path: root/src/devices/machine/spg_renderer.cpp
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1 files changed, 851 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/machine/spg_renderer.cpp b/src/devices/machine/spg_renderer.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0bb116ef784
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/machine/spg_renderer.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,851 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:David Haywood, Ryan Holtz
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "spg_renderer.h"
+DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(SPG_RENDERER, spg_renderer_device, "spg_renderer", "SunPlus / GeneralPlus video rendering")
+spg_renderer_device::spg_renderer_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) :
+ device_t(mconfig, type, tag, owner, clock),
+ m_space_read_cb(*this, 0)
+spg_renderer_device::spg_renderer_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) :
+ spg_renderer_device(mconfig, SPG_RENDERER, tag, owner, clock)
+void spg_renderer_device::device_start()
+ for (uint8_t i = 0; i < 32; i++)
+ {
+ m_rgb5_to_rgb8[i] = (i << 3) | (i >> 2);
+ }
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++)
+ {
+ m_rgb555_to_rgb888[i] = (m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(i >> 10) & 0x1f] << 16) |
+ (m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(i >> 5) & 0x1f] << 8) |
+ (m_rgb5_to_rgb8[(i >> 0) & 0x1f] << 0);
+ m_rgb555_to_rgb888_current[i] = 0x0000;
+ }
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_1c));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_1d));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_1e));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_2a));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_30));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_3c));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_42));
+ save_item(NAME(m_video_regs_7f));
+ save_item(NAME(m_ycmp_table));
+ save_item(NAME(m_rgb555_to_rgb888_current));
+ save_item(NAME(m_brightness_or_saturation_dirty));
+void spg_renderer_device::device_reset()
+ m_video_regs_1c = 0x0000;
+ m_video_regs_1d = 0x0000;
+ m_video_regs_1e = 0x0000;
+ m_video_regs_2a = 0x0000;
+ m_video_regs_30 = 0x0000;
+ m_video_regs_3c = 0x0020;
+ m_video_regs_42 = 0x0001;
+ m_video_regs_7f = 0x0000;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++)
+ {
+ m_ycmp_table[i] = 0xffffffff;
+ }
+ m_brightness_or_saturation_dirty = true;
+// Perform a lerp between a and b
+inline uint8_t spg_renderer_device::mix_channel(uint8_t bottom, uint8_t top, uint8_t alpha)
+ return ((0x20 - alpha) * bottom + alpha * top) >> 5;
+template<spg_renderer_device::blend_enable_t Blend, spg_renderer_device::flipx_t FlipX>
+void spg_renderer_device::draw_tilestrip(bool read_from_csspace, uint32_t screenwidth, uint32_t drawwidthmask, const rectangle& cliprect, uint32_t tile_h, uint32_t tile_w, uint32_t tilegfxdata_addr, uint32_t tile, uint32_t tile_scanline, int drawx, bool flip_y, uint32_t palette_offset, const uint32_t nc_bpp, const uint32_t bits_per_row, const uint32_t words_per_tile, address_space &spc, uint16_t* paletteram, uint8_t blendlevel)
+ const uint32_t yflipmask = flip_y ? tile_h - 1 : 0;
+ uint32_t m = tilegfxdata_addr + words_per_tile * tile + bits_per_row * (tile_scanline ^ yflipmask);
+ uint32_t bits = 0;
+ uint32_t nbits = 0;
+ for (int32_t x = FlipX ? (tile_w - 1) : 0; FlipX ? x >= 0 : x < tile_w; FlipX ? x-- : x++)
+ {
+ int realdrawpos = (drawx + x) & drawwidthmask;
+ bits <<= nc_bpp;
+ if (nbits < nc_bpp)
+ {
+ if (!read_from_csspace)
+ {
+ uint16_t b = spc.read_word(m++ & 0x3fffff);
+ b = (b << 8) | (b >> 8);
+ bits |= b << (nc_bpp - nbits);
+ nbits += 16;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ uint16_t b;
+ const int addr = m & 0x7ffffff;
+ if (addr < m_csbase)
+ {
+ b = m_cpuspace->read_word(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ b = m_cs_space->read_word(addr-m_csbase);
+ }
+ m++;
+ b = (b << 8) | (b >> 8);
+ bits |= b << (nc_bpp - nbits);
+ nbits += 16;
+ }
+ }
+ nbits -= nc_bpp;
+ uint32_t pal = palette_offset + (bits >> 16);
+ bits &= 0xffff;
+ if (realdrawpos >= 0 && realdrawpos < screenwidth)
+ {
+ uint16_t rgb = paletteram[pal];
+ if (!(rgb & 0x8000))
+ {
+ if (Blend)
+ {
+ m_linebuf[realdrawpos] = (mix_channel((uint8_t)(m_linebuf[realdrawpos] >> 10) & 0x1f, (rgb >> 10) & 0x1f, blendlevel) << 10) |
+ (mix_channel((uint8_t)(m_linebuf[realdrawpos] >> 5) & 0x1f, (rgb >> 5) & 0x1f, blendlevel) << 5) |
+ (mix_channel((uint8_t)(m_linebuf[realdrawpos] >> 0) & 0x1f, (rgb >> 0) & 0x1f, blendlevel) << 0);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_linebuf[realdrawpos] = rgb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::draw_linemap(bool has_extended_tilemaps, const rectangle& cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t tilegfxdata_addr, uint16_t* scrollregs, uint16_t* tilemapregs, address_space &spc, uint16_t* paletteram)
+ if (has_extended_tilemaps)
+ {
+ uint32_t ctrl = tilemapregs[1];
+ if (0)
+ {
+ if (ctrl & 0x0010)
+ popmessage("bitmap mode %08x with rowscroll\n", tilegfxdata_addr);
+ else
+ popmessage("bitmap mode %08x\n", tilegfxdata_addr);
+ }
+ // note, in interlace modes it appears every other line is unused? (480 entry table, but with blank values)
+ // and furthermore the rowscroll and rowzoom tables only have 240 entries, not enough for every line
+ // the end of the rowscroll table (entries 240-255) contain something else, maybe garbage data as it's offscreen, maybe not
+ uint32_t tilemap = tilemapregs[2];
+ uint32_t palette_map = tilemapregs[3];
+ uint32_t linebase = spc.read_word(tilemap + scanline); // every other word is unused, but there are only enough entries for 240 lines then, sometimes to do with interlace mode?
+ uint16_t palette = spc.read_word(palette_map + (scanline / 2));
+ if (scanline & 1)
+ palette >>= 8;
+ else
+ palette &= 0xff;
+ if (!linebase)
+ return;
+ linebase = linebase | (palette << 16);
+ int upperpalselect = 0;
+ if (has_extended_tilemaps && (tilegfxdata_addr & 0x80000000))
+ upperpalselect = 1;
+ tilegfxdata_addr &= 0x7ffffff;
+ // this logic works for jak_s500 and the test modes to get the correct base, doesn't seem to work for jak_car2 ingame, maybe data is copied to wrong place?
+ int gfxbase = (tilegfxdata_addr&0x7ffffff) + (linebase&0x7ffffff);
+ for (int i = 0; i < 160; i++) // will have to be 320 for jak_car2 ingame, jak_s500 lines are wider than screen, and zoomed
+ {
+ uint16_t pix;
+ const int addr = gfxbase & 0x7ffffff;
+ if (addr < m_csbase)
+ {
+ pix = m_cpuspace->read_word(addr);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ pix = m_cs_space->read_word(addr-m_csbase);
+ }
+ gfxbase++;
+ int xx;
+ uint16_t pal;
+ if ((scanline >= 0) && (scanline < 480))
+ {
+ xx = i * 2;
+ pal = (pix & 0xff) | 0x100;
+ if (upperpalselect)
+ pal |= 0x200;
+ if (xx >= 0 && xx <= cliprect.max_x)
+ {
+ uint16_t rgb = paletteram[pal];
+ if (!(rgb & 0x8000))
+ {
+ m_linebuf[xx] = rgb;
+ }
+ }
+ xx = (i * 2)+1;
+ pal = (pix >> 8) | 0x100;
+ if (upperpalselect)
+ pal |= 0x200;
+ if (xx >= 0 && xx <= cliprect.max_x)
+ {
+ uint16_t rgb = paletteram[pal];
+ if (!(rgb & 0x8000))
+ {
+ m_linebuf[xx] = rgb;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else // code used for spg2xx cases
+ {
+ if ((scanline < 0) || (scanline >= 240))
+ return;
+ uint32_t tilemap = tilemapregs[2];
+ uint32_t palette_map = tilemapregs[3];
+ //popmessage("draw draw_linemap bases %04x %04x\n", tilemap, palette_map);
+ //uint32_t xscroll = scrollregs[0];
+ uint32_t yscroll = scrollregs[1];
+ int realline = (scanline + yscroll) & 0xff;
+ uint32_t tile = spc.read_word(tilemap + realline);
+ uint16_t palette = 0;
+ //if (!tile)
+ // continue;
+ palette = spc.read_word(palette_map + realline / 2);
+ if (scanline & 1)
+ palette >>= 8;
+ else
+ palette &= 0x00ff;
+ //const int linewidth = 320 / 2;
+ int sourcebase = tile | (palette << 16);
+ uint32_t ctrl = tilemapregs[1];
+ if (ctrl & 0x80) // HiColor mode (rad_digi)
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 320; i++)
+ {
+ const uint16_t data = spc.read_word(sourcebase + i);
+ if (!(data & 0x8000))
+ {
+ m_linebuf[i] = data & 0x7fff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ for (int i = 0; i < 320 / 2; i++)
+ {
+ uint8_t palette_entry;
+ uint16_t color;
+ const uint16_t data = spc.read_word(sourcebase + i);
+ palette_entry = (data & 0x00ff);
+ color = paletteram[palette_entry];
+ if (!(color & 0x8000))
+ {
+ m_linebuf[(i * 2) + 0] = color & 0x7fff;
+ }
+ palette_entry = (data & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ color = paletteram[palette_entry];
+ if (!(color & 0x8000))
+ {
+ m_linebuf[(i * 2) + 1] = color & 0x7fff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+// this builds up a line table for the vcmp effect, this is not correct when step is used
+void spg_renderer_device::update_vcmp_table()
+ int currentline = 0;
+ int step = m_video_regs_1e & 0xff;
+ if (step & 0x80)
+ step = step - 0x100;
+ int current_inc_value = (m_video_regs_1c<<4);
+ int counter = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < 480; i++)
+ {
+ if (i < m_video_regs_1d)
+ {
+ m_ycmp_table[i] = 0xffffffff;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ((currentline >= 0) && (currentline < 256))
+ {
+ m_ycmp_table[i] = currentline;
+ }
+ counter += current_inc_value;
+ while (counter >= (0x20<<4))
+ {
+ currentline++;
+ current_inc_value += step;
+ counter -= (0x20<<4);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::draw_tilestrip(bool read_from_csspace, uint32_t screenwidth, uint32_t drawwidthmask, spg_renderer_device::blend_enable_t blend, spg_renderer_device::flipx_t flip_x, const rectangle& cliprect, uint32_t tile_h, uint32_t tile_w, uint32_t tilegfxdata_addr, uint32_t tile, uint32_t tile_scanline, int drawx, bool flip_y, uint32_t palette_offset, const uint32_t nc_bpp, const uint32_t bits_per_row, const uint32_t words_per_tile, address_space& spc, uint16_t* paletteram, uint8_t blendlevel)
+ if (blend)
+ {
+ if (flip_x)
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip<BlendOn, FlipXOn>(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, drawwidthmask, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, tile_scanline, drawx, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip<BlendOn, FlipXOff>(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, drawwidthmask, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, tile_scanline, drawx, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (flip_x)
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip<BlendOff, FlipXOn>(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, drawwidthmask, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, tile_scanline, drawx, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip<BlendOff, FlipXOff>(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, drawwidthmask, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, tile_scanline, drawx, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::draw_page(bool read_from_csspace, bool has_extended_tilemaps, bool use_alt_tile_addressing, uint32_t palbank, const rectangle& cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t tilegfxdata_addr, uint16_t* scrollregs, uint16_t* tilemapregs, address_space& spc, uint16_t* paletteram, uint16_t* scrollram, uint32_t which)
+ const uint32_t attr = tilemapregs[0];
+ const uint32_t ctrl = tilemapregs[1];
+ if (!(ctrl & 0x0008))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((attr & 0x3000) >> 12) != priority)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (ctrl & 0x0001) // Bitmap / Linemap mode! (basically screen width tile mode)
+ {
+ draw_linemap(has_extended_tilemaps, cliprect, scanline, priority, tilegfxdata_addr, scrollregs, tilemapregs, spc, paletteram);
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t logical_scanline = scanline;
+ if (ctrl & 0x0040) // 'vertical compression feature' (later models only?)
+ {
+ // used by senspeed
+ //if (m_video_regs_1e != 0x0000)
+ // popmessage("vertical compression mode with non-0 step amount %04x offset %04x step %04x\n", m_video_regs_1c, m_video_regs_1d, m_video_regs_1e);
+ logical_scanline = m_ycmp_table[scanline];
+ if (logical_scanline == 0xffffffff)
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t total_width;
+ uint32_t y_mask;
+ uint32_t screenwidth;
+ if (read_from_csspace && (attr & 0x8000)) // is this only available in high res mode, or always?
+ {
+ // just a guess based on this being set on the higher resolution tilemaps we've seen, could be 100% incorrect register
+ total_width = 1024;
+ y_mask = 0x200;
+ screenwidth = 640;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ total_width = 512;
+ y_mask = 0x100;
+ screenwidth = 320;
+ }
+ if (has_extended_tilemaps && (attr & 0x4000)) // is this only available in high res mode, or always?
+ {
+ y_mask <<= 1; // double height tilemap?
+ }
+ const uint32_t drawwidthmask = total_width - 1;
+ y_mask--; // turn into actual mask
+ const uint32_t xscroll = scrollregs[0];
+ const uint32_t yscroll = scrollregs[1];
+ const uint32_t tilemap_rambase = tilemapregs[2];
+ const uint32_t exattributemap_rambase = tilemapregs[3];
+ const int tile_width = (attr & 0x0030) >> 4;
+ const uint32_t tile_h = 8 << ((attr & 0x00c0) >> 6);
+ const uint32_t tile_w = 8 << (tile_width);
+ const uint32_t tile_count_x = total_width / tile_w; // tilemaps are 512 or 1024 wide depending on screen mode?
+ const uint32_t bitmap_y = (logical_scanline + yscroll) & y_mask; // tilemaps are 256 or 512 high depending on screen mode?
+ const uint32_t y0 = bitmap_y / tile_h;
+ const uint32_t tile_scanline = bitmap_y % tile_h;
+ const uint8_t bpp = attr & 0x0003;
+ const uint32_t nc_bpp = ((bpp)+1) << 1;
+ const uint32_t bits_per_row = nc_bpp * tile_w / 16;
+ //const uint32_t words_per_tile = bits_per_row * tile_h;
+ const bool row_scroll = (ctrl & 0x0010);
+ // Max blend level (3) should result in 100% opacity, per docs
+ // Min blend level (0) should result in 25% opacity, per docs
+ static const uint8_t s_blend_levels[4] = { 0x08, 0x10, 0x18, 0x20 };
+ uint8_t blendlevel = s_blend_levels[m_video_regs_2a & 3];
+ uint32_t words_per_tile;
+ // good for gormiti, smartfp, wrlshunt, paccon, jak_totm, jak_s500, jak_gtg
+ if (has_extended_tilemaps && use_alt_tile_addressing)
+ {
+ words_per_tile = 8;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ words_per_tile = bits_per_row * tile_h;
+ }
+ int realxscroll = xscroll;
+ if (row_scroll)
+ {
+ if (!has_extended_tilemaps)
+ {
+ // Tennis in My Wireless Sports confirms the need to add the scroll value here rather than rowscroll being screen-aligned
+ realxscroll += (int16_t)scrollram[(logical_scanline + yscroll) & 0xff];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // the logic seems to be different on GPL16250, see Galaxian in paccon and Crazy Moto in myac220, is this mode be selected or did behavior just change?
+ realxscroll += (int16_t)scrollram[logical_scanline & 0xff];
+ }
+ }
+ const int upperscrollbits = (realxscroll >> (tile_width + 3));
+ const int endpos = (screenwidth + tile_w) / tile_w;
+ int upperpalselect = 0;
+ if (has_extended_tilemaps && (tilegfxdata_addr & 0x80000000))
+ upperpalselect = 1;
+ tilegfxdata_addr &= 0x7ffffff;
+ for (uint32_t x0 = 0; x0 < endpos; x0++)
+ {
+ spg_renderer_device::blend_enable_t blend;
+ spg_renderer_device::flipx_t flip_x;
+ bool flip_y;
+ uint32_t tile;
+ uint32_t palette_offset;
+ // get tile info
+ const int realx0 = (x0 + upperscrollbits) & (tile_count_x - 1);
+ uint32_t tile_address = realx0 + (tile_count_x * y0);
+ tile = (ctrl & 0x0004) ? spc.read_word(tilemap_rambase) : spc.read_word(tilemap_rambase + tile_address);
+ if (!tile)
+ {
+ if (!has_extended_tilemaps)
+ {
+ // always skip on older SPG types?
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (m_video_regs_7f & 0x0002)
+ {
+ // Galaga in paccon won't render '0' characters in the scoring table if you skip empty tiles, so maybe GPL16250 doesn't skip? - extra tile bits from extended read make no difference
+ // probably not based on register m_video_regs_7f, but paccon galaga needs no skip, jak_gtg and jak_hmhsm needs to skip
+ //49 0100 1001 no skip (paccon galaga)
+ //4b 0100 1011 skip (paccon pacman)
+ //53 0101 0011 skip (jak_gtg, jak_hmhsm)
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t tileattr = attr;
+ uint32_t tilectrl = ctrl;
+ if (has_extended_tilemaps && use_alt_tile_addressing)
+ {
+ // in this mode what would be the 'palette' bits get used for extra tile bits (even if the usual 'extended table' mode is disabled?)
+ // used by smartfp
+ uint16_t exattribute = (ctrl & 0x0004) ? spc.read_word(exattributemap_rambase) : spc.read_word(exattributemap_rambase + tile_address / 2);
+ if (realx0 & 1)
+ exattribute >>= 8;
+ else
+ exattribute &= 0x00ff;
+ tile |= (exattribute & 0x07) << 16;
+ //blendlevel = 0x1f; // hack
+ }
+ else if ((ctrl & 2) == 0)
+ { // -(1) bld(1) flip(2) pal(4)
+ uint16_t exattribute = (ctrl & 0x0004) ? spc.read_word(exattributemap_rambase) : spc.read_word(exattributemap_rambase + tile_address / 2);
+ if (realx0 & 1)
+ exattribute >>= 8;
+ else
+ exattribute &= 0x00ff;
+ tileattr &= ~0x000c;
+ tileattr |= (exattribute >> 2) & 0x000c; // flip
+ tileattr &= ~0x0f00;
+ tileattr |= (exattribute << 8) & 0x0f00; // palette
+ tilectrl &= ~0x0100;
+ tilectrl |= (exattribute << 2) & 0x0100; // blend
+ }
+ if (!has_extended_tilemaps)
+ blend = (tilectrl & 0x0100) ? BlendOn : BlendOff;
+ else
+ blend = ((/*tileattr & 0x4000 ||*/ tilectrl & 0x0100)) ? BlendOn : BlendOff; // is this logic even correct or should it just be like above? where is the extra enable needed?
+ flip_x = (tileattr & 0x0004) ? FlipXOn : FlipXOff;
+ flip_y = (tileattr & 0x0008);
+ palette_offset = (tileattr & 0x0f00) >> 4;
+ // got tile info
+ if (upperpalselect)
+ palette_offset |= 0x200;
+ palette_offset >>= nc_bpp;
+ palette_offset <<= nc_bpp;
+ const int drawx = (x0 * tile_w) - (realxscroll & (tile_w - 1));
+ draw_tilestrip(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, drawwidthmask, blend, flip_x, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, tile_scanline, drawx, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::draw_sprite(bool read_from_csspace, int extended_sprites_mode, bool alt_extrasprite_hack, uint32_t palbank, bool highres, const rectangle& cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t spritegfxdata_addr, uint32_t base_addr, address_space &spc, uint16_t* paletteram, uint16_t* spriteram)
+ uint32_t tilegfxdata_addr = spritegfxdata_addr;
+ uint32_t tile = spriteram[base_addr + 0];
+ int16_t x = spriteram[base_addr + 1];
+ int16_t y = spriteram[base_addr + 2];
+ uint16_t attr = spriteram[base_addr + 3];
+ if (!tile)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ if (((attr & 0x3000) >> 12) != priority)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ uint32_t screenwidth = 320;
+// uint32_t screenheight = 240;
+ uint32_t screenheight = 256;
+ uint32_t xmask = 0x1ff;
+ uint32_t ymask = 0x1ff;
+ if (highres)
+ {
+ screenwidth = 640;
+// screenheight = 480;
+ screenheight = 512;
+ xmask = 0x3ff;
+ ymask = 0x3ff;
+ }
+ const uint32_t tile_h = 8 << ((attr & 0x00c0) >> 6);
+ const uint32_t tile_w = 8 << ((attr & 0x0030) >> 4);
+ if (!(m_video_regs_42 & 0x0002))
+ {
+ x = ((screenwidth/2) + x) - tile_w / 2;
+// y = ((screenheight/2) - y) - (tile_h / 2) + 8;
+ y = ((screenheight/2) - y) - (tile_h / 2);
+ }
+ x &= xmask;
+ y &= ymask;
+ int firstline = y;
+ int lastline = y + (tile_h - 1);
+ lastline &= ymask;
+ const spg_renderer_device::blend_enable_t blend = (attr & 0x4000) ? BlendOn : BlendOff;
+ spg_renderer_device::flipx_t flip_x = (attr & 0x0004) ? FlipXOn : FlipXOff;
+ const uint8_t bpp = attr & 0x0003;
+ const uint32_t nc_bpp = ((bpp)+1) << 1;
+ const uint32_t bits_per_row = nc_bpp * tile_w / 16;
+ // Max blend level (3) should result in 100% opacity on the sprite, per docs
+ // Min blend level (0) should result in 25% opacity on the sprite, per docs
+ static const uint8_t s_blend_levels[4] = { 0x08, 0x10, 0x18, 0x20 };
+ uint8_t blendlevel = s_blend_levels[m_video_regs_2a & 3];
+ uint32_t words_per_tile;
+ // good for gormiti, smartfp, wrlshunt, paccon, jak_totm, jak_s500, jak_gtg
+ if (extended_sprites_mode && ((m_video_regs_42 & 0x0010) == 0x10))
+ {
+ // paccon and smartfp use this mode
+ words_per_tile = 8;
+ if (!alt_extrasprite_hack) // 1 extra word for each sprite
+ {
+ // before or after the 0 tile check?
+ tile |= (spriteram[(base_addr / 4) + 0x400] & 0x01ff) << 16;
+ blendlevel = ((spriteram[(base_addr / 4) + 0x400] & 0x3e00) >> 9);
+ }
+ else // jak_prft - no /4 to offset in this mode - 4 extra words per sprite instead ? (or is RAM content incorrect for one of these cases?)
+ {
+ tile |= spriteram[(base_addr) + 0x400] << 16;
+ blendlevel = ((spriteram[(base_addr) + 0x400] & 0x3e00) >> 9);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ words_per_tile = bits_per_row * tile_h;
+ }
+ bool flip_y = (attr & 0x0008);
+ // various games don't want the flip bits in the usual place, wrlshunt for example, there's probably a bit to control this
+ // and likewise these bits probably now have a different meaning, so this shouldn't be trusted
+ // beijuehh does NOT want this either (see characters in 'empire fighter')
+ if (extended_sprites_mode)
+ {
+ if (highres || alt_extrasprite_hack)
+ {
+ flip_x = FlipXOff;
+ flip_y = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ uint32_t palette_offset = (attr & 0x0f00) >> 4;
+ if (extended_sprites_mode)
+ {
+ // TODO: tkmag220 / myac220 don't set this bit and expect all sprite palettes to be from the same bank as background palettes
+ // beijuehh (extended_sprites_mode == 2) appears to disagree with that logic, it has this set, but expects palettes and sprites
+ // from the first bank but also needs the attr & 0x8000 check below for the 'pause' graphics so isn't ignoring the 'extended'
+ // capabilities entirely.
+ if ((palbank & 1) && (extended_sprites_mode != 2))
+ palette_offset |= 0x100;
+ // many other gpl16250 sets have this bit set when they want the upper 256 colours on a per-sprite basis, seems like an extended feature
+ if (attr & 0x8000)
+ palette_offset |= 0x200;
+ }
+ // the Circuit Racing game in PDC100 needs this or some graphics have bad colours at the edges when turning as it leaves stray lower bits set
+ palette_offset >>= nc_bpp;
+ palette_offset <<= nc_bpp;
+ if (firstline < lastline)
+ {
+ int scanx = scanline - firstline;
+ if ((scanx >= 0) && (scanline <= lastline))
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, xmask, blend, flip_x, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, scanx, x, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // clipped from top
+ int tempfirstline = firstline - (screenheight<<1);
+ int templastline = lastline;
+ int scanx = scanline - tempfirstline;
+ if ((scanx >= 0) && (scanline <= templastline))
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, xmask, blend, flip_x, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, scanx, x, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ // clipped against the bottom
+ tempfirstline = firstline;
+ templastline = lastline + (screenheight<<1);
+ scanx = scanline - tempfirstline;
+ if ((scanx >= 0) && (scanline <= templastline))
+ {
+ draw_tilestrip(read_from_csspace, screenwidth, xmask, blend, flip_x, cliprect, tile_h, tile_w, tilegfxdata_addr, tile, scanx, x, flip_y, palette_offset, nc_bpp, bits_per_row, words_per_tile, spc, paletteram, blendlevel);
+ }
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::draw_sprites(bool read_from_csspace, int extended_sprites_mode, bool alt_extrasprite_hack, uint32_t palbank, bool highres, const rectangle &cliprect, uint32_t scanline, int priority, uint32_t spritegfxdata_addr, address_space &spc, uint16_t* paletteram, uint16_t* spriteram, int sprlimit)
+ if (!(m_video_regs_42 & 0x0001))
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ // paccon suggests this, does older hardware have similar (if so, starting at what point?) or only GPL16250?
+ if (sprlimit == -1)
+ {
+ sprlimit = (m_video_regs_42 & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ if (sprlimit == 0)
+ sprlimit = 0x100;
+ }
+ for (uint32_t n = 0; n < sprlimit; n++)
+ {
+ draw_sprite(read_from_csspace, extended_sprites_mode, alt_extrasprite_hack, palbank, highres, cliprect, scanline, priority, spritegfxdata_addr, 4 * n, spc, paletteram, spriteram);
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::new_line(const rectangle& cliprect)
+ update_palette_lookup();
+ for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
+ {
+ m_linebuf[x] = 0x0000;
+ }
+void spg_renderer_device::update_palette_lookup()
+ if (!m_brightness_or_saturation_dirty)
+ return;
+ static const float s_u8_to_float = 1.0f / 255.0f;
+ static const float s_gray_r = 0.299f;
+ static const float s_gray_g = 0.587f;
+ static const float s_gray_b = 0.114f;
+ const float sat_adjust = (0xff - (m_video_regs_3c & 0x00ff)) / (float)(0xff - 0x20);
+ const uint16_t fade_offset = m_video_regs_30;
+ for (uint16_t i = 0; i < 0x8000; i++)
+ {
+ uint32_t src = m_rgb555_to_rgb888[i];
+ if ((m_video_regs_3c & 0x00ff) != 0x0020) // apply saturation
+ {
+ const uint32_t src_rgb = src;
+ const float src_r = (uint8_t)(src_rgb >> 16) * s_u8_to_float;
+ const float src_g = (uint8_t)(src_rgb >> 8) * s_u8_to_float;
+ const float src_b = (uint8_t)(src_rgb >> 0) * s_u8_to_float;
+ const float luma = src_r * s_gray_r + src_g * s_gray_g + src_b * s_gray_b;
+ const float adjusted_r = luma + (src_r - luma) * sat_adjust;
+ const float adjusted_g = luma + (src_g - luma) * sat_adjust;
+ const float adjusted_b = luma + (src_b - luma) * sat_adjust;
+ const int integer_r = (int)floor(adjusted_r * 255.0f);
+ const int integer_g = (int)floor(adjusted_g * 255.0f);
+ const int integer_b = (int)floor(adjusted_b * 255.0f);
+ src = (integer_r > 255 ? 0xff0000 : (integer_r < 0 ? 0 : ((uint8_t)integer_r << 16))) |
+ (integer_g > 255 ? 0x00ff00 : (integer_g < 0 ? 0 : ((uint8_t)integer_g << 8))) |
+ (integer_b > 255 ? 0x0000ff : (integer_b < 0 ? 0 : (uint8_t)integer_b));
+ }
+ if (fade_offset != 0) // apply fade
+ {
+ const uint32_t src_rgb = src;
+ const uint8_t src_r = (src_rgb >> 16) & 0xff;
+ const uint8_t src_g = (src_rgb >> 8) & 0xff;
+ const uint8_t src_b = (src_rgb >> 0) & 0xff;
+ const uint8_t r = src_r - fade_offset;
+ const uint8_t g = src_g - fade_offset;
+ const uint8_t b = src_b - fade_offset;
+ src = (r > src_r ? 0 : (r << 16)) |
+ (g > src_g ? 0 : (g << 8)) |
+ (b > src_b ? 0 : (b << 0));
+ }
+ m_rgb555_to_rgb888_current[i] = src;
+ }
+ m_brightness_or_saturation_dirty = false;
+void spg_renderer_device::apply_saturation_and_fade(bitmap_rgb32& bitmap, const rectangle& cliprect, int scanline)
+ uint32_t* src = &bitmap.pix(scanline, cliprect.min_x);
+ for (int x = cliprect.min_x; x <= cliprect.max_x; x++)
+ {
+ *src = m_rgb555_to_rgb888_current[m_linebuf[x]];
+ src++;
+ }