path: root/src/devices/cpu/mcs96/mcs96.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/mcs96/mcs96.h')
1 files changed, 256 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/mcs96/mcs96.h b/src/devices/cpu/mcs96/mcs96.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..31e90d137ca
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/mcs96/mcs96.h
@@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Olivier Galibert, R. Belmont
+ mcs96.h
+ MCS96
+#ifndef __MCS96_H__
+#define __MCS96_H__
+class mcs96_device : public cpu_device {
+ enum {
+ };
+ mcs96_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, int data_width, const char *shortname, const char *source);
+ enum {
+ STATE_FETCH = 0x200,
+ };
+ enum {
+ F_ST = 0x0100,
+ F_I = 0x0200,
+ F_C = 0x0800,
+ F_VT = 0x1000,
+ F_V = 0x2000,
+ F_N = 0x4000,
+ F_Z = 0x8000
+ };
+ struct disasm_entry {
+ const char *opcode, *opcode_fe;
+ int mode;
+ offs_t flags;
+ };
+ enum {
+ DASM_none, /* No parameters */
+ DASM_nop_2, /* One ignored parameter byte */
+ DASM_rel8, /* Relative, 8 bits */
+ DASM_rel11, /* Relative, 11 bits */
+ DASM_rel16, /* Relative, 16 bits */
+ DASM_rrel8, /* Register + relative, 8 bits */
+ DASM_brrel8, /* Bit test + register + relative, 8 bits */
+ DASM_direct_1, /* Register-direct references, 1 operator */
+ DASM_direct_2, /* Register-direct references, 2 operators */
+ DASM_direct_3, /* Register-direct references, 3 operators */
+ DASM_immed_1b, /* Immediate references to byte, 1 operator */
+ DASM_immed_2b, /* Immediate references to byte, 2 operators */
+ DASM_immed_or_reg_2b, /* Immediate references to byte or register, 2 operators */
+ DASM_immed_3b, /* Immediate references to byte, 3 operators */
+ DASM_immed_1w, /* Immediate references to word, 1 operator */
+ DASM_immed_2w, /* Immediate references to word, 2 operators */
+ DASM_immed_3w, /* Immediate references to word, 3 operators */
+ DASM_indirect_1n, /* Indirect normal, 1 operator */
+ DASM_indirect_1, /* Indirect, normal or auto-incrementing, 1 operator */
+ DASM_indirect_2, /* Indirect, normal or auto-incrementing, 2 operators */
+ DASM_indirect_3, /* Indirect, normal or auto-incrementing, 3 operators */
+ DASM_indexed_1, /* Indexed, short or long, 1 operator */
+ DASM_indexed_2, /* Indexed, short or long, 2 operators */
+ DASM_indexed_3 /* Indexed, short or long, 3 operators */
+ };
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const;
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const;
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const;
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual void execute_set_input(int inputnum, int state);
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const;
+ // device_state_interface overrides
+ virtual void state_import(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_export(const device_state_entry &entry);
+ virtual void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const;
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const;
+ virtual offs_t disasm_generic(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options, const disasm_entry *entries);
+ address_space_config program_config;
+ address_space *program;
+ direct_read_data *direct;
+ int icount, bcount, inst_state, cycles_scaling;
+ UINT8 pending_irq;
+ UINT16 OP1;
+ UINT8 OP2, OP3, OPI;
+ UINT16 R[0x74];
+ bool irq_requested;
+ virtual void do_exec_full() = 0;
+ virtual void do_exec_partial() = 0;
+ virtual void internal_update(UINT64 current_time) = 0;
+ virtual void io_w8(UINT8 adr, UINT8 data) = 0;
+ virtual void io_w16(UINT8 adr, UINT16 data) = 0;
+ virtual UINT8 io_r8(UINT8 adr) = 0;
+ virtual UINT16 io_r16(UINT8 adr) = 0;
+ void recompute_bcount(UINT64 event_time);
+ static std::string regname(UINT8 reg);
+ inline void next(int cycles) { icount -= cycles_scaling*cycles; inst_state = STATE_FETCH; }
+ inline void next_noirq(int cycles) { icount -= cycles_scaling*cycles; inst_state = STATE_FETCH_NOIRQ; }
+ void check_irq();
+ inline UINT8 read_pc() { return direct->read_byte(PC++); }
+ void reg_w8(UINT8 adr, UINT8 data);
+ void reg_w16(UINT8 adr, UINT16 data);
+ void any_w8(UINT16 adr, UINT8 data);
+ void any_w16(UINT16 adr, UINT16 data);
+ UINT8 reg_r8(UINT8 adr);
+ UINT16 reg_r16(UINT8 adr);
+ UINT8 any_r8(UINT16 adr);
+ UINT16 any_r16(UINT16 adr);
+ UINT8 do_addb(UINT8 v1, UINT8 v2);
+ UINT16 do_add(UINT16 v1, UINT16 v2);
+ UINT8 do_subb(UINT8 v1, UINT8 v2);
+ UINT16 do_sub(UINT16 v1, UINT16 v2);
+ UINT8 do_addcb(UINT8 v1, UINT8 v2);
+ UINT16 do_addc(UINT16 v1, UINT16 v2);
+ UINT8 do_subcb(UINT8 v1, UINT8 v2);
+ UINT16 do_subc(UINT16 v1, UINT16 v2);
+ void set_nz8(UINT8 v);
+ void set_nz16(UINT16 v);
+#define O(o) void o ## _full(); void o ## _partial()
+ O(add_direct_2); O(add_direct_3); O(add_immed_2w); O(add_immed_3w); O(add_indexed_2); O(add_indexed_3); O(add_indirect_2); O(add_indirect_3);
+ O(addb_direct_2); O(addb_direct_3); O(addb_immed_2b); O(addb_immed_3b); O(addb_indexed_2); O(addb_indexed_3); O(addb_indirect_2); O(addb_indirect_3);
+ O(addc_direct_2); O(addc_immed_2w); O(addc_indexed_2); O(addc_indirect_2);
+ O(addcb_direct_2); O(addcb_immed_2w); O(addcb_indexed_2); O(addcb_indirect_2);
+ O(and_direct_2); O(and_direct_3); O(and_immed_2w); O(and_immed_3w); O(and_indexed_2); O(and_indexed_3); O(and_indirect_2); O(and_indirect_3);
+ O(andb_direct_2); O(andb_direct_3); O(andb_immed_2b); O(andb_immed_3b); O(andb_indexed_2); O(andb_indexed_3); O(andb_indirect_2); O(andb_indirect_3);
+ O(br_indirect_1n);
+ O(clr_direct_1);
+ O(clrb_direct_1);
+ O(clrc_none);
+ O(clrvt_none);
+ O(cmp_direct_2); O(cmp_immed_2w); O(cmp_indexed_2); O(cmp_indirect_2);
+ O(cmpb_direct_2); O(cmpb_immed_2b); O(cmpb_indexed_2); O(cmpb_indirect_2);
+ O(dec_direct_1);
+ O(decb_direct_1);
+ O(di_none);
+ O(div_direct_2); O(div_immed_2w); O(div_indexed_2); O(div_indirect_2);
+ O(divb_direct_2); O(divb_immed_2b); O(divb_indexed_2); O(divb_indirect_2);
+ O(divu_direct_2); O(divu_immed_2w); O(divu_indexed_2); O(divu_indirect_2);
+ O(divub_direct_2); O(divub_immed_2b); O(divub_indexed_2); O(divub_indirect_2);
+ O(djnz_rrel8);
+ O(djnzw_rrel8);
+ O(ei_none);
+ O(ext_direct_1);
+ O(extb_direct_1);
+ O(idlpd_none);
+ O(inc_direct_1);
+ O(incb_direct_1);
+ O(jbc_brrel8);
+ O(jbs_brrel8);
+ O(jc_rel8);
+ O(je_rel8);
+ O(jge_rel8);
+ O(jgt_rel8);
+ O(jh_rel8);
+ O(jle_rel8);
+ O(jlt_rel8);
+ O(jnc_rel8);
+ O(jne_rel8);
+ O(jnh_rel8);
+ O(jnst_rel8);
+ O(jnv_rel8);
+ O(jnvt_rel8);
+ O(jst_rel8);
+ O(jv_rel8);
+ O(jvt_rel8);
+ O(lcall_rel16);
+ O(ld_direct_2); O(ld_immed_2w); O(ld_indexed_2); O(ld_indirect_2);
+ O(ldb_direct_2); O(ldb_immed_2b); O(ldb_indexed_2); O(ldb_indirect_2);
+ O(ldbse_direct_2); O(ldbse_immed_2b); O(ldbse_indexed_2); O(ldbse_indirect_2);
+ O(ldbze_direct_2); O(ldbze_immed_2b); O(ldbze_indexed_2); O(ldbze_indirect_2);
+ O(ljmp_rel16);
+ O(mul_direct_2); O(mul_direct_3); O(mul_immed_2w); O(mul_immed_3w); O(mul_indexed_2); O(mul_indexed_3); O(mul_indirect_2); O(mul_indirect_3);
+ O(mulb_direct_2); O(mulb_direct_3); O(mulb_immed_2b); O(mulb_immed_3b); O(mulb_indexed_2); O(mulb_indexed_3); O(mulb_indirect_2); O(mulb_indirect_3);
+ O(mulu_direct_2); O(mulu_direct_3); O(mulu_immed_2w); O(mulu_immed_3w); O(mulu_indexed_2); O(mulu_indexed_3); O(mulu_indirect_2); O(mulu_indirect_3);
+ O(mulub_direct_2); O(mulub_direct_3); O(mulub_immed_2b); O(mulub_immed_3b); O(mulub_indexed_2); O(mulub_indexed_3); O(mulub_indirect_2); O(mulub_indirect_3);
+ O(neg_direct_1);
+ O(negb_direct_1);
+ O(nop_none);
+ O(norml_direct_2);
+ O(not_direct_1);
+ O(notb_direct_1);
+ O(or_direct_2); O(or_immed_2w); O(or_indexed_2); O(or_indirect_2);
+ O(orb_direct_2); O(orb_immed_2b); O(orb_indexed_2); O(orb_indirect_2);
+ O(pop_direct_1); O(pop_indexed_1); O(pop_indirect_1);
+ O(popf_none);
+ O(push_direct_1); O(push_immed_1w); O(push_indexed_1); O(push_indirect_1);
+ O(pushf_none);
+ O(ret_none);
+ O(rst_none);
+ O(scall_rel11);
+ O(setc_none);
+ O(shl_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shlb_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shll_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shr_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shra_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shrab_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shral_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shrb_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(shrl_immed_or_reg_2b);
+ O(sjmp_rel11);
+ O(skip_immed_1b);
+ O(st_direct_2); O(st_indexed_2); O(st_indirect_2);
+ O(stb_direct_2); O(stb_indexed_2); O(stb_indirect_2);
+ O(sub_direct_2); O(sub_direct_3); O(sub_immed_2w); O(sub_immed_3w); O(sub_indexed_2); O(sub_indexed_3); O(sub_indirect_2); O(sub_indirect_3);
+ O(subb_direct_2); O(subb_direct_3); O(subb_immed_2b); O(subb_immed_3b); O(subb_indexed_2); O(subb_indexed_3); O(subb_indirect_2); O(subb_indirect_3);
+ O(subc_direct_2); O(subc_immed_2w); O(subc_indexed_2); O(subc_indirect_2);
+ O(subcb_direct_2); O(subcb_immed_2w); O(subcb_indexed_2); O(subcb_indirect_2);
+ O(trap_none);
+ O(xch_direct_2);
+ O(xchb_direct_2);
+ O(xor_direct_2); O(xor_immed_2w); O(xor_indexed_2); O(xor_indirect_2);
+ O(xorb_direct_2); O(xorb_immed_2b); O(xorb_indexed_2); O(xorb_indirect_2);
+ O(fetch);
+ O(fetch_noirq);
+#undef O
+enum {
+ MCS96_PC = 1,
+ MCS96_PSW,
+ MCS96_R // 0x74 entries