path: root/src/devices/machine/ram.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/machine/ram.cpp')
1 files changed, 222 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/machine/ram.cpp b/src/devices/machine/ram.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..3a92aa48c1b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/machine/ram.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+// license:GPL-2.0+
+// copyright-holders:Dirk Best
+ RAM device
+ Provides a configurable amount of RAM to drivers
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <ctype.h>
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "emuopts.h"
+#include "ram.h"
+// device type definition
+const device_type RAM = &device_creator<ram_device>;
+// ram_device - constructor
+ram_device::ram_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : device_t(mconfig, RAM, "RAM", tag, owner, clock, "ram", __FILE__)
+ m_size = 0;
+ m_default_size = NULL;
+ m_extra_options = NULL;
+ m_default_value = 0xCD;
+// device_start - device-specific startup
+void ram_device::device_start()
+ /* the device named 'ram' can get ram options from command line */
+ m_size = 0;
+ if (strcmp(tag(), ":" RAM_TAG) == 0)
+ {
+ const char *ramsize_string = machine().options().ram_size();
+ if ((ramsize_string != NULL) && (ramsize_string[0] != '\0'))
+ m_size = parse_string(ramsize_string);
+ }
+ /* if we didn't get a size yet, use the default */
+ if (m_size == 0)
+ m_size = default_size();
+ /* allocate space for the ram */
+ m_pointer.resize(m_size);
+ memset(&m_pointer[0], m_default_value, m_size);
+ /* register for state saving */
+ save_item(NAME(m_size));
+ save_item(NAME(m_pointer));
+// device_validity_check - device-specific validity
+// checks
+void ram_device::device_validity_check(validity_checker &valid) const
+ const char *ramsize_string = NULL;
+ int is_valid = FALSE;
+ UINT32 specified_ram = 0;
+ const char *gamename_option = NULL;
+ /* verify default ram value */
+ if (default_size() == 0)
+ osd_printf_error("Invalid default RAM option: %s\n", m_default_size);
+ /* command line options are only parsed for the device named RAM_TAG */
+ if (tag() != NULL && strcmp(tag(), ":" RAM_TAG) == 0)
+ {
+ /* verify command line ram option */
+ ramsize_string = mconfig().options().ram_size();
+ gamename_option = mconfig().options().system_name();
+ if ((ramsize_string != NULL) && (ramsize_string[0] != '\0'))
+ {
+ specified_ram = parse_string(ramsize_string);
+ if (specified_ram == 0)
+ osd_printf_error("Cannot recognize the RAM option %s\n", ramsize_string);
+ if (gamename_option != NULL && *gamename_option != 0 && strcmp(gamename_option, mconfig().gamedrv().name) == 0)
+ {
+ /* compare command line option to default value */
+ if (default_size() == specified_ram)
+ is_valid = TRUE;
+ /* verify extra ram options */
+ if (m_extra_options != NULL)
+ {
+ int j;
+ int size = strlen(m_extra_options);
+ char * const s = core_strdup(m_extra_options);
+ char * const e = s + size;
+ char *p = s;
+ for (j=0;j<size;j++) {
+ if (p[j]==',') p[j]=0;
+ }
+ /* try to parse each option */
+ while(p <= e)
+ {
+ UINT32 option_ram_size = parse_string(p);
+ if (option_ram_size == 0)
+ osd_printf_error("Invalid RAM option: %s\n", p);
+ if (option_ram_size == specified_ram)
+ is_valid = TRUE;
+ p += strlen(p);
+ if (p == e)
+ break;
+ p += 1;
+ }
+ osd_free(s);
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* if not for this driver then return ok */
+ is_valid = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ /* not specifying the ramsize on the command line is valid as well */
+ is_valid = TRUE;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ is_valid = TRUE;
+ if (!is_valid)
+ {
+ std::string output;
+ strcatprintf(output, "Cannot recognize the RAM option %s", ramsize_string);
+ strcatprintf(output, " (valid options are %s", m_default_size);
+ if (m_extra_options != NULL)
+ strcatprintf(output, ",%s).\n", m_extra_options);
+ else
+ strcatprintf(output, ").\n");
+ osd_printf_error("%s", output.c_str());
+ osd_printf_warning("Setting value to default %s\n",m_default_size);
+ std::string error;
+ mconfig().options().set_value(OPTION_RAMSIZE, m_default_size, OPTION_PRIORITY_CMDLINE, error);
+ assert(error.empty());
+ }
+// parse_string - convert a ram string to an
+// integer value
+UINT32 ram_device::parse_string(const char *s)
+ UINT32 ram;
+ char suffix = '\0';
+ s += sscanf(s, "%u%c", &ram, &suffix);
+ switch(tolower(suffix))
+ {
+ case 'k':
+ /* kilobytes */
+ ram *= 1024;
+ break;
+ case 'm':
+ /* megabytes */
+ ram *= 1024*1024;
+ break;
+ case '\0':
+ /* no suffix */
+ break;
+ default:
+ /* parse failure */
+ ram = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ram;
+// default_size
+UINT32 ram_device::default_size(void) const
+ return parse_string(m_default_size);