path: root/src/devices/cpu/pdp1/pdp1.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/pdp1/pdp1.h')
1 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/pdp1/pdp1.h b/src/devices/cpu/pdp1/pdp1.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..f4d1281aa07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/pdp1/pdp1.h
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+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Raphael Nabet
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __PDP1_H__
+#define __PDP1_H__
+/* register ids for pdp1_get_reg/pdp1_set_reg */
+ PDP1_PF, PDP1_PF1, PDP1_PF2, PDP1_PF3, PDP1_PF4, PDP1_PF5, PDP1_PF6,
+ PDP1_SS, PDP1_SS1, PDP1_SS2, PDP1_SS3, PDP1_SS4, PDP1_SS5, PDP1_SS6,
+typedef void (*pdp1_extern_iot_func)(device_t *device, int op2, int nac, int mb, int *io, int ac);
+typedef void (*pdp1_read_binary_word_func)(device_t *device);
+typedef void (*pdp1_io_sc_func)(device_t *device);
+struct pdp1_reset_param_t
+ /* callbacks for iot instructions (required for any I/O) */
+ pdp1_extern_iot_func extern_iot[64];
+ /* read a word from the perforated tape reader (required for read-in mode) */
+ pdp1_read_binary_word_func read_binary_word;
+ /* callback called when sc is pulsed: IO devices should reset */
+ pdp1_io_sc_func io_sc_callback;
+ /* 0: no extend support, 1: extend with 15-bit address, 2: extend with 16-bit address */
+ int extend_support;
+ /* 1 to use hardware multiply/divide (MUL, DIV) instead of MUS, DIS */
+ int hw_mul_div;
+ /* 0: standard sequence break system 1: type 20 sequence break system */
+ int type_20_sbs;
+#define AND 001
+#define IOR 002
+#define XOR 003
+#define XCT 004
+#define CALJDA 007
+#define LAC 010
+#define LIO 011
+#define DAC 012
+#define DAP 013
+#define DIP 014
+#define DIO 015
+#define DZM 016
+#define ADD 020
+#define SUB 021
+#define IDX 022
+#define ISP 023
+#define SAD 024
+#define SAS 025
+#define MUS_MUL 026
+#define DIS_DIV 027
+#define JMP 030
+#define JSP 031
+#define SKP 032
+#define SFT 033
+#define LAW 034
+#define IOT 035
+#define OPR 037
+class pdp1_device : public cpu_device
+ , public pdp1_reset_param_t
+ // construction/destruction
+ pdp1_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+ void pulse_start_clear();
+ void io_complete() { m_ios = 1; }
+ void pdp1_null_iot(int op2, int nac, int mb, int *io, int ac);
+ void pdp1_lem_eem_iot(int op2, int nac, int mb, int *io, int ac);
+ void pdp1_sbs_iot(int op2, int nac, int mb, int *io, int ac);
+ void pdp1_type_20_sbs_iot(int op2, int nac, int mb, int *io, int ac);
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_config_complete();
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const { return 5; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const { return 31; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const { return 16; }
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual void execute_set_input(int inputnum, int state);
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const { return (spacenum == AS_PROGRAM) ? &m_program_config : NULL; }
+ // device_state_interface overrides
+ virtual void state_import(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_export(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const { return 4; }
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const { return 4; }
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+ address_space_config m_program_config;
+ /* processor registers */
+ UINT32 m_pc; /* program counter (12, 15 or 16 bits) */
+ int m_ir; /* basic operation code of current instruction (5 bits) */
+ int m_mb; /* memory buffer (used for holding the current instruction only) (18 bits) */
+ int m_ma; /* memory address (12, 15 or 16 bits) */
+ int m_ac; /* accumulator (18 bits) */
+ int m_io; /* i/o register (18 bits) */
+ int m_pf; /* program flag register (6 bits) */
+ /* operator panel switches */
+ int m_ta; /* current state of the 12 or 16 address switches */
+ int m_tw; /* current state of the 18 test word switches */
+ int m_ss; /* current state of the 6 sense switches on the operator panel (6 bits) */
+ unsigned int m_sngl_step; /* stop every memory cycle */
+ unsigned int m_sngl_inst; /* stop every instruction */
+ unsigned int m_extend_sw; /* extend switch (loaded into the extend flip-flop on start/read-in) */
+ /* processor state flip-flops */
+ unsigned int m_run; /* processor is running */
+ unsigned int m_cycle; /* processor is in the midst of an instruction */
+ unsigned int m_defer; /* processor is handling deferred (i.e. indirect) addressing */
+ unsigned int m_brk_ctr; /* break counter */
+ unsigned int m_ov; /* overflow flip-flop */
+ unsigned int m_rim; /* processor is in read-in mode */
+ unsigned int m_sbm; /* processor is in sequence break mode (i.e. interrupts are enabled) */
+ unsigned int m_exd; /* extend mode: processor is in extend mode */
+ unsigned int m_exc : 1; /* extend-mode cycle: current instruction cycle is done in extend mode */
+ unsigned int m_ioc; /* i-o commands: seems to be equivalent to (! ioh) */
+ unsigned int m_ioh; /* i-o halt: processor is executing an Input-Output Transfer wait */
+ unsigned int m_ios; /* i-o synchronizer: set on i-o operation completion */
+ /* sequence break system */
+ UINT16 m_irq_state; /* mirrors the state of the interrupt pins */
+ UINT16 m_b1; /* interrupt enable */
+ UINT16 m_b2; /* interrupt pulse request pending - asynchronous with computer operation (set by pulses on irq_state, cleared when interrupt is taken) */
+ /*UINT16 m_b3;*/ /* interrupt request pending - synchronous with computer operation (logical or of irq_state and b2???) */
+ UINT16 m_b4; /* interrupt in progress */
+ /* additional emulator state variables */
+ int m_rim_step; /* current step in rim execution */
+ int m_sbs_request; /* interrupt request (i.e. (b3 & (~ b4)) && (! sbm)) */
+ int m_sbs_level; /* interrupt request level (first bit in (b3 & (~ b4)) */
+ int m_sbs_restore; /* set when a jump instruction is an interrupt return */
+ int m_no_sequence_break; /* disable sequence break recognition for one cycle */
+ /* callbacks for iot instructions (required for any I/O) */
+ pdp1_extern_iot_func m_extern_iot[64];
+ /* read a word from the perforated tape reader (required for read-in mode) */
+ pdp1_read_binary_word_func m_read_binary_word;
+ /* callback called when sc is pulsed: IO devices should reset */
+ pdp1_io_sc_func m_io_sc_callback;
+ /* 0: no extend support, 1: extend with 15-bit address, 2: extend with 16-bit address */
+ int m_extend_support;
+ int m_extended_address_mask; /* 07777 with no extend support, 077777 or 0177777 with extend support */
+ int m_address_extension_mask; /* 00000 with no extend support, 070000 or 0170000 with extend support */
+ /* 1 to use hardware multiply/divide (MUL, DIV) instead of MUS, DIS */
+ int m_hw_mul_div;
+ /* 1 for 16-line sequence break system, 0 for default break system */
+ int m_type_20_sbs;
+ address_space *m_program;
+ int m_icount;
+ UINT32 m_debugger_temp;
+ void field_interrupt();
+ void execute_instruction();
+extern const device_type PDP1;
+#endif /* __PDP1_H__ */