path: root/src/emu/cpu/i8085/i8085cpu.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpu/i8085/i8085cpu.h')
1 files changed, 181 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/i8085/i8085cpu.h b/src/emu/cpu/i8085/i8085cpu.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..63a6cc6eefc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/i8085/i8085cpu.h
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+ *
+ * Portable (hopefully ;-) 8085A emulator
+ *
+ * Written by J. Buchmueller for use with MAME
+ *
+ * Partially based on Z80Em by Marcel De Kogel
+ *
+ * CPU related macros
+ *
+ *******************************************************/
+#define SF 0x80
+#define ZF 0x40
+#define YF 0x20
+#define HF 0x10
+#define XF 0x08
+#define VF 0x04
+#define NF 0x02
+#define CF 0x01
+#define IM_SID 0x80
+#define IM_SOD 0x40
+//#define IM_IEN 0x20
+#define IM_INTR 0x20 //AT: the 8085 ignores bit 0x20. we move IM_INTR here for compatibility.
+#define IM_TRAP 0x10
+//#define IM_INTR 0x08
+#define IM_IEN 0x08 //AT: RIM returns IEN status on this bit. SIM checks this bit to allow masking RST55-75
+#define IM_RST75 0x04
+#define IM_RST65 0x02
+#define IM_RST55 0x01
+#define ADDR_TRAP 0x0024
+#define ADDR_RST55 0x002c
+#define ADDR_RST65 0x0034
+#define ADDR_RST75 0x003c
+#define ADDR_INTR 0x0038
+#define M_INR(R) ++R; I.AF.b.l=(I.AF.b.l&CF)|ZS[R]|((R==0x80)?VF:0)|((R&0x0F)?0:HF)
+#define M_DCR(R) I.AF.b.l=(I.AF.b.l&CF)|NF|((R==0x80)?VF:0)|((R&0x0F)?0:HF); I.AF.b.l|=ZS[--R]
+#define M_MVI(R) R=ARG()
+#define M_ANA(R) I.AF.b.h&=R; I.AF.b.l=ZSP[I.AF.b.h]|HF
+#define M_ORA(R) I.AF.b.h|=R; I.AF.b.l=ZSP[I.AF.b.h]
+#define M_XRA(R) I.AF.b.h^=R; I.AF.b.l=ZSP[I.AF.b.h]
+#define M_RLC { \
+ I.AF.b.h = (I.AF.b.h << 1) | (I.AF.b.h >> 7); \
+ I.AF.b.l = (I.AF.b.l & ~(HF+NF+CF)) | (I.AF.b.h & CF); \
+#define M_RRC { \
+ I.AF.b.l = (I.AF.b.l & ~(HF+NF+CF)) | (I.AF.b.h & CF); \
+ I.AF.b.h = (I.AF.b.h >> 1) | (I.AF.b.h << 7); \
+#define M_RAL { \
+ int c = I.AF.b.l&CF; \
+ I.AF.b.l = (I.AF.b.l & ~(HF+NF+CF)) | (I.AF.b.h >> 7); \
+ I.AF.b.h = (I.AF.b.h << 1) | c; \
+#define M_RAR { \
+ int c = (I.AF.b.l&CF) << 7; \
+ I.AF.b.l = (I.AF.b.l & ~(HF+NF+CF)) | (I.AF.b.h & CF); \
+ I.AF.b.h = (I.AF.b.h >> 1) | c; \
+#define M_ADD(R) { \
+int q = I.AF.b.h+R; \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZSP[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)| \
+ ((I.AF.b.h^q^R)&HF)| \
+ (((R^I.AF.b.h^SF)&(R^q)&SF)>>5); \
+ I.AF.b.h=q; \
+#define M_ADC(R) { \
+ int q = I.AF.b.h+R+(I.AF.b.l&CF); \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZSP[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)| \
+ ((I.AF.b.h^q^R)&HF)| \
+ (((R^I.AF.b.h^SF)&(R^q)&SF)>>5); \
+ I.AF.b.h=q; \
+#define M_SUB(R) { \
+ int q = I.AF.b.h-R; \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZSP[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)|NF| \
+ ((I.AF.b.h^q^R)&HF)| \
+ (((R^I.AF.b.h)&(I.AF.b.h^q)&SF)>>5); \
+ I.AF.b.h=q; \
+#define M_SBB(R) { \
+ int q = I.AF.b.h-R-(I.AF.b.l&CF); \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZSP[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)|NF| \
+ ((I.AF.b.h^q^R)&HF)| \
+ (((R^I.AF.b.h)&(I.AF.b.h^q)&SF)>>5); \
+ I.AF.b.h=q; \
+#define M_CMP(R) { \
+ int q = I.AF.b.h-R; \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZSP[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)|NF| \
+ ((I.AF.b.h^q^R)&HF)| \
+ (((R^I.AF.b.h)&(I.AF.b.h^q)&SF)>>5); \
+#define M_IN \
+ I.XX.d=ARG(); \
+ I.AF.b.h=io_read_byte_8(I.XX.d);
+#define M_OUT \
+ I.XX.d=ARG(); \
+ io_write_byte_8(I.XX.d,I.AF.b.h)
+#define M_DAD(R) { \
+ int q = I.HL.d + I.R.d; \
+ I.AF.b.l = ( I.AF.b.l & ~(HF+CF) ) | \
+ ( ((I.HL.d^q^I.R.d) >> 8) & HF ) | \
+ ( (q>>16) & CF ); \
+ I.HL.w.l = q; \
+#define M_PUSH(R) { \
+ WM(--I.SP.w.l, I.R.b.h); \
+ WM(--I.SP.w.l, I.R.b.l); \
+#define M_POP(R) { \
+ I.R.b.l = RM(I.SP.w.l++); \
+ I.R.b.h = RM(I.SP.w.l++); \
+#define M_RET(cc) \
+{ \
+ if (cc) \
+ { \
+ i8085_ICount -= 6; \
+ M_POP(PC); \
+ change_pc(I.PC.d); \
+ } \
+#define M_JMP(cc) { \
+ if (cc) { \
+ i8085_ICount -= 3; \
+ I.PC.w.l = ARG16(); \
+ change_pc(I.PC.d); \
+ } else I.PC.w.l += 2; \
+#define M_CALL(cc) \
+{ \
+ if (cc) \
+ { \
+ UINT16 a = ARG16(); \
+ i8085_ICount -= 6; \
+ M_PUSH(PC); \
+ I.PC.d = a; \
+ change_pc(I.PC.d); \
+ } else I.PC.w.l += 2; \
+#define M_RST(nn) { \
+ M_PUSH(PC); \
+ I.PC.d = 8 * nn; \
+ change_pc(I.PC.d); \
+#define M_DSUB() { \
+ int q = I.HL.b.l-I.BC.b.l; \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZS[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)|NF| \
+ ((I.HL.b.l^q^I.BC.b.l)&HF)| \
+ (((I.BC.b.l^I.HL.b.l)&(I.HL.b.l^q)&SF)>>5); \
+ I.HL.b.l=q; \
+ q = I.HL.b.h-I.BC.b.h-(I.AF.b.l&CF); \
+ I.AF.b.l=ZS[q&255]|((q>>8)&CF)|NF| \
+ ((I.HL.b.h^q^I.BC.b.h)&HF)| \
+ (((I.BC.b.h^I.HL.b.h)&(I.HL.b.h^q)&SF)>>5); \
+ if (I.HL.b.l!=0) I.AF.b.l&=~ZF; \