPTION_INTSCALEY ";sy", "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "set vertical integer scale factor"},
// rotation options
@@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
// artwork options
{ nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE ARTWORK OPTIONS" },
- { OPTION_ARTWORK_CROP ";artcrop", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "crop artwork to game screen size" },
+ { OPTION_ARTWORK_CROP ";artcrop", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "crop artwork so emulated screen image fills output screen/window in one axis" },
{ OPTION_USE_BACKDROPS ";backdrop", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable backdrops if artwork is enabled and available" },
{ OPTION_USE_OVERLAYS ";overlay", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable overlays if artwork is enabled and available" },
{ OPTION_USE_BEZELS ";bezel", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable bezels if artwork is enabled and available" },
@@ -144,7 +144,7 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
// input options
{ nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE INPUT OPTIONS" },
- { OPTION_COIN_LOCKOUT ";coinlock", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable coin lockouts to actually lock out coins" },
+ { OPTION_COIN_LOCKOUT ";coinlock", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "ignore coin inputs if coin lockout ouput is active" },
{ OPTION_CTRLR, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "preconfigure for specified controller" },
{ OPTION_MOUSE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable mouse input" },
{ OPTION_JOYSTICK ";joy", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable joystick input" },
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
{ OPTION_VERBOSE ";v", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "display additional diagnostic information" },
{ OPTION_LOG, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "generate an error.log file" },
- { OPTION_OSLOG, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "output error.log data to the system debugger" },
+ { OPTION_OSLOG, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "output error.log data to system diagnostic output (debugger or standard error)" },
{ OPTION_DEBUG ";d", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable/disable debugger" },
{ OPTION_UPDATEINPAUSE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "keep calling video updates while in pause" },
{ OPTION_DEBUGSCRIPT, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "script for debugger" },
@@ -191,32 +191,32 @@ const options_entry emu_options::s_option_entries[] =
// misc options
{ nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "CORE MISC OPTIONS" },
- { OPTION_DRC, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable DRC cpu core if available" },
- { OPTION_DRC_USE_C, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "force DRC use C backend" },
+ { OPTION_DRC, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable DRC CPU core if available" },
+ { OPTION_DRC_USE_C, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "force DRC to use C backend" },
{ OPTION_DRC_LOG_UML, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "write DRC UML disassembly log" },
{ OPTION_DRC_LOG_NATIVE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "write DRC native disassembly log" },
{ OPTION_BIOS, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "select the system BIOS to use" },
{ OPTION_CHEAT ";c", "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable cheat subsystem" },
- { OPTION_SKIP_GAMEINFO, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "skip displaying the information screen at startup" },
+ { OPTION_SKIP_GAMEINFO, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "skip displaying the system information screen at startup" },
{ OPTION_UI_FONT, "default", OPTION_STRING, "specify a font to use" },
{ OPTION_UI, "cabinet", OPTION_STRING, "type of UI (simple|cabinet)" },
{ OPTION_RAMSIZE ";ram", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "size of RAM (if supported by driver)" },
- { OPTION_CONFIRM_QUIT, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "display confirm quit screen on exit" },
- { OPTION_UI_MOUSE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "display ui mouse cursor" },
- { OPTION_LANGUAGE ";lang", "English", OPTION_STRING, "display language" },
- { OPTION_NVRAM_SAVE ";nvwrite", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "save NVRAM on exit" },
+ { OPTION_CONFIRM_QUIT, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "ask for confirmation before exiting" },
+ { OPTION_UI_MOUSE, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "display UI mouse cursor" },
+ { OPTION_LANGUAGE ";lang", "English", OPTION_STRING, "set UI display language" },
+ { OPTION_NVRAM_SAVE ";nvwrite", "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "save NVRAM data on exit" },
{ nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "SCRIPTING OPTIONS" },
{ OPTION_AUTOBOOT_COMMAND ";ab", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "command to execute after machine boot" },
- { OPTION_AUTOBOOT_DELAY, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "timer delay in sec to trigger command execution on autoboot" },
- { OPTION_AUTOBOOT_SCRIPT ";script", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "lua script to execute after machine boot" },
- { OPTION_CONSOLE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable emulator LUA console" },
- { OPTION_PLUGINS, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable LUA plugin support" },
+ { OPTION_AUTOBOOT_DELAY, "0", OPTION_INTEGER, "delay before executing autoboot command (seconds)" },
+ { OPTION_AUTOBOOT_SCRIPT ";script", nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "Lua script to execute after machine boot" },
+ { OPTION_CONSOLE, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable emulator Lua console" },
+ { OPTION_PLUGINS, "1", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable Lua plugin support" },
{ OPTION_PLUGIN, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "list of plugins to enable" },
{ OPTION_NO_PLUGIN, nullptr, OPTION_STRING, "list of plugins to disable" },
{ nullptr, nullptr, OPTION_HEADER, "HTTP SERVER OPTIONS" },
- { OPTION_HTTP, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "HTTP server enable" },
+ { OPTION_HTTP, "0", OPTION_BOOLEAN, "enable HTTP server" },
{ OPTION_HTTP_PORT, "8080", OPTION_INTEGER, "HTTP server port" },
{ OPTION_HTTP_ROOT, "web", OPTION_STRING, "HTTP server document root" },