path: root/src/emu/cpu/i8039/i8039.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpu/i8039/i8039.c')
1 files changed, 949 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/i8039/i8039.c b/src/emu/cpu/i8039/i8039.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3c1f8df449c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/i8039/i8039.c
@@ -0,0 +1,949 @@
+ * Intel 8039 Portable Emulator *
+ * *
+ * Copyright (C) 1997 by Mirko Buffoni *
+ * Based on the original work (C) 1997 by Dan Boris, an 8048 emulator *
+ * You are not allowed to distribute this software commercially *
+ * Please, notify me, if you make any changes to this file *
+ * *
+ * *
+ * **** Change Log **** *
+ * *
+ * TLP (19-Jun-2001) *
+ * - Changed Ports 1 and 2 to quasi bidirectional output latched ports *
+ * - Added the Port 1 & 2 output latch data to the debugger window *
+ * TLP (02-Jan-2002) *
+ * - External IRQs no longer go pending (sampled as a level state) *
+ * - Timer IRQs do not go pending if Timer interrupts are disabled *
+ * - Timer IRQs made pending, were incorrectly being cleared if the *
+ * external interrupt was being serviced *
+ * - External interrupts now take precedence when simultaneous *
+ * internal and external interrupt requests occur *
+ * - 'DIS TCNTI' now removes pending timer IRQs *
+ * - Nested IRQs of any sort are no longer allowed *
+ * - T_flag was not being set in the right place of execution, which *
+ * could have lead to it being incorrectly set after being cleared *
+ * - Counter overflows now also set the T_flag *
+ * - Added the Timer/Counter register to the debugger window *
+ * TLP (09-Jan-2002) *
+ * - Changed Interrupt system to instant servicing *
+ * - The Timer and Counter can no longer be 'on' simultaneously *
+ * - Added Save State *
+ * TLP (15-Feb-2002) *
+ * - Corrected Positive signal edge sensing (used on the T1 input) *
+ ****************************************************************************/
+#include "debugger.h"
+#include "i8039.h"
+/*** Cycle times for the jump on condition instructions, are unusual.
+ Condition is tested during the first cycle, so if condition is not
+ met, second address fetch cycle may not really be taken. For now we
+ just use the cycle counts as listed in the i8048 user manual.
+#if 0
+#define ADJUST_CYCLES { inst_cycles -= 1; } /* Possible real cycles setting */
+#define ADJUST_CYCLES { } /* User Manual cycles setting */
+/* HJB 01/05/99 changed to positive values to use pending_irq as a flag */
+#define I8039_NO_INT 0 /* No Interrupts pending or executing */
+#define I8039_EXTERNAL_INT 1 /* Execute a normal external interrupt */
+#define I8039_TIMCNT_INT 2 /* Execute a Timer/Counter interrupt */
+static int Ext_IRQ(void);
+static int Timer_IRQ(void);
+#define M_RDMEM(A) I8039_RDMEM(A)
+#define M_RDOP(A) I8039_RDOP(A)
+#define M_RDOP_ARG(A) I8039_RDOP_ARG(A)
+#define M_IN(A) I8039_In(A)
+#define M_OUT(A,V) I8039_Out(A,V)
+#define port_r(A) I8039_In(I8039_p0 + A)
+#define port_w(A,V) I8039_Out(I8039_p0 + A,V)
+#define test_r(A) I8039_In(I8039_t0 + A)
+#define test_w(A,V) I8039_Out(I8039_t0 + A,V)
+#define bus_r() I8039_In(I8039_bus)
+#define bus_w(V) I8039_Out(I8039_bus,V)
+#define C_FLAG 0x80
+#define A_FLAG 0x40
+#define F_FLAG 0x20
+#define B_FLAG 0x10
+typedef struct
+ PAIR PREVPC; /* previous program counter */
+ PAIR PC; /* program counter */
+ UINT8 RAM[128];
+ UINT8 bus, f1; /* Bus data, and flag1 */
+ UINT8 P1, P2; /* Internal Port 1 and 2 latched outputs */
+ UINT8 pending_irq, irq_executing, masterClock, regPtr;
+ UINT8 t_flag, timer, timerON, countON, xirq_en, tirq_en;
+ UINT16 A11;
+ UINT8 irq_state, irq_extra_cycles;
+ int (*irq_callback)(int irqline);
+} I8039_Regs;
+static I8039_Regs R;
+int i8039_ICount;
+static int inst_cycles;
+static UINT8 Old_T1;
+/* The opcode table now is a combination of cycle counts and function pointers */
+typedef struct {
+ unsigned cycles;
+ void (*function) (void);
+} s_opcode;
+#define POSITIVE_EDGE_T1 (( (int)(T1-Old_T1) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
+#define NEGATIVE_EDGE_T1 (( (int)(Old_T1-T1) > 0) ? 1 : 0)
+#define M_Cy ((R.PSW & C_FLAG) >> 7)
+#define M_Cn (!M_Cy)
+#define M_Ay ((R.PSW & A_FLAG))
+#define M_An (!M_Ay)
+#define M_F0y ((R.PSW & F_FLAG))
+#define M_F0n (!M_F0y)
+#define M_By ((R.PSW & B_FLAG))
+#define M_Bn (!M_By)
+#define intRAM R.RAM
+#define regPTR R.regPtr
+#define R0 intRAM[regPTR ]
+#define R1 intRAM[regPTR+1]
+#define R2 intRAM[regPTR+2]
+#define R3 intRAM[regPTR+3]
+#define R4 intRAM[regPTR+4]
+#define R5 intRAM[regPTR+5]
+#define R6 intRAM[regPTR+6]
+#define R7 intRAM[regPTR+7]
+INLINE void CLR (UINT8 flag) { R.PSW &= ~flag; }
+INLINE void SET (UINT8 flag) { R.PSW |= flag; }
+/* Get next opcode argument and increment program counter */
+INLINE unsigned M_RDMEM_OPCODE (void)
+ unsigned retval;
+ retval=M_RDOP_ARG(R.PC.w.l);
+ R.PC.w.l++;
+ return retval;
+INLINE void push(UINT8 d)
+ intRAM[8+R.SP++] = d;
+ R.SP = R.SP & 0x0f;
+ R.PSW = R.PSW & 0xf8;
+ R.PSW = R.PSW | (R.SP >> 1);
+INLINE UINT8 pull(void) {
+ R.SP = (R.SP + 15) & 0x0f; /* if (--R.SP < 0) R.SP = 15; */
+ R.PSW = R.PSW & 0xf8;
+ R.PSW = R.PSW | (R.SP >> 1);
+ /* regPTR = ((M_By) ? 24 : 0); regPTR should not change */
+ return intRAM[8+R.SP];
+INLINE void daa_a(void)
+ if ((R.A & 0x0f) > 0x09 || (R.PSW & A_FLAG))
+ R.A += 0x06;
+ if ((R.A & 0xf0) > 0x90 || (R.PSW & C_FLAG))
+ {
+ R.A += 0x60;
+ } else CLR(C_FLAG);
+INLINE void M_ADD(UINT8 dat)
+ UINT16 temp;
+ if ((R.A & 0xf) + (dat & 0xf) > 0xf) SET(A_FLAG);
+ temp = R.A + dat;
+ if (temp > 0xff) SET(C_FLAG);
+ R.A = temp & 0xff;
+INLINE void M_ADDC(UINT8 dat)
+ UINT16 temp;
+ if ((R.A & 0xf) + (dat & 0xf) + M_Cy > 0xf) SET(A_FLAG);
+ temp = R.A + dat + M_Cy;
+ if (temp > 0xff) SET(C_FLAG);
+ R.A = temp & 0xff;
+INLINE void M_CALL(UINT16 addr)
+ push(R.PC.b.l);
+ push((R.PC.b.h & 0x0f) | (R.PSW & 0xf0));
+ R.PC.w.l = addr;
+ change_pc(addr);
+INLINE void M_XCHD(UINT8 addr)
+ UINT8 dat = R.A & 0x0f;
+ R.A &= 0xf0;
+ R.A |= intRAM[addr] & 0x0f;
+ intRAM[addr] &= 0xf0;
+ intRAM[addr] |= dat;
+INLINE void M_ILLEGAL(void)
+ logerror("I8039: PC = %04x, Illegal opcode = %02x\n", R.PC.w.l-1, M_RDMEM(R.PC.w.l-1));
+ logerror("I8039: PC = %04x, Unimplemented opcode = %02x\n", R.PC.w.l-1, M_RDMEM(R.PC.w.l-1));
+static void illegal(void) { M_ILLEGAL(); }
+static void add_a_n(void) { M_ADD(M_RDMEM_OPCODE()); }
+static void add_a_r0(void) { M_ADD(R0); }
+static void add_a_r1(void) { M_ADD(R1); }
+static void add_a_r2(void) { M_ADD(R2); }
+static void add_a_r3(void) { M_ADD(R3); }
+static void add_a_r4(void) { M_ADD(R4); }
+static void add_a_r5(void) { M_ADD(R5); }
+static void add_a_r6(void) { M_ADD(R6); }
+static void add_a_r7(void) { M_ADD(R7); }
+static void add_a_xr0(void) { M_ADD(intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]); }
+static void add_a_xr1(void) { M_ADD(intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]); }
+static void adc_a_n(void) { M_ADDC(M_RDMEM_OPCODE()); }
+static void adc_a_r0(void) { M_ADDC(R0); }
+static void adc_a_r1(void) { M_ADDC(R1); }
+static void adc_a_r2(void) { M_ADDC(R2); }
+static void adc_a_r3(void) { M_ADDC(R3); }
+static void adc_a_r4(void) { M_ADDC(R4); }
+static void adc_a_r5(void) { M_ADDC(R5); }
+static void adc_a_r6(void) { M_ADDC(R6); }
+static void adc_a_r7(void) { M_ADDC(R7); }
+static void adc_a_xr0(void) { M_ADDC(intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]); }
+static void adc_a_xr1(void) { M_ADDC(intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]); }
+static void anl_a_n(void) { R.A &= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void anl_a_r0(void) { R.A &= R0; }
+static void anl_a_r1(void) { R.A &= R1; }
+static void anl_a_r2(void) { R.A &= R2; }
+static void anl_a_r3(void) { R.A &= R3; }
+static void anl_a_r4(void) { R.A &= R4; }
+static void anl_a_r5(void) { R.A &= R5; }
+static void anl_a_r6(void) { R.A &= R6; }
+static void anl_a_r7(void) { R.A &= R7; }
+static void anl_a_xr0(void) { R.A &= intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]; }
+static void anl_a_xr1(void) { R.A &= intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]; }
+static void anl_bus_n(void) { bus_w( bus_r() & M_RDMEM_OPCODE() ); }
+static void anl_p1_n(void) { R.P1 &= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); port_w( 1, R.P1 ); }
+static void anl_p2_n(void) { R.P2 &= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); port_w( 2, R.P2 ); }
+static void anld_p4_a(void) { port_w( 4, port_r(4) & M_RDMEM_OPCODE() ); }
+static void anld_p5_a(void) { port_w( 5, port_r(5) & M_RDMEM_OPCODE() ); }
+static void anld_p6_a(void) { port_w( 6, port_r(6) & M_RDMEM_OPCODE() ); }
+static void anld_p7_a(void) { port_w( 7, port_r(7) & M_RDMEM_OPCODE() ); }
+static void call(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | a11); }
+static void call_1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x100 | a11); }
+static void call_2(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x200 | a11); }
+static void call_3(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x300 | a11); }
+static void call_4(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x400 | a11); }
+static void call_5(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x500 | a11); }
+static void call_6(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x600 | a11); }
+static void call_7(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; M_CALL(i | 0x700 | a11); }
+static void clr_a(void) { R.A=0; }
+static void clr_c(void) { CLR(C_FLAG); }
+static void clr_f0(void) { CLR(F_FLAG); }
+static void clr_f1(void) { R.f1 = 0; }
+static void cpl_a(void) { R.A ^= 0xff; }
+static void cpl_c(void) { R.PSW ^= C_FLAG; }
+static void cpl_f0(void) { R.PSW ^= F_FLAG; }
+static void cpl_f1(void) { R.f1 ^= 1; }
+static void dec_a(void) { R.A--; }
+static void dec_r0(void) { R0--; }
+static void dec_r1(void) { R1--; }
+static void dec_r2(void) { R2--; }
+static void dec_r3(void) { R3--; }
+static void dec_r4(void) { R4--; }
+static void dec_r5(void) { R5--; }
+static void dec_r6(void) { R6--; }
+static void dec_r7(void) { R7--; }
+static void dis_i(void) { R.xirq_en = 0; }
+static void dis_tcnti(void) { R.tirq_en = 0; R.pending_irq &= ~I8039_TIMCNT_INT; }
+static void djnz_r0(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R0--; if (R0 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R1--; if (R1 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r2(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R2--; if (R2 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r3(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R3--; if (R3 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r4(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R4--; if (R4 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r5(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R5--; if (R5 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r6(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R6--; if (R6 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void djnz_r7(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); R7--; if (R7 != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void en_i(void) { R.xirq_en = 1; if (R.irq_state == I8039_EXTERNAL_INT) { R.irq_extra_cycles += Ext_IRQ(); } }
+static void en_tcnti(void) { R.tirq_en = 1; }
+static void ento_clk(void) { M_UNDEFINED(); }
+static void in_a_p1(void) { R.A = port_r(1) & R.P1; }
+static void in_a_p2(void) { R.A = port_r(2) & R.P2; }
+static void ins_a_bus(void) { R.A = bus_r(); }
+static void inc_a(void) { R.A++; }
+static void inc_r0(void) { R0++; }
+static void inc_r1(void) { R1++; }
+static void inc_r2(void) { R2++; }
+static void inc_r3(void) { R3++; }
+static void inc_r4(void) { R4++; }
+static void inc_r5(void) { R5++; }
+static void inc_r6(void) { R6++; }
+static void inc_r7(void) { R7++; }
+static void inc_xr0(void) { intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]++; }
+static void inc_xr1(void) { intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]++; }
+static void jmp(void)
+ UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l);
+ UINT16 oldpc,newpc;
+ UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0;
+ oldpc = R.PC.w.l-1;
+ R.PC.w.l = i | a11;
+ change_pc(R.PC.w.l);
+ newpc = R.PC.w.l;
+ if (newpc == oldpc) { if (i8039_ICount > 0) i8039_ICount = 0; } /* speed up busy loop */
+ else if (newpc == oldpc-1 && M_RDOP(newpc) == 0x00) /* NOP - Gyruss */
+ { if (i8039_ICount > 0) i8039_ICount = 0; }
+static void jmp_1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x100 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmp_2(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x200 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmp_3(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x300 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmp_4(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x400 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmp_5(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x500 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmp_6(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x600 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmp_7(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l); UINT16 a11 = (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) ? R.A11 : 0; R.PC.w.l = i | 0x700 | a11; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jmpp_xa(void) { UINT16 addr = (R.PC.w.l & 0xf00) | R.A; R.PC.w.l = (R.PC.w.l & 0xf00) | M_RDMEM(addr); change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void jb_0(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x01) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x02) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_2(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x04) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_3(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x08) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_4(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x10) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_5(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x20) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_6(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x40) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jb_7(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A & 0x80) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jf0(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (M_F0y) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jf1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.f1) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jnc(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (M_Cn) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jc(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (M_Cy) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jni(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.irq_state == I8039_EXTERNAL_INT) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jnt_0(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (!test_r(0)) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jt_0(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (test_r(0)) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jnt_1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (!test_r(1)) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jt_1(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (test_r(1)) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jnz(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A != 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jz(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.A == 0) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void jtf(void) { UINT8 i=M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); if (R.t_flag) { R.PC.w.l = ((R.PC.w.l-1) & 0xf00) | i; change_pc(R.PC.w.l); R.t_flag = 0; } else ADJUST_CYCLES }
+static void mov_a_n(void) { R.A = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_a_r0(void) { R.A = R0; }
+static void mov_a_r1(void) { R.A = R1; }
+static void mov_a_r2(void) { R.A = R2; }
+static void mov_a_r3(void) { R.A = R3; }
+static void mov_a_r4(void) { R.A = R4; }
+static void mov_a_r5(void) { R.A = R5; }
+static void mov_a_r6(void) { R.A = R6; }
+static void mov_a_r7(void) { R.A = R7; }
+static void mov_a_psw(void) { R.A = R.PSW; }
+static void mov_a_xr0(void) { R.A = intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]; }
+static void mov_a_xr1(void) { R.A = intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]; }
+static void mov_r0_a(void) { R0 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r1_a(void) { R1 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r2_a(void) { R2 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r3_a(void) { R3 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r4_a(void) { R4 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r5_a(void) { R5 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r6_a(void) { R6 = R.A; }
+static void mov_r7_a(void) { R7 = R.A; }
+static void mov_psw_a(void) { R.PSW = R.A; regPTR = ((M_By) ? 24 : 0); R.SP = (R.PSW & 7) << 1; }
+static void mov_r0_n(void) { R0 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r1_n(void) { R1 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r2_n(void) { R2 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r3_n(void) { R3 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r4_n(void) { R4 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r5_n(void) { R5 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r6_n(void) { R6 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_r7_n(void) { R7 = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_a_t(void) { R.A = R.timer; }
+static void mov_t_a(void) { R.timer = R.A; }
+static void mov_xr0_a(void) { intRAM[R0 & 0x7f] = R.A; }
+static void mov_xr1_a(void) { intRAM[R1 & 0x7f] = R.A; }
+static void mov_xr0_n(void) { intRAM[R0 & 0x7f] = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void mov_xr1_n(void) { intRAM[R1 & 0x7f] = M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void movd_a_p4(void) { R.A = port_r(4); }
+static void movd_a_p5(void) { R.A = port_r(5); }
+static void movd_a_p6(void) { R.A = port_r(6); }
+static void movd_a_p7(void) { R.A = port_r(7); }
+static void movd_p4_a(void) { port_w(4, R.A); }
+static void movd_p5_a(void) { port_w(5, R.A); }
+static void movd_p6_a(void) { port_w(6, R.A); }
+static void movd_p7_a(void) { port_w(7, R.A); }
+static void movp_a_xa(void) { R.A = M_RDMEM((R.PC.w.l & 0x0f00) | R.A); }
+static void movp3_a_xa(void) { R.A = M_RDMEM(0x300 | R.A); }
+static void movx_a_xr0(void) { R.A = M_IN(R0); }
+static void movx_a_xr1(void) { R.A = M_IN(R1); }
+static void movx_xr0_a(void) { M_OUT(R0, R.A); }
+static void movx_xr1_a(void) { M_OUT(R1, R.A); }
+static void nop(void) { }
+static void orl_a_n(void) { R.A |= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void orl_a_r0(void) { R.A |= R0; }
+static void orl_a_r1(void) { R.A |= R1; }
+static void orl_a_r2(void) { R.A |= R2; }
+static void orl_a_r3(void) { R.A |= R3; }
+static void orl_a_r4(void) { R.A |= R4; }
+static void orl_a_r5(void) { R.A |= R5; }
+static void orl_a_r6(void) { R.A |= R6; }
+static void orl_a_r7(void) { R.A |= R7; }
+static void orl_a_xr0(void) { R.A |= intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]; }
+static void orl_a_xr1(void) { R.A |= intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]; }
+static void orl_bus_n(void) { bus_w( bus_r() | M_RDMEM_OPCODE() ); }
+static void orl_p1_n(void) { R.P1 |= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); port_w(1, R.P1); }
+static void orl_p2_n(void) { R.P2 |= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); port_w(2, R.P2); }
+static void orld_p4_a(void) { port_w(4, port_r(4) | R.A ); }
+static void orld_p5_a(void) { port_w(5, port_r(5) | R.A ); }
+static void orld_p6_a(void) { port_w(6, port_r(6) | R.A ); }
+static void orld_p7_a(void) { port_w(7, port_r(7) | R.A ); }
+static void outl_bus_a(void) { bus_w(R.A); }
+static void outl_p1_a(void) { port_w(1, R.A); R.P1 = R.A; }
+static void outl_p2_a(void) { port_w(2, R.A); R.P2 = R.A; }
+static void ret(void) { R.PC.w.l = ((pull() & 0x0f) << 8); R.PC.w.l |= pull(); change_pc(R.PC.w.l); }
+static void retr(void)
+ UINT8 i=pull();
+ R.PC.w.l = ((i & 0x0f) << 8) | pull();
+ change_pc(R.PC.w.l);
+ R.PSW = (R.PSW & 0x0f) | (i & 0xf0); /* Stack is already changed by pull */
+ regPTR = ((M_By) ? 24 : 0);
+ R.irq_executing = I8039_NO_INT;
+ /* Take an interrupt if a request is still being made */
+ if (R.irq_state == I8039_EXTERNAL_INT) {
+ R.irq_extra_cycles += Ext_IRQ(); /* Service External IRQ */
+ }
+ else if (R.pending_irq == I8039_TIMCNT_INT) {
+ R.irq_extra_cycles += Timer_IRQ(); /* Service pending Timer/Counter IRQ */
+ }
+static void rl_a(void) { UINT8 i=R.A & 0x80; R.A <<= 1; if (i) R.A |= 0x01; else R.A &= 0xfe; }
+/* NS990113 */
+static void rlc_a(void) { UINT8 i=M_Cy; if (R.A & 0x80) SET(C_FLAG); else CLR(C_FLAG); R.A <<= 1; if (i) R.A |= 0x01; else R.A &= 0xfe; }
+static void rr_a(void) { UINT8 i=R.A & 1; R.A >>= 1; if (i) R.A |= 0x80; else R.A &= 0x7f; }
+/* NS990113 */
+static void rrc_a(void) { UINT8 i=M_Cy; if (R.A & 1) SET(C_FLAG); else CLR(C_FLAG); R.A >>= 1; if (i) R.A |= 0x80; else R.A &= 0x7f; }
+static void sel_mb0(void) { R.A11 = 0x000; }
+static void sel_mb1(void) { R.A11 = 0x800; }
+static void sel_rb0(void) { CLR(B_FLAG); regPTR = 0; }
+static void sel_rb1(void) { SET(B_FLAG); regPTR = 24; }
+static void stop_tcnt(void) { R.timerON = R.countON = 0; }
+static void strt_cnt(void) { R.countON = 1; R.timerON = 0; Old_T1 = test_r(1); } /* NS990113 */
+static void strt_t(void) { R.timerON = 1; R.countON = 0; R.masterClock = 0; } /* NS990113 */
+static void swap_a(void) { UINT8 i=R.A >> 4; R.A <<= 4; R.A |= i; }
+static void xch_a_r0(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R0; R0=i; }
+static void xch_a_r1(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R1; R1=i; }
+static void xch_a_r2(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R2; R2=i; }
+static void xch_a_r3(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R3; R3=i; }
+static void xch_a_r4(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R4; R4=i; }
+static void xch_a_r5(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R5; R5=i; }
+static void xch_a_r6(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R6; R6=i; }
+static void xch_a_r7(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=R7; R7=i; }
+static void xch_a_xr0(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]; intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]=i; }
+static void xch_a_xr1(void) { UINT8 i=R.A; R.A=intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]; intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]=i; }
+static void xchd_a_xr0(void) { M_XCHD(R0 & 0x7f); }
+static void xchd_a_xr1(void) { M_XCHD(R1 & 0x7f); }
+static void xrl_a_n(void) { R.A ^= M_RDMEM_OPCODE(); }
+static void xrl_a_r0(void) { R.A ^= R0; }
+static void xrl_a_r1(void) { R.A ^= R1; }
+static void xrl_a_r2(void) { R.A ^= R2; }
+static void xrl_a_r3(void) { R.A ^= R3; }
+static void xrl_a_r4(void) { R.A ^= R4; }
+static void xrl_a_r5(void) { R.A ^= R5; }
+static void xrl_a_r6(void) { R.A ^= R6; }
+static void xrl_a_r7(void) { R.A ^= R7; }
+static void xrl_a_xr0(void) { R.A ^= intRAM[R0 & 0x7f]; }
+static void xrl_a_xr1(void) { R.A ^= intRAM[R1 & 0x7f]; }
+static s_opcode opcode_main[256]=
+ {1, nop },{0, illegal },{2, outl_bus_a },{2, add_a_n },{2, jmp },{1, en_i },{0, illegal },{1, dec_a },
+ {2, ins_a_bus },{2, in_a_p1 },{2, in_a_p2 },{0, illegal },{2, movd_a_p4 },{2, movd_a_p5 },{2, movd_a_p6 },{2, movd_a_p7 },
+ {1, inc_xr0 },{1, inc_xr1 },{2, jb_0 },{2, adc_a_n },{2, call },{1, dis_i },{2, jtf },{1, inc_a },
+ {1, inc_r0 },{1, inc_r1 },{1, inc_r2 },{1, inc_r3 },{1, inc_r4 },{1, inc_r5 },{1, inc_r6 },{1, inc_r7 },
+ {1, xch_a_xr0 },{1, xch_a_xr1 },{0, illegal },{2, mov_a_n },{2, jmp_1 },{1, en_tcnti },{2, jnt_0 },{1, clr_a },
+ {1, xch_a_r0 },{1, xch_a_r1 },{1, xch_a_r2 },{1, xch_a_r3 },{1, xch_a_r4 },{1, xch_a_r5 },{1, xch_a_r6 },{1, xch_a_r7 },
+ {1, xchd_a_xr0 },{1, xchd_a_xr1 },{2, jb_1 },{0, illegal },{2, call_1 },{1, dis_tcnti },{2, jt_0 },{1, cpl_a },
+ {0, illegal },{2, outl_p1_a },{2, outl_p2_a },{0, illegal },{2, movd_p4_a },{2, movd_p5_a },{2, movd_p6_a },{2, movd_p7_a },
+ {1, orl_a_xr0 },{1, orl_a_xr1 },{1, mov_a_t },{2, orl_a_n },{2, jmp_2 },{1, strt_cnt },{2, jnt_1 },{1, swap_a },
+ {1, orl_a_r0 },{1, orl_a_r1 },{1, orl_a_r2 },{1, orl_a_r3 },{1, orl_a_r4 },{1, orl_a_r5 },{1, orl_a_r6 },{1, orl_a_r7 },
+ {1, anl_a_xr0 },{1, anl_a_xr1 },{2, jb_2 },{2, anl_a_n },{2, call_2 },{1, strt_t },{2, jt_1 },{1, daa_a },
+ {1, anl_a_r0 },{1, anl_a_r1 },{1, anl_a_r2 },{1, anl_a_r3 },{1, anl_a_r4 },{1, anl_a_r5 },{1, anl_a_r6 },{1, anl_a_r7 },
+ {1, add_a_xr0 },{1, add_a_xr1 },{1, mov_t_a },{0, illegal },{2, jmp_3 },{1, stop_tcnt },{0, illegal },{1, rrc_a },
+ {1, add_a_r0 },{1, add_a_r1 },{1, add_a_r2 },{1, add_a_r3 },{1, add_a_r4 },{1, add_a_r5 },{1, add_a_r6 },{1, add_a_r7 },
+ {1, adc_a_xr0 },{1, adc_a_xr1 },{2, jb_3 },{0, illegal },{2, call_3 },{1, ento_clk },{2, jf1 },{1, rr_a },
+ {1, adc_a_r0 },{1, adc_a_r1 },{1, adc_a_r2 },{1, adc_a_r3 },{1, adc_a_r4 },{1, adc_a_r5 },{1, adc_a_r6 },{1, adc_a_r7 },
+ {2, movx_a_xr0 },{2, movx_a_xr1 },{0, illegal },{2, ret },{2, jmp_4 },{1, clr_f0 },{2, jni },{0, illegal },
+ {2, orl_bus_n },{2, orl_p1_n },{2, orl_p2_n },{0, illegal },{2, orld_p4_a },{2, orld_p5_a },{2, orld_p6_a },{2, orld_p7_a },
+ {2, movx_xr0_a },{2, movx_xr1_a },{2, jb_4 },{2, retr },{2, call_4 },{1, cpl_f0 },{2, jnz },{1, clr_c },
+ {2, anl_bus_n },{2, anl_p1_n },{2, anl_p2_n },{0, illegal },{2, anld_p4_a },{2, anld_p5_a },{2, anld_p6_a },{2, anld_p7_a },
+ {1, mov_xr0_a },{1, mov_xr1_a },{0, illegal },{2, movp_a_xa },{2, jmp_5 },{1, clr_f1 },{0, illegal },{1, cpl_c },
+ {1, mov_r0_a },{1, mov_r1_a },{1, mov_r2_a },{1, mov_r3_a },{1, mov_r4_a },{1, mov_r5_a },{1, mov_r6_a },{1, mov_r7_a },
+ {2, mov_xr0_n },{2, mov_xr1_n },{2, jb_5 },{2, jmpp_xa },{2, call_5 },{1, cpl_f1 },{2, jf0 },{0, illegal },
+ {2, mov_r0_n },{2, mov_r1_n },{2, mov_r2_n },{2, mov_r3_n },{2, mov_r4_n },{2, mov_r5_n },{2, mov_r6_n },{2, mov_r7_n },
+ {0, illegal },{0, illegal },{0, illegal },{0, illegal },{2, jmp_6 },{1, sel_rb0 },{2, jz },{1, mov_a_psw },
+ {1, dec_r0 },{1, dec_r1 },{1, dec_r2 },{1, dec_r3 },{1, dec_r4 },{1, dec_r5 },{1, dec_r6 },{1, dec_r7 },
+ {1, xrl_a_xr0 },{1, xrl_a_xr1 },{2, jb_6 },{2, xrl_a_n },{2, call_6 },{1, sel_rb1 },{0, illegal },{1, mov_psw_a },
+ {1, xrl_a_r0 },{1, xrl_a_r1 },{1, xrl_a_r2 },{1, xrl_a_r3 },{1, xrl_a_r4 },{1, xrl_a_r5 },{1, xrl_a_r6 },{1, xrl_a_r7 },
+ {0, illegal },{0, illegal },{0, illegal },{2, movp3_a_xa },{2, jmp_7 },{1, sel_mb0 },{2, jnc },{1, rl_a },
+ {2, djnz_r0 },{2, djnz_r1 },{2, djnz_r2 },{2, djnz_r3 },{2, djnz_r4 },{2, djnz_r5 },{2, djnz_r6 },{2, djnz_r7 },
+ {1, mov_a_xr0 },{1, mov_a_xr1 },{2, jb_7 },{0, illegal },{2, call_7 },{1, sel_mb1 },{2, jc },{1, rlc_a },
+ {1, mov_a_r0 },{1, mov_a_r1 },{1, mov_a_r2 },{1, mov_a_r3 },{1, mov_a_r4 },{1, mov_a_r5 },{1, mov_a_r6 },{1, mov_a_r7 }
+ * Initialize emulation
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void i8039_init (int index, int clock, const void *config, int (*irqcallback)(int))
+ R.irq_callback = irqcallback;
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.PC.w.l);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.PREVPC.w.l);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.A);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.SP);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.PSW);
+ state_save_register_item_array("i8039", index, R.RAM);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.bus);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.f1);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.P1);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.P2);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.pending_irq);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.irq_executing);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.masterClock);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.regPtr);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.t_flag);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.timer);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.timerON);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.countON);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.xirq_en);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.tirq_en);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.A11);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.irq_state);
+ state_save_register_item("i8039", index, R.irq_extra_cycles);
+ * Reset registers to their initial values
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void i8039_reset (void)
+ R.PC.w.l = 0;
+ R.SP = 0;
+ R.A = 0;
+ R.PSW = 0x08; /* Start with Carry SET, Bit 4 is always SET */
+ memset(R.RAM, 0x0, 128);
+ R.P1 = 0xff;
+ R.P2 = 0xff;
+ R.bus = 0;
+ R.irq_executing = I8039_NO_INT;
+ R.pending_irq = I8039_NO_INT;
+ R.A11 = 0;
+ R.tirq_en = R.xirq_en = 0;
+ R.timerON = R.countON = 0;
+ R.timerON = 1; /* Mario Bros. doesn't work without this */
+ R.irq_extra_cycles = 0;
+ R.masterClock = 0;
+ * Shut down CPU emulation
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void i8039_exit (void)
+ /* nothing to do ? */
+ * Issue an interrupt if necessary
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static int Ext_IRQ(void)
+ int extra_cycles = 0;
+ if (R.xirq_en) {
+ if (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) {
+// logerror("I8039: EXT INTERRUPT being serviced\n");
+ R.irq_executing = I8039_EXTERNAL_INT;
+ push(R.PC.b.l);
+ push((R.PC.b.h & 0x0f) | (R.PSW & 0xf0));
+ R.PC.w.l = 0x03;
+ extra_cycles = 2; /* 2 clock cycles used */
+ if (R.timerON) /* NS990113 */
+ R.masterClock += extra_cycles;
+ if (R.irq_callback) (*R.irq_callback)(0);
+ }
+ }
+ return extra_cycles;
+static int Timer_IRQ(void)
+ int extra_cycles = 0;
+ if (R.tirq_en) {
+ if (R.irq_executing == I8039_NO_INT) {
+// logerror("I8039: TIMER/COUNTER INTERRUPT\n");
+ R.irq_executing = I8039_TIMCNT_INT;
+ R.pending_irq &= ~I8039_TIMCNT_INT;
+ push(R.PC.b.l);
+ push((R.PC.b.h & 0x0f) | (R.PSW & 0xf0));
+ R.PC.w.l = 0x07;
+ change_pc(0x07);
+ extra_cycles = 2; /* 2 clock cycles used */
+ if (R.timerON) /* NS990113 */
+ R.masterClock += extra_cycles;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (R.irq_executing == I8039_EXTERNAL_INT) {
+ R.pending_irq |= I8039_TIMCNT_INT;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ R.t_flag = 1;
+ return extra_cycles;
+ * Execute cycles CPU cycles. Return number of cycles really executed
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static int i8039_execute(int cycles)
+ unsigned opcode, T1;
+ int count;
+ i8039_ICount = (cycles - R.irq_extra_cycles);
+ R.irq_extra_cycles = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ opcode=M_RDOP(R.PC.w.l);
+/* logerror("I8039: PC = %04x, opcode = %02x\n", R.PC.w.l, opcode); */
+ R.PC.w.l++;
+ inst_cycles = opcode_main[opcode].cycles;
+ (*(opcode_main[opcode].function))();
+ i8039_ICount -= inst_cycles; ///
+ if (R.countON) /* NS990113 */
+ {
+ for ( ; inst_cycles > 0; inst_cycles-- )
+ {
+ T1 = test_r(1);
+ {
+ R.timer++;
+ if (R.timer == 0) {
+ count = Timer_IRQ(); /* Handle Counter IRQ */
+ i8039_ICount -= count;
+ }
+ }
+ Old_T1 = T1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (R.timerON) {
+ R.masterClock += opcode_main[opcode].cycles;
+ if (R.masterClock >= 32) { /* NS990113 */
+ R.masterClock -= 32;
+ R.timer++;
+ if (R.timer == 0) {
+ count = Timer_IRQ(); /* Handle Timer IRQ */
+ i8039_ICount -= count;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } while (i8039_ICount>0);
+ i8039_ICount -= R.irq_extra_cycles;
+ R.irq_extra_cycles = 0;
+ return cycles - i8039_ICount;
+ * Get all registers in given buffer
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void i8039_get_context (void *dst)
+ if( dst )
+ *(I8039_Regs*)dst = R;
+ * Set all registers to given values
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void i8039_set_context (void *src)
+ if( src )
+ {
+ R = *(I8039_Regs*)src;
+ regPTR = ((M_By) ? 24 : 0);
+ R.SP = (R.PSW << 1) & 0x0f;
+ change_pc(R.PC.w.l);
+ }
+ /* Handle forced Interrupts throught the Debugger */
+ if (R.irq_state != I8039_NO_INT) {
+ R.irq_extra_cycles += Ext_IRQ(); /* Handle External IRQ */
+ }
+ if (R.timer == 0) {
+ R.irq_extra_cycles += Timer_IRQ(); /* Handle Timer IRQ */
+ }
+ * Set IRQ line state
+ ****************************************************************************/
+static void set_irq_line(int irqline, int state)
+ if (state != CLEAR_LINE) {
+ R.irq_state = I8039_EXTERNAL_INT;
+ R.irq_extra_cycles += Ext_IRQ(); /* Handle External IRQ */
+ }
+ else {
+ R.irq_state = I8039_NO_INT;
+ }
+ * Generic set_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void i8039_set_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are set as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 0: set_irq_line(0, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_PC: R.PC.w.l = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_SP: R.SP = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_PSW: R.PSW = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_A: R.A = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_TC: R.timer = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_P1: R.P1 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_P2: R.P2 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R0: R0 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R1: R1 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R2: R2 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R3: R3 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R4: R4 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R5: R5 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R6: R6 = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R7: R7 = info->i; break;
+ }
+ * Generic get_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+void i8039_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CONTEXT_SIZE: info->i = sizeof(R); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_LINES: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DEFAULT_IRQ_VECTOR: info->i = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_ENDIANNESS: info->i = CPU_IS_LE; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CLOCK_DIVIDER: info->i = I8039_CLOCK_DIVIDER; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MIN_INSTRUCTION_BYTES: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MAX_INSTRUCTION_BYTES: info->i = 2; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MIN_CYCLES: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MAX_CYCLES: info->i = 3; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 8; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 9; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_SHIFT + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 0: info->i = (R.irq_state == I8039_EXTERNAL_INT) ? ASSERT_LINE : CLEAR_LINE; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_PREVIOUSPC: info->i = R.PREVPC.w.l; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_PC: info->i = R.PC.w.l; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_SP: info->i = R.SP; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_PSW: info->i = R.PSW; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_A: info->i = R.A; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_TC: info->i = R.timer; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_P1: info->i = R.P1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_P2: info->i = R.P2; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R0: info->i = R0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R1: info->i = R1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R2: info->i = R2; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R3: info->i = R3; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R4: info->i = R4; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R5: info->i = R5; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R6: info->i = R6; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + I8039_R7: info->i = R7; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_SET_INFO: info->setinfo = i8039_set_info; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_GET_CONTEXT: info->getcontext = i8039_get_context; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_SET_CONTEXT: info->setcontext = i8039_set_context; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = i8039_init; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_RESET: info->reset = i8039_reset; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_EXIT: info->exit = i8039_exit; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_EXECUTE: info->execute = i8039_execute; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_BURN: info->burn = NULL; break;
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_DISASSEMBLE: info->disassemble = i8039_dasm; break;
+#endif /* MAME_DEBUG */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INSTRUCTION_COUNTER: info->icount = &i8039_ICount; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "I8039"); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_FAMILY: strcpy(info->s, "Intel 8039"); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_VERSION: strcpy(info->s, "1.2"); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_FILE: strcpy(info->s, __FILE__); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_CREDITS: strcpy(info->s, "Copyright (C) 1997 by Mirko Buffoni\nBased on the original work (C) 1997 by Dan Boris"); break;
+ sprintf(info->s, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c",
+ R.PSW & 0x80 ? 'C':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x40 ? 'A':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x20 ? 'F':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x10 ? 'B':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x08 ? '?':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x04 ? '4':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x02 ? '2':'.',
+ R.PSW & 0x01 ? '1':'.');
+ break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_PC: sprintf(info->s, "PC:%04X", R.PC.w.l); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_SP: sprintf(info->s, "SP:%02X", R.SP); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_PSW: sprintf(info->s, "PSW:%02X", R.PSW); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_A: sprintf(info->s, "A:%02X", R.A); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_TC: sprintf(info->s, "TC:%02X", R.timer); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_P1: sprintf(info->s, "P1:%02X", R.P1); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_P2: sprintf(info->s, "P2:%02X", R.P2); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R0: sprintf(info->s, "R0:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+0]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R1: sprintf(info->s, "R1:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+1]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R2: sprintf(info->s, "R2:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+2]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R3: sprintf(info->s, "R3:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+3]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R4: sprintf(info->s, "R4:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+4]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R5: sprintf(info->s, "R5:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+5]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R6: sprintf(info->s, "R6:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+6]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + I8039_R7: sprintf(info->s, "R7:%02X", R.RAM[R.regPtr+7]); break;
+ }
+#if (HAS_I8035)
+ * CPU-specific get_info/set_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+void i8035_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "I8035"); break;
+ default: i8039_get_info(state, info); break;
+ }
+#if (HAS_I8048)
+ * CPU-specific get_info/set_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+void i8048_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "I8048"); break;
+ default: i8039_get_info(state, info); break;
+ }
+#if (HAS_N7751)
+ * CPU-specific get_info/set_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+void n7751_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "N7751"); break;
+ default: i8039_get_info(state, info); break;
+ }