path: root/src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.h')
1 files changed, 40 insertions, 40 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.h b/src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.h
index 04441a563e3..a37e586ee7c 100644
--- a/src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.h
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/drcbex64.h
@@ -79,12 +79,12 @@ private:
// parameter types
enum be_parameter_type
- PTYPE_NONE = 0, // invalid
- PTYPE_IMMEDIATE, // immediate; value = sign-extended to 64 bits
- PTYPE_INT_REGISTER, // integer register; value = 0-REG_MAX
- PTYPE_FLOAT_REGISTER, // floating point register; value = 0-REG_MAX
- PTYPE_VECTOR_REGISTER, // vector register; value = 0-REG_MAX
- PTYPE_MEMORY, // memory; value = pointer to memory
+ PTYPE_NONE = 0, // invalid
+ PTYPE_IMMEDIATE, // immediate; value = sign-extended to 64 bits
+ PTYPE_INT_REGISTER, // integer register; value = 0-REG_MAX
+ PTYPE_FLOAT_REGISTER, // floating point register; value = 0-REG_MAX
+ PTYPE_VECTOR_REGISTER, // vector register; value = 0-REG_MAX
+ PTYPE_MEMORY, // memory; value = pointer to memory
@@ -136,8 +136,8 @@ private:
be_parameter(be_parameter_type type, be_parameter_value value) : m_type(type), m_value(value) { }
// internals
- be_parameter_type m_type; // parameter type
- be_parameter_value m_value; // parameter value
+ be_parameter_type m_type; // parameter type
+ be_parameter_value m_value; // parameter value
// helpers
@@ -319,51 +319,51 @@ private:
void emit_movsd_p64_r128(x86code *&dst, const be_parameter &param, UINT8 reg);
// internal state
- drc_hash_table m_hash; // hash table state
- drc_map_variables m_map; // code map
- drc_label_list m_labels; // label list
- x86log_context * m_log; // logging
- bool m_sse41; // do we have SSE4.1 support?
+ drc_hash_table m_hash; // hash table state
+ drc_map_variables m_map; // code map
+ drc_label_list m_labels; // label list
+ x86log_context * m_log; // logging
+ bool m_sse41; // do we have SSE4.1 support?
- UINT32 * m_absmask32; // absolute value mask (32-bit)
- UINT64 * m_absmask64; // absolute value mask (32-bit)
- UINT8 * m_rbpvalue; // value of RBP
+ UINT32 * m_absmask32; // absolute value mask (32-bit)
+ UINT64 * m_absmask64; // absolute value mask (32-bit)
+ UINT8 * m_rbpvalue; // value of RBP
- x86_entry_point_func m_entry; // entry point
- x86code * m_exit; // exit point
- x86code * m_nocode; // nocode handler
+ x86_entry_point_func m_entry; // entry point
+ x86code * m_exit; // exit point
+ x86code * m_nocode; // nocode handler
- drc_label_fixup_delegate m_fixup_label; // precomputed delegate for fixups
- drc_oob_delegate m_fixup_exception; // precomputed delegate for exception fixups
+ drc_label_fixup_delegate m_fixup_label; // precomputed delegate for fixups
+ drc_oob_delegate m_fixup_exception; // precomputed delegate for exception fixups
// state to live in the near cache
struct near_state
- x86code * debug_cpu_instruction_hook;// debugger callback
- x86code * debug_log_hashjmp; // hashjmp debugging
- x86code * debug_log_hashjmp_fail; // hashjmp debugging
- x86code * drcmap_get_value; // map lookup helper
- UINT32 ssemode; // saved SSE mode
- UINT32 ssemodesave; // temporary location for saving
- UINT32 ssecontrol[4]; // copy of the sse_control array
- float single1; // 1.0 is single-precision
- double double1; // 1.0 in double-precision
- void * stacksave; // saved stack pointer
- void * hashstacksave; // saved stack pointer for hashjmp
- UINT8 flagsmap[0x1000]; // flags map
- UINT64 flagsunmap[0x20]; // flags unmapper
+ x86code * debug_cpu_instruction_hook;// debugger callback
+ x86code * debug_log_hashjmp; // hashjmp debugging
+ x86code * debug_log_hashjmp_fail; // hashjmp debugging
+ x86code * drcmap_get_value; // map lookup helper
+ UINT32 ssemode; // saved SSE mode
+ UINT32 ssemodesave; // temporary location for saving
+ UINT32 ssecontrol[4]; // copy of the sse_control array
+ float single1; // 1.0 is single-precision
+ double double1; // 1.0 in double-precision
+ void * stacksave; // saved stack pointer
+ void * hashstacksave; // saved stack pointer for hashjmp
+ UINT8 flagsmap[0x1000]; // flags map
+ UINT64 flagsunmap[0x20]; // flags unmapper
- near_state & m_near;
+ near_state & m_near;
// globals
typedef void (drcbe_x64::*opcode_generate_func)(x86code *&dst, const uml::instruction &inst);
struct opcode_table_entry
- uml::opcode_t opcode; // opcode in question
- opcode_generate_func func; // function pointer to the work
+ uml::opcode_t opcode; // opcode in question
+ opcode_generate_func func; // function pointer to the work
static const opcode_table_entry s_opcode_table_source[];
static opcode_generate_func s_opcode_table[uml::OP_MAX];