path: root/src/emu/cpu/i8039/8039dasm.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpu/i8039/8039dasm.c')
1 files changed, 302 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/i8039/8039dasm.c b/src/emu/cpu/i8039/8039dasm.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..e138cf8ff15
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/i8039/8039dasm.c
@@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
+ *
+ * mcs48 disassembler
+ *
+ * This file is Copyright 1996 Michael Cuddy, Fen's Ende Sofware.
+ * Redistribution is allowed in source and binary form as long as both
+ * forms are distributed together with the file 'README'. This copyright
+ * notice must also accompany the files.
+ *
+ * This software should be considered a small token to all of the
+ * emulator authors for thier dilligence in preserving our Arcade and
+ * Computer history.
+ *
+ * Michael Cuddy, Fen's Ende Software.
+ * 11/25/1996
+ *
+ * Adapted by Andrea Mazzoleni for use with MAME
+ *
+ ***************************************************************************/
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "cpuintrf.h"
+#define mame_printf_debug printf
+typedef unsigned char byte;
+#define FMT(a,b) a, b
+#define PTRS_PER_FORMAT 2
+static const char *Formats[] = {
+ FMT("00000011dddddddd", "add a,#$%X"),
+ FMT("01101rrr", "add a,%R"),
+ FMT("0110000r", "add a,@%R"),
+ FMT("00010011dddddddd", "adc a,#$%X"),
+ FMT("01111rrr", "adc a,%R"),
+ FMT("0111000r", "adc a,@%R"),
+ FMT("01010011dddddddd", "anl a,#$%X"),
+ FMT("01011rrr", "anl a,%R"),
+ FMT("0101000r", "anl a,@%R"),
+ FMT("10011000dddddddd", "anl bus,#$%X"),
+ FMT("10011001dddddddd", "anl p1,#$%X"),
+ FMT("10011010dddddddd", "anl p2,#$%X"),
+ FMT("100111pp", "anld %P,a"),
+ FMT("aaa10100aaaaaaaa", "!call %A"),
+ FMT("00100111", "clr a"),
+ FMT("10010111", "clr c"),
+ FMT("10100101", "clr f1"),
+ FMT("10000101", "clr f0"),
+ FMT("00110111", "cpl a"),
+ FMT("10100111", "cpl c"),
+ FMT("10010101", "cpl f0"),
+ FMT("10110101", "cpl f1"),
+ FMT("01010111", "da a"),
+ FMT("00000111", "dec a"),
+ FMT("11001rrr", "dec %R"),
+ FMT("00010101", "dis i"),
+ FMT("00110101", "dis tcnti"),
+ FMT("11101rrraaaaaaaa", "!djnz %R,%J"),
+ FMT("00000101", "en i"),
+ FMT("00100101", "en tcnti"),
+ FMT("01110101", "ent0 clk"),
+ FMT("00001001", "in a,p1"),
+ FMT("00001010", "in a,p2"),
+ FMT("00010111", "inc a"),
+ FMT("00011rrr", "inc %R"),
+ FMT("0001000r", "inc @%R"),
+ FMT("00001000", "ins a,bus"),
+ FMT("0001 0110aaaaaaaa", "jtf %J"),
+ FMT("0010 0110aaaaaaaa", "jnt0 %J"),
+ FMT("0011 0110aaaaaaaa", "jt0 %J"),
+ FMT("0100 0110aaaaaaaa", "jnt1 %J"),
+ FMT("0101 0110aaaaaaaa", "jt1 %J"),
+ FMT("0111 0110aaaaaaaa", "jf1 %J"),
+ FMT("1000 0110aaaaaaaa", "jni %J"),
+ FMT("1001 0110aaaaaaaa", "jnz %J"),
+ FMT("1011 0110aaaaaaaa", "jf0 %J"),
+ FMT("1100 0110aaaaaaaa", "jz %J"),
+ FMT("1110 0110aaaaaaaa", "jnc %J"),
+ FMT("1111 0110aaaaaaaa", "jc %J"),
+ FMT("bbb10010aaaaaaaa", "jb%B %J"),
+ FMT("aaa00100aaaaaaaa", "jmp %A"),
+ FMT("10110011", "jmpp @a"),
+ FMT("00100011dddddddd", "mov a,#$%X"),
+ FMT("11111rrr", "mov a,%R"),
+ FMT("1111000r", "mov a,@%R"),
+ FMT("11000111", "mov a,psw"),
+ FMT("10111rrrdddddddd", "mov %R,#$%X"),
+ FMT("10101rrr", "mov %R,a"),
+ FMT("1010000r", "mov @%R,a"),
+ FMT("1011000rdddddddd", "mov @%R,#$%X"),
+ FMT("11010111", "mov psw,a"),
+ FMT("000011pp", "movd a,%P"),
+ FMT("001111pp", "movd %P,a"),
+ FMT("01000010", "mov a,t"),
+ FMT("01100010", "mov t,a"),
+ FMT("11100011", "movp3 a,@a"),
+ FMT("10100011", "movp a,@a"),
+ FMT("1000000r", "movx a,@%R"),
+ FMT("1001000r", "movx @%R,a"),
+ FMT("0100 1rrr", "orl a,%R"),
+ FMT("0100 000r", "orl a,@%R"),
+ FMT("0100 0011dddddddd", "orl a,#$%X"),
+ FMT("1000 1000dddddddd", "orl bus,#$%X"),
+ FMT("1000 1001dddddddd", "orl p1,#$%X"),
+ FMT("1000 1010dddddddd", "orl p2,#$%X"),
+ FMT("1000 11pp", "orld %P,a"),
+ FMT("00000010", "outl bus,a"),
+ FMT("001110pp", "outl %P,a"),
+ FMT("10000011", "^ret"),
+ FMT("10010011", "^retr"),
+ FMT("11100111", "rl a"),
+ FMT("11110111", "rlc a"),
+ FMT("01110111", "rr a"),
+ FMT("01100111", "rrc a"),
+ FMT("11100101", "sel mb0"),
+ FMT("11110101", "sel mb1"),
+ FMT("11000101", "sel rb0"),
+ FMT("11010101", "sel rb1"),
+ FMT("01100101", "stop tcnt"),
+ FMT("01000101", "strt cnt"),
+ FMT("01010101", "strt t"),
+ FMT("01000111", "swap a"),
+ FMT("00101rrr", "xch a,%R"),
+ FMT("0010000r", "xch a,@%R"),
+ FMT("0011000r", "xchd a,@%R"),
+ FMT("1101 0011dddddddd", "xrl a,#$%X"),
+ FMT("1101 1rrr", "xrl a,%R"),
+ FMT("1101 000r", "xrl a,@%R"),
+ FMT("00000000", "nop"),
+#define MAX_OPS (((sizeof(Formats) / sizeof(Formats[0])) - 1) / PTRS_PER_FORMAT)
+typedef struct opcode {
+ byte mask; /* instruction mask */
+ byte bits; /* constant bits */
+ char extcode; /* value that gets extension code */
+ const char *parse; /* how to parse bits */
+ const char *fmt; /* instruction format */
+ unsigned long flags;
+} M48Opcode;
+static M48Opcode Op[MAX_OPS+1];
+static int OpInizialized = 0;
+static void InitDasm8039(void)
+ const char *p, **ops;
+ byte mask, bits;
+ int bit;
+ int i;
+ ops = Formats; i = 0;
+ while (*ops) {
+ unsigned long flags = 0;
+ p = *ops;
+ mask = 0; bits = 0; bit = 7;
+ while (*p && bit >= 0) {
+ switch (*p++) {
+ case '1': mask |= 1<<bit; bits |= 1<<bit; bit--; break;
+ case '0': mask |= 1<<bit; bit--; break;
+ case ' ': break;
+ case 'b':
+ case 'a': case 'r': case 'd': case 'p':
+ bit --;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatalerror("Invalid instruction encoding '%s %s'\n", ops[0],ops[1]);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (bit != -1 ) {
+ fatalerror("not enough bits in encoding '%s %s' %d\n", ops[0],ops[1],bit);
+ break;
+ }
+ while (isspace(*p)) p++;
+ if (*p) Op[i].extcode = *p;
+ Op[i].bits = bits;
+ Op[i].mask = mask;
+ Op[i].fmt = ops[1];
+ Op[i].parse = ops[0];
+ if (Op[i].fmt[0] == '!')
+ {
+ Op[i].fmt++;
+ }
+ if (Op[i].fmt[0] == '^')
+ {
+ Op[i].fmt++;
+ }
+ Op[i].flags = flags;
+ i++;
+ }
+ OpInizialized = 1;
+offs_t i8039_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram)
+ int b, a, d, r, p; /* these can all be filled in by parsing an instruction */
+ int i;
+ int op;
+ int cnt = 1;
+ int code, bit;
+ const char *cp;
+ if (!OpInizialized) InitDasm8039();
+ code = oprom[0];
+ op = -1; /* no matching opcode */
+ for ( i = 0; i < MAX_OPS; i++)
+ {
+ if( (code & Op[i].mask) == Op[i].bits )
+ {
+ if (op != -1)
+ {
+ fprintf(stderr, "Error: opcode %02X matches %d (%s) and %d (%s)\n",
+ code,i,Op[i].fmt,op,Op[op].fmt);
+ }
+ op = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (op == -1)
+ {
+ sprintf(buffer,"db %2.2x",code);
+ return cnt | DASMFLAG_SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ if (Op[op].extcode)
+ {
+ cnt++;
+ code <<= 8;
+ code |= opram[1];
+ bit = 15;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ bit = 7;
+ }
+ /* shift out operands */
+ cp = Op[op].parse;
+ b = a = d = r = p = 0;
+ while (bit >= 0)
+ {
+ /* mame_printf_debug("{%c/%d}",*cp,bit); */
+ switch(*cp)
+ {
+ case 'a': a <<=1; a |= ((code & (1<<bit)) ? 1 : 0); bit--; break;
+ case 'b': b <<=1; b |= ((code & (1<<bit)) ? 1 : 0); bit--; break;
+ case 'd': d <<=1; d |= ((code & (1<<bit)) ? 1 : 0); bit--; break;
+ case 'r': r <<=1; r |= ((code & (1<<bit)) ? 1 : 0); bit--; break;
+ case 'p': p <<=1; p |= ((code & (1<<bit)) ? 1 : 0); bit--; break;
+ case ' ': break;
+ case '1': case '0': bit--; break;
+ case '\0': fatalerror("premature end of parse string, opcode %x, bit = %d\n",code,bit); break;
+ }
+ cp++;
+ }
+ /* now traverse format string */
+ cp = Op[op].fmt;
+ while (*cp)
+ {
+ if (*cp == '%')
+ {
+ char num[10], *q;
+ cp++;
+ switch (*cp++)
+ {
+ case 'A': sprintf(num,"$%04X",a); break;
+ case 'J': sprintf(num,"$%04X",((pc+1) & 0xf00) | a); break;
+ case 'B': sprintf(num,"%d",b); break;
+ case 'D': sprintf(num,"%d",d); break;
+ case 'X': sprintf(num,"%X",d); break;
+ case 'R': sprintf(num,"r%d",r); break;
+ case 'P': sprintf(num,"p%d",p); break;
+ default:
+ fatalerror("illegal escape character in format '%s'\n",Op[op].fmt);
+ break;
+ }
+ q = num; while (*q) *buffer++ = *q++;
+ *buffer = '\0';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ *buffer++ = *cp++;
+ *buffer = '\0';
+ }
+ }
+ return cnt | Op[op].flags | DASMFLAG_SUPPORTED;