path: root/src/devices/machine/corvushd.cpp
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1 files changed, 1475 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/machine/corvushd.cpp b/src/devices/machine/corvushd.cpp
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index 00000000000..0444d3cb530
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/machine/corvushd.cpp
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+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Brett Wyer, Raphael Nabet
+// corvus_hd
+// Implementation of a Corvus Hard Drive / Host Bus Adapter pair. The drive
+// being emulated is a Rev B drive, functionally speaking, rather than an Omnidrive.
+// The Corvus Flat Cable HBA is a very simplistic device due to the fact that most
+// of the smarts are in the Hard Drive itself. What's in the hard drive includes a
+// Z80 processor, 4K of EPROM and 5KB of RAM. Ultimately, a true emulation would include
+// the on-boad controller; however, that is outside the current scope of this code. Maybe
+// if I could get a Rev. B/H drive, it could be reverse-engineered to do this.
+// The Flat Cable controller has two registers:
+// Data - Single byte bidirectional data transfer
+// Status Register - Bit 7 - Controller Ready -- off = ready, on = not ready
+// Bit 6 - Bus Direction -- off = host-to-controller, on = controller-to-host
+// Layout of a Corvus Hard Disk is as follows:
+// Blk Len Description
+// --- --- -----------
+// 0 1 Boot Block
+// 1 1 Disk Parameter Block
+// 2 1 Diagnostic Block (prep code)
+// 3 1 Constellation Parameter Block
+// 4 2 Dispatcher Code
+// 6 2 Pipes and Semaphores code (Semaphore table contained in block 7, bytes 1-256)
+// 8 10 Mirror Controller Code
+// 18 2 LSI-11 Controller Code
+// 20 2 Pipes Controller Code
+// 22 3 Reserved for Future Use
+// 25 8 Boot Blocks 0-7. Apple II uses 0-3, Concept uses 4-7
+// 33 4 Active User Table
+// 37 3 Reserved
+// All of the above blocks are initialized by the DDIAG program. This can be found on the
+// Concept FSYSGEN floppy.
+// - Boot blocks and code blocks are initialized using the "Update Firmware on Disk" function.
+// - Disk Parameter Block is initialized using the "Display/Modify Drive Parameters" function
+// An on-disk structure is written with the SYSGEN utility on the same disk. Password is "HAI"
+// Corvus Hard Disk performance characteristics (from a 6MB Rev B-E drive)
+// Average Latency: 6.25ms
+// Average Access Time: 125ms (and you thought YOUR drive was slow...)
+// Maximum Access Time: 240ms
+// Maximum Access Time (single track): 3ms
+// Data Transfer Rate: 960Kb/sec
+// Rotational Speed: 4800RPM
+// Brett Wyer
+// TODO:
+// Implement READY line glitch after last byte of command (Disk System Tech Ref pp. 3)
+// Implement Read-after-Write (always happens on Rev B/H drives per Mass Storage GTI pp. 12)
+// Implement Drive Illegal Addresses (seek past last sector)
+// Implement Switches on front of drive (LSI-11, MUX, Format, Reset)
+// Implement an inter-sector delay during the FORMAT command (format happens too quickly now)
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "imagedev/harddriv.h"
+#include "machine/corvushd.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+const device_type CORVUS_HDC = &device_creator<corvus_hdc_t>;
+corvus_hdc_t::corvus_hdc_t(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock) :
+ device_t(mconfig, CORVUS_HDC, "Corvus Flat Cable HDC", tag, owner, clock, "corvus_hdc", __FILE__),
+ m_status(0),
+ m_prep_mode(false),
+ m_prep_drv(0),
+ m_sectors_per_track(0),
+ m_tracks_per_cylinder(0),
+ m_cylinders_per_drive(0),
+ m_offset(0),
+ m_awaiting_modifier(false),
+ m_recv_bytes(0),
+ m_xmit_bytes(0),
+ m_last_cylinder(0),
+ m_delay(0),
+ m_invalid_command_flag(false)
+#define VERBOSE 0
+#define ROM_VERSION 1 // Controller ROM version
+#define MAX_COMMAND_SIZE 4096 // The maximum size of a command packet (the controller only has 5K of RAM...)
+#define SPARE_TRACKS 7 // This is a Rev B drive, so 7 it is
+#define CALLBACK_CTH_MODE 1 // Set to Controller-to-Host mode when callback fires
+#define CALLBACK_HTC_MODE 2 // Set to Host-to-Controller mode when callback fires
+#define CALLBACK_SAME_MODE 3 // Leave mode the same when callback fires
+#define CALLBACK_TIMEOUT 4 // Four seconds have elapsed. We're timing out
+#define TRACK_SEEK_TIME 1667 // Track-to-track seek time in microseconds (Maximum Access Time / Total Cylinders)
+#define INTERBYTE_DELAY 5 // Inter-byte delay in microseconds communicating between controller and host
+#define INTERSECTOR_DELAY 25000 // 25ms delay between sectors (4800 RPM = 80 Rev/Second. Maximum 2 sectors transferred / Rev)
+#define LOG(x) do { if (VERBOSE) logerror x; } while (0)
+#define LOG_BUFFER(p,s) do { if (VERBOSE) dump_buffer(p,s); } while (0)
+// Dump_Buffer
+// Dump a buffer to the error log in a nice format.
+// Pass:
+// buffer: Data to be dumped
+// length: Number of bytes to be dumped
+// Returns:
+// nada
+void corvus_hdc_t::dump_buffer(UINT8 *buffer, UINT16 length) {
+ UINT16 offset;
+ char ascii_dump[16];
+ logerror("dump_buffer: Dump of %d bytes:\n", length);
+ logerror("Base 00 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 0a 0b 0c 0d 0e 0f ASCII\n");
+ logerror("---- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- ----------------");
+ for(offset=0; offset < length; offset++) {
+ if(offset % 16 == 0) { // WHY IS 0 % 16 == 0???
+ if(offset > 0 && offset % 16 == 0)
+ logerror("%16.16s", ascii_dump);
+ logerror("\n%4.4x: %2.2x ", offset, *(buffer + offset));
+ } else {
+ logerror("%2.2x ", *(buffer + offset));
+ }
+ ascii_dump[offset % 16] = isprint(*(buffer + offset)) ? *(buffer + offset) : '.';
+ }
+ if(offset % 16)
+ logerror("%.*s", (16 - (offset % 16)) * 3, " ");
+ logerror("%.*s\n", (offset % 16) ? (offset % 16) : 16, ascii_dump);
+// Parse_HDC_Command
+// Process the first byte received from the host. Do some initial evaluation and
+// return either true or false as to whether the command was invalid or not.
+// Note that recv_bytes and xmit_bytes in the corvus_hdc structure are updated as
+// a side-effect of this command, as is awaiting_modifier.
+// Pass:
+// data: Initial byte received from the host in Host to Controller mode
+// Returns:
+// Whether the command was invalid or not (true = invalid command)
+bool corvus_hdc_t::parse_hdc_command(UINT8 data) {
+ m_awaiting_modifier = false; // This is the case by definition
+ LOG(("parse_hdc_command: Called with data: 0x%2.2x, Prep mode is: %d\n", data, m_prep_mode));
+ if(!m_prep_mode) {
+ switch(data) {
+ //
+ // Single-byte commands - Non-Prep mode
+ //
+ case READ_SECTOR_256:
+ case WRITE_SECTOR_256:
+ case READ_CHUNK_128:
+ case READ_CHUNK_256:
+ case READ_CHUNK_512:
+ case WRITE_CHUNK_128:
+ case WRITE_CHUNK_256:
+ case WRITE_CHUNK_512:
+ case BOOT:
+ // case PARK_HEADS_REVH:
+ case ECHO:
+ m_recv_bytes = corvus_cmd[data][0].recv_bytes;
+ m_xmit_bytes = corvus_cmd[data][0].xmit_bytes;
+ LOG(("parse_hdc_command: Single byte command recognized: 0x%2.2x, to recv: %d, to xmit: %d\n", data,
+ m_recv_bytes, m_xmit_bytes));
+ break;
+ //
+ // Double-byte commands
+ //
+ // case PIPE_READ_CODE:
+ // case PIPE_WRITE_CODE:
+ // case PIPE_CLOSE_CODE:
+ m_awaiting_modifier = true;
+ LOG(("parse_hdc_command: Double byte command recognized: 0x%2.2x\n", data));
+ break;
+ default: // This is an INVALID command
+ m_recv_bytes = 1;
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ LOG(("parse_hdc_command: Invalid command detected: 0x%2.2x\n", data));
+ return true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ switch(data) {
+ //
+ // Prep Commands
+ //
+ m_recv_bytes = corvus_prep_cmd[data].recv_bytes;
+ m_xmit_bytes = corvus_prep_cmd[data].xmit_bytes;
+ LOG(("parse_hdc_command: Prep command recognized: 0x%2.2x, to recv: %d, to xmit: %d\n", data,
+ m_recv_bytes, m_xmit_bytes));
+ break;
+ default: // This is an INVALID prep command
+ m_recv_bytes = 1;
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ LOG(("parse_hdc_command: Invalid Prep command detected: 0x%2.2x\n", data));
+ return true;
+ }
+ } // if(!prep_mode)
+ return false;
+// Corvus_Write_Sector
+// Write a variably-sized chunk of data to the CHD file
+// Pass:
+// drv: Corvus drive id (1..15)
+// sector: Physical sector number to write to
+// buffer: Buffer to write
+// len: Length of the buffer (amount of data to write)
+// Returns:
+// status: Command status
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_write_sector(UINT8 drv, UINT32 sector, UINT8 *buffer, int len) {
+ hard_disk_file
+ *disk; // Structures for interface to CHD routines
+ UINT8 tbuffer[512]; // Buffer to hold an entire sector
+ UINT16 cylinder; // Cylinder this sector resides on
+ LOG(("corvus_write_sector: Write Drive: %d, physical sector: 0x%5.5x\n", drv, sector));
+ disk = corvus_hdc_file(drv);
+ if(!disk) {
+ logerror("corvus_write_sector: Failure returned by corvus_hdc_file(%d)\n", drv);
+ }
+ //
+ // Calculate what cylinder the sector resides on for timing purposes
+ //
+ cylinder = (double) sector / (double) m_sectors_per_track / (double) m_tracks_per_cylinder;
+ m_delay = abs(m_last_cylinder - cylinder) * TRACK_SEEK_TIME + INTERSECTOR_DELAY;
+ //
+ // Corvus supports write sizes of 128, 256 and 512 bytes. In the case of a write smaller than
+ // the sector size of 512 bytes, the sector is read, the provided data is overlayed and then the
+ // sector is written back out. See pp. 5 of the Mass Storage Systems GTI for the details of this
+ // wonderful functionality.
+ //
+ if(len == 512) {
+ hard_disk_write(disk, sector, buffer);
+ } else {
+ hard_disk_read(disk, sector, tbuffer); // Read the existing data into our temporary buffer
+ memcpy(tbuffer, buffer, len); // Overlay the data with the buffer passed
+ m_delay += INTERSECTOR_DELAY; // Add another delay because of the Read / Write
+ hard_disk_write(disk, sector, tbuffer); // Re-write the data
+ }
+ m_last_cylinder = cylinder;
+ LOG(("corvus_write_sector: Full sector dump on a write of %d bytes follows:\n", len));
+ LOG_BUFFER(len == 512 ? buffer : tbuffer, 512);
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Write_Logical_Sector
+// Write a variably-sized chunk of data to the user area of the virtual Corvus drive
+// Pass:
+// dadr: Corvus-encoded Disk Address -- Logical Sector
+// buffer: Buffer holding the data to be written to the disk
+// len: Length of the buffer
+// Returns:
+// status: Corvus status
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_write_logical_sector(dadr_t *dadr, UINT8 *buffer, int len) {
+ UINT8 status; // Status returned from Physical Sector read
+ UINT8 drv; // Corvus drive id (1..15)
+ UINT32 sector; // Sector number on drive
+ //
+ // Unencode the first byte of the DADR
+ //
+ // High-order nibble of first byte is the most-significant nibble of the sector address
+ // Low-order nibble of first byte is the drive id
+ //
+ // For example: 0x23 would decode to Drive ID #3, high-order nibble: 0x02.
+ //
+ drv = (dadr->address_msn_and_drive & 0x0f);
+ sector = (dadr->address_msn_and_drive & 0xf0 << 12) | (dadr->address_mid << 8) | dadr->address_lsb;
+ LOG(("corvus_write_logical_sector: Writing based on DADR: 0x%6.6x, logical sector: 0x%5.5x, drive: %d\n",
+ dadr->address_msn_and_drive << 16 | dadr->address_lsb << 8 | dadr->address_mid, sector, drv));
+ // Set m_tracks_per_cylinder and m_sectors_per_track
+ corvus_hdc_file(drv);
+ //
+ // Shift the logical sector address forward by the number of firmware cylinders (2) + the number of spare tracks (7)
+ //
+ sector += (m_tracks_per_cylinder * m_sectors_per_track * 2) + (SPARE_TRACKS * m_sectors_per_track);
+ status = corvus_write_sector(drv, sector, buffer, len);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS)
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ return status;
+// Corvus_Read_Sector
+// Read a variably-sized chunk of data from the CHD file
+// Pass:
+// drv: Corvus drive id (1..15)
+// sector: Physical sector number to read from
+// buffer: Buffer to hold the data read from the disk
+// len: Length of the buffer
+// Returns:
+// status: Corvus status
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_read_sector(UINT8 drv, UINT32 sector, UINT8 *buffer, int len) {
+ hard_disk_file
+ *disk; // Structures for interface to CHD routines
+ UINT8 tbuffer[512]; // Buffer to store full sector results in
+ UINT16 cylinder;
+ LOG(("corvus_read_sector: Read Drive: %d, physical sector: 0x%5.5x\n", drv, sector));
+ disk = corvus_hdc_file(drv);
+ if(!disk) {
+ logerror("corvus_read_sector: Failure returned by corvus_hdc_file(%d)\n", drv);
+ }
+ //
+ // Calculate what cylinder the sector resides on for timing purposes
+ //
+ cylinder = (double) sector / (double) m_sectors_per_track / (double) m_tracks_per_cylinder;
+ m_delay = abs(m_last_cylinder - cylinder) * TRACK_SEEK_TIME + INTERSECTOR_DELAY;
+ hard_disk_read(disk, sector, tbuffer);
+ memcpy(buffer, tbuffer, len);
+ m_last_cylinder = cylinder;
+ LOG(("corvus_read_sector: Data read follows:\n"));
+ LOG_BUFFER(tbuffer, len);
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Read_Logical_Sector
+// Read a variably-sized chunk of data from the user area of the virtual Corvus drive
+// Pass:
+// dadr: Corvus-encoded Disk Address -- Logical Sector
+// buffer: Buffer to hold the data read from the disk
+// len: Length of the buffer
+// Returns:
+// status: Corvus status
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_read_logical_sector(dadr_t *dadr, UINT8 *buffer, int len) {
+ UINT8 status; // Status returned from Physical Sector read
+ UINT8 drv; // Corvus drive id (1..15)
+ UINT32 sector; // Sector number on drive
+ //
+ // Unencode the first byte of the DADR
+ //
+ // High-order nibble of first byte is the most-significant nibble of the sector address
+ // Low-order nibble of first byte is the drive id
+ //
+ // For example: 0x23 would decode to Drive ID #3, high-order nibble: 0x02.
+ //
+ drv = (dadr->address_msn_and_drive & 0x0f);
+ sector = (dadr->address_msn_and_drive & 0xf0 << 12) | (dadr->address_mid << 8) | dadr->address_lsb;
+ LOG(("corvus_read_logical_sector: Reading based on DADR: 0x%6.6x, logical sector: 0x%5.5x, drive: %d\n",
+ dadr->address_msn_and_drive << 16 | dadr->address_lsb << 8 | dadr->address_mid, sector, drv));
+ // Set up m_tracks_per_cylinder and m_sectors_per_track
+ corvus_hdc_file(drv);
+ //
+ // Shift the logical sector address forward by the number of firmware cylinders (2) + the number of spare tracks (7)
+ //
+ sector += (m_tracks_per_cylinder * m_sectors_per_track * 2) + (SPARE_TRACKS * m_sectors_per_track);
+ status = corvus_read_sector(drv, sector, buffer, len);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS)
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ return status;
+// Corvus_Lock_Semaphore
+// Lock a semaphore in the semaphore table
+// Pass:
+// name: Name of the semaphore to lock
+// Returns:
+// status: Disk status
+// Side-effects:
+// Fills in the semaphore result code
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_lock_semaphore(UINT8 *name) {
+ semaphore_table_block_t
+ semaphore_table;
+ UINT8 offset = 0;
+ bool found = false;
+ UINT8 blank_offset = 32; // Initialize to invalid offset
+ UINT8 status; // Status returned from Physical Sector read
+ //
+ // Read the semaphore table from the drive
+ //
+ status = corvus_read_sector(1, 7, semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_table, 256);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_lock_semaphore: Error reading semaphore table, status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_DISK_ERROR;
+ return status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Search the semaphore table to see if the semaphore already exists--if so it's locked
+ // Also look for the first blank entry to stick the new one into
+ //
+ do {
+ if(blank_offset == 32 && strncmp((char *) &semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_entry[offset], " ", 8) == 0)
+ blank_offset = offset;
+ if(strncmp((char *) &semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_entry[offset], (char *) name, 8) == 0) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while( ++offset < 32 );
+ //
+ // Deal with the found status
+ //
+ // - Stick it into the table if we didn't find it and there's room
+ // - Respond with a "set" status if we did find it
+ //
+ // Once that's done, write the updated table to the disk
+ //
+ if(!found) {
+ if(blank_offset == 32) {
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_TABLE_FULL; // No space for the semaphore!
+ } else {
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_PRIOR_STATE_NOT_SET; // It wasn't there already
+ memcpy(&semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_entry[blank_offset], name, 8);// Stick it into the table
+ status = corvus_write_sector(1, 7, semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_table, 256);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_lock_semaphore: Error updating semaphore table, status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_DISK_ERROR;
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_PRIOR_STATE_SET; // It's already locked -- sorry
+ }
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Unlock_Semaphore
+// Unock a semaphore in the semaphore table
+// Pass:
+// name: Name of the semaphore to unlock
+// Returns:
+// status: Disk status
+// Side-effects:
+// Fills in the semaphore result code
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_unlock_semaphore(UINT8 *name) {
+ semaphore_table_block_t
+ semaphore_table;
+ UINT8 offset = 0;
+ bool found = false;
+ UINT8 status; // Status returned from Physical Sector read
+ //
+ // Read the semaphore table from the drive
+ //
+ status = corvus_read_sector(1, 7, semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_table, 256);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_unlock_semaphore: Error reading semaphore table, status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_DISK_ERROR;
+ return status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Search the semaphore table to see if the semaphore already exists--if so it's locked
+ //
+ do {
+ if(strncmp((char *) &semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_entry[offset], (char *) name, 8) == 0) {
+ found = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ } while( ++offset < 32 );
+ //
+ // Deal with the found status
+ //
+ // - If we didn't find it, just respond that it wasn't there
+ // - If we did find it, respond with a "set" status and clear it
+ //
+ // Once that's done, write the updated table to the disk
+ //
+ if(!found) {
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_PRIOR_STATE_NOT_SET; // It wasn't there already
+ } else {
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_PRIOR_STATE_SET; // It was there
+ memcpy(&semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_entry[offset], " ", 8); // Clear it
+ status = corvus_write_sector(1, 7, semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_table, 256);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_unlock_semaphore: Error updating semaphore table, status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.result = SEM_DISK_ERROR;
+ return status;
+ }
+ }
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Init_Semaphore_Table
+// Zap all of the semaphores from the table (set them to blanks)
+// Pass:
+// Nothing
+// Returns:
+// Disk status
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_init_semaphore_table() {
+ semaphore_table_block_t
+ semaphore_table;
+ UINT8 status;
+ memset(semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_table, 0x20, 256);
+ status = corvus_write_sector(1, 7, semaphore_table.semaphore_block.semaphore_table, 256);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_init_semaphore_table: Error updating semaphore table, status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ return status;
+ }
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Get_Drive_Parameters
+// Fills in the Drive Parameter packet based on the opened CHD file
+// Pass:
+// drv: Corvus drive id (1..15)
+// Returns:
+// Status of command
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_get_drive_parameters(UINT8 drv) {
+ UINT16 capacity; // Number of usable 512-byte blocks
+ UINT16 raw_capacity; // Number of actual 512-byte blocks
+ union {
+ buffer[512];
+ disk_parameter_block_t
+ dpb;
+ } raw_disk_parameter_block; // Buffer for the Disk Parameter Block
+ union {
+ buffer[512];
+ constellation_parameter_block_t
+ cpb;
+ } raw_constellation_parameter_block; // Buffer for the Constellation Parameter Block
+ UINT8 status; // Status to return
+ //
+ // Make sure a valid drive is being accessed
+ //
+ if ( ! corvus_hdc_file( drv ) )
+ {
+ logerror("corvus_get_drive_parameters: Attempt to retrieve parameters from non-existant drive: %d\n", drv);
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ }
+ //
+ // Read the Disk Parameter Block (Sector 1) from the drive
+ //
+ status = corvus_read_sector(drv, 1, raw_disk_parameter_block.buffer, 512);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_get_drive_parameters: Error status returned reading Disk Parameter Block -- status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ return status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Read the Constellation Parameter Block (Sector 3) from the drive
+ //
+ status = corvus_read_sector(drv, 3, raw_constellation_parameter_block.buffer, 512);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_get_drive_parameters: Error status returned reading Constellation Parameter Block -- status: 0x%2.2x\n", status);
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ return status;
+ }
+ //
+ // Build up the parameter packet
+ //
+ // This firmware string and revision were taken from the Corvus firmware
+ // file CORVB184.CLR found on the SSE SoftBox distribution disk.
+ strncpy((char *) m_buffer.drive_param_response.firmware_desc, "V18.4 -- CONST II - 11/82 ", sizeof(m_buffer.drive_param_response.firmware_desc));
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.firmware_rev = 37;
+ // Controller ROM version
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.rom_version = ROM_VERSION;
+ //
+ // Track information
+ //
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.track_info.sectors_per_track = m_sectors_per_track;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.track_info.tracks_per_cylinder = m_tracks_per_cylinder;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.track_info.cylinders_per_drive.msb = (m_cylinders_per_drive & 0xff00) >> 8;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.track_info.cylinders_per_drive.lsb = (m_cylinders_per_drive & 0x00ff);
+ //
+ // Calculate the user capacity of the drive based on total capacity less spare tracks and firmware tracks
+ //
+ raw_capacity = m_tracks_per_cylinder * m_cylinders_per_drive * m_sectors_per_track; // Total capacity
+ capacity = raw_capacity - ((m_tracks_per_cylinder * m_sectors_per_track * 2) + (SPARE_TRACKS * m_sectors_per_track));
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.capacity.msb = (capacity & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.capacity.midb = (capacity & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.capacity.lsb = (capacity & 0x0000ff);
+ //
+ // Fill in the information from the Disk Parameter Block and Constellation Parameter Block
+ //
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.interleave = raw_disk_parameter_block.dpb.interleave;
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.mux_parameters, raw_constellation_parameter_block.cpb.mux_parameters, 12);
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.pipe_name_table_ptr,
+ raw_constellation_parameter_block.cpb.pipe_name_table_ptr, 2);
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.pipe_ptr_table_ptr,
+ raw_constellation_parameter_block.cpb.pipe_ptr_table_ptr, 2);
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.pipe_area_size, raw_constellation_parameter_block.cpb.pipe_area_size, 2);
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.vdo_table, raw_disk_parameter_block.dpb.vdo_table, 14);
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.lsi11_vdo_table, raw_disk_parameter_block.dpb.lsi11_vdo_table, 8);
+ memcpy(m_buffer.drive_param_response.table_info.lsi11_spare_table, raw_disk_parameter_block.dpb.lsi11_spare_table, 8);
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.drive_number = drv;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.physical_capacity.msb = (raw_capacity & 0xff0000) >> 16;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.physical_capacity.midb = (raw_capacity & 0x00ff00) >> 8;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.physical_capacity.lsb = (raw_capacity & 0x0000ff);
+ LOG(("corvus_get_drive_parameters: Drive Parameter packet follows:\n"));
+ LOG_BUFFER(m_buffer.raw_data, 110);
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Read_Boot_Block
+// Old-style Boot (0x14) command boot block reader
+// Pass:
+// block: Boot block number to read (0-7)
+// Returns:
+// status: Status of read operation
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_read_boot_block(UINT8 block) {
+ LOG(("corvus_read_boot_block: Reading boot block: %d\n", block));
+ return corvus_read_sector(1, 25 + block,, 512);
+// corvus_enter_prep_mode
+// Enter prep mode. In prep mode, only prep mode commands may be executed.
+// A "prep block" is 512 bytes of machine code that the host sends to the
+// controller. The controller will jump to this code after receiving it,
+// and it is what actually implements prep mode commands. This HLE ignores
+// the prep block from the host.
+// On the Rev B/H drives (which we emulate), a prep block is Z80 machine
+// code and only one prep block can be sent. Sending the "put drive into
+// prep mode" command (0x11) when already in prep mode is an error. The
+// prep block sent by the Corvus program DIAG.COM on the SSE SoftBox
+// distribution disk returns error 0x8f (unrecognized command) for this case.
+// On the OmniDrive and Bank, a prep block is 6801 machine code. These
+// controllers allow multiple prep blocks to be sent. The first time the
+// "put drive into prep mode" command is sent puts the drive into prep mode.
+// The command can then be sent again up to 3 times with more prep blocks.
+// (Mass Storage GTI, pages 50-51)
+// Pass:
+// drv: Corvus drive id (1..15) to be prepped
+// prep_block: 512 bytes of machine code, contents ignored
+// Returns:
+// Status of command
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_enter_prep_mode(UINT8 drv, UINT8 *prep_block) {
+ // on rev b/h drives, sending the "put drive into prep mode"
+ // command when already in prep mode is an error.
+ if (m_prep_mode) {
+ logerror("corvus_enter_prep_mode: Attempt to enter prep mode while in prep mode\n");
+ }
+ // check if drive is valid
+ if (!corvus_hdc_file(drv)) {
+ logerror("corvus_enter_prep_mode: Failure returned by corvus_hdc_file(%d)\n", drv);
+ }
+ LOG(("corvus_enter_prep_mode: Prep mode entered for drive %d, prep block follows:\n", drv));
+ LOG_BUFFER(prep_block, 512);
+ m_prep_mode = true;
+ m_prep_drv = drv;
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// corvus_exit_prep_mode (Prep Mode Only)
+// Exit from prep mode and return to normal command mode.
+// Returns:
+// Status of command (always success)
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_exit_prep_mode() {
+ LOG(("corvus_exit_prep_mode: Prep mode exited\n"));
+ m_prep_mode = false;
+ m_prep_drv = 0;
+ return STAT_SUCCESS;
+// Corvus_Read_Firmware_Block (Prep Mode Only)
+// Reads firmware information from the first cylinder of the drive
+// Pass:
+// head: Head number
+// sector: Sector number
+// Returns:
+// Status of command
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_read_firmware_block(UINT8 head, UINT8 sector) {
+ UINT16 relative_sector; // Relative sector on drive for Physical Read
+ UINT8 status;
+ relative_sector = head * m_sectors_per_track + sector;
+ LOG(("corvus_read_firmware_block: Reading firmware head: 0x%2.2x, sector: 0x%2.2x, relative_sector: 0x%2.2x\n",
+ head, sector, relative_sector));
+ status = corvus_read_sector(m_prep_drv, relative_sector,, 512);
+ return status;
+// Corvus_Write_Firmware_Block (Prep Mode Only)
+// Writes firmware information to the first cylinder of the drive
+// Pass:
+// head: Head number
+// sector: Sector number
+// buffer: Data to be written
+// Returns:
+// Status of command
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_write_firmware_block(UINT8 head, UINT8 sector, UINT8 *buffer) {
+ UINT16 relative_sector; // Relative sector on drive for Physical Read
+ UINT8 status;
+ relative_sector = head * m_sectors_per_track + sector;
+ LOG(("corvus_write_firmware_block: Writing firmware head: 0x%2.2x, sector: 0x%2.2x, relative_sector: 0x%2.2x\n",
+ head, sector, relative_sector));
+ status = corvus_write_sector(m_prep_drv, relative_sector, buffer, 512);
+ return status;
+// Corvus_Format_Drive (Prep Mode Only)
+// Write the pattern provided across the entire disk
+// Pass:
+// pattern: 512-byte buffer containing the pattern to write to the whole drive
+// Returns:
+// Status of command
+UINT8 corvus_hdc_t::corvus_format_drive(UINT8 *pattern, UINT16 len) {
+ UINT32 sector;
+ UINT32 max_sector;
+ UINT8 status = 0;
+ UINT8 tbuffer[512];
+ // Set up m_tracks_per_cylinder and m_sectors_per_track
+ corvus_hdc_file(m_prep_drv);
+ max_sector = m_sectors_per_track * m_tracks_per_cylinder * m_cylinders_per_drive;
+ //
+ // If we were passed less than 512 bytes, fill the buffer up with the first byte passed (for Omnidrive Format command)
+ //
+ if(len < 512) {
+ memset(tbuffer, *pattern, 512);
+ pattern = tbuffer;
+ }
+ LOG(("corvus_format_drive: Formatting drive with 0x%5.5x sectors, pattern buffer (passed length: %d) follows\n", max_sector, 512));
+ LOG_BUFFER(pattern, 512);
+ for(sector = 0; sector <= max_sector; sector++) {
+ status = corvus_write_sector(m_prep_drv, sector, pattern, 512);
+ if(status != STAT_SUCCESS) {
+ logerror("corvus_format_drive: Error while formatting drive in corvus_write_sector--sector: 0x%5.5x, status: 0x%x2.2x\n",
+ sector, status);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return status;
+// Corvus_HDC_File
+// Returns a hard_disk_file object for a given virtual hard drive device in the concept
+// Pass:
+// drv: Corvus drive id (1..15)
+// Returns:
+// hard_disk_file object
+hard_disk_file *corvus_hdc_t::corvus_hdc_file(int drv) {
+ static const char *const tags[] = {
+ "harddisk1", "harddisk2", "harddisk3", "harddisk4"
+ };
+ // we only support 4 drives, as per the tags[] table, so prevent a crash
+ // Corvus drive id numbers are 1-based so we check 1..4 instead of 0..3
+ if (drv < 1 || drv > 4)
+ {
+ return NULL;
+ }
+ harddisk_image_device *img = siblingdevice<harddisk_image_device>(tags[drv - 1]);
+ if ( !img )
+ return NULL;
+ if (!img->exists())
+ return NULL;
+ // Pick up the Head/Cylinder/Sector info
+ hard_disk_file *file = img->get_hard_disk_file();
+ hard_disk_info *info = hard_disk_get_info(file);
+ m_sectors_per_track = info->sectors;
+ m_tracks_per_cylinder = info->heads;
+ m_cylinders_per_drive = info->cylinders;
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_file: Attached to drive %u image: H:%d, C:%d, S:%d\n", drv, info->heads, info->cylinders, info->sectors));
+ return file;
+// Corvus_Process_Command_Packet
+// Having received a complete packet from the host, process it
+// Pass:
+// Invalid_Command_Flag: Invalid command flag responses are handled in this routine
+// Returns:
+// Nothing
+void corvus_hdc_t::corvus_process_command_packet(bool invalid_command_flag) {
+ {
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_data_w: Complete packet received. Dump follows:\n"));
+ LOG_BUFFER(m_buffer.raw_data, m_offset);
+ }
+ if(!invalid_command_flag) {
+ if(!m_prep_mode) {
+ switch(m_buffer.command.code) {
+ //
+ // Read / Write Chunk commands
+ //
+ case READ_CHUNK_128:
+ m_buffer.read_128_response.status =
+ corvus_read_logical_sector(&m_buffer.read_sector_command.dadr,, 128);
+ break;
+ case READ_SECTOR_256:
+ case READ_CHUNK_256:
+ m_buffer.read_256_response.status =
+ corvus_read_logical_sector(&m_buffer.read_sector_command.dadr,, 256);
+ break;
+ case READ_CHUNK_512:
+ m_buffer.read_512_response.status =
+ corvus_read_logical_sector(&m_buffer.read_sector_command.dadr,, 512);
+ break;
+ case WRITE_CHUNK_128:
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ corvus_write_logical_sector(&m_buffer.write_128_command.dadr,, 128);
+ break;
+ case WRITE_SECTOR_256:
+ case WRITE_CHUNK_256:
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ corvus_write_logical_sector(&m_buffer.write_256_command.dadr,, 256);
+ break;
+ case WRITE_CHUNK_512:
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ corvus_write_logical_sector(&m_buffer.write_512_command.dadr,, 512);
+ break;
+ //
+ // Semaphore commands
+ //
+ switch(m_buffer.command.modifier) {
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.status = corvus_lock_semaphore(;
+ break;
+ m_buffer.semaphore_locking_response.status =
+ corvus_unlock_semaphore(;
+ break;
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status = corvus_init_semaphore_table();
+ break;
+ m_buffer.semaphore_status_response.status =
+ corvus_read_sector(1, 7, m_buffer.semaphore_status_response.table, 256);
+ break;
+ default:
+ invalid_command_flag = true;
+ }
+ break;
+ //
+ // Miscellaneous commands
+ //
+ case BOOT:
+ m_buffer.read_512_response.status =
+ corvus_read_boot_block(m_buffer.old_boot_command.boot_block);
+ break;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.status =
+ corvus_get_drive_parameters(;
+ break;
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ corvus_enter_prep_mode(,
+ m_buffer.prep_mode_command.prep_block);
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1; // Return a fatal status
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status = STAT_FAULT | STAT_FATAL_ERR;
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_w: Unimplemented command, returning FATAL FAULT status!\n");
+ break;
+ }
+ } else { // In Prep mode
+ switch(m_buffer.command.code) {
+ // when already in prep mode, some drives allow this command to
+ // be sent again. see corvus_enter_prep_mode() for details.
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ corvus_enter_prep_mode(,
+ m_buffer.prep_mode_command.prep_block);
+ break;
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ corvus_exit_prep_mode();
+ break;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.status =
+ corvus_read_firmware_block((m_buffer.read_firmware_command.encoded_h_s & 0xe0) >> 5,
+ m_buffer.read_firmware_command.encoded_h_s & 0x1f);
+ break;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.status =
+ corvus_write_firmware_block((m_buffer.write_firmware_command.encoded_h_s & 0xe0) >> 5,
+ m_buffer.write_firmware_command.encoded_h_s & 0x1f,;
+ break;
+ m_buffer.drive_param_response.status =
+ corvus_format_drive(m_buffer.format_drive_revbh_command.pattern, m_offset - 512);
+ break;
+ m_buffer.verify_drive_response.status = STAT_SUCCESS;
+ m_buffer.verify_drive_response.bad_sectors = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status = STAT_FAULT | STAT_FATAL_ERR;
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_w: Unimplemented Prep command %02x, returning FATAL FAULT status!\n", m_buffer.command.code);
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_data_w: Command execution complete, status: 0x%2.2x. Response dump follows:\n",
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status));
+ LOG_BUFFER(m_buffer.raw_data, m_xmit_bytes);
+ }
+ } // if(!invalid_command_flag)
+ //
+ // Use a separate "if" in case the Invalid Command Flag was set as a result of a two-byte command
+ //
+ if(invalid_command_flag) {
+ //
+ // An Illegal command was detected (Truly invalid, not just unimplemented)
+ //
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status =
+ STAT_FATAL_ERR | STAT_ILL_CMD_OP_CODE; // Respond with an Illegal Op Code
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_w: Illegal command 0x%2.2x, status: 0x%2.2x\n", m_buffer.command.code, m_buffer.single_byte_response.status);
+ }
+ //
+ // Command execution complete, free up the controller
+ //
+ m_offset = 0; // Point to beginning of buffer for response
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_data_w: Setting one-time mame timer of %d microseconds to simulate disk function\n", m_delay));
+ //
+ // Set up timers for command completion and timeout from host
+ //
+ //machine.scheduler().timer_set(attotime::from_usec(m_delay), FUNC(corvus_hdc_callback), CALLBACK_CTH_MODE);
+ m_cmd_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(m_delay), CALLBACK_CTH_MODE);
+ m_timeout_timer->enable(0); // We've received enough data, disable the timeout timer
+ m_delay = 0; // Reset delay for next function
+// Corvus_HDC_Callback
+// Callback routine for completion of controller functions
+// Pass:
+// Callback Function
+// Returns:
+// Nothing
+void corvus_hdc_t::device_timer(emu_timer &timer, device_timer_id id, int param, void *ptr)
+ int function = param;
+ switch(function) {
+ m_status |= CONTROLLER_DIRECTION; // Set to Controller-to-Host, Ready mode
+ m_status &= ~(CONTROLLER_BUSY);
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_callback: Callback executed with function CALLBACK_CTH_MODE\n"));
+ break;
+ m_status &= ~(CONTROLLER_DIRECTION |
+ CONTROLLER_BUSY); // Set to Host-to-Controller, Ready mode
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_callback: Callback executed with function CALLBACK_HTC_MODE\n"));
+ break;
+ m_status &= ~(CONTROLLER_BUSY); // Set the controller to Ready mode
+ break;
+ case CALLBACK_TIMEOUT: // We reached a four-second timeout threshold
+ if(m_offset < m_recv_bytes || (m_offset > m_recv_bytes && m_recv_bytes != 0)) {
+ m_buffer.single_byte_response.status = STAT_TIMEOUT;
+ m_status &= ~(CONTROLLER_BUSY);
+ m_recv_bytes = 0;
+ m_xmit_bytes = 1;
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_callback: Exceeded four-second timeout for data from host, resetting communications\n");
+ } else { // if(m_recv_bytes == 0) This was a variable-size command
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_callback: Executing variable-length command via four-second timeout\n"));
+ corvus_process_command_packet(0); // Process the command
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_callback: FATAL ERROR -- Unknown callback function: %d\n", function);
+ assert(0);
+ }
+ if(function != CALLBACK_SAME_MODE) {
+ m_timeout_timer->enable(0); // Disable the four-second timer now that we're done
+ }
+// Corvus_HDC_Init
+// Global routine to initialize the Hard Disk Controller structures and arrays
+// Pass:
+// Nothing
+// Returns:
+// NULL if there's no file to attach to
+void corvus_hdc_t::device_start() {
+ m_status &= ~(CONTROLLER_DIRECTION | CONTROLLER_BUSY); // Host-to-controller mode, Idle (awaiting command from Host mode)
+ m_prep_mode = false; // We're not in Prep Mode
+ m_offset = 0; // Buffer is empty
+ m_awaiting_modifier = false; // We're not in the middle of a two-byte command
+ m_xmit_bytes = 0; // We don't have anything to say to the host
+ m_recv_bytes = 0; // We aren't waiting on additional data from the host
+ m_timeout_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_TIMEOUT); // Set up a timer to handle the four-second host-to-controller timeout
+ m_timeout_timer->adjust(attotime::from_seconds(4), CALLBACK_TIMEOUT);
+ m_timeout_timer->enable(0); // Start this timer out disabled
+ m_cmd_timer = timer_alloc(TIMER_COMMAND);
+ //
+ // Define all of the packet sizes for the commands
+ //
+ // Read / Write commands
+ corvus_cmd[READ_SECTOR_256][0].recv_bytes = 4;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_SECTOR_256][0].xmit_bytes = 257;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_SECTOR_256][0].recv_bytes = 260;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_SECTOR_256][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_CHUNK_128][0].recv_bytes = 4;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_CHUNK_128][0].xmit_bytes = 129;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_CHUNK_256][0].recv_bytes = 4;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_CHUNK_256][0].xmit_bytes = 257;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_CHUNK_512][0].recv_bytes = 4;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_CHUNK_512][0].xmit_bytes = 513;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_CHUNK_128][0].recv_bytes = 132;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_CHUNK_128][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_CHUNK_256][0].recv_bytes = 260;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_CHUNK_256][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_CHUNK_512][0].recv_bytes = 516;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITE_CHUNK_512][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ // Semaphore commands
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_LOCK_CODE][SEMAPHORE_LOCK_MOD].recv_bytes = 10;
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_LOCK_CODE][SEMAPHORE_LOCK_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_UNLOCK_CODE][SEMAPHORE_UNLOCK_MOD].recv_bytes = 10;
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_UNLOCK_CODE][SEMAPHORE_UNLOCK_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_INIT_CODE][SEMAPHORE_INIT_MOD].recv_bytes = 5;
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_INIT_CODE][SEMAPHORE_INIT_MOD].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[SEMAPHORE_STATUS_CODE][SEMAPHORE_STATUS_MOD].xmit_bytes = 257;
+ // Pipe commands
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_READ_CODE][PIPE_READ_MOD].recv_bytes = 5;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_READ_CODE][PIPE_READ_MOD].xmit_bytes = 516;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_WRITE_CODE][PIPE_WRITE_MOD].recv_bytes = 517;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_WRITE_CODE][PIPE_WRITE_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_CLOSE_CODE][PIPE_CLOSE_MOD].recv_bytes = 5;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_CLOSE_CODE][PIPE_CLOSE_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_STATUS_CODE][PIPE_STATUS_MOD].recv_bytes = 5;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_STATUS_CODE][PIPE_STATUS_MOD].xmit_bytes = 513; // There are actually two possibilities here
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_OPEN_WRITE_CODE][PIPE_OPEN_WRITE_MOD].recv_bytes = 10;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_OPEN_WRITE_CODE][PIPE_OPEN_WRITE_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_AREA_INIT_CODE][PIPE_AREA_INIT_MOD].recv_bytes = 10;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_AREA_INIT_CODE][PIPE_AREA_INIT_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_OPEN_READ_CODE][PIPE_OPEN_READ_MOD].recv_bytes = 10;
+ corvus_cmd[PIPE_OPEN_READ_CODE][PIPE_OPEN_READ_MOD].xmit_bytes = 12;
+ // Active User Table Commands
+ corvus_cmd[ADDACTIVE_CODE][ADDACTIVE_MOD].recv_bytes = 18;
+ corvus_cmd[ADDACTIVE_CODE][ADDACTIVE_MOD].xmit_bytes = 2;
+ corvus_cmd[FINDACTIVE_CODE][FINDACTIVE_MOD].recv_bytes = 18;
+ corvus_cmd[FINDACTIVE_CODE][FINDACTIVE_MOD].xmit_bytes = 17;
+ corvus_cmd[READTEMPBLOCK][0].recv_bytes = 2;
+ corvus_cmd[READTEMPBLOCK][0].xmit_bytes = 513;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITETEMPBLOCK][0].recv_bytes = 514;
+ corvus_cmd[WRITETEMPBLOCK][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ // Miscellaneous Commands
+ corvus_cmd[BOOT][0].recv_bytes = 2;
+ corvus_cmd[BOOT][0].xmit_bytes = 513;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_BOOT_BLOCK][0].recv_bytes = 3;
+ corvus_cmd[READ_BOOT_BLOCK][0].xmit_bytes = 513;
+ corvus_cmd[GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS][0].recv_bytes = 2;
+ corvus_cmd[GET_DRIVE_PARAMETERS][0].xmit_bytes = 129;
+ corvus_cmd[PARK_HEADS_REVH][0].recv_bytes = 514;
+ corvus_cmd[PARK_HEADS_REVH][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[PARK_HEADS_OMNI][0].recv_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[PARK_HEADS_OMNI][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_cmd[ECHO][0].recv_bytes = 513;
+ corvus_cmd[ECHO][0].xmit_bytes = 513;
+ // Put Drive in Prep Mode
+ corvus_cmd[PREP_MODE_SELECT][0].recv_bytes = 514;
+ corvus_cmd[PREP_MODE_SELECT][0].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ // Prep Mode Commands
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_MODE_SELECT].recv_bytes = 514;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_MODE_SELECT].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_RESET_DRIVE].recv_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_RESET_DRIVE].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_FORMAT_DRIVE].recv_bytes = 0;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_FORMAT_DRIVE].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_FILL_DRIVE_OMNI].recv_bytes = 3;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_FILL_DRIVE_OMNI].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_VERIFY].recv_bytes = 1;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_VERIFY].xmit_bytes = 2;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_READ_FIRMWARE].recv_bytes = 2;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_READ_FIRMWARE].xmit_bytes = 513;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_WRITE_FIRMWARE].recv_bytes = 514;
+ corvus_prep_cmd[PREP_WRITE_FIRMWARE].xmit_bytes = 1;
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_init: Drive structures initialized\n"));
+// Corvus_HDC_Status_R
+// Global routine to read the Status Register from the Controller (Controller to Host)
+// Pass:
+// Nothing
+// Returns:
+// Value in the controller status register
+READ8_MEMBER ( corvus_hdc_t::status_r ) {
+ return m_status;
+// Corvus_HDC_Data_R
+// Read the Data Register from the Controller (Controller to Host). If transmission is complete,
+// as defined as offset == bytes to transmit, reset the status to Host-to-Controller mode and Idle
+// when complete.
+// Pass:
+// Nothing
+// Returns:
+// Value in the controller data register
+READ8_MEMBER ( corvus_hdc_t::read ) {
+ UINT8 result;
+ if((m_status & CONTROLLER_DIRECTION) == 0) { // Check to see if we're in Controller-to-Host mode
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_r: Data register read when in Host-to-Controller mode (status: 0x%2.2x)\n", m_status);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ if((m_status & CONTROLLER_BUSY) != 0) { // Check to see if we're Busy
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_r: Data register read when Busy (status: 0x%2.2x)\n", m_status);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ result = m_buffer.raw_data[m_offset++];
+ if(m_offset == m_xmit_bytes) {
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_data_r: Finished transmitting %d bytes of data. Returning to idle mode.\n", m_xmit_bytes));
+ m_offset = 0; // We've reached the end of valid data
+ m_xmit_bytes = 0; // We don't have anything more to say
+ m_recv_bytes = 0; // No active commands
+ m_cmd_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(INTERBYTE_DELAY), CALLBACK_HTC_MODE);
+// m_status &= ~(CONTROLLER_DIRECTION | CONTROLLER_BUSY); // Put us in Idle, Host-to-Controller mode
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Not finished with this packet. Insert an interbyte delay and then let the host continue
+ //
+ m_cmd_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(INTERBYTE_DELAY), CALLBACK_SAME_MODE);
+ }
+ return result;
+// Corvus_HDC_Data_W
+// Write to the Data Register on the Controller (Host to Controller)
+// Pass:
+// Value to write to controller data register
+// Returns:
+// Nothing
+WRITE8_MEMBER ( corvus_hdc_t::write ) {
+ //
+ // Received a byte -- check to see if we should really respond
+ //
+ if((m_status & CONTROLLER_DIRECTION) != 0) { // System wrote to controller when controller wasn't listening
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_w: Data register written when in Controller-to-Host mode (status: 0x%2.2x, data: 0x%2.2x)\n",
+ m_status, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ if((m_status & CONTROLLER_BUSY) != 0) { // System wrote to controller when controller was busy
+ logerror("corvus_hdc_data_w: Data register written when controller not Ready (status: 0x%2.2x, data: 0x%2.2x)\n",
+ m_status, data);
+ return;
+ }
+ //
+ // We're supposed to be paying attention. Make a decision about the data received
+ //
+ if(m_offset == 0) { // First byte of a packet
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_data_w: Received a byte with m_offset == 0. Processing as command: 0x%2.2x\n", data));
+ m_invalid_command_flag = parse_hdc_command(data);
+ m_timeout_timer->reset((attotime::from_seconds(4)));
+ m_timeout_timer->enable(1); // Start our four-second timer
+ } else if(m_offset == 1 && m_awaiting_modifier) { // Second byte of a packet
+ LOG(("corvus_hdc_data_w: Received a byte while awaiting modifier with m_offset == 0. Processing as modifier: 0x%2.2x\n", data));
+ m_awaiting_modifier = false;
+ m_recv_bytes = corvus_cmd[m_buffer.command.code][data].recv_bytes;
+ m_xmit_bytes = corvus_cmd[m_buffer.command.code][data].xmit_bytes;
+ }
+ m_buffer.raw_data[m_offset++] = data;
+ assert(m_offset <= MAX_COMMAND_SIZE); // Something is wrong, or I undersized the buffer
+ //
+ // We now have enough information to make a decision whether to execute the command, respond with a fatal response
+ // or just wait for more data. If we can do something, execute the command. Otherwise, just fall through and return
+ // to the user with us Ready for more data and in Host-to-Controller mode.
+ //
+ if(m_offset == m_recv_bytes) { // We've received enough data to process
+ corvus_process_command_packet(m_invalid_command_flag);
+ } else {
+ //
+ // Reset the four-second timer since we received some data
+ //
+ m_timeout_timer->reset((attotime::from_seconds(4)));
+ //
+ // Make the controller busy for a few microseconds while the command is processed
+ //
+ m_status |= CONTROLLER_BUSY;
+ m_cmd_timer->adjust(attotime::from_usec(INTERBYTE_DELAY), CALLBACK_SAME_MODE);
+ }