path: root/src/devices/cpu/sigma2/sigma2d.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/sigma2/sigma2d.cpp')
1 files changed, 393 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/sigma2/sigma2d.cpp b/src/devices/cpu/sigma2/sigma2d.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..6acc7f2ea68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/sigma2/sigma2d.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:AJR
+ SDS/XDS Sigma 2/3 & Xerox 530 (16-bit) disassemblers
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "sigma2d.h"
+namespace {
+const char *const s_inst_names[16] =
+ "WD", "RD",
+ "S", "MUL",
+ "B", "DIV",
+ "BC", "COPY", // non-memory instructions
+ "LDA", "AND",
+ "ADD", "SUB",
+ "LDX", "CP",
+ "STA", "IM"
+const char *const s_shift_names[8] =
+ "SARS", "SALS", "SCRS", "SCLS", // Single shifts
+ "SARD", "SALD", "SCRD", "SCLD" // Double shifts
+const char *const s_bc_names[8] =
+ "BNO", "BNC", "BAZ", "BIX",
+ "BXNO", "BXNC", "BEN", "BAN"
+const char *const s_copy_names[32] =
+ "RAND", "", "RANDI", "", "RANDC", "", "", "",
+ "ROR", "RCPY", "RORI", "RCPYI", "RORC", "RCPYC", "", "",
+ "REOR", "", "REORI", "", "REORC", "", "", "",
+ "RADD", "RCLA", "RADDI", "RCLAI", "RADDC", "RCLAC", "", ""
+const char *const s_sigma2_reg_names[8] =
+ "Z", "P",
+ "L", "T",
+ "X1", "X2",
+ "E", "A"
+const char *const s_xerox530_reg_names[8] =
+ "Z", "P",
+ "L", "T",
+ "X", "B",
+ "E", "A"
+} // anonymous namespace
+sigma2_disassembler::sigma2_disassembler(const char *const *reg_names)
+ : util::disasm_interface()
+ , m_reg_names(reg_names)
+ : sigma2_disassembler(s_sigma2_reg_names)
+ : sigma2_disassembler(s_xerox530_reg_names)
+u32 sigma2_disassembler::opcode_alignment() const
+ return 1;
+offs_t sigma2_disassembler::dasm_memory_reference(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const data_buffer &opcodes, u16 inst) const
+ if (BIT(inst, 10))
+ {
+ // Indirect addressing
+ stream << '*';
+ }
+ if (BIT(inst, 11))
+ {
+ // Self-relative addressing
+ util::stream_format(stream, "X'%04X'", (pc + util::sext(inst, 9)) & 0xffff);
+ if (BIT(inst, 9))
+ stream << ',' << m_reg_names[4];
+ }
+ else if (BIT(inst, 8, 2) == 0 || BIT(inst, 8, 3) == 6)
+ {
+ // Nonrelative direct addressing
+ util::stream_format(stream, "X'%04X'", inst & 0x00ff);
+ if (BIT(inst, 9))
+ stream << ',' << m_reg_names[4];
+ // Interrupt exit sequence (very special case in which LDX loads PSD and not X1)
+ if (inst == 0x00d8 && (opcodes.r16(pc + 1) & 0xf000) == 0xc000)
+ return 1 | STEP_OUT | step_over_extra(1) | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Indexed addressing
+ if ((inst & 0x00ff) <= 9)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%d,", inst & 0x00ff);
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "X'%X',", inst & 0x00ff);
+ if (BIT(inst, 9))
+ stream << m_reg_names[4];
+ if (BIT(inst, 8))
+ stream << ',' << m_reg_names[5];
+ }
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+offs_t sigma2_disassembler::dasm_read_direct(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const data_buffer &opcodes, u16 inst) const
+ // RD internal control functions
+ if (inst == 0x1041)
+ {
+ stream << "SIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1042)
+ {
+ stream << "TIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1044)
+ {
+ stream << "TDV";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1048)
+ {
+ stream << "HIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1050)
+ {
+ stream << "AIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst > 0x1080 && inst <= 0x10bf)
+ {
+ // Multiple precision mode prefix
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s%s,%d", "SMP", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)], BIT(inst, 3, 3));
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fall back to disassembling RD using RIXS modes
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "RD");
+ return dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc, opcodes, inst);
+ }
+offs_t xerox530_disassembler::dasm_read_direct(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const data_buffer &opcodes, u16 inst) const
+ // RD internal control functions
+ if (inst == 0x1041)
+ {
+ stream << "SIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1042)
+ {
+ stream << "TIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1044)
+ {
+ stream << "TDV";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1048)
+ {
+ stream << "HIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1050)
+ {
+ stream << "AIO";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst >= 0x108a && inst <= 0x108e)
+ {
+ // General register instructions
+ u16 inst2 = opcodes.r16(pc + 1);
+ switch (BIT(inst2, 12, 4))
+ {
+ case 8:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "LW,%-5s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)]);
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "AND,%-4s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)]);
+ break;
+ case 0xa:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "AW,%-5s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)]);
+ break;
+ case 0xb:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "SW,%-5s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)]);
+ break;
+ case 0xd:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "CW,%-5s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)]);
+ break;
+ case 0xe:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "STW,%-4s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)]);
+ break;
+ default:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8sX'%04X'", "DATA", inst);
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ return 1 + dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc + 1, opcodes, inst2);
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x109e)
+ {
+ // Floating mode: LDA, STA, ADD, SUB, MUL, DIV, CP executed as FLD, FST, FAD, FSB, FML, FDV, FCP until next branch
+ stream << "SFM";
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if (inst >= 0x1088 && inst <= 0x10bf)
+ {
+ u16 inst2 = opcodes.r16(pc + 1);
+ if (BIT(inst, 0, 3) <= 1 || BIT(inst, 0, 3) == 7)
+ {
+ // Field addressing instructions
+ switch (BIT(inst2, 12, 4))
+ {
+ case 5:
+ stream << "CLF";
+ break;
+ case 8:
+ stream << "LLF";
+ break;
+ case 9:
+ stream << "LAF";
+ break;
+ case 0xa:
+ stream << "STF";
+ break;
+ case 0xb:
+ stream << "SZF";
+ break;
+ case 0xc:
+ stream << "SOF";
+ break;
+ case 0xd:
+ stream << "CAF";
+ break;
+ case 0xf:
+ stream << "SLF";
+ break;
+ default:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8sX'%04X'", "DATA", inst);
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ util::stream_format(stream, ",%s,%d ", BIT(inst, 3, 3) == 1 ? "0" : m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 3, 3)], util::sext(inst, 3));
+ return 1 + dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc + 1, opcodes, inst2);
+ }
+ else if (inst == 0x1096)
+ {
+ // Double-register instructions
+ switch (BIT(inst2, 12, 4))
+ {
+ case 8:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "LDD");
+ break;
+ case 0xa:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "DAD");
+ break;
+ case 0xb:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "DSB");
+ break;
+ case 0xd:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "CPD");
+ break;
+ case 0xe:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "STD");
+ break;
+ default:
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8sX'%04X'", "DATA", inst);
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ return 1 + dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc + 1, opcodes, inst2);
+ }
+ else if (BIT(inst, 3, 3) + BIT(inst, 0, 3) <= 8 && (BIT(inst2, 12, 4) == 8 || BIT(inst2, 12, 4) == 0xe))
+ {
+ // Multiple-register load and store instructions
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", inst2 >= 0xe000 ? "STM" : "LDM");
+ offs_t result = 1 + dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc + 1, opcodes, inst2);
+ util::stream_format(stream, ",%s,%d", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)], BIT(inst, 3, 3));
+ return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8sX'%04X'", "DATA", inst);
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Fall back to disassembling RD using RIXS modes
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", "RD");
+ return dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc, opcodes, inst);
+ }
+offs_t sigma2_disassembler::disassemble(std::ostream &stream, offs_t pc, const data_buffer &opcodes, const data_buffer &params)
+ u16 inst = opcodes.r16(pc);
+ if ((inst & 0xf000) == 0x6000)
+ {
+ // Conditional branch instructions use self-relative addressing only
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8sX'%04X'", s_bc_names[BIT(inst, 9, 3)], (pc + util::sext(inst, 9)) & 0xffff);
+ return 1 | STEP_COND | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if ((inst & 0xf000) == 0x7000)
+ {
+ // Copy instructions
+ const char *name = s_copy_names[BIT(inst, 7, 5)];
+ if (name[0] != '\0')
+ {
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", name);
+ // Optionally invert source
+ if (BIT(inst, 3))
+ stream << '*';
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%s,%s", m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 0, 3)], m_reg_names[BIT(inst, 4, 3)]);
+ // Recognize branch-and-link calling convention
+ if (inst == 0x75a1 && (opcodes.r16(pc + 1) & 0xf000) == 0x4000)
+ return 1 | STEP_OVER | step_over_extra(1) | SUPPORTED;
+ else if ((inst & 0xfcff) == 0x7492)
+ return 1 | STEP_OUT | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8sX'%04X'", "DATA", inst);
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if ((inst & 0xfc00) == 0x2000)
+ {
+ // Shift instructions
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s%d", s_shift_names[BIT(inst, 5, 3)], BIT(inst, 0, 5));
+ if (BIT(inst, 8, 2) != 0)
+ {
+ // Shift count may be indexed
+ stream << ',';
+ if (BIT(inst, 9))
+ stream << m_reg_names[4];
+ if (BIT(inst, 8))
+ stream << ',' << m_reg_names[5];
+ }
+ return 1 | SUPPORTED;
+ }
+ else if ((inst & 0xf000) == 0x1000)
+ return dasm_read_direct(stream, pc, opcodes, inst);
+ else
+ {
+ // Memory reference instructions (RIXS)
+ util::stream_format(stream, "%-8s", s_inst_names[BIT(inst, 12, 4)]);
+ return dasm_memory_reference(stream, pc, opcodes, inst);
+ }