path: root/src/devices/cpu/rw5000/b5000op.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/rw5000/b5000op.cpp')
1 files changed, 331 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/rw5000/b5000op.cpp b/src/devices/cpu/rw5000/b5000op.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..35315578761
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/rw5000/b5000op.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,331 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:hap
+// B5000 common opcode handlers
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "b5000.h"
+// internal helpers
+u8 b5000_cpu_device::ram_r()
+ return m_data->read_byte(m_ram_addr) & 0xf;
+void b5000_cpu_device::ram_w(u8 data)
+ m_data->write_byte(m_ram_addr, data & 0xf);
+void b5000_cpu_device::set_pc(u8 pu, u8 pl)
+ m_pc = ((pu << 6) | (pl & 0x3f)) & m_prgmask;
+void b5000_cpu_device::set_bu(u8 bu)
+ m_bu = bu & 3;
+ // changing to or from 0 delays RAM address modification
+ if (bool(m_bu) != bool(m_prev_bu))
+ m_bu_delay = true;
+void b5000_cpu_device::seg_w(u16 seg)
+ m_write_seg(m_seg = seg);
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_illegal()
+ logerror("unknown opcode $%02X at $%03X\n", m_op, m_prev_pc);
+// opcodes
+// ROM addressing instructions
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tl()
+ // TL z: set Pu to z
+ set_pc(m_op & 0xf, m_pc);
+ // S is actually only 6-bit
+ m_s = (m_pc & ~0x3f) | (m_s & 0x3f);
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tra_step()
+ assert(m_tra_step > 0);
+ // TRA 0/1,x: call/jump to x (multi step)
+ switch (m_tra_step)
+ {
+ // step 1: skip next opcode
+ // TL is unskippable, that's how it does long jumps
+ case 1:
+ m_skip = true;
+ break;
+ // step 2: handle the call/jump
+ case 2:
+ if (!m_sr && ~m_prev_op & 0x40)
+ {
+ // call: push P to save register
+ m_sr = true;
+ m_s = (m_s & ~0x3f) | (m_prev_pc & 0x3f);
+ }
+ if (m_sr)
+ {
+ // SR set: set Pu to subroutine page
+ set_pc(sr_page() ^ BIT(m_prev_op, 6), m_pc);
+ }
+ // set Pl to x
+ set_pc(m_pc >> 6, m_prev_op);
+ m_tra_step = 0;
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ m_tra_step++;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_ret_step()
+ assert(m_ret_step > 0);
+ // RET: return from subroutine (multi step)
+ switch (m_ret_step)
+ {
+ // step 1: skip next opcode
+ // a TL after RET will return to the page specified by TL
+ case 1:
+ m_skip = true;
+ break;
+ // step 2: handle the ret
+ case 2:
+ m_pc = m_s;
+ m_sr = false;
+ m_ret_step = 0;
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ m_ret_step++;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_nop()
+ // NOP: no operation
+// RAM addressing instructions
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_lb(u8 bl)
+ // LB x,y: load B from x,y (successive LB/ATB are ignored)
+ if (!op_is_lb(m_prev_op) && !op_is_atb(m_prev_op))
+ {
+ m_bl = bl;
+ set_bu(m_op & 3);
+ }
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_atb()
+ // ATB: load Bl from A (successive LB/ATB are ignored)
+ if (!op_is_lb(m_prev_op) && !op_is_atb(m_prev_op))
+ {
+ m_bl = m_a;
+ m_bl_delay = true;
+ }
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_lda()
+ // LDA x: load A from RAM, XOR Bu with x
+ m_a = ram_r();
+ set_bu(m_op ^ m_bu);
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_exc0()
+ // EXC x,0: exchange A with RAM, XOR Bu with x
+ u8 a = m_a;
+ m_a = ram_r();
+ ram_w(a);
+ set_bu(m_op ^ m_bu);
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_excp()
+ // EXC x,+1: EXC x,0 + increment Bl and skip on 3-bit overflow
+ op_exc0();
+ m_bl = (m_bl + 1) & 0xf;
+ m_skip = (m_bl & 7) == 0;
+ m_bl_delay = true;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_excm()
+ // EXC x,-1: EXC x,0 + decrement Bl and skip on overflow
+ op_exc0();
+ m_bl = (m_bl - 1) & 0xf;
+ m_skip = (m_bl == 0xf);
+ m_bl_delay = true;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_sm()
+ // SM x: set bit x in RAM
+ ram_w(ram_r() | (1 << (m_op & 3)));
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_rsm()
+ // RSM x: reset bit x in RAM
+ ram_w(ram_r() & ~(1 << (m_op & 3)));
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tm()
+ // TM x: skip next if bit x in RAM is clear
+ m_skip = !BIT(ram_r(), m_op & 3);
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tam()
+ // TAM: skip next if A equals RAM
+ m_skip = (m_a == ram_r());
+// arithmetic instructions
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_lax()
+ // LAX x: load A from x
+ m_a = ~m_op & 0xf;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_comp()
+ // COMP: complement A
+ m_a ^= 0xf;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_adx()
+ // ADX x: add x to A, skip on no overflow
+ m_a += ~m_op & 0xf;
+ m_skip = !BIT(m_a, 4);
+ m_a &= 0xf;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_add()
+ // ADD (C),(S): add RAM to A (optional carry/skip)
+ m_a += ram_r();
+ if (~m_op & 2)
+ {
+ m_a += m_c;
+ m_c = BIT(m_a, 4);
+ }
+ if (m_op & 1)
+ m_skip = !BIT(m_a, 4);
+ m_a &= 0xf;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_sc()
+ // SC: set carry
+ m_c = 1;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_rsc()
+ // RSC: reset carry
+ m_c = 0;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tc()
+ // TC: skip next on carry
+ m_skip = bool(m_c);
+// I/O instructions
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_kseg()
+ // KSEG: reset segment outputs
+ seg_w(0);
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_atb_step()
+ assert(m_atb_step > 0);
+ // ATB: ATB + load strobe (multi step)
+ switch (m_atb_step)
+ {
+ // step 1: ATB + KSEG
+ case 1:
+ op_atb();
+ op_kseg();
+ break;
+ // step 3: disable strobe
+ case 3:
+ m_write_str(0);
+ break;
+ // step 4: load strobe from Bl
+ case 4:
+ m_write_str(1 << m_prev_bl);
+ m_atb_step = 0;
+ return;
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ m_atb_step++;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tkb()
+ // TKB: skip next if any KB is high
+ m_skip = (m_read_kb() & 0xf) != 0;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tkbs()
+ // TKBS: TKB + load segments
+ op_tkb();
+ // note: SEG0(DP) from C flag is delayed 2 cycles
+ seg_w(m_seg | decode_digit(m_prev3_c << 4 | ram_r()));
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_read()
+ // READ: add _KB to A, skip next on no overflow
+ m_a += (~m_read_kb() & 0xf);
+ m_skip = !BIT(m_a, 4);
+ m_a &= 0xf;
+void b5000_cpu_device::op_tdin()
+ // TDIN x: skip next if DIN x is high
+ m_skip = bool(BIT(m_read_din(), (m_op - 1) & 3));