path: root/src/emu/cpuint.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpuint.c')
1 files changed, 390 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpuint.c b/src/emu/cpuint.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..256801dafa0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/cpuint.c
@@ -0,0 +1,390 @@
+ cpuint.c
+ Core multi-CPU interrupt engine.
+ Copyright (c) 1996-2007, Nicola Salmoria and the MAME Team.
+ Visit for licensing and usage restrictions.
+#include "driver.h"
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+#include "debug/debugcpu.h"
+ *
+ * Debug logging
+ *
+ *************************************/
+#define VERBOSE 0
+#define LOG(x) logerror x
+#define LOG(x)
+ *
+ * Macros to help verify active CPU
+ *
+ *************************************/
+#define VERIFY_ACTIVECPU(retval, name) \
+ int activecpu = cpu_getactivecpu(); \
+ assert_always(activecpu >= 0, #name "() called with no active cpu!")
+#define VERIFY_ACTIVECPU_VOID(name) \
+ int activecpu = cpu_getactivecpu(); \
+ assert_always(activecpu >= 0, #name "() called with no active cpu!")
+ *
+ * CPU interrupt variables
+ *
+ *************************************/
+/* current states for each CPU */
+static INT32 interrupt_vector[MAX_CPU][MAX_INPUT_LINES];
+/* deferred states written in callbacks */
+static UINT8 input_line_state[MAX_CPU][MAX_INPUT_LINES];
+static INT32 input_line_vector[MAX_CPU][MAX_INPUT_LINES];
+/* ick, interrupt event queues */
+#define MAX_INPUT_EVENTS 32
+static INT32 input_event_queue[MAX_CPU][MAX_INPUT_LINES][MAX_INPUT_EVENTS];
+static int input_event_index[MAX_CPU][MAX_INPUT_LINES];
+ *
+ * IRQ acknowledge callbacks
+ *
+ *************************************/
+static int cpu_0_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_1_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_2_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_3_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_4_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_5_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_6_irq_callback(int line);
+static int cpu_7_irq_callback(int line);
+int (*cpu_irq_callbacks[MAX_CPU])(int) =
+ cpu_0_irq_callback,
+ cpu_1_irq_callback,
+ cpu_2_irq_callback,
+ cpu_3_irq_callback,
+ cpu_4_irq_callback,
+ cpu_5_irq_callback,
+ cpu_6_irq_callback,
+ cpu_7_irq_callback
+static int (*drv_irq_callbacks[MAX_CPU])(int);
+#if 0
+#pragma mark CORE CPU
+ *
+ * Initialize a CPU's interrupt states
+ *
+ *************************************/
+void cpuint_init(running_machine *machine)
+ int cpunum;
+ int line;
+ /* loop over all CPUs and input lines */
+ for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < cpu_gettotalcpu(); cpunum++)
+ {
+ /* reset any driver hooks into the IRQ acknowledge callbacks */
+ drv_irq_callbacks[cpunum] = NULL;
+ /* clear out all the CPU states */
+ for (line = 0; line < MAX_INPUT_LINES; line++)
+ {
+ input_line_state[cpunum][line] = CLEAR_LINE;
+ interrupt_vector[cpunum][line] =
+ input_line_vector[cpunum][line] = cputype_default_irq_vector(Machine->drv->cpu[cpunum].type);
+ input_event_index[cpunum][line] = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ /* set up some stuff to save */
+ state_save_push_tag(0);
+ state_save_register_item_2d_array("cpu", 0, interrupt_vector);
+ state_save_register_item_2d_array("cpu", 0, input_line_state);
+ state_save_register_item_2d_array("cpu", 0, input_line_vector);
+ state_save_pop_tag();
+ *
+ * Reset a CPU's interrupt states
+ *
+ *************************************/
+void cpuint_reset(void)
+ int cpunum, line;
+ /* loop over CPUs */
+ for (cpunum = 0; cpunum < cpu_gettotalcpu(); cpunum++)
+ for (line = 0; line < MAX_INPUT_LINES; line++)
+ {
+ interrupt_vector[cpunum][line] = cpunum_default_irq_vector(cpunum);
+ input_event_index[cpunum][line] = 0;
+ }
+#if 0
+#pragma mark -
+#pragma mark LINE STATES
+ *
+ * Empty a CPU's event queue for
+ * a specific input line
+ *
+ *************************************/
+static TIMER_CALLBACK( cpunum_empty_event_queue )
+ int cpunum = param & 0xff;
+ int line = param >> 8;
+ int i;
+ /* swap to the CPU's context */
+ cpuintrf_push_context(cpunum);
+ /* loop over all events */
+ for (i = 0; i < input_event_index[cpunum][line]; i++)
+ {
+ INT32 input_event = input_event_queue[cpunum][line][i];
+ int state = input_event & 0xff;
+ int vector = input_event >> 8;
+ LOG(("cpunum_empty_event_queue %d,%d,%d\n",cpunum,line,state));
+ /* set the input line state and vector */
+ input_line_state[cpunum][line] = state;
+ input_line_vector[cpunum][line] = vector;
+ /* special case: RESET */
+ if (line == INPUT_LINE_RESET)
+ {
+ /* if we're asserting the line, just halt the CPU */
+ if (state == ASSERT_LINE)
+ cpunum_suspend(cpunum, SUSPEND_REASON_RESET, 1);
+ else
+ {
+ /* if we're clearing the line that was previously asserted, or if we're just */
+ /* pulsing the line, reset the CPU */
+ if ((state == CLEAR_LINE && cpunum_is_suspended(cpunum, SUSPEND_REASON_RESET)) || state == PULSE_LINE)
+ cpunum_reset(cpunum);
+ /* if we're clearing the line, make sure the CPU is not halted */
+ cpunum_resume(cpunum, SUSPEND_REASON_RESET);
+ }
+ }
+ /* special case: HALT */
+ else if (line == INPUT_LINE_HALT)
+ {
+ /* if asserting, halt the CPU */
+ if (state == ASSERT_LINE)
+ cpunum_suspend(cpunum, SUSPEND_REASON_HALT, 1);
+ /* if clearing, unhalt the CPU */
+ else if (state == CLEAR_LINE)
+ cpunum_resume(cpunum, SUSPEND_REASON_HALT);
+ }
+ /* all other cases */
+ else
+ {
+ /* switch off the requested state */
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case PULSE_LINE:
+ /* temporary: PULSE_LINE only makes sense for NMI lines on Z80 */
+ assert(machine->drv->cpu[cpunum].type != CPU_Z80 || line == INPUT_LINE_NMI);
+ activecpu_set_input_line(line, INTERNAL_ASSERT_LINE);
+ activecpu_set_input_line(line, INTERNAL_CLEAR_LINE);
+ break;
+ case HOLD_LINE:
+ activecpu_set_input_line(line, INTERNAL_ASSERT_LINE);
+ break;
+ case CLEAR_LINE:
+ activecpu_set_input_line(line, INTERNAL_CLEAR_LINE);
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror("cpunum_empty_event_queue cpu #%d, line %d, unknown state %d\n", cpunum, line, state);
+ }
+ /* generate a trigger to unsuspend any CPUs waiting on the interrupt */
+ if (state != CLEAR_LINE)
+ cpu_triggerint(cpunum);
+ }
+ }
+ /* swap back */
+ cpuintrf_pop_context();
+ /* reset counter */
+ input_event_index[cpunum][line] = 0;
+ *
+ * Set the state of a CPU's input
+ * line
+ *
+ *************************************/
+void cpunum_set_input_line(int cpunum, int line, int state)
+ int vector = (line >= 0 && line < MAX_INPUT_LINES) ? interrupt_vector[cpunum][line] : 0xff;
+ cpunum_set_input_line_and_vector(cpunum, line, state, vector);
+void cpunum_set_input_line_vector(int cpunum, int line, int vector)
+ if (cpunum < cpu_gettotalcpu() && line >= 0 && line < MAX_INPUT_LINES)
+ {
+ LOG(("cpunum_set_input_line_vector(%d,%d,$%04x)\n",cpunum,line,vector));
+ interrupt_vector[cpunum][line] = vector;
+ return;
+ }
+ LOG(("cpunum_set_input_line_vector CPU#%d line %d > max input lines\n", cpunum, line));
+void cpunum_set_input_line_and_vector(int cpunum, int line, int state, int vector)
+ if (line >= 0 && line < MAX_INPUT_LINES)
+ {
+ INT32 input_event = (state & 0xff) | (vector << 8);
+ int event_index = input_event_index[cpunum][line]++;
+ LOG(("cpunum_set_input_line_and_vector(%d,%d,%d,%02x)\n", cpunum, line, state, vector));
+ /* if we're full of events, flush the queue and log a message */
+ if (event_index >= MAX_INPUT_EVENTS)
+ {
+ input_event_index[cpunum][line]--;
+ cpunum_empty_event_queue(Machine, cpunum | (line << 8));
+ event_index = input_event_index[cpunum][line]++;
+ logerror("Exceeded pending input line event queue on CPU %d!\n", cpunum);
+ }
+ /* enqueue the event */
+ if (event_index < MAX_INPUT_EVENTS)
+ {
+ input_event_queue[cpunum][line][event_index] = input_event;
+ /* if this is the first one, set the timer */
+ if (event_index == 0)
+ timer_call_after_resynch(cpunum | (line << 8), cpunum_empty_event_queue);
+ }
+ }
+#if 0
+#pragma mark -
+ *
+ * Set IRQ callback for drivers
+ *
+ *************************************/
+void cpunum_set_irq_callback(int cpunum, int (*callback)(int))
+ drv_irq_callbacks[cpunum] = callback;
+ *
+ * Internal IRQ callbacks
+ *
+ *************************************/
+INLINE int cpu_irq_callback(int cpunum, int line)
+ int vector = input_line_vector[cpunum][line];
+ LOG(("cpu_%d_irq_callback(%d) $%04x\n", cpunum, line, vector));
+ /* if the IRQ state is HOLD_LINE, clear it */
+ if (input_line_state[cpunum][line] == HOLD_LINE)
+ {
+ LOG(("->set_irq_line(%d,%d,%d)\n", cpunum, line, CLEAR_LINE));
+ activecpu_set_input_line(line, INTERNAL_CLEAR_LINE);
+ input_line_state[cpunum][line] = CLEAR_LINE;
+ }
+ /* if there's a driver callback, run it */
+ if (drv_irq_callbacks[cpunum])
+ vector = (*drv_irq_callbacks[cpunum])(line);
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ /* notify the debugger */
+ debug_interrupt_hook(cpunum, line);
+ /* otherwise, just return the current vector */
+ return vector;
+static int cpu_0_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(0, line); }
+static int cpu_1_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(1, line); }
+static int cpu_2_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(2, line); }
+static int cpu_3_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(3, line); }
+static int cpu_4_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(4, line); }
+static int cpu_5_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(5, line); }
+static int cpu_6_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(6, line); }
+static int cpu_7_irq_callback(int line) { return cpu_irq_callback(7, line); }