path: root/src/emu/cpu/nec/nec.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpu/nec/nec.h')
1 files changed, 370 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/nec/nec.h b/src/emu/cpu/nec/nec.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..b97251ccddc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/nec/nec.h
@@ -0,0 +1,370 @@
+#include "cpuintrf.h"
+typedef enum { DS1, PS, SS, DS0 } SREGS;
+typedef enum { AW, CW, DW, BW, SP, BP, IX, IY } WREGS;
+/* Cpu types, steps of 8 to help the cycle count calculation */
+#define V33 0
+#define V30 8
+#define V20 16
+#ifndef FALSE
+#define FALSE 0
+#define TRUE 1
+#ifdef LSB_FIRST
+/* parameter x = result, y = source 1, z = source 2 */
+#define SetTF(x) (I.TF = (x))
+#define SetIF(x) (I.IF = (x))
+#define SetDF(x) (I.DF = (x))
+#define SetMD(x) (I.MF = (x)) /* OB [19.07.99] Mode Flag V30 */
+#define SetCFB(x) (I.CarryVal = (x) & 0x100)
+#define SetCFW(x) (I.CarryVal = (x) & 0x10000)
+#define SetAF(x,y,z) (I.AuxVal = ((x) ^ ((y) ^ (z))) & 0x10)
+#define SetSF(x) (I.SignVal = (x))
+#define SetZF(x) (I.ZeroVal = (x))
+#define SetPF(x) (I.ParityVal = (x))
+#define SetSZPF_Byte(x) (I.SignVal=I.ZeroVal=I.ParityVal=(INT8)(x))
+#define SetSZPF_Word(x) (I.SignVal=I.ZeroVal=I.ParityVal=(INT16)(x))
+#define SetOFW_Add(x,y,z) (I.OverVal = ((x) ^ (y)) & ((x) ^ (z)) & 0x8000)
+#define SetOFB_Add(x,y,z) (I.OverVal = ((x) ^ (y)) & ((x) ^ (z)) & 0x80)
+#define SetOFW_Sub(x,y,z) (I.OverVal = ((z) ^ (y)) & ((z) ^ (x)) & 0x8000)
+#define SetOFB_Sub(x,y,z) (I.OverVal = ((z) ^ (y)) & ((z) ^ (x)) & 0x80)
+#define ADDB { UINT32 res=dst+src; SetCFB(res); SetOFB_Add(res,src,dst); SetAF(res,src,dst); SetSZPF_Byte(res); dst=(BYTE)res; }
+#define ADDW { UINT32 res=dst+src; SetCFW(res); SetOFW_Add(res,src,dst); SetAF(res,src,dst); SetSZPF_Word(res); dst=(WORD)res; }
+#define SUBB { UINT32 res=dst-src; SetCFB(res); SetOFB_Sub(res,src,dst); SetAF(res,src,dst); SetSZPF_Byte(res); dst=(BYTE)res; }
+#define SUBW { UINT32 res=dst-src; SetCFW(res); SetOFW_Sub(res,src,dst); SetAF(res,src,dst); SetSZPF_Word(res); dst=(WORD)res; }
+#define ORB dst|=src; I.CarryVal=I.OverVal=I.AuxVal=0; SetSZPF_Byte(dst)
+#define ORW dst|=src; I.CarryVal=I.OverVal=I.AuxVal=0; SetSZPF_Word(dst)
+#define ANDB dst&=src; I.CarryVal=I.OverVal=I.AuxVal=0; SetSZPF_Byte(dst)
+#define ANDW dst&=src; I.CarryVal=I.OverVal=I.AuxVal=0; SetSZPF_Word(dst)
+#define XORB dst^=src; I.CarryVal=I.OverVal=I.AuxVal=0; SetSZPF_Byte(dst)
+#define XORW dst^=src; I.CarryVal=I.OverVal=I.AuxVal=0; SetSZPF_Word(dst)
+#define CF (I.CarryVal!=0)
+#define SF (I.SignVal<0)
+#define ZF (I.ZeroVal==0)
+#define PF parity_table[(BYTE)I.ParityVal]
+#define AF (I.AuxVal!=0)
+#define OF (I.OverVal!=0)
+#define MD (I.MF!=0)
+#define read_byte(a) (*I.mem.rbyte)(a)
+#define read_word(a) (*I.mem.rword)(a)
+#define write_byte(a,d) (*I.mem.wbyte)((a),(d))
+#define write_word(a,d) (*I.mem.wword)((a),(d))
+#define read_port_byte(a) (*I.mem.rbyte_port)(a)
+#define read_port_word(a) (*I.mem.rword_port)(a)
+#define write_port_byte(a,d) (*I.mem.wbyte_port)((a),(d))
+#define write_port_word(a,d) (*I.mem.wword_port)((a),(d))
+#define CHANGE_PC change_pc((I.sregs[PS]<<4) + I.ip)
+#define SegBase(Seg) (I.sregs[Seg] << 4)
+#define DefaultBase(Seg) ((seg_prefix && (Seg==DS0 || Seg==SS)) ? prefix_base : I.sregs[Seg] << 4)
+#define GetMemB(Seg,Off) (read_byte(DefaultBase(Seg) + (Off)))
+#define GetMemW(Seg,Off) (read_word(DefaultBase(Seg) + (Off)))
+#define PutMemB(Seg,Off,x) { write_byte(DefaultBase(Seg) + (Off), (x)); }
+#define PutMemW(Seg,Off,x) { write_word(DefaultBase(Seg) + (Off), (x)); }
+#define FETCH_XOR(a) ((a) ^ I.mem.fetch_xor)
+#define FETCH (cpu_readop_arg(FETCH_XOR((I.sregs[PS]<<4)+I.ip++)))
+#define FETCHOP (cpu_readop(FETCH_XOR((I.sregs[PS]<<4)+I.ip++)))
+#define FETCHWORD(var) { var=cpu_readop_arg(FETCH_XOR((I.sregs[PS]<<4)+I.ip))+(cpu_readop_arg(FETCH_XOR((I.sregs[PS]<<4)+I.ip+1))<<8); I.ip+=2; }
+#define PUSH(val) { I.regs.w[SP]-=2; write_word((((I.sregs[SS]<<4)+I.regs.w[SP])),val); }
+#define POP(var) { var = read_word((((I.sregs[SS]<<4)+I.regs.w[SP]))); I.regs.w[SP]+=2; }
+#define PEEK(addr) ((BYTE)cpu_readop_arg(FETCH_XOR(addr)))
+#define PEEKOP(addr) ((BYTE)cpu_readop(FETCH_XOR(addr)))
+#define GetModRM UINT32 ModRM=cpu_readop_arg(FETCH_XOR((I.sregs[PS]<<4)+I.ip++))
+/* Cycle count macros:
+ CLK - cycle count is the same on all processors
+ CLKS - cycle count differs between processors, list all counts
+ CLKW - cycle count for word read/write differs for odd/even source/destination address
+ CLKM - cycle count for reg/mem instructions
+ CLKR - cycle count for reg/mem instructions with different counts for odd/even addresses
+ Prefetch & buswait time is not emulated.
+ Extra cycles for PUSH'ing or POP'ing registers to odd addresses is not emulated.
+#define CLK(all) nec_ICount-=all
+#define CLKS(v20,v30,v33) { const UINT32 ccount=(v20<<16)|(v30<<8)|v33; nec_ICount-=(ccount>>chip_type)&0x7f; }
+#define CLKW(v20o,v30o,v33o,v20e,v30e,v33e,addr) { const UINT32 ocount=(v20o<<16)|(v30o<<8)|v33o, ecount=(v20e<<16)|(v30e<<8)|v33e; nec_ICount-=(addr&1)?((ocount>>chip_type)&0x7f):((ecount>>chip_type)&0x7f); }
+#define CLKM(v20,v30,v33,v20m,v30m,v33m) { const UINT32 ccount=(v20<<16)|(v30<<8)|v33, mcount=(v20m<<16)|(v30m<<8)|v33m; nec_ICount-=( ModRM >=0xc0 )?((ccount>>chip_type)&0x7f):((mcount>>chip_type)&0x7f); }
+#define CLKR(v20o,v30o,v33o,v20e,v30e,v33e,vall,addr) { const UINT32 ocount=(v20o<<16)|(v30o<<8)|v33o, ecount=(v20e<<16)|(v30e<<8)|v33e; if (ModRM >=0xc0) nec_ICount-=vall; else nec_ICount-=(addr&1)?((ocount>>chip_type)&0x7f):((ecount>>chip_type)&0x7f); }
+#define CompressFlags() (WORD)(CF | (PF << 2) | (AF << 4) | (ZF << 6) \
+ | (SF << 7) | (I.TF << 8) | (I.IF << 9) \
+ | (I.DF << 10) | (OF << 11)| (MD << 15))
+#define ExpandFlags(f) \
+{ \
+ I.CarryVal = (f) & 1; \
+ I.ParityVal = !((f) & 4); \
+ I.AuxVal = (f) & 16; \
+ I.ZeroVal = !((f) & 64); \
+ I.SignVal = (f) & 128 ? -1 : 0; \
+ I.TF = ((f) & 256) == 256; \
+ I.IF = ((f) & 512) == 512; \
+ I.DF = ((f) & 1024) == 1024; \
+ I.OverVal = (f) & 2048; \
+ I.MF = ((f) & 0x8000) == 0x8000; \
+#define IncWordReg(Reg) \
+ unsigned tmp = (unsigned)I.regs.w[Reg]; \
+ unsigned tmp1 = tmp+1; \
+ I.OverVal = (tmp == 0x7fff); \
+ SetAF(tmp1,tmp,1); \
+ SetSZPF_Word(tmp1); \
+ I.regs.w[Reg]=tmp1
+#define DecWordReg(Reg) \
+ unsigned tmp = (unsigned)I.regs.w[Reg]; \
+ unsigned tmp1 = tmp-1; \
+ I.OverVal = (tmp == 0x8000); \
+ SetAF(tmp1,tmp,1); \
+ SetSZPF_Word(tmp1); \
+ I.regs.w[Reg]=tmp1
+#define JMP(flag) \
+ int tmp = (int)((INT8)FETCH); \
+ if (flag) \
+ { \
+ static const UINT8 table[3]={3,10,10}; \
+ I.ip = (WORD)(I.ip+tmp); \
+ nec_ICount-=table[chip_type/8]; \
+ return; \
+ }
+#define ADJ4(param1,param2) \
+ if (AF || ((I.regs.b[AL] & 0xf) > 9)) \
+ { \
+ UINT16 tmp; \
+ tmp = I.regs.b[AL] + param1; \
+ I.regs.b[AL] = tmp; \
+ I.AuxVal = 1; \
+ I.CarryVal |= tmp & 0x100; \
+ } \
+ if (CF || (I.regs.b[AL]>0x9f)) \
+ { \
+ I.regs.b[AL] += param2; \
+ I.CarryVal = 1; \
+ } \
+ SetSZPF_Byte(I.regs.b[AL])
+#define ADJB(param1,param2) \
+ if (AF || ((I.regs.b[AL] & 0xf) > 9)) \
+ { \
+ I.regs.b[AL] += param1; \
+ I.regs.b[AH] += param2; \
+ I.AuxVal = 1; \
+ I.CarryVal = 1; \
+ } \
+ else \
+ { \
+ I.AuxVal = 0; \
+ I.CarryVal = 0; \
+ } \
+ I.regs.b[AL] &= 0x0F
+#define BITOP_BYTE \
+ ModRM = FETCH; \
+ if (ModRM >= 0xc0) { \
+ tmp=I.regs.b[Mod_RM.RM.b[ModRM]]; \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ (*GetEA[ModRM])(); \
+ tmp=read_byte(EA); \
+ }
+#define BITOP_WORD \
+ ModRM = FETCH; \
+ if (ModRM >= 0xc0) { \
+ tmp=I.regs.w[Mod_RM.RM.w[ModRM]]; \
+ } \
+ else { \
+ (*GetEA[ModRM])(); \
+ tmp=read_word(EA); \
+ }
+#define BIT_NOT \
+ if (tmp & (1<<tmp2)) \
+ tmp &= ~(1<<tmp2); \
+ else \
+ tmp |= (1<<tmp2)
+#define XchgAWReg(Reg) \
+ WORD tmp; \
+ tmp = I.regs.w[Reg]; \
+ I.regs.w[Reg] = I.regs.w[AW]; \
+ I.regs.w[AW] = tmp
+#define ROL_BYTE I.CarryVal = dst & 0x80; dst = (dst << 1)+CF
+#define ROL_WORD I.CarryVal = dst & 0x8000; dst = (dst << 1)+CF
+#define ROR_BYTE I.CarryVal = dst & 0x1; dst = (dst >> 1)+(CF<<7)
+#define ROR_WORD I.CarryVal = dst & 0x1; dst = (dst >> 1)+(CF<<15)
+#define ROLC_BYTE dst = (dst << 1) + CF; SetCFB(dst)
+#define ROLC_WORD dst = (dst << 1) + CF; SetCFW(dst)
+#define RORC_BYTE dst = (CF<<8)+dst; I.CarryVal = dst & 0x01; dst >>= 1
+#define RORC_WORD dst = (CF<<16)+dst; I.CarryVal = dst & 0x01; dst >>= 1
+#define SHL_BYTE(c) nec_ICount-=c; dst <<= c; SetCFB(dst); SetSZPF_Byte(dst); PutbackRMByte(ModRM,(BYTE)dst)
+#define SHL_WORD(c) nec_ICount-=c; dst <<= c; SetCFW(dst); SetSZPF_Word(dst); PutbackRMWord(ModRM,(WORD)dst)
+#define SHR_BYTE(c) nec_ICount-=c; dst >>= c-1; I.CarryVal = dst & 0x1; dst >>= 1; SetSZPF_Byte(dst); PutbackRMByte(ModRM,(BYTE)dst)
+#define SHR_WORD(c) nec_ICount-=c; dst >>= c-1; I.CarryVal = dst & 0x1; dst >>= 1; SetSZPF_Word(dst); PutbackRMWord(ModRM,(WORD)dst)
+#define SHRA_BYTE(c) nec_ICount-=c; dst = ((INT8)dst) >> (c-1); I.CarryVal = dst & 0x1; dst = ((INT8)((BYTE)dst)) >> 1; SetSZPF_Byte(dst); PutbackRMByte(ModRM,(BYTE)dst)
+#define SHRA_WORD(c) nec_ICount-=c; dst = ((INT16)dst) >> (c-1); I.CarryVal = dst & 0x1; dst = ((INT16)((WORD)dst)) >> 1; SetSZPF_Word(dst); PutbackRMWord(ModRM,(WORD)dst)
+#define DIVUB \
+ uresult = I.regs.w[AW]; \
+ uresult2 = uresult % tmp; \
+ if ((uresult /= tmp) > 0xff) { \
+ nec_interrupt(0,0); break; \
+ } else { \
+ I.regs.b[AL] = uresult; \
+ I.regs.b[AH] = uresult2; \
+ }
+#define DIVB \
+ result = (INT16)I.regs.w[AW]; \
+ result2 = result % (INT16)((INT8)tmp); \
+ if ((result /= (INT16)((INT8)tmp)) > 0xff) { \
+ nec_interrupt(0,0); break; \
+ } else { \
+ I.regs.b[AL] = result; \
+ I.regs.b[AH] = result2; \
+ }
+#define DIVUW \
+ uresult = (((UINT32)I.regs.w[DW]) << 16) | I.regs.w[AW];\
+ uresult2 = uresult % tmp; \
+ if ((uresult /= tmp) > 0xffff) { \
+ nec_interrupt(0,0); break; \
+ } else { \
+ I.regs.w[AW]=uresult; \
+ I.regs.w[DW]=uresult2; \
+ }
+#define DIVW \
+ result = ((UINT32)I.regs.w[DW] << 16) + I.regs.w[AW]; \
+ result2 = result % (INT32)((INT16)tmp); \
+ if ((result /= (INT32)((INT16)tmp)) > 0xffff) { \
+ nec_interrupt(0,0); break; \
+ } else { \
+ I.regs.w[AW]=result; \
+ I.regs.w[DW]=result2; \
+ }
+#define ADD4S { \
+ int i,v1,v2,result; \
+ int count = (I.regs.b[CL]+1)/2; \
+ unsigned di = I.regs.w[IY]; \
+ unsigned si = I.regs.w[IX]; \
+ static const UINT8 table[3]={18,19,19}; \
+ if (seg_prefix) logerror("%06x: Warning: seg_prefix defined for add4s\n",activecpu_get_pc()); \
+ I.ZeroVal = I.CarryVal = 0; \
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) { \
+ nec_ICount-=table[chip_type/8]; \
+ tmp = GetMemB(DS0, si); \
+ tmp2 = GetMemB(DS1, di); \
+ v1 = (tmp>>4)*10 + (tmp&0xf); \
+ v2 = (tmp2>>4)*10 + (tmp2&0xf); \
+ result = v1+v2+I.CarryVal; \
+ I.CarryVal = result > 99 ? 1 : 0; \
+ result = result % 100; \
+ v1 = ((result/10)<<4) | (result % 10); \
+ PutMemB(DS1, di,v1); \
+ if (v1) I.ZeroVal = 1; \
+ si++; \
+ di++; \
+ } \
+#define SUB4S { \
+ int count = (I.regs.b[CL]+1)/2; \
+ int i,v1,v2,result; \
+ unsigned di = I.regs.w[IY]; \
+ unsigned si = I.regs.w[IX]; \
+ static const UINT8 table[3]={18,19,19}; \
+ if (seg_prefix) logerror("%06x: Warning: seg_prefix defined for sub4s\n",activecpu_get_pc()); \
+ I.ZeroVal = I.CarryVal = 0; \
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) { \
+ nec_ICount-=table[chip_type/8]; \
+ tmp = GetMemB(DS1, di); \
+ tmp2 = GetMemB(DS0, si); \
+ v1 = (tmp>>4)*10 + (tmp&0xf); \
+ v2 = (tmp2>>4)*10 + (tmp2&0xf); \
+ if (v1 < (v2+I.CarryVal)) { \
+ v1+=100; \
+ result = v1-(v2+I.CarryVal); \
+ I.CarryVal = 1; \
+ } else { \
+ result = v1-(v2+I.CarryVal); \
+ I.CarryVal = 0; \
+ } \
+ v1 = ((result/10)<<4) | (result % 10); \
+ PutMemB(DS1, di,v1); \
+ if (v1) I.ZeroVal = 1; \
+ si++; \
+ di++; \
+ } \
+#define CMP4S { \
+ int count = (I.regs.b[CL]+1)/2; \
+ int i,v1,v2,result; \
+ unsigned di = I.regs.w[IY]; \
+ unsigned si = I.regs.w[IX]; \
+ static const UINT8 table[3]={14,19,19}; \
+ if (seg_prefix) logerror("%06x: Warning: seg_prefix defined for cmp4s\n",activecpu_get_pc()); \
+ I.ZeroVal = I.CarryVal = 0; \
+ for (i=0;i<count;i++) { \
+ nec_ICount-=table[chip_type/8]; \
+ tmp = GetMemB(DS1, di); \
+ tmp2 = GetMemB(DS0, si); \
+ v1 = (tmp>>4)*10 + (tmp&0xf); \
+ v2 = (tmp2>>4)*10 + (tmp2&0xf); \
+ if (v1 < (v2+I.CarryVal)) { \
+ v1+=100; \
+ result = v1-(v2+I.CarryVal); \
+ I.CarryVal = 1; \
+ } else { \
+ result = v1-(v2+I.CarryVal); \
+ I.CarryVal = 0; \
+ } \
+ v1 = ((result/10)<<4) | (result % 10); \
+ if (v1) I.ZeroVal = 1; \
+ si++; \
+ di++; \
+ } \