path: root/src/devices/cpu/spc700/spc700.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/spc700/spc700.h')
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/spc700/spc700.h b/src/devices/cpu/spc700/spc700.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..7177e2a6534
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/spc700/spc700.h
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Karl Stenerud
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __SPC700_H__
+#define __SPC700_H__
+class spc700_device : public cpu_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ spc700_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const { return 2; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const { return 8; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const { return 1; }
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual void execute_set_input(int inputnum, int state);
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const { return (spacenum == AS_PROGRAM) ? &m_program_config : NULL; }
+ // device_state_interface overrides
+ virtual void state_import(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_export(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const { return 1; }
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const { return 3; }
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+ address_space_config m_program_config;
+ UINT32 m_a; /* Accumulator */
+ UINT32 m_x; /* Index Register X */
+ UINT32 m_y; /* Index Register Y */
+ UINT32 m_s; /* Stack Pointer */
+ UINT32 m_pc; /* Program Counter */
+ UINT32 m_ppc; /* Previous Program Counter */
+ UINT32 m_flag_n; /* Negative Flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_z; /* Zero flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_v; /* Overflow Flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_p; /* Direct Page Flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_b; /* BRK Instruction Flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_h; /* Half-carry Flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_i; /* Interrupt Mask Flag */
+ UINT32 m_flag_c; /* Carry Flag */
+ UINT32 m_line_irq; /* Status of the IRQ line */
+ UINT32 m_line_nmi; /* Status of the NMI line */
+ UINT32 m_line_rst; /* Status of the RESET line */
+ UINT32 m_ir; /* Instruction Register */
+ address_space *m_program;
+ UINT32 m_stopped; /* stopped status */
+ int m_ICount;
+ UINT32 m_source;
+ UINT32 m_destination;
+ UINT32 m_temp1;
+ UINT32 m_temp2;
+ UINT32 m_temp3;
+ short m_spc_int16;
+ int m_spc_int32;
+ UINT32 m_debugger_temp;
+ inline UINT32 read_8_normal(UINT32 address);
+ inline UINT32 read_8_immediate(UINT32 address);
+ inline UINT32 read_8_instruction(UINT32 address);
+ inline UINT32 read_8_direct(UINT32 address);
+ inline void write_8_normal(UINT32 address, UINT32 value);
+ inline void write_8_direct(UINT32 address, UINT32 value);
+ inline UINT32 read_16_normal(UINT32 address);
+ inline UINT32 read_16_immediate(UINT32 address);
+ inline UINT32 read_16_direct(UINT32 address);
+ inline void write_16_direct(UINT32 address, UINT32 value);
+ inline UINT32 EA_IMM();
+ inline UINT32 EA_IMM16();
+ inline UINT32 EA_ABS();
+ inline UINT32 EA_ABX();
+ inline UINT32 EA_ABY();
+ inline UINT32 EA_AXI();
+ inline UINT32 EA_DP();
+ inline UINT32 EA_DPX();
+ inline UINT32 EA_DPY();
+ inline UINT32 EA_DXI();
+ inline UINT32 EA_DIY();
+ inline UINT32 EA_XI();
+ inline UINT32 EA_XII();
+ inline UINT32 EA_YI();
+ inline void JUMP(UINT32 address);
+ inline void BRANCH(UINT32 offset);
+ inline void SET_REG_YA(UINT32 value);
+ inline void SET_REG_P(UINT32 value);
+ inline void PUSH_8(UINT32 value);
+ inline UINT32 PULL_8();
+ inline void PUSH_16(UINT32 value);
+ inline UINT32 PULL_16();
+ inline void CHECK_IRQ();
+ inline void SET_FLAG_I(UINT32 value);
+ void SERVICE_IRQ();
+extern const device_type SPC700;
+/* ======================================================================== */
+/* ============================= Configuration ============================ */
+/* ======================================================================== */
+/* Turn on optimizations for SNES since it doesn't hook up the interrupt lines */
+#define SPC700_OPTIMIZE_SNES 1
+/* ======================================================================== */
+/* ============================== PROTOTYPES ============================== */
+/* ======================================================================== */
+ SPC700_PC=1, SPC700_S, SPC700_P, SPC700_A, SPC700_X, SPC700_Y
+#define SPC700_INT_NONE 0
+#define SPC700_INT_IRQ 1
+#define SPC700_INT_NMI 2
+/* ======================================================================== */
+/* ============================== END OF FILE ============================= */
+/* ======================================================================== */
+#endif /* __SPC700_H__ */