path: root/src/emu/cpu/e132xs/e132xs.c
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1 files changed, 5606 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/e132xs/e132xs.c b/src/emu/cpu/e132xs/e132xs.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..022ebd372eb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/e132xs/e132xs.c
@@ -0,0 +1,5606 @@
+ Hyperstone cpu emulator
+ written by Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ All the types are compatible, but they have different IRAM size and cycles
+ Hyperstone models:
+ 16 bits
+ - E1-16T
+ - E1-16XT
+ - E1-16XS
+ - E1-16XSR
+ 32bits
+ - E1-32N or E1-32T
+ - E1-32XN or E1-32XT
+ - E1-32XS
+ - E1-32XSR
+ Hynix models:
+ 16 bits
+ - GMS30C2116
+ - GMS30C2216
+ 32bits
+ - GMS30C2132
+ - GMS30C2232
+ - some wrong cycle counts
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Fixed LDxx.N/P/S opcodes not to increment the destination register when
+ it's the same as the source or "next source" one.
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Removed nested delays
+ - Added better delay branch support
+ - Fixed PC seen by a delay instruction, because a delay instruction
+ should use the delayed PC (thus allowing the execution of software
+ opcodes too)
+ Tomasz Slanina
+ - Fixed delayed branching for delay instructions longer than 2 bytes
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Added and fixed Timer without hack
+ Tomasz Slanina
+ - Fixed MULU/MULS
+ - Fixed Carry in ADDC/SUBC
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Fixed software opcodes used as delay instructions
+ - Added nested delays
+ Tomasz Slanina
+ - Added "undefined" C flag to shift left instructions
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Added interrupts-block for delay instructions
+ - Fixed get_emu_code_addr
+ - Added LDW.S and STW.S instructions
+ - Fixed floating point opcodes
+ Tomasz Slanina
+ - interrputs after call and before frame are prohibited now
+ - emulation of FCR register
+ - Floating point opcodes (preliminary)
+ - Fixed stack addressing in RET/FRAME opcodes
+ - Fixed bug in SET_RS macro
+ - Fixed bug in return opcode (S flag)
+ - Added C/N flags calculation in add/adc/addi/adds/addsi and some shift opcodes
+ - Added writeback to ROL
+ - Fixed ROL/SAR/SARD/SHR/SHRD/SHL/SHLD opcode decoding (Local/Global regs)
+ - Fixed I and T flag in RET opcode
+ - Fixed XX/XM opcodes
+ - Fixed MOV opcode, when RD = PC
+ - Fixed execute_trap()
+ - Fixed ST opcodes, when when RS = SR
+ - Added interrupts
+ - Fixed I/O addressing
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Fixed fetch
+ - Fixed decode of hyperstone_xm opcode
+ - Fixed 7 bits difference number in FRAME / RET instructions
+ - Some debbugger fixes
+ - Added generic registers decode function
+ - Some other little fixes.
+ MooglyGuy 29/03/2004
+ - Changed MOVI to use unsigned values instead of signed, correcting
+ an ugly glitch when loading 32-bit immediates.
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli
+ - Same fix in get_const
+ MooglyGuy - 02/27/04
+ - Fixed delayed branching
+ - const_val for CALL should always have bit 0 clear
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli - 02/25/04
+ - Fixed some wrong addresses to address local registers instead of memory
+ - Fixed FRAME and RET instruction
+ - Added preliminary I/O space
+ - Fixed some load / store instructions
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli - 02/20/04
+ - Added execute_exception function
+ - Added FL == 0 always interpreted as 16
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli - 02/19/04
+ - Changed the reset to use the execute_trap(reset) which should be right to set
+ the initiale state of the cpu
+ - Added Trace exception
+ - Set of T flag in RET instruction
+ - Set I flag in interrupts entries and resetted by a RET instruction
+ - Added correct set instruction for SR
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli - 10/26/03
+ - Changed get_lrconst to get_const and changed it to use the removed GET_CONST_RR
+ macro.
+ - Removed the High flag used in some opcodes, it should be used only in
+ MOV and MOVI instruction.
+ - Fixed MOV and MOVI instruction.
+ - Set to 1 FP is SR register at reset.
+ (From the doc: A Call, Trap or Software instruction increments the FP and sets FL
+ to 6, thus creating a new stack frame with the length of 6 registers).
+ MooglyGuy - 10/25/03
+ - Fixed CALL enough that it at least jumps to the right address, no word
+ yet as to whether or not it's working enough to return.
+ - Added get_lrconst() to get the const value for the CALL operand, since
+ apparently using immediate_value() was wrong. The code is ugly, but it
+ works properly. Vampire 1/2 now gets far enough to try to test its RAM.
+ - Just from looking at it, CALL apparently doesn't frame properly. I'm not
+ sure about FRAME, but perhaps it doesn't work properly - I'm not entirely
+ positive. The return address when vamphalf's memory check routine is
+ called at FFFFFD7E is stored in register L8, and then the RET instruction
+ at the end of the routine uses L1 as the return address, so that might
+ provide some clues as to how it works.
+ - I'd almost be willing to bet money that there's no framing at all since
+ the values in L0 - L15 as displayed by the debugger would change during a
+ CALL or FRAME operation. I'll look when I'm in the mood.
+ - The mood struck me, and I took a look at SET_L_REG and GET_L_REG.
+ Apparently no matter what the current frame pointer is they'll always use
+ local_regs[0] through local_regs[15].
+ MooglyGuy - 08/20/03
+ - Added H flag support for MOV and MOVI
+ - Changed init routine to set S flag on boot. Apparently the CPU defaults to
+ supervisor mode as opposed to user mode when it powers on, as shown by the
+ vamphalf power-on routines. Makes sense, too, since if the machine booted
+ in user mode, it would be impossible to get into supervisor mode.
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli - 08/19/03
+ - Added check for D_BIT and S_BIT where PC or SR must or must not be denoted.
+ (movd, divu, divs, ldxx1, ldxx2, stxx1, stxx2, mulu, muls, set, mul
+ call, chk)
+ MooglyGuy - 08/17/03
+ - Working on support for H flag, nothing quite done yet
+ - Added trap Range Error for CHK PC, PC
+ - Fixed relative jumps, they have to be taken from the opcode following the
+ jump minstead of the jump opcode itself.
+ Pierpaolo Prazzoli - 08/17/03
+ - Fixed get_pcrel() when OP & 0x80 is set.
+ - Decremented PC by 2 also in MOV, ADD, ADDI, SUM, SUB and added the check if
+ D_BIT is not set. (when pc is changed they are implicit branch)
+ MooglyGuy - 08/17/03
+ - Implemented a crude hack to set FL in the SR to 6, since according to the docs
+ that's supposed to happen each time a trap occurs, apparently including when
+ the processor starts up. The 3rd opcode executed in vamphalf checks to see if
+ the FL flag in SR 6, so it's apparently the "correct" behaviour despite the
+ docs not saying anything on it. If FL is not 6, the branch falls through and
+ encounters a CHK PC, L2, which at that point will always throw a range trap.
+ The range trap vector contains 00000000 (CHK PC, PC), which according to the
+ docs will always throw a range trap (which would effectively lock the system).
+ This revealed a bug: CHK PC, PC apparently does not throw a range trap, which
+ needs to be fixed. Now that the "correct" behaviour is hacked in with the FL
+ flags, it reveals yet another bug in that the branch is interpreted as being
+ +0x8700. This means that the PC then wraps around to 000082B0, give or take
+ a few bytes. While it does indeed branch to valid code, I highly doubt that
+ this is the desired effect. Check for signed/unsigned relative branch, maybe?
+ MooglyGuy - 08/16/03
+ - Fixed the debugger at least somewhat so that it displays hex instead of decimal,
+ and so that it disassembles opcodes properly.
+ - Fixed hyperstone_execute() to increment PC *after* executing the opcode instead of
+ before. This is probably why vamphalf was booting to fffffff8, but executing at
+ fffffffa instead.
+ - Changed execute_trap to decrement PC by 2 so that the next opcode isn't skipped
+ after a trap
+ - Changed execute_br to decrement PC by 2 so that the next opcode isn't skipped
+ after a branch
+ - Changed hyperstone_movi to decrement PC by 2 when G0 (PC) is modified so that the
+ next opcode isn't skipped after a branch
+ - Changed hyperstone_movi to default to a UINT32 being moved into the register
+ as opposed to a UINT8. This is wrong, the bit width is quite likely to be
+ dependent on the n field in the Rimm instruction type. However, vamphalf uses
+ MOVI G0,[FFFF]FBAC (n=$13) since there's apparently no absolute branch opcode.
+ What kind of CPU is this that it doesn't have an absolute jump in its branch
+ instructions and you have to use an immediate MOV to do an abs. jump!?
+ - Replaced usage of logerror() with smf's verboselog()
+#include "debugger.h"
+#include "e132xs.h"
+#include "osd_cpu.h"
+static UINT8 (*hyp_cpu_read_byte)(offs_t address);
+static UINT16 (*hyp_cpu_read_half_word)(offs_t address);
+static UINT32 (*hyp_cpu_read_word)(offs_t address);
+static UINT32 (*hyp_cpu_read_io_word)(offs_t address);
+static void (*hyp_cpu_write_byte)(offs_t address, UINT8 data);
+static void (*hyp_cpu_write_half_word)(offs_t address, UINT16 data);
+static void (*hyp_cpu_write_word)(offs_t address, UINT32 data);
+static void (*hyp_cpu_write_io_word)(offs_t address, UINT32 data);
+int hyp_type_16bit;
+// set C in adds/addsi/subs/sums
+#define SETCARRYS 0
+static int hyperstone_ICount;
+static void hyperstone_chk(void);
+static void hyperstone_movd(void);
+static void hyperstone_divu(void);
+static void hyperstone_divs(void);
+static void hyperstone_xm(void);
+static void hyperstone_mask(void);
+static void hyperstone_sum(void);
+static void hyperstone_sums(void);
+static void hyperstone_cmp(void);
+static void hyperstone_mov(void);
+static void hyperstone_add(void);
+static void hyperstone_adds(void);
+static void hyperstone_cmpb(void);
+static void hyperstone_andn(void);
+static void hyperstone_or(void);
+static void hyperstone_xor(void);
+static void hyperstone_subc(void);
+static void hyperstone_not(void);
+static void hyperstone_sub(void);
+static void hyperstone_subs(void);
+static void hyperstone_addc(void);
+static void hyperstone_and(void);
+static void hyperstone_neg(void);
+static void hyperstone_negs(void);
+static void hyperstone_cmpi(void);
+static void hyperstone_movi(void);
+static void hyperstone_addi(void);
+static void hyperstone_addsi(void);
+static void hyperstone_cmpbi(void);
+static void hyperstone_andni(void);
+static void hyperstone_ori(void);
+static void hyperstone_xori(void);
+static void hyperstone_shrdi(void);
+static void hyperstone_shrd(void);
+static void hyperstone_shr(void);
+static void hyperstone_sardi(void);
+static void hyperstone_sard(void);
+static void hyperstone_sar(void);
+static void hyperstone_shldi(void);
+static void hyperstone_shld(void);
+static void hyperstone_shl(void);
+static void reserved(void);
+static void hyperstone_testlz(void);
+static void hyperstone_rol(void);
+static void hyperstone_ldxx1(void);
+static void hyperstone_ldxx2(void);
+static void hyperstone_stxx1(void);
+static void hyperstone_stxx2(void);
+static void hyperstone_shri(void);
+static void hyperstone_sari(void);
+static void hyperstone_shli(void);
+static void hyperstone_mulu(void);
+static void hyperstone_muls(void);
+static void hyperstone_set(void);
+static void hyperstone_mul(void);
+static void hyperstone_fadd(void);
+static void hyperstone_faddd(void);
+static void hyperstone_fsub(void);
+static void hyperstone_fsubd(void);
+static void hyperstone_fmul(void);
+static void hyperstone_fmuld(void);
+static void hyperstone_fdiv(void);
+static void hyperstone_fdivd(void);
+static void hyperstone_fcmp(void);
+static void hyperstone_fcmpd(void);
+static void hyperstone_fcmpu(void);
+static void hyperstone_fcmpud(void);
+static void hyperstone_fcvt(void);
+static void hyperstone_fcvtd(void);
+static void hyperstone_extend(void);
+static void hyperstone_do(void);
+static void hyperstone_ldwr(void);
+static void hyperstone_lddr(void);
+static void hyperstone_ldwp(void);
+static void hyperstone_lddp(void);
+static void hyperstone_stwr(void);
+static void hyperstone_stdr(void);
+static void hyperstone_stwp(void);
+static void hyperstone_stdp(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbv(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbnv(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbe(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbne(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbc(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbnc(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbse(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbht(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbn(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbnn(void);
+static void hyperstone_dble(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbgt(void);
+static void hyperstone_dbr(void);
+static void hyperstone_frame(void);
+static void hyperstone_call(void);
+static void hyperstone_bv(void);
+static void hyperstone_bnv(void);
+static void hyperstone_be(void);
+static void hyperstone_bne(void);
+static void hyperstone_bc(void);
+static void hyperstone_bnc(void);
+static void hyperstone_bse(void);
+static void hyperstone_bht(void);
+static void hyperstone_bn(void);
+static void hyperstone_bnn(void);
+static void hyperstone_ble(void);
+static void hyperstone_bgt(void);
+static void hyperstone_br(void);
+static void hyperstone_trap(void);
+/* Registers */
+ E132XS_PC = 1,
+ E132XS_SR,
+ E132XS_FER,
+ E132XS_G3,
+ E132XS_G4,
+ E132XS_G5,
+ E132XS_G6,
+ E132XS_G7,
+ E132XS_G8,
+ E132XS_G9,
+ E132XS_G10,
+ E132XS_G11,
+ E132XS_G12,
+ E132XS_G13,
+ E132XS_G14,
+ E132XS_G15,
+ E132XS_G16,
+ E132XS_G17,
+ E132XS_SP,
+ E132XS_UB,
+ E132XS_BCR,
+ E132XS_TPR,
+ E132XS_TCR,
+ E132XS_TR,
+ E132XS_WCR,
+ E132XS_ISR,
+ E132XS_FCR,
+ E132XS_MCR,
+ E132XS_G28,
+ E132XS_G29,
+ E132XS_G30,
+ E132XS_G31,
+ E132XS_CL0, E132XS_CL1, E132XS_CL2, E132XS_CL3,
+ E132XS_CL4, E132XS_CL5, E132XS_CL6, E132XS_CL7,
+ E132XS_CL8, E132XS_CL9, E132XS_CL10,E132XS_CL11,
+ E132XS_CL12,E132XS_CL13,E132XS_CL14,E132XS_CL15,
+ E132XS_L0, E132XS_L1, E132XS_L2, E132XS_L3,
+ E132XS_L4, E132XS_L5, E132XS_L6, E132XS_L7,
+ E132XS_L8, E132XS_L9, E132XS_L10, E132XS_L11,
+ E132XS_L12, E132XS_L13, E132XS_L14, E132XS_L15,
+ E132XS_L16, E132XS_L17, E132XS_L18, E132XS_L19,
+ E132XS_L20, E132XS_L21, E132XS_L22, E132XS_L23,
+ E132XS_L24, E132XS_L25, E132XS_L26, E132XS_L27,
+ E132XS_L28, E132XS_L29, E132XS_L30, E132XS_L31,
+ E132XS_L32, E132XS_L33, E132XS_L34, E132XS_L35,
+ E132XS_L36, E132XS_L37, E132XS_L38, E132XS_L39,
+ E132XS_L40, E132XS_L41, E132XS_L42, E132XS_L43,
+ E132XS_L44, E132XS_L45, E132XS_L46, E132XS_L47,
+ E132XS_L48, E132XS_L49, E132XS_L50, E132XS_L51,
+ E132XS_L52, E132XS_L53, E132XS_L54, E132XS_L55,
+ E132XS_L56, E132XS_L57, E132XS_L58, E132XS_L59,
+ E132XS_L60, E132XS_L61, E132XS_L62, E132XS_L63
+/* Delay information */
+struct _delay
+ INT32 delay_cmd;
+ UINT32 delay_pc;
+/* Internal registers */
+typedef struct
+ UINT32 global_regs[32];
+ UINT32 local_regs[64];
+ /* internal stuff */
+ UINT32 ppc; // previous pc
+ UINT16 op; // opcode
+ UINT32 trap_entry; // entry point to get trap address
+ UINT8 n;
+ INT32 delay_timer;
+ int timer_clocks;
+ struct _delay delay;
+ int (*irq_callback)(int irqline);
+ INT32 h_clear;
+ INT32 instruction_length;
+ INT32 intblock;
+} hyperstone_regs;
+static hyperstone_regs hyperstone;
+static struct regs_decode
+ UINT8 src, dst; // destination and source register code
+ UINT32 src_value; // current source register value
+ UINT32 next_src_value; // current next source register value
+ UINT32 dst_value; // current destination register value
+ UINT32 next_dst_value; // current next destination register value
+ UINT8 sub_type; // sub type opcode (for DD and X_CODE bits)
+ union
+ {
+ UINT32 u;
+ INT32 s;
+ } extra; // extra value such as immediate value, const, pcrel, ...
+ void (*set_src_register)(UINT8 reg, UINT32 data); // set local / global source register
+ void (*set_dst_register)(UINT8 reg, UINT32 data); // set local / global destination register
+ UINT8 src_is_pc;
+ UINT8 dst_is_pc;
+ UINT8 src_is_sr;
+ UINT8 dst_is_sr;
+ UINT8 same_src_dst;
+ UINT8 same_src_dstf;
+ UINT8 same_srcf_dst;
+} current_regs;
+#define SREG current_regs.src_value
+#define SREGF current_regs.next_src_value
+#define DREG current_regs.dst_value
+#define DREGF current_regs.next_dst_value
+#define EXTRA_U current_regs.extra.u
+#define EXTRA_S current_regs.extra.s
+#define SET_SREG( _data_ ) (*current_regs.set_src_register)(current_regs.src, _data_)
+#define SET_SREGF( _data_ ) (*current_regs.set_src_register)(current_regs.src + 1, _data_)
+#define SET_DREG( _data_ ) (*current_regs.set_dst_register)(current_regs.dst, _data_)
+#define SET_DREGF( _data_ ) (*current_regs.set_dst_register)(current_regs.dst + 1, _data_)
+#define SRC_IS_PC current_regs.src_is_pc
+#define DST_IS_PC current_regs.dst_is_pc
+#define SRC_IS_SR current_regs.src_is_sr
+#define DST_IS_SR current_regs.dst_is_sr
+#define SAME_SRC_DST current_regs.same_src_dst
+#define SAME_SRC_DSTF current_regs.same_src_dstf
+#define SAME_SRCF_DST current_regs.same_srcf_dst
+#if (HAS_E116T || HAS_E116XT || HAS_E116XS || HAS_E116XSR || HAS_GMS30C2116 || HAS_GMS30C2216)
+static UINT32 program_read_dword_16be(offs_t address)
+ return (program_read_word_16be(address & ~1) << 16) | program_read_word_16be((address & ~1) + 2);
+static void program_write_dword_16be(offs_t address, UINT32 data)
+ program_write_word_16be(address & ~1, (data & 0xffff0000)>>16);
+ program_write_word_16be((address & ~1)+2, data & 0xffff);
+static UINT32 io_read_dword_16be(offs_t address)
+ return (io_read_word_16be(address & ~1)<< 16) | io_read_word_16be((address & ~1) + 2);
+static void io_write_dword_16be(offs_t address, UINT32 data)
+ io_write_word_16be(address & ~1, (data & 0xffff0000)>>16);
+ io_write_word_16be((address & ~1)+2, data & 0xffff);
+/* Opcodes table */
+static void (*hyperstone_op[0x100])(void) = {
+ hyperstone_chk, hyperstone_chk, hyperstone_chk, hyperstone_chk, /* CHK - CHKZ - NOP */
+ hyperstone_movd, hyperstone_movd, hyperstone_movd, hyperstone_movd, /* MOVD - RET */
+ hyperstone_divu, hyperstone_divu, hyperstone_divu, hyperstone_divu, /* DIVU */
+ hyperstone_divs, hyperstone_divs, hyperstone_divs, hyperstone_divs, /* DIVS */
+ hyperstone_xm, hyperstone_xm, hyperstone_xm, hyperstone_xm, /* XMx - XXx */
+ hyperstone_mask, hyperstone_mask, hyperstone_mask, hyperstone_mask, /* MASK */
+ hyperstone_sum, hyperstone_sum, hyperstone_sum, hyperstone_sum, /* SUM */
+ hyperstone_sums, hyperstone_sums, hyperstone_sums, hyperstone_sums, /* SUMS */
+ hyperstone_cmp, hyperstone_cmp, hyperstone_cmp, hyperstone_cmp, /* CMP */
+ hyperstone_mov, hyperstone_mov, hyperstone_mov, hyperstone_mov, /* MOV */
+ hyperstone_add, hyperstone_add, hyperstone_add, hyperstone_add, /* ADD */
+ hyperstone_adds, hyperstone_adds, hyperstone_adds, hyperstone_adds, /* ADDS */
+ hyperstone_cmpb, hyperstone_cmpb, hyperstone_cmpb, hyperstone_cmpb, /* CMPB */
+ hyperstone_andn, hyperstone_andn, hyperstone_andn, hyperstone_andn, /* ANDN */
+ hyperstone_or, hyperstone_or, hyperstone_or, hyperstone_or, /* OR */
+ hyperstone_xor, hyperstone_xor, hyperstone_xor, hyperstone_xor, /* XOR */
+ hyperstone_subc, hyperstone_subc, hyperstone_subc, hyperstone_subc, /* SUBC */
+ hyperstone_not, hyperstone_not, hyperstone_not, hyperstone_not, /* NOT */
+ hyperstone_sub, hyperstone_sub, hyperstone_sub, hyperstone_sub, /* SUB */
+ hyperstone_subs, hyperstone_subs, hyperstone_subs, hyperstone_subs, /* SUBS */
+ hyperstone_addc, hyperstone_addc, hyperstone_addc, hyperstone_addc, /* ADDC */
+ hyperstone_and, hyperstone_and, hyperstone_and, hyperstone_and, /* AND */
+ hyperstone_neg, hyperstone_neg, hyperstone_neg, hyperstone_neg, /* NEG */
+ hyperstone_negs, hyperstone_negs, hyperstone_negs, hyperstone_negs, /* NEGS */
+ hyperstone_cmpi, hyperstone_cmpi, hyperstone_cmpi, hyperstone_cmpi, /* CMPI */
+ hyperstone_movi, hyperstone_movi, hyperstone_movi, hyperstone_movi, /* MOVI */
+ hyperstone_addi, hyperstone_addi, hyperstone_addi, hyperstone_addi, /* ADDI */
+ hyperstone_addsi,hyperstone_addsi,hyperstone_addsi, hyperstone_addsi, /* ADDSI */
+ hyperstone_cmpbi,hyperstone_cmpbi,hyperstone_cmpbi, hyperstone_cmpbi, /* CMPBI */
+ hyperstone_andni,hyperstone_andni,hyperstone_andni, hyperstone_andni, /* ANDNI */
+ hyperstone_ori, hyperstone_ori, hyperstone_ori, hyperstone_ori, /* ORI */
+ hyperstone_xori, hyperstone_xori, hyperstone_xori, hyperstone_xori, /* XORI */
+ hyperstone_shrdi,hyperstone_shrdi,hyperstone_shrd, hyperstone_shr, /* SHRDI, SHRD, SHR */
+ hyperstone_sardi,hyperstone_sardi,hyperstone_sard, hyperstone_sar, /* SARDI, SARD, SAR */
+ hyperstone_shldi,hyperstone_shldi,hyperstone_shld, hyperstone_shl, /* SHLDI, SHLD, SHL */
+ reserved, reserved, hyperstone_testlz,hyperstone_rol, /* RESERVED, TESTLZ, ROL */
+ hyperstone_ldxx1,hyperstone_ldxx1,hyperstone_ldxx1, hyperstone_ldxx1, /* LDxx.D/A/IOD/IOA */
+ hyperstone_ldxx2,hyperstone_ldxx2,hyperstone_ldxx2, hyperstone_ldxx2, /* LDxx.N/S */
+ hyperstone_stxx1,hyperstone_stxx1,hyperstone_stxx1, hyperstone_stxx1, /* STxx.D/A/IOD/IOA */
+ hyperstone_stxx2,hyperstone_stxx2,hyperstone_stxx2, hyperstone_stxx2, /* STxx.N/S */
+ hyperstone_shri, hyperstone_shri, hyperstone_shri, hyperstone_shri, /* SHRI */
+ hyperstone_sari, hyperstone_sari, hyperstone_sari, hyperstone_sari, /* SARI */
+ hyperstone_shli, hyperstone_shli, hyperstone_shli, hyperstone_shli, /* SHLI */
+ reserved, reserved, reserved, reserved, /* RESERVED */
+ hyperstone_mulu, hyperstone_mulu, hyperstone_mulu, hyperstone_mulu, /* MULU */
+ hyperstone_muls, hyperstone_muls, hyperstone_muls, hyperstone_muls, /* MULS */
+ hyperstone_set, hyperstone_set, hyperstone_set, hyperstone_set, /* SETxx - SETADR - FETCH */
+ hyperstone_mul, hyperstone_mul, hyperstone_mul, hyperstone_mul, /* MUL */
+ hyperstone_fadd, hyperstone_faddd,hyperstone_fsub, hyperstone_fsubd, /* FADD, FADDD, FSUB, FSUBD */
+ hyperstone_fmul, hyperstone_fmuld,hyperstone_fdiv, hyperstone_fdivd, /* FMUL, FMULD, FDIV, FDIVD */
+ hyperstone_fcmp, hyperstone_fcmpd,hyperstone_fcmpu, hyperstone_fcmpud, /* FCMP, FCMPD, FCMPU, FCMPUD */
+ hyperstone_fcvt, hyperstone_fcvtd,hyperstone_extend,hyperstone_do, /* FCVT, FCVTD, EXTEND, DO */
+ hyperstone_ldwr, hyperstone_ldwr, hyperstone_lddr, hyperstone_lddr, /* LDW.R, LDD.R */
+ hyperstone_ldwp, hyperstone_ldwp, hyperstone_lddp, hyperstone_lddp, /* LDW.P, LDD.P */
+ hyperstone_stwr, hyperstone_stwr, hyperstone_stdr, hyperstone_stdr, /* STW.R, STD.R */
+ hyperstone_stwp, hyperstone_stwp, hyperstone_stdp, hyperstone_stdp, /* STW.P, STD.P */
+ hyperstone_dbv, hyperstone_dbnv, hyperstone_dbe, hyperstone_dbne, /* DBV, DBNV, DBE, DBNE */
+ hyperstone_dbc, hyperstone_dbnc, hyperstone_dbse, hyperstone_dbht, /* DBC, DBNC, DBSE, DBHT */
+ hyperstone_dbn, hyperstone_dbnn, hyperstone_dble, hyperstone_dbgt, /* DBN, DBNN, DBLE, DBGT */
+ hyperstone_dbr, hyperstone_frame,hyperstone_call, hyperstone_call, /* DBR, FRAME, CALL */
+ hyperstone_bv, hyperstone_bnv, hyperstone_be, hyperstone_bne, /* BV, BNV, BE, BNE */
+ hyperstone_bc, hyperstone_bnc, hyperstone_bse, hyperstone_bht, /* BC, BNC, BSE, BHT */
+ hyperstone_bn, hyperstone_bnn, hyperstone_ble, hyperstone_bgt, /* BN, BNN, BLE, BGT */
+ hyperstone_br, hyperstone_trap, hyperstone_trap, hyperstone_trap /* BR, TRAPxx - TRAP */
+// 4Kb IRAM (On-Chip Memory)
+#if (HAS_E116T || HAS_GMS30C2116)
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( e116_4k_iram_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 16 )
+ AM_RANGE(0xc0000000, 0xc0000fff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x1ffff000)
+#if (HAS_E132N || HAS_E132T || HAS_GMS30C2132)
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( e132_4k_iram_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 32 )
+ AM_RANGE(0xc0000000, 0xc0000fff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x1ffff000)
+// 8Kb IRAM (On-Chip Memory)
+#if (HAS_E116XT || HAS_GMS30C2216)
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( e116_8k_iram_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 16 )
+ AM_RANGE(0xc0000000, 0xc0001fff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x1fffe000)
+#if (HAS_E132XN || HAS_E132XT || HAS_GMS30C2232)
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( e132_8k_iram_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 32 )
+ AM_RANGE(0xc0000000, 0xc0001fff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x1fffe000)
+// 16Kb IRAM (On-Chip Memory)
+#if (HAS_E116XS || HAS_E116XSR)
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( e116_16k_iram_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 16 )
+ AM_RANGE(0xc0000000, 0xc0003fff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x1fffc000)
+#if (HAS_E132XS || HAS_E132XSR)
+static ADDRESS_MAP_START( e132_16k_iram_map, ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM, 32 )
+ AM_RANGE(0xc0000000, 0xc0003fff) AM_RAM AM_MIRROR(0x1fffc000)
+/* Return the entry point for a determinated trap */
+static UINT32 get_trap_addr(UINT8 trapno)
+ UINT32 addr;
+ if( hyperstone.trap_entry == 0xffffff00 ) /* @ MEM3 */
+ {
+ addr = trapno * 4;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addr = (63 - trapno) * 4;
+ }
+ addr |= hyperstone.trap_entry;
+ return addr;
+/* Return the entry point for a determinated emulated code (the one for "extend" opcode is reserved) */
+static UINT32 get_emu_code_addr(UINT8 num) /* num is OP */
+ UINT32 addr;
+ if( hyperstone.trap_entry == 0xffffff00 ) /* @ MEM3 */
+ {
+ addr = (hyperstone.trap_entry - 0x100) | ((num & 0xf) << 4);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ addr = hyperstone.trap_entry | (0x10c | ((0xcf - num) << 4));
+ }
+ return addr;
+static void hyperstone_set_trap_entry(int which)
+ switch( which )
+ {
+ case E132XS_ENTRY_MEM0:
+ hyperstone.trap_entry = 0x00000000;
+ break;
+ case E132XS_ENTRY_MEM1:
+ hyperstone.trap_entry = 0x40000000;
+ break;
+ case E132XS_ENTRY_MEM2:
+ hyperstone.trap_entry = 0x80000000;
+ break;
+ case E132XS_ENTRY_MEM3:
+ hyperstone.trap_entry = 0xffffff00;
+ break;
+ case E132XS_ENTRY_IRAM:
+ hyperstone.trap_entry = 0xc0000000;
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror("Set entry point to a reserved value: %d\n", which);
+ break;
+ }
+#define OP hyperstone.op
+#define PPC hyperstone.ppc //previous pc
+#define PC hyperstone.global_regs[0] //Program Counter
+#define SR hyperstone.global_regs[1] //Status Register
+#define FER hyperstone.global_regs[2] //Floating-Point Exception Register
+// 03 - 15 General Purpose Registers
+// 16 - 17 Reserved
+#define SP hyperstone.global_regs[18] //Stack Pointer
+#define UB hyperstone.global_regs[19] //Upper Stack Bound
+#define BCR hyperstone.global_regs[20] //Bus Control Register
+#define TPR hyperstone.global_regs[21] //Timer Prescaler Register
+#define TCR hyperstone.global_regs[22] //Timer Compare Register
+#define TR hyperstone.global_regs[23] //Timer Register
+#define WCR hyperstone.global_regs[24] //Watchdog Compare Register
+#define ISR hyperstone.global_regs[25] //Input Status Register
+#define FCR hyperstone.global_regs[26] //Function Control Register
+#define MCR hyperstone.global_regs[27] //Memory Control Register
+// 28 - 31 Reserved
+/* SR flags */
+#define GET_C ( SR & 0x00000001) // bit 0 //CARRY
+#define GET_Z ((SR & 0x00000002)>>1) // bit 1 //ZERO
+#define GET_N ((SR & 0x00000004)>>2) // bit 2 //NEGATIVE
+#define GET_V ((SR & 0x00000008)>>3) // bit 3 //OVERFLOW
+#define GET_M ((SR & 0x00000010)>>4) // bit 4 //CACHE-MODE
+#define GET_H ((SR & 0x00000020)>>5) // bit 5 //HIGHGLOBAL
+// bit 6 RESERVED (always 0)
+#define GET_I ((SR & 0x00000080)>>7) // bit 7 //INTERRUPT-MODE
+#define GET_FTE ((SR & 0x00001f00)>>8) // bits 12 - 8 //Floating-Point Trap Enable
+#define GET_FRM ((SR & 0x00006000)>>13) // bits 14 - 13 //Floating-Point Rounding Mode
+#define GET_L ((SR & 0x00008000)>>15) // bit 15 //INTERRUPT-LOCK
+#define GET_T ((SR & 0x00010000)>>16) // bit 16 //TRACE-MODE
+#define GET_P ((SR & 0x00020000)>>17) // bit 17 //TRACE PENDING
+#define GET_S ((SR & 0x00040000)>>18) // bit 18 //SUPERVISOR STATE
+#define GET_ILC ((SR & 0x00180000)>>19) // bits 20 - 19 //INSTRUCTION-LENGTH
+/* if FL is zero it is always interpreted as 16 */
+#define GET_FL ((SR & 0x01e00000) ? ((SR & 0x01e00000)>>21) : 16) // bits 24 - 21 //FRAME LENGTH
+#define GET_FP ((SR & 0xfe000000)>>25) // bits 31 - 25 //FRAME POINTER
+#define SET_C(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000001) | (val))
+#define SET_Z(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000002) | ((val) << 1))
+#define SET_N(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000004) | ((val) << 2))
+#define SET_V(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000008) | ((val) << 3))
+#define SET_M(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000010) | ((val) << 4))
+#define SET_H(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000020) | ((val) << 5))
+#define SET_I(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000080) | ((val) << 7))
+#define SET_FTE(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00001f00) | ((val) << 8))
+#define SET_FRM(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00006000) | ((val) << 13))
+#define SET_L(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00008000) | ((val) << 15))
+#define SET_T(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00010000) | ((val) << 16))
+#define SET_P(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00020000) | ((val) << 17))
+#define SET_S(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00040000) | ((val) << 18))
+#define SET_ILC(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x00180000) | ((val) << 19))
+#define SET_FL(val) (SR = (SR & ~0x01e00000) | ((val) << 21))
+#define SET_FP(val) (SR = (SR & ~0xfe000000) | ((val) << 25))
+#define SET_PC(val) PC = ((val) & 0xfffffffe) //PC(0) = 0
+#define SET_SP(val) SP = ((val) & 0xfffffffc) //SP(0) = SP(1) = 0
+#define SET_UB(val) UB = ((val) & 0xfffffffc) //UB(0) = UB(1) = 0
+#define SET_LOW_SR(val) (SR = (SR & 0xffff0000) | ((val) & 0x0000ffff)) // when SR is addressed, only low 16 bits can be changed
+#define CHECK_C(x) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000001) | (((x) & (((UINT64)1) << 32)) ? 1 : 0 ))
+#define CHECK_VADD(x,y,z) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000008) | ((((x) ^ (z)) & ((y) ^ (z)) & 0x80000000) ? 8: 0))
+#define CHECK_VADD3(x,y,w,z) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000008) | ((((x) ^ (z)) & ((y) ^ (z)) & ((w) ^ (z)) & 0x80000000) ? 8: 0))
+#define CHECK_VSUB(x,y,z) (SR = (SR & ~0x00000008) | ((((z) ^ (y)) & ((y) ^ (x)) & 0x80000000) ? 8: 0))
+/* FER flags */
+#define GET_ACCRUED (FER & 0x0000001f) //bits 4 - 0 //Floating-Point Accrued Exceptions
+#define GET_ACTUAL (FER & 0x00001f00) //bits 12 - 8 //Floating-Point Actual Exceptions
+//other bits are reversed, in particular 7 - 5 for the operating system.
+//the user program can only changes the above 2 flags
+static UINT32 get_global_register(UINT8 code)
+ if( code >= 16 )
+ {
+ switch( code )
+ {
+ case 16:
+ case 17:
+ case 28:
+ case 29:
+ case 30:
+ case 31:
+ mame_printf_debug("read _Reserved_ Global Register %d @ %08X\n",code,PC);
+ break;
+ mame_printf_debug("read write-only BCR register @ %08X\n",PC);
+ return 0;
+ mame_printf_debug("read write-only TPR register @ %08X\n",PC);
+ return 0;
+ mame_printf_debug("read write-only FCR register @ %08X\n",PC);
+ return 0;
+ mame_printf_debug("read write-only MCR register @ %08X\n",PC);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ }
+ return hyperstone.global_regs[code];
+static void set_global_register(UINT8 code, UINT32 val)
+ //TODO: add correct FER set instruction
+ if( code == PC_REGISTER )
+ {
+ SET_PC(val);
+ change_pc(PC);
+ }
+ else if( code == SR_REGISTER )
+ {
+ SET_LOW_SR(val); // only a RET instruction can change the full content of SR
+ SR &= ~0x40; //reserved bit 6 always zero
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( code != ISR_REGISTER )
+ hyperstone.global_regs[code] = val;
+ else
+ logerror("Written to ISR register. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ //are these set only when privilege bit is set?
+ if( code >= 16 )
+ {
+ switch( code )
+ {
+ case 18:
+ SET_SP(val);
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ SET_UB(val);
+ break;
+ mame_printf_debug("written %08X to read-only ISR register\n",val);
+ break;
+ case 22:
+// mame_printf_debug("written %08X to TCR register\n",val);
+ break;
+ case 23:
+// mame_printf_debug("written %08X to TR register\n",val);
+ break;
+ case 24:
+// mame_printf_debug("written %08X to WCR register\n",val);
+ break;
+ case 16:
+ case 17:
+ case 28:
+ case 29:
+ case 30:
+ case 31:
+ mame_printf_debug("written %08X to _Reserved_ Global Register %d\n",val,code);
+ break;
+ break;
+ hyperstone.n = (val & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+ if(!(val & 0x80000000)) /* change immediately */
+ {
+ hyperstone.delay_timer = 0;
+ hyperstone.timer_clocks = hyperstone.n + 2;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hyperstone.delay_timer = 1;
+ }
+ break;
+ switch((val & 0x3000)>>12)
+ {
+ case 0:
+ mame_printf_debug("IO3 interrupt mode\n");
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ mame_printf_debug("IO3 timing mode\n");
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ mame_printf_debug("watchdog mode\n");
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ // IO3 standard mode
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ // bits 14..12 EntryTableMap
+ hyperstone_set_trap_entry((val & 0x7000) >> 12);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+static void set_local_register(UINT8 code, UINT32 val)
+ UINT8 new_code = (code + GET_FP) % 64;
+ hyperstone.local_regs[new_code] = val;
+#define GET_ABS_L_REG(code) hyperstone.local_regs[code]
+#define SET_L_REG(code, val) set_local_register(code, val)
+#define SET_ABS_L_REG(code, val) hyperstone.local_regs[code] = val
+#define GET_G_REG(code) get_global_register(code)
+#define SET_G_REG(code, val) set_global_register(code, val)
+#define S_BIT ((OP & 0x100) >> 8)
+#define N_BIT S_BIT
+#define D_BIT ((OP & 0x200) >> 9)
+#define N_VALUE ((N_BIT << 4) | (OP & 0x0f))
+#define DST_CODE ((OP & 0xf0) >> 4)
+#define SRC_CODE (OP & 0x0f)
+#define SIGN_BIT(val) ((val & 0x80000000) >> 31)
+#define LOCAL 1
+static void decode_source(int local, int hflag)
+ if(local)
+ {
+ UINT8 code = current_regs.src;
+ current_regs.set_src_register = set_local_register;
+ code = (current_regs.src + GET_FP) % 64; // registers offset by frame pointer
+ SREG = hyperstone.local_regs[code];
+ code = (current_regs.src + 1 + GET_FP) % 64;
+ SREGF = hyperstone.local_regs[code];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current_regs.set_src_register = set_global_register;
+ if(hflag)
+ current_regs.src += hflag * 16;
+ SREG = hyperstone.global_regs[current_regs.src];
+ /* bound safe */
+ if(current_regs.src != 15 && current_regs.src != 31)
+ SREGF = hyperstone.global_regs[current_regs.src + 1];
+ if(current_regs.src == PC_REGISTER)
+ SRC_IS_PC = 1;
+ else if(current_regs.src == SR_REGISTER)
+ SRC_IS_SR = 1;
+ else if( current_regs.src == BCR_REGISTER || current_regs.src == TPR_REGISTER ||
+ current_regs.src == FCR_REGISTER || current_regs.src == MCR_REGISTER )
+ {
+ SREG = 0; // write-only registers
+ }
+ else if( current_regs.src == ISR_REGISTER )
+ mame_printf_debug("read src ISR. PC = %08X\n",PPC);
+ }
+static void decode_dest(int local, int hflag)
+ if(local)
+ {
+ UINT8 code = current_regs.dst;
+ current_regs.set_dst_register = set_local_register;
+ code = (current_regs.dst + GET_FP) % 64; // registers offset by frame pointer
+ DREG = hyperstone.local_regs[code];
+ code = (current_regs.dst + 1 + GET_FP) % 64;
+ DREGF = hyperstone.local_regs[code];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ current_regs.set_dst_register = set_global_register;
+ if(hflag)
+ current_regs.dst += hflag * 16;
+ DREG = hyperstone.global_regs[current_regs.dst];
+ /* bound safe */
+ if(current_regs.dst != 15 && current_regs.dst != 31)
+ DREGF = hyperstone.global_regs[current_regs.dst + 1];
+ if(current_regs.dst == PC_REGISTER)
+ DST_IS_PC = 1;
+ else if(current_regs.dst == SR_REGISTER)
+ DST_IS_SR = 1;
+ else if( current_regs.src == ISR_REGISTER )
+ mame_printf_debug("read dst ISR. PC = %08X\n",PPC);
+ }
+INLINE void decode_RR(void)
+ current_regs.src = SRC_CODE;
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_source(S_BIT, 0);
+ decode_dest(D_BIT, 0);
+ if( SRC_CODE == DST_CODE && S_BIT == D_BIT )
+ if( S_BIT == LOCAL && D_BIT == LOCAL )
+ {
+ if( SRC_CODE == ((DST_CODE + 1) % 64) )
+ if( ((SRC_CODE + 1) % 64) == DST_CODE )
+ }
+ else if( S_BIT == 0 && D_BIT == 0 )
+ {
+ if( SRC_CODE == (DST_CODE + 1) )
+ if( (SRC_CODE + 1) == DST_CODE )
+ }
+INLINE void decode_LL(void)
+ current_regs.src = SRC_CODE;
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_source(LOCAL, 0);
+ decode_dest(LOCAL, 0);
+ if( SRC_CODE == DST_CODE )
+ if( SRC_CODE == ((DST_CODE + 1) % 64) )
+INLINE void decode_LR(void)
+ current_regs.src = SRC_CODE;
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_source(S_BIT, 0);
+ decode_dest(LOCAL, 0);
+ if( ((SRC_CODE + 1) % 64) == DST_CODE && S_BIT == LOCAL )
+INLINE void check_delay_PC(void)
+ // if PC is used in a delay instruction, the delayed PC should be used
+ if( hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd == DELAY_EXECUTE )
+ {
+ PC = hyperstone.delay.delay_pc;
+ hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd = NO_DELAY;
+ }
+INLINE void decode_immediate(void)
+ switch( N_VALUE )
+ {
+ case 0: case 1: case 2: case 3: case 4: case 5: case 6: case 7: case 8:
+ case 9: case 10: case 11: case 12: case 13: case 14: case 15: case 16:
+ break;
+ case 17:
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 3;
+ EXTRA_U = (READ_OP(PC) << 16) | READ_OP(PC + 2);
+ PC += 4;
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ PC += 2;
+ break;
+ case 19:
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ EXTRA_U = 0xffff0000 | READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ EXTRA_U = 32; // bit 5 = 1, others = 0
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ EXTRA_U = 64; // bit 6 = 1, others = 0
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ EXTRA_U = 128; // bit 7 = 1, others = 0
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ EXTRA_U = 0x80000000; // bit 31 = 1, others = 0 (2 at the power of 31)
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ EXTRA_U = -8;
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ EXTRA_U = -7;
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ EXTRA_U = -6;
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ EXTRA_U = -5;
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ EXTRA_U = -4;
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ EXTRA_U = -3;
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ EXTRA_U = -2;
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ EXTRA_U = -1;
+ break;
+ }
+INLINE void decode_const(void)
+ UINT16 imm_1 = READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ if( E_BIT(imm_1) )
+ {
+ UINT16 imm_2 = READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 3;
+ EXTRA_S = imm_2;
+ EXTRA_S |= ((imm_1 & 0x3fff) << 16);
+ if( S_BIT_CONST(imm_1) )
+ {
+ EXTRA_S |= 0xc0000000;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EXTRA_S = imm_1 & 0x3fff;
+ if( S_BIT_CONST(imm_1) )
+ {
+ EXTRA_S |= 0xffffc000;
+ }
+ }
+INLINE void decode_pcrel(void)
+ if( OP & 0x80 )
+ {
+ UINT16 next = READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ EXTRA_S = (OP & 0x7f) << 16;
+ EXTRA_S |= (next & 0xfffe);
+ if( next & 1 )
+ EXTRA_S |= 0xff800000;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EXTRA_S = OP & 0x7e;
+ if( OP & 1 )
+ EXTRA_S |= 0xffffff80;
+ }
+INLINE void decode_dis(void)
+ UINT16 next_1 = READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ current_regs.sub_type = DD(next_1);
+ if( E_BIT(next_1) )
+ {
+ UINT16 next_2 = READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 3;
+ EXTRA_S = next_2;
+ EXTRA_S |= ((next_1 & 0xfff) << 16);
+ if( S_BIT_CONST(next_1) )
+ {
+ EXTRA_S |= 0xf0000000;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EXTRA_S = next_1 & 0xfff;
+ if( S_BIT_CONST(next_1) )
+ {
+ EXTRA_S |= 0xfffff000;
+ }
+ }
+INLINE void decode_lim(void)
+ UINT32 next = READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ current_regs.sub_type = X_CODE(next);
+ if( E_BIT(next) )
+ {
+ EXTRA_U = ((next & 0xfff) << 16) | READ_OP(PC);
+ PC += 2;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 3;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ EXTRA_U = next & 0xfff;
+ }
+/* used in the jumptable */
+INLINE void RRdecode(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_RR();
+INLINE void RRlimdecode(void)
+ decode_lim();
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_RR();
+INLINE void RRconstdecode(void)
+ decode_const();
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_RR();
+INLINE void RRdisdecode(void)
+ decode_dis();
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_RR();
+INLINE void RRdecodewithHflag(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+ current_regs.src = SRC_CODE;
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_source(S_BIT, GET_H);
+ decode_dest(D_BIT, GET_H);
+ if(GET_H)
+ if(S_BIT == 0 && D_BIT == 0)
+ popmessage("MOV with hflag and 2 GRegs! PC = %08X\n",PPC);
+INLINE void Rimmdecode(void)
+ decode_immediate();
+ check_delay_PC();
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_dest(D_BIT, 0);
+INLINE void Rndecode(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_dest(D_BIT, 0);
+INLINE void RimmdecodewithHflag(void)
+ decode_immediate();
+ check_delay_PC();
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_dest(D_BIT, GET_H);
+INLINE void Lndecode(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+ current_regs.dst = DST_CODE;
+ decode_dest(LOCAL, 0);
+INLINE void LLdecode(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_LL();
+INLINE void LLextdecode(void)
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 2;
+ PC += 2;
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_LL();
+INLINE void LRdecode(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_LR();
+INLINE void LRconstdecode(void)
+ decode_const();
+ check_delay_PC();
+ decode_LR();
+INLINE void PCreldecode(void)
+ decode_pcrel();
+ check_delay_PC();
+INLINE void PCadrdecode(void)
+ check_delay_PC();
+INLINE void no_decode(void)
+/* Decode helper table */
+static void (*hyperstone_decode[0x100])(void) = {
+/*00*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* CHK - CHKZ - NOP */
+/*04*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* MOVD - RET */
+/*08*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* DIVU */
+/*0c*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* DIVS */
+/*10*/ RRlimdecode, RRlimdecode, RRlimdecode, RRlimdecode, /* XMx - XXx */
+/*14*/ RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, /* MASK */
+/*18*/ RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, /* SUM */
+/*1c*/ RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, RRconstdecode, /* SUMS */
+/*20*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* CMP */
+/*24*/ RRdecodewithHflag, RRdecodewithHflag, RRdecodewithHflag, RRdecodewithHflag, /* MOV */
+/*28*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* ADD */
+/*2c*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* ADDS */
+/*30*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* CMPB */
+/*34*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* ANDN */
+/*38*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* OR */
+/*3c*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* XOR */
+/*40*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* SUBC */
+/*44*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* NOT */
+/*48*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* SUB */
+/*4c*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* SUBS */
+/*50*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* ADDC */
+/*54*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* AND */
+/*58*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* NEG */
+/*5c*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* NEGS */
+/*60*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* CMPI */
+/*64*/ RimmdecodewithHflag, RimmdecodewithHflag, RimmdecodewithHflag, RimmdecodewithHflag, /* MOVI */
+/*68*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* ADDI */
+/*6c*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* ADDSI */
+/*70*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* CMPBI */
+/*74*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* ANDNI */
+/*78*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* ORI */
+/*7c*/ Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, Rimmdecode, /* XORI */
+/*80*/ Lndecode, Lndecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* SHRDI, SHRD, SHR */
+/*84*/ Lndecode, Lndecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* SARDI, SARD, SAR */
+/*88*/ Lndecode, Lndecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* SHLDI, SHLD, SHL */
+/*8c*/ no_decode, no_decode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* RESERVED, TESTLZ, ROL */
+/*90*/ RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, /* LDxx.D/A/IOD/IOA */
+/*94*/ RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, /* LDxx.N/S */
+/*98*/ RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, /* STxx.D/A/IOD/IOA */
+/*9c*/ RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, RRdisdecode, /* STxx.N/S */
+/*a0*/ Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, /* SHRI */
+/*a4*/ Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, /* SARI */
+/*a8*/ Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, /* SHLI */
+/*ac*/ no_decode, no_decode, no_decode, no_decode, /* RESERVED */
+/*b0*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* MULU */
+/*b4*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* MULS */
+/*b8*/ Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, Rndecode, /* SETxx - SETADR - FETCH */
+/*bc*/ RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, RRdecode, /* MUL */
+/*c0*/ LLdecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* FADD, FADDD, FSUB, FSUBD */
+/*c4*/ LLdecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* FMUL, FMULD, FDIV, FDIVD */
+/*c8*/ LLdecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, LLdecode, /* FCMP, FCMPD, FCMPU, FCMPUD */
+/*cc*/ LLdecode, LLdecode, LLextdecode, LLdecode, /* FCVT, FCVTD, EXTEND, DO */
+/*d0*/ LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, /* LDW.R, LDD.R */
+/*d4*/ LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, /* LDW.P, LDD.P */
+/*d8*/ LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, /* STW.R, STD.R */
+/*dc*/ LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, LRdecode, /* STW.P, STD.P */
+/*e0*/ PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, /* DBV, DBNV, DBE, DBNE */
+/*e4*/ PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, /* DBC, DBNC, DBSE, DBHT */
+/*e8*/ PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, /* DBN, DBNN, DBLE, DBGT */
+/*ec*/ PCreldecode, LLdecode, LRconstdecode, LRconstdecode, /* DBR, FRAME, CALL */
+/*f0*/ PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, /* BV, BNV, BE, BNE */
+/*f4*/ PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, /* BC, BNC, BSE, BHT */
+/*f8*/ PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, PCreldecode, /* BN, BNN, BLE, BGT */
+/*fc*/ PCreldecode, PCadrdecode, PCadrdecode, PCadrdecode /* BR, TRAPxx - TRAP */
+INLINE void execute_br(void)
+ PPC = PC;
+ PC += EXTRA_S;
+ change_pc(PC);
+ SET_M(0);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+INLINE void execute_dbr(void)
+ hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd = DELAY_TAKEN;
+ hyperstone.delay.delay_pc = PC + EXTRA_S;
+ hyperstone.intblock = 3;
+static void execute_trap(UINT32 addr)
+ UINT8 reg;
+ UINT32 oldSR;
+ reg = GET_FP + GET_FL;
+ SET_ILC(hyperstone.instruction_length & 3);
+ oldSR = SR;
+ SET_FL(6);
+ SET_FP(reg);
+ SET_L_REG(0, (PC & 0xfffffffe) | GET_S);
+ SET_L_REG(1, oldSR);
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_T(0);
+ SET_L(1);
+ SET_S(1);
+ PPC = PC;
+ PC = addr;
+ change_pc(PC);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void execute_int(UINT32 addr)
+ UINT8 reg;
+ UINT32 oldSR;
+ reg = GET_FP + GET_FL;
+ SET_ILC(hyperstone.instruction_length & 3);
+ oldSR = SR;
+ SET_FL(2);
+ SET_FP(reg);
+ SET_L_REG(0, (PC & 0xfffffffe) | GET_S);
+ SET_L_REG(1, oldSR);
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_T(0);
+ SET_L(1);
+ SET_S(1);
+ SET_I(1);
+ PPC = PC;
+ PC = addr;
+ change_pc(PC);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+/* TODO: mask Parity Error and Extended Overflow exceptions */
+static void execute_exception(UINT32 addr)
+ UINT8 reg;
+ UINT32 oldSR;
+ reg = GET_FP + GET_FL;
+ SET_ILC(hyperstone.instruction_length & 3);
+ oldSR = SR;
+ SET_FP(reg);
+ SET_FL(2);
+ SET_L_REG(0, (PC & 0xfffffffe) | GET_S);
+ SET_L_REG(1, oldSR);
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_T(0);
+ SET_L(1);
+ SET_S(1);
+ PPC = PC;
+ PC = addr;
+ change_pc(PC);
+ mame_printf_debug("EXCEPTION! PPC = %08X PC = %08X\n",PPC-2,PC-2);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void execute_software(void)
+ UINT8 reg;
+ UINT32 oldSR;
+ UINT32 addr;
+ UINT32 stack_of_dst;
+ SET_ILC(1);
+ addr = get_emu_code_addr((OP & 0xff00) >> 8);
+ reg = GET_FP + GET_FL;
+ //since it's sure the register is in the register part of the stack,
+ //set the stack address to a value above the highest address
+ //that can be set by a following frame instruction
+ stack_of_dst = (SP & ~0xff) + 64*4 + (((GET_FP + current_regs.dst) % 64) * 4); //converted to 32bits offset
+ oldSR = SR;
+ SET_FL(6);
+ SET_FP(reg);
+ SET_L_REG(0, stack_of_dst);
+ SET_L_REG(3, (PC & 0xfffffffe) | GET_S);
+ SET_L_REG(4, oldSR);
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_T(0);
+ SET_L(1);
+ PPC = PC;
+ PC = addr;
+ change_pc(PC);
+ IRQ lines :
+ 0 - IO2 (trap 48)
+ 1 - IO1 (trap 49)
+ 2 - INT4 (trap 50)
+ 3 - INT3 (trap 51)
+ 4 - INT2 (trap 52)
+ 5 - INT1 (trap 53)
+ 6 - IO3 (trap 54)
+ 7 - TIMER (trap 55)
+static void set_irq_line(int irqline, int state)
+ /* Interrupt-Lock flag isn't set */
+ if(hyperstone.intblock)
+ return;
+ if( !GET_L && state )
+ {
+ int execint=0;
+ switch(irqline)
+ {
+ case 0: if( (FCR&(1<<6)) && (!(FCR&(1<<4))) ) execint=1; // IO2
+ break;
+ case 1: if( (FCR&(1<<2)) && (!(FCR&(1<<0))) ) execint=1; // IO1
+ break;
+ case 2: if( !(FCR&(1<<31)) ) execint=1; // int 4
+ break;
+ case 3: if( !(FCR&(1<<30)) ) execint=1; // int 3
+ break;
+ case 4: if( !(FCR&(1<<29)) ) execint=1; // int 2
+ break;
+ case 5: if( !(FCR&(1<<28)) ) execint=1; // int 1
+ break;
+ case 6: if( (FCR&(1<<10)) && (!(FCR&(1<<8))) ) execint=1; // IO3
+ break;
+ case 7: if( !(FCR&(1<<23)) ) execint=1; // timer
+ break;
+ }
+ if( (FCR&(1<<6)) && (!(FCR&(1<<4))) ) mame_printf_debug("IO2 en\n"); // IO2
+ if( (FCR&(1<<2)) && (!(FCR&(1<<0))) ) mame_printf_debug("IO1 en\n"); // IO1
+ if( !(FCR&(1<<31)) ) mame_printf_debug("int4 en\n"); // int 4
+ if( !(FCR&(1<<30)) ) mame_printf_debug("int3 en\n"); // int 3
+ if( !(FCR&(1<<29)) ) mame_printf_debug("int2 en\n"); // int 2
+ if( !(FCR&(1<<28)) ) mame_printf_debug("int1 en\n"); // int 1
+ if( (FCR&(1<<10)) && (!(FCR&(1<<8))) ) mame_printf_debug("IO3 en\n"); // IO3
+ // if( !(FCR&(1<<23)) ) mame_printf_debug("timer irq!\n"); // timer
+ if(execint)
+ {
+ execute_int(get_trap_addr(irqline + 48));
+ (*hyperstone.irq_callback)(irqline);
+ }
+ }
+static void hyperstone_init(int index, int clock, const void *config, int (*irqcallback)(int))
+ state_save_register_item_array("E132XS", index, hyperstone.global_regs);
+ state_save_register_item_array("E132XS", index, hyperstone.local_regs);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.ppc);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.trap_entry);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.delay.delay_pc);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.op);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.n);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.h_clear);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.instruction_length);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.intblock);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.delay_timer);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd);
+ state_save_register_item("E132XS", index, hyperstone.timer_clocks);
+ hyperstone.irq_callback = irqcallback;
+#if (HAS_E116T || HAS_E116XT || HAS_E116XS || HAS_E116XSR || HAS_GMS30C2116 || HAS_GMS30C2216)
+static void e116_init(int index, int clock, const void *config, int (*irqcallback)(int))
+ hyp_cpu_read_byte = program_read_byte_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_read_half_word = program_read_word_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_read_word = program_read_dword_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_read_io_word = io_read_dword_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_byte = program_write_byte_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_half_word = program_write_word_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_word = program_write_dword_16be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_io_word = io_write_dword_16be;
+ hyp_type_16bit = 1;
+ hyperstone_init(index, clock, config, irqcallback);
+#if (HAS_E132N || HAS_E132T || HAS_E132XN || HAS_E132XT || HAS_E132XS || HAS_E132XSR || HAS_GMS30C2132 || HAS_GMS30C2232)
+static void e132_init(int index, int clock, const void *config, int (*irqcallback)(int))
+ hyp_cpu_read_byte = program_read_byte_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_read_half_word = program_read_word_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_read_word = program_read_dword_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_read_io_word = io_read_dword_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_byte = program_write_byte_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_half_word = program_write_word_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_word = program_write_dword_32be;
+ hyp_cpu_write_io_word = io_write_dword_32be;
+ hyp_type_16bit = 0;
+ hyperstone_init(index, clock, config, irqcallback);
+static void hyperstone_reset(void)
+ //TODO: Add different reset initializations for BCR, MCR, FCR, TPR
+ int (*save_irqcallback)(int);
+ save_irqcallback = hyperstone.irq_callback;
+ memset(&hyperstone, 0, sizeof(hyperstone_regs));
+ hyperstone.irq_callback = save_irqcallback;
+ hyperstone.h_clear = 0;
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 0;
+ hyperstone_set_trap_entry(E132XS_ENTRY_MEM3); /* default entry point @ MEM3 */
+ set_global_register(BCR_REGISTER, ~0);
+ set_global_register(MCR_REGISTER, ~0);
+ set_global_register(FCR_REGISTER, ~0);
+ set_global_register(TPR_REGISTER, 0xc000000);
+ PC = get_trap_addr(RESET);
+ change_pc(PC);
+ SET_FP(0);
+ SET_FL(2);
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_T(0);
+ SET_L(1);
+ SET_S(1);
+ SET_L_REG(0, (PC & 0xfffffffe) | GET_S);
+ SET_L_REG(1, SR);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_exit(void)
+ // nothing to do
+/* Handle the timer, increasing its value after "timer_clocks" clocks and returning the new icount base that needs to be used for the next check */
+static int handle_timers(int current_icount, int previous_icount)
+ int diff = previous_icount - current_icount;
+ int new_icount_base;
+ if(diff >= hyperstone.timer_clocks)
+ {
+ TR++; // wrap around to 0 modulo 32 bits
+ if( hyperstone.delay_timer )
+ {
+ hyperstone.delay_timer = 0;
+ hyperstone.timer_clocks = hyperstone.n + 2;
+ }
+ new_icount_base = current_icount + (diff - hyperstone.timer_clocks);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ new_icount_base = previous_icount;
+ }
+ if(!hyperstone.intblock)
+ {
+ if( !((TR - TCR) & 0x80000000) )
+ {
+ /* generate a timer interrupt */
+ set_irq_line(7, PULSE_LINE);
+ }
+ }
+ return new_icount_base;
+static int hyperstone_execute(int cycles)
+ int old_icount = cycles;
+ hyperstone_ICount = cycles;
+ do
+ {
+ PPC = PC; /* copy PC to previous PC */
+ PC += 2;
+ if(GET_H)
+ {
+ hyperstone.h_clear = 1;
+ }
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 1;
+ /* clear 'current regs / flags' */
+ current_regs.src = 0;
+ current_regs.dst = 0;
+ current_regs.src_value = 0;
+ current_regs.next_src_value = 0;
+ current_regs.dst_value = 0;
+ current_regs.next_dst_value = 0;
+ current_regs.sub_type = 0;
+ current_regs.extra.u = 0;
+ current_regs.extra.s = 0;
+ current_regs.set_src_register = NULL;
+ current_regs.set_dst_register = NULL;
+ current_regs.src_is_pc = 0;
+ current_regs.dst_is_pc = 0;
+ current_regs.src_is_sr = 0;
+ current_regs.dst_is_sr = 0;
+ current_regs.same_src_dst = 0;
+ current_regs.same_src_dstf = 0;
+ current_regs.same_srcf_dst = 0;
+ /* decode current opcode details into current regs */
+ hyperstone_decode[(OP & 0xff00) >> 8]();
+ /* execute opcode */
+ hyperstone_op[(OP & 0xff00) >> 8]();
+ SET_ILC(hyperstone.instruction_length & 3);
+ old_icount = handle_timers(hyperstone_ICount, old_icount);
+ if(hyperstone.h_clear)
+ {
+ SET_H(0);
+ hyperstone.h_clear = 0;
+ }
+ if( GET_T && GET_P && hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd == NO_DELAY ) /* Not in a Delayed Branch instructions */
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(TRACE_EXCEPTION);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ if( hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd == DELAY_TAKEN )
+ {
+ hyperstone.delay.delay_cmd = DELAY_EXECUTE;
+ }
+ if(hyperstone.intblock > 0)
+ {
+ hyperstone.intblock--;
+ }
+ } while( hyperstone_ICount > 0 );
+ return cycles - hyperstone_ICount;
+static void hyperstone_get_context(void *regs)
+ /* copy the context */
+ if( regs )
+ *(hyperstone_regs *)regs = hyperstone;
+static void hyperstone_set_context(void *regs)
+ /* copy the context */
+ if (regs)
+ hyperstone = *(hyperstone_regs *)regs;
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+static offs_t hyperstone_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram)
+ return dasm_hyperstone( buffer, pc, oprom, GET_H, GET_FP );
+#endif /* MAME_DEBUG */
+/* Opcodes */
+static void hyperstone_chk(void)
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ if( DREG == 0 )
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( SRC_IS_PC )
+ {
+ if( DREG >= SREG )
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( DREG > SREG )
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_movd(void)
+ if( DST_IS_PC ) // Rd denotes PC
+ {
+ // RET instruction
+ UINT8 old_s, old_l;
+ INT8 difference; // really it's 7 bits
+ if( SRC_IS_PC || SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in RET instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ old_s = GET_S;
+ old_l = GET_L;
+ PPC = PC;
+ change_pc(PC);
+ SR = (SREGF & 0xffe00000) | ((SREG & 0x01) << 18 ) | (SREGF & 0x3ffff);
+ hyperstone.instruction_length = 0; // undefined
+ if( (!old_s && GET_S) || (!GET_S && !old_l && GET_L))
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(PRIVILEGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ difference = GET_FP - ((SP & 0x1fc) >> 2);
+ /* convert to 8 bits */
+ if(difference > 63)
+ difference = (INT8)(difference|0x80);
+ else if( difference < -64 )
+ difference = difference & 0x7f;
+ if( difference < 0 ) //else it's finished
+ {
+ do
+ {
+ SP -= 4;
+ SET_ABS_L_REG(((SP & 0xfc) >> 2), READ_W(SP));
+ difference++;
+ } while(difference != 0);
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: no 1!
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ }
+ else if( SRC_IS_SR ) // Rd doesn't denote PC and Rs denotes SR
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ SET_Z(1);
+ SET_N(0);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+ }
+ else // Rd doesn't denote PC and Rs doesn't denote SR
+ {
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ tmp = COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(SREG, SREGF);
+ SET_Z( tmp == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+ }
+static void hyperstone_divu(void)
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted the same register code in hyperstone_divu instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( SRC_IS_PC || SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR as source register in hyperstone_divu instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UINT64 dividend;
+ dividend = COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(DREG, DREGF);
+ if( SREG == 0 )
+ {
+ //Rd//Rdf -> undefined
+ //Z -> undefined
+ //N -> undefined
+ UINT32 addr;
+ SET_V(1);
+ addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ UINT32 quotient, remainder;
+ /* TODO: add quotient overflow */
+ quotient = dividend / SREG;
+ remainder = dividend % SREG;
+ SET_DREG(remainder);
+ SET_DREGF(quotient);
+ SET_Z( quotient == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(quotient) );
+ SET_V(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 36;
+static void hyperstone_divs(void)
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted the same register code in hyperstone_divs instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( SRC_IS_PC || SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR as source register in hyperstone_divs instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INT64 dividend;
+ dividend = (INT64) COMBINE_64_32_32(DREG, DREGF);
+ if( SREG == 0 || (DREG & 0x80000000) )
+ {
+ //Rd//Rdf -> undefined
+ //Z -> undefined
+ //N -> undefined
+ UINT32 addr;
+ SET_V(1);
+ addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ INT32 quotient, remainder;
+ /* TODO: add quotient overflow */
+ quotient = dividend / ((INT32)(SREG));
+ remainder = dividend % ((INT32)(SREG));
+ SET_DREG(remainder);
+ SET_DREGF(quotient);
+ SET_Z( quotient == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(quotient) );
+ SET_V(0);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 36;
+static void hyperstone_xm(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR || DST_IS_SR || DST_IS_PC )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in hyperstone_xm. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type ) // x_code
+ {
+ case 0:
+ case 1:
+ case 2:
+ case 3:
+ if( !SRC_IS_PC && (SREG > EXTRA_U) )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ else if( SRC_IS_PC && (SREG >= EXTRA_U) )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SREG <<= current_regs.sub_type;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ case 5:
+ case 6:
+ case 7:
+ current_regs.sub_type -= 4;
+ SREG <<= current_regs.sub_type;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_mask(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_sum(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = (UINT64)(SREG) + (UINT64)(EXTRA_U);
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_sums(void)
+ INT32 res;
+ INT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = (INT64)((INT32)(SREG)) + (INT64)(EXTRA_S);
+// CHECK_C(tmp);
+ res = (INT32)(SREG) + EXTRA_S;
+ SET_DREG(res);
+ SET_Z( res == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(res) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ if( GET_V && !SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+static void hyperstone_cmp(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ if( DREG == SREG )
+ SET_Z(1);
+ else
+ SET_Z(0);
+ if( (INT32) DREG < (INT32) SREG )
+ SET_N(1);
+ else
+ SET_N(0);
+ tmp = (UINT64)(DREG) - (UINT64)(SREG);
+ if( DREG < SREG )
+ SET_C(1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_mov(void)
+ if( !GET_S && current_regs.dst >= 16 )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(PRIVILEGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_Z( SREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_add(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = (UINT64)(SREG) + (UINT64)(DREG);
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_adds(void)
+ INT32 res;
+ INT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = (INT64)((INT32)(SREG)) + (INT64)((INT32)(DREG));
+// CHECK_C(tmp);
+ res = (INT32)(SREG) + (INT32)(DREG);
+ SET_DREG(res);
+ SET_Z( res == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(res) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ if( GET_V )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+static void hyperstone_cmpb(void)
+ SET_Z( (DREG & SREG) == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_andn(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_or(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_xor(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_subc(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ tmp = (UINT64)(DREG) - (UINT64)(GET_C);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp = (UINT64)(DREG) - ((UINT64)(SREG) + (UINT64)(GET_C));
+ //CHECK!
+ }
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ SET_Z( GET_Z & (DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_not(void)
+ SET_Z( ~SREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_sub(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = (UINT64)(DREG) - (UINT64)(SREG);
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_subs(void)
+ INT32 res;
+ INT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = (INT64)((INT32)(DREG)) - (INT64)((INT32)(SREG));
+//#ifdef SETCARRYS
+// CHECK_C(tmp);
+ res = (INT32)(DREG) - (INT32)(SREG);
+ SET_DREG(res);
+ SET_Z( res == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(res) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ if( GET_V )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+static void hyperstone_addc(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ {
+ tmp = (UINT64)(DREG) + (UINT64)(GET_C);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ tmp = (UINT64)(SREG) + (UINT64)(DREG) + (UINT64)(GET_C);
+ //CHECK!
+ //CHECK_VADD1: V = (DREG == 0x7FFF) && (C == 1);
+ /* check if DREG + GET_C overflows */
+// if( (DREG == 0x7FFFFFFF) && (GET_C == 1) )
+// SET_V(1);
+// else
+ }
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ else
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ SET_Z( GET_Z & (DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_and(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_neg(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = -(UINT64)(SREG);
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_negs(void)
+ INT32 res;
+ INT64 tmp;
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ tmp = -(INT64)((INT32)(SREG));
+// CHECK_C(tmp);
+ res = -(INT32)(SREG);
+ SET_DREG(res);
+ SET_Z( res == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(res) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ if( GET_V && !SRC_IS_SR ) //trap doesn't occur when source is SR
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+static void hyperstone_cmpi(void)
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ tmp = (UINT64)(DREG) - (UINT64)(EXTRA_U);
+ if( DREG == EXTRA_U )
+ SET_Z(1);
+ else
+ SET_Z(0);
+ if( (INT32) DREG < (INT32) EXTRA_U )
+ SET_N(1);
+ else
+ SET_N(0);
+ if( DREG < EXTRA_U )
+ SET_C(1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_movi(void)
+ if( !GET_S && current_regs.dst >= 16 )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(PRIVILEGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_Z( EXTRA_U == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_V(0); // or V undefined ?
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_addi(void)
+ UINT32 imm;
+ UINT64 tmp;
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ imm = EXTRA_U;
+ else
+ imm = GET_C & ((GET_Z == 0 ? 1 : 0) | (DREG & 0x01));
+ tmp = (UINT64)(imm) + (UINT64)(DREG);
+ CHECK_C(tmp);
+ CHECK_VADD(imm,DREG,tmp);
+ DREG = imm + DREG;
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ SET_M(0);
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_addsi(void)
+ INT32 imm, res;
+ INT64 tmp;
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ imm = EXTRA_S;
+ else
+ imm = GET_C & ((GET_Z == 0 ? 1 : 0) | (DREG & 0x01));
+ tmp = (INT64)(imm) + (INT64)((INT32)(DREG));
+ CHECK_VADD(imm,DREG,tmp);
+// CHECK_C(tmp);
+ res = imm + (INT32)(DREG);
+ SET_DREG(res);
+ SET_Z( res == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(res) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ if( GET_V )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(RANGE_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+static void hyperstone_cmpbi(void)
+ UINT32 imm;
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ {
+ if( N_VALUE == 31 )
+ {
+ imm = 0x7fffffff; // bit 31 = 0, others = 1
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ imm = EXTRA_U;
+ }
+ SET_Z( (DREG & imm) == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( (DREG & 0xff000000) == 0 || (DREG & 0x00ff0000) == 0 ||
+ (DREG & 0x0000ff00) == 0 || (DREG & 0x000000ff) == 0 )
+ SET_Z(1);
+ else
+ SET_Z(0);
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_andni(void)
+ UINT32 imm;
+ if( N_VALUE == 31 )
+ imm = 0x7fffffff; // bit 31 = 0, others = 1
+ else
+ imm = EXTRA_U;
+ DREG = DREG & ~imm;
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_ori(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_xori(void)
+ SET_Z( DREG == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_shrdi(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order;
+ UINT64 val;
+ high_order = DREG;
+ low_order = DREGF;
+ val = COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(high_order, low_order);
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ SET_C((val >> (N_VALUE - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ val >>= N_VALUE;
+ high_order = HI32_32_64(val);
+ low_order = LO32_32_64(val);
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_shrd(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order;
+ UINT64 val;
+ UINT8 n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ // result undefined if Ls denotes the same register as Ld or Ldf
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted same registers in hyperstone_shrd. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ high_order = DREG;
+ low_order = DREGF;
+ val = COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(high_order, low_order);
+ if( n )
+ SET_C((val >> (n - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ val >>= n;
+ high_order = HI32_32_64(val);
+ low_order = LO32_32_64(val);
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_shr(void)
+ UINT32 ret;
+ UINT8 n;
+ n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ ret = DREG;
+ if( n )
+ SET_C((ret >> (n - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ ret >>= n;
+ SET_DREG(ret);
+ SET_Z( ret == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(ret) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_sardi(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order;
+ UINT64 val;
+ UINT8 sign_bit;
+ high_order = DREG;
+ low_order = DREGF;
+ val = COMBINE_64_32_32(high_order, low_order);
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ SET_C((val >> (N_VALUE - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ sign_bit = val >> 63;
+ val >>= N_VALUE;
+ if( sign_bit )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < N_VALUE; i++ )
+ {
+ val |= (U64(0x8000000000000000) >> i);
+ }
+ }
+ high_order = val >> 32;
+ low_order = val & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_sard(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order;
+ UINT64 val;
+ UINT8 n, sign_bit;
+ n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ // result undefined if Ls denotes the same register as Ld or Ldf
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted same registers in hyperstone_sard. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ high_order = DREG;
+ low_order = DREGF;
+ val = COMBINE_64_32_32(high_order, low_order);
+ if( n )
+ SET_C((val >> (n - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ sign_bit = val >> 63;
+ val >>= n;
+ if( sign_bit )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ {
+ val |= (U64(0x8000000000000000) >> i);
+ }
+ }
+ high_order = val >> 32;
+ low_order = val & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_sar(void)
+ UINT32 ret;
+ UINT8 n, sign_bit;
+ n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ ret = DREG;
+ sign_bit = (ret & 0x80000000) >> 31;
+ if( n )
+ SET_C((ret >> (n - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ ret >>= n;
+ if( sign_bit )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
+ {
+ ret |= (0x80000000 >> i);
+ }
+ }
+ SET_DREG(ret);
+ SET_Z( ret == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(ret) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_shldi(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order, tmp;
+ UINT64 val, mask;
+ high_order = DREG;
+ low_order = DREGF;
+ val = COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(high_order, low_order);
+ SET_C( (N_VALUE)?(((val<<(N_VALUE-1))&U64(0x8000000000000000))?1:0):0);
+ mask = ((((UINT64)1) << (32 - N_VALUE)) - 1) ^ 0xffffffff;
+ tmp = high_order << N_VALUE;
+ if( ((high_order & mask) && (!(tmp & 0x80000000))) ||
+ (((high_order & mask) ^ mask) && (tmp & 0x80000000)) )
+ SET_V(1);
+ else
+ SET_V(0);
+ val <<= N_VALUE;
+ high_order = HI32_32_64(val);
+ low_order = LO32_32_64(val);
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_shld(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order, tmp, n;
+ UINT64 val, mask;
+ n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ // result undefined if Ls denotes the same register as Ld or Ldf
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted same registers in hyperstone_shld. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ high_order = DREG;
+ low_order = DREGF;
+ mask = ((((UINT64)1) << (32 - n)) - 1) ^ 0xffffffff;
+ val = COMBINE_U64_U32_U32(high_order, low_order);
+ SET_C( (n)?(((val<<(n-1))&U64(0x8000000000000000))?1:0):0);
+ tmp = high_order << n;
+ if( ((high_order & mask) && (!(tmp & 0x80000000))) ||
+ (((high_order & mask) ^ mask) && (tmp & 0x80000000)) )
+ SET_V(1);
+ else
+ SET_V(0);
+ val <<= n;
+ high_order = HI32_32_64(val);
+ low_order = LO32_32_64(val);
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_shl(void)
+ UINT32 base, ret, n;
+ UINT64 mask;
+ n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ base = DREG;
+ mask = ((((UINT64)1) << (32 - n)) - 1) ^ 0xffffffff;
+ SET_C( (n)?(((base<<(n-1))&0x80000000)?1:0):0);
+ ret = base << n;
+ if( ((base & mask) && (!(ret & 0x80000000))) ||
+ (((base & mask) ^ mask) && (ret & 0x80000000)) )
+ SET_V(1);
+ else
+ SET_V(0);
+ SET_DREG(ret);
+ SET_Z( ret == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(ret) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void reserved(void)
+ logerror("Executed Reserved opcode. PC = %08X OP = %04X\n", PC, OP);
+static void hyperstone_testlz(void)
+ UINT8 zeros = 0;
+ UINT32 mask;
+ for( mask = 0x80000000; ; mask >>= 1 )
+ {
+ if( SREG & mask )
+ break;
+ else
+ zeros++;
+ if( zeros == 32 )
+ break;
+ }
+ SET_DREG(zeros);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_rol(void)
+ UINT32 val, base;
+ UINT8 n;
+ UINT64 mask;
+ n = SREG & 0x1f;
+ val = base = DREG;
+ mask = ((((UINT64)1) << (32 - n)) - 1) ^ 0xffffffff;
+ while( n > 0 )
+ {
+ val = (val << 1) | ((val & 0x80000000) >> 31);
+ n--;
+ }
+ if( ((base & mask) && (!(val & 0x80000000))) ||
+ (((base & mask) ^ mask) && (val & 0x80000000)) )
+ SET_V(1);
+ else
+ SET_V(0);
+ SET_DREG(val);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(val) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+//TODO: add trap error
+static void hyperstone_ldxx1(void)
+ UINT32 load;
+ if( DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type )
+ {
+ case 0: // LDBS.A
+ load = READ_B(EXTRA_S);
+ load |= (load & 0x80) ? 0xffffff00 : 0;
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 1: // LDBU.A
+ load = READ_B(EXTRA_S);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ load = READ_HW(EXTRA_S & ~1);
+ if( EXTRA_S & 1 ) // LDHS.A
+ {
+ load |= (load & 0x8000) ? 0xffff0000 : 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ else // LDHU.A
+ {
+ // nothing more
+ }
+ */
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 3 ) // LDD.IOA
+ {
+ load = IO_READ_W(EXTRA_S & ~3);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ load = IO_READ_W((EXTRA_S & ~3) + 4);
+ SET_SREGF(load);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 2 ) // LDW.IOA
+ {
+ load = IO_READ_W(EXTRA_S & ~3);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 1 ) // LDD.A
+ {
+ load = READ_W(EXTRA_S & ~1);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ load = READ_W((EXTRA_S & ~1) + 4);
+ SET_SREGF(load);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else // LDW.A
+ {
+ load = READ_W(EXTRA_S & ~1);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type )
+ {
+ case 0: // LDBS.D
+ load = READ_B(DREG + EXTRA_S);
+ load |= (load & 0x80) ? 0xffffff00 : 0;
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 1: // LDBU.D
+ load = READ_B(DREG + EXTRA_S);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ load = READ_HW(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ if( EXTRA_S & 1 ) // LDHS.D
+ {
+ load |= (load & 0x8000) ? 0xffff0000 : 0;
+ }
+ /*
+ else // LDHU.D
+ {
+ // nothing more
+ }
+ */
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 3 ) // LDD.IOD
+ {
+ load = IO_READ_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~3));
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ load = IO_READ_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~3) + 4);
+ SET_SREGF(load);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 2 ) // LDW.IOD
+ {
+ load = IO_READ_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~3));
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 1 ) // LDD.D
+ {
+ load = READ_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ load = READ_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1) + 4);
+ SET_SREGF(load);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else // LDW.D
+ {
+ load = READ_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_ldxx2(void)
+ UINT32 load;
+ if( DST_IS_PC || DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in hyperstone_ldxx2. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type )
+ {
+ case 0: // LDBS.N
+ popmessage("LDBS.N denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ load = READ_B(DREG);
+ load |= (load & 0x80) ? 0xffffff00 : 0;
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 1: // LDBU.N
+ popmessage("LDBU.N denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ load = READ_B(DREG);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ load = READ_HW(DREG);
+ if( EXTRA_S & 1 ) // LDHS.N
+ {
+ load |= (load & 0x8000) ? 0xffff0000 : 0;
+ popmessage("LDHS.N denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ }
+ /*
+ else // LDHU.N
+ {
+ // nothing more
+ }
+ */
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 3 ) // LDW.S
+ {
+ popmessage("LDW.S denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ if(DREG < SP)
+ else
+ SET_SREG(GET_ABS_L_REG((DREG & 0xfc) >> 2));
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~3));
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2; // extra cycles
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 2 ) // Reserved
+ {
+ logerror("Executed Reserved instruction in hyperstone_ldxx2. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 1 ) // LDD.N
+ {
+ popmessage("LDD.N denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ load = READ_W(DREG);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ load = READ_W(DREG + 4);
+ SET_SREGF(load);
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else // LDW.N
+ {
+ popmessage("LDW.N denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ load = READ_W(DREG);
+ SET_SREG(load);
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+//TODO: add trap error
+static void hyperstone_stxx1(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = SREGF = 0;
+ if( DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type )
+ {
+ case 0: // STBS.A
+ /* TODO: missing trap on range error */
+ WRITE_B(EXTRA_S, SREG & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 1: // STBU.A
+ WRITE_B(EXTRA_S, SREG & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ WRITE_HW(EXTRA_S & ~1, SREG & 0xffff);
+ /*
+ if( EXTRA_S & 1 ) // STHS.A
+ {
+ // TODO: missing trap on range error
+ }
+ else // STHU.A
+ {
+ // nothing more
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 3 ) // STD.IOA
+ {
+ IO_WRITE_W((EXTRA_S & ~3) + 4, SREGF);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 2 ) // STW.IOA
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 1 ) // STD.A
+ {
+ WRITE_W((EXTRA_S & ~1) + 4, SREGF);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else // STW.A
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type )
+ {
+ case 0: // STBS.D
+ /* TODO: missing trap on range error */
+ break;
+ case 1: // STBU.D
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ WRITE_HW(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1), SREG & 0xffff);
+ /*
+ if( EXTRA_S & 1 ) // STHS.D
+ {
+ // TODO: missing trap on range error
+ }
+ else // STHU.D
+ {
+ // nothing more
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 3 ) // STD.IOD
+ {
+ IO_WRITE_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~3) + 4, SREGF);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 2 ) // STW.IOD
+ {
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 1 ) // STD.D
+ {
+ WRITE_W(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1) + 4, SREGF);
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else // STW.D
+ {
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_stxx2(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = SREGF = 0;
+ if( DST_IS_PC || DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in hyperstone_stxx2. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( current_regs.sub_type )
+ {
+ case 0: // STBS.N
+ /* TODO: missing trap on range error */
+ WRITE_B(DREG, SREG & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 1: // STBU.N
+ WRITE_B(DREG, SREG & 0xff);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ WRITE_HW(DREG, SREG & 0xffff);
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ /*
+ if( EXTRA_S & 1 ) // STHS.N
+ {
+ // TODO: missing trap on range error
+ }
+ else // STHU.N
+ {
+ // nothing more
+ }
+ */
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 3 ) // STW.S
+ {
+ if(DREG < SP)
+ else
+ {
+ if(((DREG & 0xfc) >> 2) == ((current_regs.src + GET_FP) % 64) && S_BIT == LOCAL)
+ popmessage("STW.S denoted the same local register @ %08X\n",PPC);
+ SET_ABS_L_REG((DREG & 0xfc) >> 2,SREG);
+ }
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~3));
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2; // extra cycles
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 2 ) // Reserved
+ {
+ logerror("Executed Reserved instruction in hyperstone_stxx2. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else if( (EXTRA_S & 3) == 1 ) // STD.N
+ {
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ WRITE_W(DREG + 4, SREGF + (EXTRA_S & ~1)); // because DREG == SREGF and DREG has been incremented
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; // extra cycle
+ }
+ else // STW.N
+ {
+ SET_DREG(DREG + (EXTRA_S & ~1));
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_shri(void)
+ UINT32 val;
+ val = DREG;
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ SET_C((val >> (N_VALUE - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ val >>= N_VALUE;
+ SET_DREG(val);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(val) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_sari(void)
+ UINT32 val;
+ UINT8 sign_bit;
+ val = DREG;
+ sign_bit = (val & 0x80000000) >> 31;
+ if( N_VALUE )
+ SET_C((val >> (N_VALUE - 1)) & 1);
+ else
+ SET_C(0);
+ val >>= N_VALUE;
+ if( sign_bit )
+ {
+ int i;
+ for( i = 0; i < N_VALUE; i++ )
+ {
+ val |= (0x80000000 >> i);
+ }
+ }
+ SET_DREG(val);
+ SET_Z( val == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(val) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_shli(void)
+ UINT32 val, val2;
+ UINT64 mask;
+ val = DREG;
+ SET_C( (N_VALUE)?(((val<<(N_VALUE-1))&0x80000000)?1:0):0);
+ mask = ((((UINT64)1) << (32 - N_VALUE)) - 1) ^ 0xffffffff;
+ val2 = val << N_VALUE;
+ if( ((val & mask) && (!(val2 & 0x80000000))) ||
+ (((val & mask) ^ mask) && (val2 & 0x80000000)) )
+ SET_V(1);
+ else
+ SET_V(0);
+ SET_DREG(val2);
+ SET_Z( val2 == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(val2) );
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_mulu(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order;
+ UINT64 double_word;
+ // PC or SR aren't denoted, else result is undefined
+ if( SRC_IS_PC || SRC_IS_SR || DST_IS_PC || DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in hyperstone_mulu instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double_word = (UINT64)SREG *(UINT64)DREG;
+ low_order = double_word & 0xffffffff;
+ high_order = double_word >> 32;
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( double_word == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ }
+ if(SREG <= 0xffff && DREG <= 0xffff)
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 4;
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_muls(void)
+ UINT32 low_order, high_order;
+ INT64 double_word;
+ // PC or SR aren't denoted, else result is undefined
+ if( SRC_IS_PC || SRC_IS_SR || DST_IS_PC || DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in hyperstone_muls instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ double_word = (INT64)(INT32)(SREG) * (INT64)(INT32)(DREG);
+ low_order = double_word & 0xffffffff;
+ high_order = double_word >> 32;
+ SET_DREG(high_order);
+ SET_DREGF(low_order);
+ SET_Z( double_word == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(high_order) );
+ }
+ if((SREG >= 0xffff8000 && SREG <= 0x7fff) && (DREG >= 0xffff8000 && DREG <= 0x7fff))
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 4;
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_set(void)
+ int n = N_VALUE;
+ if( DST_IS_PC )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC in hyperstone_set. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else if( DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ //TODO: add fetch opcode when there's the pipeline
+ //TODO: no 1!
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ switch( n )
+ {
+ case 0:
+ {
+ UINT32 val;
+ val = (SP & 0xfffffe00) | (GET_FP << 2);
+ //plus carry into bit 9
+ val += (( (SP & 0x100) && (SIGN_BIT(SR) == 0) ) ? 1 : 0);
+ SET_DREG(val);
+ break;
+ }
+ // Reserved
+ case 1:
+ case 16:
+ case 17:
+ case 19:
+ logerror("Used reserved N value (%d) in hyperstone_set. PC = %08X\n", n, PC);
+ break;
+ // SETxx
+ case 2:
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ break;
+ case 4:
+ if( GET_N || GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 5:
+ if( !GET_N && !GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 6:
+ if( GET_N )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 7:
+ if( !GET_N )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ if( GET_C || GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ if( !GET_C && !GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 10:
+ if( GET_C )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 11:
+ if( !GET_C )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 12:
+ if( GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 13:
+ if( !GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 14:
+ if( GET_V )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 15:
+ if( !GET_V )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 18:
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ break;
+ case 20:
+ if( GET_N || GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 21:
+ if( !GET_N && !GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 22:
+ if( GET_N )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 23:
+ if( !GET_N )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 24:
+ if( GET_C || GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 25:
+ if( !GET_C && !GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 26:
+ if( GET_C )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 27:
+ if( !GET_C )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 28:
+ if( GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 29:
+ if( !GET_Z )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 30:
+ if( GET_V )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 31:
+ if( !GET_V )
+ {
+ SET_DREG(-1);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ SET_DREG(0);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ }
+static void hyperstone_mul(void)
+ UINT32 single_word;
+ // PC or SR aren't denoted, else result is undefined
+ if( SRC_IS_PC || SRC_IS_SR || DST_IS_PC || DST_IS_SR )
+ {
+ logerror("Denoted PC or SR in hyperstone_mul instruction. PC = %08X\n", PC);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ single_word = (SREG * DREG);// & 0xffffffff; // only the low-order word is taken
+ SET_DREG(single_word);
+ SET_Z( single_word == 0 ? 1 : 0 );
+ SET_N( SIGN_BIT(single_word) );
+ }
+ if((SREG >= 0xffff8000 && SREG <= 0x7fff) && (DREG >= 0xffff8000 && DREG <= 0x7fff))
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 3;
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 5;
+static void hyperstone_fadd(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_faddd(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fsub(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fsubd(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fmul(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fmuld(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fdiv(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fdivd(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fcmp(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fcmpd(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fcmpu(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fcmpud(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fcvt(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_fcvtd(void)
+ execute_software();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 6;
+static void hyperstone_extend(void)
+ //TODO: add locks, overflow error and other things
+ UINT32 vals, vald;
+ vals = SREG;
+ vald = DREG;
+ switch( EXTRA_U ) // extended opcode
+ {
+ // signed or unsigned multiplication, single word product
+ case EMUL:
+ case 0x100: // used in "N" type cpu
+ {
+ UINT32 result;
+ result = vals * vald;
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // unsigned multiplication, double word product
+ case EMULU:
+ {
+ UINT64 result;
+ result = (UINT64)vals * (UINT64)vald;
+ vals = result >> 32;
+ vald = result & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, vals);
+ SET_G_REG(15, vald);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed multiplication, double word product
+ case EMULS:
+ {
+ INT64 result;
+ result = (INT64)(INT32)(vals) * (INT64)(INT32)(vald);
+ vals = result >> 32;
+ vald = result & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, vals);
+ SET_G_REG(15, vald);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed multiply/add, single word product sum
+ case EMAC:
+ {
+ INT32 result;
+ result = (INT32)GET_G_REG(15) + ((INT32)(vals) * (INT32)(vald));
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed multiply/add, double word product sum
+ case EMACD:
+ {
+ INT64 result;
+ result = (INT64)COMBINE_64_32_32(GET_G_REG(14), GET_G_REG(15)) + (INT64)((INT64)(INT32)(vals) * (INT64)(INT32)(vald));
+ vals = result >> 32;
+ vald = result & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, vals);
+ SET_G_REG(15, vald);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed multiply/substract, single word product difference
+ case EMSUB:
+ {
+ INT32 result;
+ result = (INT32)GET_G_REG(15) - ((INT32)(vals) * (INT32)(vald));
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed multiply/substract, double word product difference
+ case EMSUBD:
+ {
+ INT64 result;
+ result = (INT64)COMBINE_64_32_32(GET_G_REG(14), GET_G_REG(15)) - (INT64)((INT64)(INT32)(vals) * (INT64)(INT32)(vald));
+ vals = result >> 32;
+ vald = result & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, vals);
+ SET_G_REG(15, vald);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed half-word multiply/add, single word product sum
+ case EHMAC:
+ {
+ INT32 result;
+ result = (INT32)GET_G_REG(15) + ((INT32)((vald & 0xffff0000) >> 16) * (INT32)((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16)) + ((INT32)(vald & 0xffff) * (INT32)(vals & 0xffff));
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // signed half-word multiply/add, double word product sum
+ case EHMACD:
+ {
+ INT64 result;
+ result = (INT64)COMBINE_64_32_32(GET_G_REG(14), GET_G_REG(15)) + (INT64)((INT64)(INT32)((vald & 0xffff0000) >> 16) * (INT64)(INT32)((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16)) + ((INT64)(INT32)(vald & 0xffff) * (INT64)(INT32)(vals & 0xffff));
+ vals = result >> 32;
+ vald = result & 0xffffffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, vals);
+ SET_G_REG(15, vald);
+ break;
+ }
+ // half-word complex multiply
+ case EHCMULD:
+ {
+ UINT32 result;
+ result = (((vald & 0xffff0000) >> 16) * ((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16)) - ((vald & 0xffff) * (vals & 0xffff));
+ SET_G_REG(14, result);
+ result = (((vald & 0xffff0000) >> 16) * (vals & 0xffff)) + ((vald & 0xffff) * ((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16));
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // half-word complex multiply/add
+ case EHCMACD:
+ {
+ UINT32 result;
+ result = GET_G_REG(14) + (((vald & 0xffff0000) >> 16) * ((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16)) - ((vald & 0xffff) * (vals & 0xffff));
+ SET_G_REG(14, result);
+ result = GET_G_REG(15) + (((vald & 0xffff0000) >> 16) * (vals & 0xffff)) + ((vald & 0xffff) * ((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16));
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // half-word (complex) add/substract
+ // Ls is not used and should denote the same register as Ld
+ case EHCSUMD:
+ {
+ UINT32 result;
+ result = ((((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16) + GET_G_REG(14)) << 16) & 0xffff0000;
+ result |= ((vals & 0xffff) + GET_G_REG(15)) & 0xffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, result);
+ result = ((((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16) - GET_G_REG(14)) << 16) & 0xffff0000;
+ result |= ((vals & 0xffff) - GET_G_REG(15)) & 0xffff;
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // half-word (complex) add/substract with fixed point adjustment
+ // Ls is not used and should denote the same register as Ld
+ case EHCFFTD:
+ {
+ UINT32 result;
+ result = ((((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16) + (GET_G_REG(14) >> 15)) << 16) & 0xffff0000;
+ result |= ((vals & 0xffff) + (GET_G_REG(15) >> 15)) & 0xffff;
+ SET_G_REG(14, result);
+ result = ((((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16) - (GET_G_REG(14) >> 15)) << 16) & 0xffff0000;
+ result |= ((vals & 0xffff) - (GET_G_REG(15) >> 15)) & 0xffff;
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ // half-word (complex) add/substract with fixed point adjustment and shift
+ // Ls is not used and should denote the same register as Ld
+ case EHCFFTSD:
+ {
+ UINT32 result;
+ result = (((((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16) + (GET_G_REG(14) >> 15)) >> 1) << 16) & 0xffff0000;
+ result |= ((((vals & 0xffff) + (GET_G_REG(15) >> 15)) >> 1) & 0xffff);
+ SET_G_REG(14, result);
+ result = (((((vals & 0xffff0000) >> 16) - (GET_G_REG(14) >> 15)) >> 1) << 16) & 0xffff0000;
+ result |= ((((vals & 0xffff) - (GET_G_REG(15) >> 15)) >> 1) & 0xffff);
+ SET_G_REG(15, result);
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ logerror("Executed Illegal extended opcode (%X). PC = %08X\n", EXTRA_U, PC);
+ break;
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1; //TODO: with the latency it can change
+static void hyperstone_do(void)
+ fatalerror("Executed hyperstone_do instruction. PC = %08X", PPC);
+static void hyperstone_ldwr(void)
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_lddr(void)
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_ldwp(void)
+ // post increment the destination register if it's different from the source one
+ // (needed by Hidden Catch)
+ if(!(current_regs.src == current_regs.dst && S_BIT == LOCAL))
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_lddp(void)
+ // post increment the destination register if it's different from the source one
+ // and from the "next source" one
+ if(!(current_regs.src == current_regs.dst && S_BIT == LOCAL) && !SAME_SRCF_DST )
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ popmessage("LDD.P denoted same regs @ %08X",PPC);
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_stwr(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = 0;
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_stdr(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = SREGF = 0;
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_stwp(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = 0;
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_stdp(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = SREGF = 0;
+ WRITE_W(DREG + 4, SREGF + 8); // because DREG == SREGF and DREG has been incremented
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 2;
+static void hyperstone_dbv(void)
+ if( GET_V )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbnv(void)
+ if( !GET_V )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbe(void) //or DBZ
+ if( GET_Z )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbne(void) //or DBNZ
+ if( !GET_Z )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbc(void) //or DBST
+ if( GET_C )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbnc(void) //or DBHE
+ if( !GET_C )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbse(void)
+ if( GET_C || GET_Z )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbht(void)
+ if( !GET_C && !GET_Z )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbn(void) //or DBLT
+ if( GET_N )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbnn(void) //or DBGE
+ if( !GET_N )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dble(void)
+ if( GET_N || GET_Z )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbgt(void)
+ if( !GET_N && !GET_Z )
+ execute_dbr();
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_dbr(void)
+ execute_dbr();
+static void hyperstone_frame(void)
+ INT8 difference; // really it's 7 bits
+ UINT8 realfp = GET_FP - SRC_CODE;
+ SET_FP(realfp);
+ SET_M(0);
+ difference = ((SP & 0x1fc) >> 2) + (64 - 10) - (realfp + GET_FL);
+ /* convert to 8 bits */
+ if(difference > 63)
+ difference = (INT8)(difference|0x80);
+ else if( difference < -64 )
+ difference = difference & 0x7f;
+ if( difference < 0 ) // else it's finished
+ {
+ UINT8 tmp_flag;
+ tmp_flag = ( SP >= UB ? 1 : 0 );
+ do
+ {
+ WRITE_W(SP, GET_ABS_L_REG((SP & 0xfc) >> 2));
+ SP += 4;
+ difference++;
+ } while(difference != 0);
+ if( tmp_flag )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = get_trap_addr(FRAME_ERROR);
+ execute_exception(addr);
+ }
+ }
+ //TODO: no 1!
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_call(void)
+ if( SRC_IS_SR )
+ SREG = 0;
+ if( !DST_CODE )
+ current_regs.dst = 16;
+ EXTRA_S = (EXTRA_S & ~1) + SREG;
+ SET_ILC(hyperstone.instruction_length & 3);
+ SET_DREG((PC & 0xfffffffe) | GET_S);
+ SET_FP(GET_FP + current_regs.dst);
+ SET_FL(6); //default value for call
+ SET_M(0);
+ PPC = PC;
+ PC = EXTRA_S; // const value
+ change_pc(PC);
+ hyperstone.intblock = 2;
+ //TODO: add interrupt locks, errors, ....
+ //TODO: no 1!
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bv(void)
+ if( GET_V )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bnv(void)
+ if( !GET_V )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_be(void) //or BZ
+ if( GET_Z )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bne(void) //or BNZ
+ if( !GET_Z )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bc(void) //or BST
+ if( GET_C )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bnc(void) //or BHE
+ if( !GET_C )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bse(void)
+ if( GET_C || GET_Z )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bht(void)
+ if( !GET_C && !GET_Z )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bn(void) //or BLT
+ if( GET_N )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bnn(void) //or BGE
+ if( !GET_N )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_ble(void)
+ if( GET_N || GET_Z )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_bgt(void)
+ if( !GET_N && !GET_Z )
+ execute_br();
+ else
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+static void hyperstone_br(void)
+ execute_br();
+static void hyperstone_trap(void)
+ UINT8 code, trapno;
+ UINT32 addr;
+ trapno = (OP & 0xfc) >> 2;
+ addr = get_trap_addr(trapno);
+ code = ((OP & 0x300) >> 6) | (OP & 0x03);
+ switch( code )
+ {
+ case TRAPLE:
+ if( GET_N || GET_Z )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPGT:
+ if( !GET_N && !GET_Z )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPLT:
+ if( GET_N )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPGE:
+ if( !GET_N )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPSE:
+ if( GET_C || GET_Z )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPHT:
+ if( !GET_C && !GET_Z )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPST:
+ if( GET_C )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPHE:
+ if( !GET_C )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPE:
+ if( GET_Z )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPNE:
+ if( !GET_Z )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAPV:
+ if( GET_V )
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ case TRAP:
+ execute_trap(addr);
+ break;
+ }
+ hyperstone_ICount -= 1;
+ * Generic set_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+static void hyperstone_set_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are set as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_PC: PC = info->i; change_pc(PC); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_SR: SR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_FER: FER = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G3: hyperstone.global_regs[3] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G4: hyperstone.global_regs[4] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G5: hyperstone.global_regs[5] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G6: hyperstone.global_regs[6] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G7: hyperstone.global_regs[7] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G8: hyperstone.global_regs[8] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G9: hyperstone.global_regs[9] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G10: hyperstone.global_regs[10] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G11: hyperstone.global_regs[11] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G12: hyperstone.global_regs[12] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G13: hyperstone.global_regs[13] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G14: hyperstone.global_regs[14] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G15: hyperstone.global_regs[15] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G16: hyperstone.global_regs[16] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G17: hyperstone.global_regs[17] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_SP: SP = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_UB: UB = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_BCR: BCR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_TPR: TPR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_TCR: TCR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_TR: TR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_WCR: WCR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_ISR: ISR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_FCR: FCR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_MCR: MCR = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G28: hyperstone.global_regs[28] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G29: hyperstone.global_regs[29] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G30: hyperstone.global_regs[30] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G31: hyperstone.global_regs[31] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL0: hyperstone.local_regs[(0 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL1: hyperstone.local_regs[(1 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL2: hyperstone.local_regs[(2 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL3: hyperstone.local_regs[(3 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL4: hyperstone.local_regs[(4 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL5: hyperstone.local_regs[(5 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL6: hyperstone.local_regs[(6 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL7: hyperstone.local_regs[(7 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL8: hyperstone.local_regs[(8 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL9: hyperstone.local_regs[(9 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL10: hyperstone.local_regs[(10 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL11: hyperstone.local_regs[(11 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL12: hyperstone.local_regs[(12 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL13: hyperstone.local_regs[(13 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL14: hyperstone.local_regs[(14 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL15: hyperstone.local_regs[(15 + GET_FP) % 64] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L0: hyperstone.local_regs[0] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L1: hyperstone.local_regs[1] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L2: hyperstone.local_regs[2] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L3: hyperstone.local_regs[3] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L4: hyperstone.local_regs[4] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L5: hyperstone.local_regs[5] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L6: hyperstone.local_regs[6] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L7: hyperstone.local_regs[7] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L8: hyperstone.local_regs[8] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L9: hyperstone.local_regs[9] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L10: hyperstone.local_regs[10] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L11: hyperstone.local_regs[11] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L12: hyperstone.local_regs[12] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L13: hyperstone.local_regs[13] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L14: hyperstone.local_regs[14] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L15: hyperstone.local_regs[15] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L16: hyperstone.local_regs[16] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L17: hyperstone.local_regs[17] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L18: hyperstone.local_regs[18] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L19: hyperstone.local_regs[19] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L20: hyperstone.local_regs[20] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L21: hyperstone.local_regs[21] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L22: hyperstone.local_regs[22] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L23: hyperstone.local_regs[23] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L24: hyperstone.local_regs[24] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L25: hyperstone.local_regs[25] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L26: hyperstone.local_regs[26] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L27: hyperstone.local_regs[27] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L28: hyperstone.local_regs[28] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L29: hyperstone.local_regs[29] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L30: hyperstone.local_regs[30] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L31: hyperstone.local_regs[31] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L32: hyperstone.local_regs[32] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L33: hyperstone.local_regs[33] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L34: hyperstone.local_regs[34] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L35: hyperstone.local_regs[35] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L36: hyperstone.local_regs[36] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L37: hyperstone.local_regs[37] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L38: hyperstone.local_regs[38] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L39: hyperstone.local_regs[39] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L40: hyperstone.local_regs[40] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L41: hyperstone.local_regs[41] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L42: hyperstone.local_regs[42] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L43: hyperstone.local_regs[43] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L44: hyperstone.local_regs[44] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L45: hyperstone.local_regs[45] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L46: hyperstone.local_regs[46] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L47: hyperstone.local_regs[47] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L48: hyperstone.local_regs[48] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L49: hyperstone.local_regs[49] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L50: hyperstone.local_regs[50] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L51: hyperstone.local_regs[51] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L52: hyperstone.local_regs[52] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L53: hyperstone.local_regs[53] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L54: hyperstone.local_regs[54] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L55: hyperstone.local_regs[55] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L56: hyperstone.local_regs[56] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L57: hyperstone.local_regs[57] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L58: hyperstone.local_regs[58] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L59: hyperstone.local_regs[59] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L60: hyperstone.local_regs[60] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L61: hyperstone.local_regs[61] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L62: hyperstone.local_regs[62] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L63: hyperstone.local_regs[63] = info->i; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 0: set_irq_line(0, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 1: set_irq_line(1, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 2: set_irq_line(2, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 3: set_irq_line(3, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 4: set_irq_line(4, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 5: set_irq_line(5, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 6: set_irq_line(6, info->i); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 7: set_irq_line(7, info->i); break;
+ }
+ * Generic get_info
+ **************************************************************************/
+void hyperstone_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as 64-bit signed integers --- */
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CONTEXT_SIZE: info->i = sizeof(hyperstone_regs); break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_LINES: info->i = 8; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DEFAULT_IRQ_VECTOR: info->i = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_ENDIANNESS: info->i = CPU_IS_BE; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_CLOCK_DIVIDER: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MIN_INSTRUCTION_BYTES: info->i = 2; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MAX_INSTRUCTION_BYTES: info->i = 6; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MIN_CYCLES: info->i = 1; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_MAX_CYCLES: info->i = 36; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 15; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_ADDRBUS_SHIFT + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_INPUT_STATE + 0: /* not implemented */ break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_PREVIOUSPC: info->i = PPC; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_PC: info->i = PC; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_SR: info->i = SR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_FER: info->i = FER; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G3: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[3]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G4: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[4]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G5: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[5]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G6: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[6]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G7: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[7]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G8: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[8]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G9: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[9]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G10: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[10]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G11: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[11]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G12: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[12]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G13: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[13]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G14: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[14]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G15: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[15]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G16: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[16]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G17: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[17]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_SP: info->i = SP; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_UB: info->i = UB; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_BCR: info->i = BCR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_TPR: info->i = TPR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_TCR: info->i = TCR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_TR: info->i = TR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_WCR: info->i = WCR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_ISR: info->i = ISR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_FCR: info->i = FCR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_MCR: info->i = MCR; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G28: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[28]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G29: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[29]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G30: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[30]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_G31: info->i = hyperstone.global_regs[31]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL0: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(0 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL1: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(1 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL2: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(2 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL3: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(3 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL4: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(4 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL5: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(5 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL6: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(6 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL7: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(7 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL8: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(8 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL9: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(9 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL10: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(10 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL11: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(11 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL12: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(12 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL13: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(13 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL14: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(14 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_CL15: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[(15 + GET_FP) % 64]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L0: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[0]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L1: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[1]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L2: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[2]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L3: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[3]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L4: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[4]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L5: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[5]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L6: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[6]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L7: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[7]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L8: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[8]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L9: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[9]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L10: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[10]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L11: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[11]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L12: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[12]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L13: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[13]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L14: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[14]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L15: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[15]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L16: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[16]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L17: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[17]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L18: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[18]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L19: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[19]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L20: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[20]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L21: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[21]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L22: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[22]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L23: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[23]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L24: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[24]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L25: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[25]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L26: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[26]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L27: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[27]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L28: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[28]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L29: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[29]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L30: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[30]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L31: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[31]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L32: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[32]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L33: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[33]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L34: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[34]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L35: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[35]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L36: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[36]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L37: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[37]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L38: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[38]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L39: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[39]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L40: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[40]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L41: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[41]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L42: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[42]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L43: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[43]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L44: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[44]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L45: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[45]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L46: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[46]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L47: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[47]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L48: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[48]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L49: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[49]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L50: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[50]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L51: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[51]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L52: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[52]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L53: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[53]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L54: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[54]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L55: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[55]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L56: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[56]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L57: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[57]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L58: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[58]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L59: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[59]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L60: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[60]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L61: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[61]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L62: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[62]; break;
+ case CPUINFO_INT_REGISTER + E132XS_L63: info->i = hyperstone.local_regs[63]; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_SET_INFO: info->setinfo = hyperstone_set_info; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_GET_CONTEXT: info->getcontext = hyperstone_get_context; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_SET_CONTEXT: info->setcontext = hyperstone_set_context; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = hyperstone_init; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_RESET: info->reset = hyperstone_reset; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_EXIT: info->exit = hyperstone_exit; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_EXECUTE: info->execute = hyperstone_execute; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_BURN: info->burn = NULL; break;
+#ifdef MAME_DEBUG
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_DISASSEMBLE: info->disassemble = hyperstone_dasm; break;
+#endif /* MAME_DEBUG */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INSTRUCTION_COUNTER: info->icount = &hyperstone_ICount; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_DATA: info->internal_map = 0; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->internal_map = 0; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_FAMILY: strcpy(info->s, "Hyperstone CPU"); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_VERSION: strcpy(info->s, "0.9"); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_FILE: strcpy(info->s, __FILE__); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_CORE_CREDITS: strcpy(info->s, "Copyright Pierpaolo Prazzoli and Ryan Holtz"); break;
+ sprintf(info->s, "%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c%c FTE:%X FRM:%X ILC:%d FL:%d FP:%d",
+ GET_S ? 'S':'.',
+ GET_P ? 'P':'.',
+ GET_T ? 'T':'.',
+ GET_L ? 'L':'.',
+ GET_I ? 'I':'.',
+ hyperstone.global_regs[1] & 0x00040 ? '?':'.',
+ GET_H ? 'H':'.',
+ GET_M ? 'M':'.',
+ GET_V ? 'V':'.',
+ GET_N ? 'N':'.',
+ GET_Z ? 'Z':'.',
+ GET_C ? 'C':'.',
+ GET_FP);
+ break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_PC: sprintf(info->s, "PC :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[0]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_SR: sprintf(info->s, "SR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[1]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_FER: sprintf(info->s, "FER :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[2]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G3: sprintf(info->s, "G3 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[3]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G4: sprintf(info->s, "G4 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[4]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G5: sprintf(info->s, "G5 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[5]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G6: sprintf(info->s, "G6 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[6]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G7: sprintf(info->s, "G7 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[7]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G8: sprintf(info->s, "G8 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[8]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G9: sprintf(info->s, "G9 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[9]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G10: sprintf(info->s, "G10 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[10]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G11: sprintf(info->s, "G11 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[11]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G12: sprintf(info->s, "G12 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[12]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G13: sprintf(info->s, "G13 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[13]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G14: sprintf(info->s, "G14 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[14]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G15: sprintf(info->s, "G15 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[15]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G16: sprintf(info->s, "G16 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[16]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G17: sprintf(info->s, "G17 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[17]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_SP: sprintf(info->s, "SP :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[18]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_UB: sprintf(info->s, "UB :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[19]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_BCR: sprintf(info->s, "BCR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[20]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_TPR: sprintf(info->s, "TPR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[21]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_TCR: sprintf(info->s, "TCR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[22]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_TR: sprintf(info->s, "TR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[23]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_WCR: sprintf(info->s, "WCR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[24]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_ISR: sprintf(info->s, "ISR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[25]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_FCR: sprintf(info->s, "FCR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[26]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_MCR: sprintf(info->s, "MCR :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[27]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G28: sprintf(info->s, "G28 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[28]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G29: sprintf(info->s, "G29 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[29]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G30: sprintf(info->s, "G30 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[30]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_G31: sprintf(info->s, "G31 :%08X", hyperstone.global_regs[31]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL0: sprintf(info->s, "CL0 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(0 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL1: sprintf(info->s, "CL1 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(1 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL2: sprintf(info->s, "CL2 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(2 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL3: sprintf(info->s, "CL3 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(3 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL4: sprintf(info->s, "CL4 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(4 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL5: sprintf(info->s, "CL5 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(5 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL6: sprintf(info->s, "CL6 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(6 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL7: sprintf(info->s, "CL7 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(7 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL8: sprintf(info->s, "CL8 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(8 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL9: sprintf(info->s, "CL9 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(9 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL10: sprintf(info->s, "CL10:%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(10 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL11: sprintf(info->s, "CL11:%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(11 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL12: sprintf(info->s, "CL12:%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(12 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL13: sprintf(info->s, "CL13:%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(13 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL14: sprintf(info->s, "CL14:%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(14 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_CL15: sprintf(info->s, "CL15:%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[(15 + GET_FP) % 64]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L0: sprintf(info->s, "L0 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[0]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L1: sprintf(info->s, "L1 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[1]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L2: sprintf(info->s, "L2 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[2]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L3: sprintf(info->s, "L3 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[3]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L4: sprintf(info->s, "L4 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[4]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L5: sprintf(info->s, "L5 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[5]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L6: sprintf(info->s, "L6 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[6]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L7: sprintf(info->s, "L7 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[7]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L8: sprintf(info->s, "L8 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[8]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L9: sprintf(info->s, "L9 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[9]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L10: sprintf(info->s, "L10 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[10]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L11: sprintf(info->s, "L11 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[11]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L12: sprintf(info->s, "L12 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[12]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L13: sprintf(info->s, "L13 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[13]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L14: sprintf(info->s, "L14 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[14]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L15: sprintf(info->s, "L15 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[15]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L16: sprintf(info->s, "L16 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[16]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L17: sprintf(info->s, "L17 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[17]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L18: sprintf(info->s, "L18 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[18]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L19: sprintf(info->s, "L19 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[19]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L20: sprintf(info->s, "L20 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[20]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L21: sprintf(info->s, "L21 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[21]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L22: sprintf(info->s, "L22 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[22]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L23: sprintf(info->s, "L23 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[23]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L24: sprintf(info->s, "L24 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[24]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L25: sprintf(info->s, "L25 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[25]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L26: sprintf(info->s, "L26 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[26]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L27: sprintf(info->s, "L27 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[27]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L28: sprintf(info->s, "L28 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[28]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L29: sprintf(info->s, "L29 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[29]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L30: sprintf(info->s, "L30 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[30]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L31: sprintf(info->s, "L31 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[31]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L32: sprintf(info->s, "L32 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[32]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L33: sprintf(info->s, "L33 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[33]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L34: sprintf(info->s, "L34 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[34]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L35: sprintf(info->s, "L35 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[35]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L36: sprintf(info->s, "L36 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[36]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L37: sprintf(info->s, "L37 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[37]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L38: sprintf(info->s, "L38 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[38]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L39: sprintf(info->s, "L39 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[39]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L40: sprintf(info->s, "L40 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[40]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L41: sprintf(info->s, "L41 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[41]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L42: sprintf(info->s, "L42 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[42]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L43: sprintf(info->s, "L43 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[43]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L44: sprintf(info->s, "L44 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[44]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L45: sprintf(info->s, "L45 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[45]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L46: sprintf(info->s, "L46 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[46]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L47: sprintf(info->s, "L47 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[47]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L48: sprintf(info->s, "L48 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[48]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L49: sprintf(info->s, "L49 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[49]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L50: sprintf(info->s, "L50 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[50]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L51: sprintf(info->s, "L51 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[51]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L52: sprintf(info->s, "L52 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[52]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L53: sprintf(info->s, "L53 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[53]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L54: sprintf(info->s, "L54 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[54]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L55: sprintf(info->s, "L55 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[55]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L56: sprintf(info->s, "L56 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[56]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L57: sprintf(info->s, "L57 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[57]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L58: sprintf(info->s, "L58 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[58]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L59: sprintf(info->s, "L59 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[59]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L60: sprintf(info->s, "L60 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[60]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L61: sprintf(info->s, "L61 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[61]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L62: sprintf(info->s, "L62 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[62]); break;
+ case CPUINFO_STR_REGISTER + E132XS_L63: sprintf(info->s, "L63 :%08X", hyperstone.local_regs[63]); break;
+ }
+#if (HAS_E116T)
+void e116t_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 16; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e116_4k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e116_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-16T"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E116XT)
+void e116xt_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 16; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e116_8k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e116_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-16XT"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E116XS)
+void e116xs_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 16; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e116_16k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e116_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-16XS"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E116XSR)
+void e116xsr_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 16; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e116_16k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e116_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-16XSR"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E132N)
+void e132n_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_4k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-32N"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E132T)
+void e132t_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_4k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-32T"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E132XN)
+void e132xn_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_8k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-32XN"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E132XT)
+void e132xt_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_8k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-32XT"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E132XS)
+void e132xs_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_16k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-32XS"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_E132XSR)
+void e132xsr_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_16k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "E1-32XSR"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_GMS30C2116)
+void gms30c2116_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 16; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e116_4k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e116_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "GMS30C2116"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_GMS30C2132)
+void gms30c2132_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_4k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "GMS30C2132"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_GMS30C2216)
+void gms30c2216_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 16; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e116_8k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e116_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "GMS30C2216"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }
+#if (HAS_GMS30C2232)
+void gms30c2232_get_info(UINT32 state, cpuinfo *info)
+ switch (state)
+ {
+ case CPUINFO_INT_DATABUS_WIDTH + ADDRESS_SPACE_IO: info->i = 32; break;
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INTERNAL_MEMORY_MAP + ADDRESS_SPACE_PROGRAM: info->internal_map = construct_map_e132_8k_iram_map; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as pointers to data or functions --- */
+ case CPUINFO_PTR_INIT: info->init = e132_init; break;
+ /* --- the following bits of info are returned as NULL-terminated strings --- */
+ case CPUINFO_STR_NAME: strcpy(info->s, "GMS30C2232"); break;
+ default:
+ hyperstone_get_info(state, info);
+ }