path: root/src/devices/cpu/mb86233/mb86233.c
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/mb86233/mb86233.c')
1 files changed, 1655 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/mb86233/mb86233.c b/src/devices/cpu/mb86233/mb86233.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0ad34296064
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/mb86233/mb86233.c
@@ -0,0 +1,1655 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Ernesto Corvi
+ mb86233.c
+ Core implementation for the portable Fujitsu MB86233 series DSP emulator.
+ Written by ElSemi
+ MAME version by Ernesto Corvi
+ - Properly emulate the TGP Tables from the ROM (See GETEXTERNAL)
+ - Many unknown opcodes and addressing modes
+ - Interrupts?
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "debugger.h"
+#include "mb86233.h"
+const device_type MB86233 = &device_creator<mb86233_cpu_device>;
+mb86233_cpu_device::mb86233_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : cpu_device(mconfig, MB86233, "MB86233", tag, owner, clock, "mb86233", __FILE__)
+ , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, -2)
+ , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 32, 32, 0)
+ , m_fifo_read_cb(*this)
+ , m_fifo_read_ok_cb(*this)
+ , m_fifo_write_cb(*this)
+ , m_tablergn(NULL)
+ , m_Tables(NULL)
+offs_t mb86233_cpu_device::disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options)
+ extern CPU_DISASSEMBLE( mb86233 );
+ return CPU_DISASSEMBLE_NAME(mb86233)(this, buffer, pc, oprom, opram, options);
+#define ZERO_FLAG (1 << 0)
+#define SIGN_FLAG (1 << 1)
+#define EXTERNAL_FLAG (1 << 2) //This seems to be a flag coming from some external circuit??
+#define GETPC() m_pc
+#define GETA() m_a
+#define GETB() m_b
+#define GETD() m_d
+#define GETP() m_p
+#define GETSR() m_sr
+#define GETGPR(a) m_gpr[a]
+#define GETSHIFT() m_shift
+#define GETPCS() m_pcs
+#define GETPCSP() m_pcsp
+#define GETEB() m_eb
+#define GETREPS() m_reps
+#define GETEXTPORT() m_extport
+#define GETFIFOWAIT() m_fifo_wait
+#define GETARAM() m_ARAM
+#define GETBRAM() m_BRAM
+#define GETREPCNT() m_repcnt
+#define ROPCODE(a) m_direct->read_dword(a<<2)
+#define RDMEM(a) m_program->read_dword((a<<2))
+#define WRMEM(a,v) m_program->write_dword((a<<2), v)
+ Initialization and Shutdown
+void mb86233_cpu_device::device_start()
+ m_pc = 0;
+ m_a.u = 0;
+ m_b.u = 0;
+ m_d.u = 0;
+ m_p.u = 0;
+ m_reps = 0;
+ m_pcs[0] = m_pcs[1] = m_pcs[2] = m_pcs[3] = 0;
+ m_pcsp = 0;
+ m_eb = 0;
+ m_shift = 0;
+ m_repcnt = 0;
+ m_sr = 0;
+ memset(m_gpr, 0, sizeof(m_gpr));
+ memset(m_extport, 0, sizeof(m_extport));
+ m_fifo_wait = 0;
+ m_fifo_read_cb.resolve_safe(0);
+ m_fifo_read_ok_cb.resolve_safe(0);
+ m_fifo_write_cb.resolve_safe();
+ m_program = &space(AS_PROGRAM);
+ m_direct = &m_program->direct();
+ if ( m_tablergn )
+ {
+ m_Tables = (UINT32*) machine().root_device().memregion(m_tablergn)->base();
+ }
+ memset( m_RAM, 0, 2 * 0x200 * sizeof(UINT32) );
+ m_ARAM = &m_RAM[0];
+ m_BRAM = &m_RAM[0x200];
+ save_item(NAME(m_pc));
+ save_item(NAME(m_a.u));
+ save_item(NAME(m_b.u));
+ save_item(NAME(m_d.u));
+ save_item(NAME(m_p.u));
+ save_item(NAME(m_reps));
+ save_item(NAME(m_pcs));
+ save_item(NAME(m_pcsp));
+ save_item(NAME(m_eb));
+ save_item(NAME(m_shift));
+ save_item(NAME(m_repcnt));
+ save_item(NAME(m_sr));
+ save_item(NAME(m_gpr));
+ save_item(NAME(m_extport));
+ save_item(NAME(m_RAM));
+ state_add( MB86233_PC, "PC", m_pc).formatstr("%04X");
+ state_add( MB86233_A, "PA", m_a.u).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_B, "PB", m_b.u).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_P, "PP", m_p.u).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_D, "PD", m_d.u).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_REP, "REPS", m_reps).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_SP, "PCSP", m_pcsp).mask(0xf).formatstr("%01X");
+ state_add( MB86233_EB, "EB", m_eb).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_SHIFT, "SHIFT", m_shift).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R0, "R0", m_gpr[0]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R1, "R1", m_gpr[1]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R2, "R2", m_gpr[2]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R3, "R3", m_gpr[3]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R4, "R4", m_gpr[4]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R5, "R5", m_gpr[5]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R6, "R6", m_gpr[6]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R7, "R7", m_gpr[7]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R8, "R8", m_gpr[8]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R9, "R9", m_gpr[9]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R10, "R10", m_gpr[10]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R11, "R11", m_gpr[11]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R12, "R12", m_gpr[12]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R13, "R13", m_gpr[13]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R14, "R14", m_gpr[14]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( MB86233_R15, "R15", m_gpr[15]).formatstr("%08X");
+ state_add( STATE_GENPC, "GENPC", m_pc).noshow();
+ state_add( STATE_GENFLAGS, "GENFLAGS", m_sr).formatstr("%2s").noshow();
+ m_icountptr = &m_icount;
+void mb86233_cpu_device::state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str)
+ switch (entry.index())
+ {
+ strprintf(str, "%c%c", (m_sr & SIGN_FLAG) ? 'N' : 'n', (m_sr & ZERO_FLAG) ? 'Z' : 'z');
+ break;
+ }
+void mb86233_cpu_device::device_reset()
+ /* zero registers and flags */
+ m_pc = 0;
+ m_sr = 0;
+ m_pcsp = 0;
+ m_eb = 0;
+ m_shift = 0;
+ m_fifo_wait = 0;
+ Status Register
+#define ZERO_FLAG (1 << 0)
+#define SIGN_FLAG (1 << 1)
+#define EXTERNAL_FLAG (1 << 2) //This seems to be a flag coming from some external circuit??
+void mb86233_cpu_device::FLAGSF( float v )
+ if ( v == 0 )
+ if ( v < 0 )
+void mb86233_cpu_device::FLAGSI( UINT32 v )
+ if ( v == 0 )
+ if ( v & 0x80000000 )
+ Condition Codes
+int mb86233_cpu_device::COND( UINT32 cond )
+ switch( cond )
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* eq */
+ if ( (GETSR() & ZERO_FLAG) ) return 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x01: /* ge */
+ if ( (GETSR() & ZERO_FLAG) || ((GETSR() & SIGN_FLAG)==0) ) return 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x02: /* le */
+ if ( (GETSR() & ZERO_FLAG) || (GETSR() & SIGN_FLAG) ) return 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x06: /* never */
+ break;
+ case 0x0a:
+ if(GETSR() & EXTERNAL_FLAG) return 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x10: /* --r12 != 0 */
+ GETGPR(12)--;
+ if ( GETGPR(12) != 0 ) return 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x11: /* --r13 != 0 */
+ GETGPR(13)--;
+ if ( GETGPR(13) != 0 ) return 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x16: /* always */
+ return 1;
+ default:
+ logerror( "TGP: Unknown condition code (cc=%d) at PC:%x\n", cond, GETPC());
+ break;
+ }
+ return 0;
+void mb86233_cpu_device::ALU( UINT32 alu)
+ float ftmp;
+ switch(alu)
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* NOP */
+ break;
+ case 0x01: /* D = D & A */
+ GETD().u &= GETA().u;
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x02: /* D = D | A */
+ GETD().u |= GETA().u;
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x03: /* D = D ^ A */
+ GETD().u ^= GETA().u;
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x04: /* D = D ~ A */
+ GETD().u = ~GETA().u;
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x05: /* CMP D,A */
+ ftmp = GETD().f - GETA().f;
+ FLAGSF( ftmp);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x06: /* D = D + A */
+ GETD().f += GETA().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x07: /* D = D - A */
+ GETD().f -= GETA().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x08: /* P = A * B */
+ GETP().f = GETA().f * GETB().f;
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x09: /* D = D + P; P = A * B */
+ GETD().f += GETP().f;
+ GETP().f = GETA().f * GETB().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x0A: /* D = D - P; P = A * B */
+ GETD().f -= GETP().f;
+ GETP().f = GETA().f * GETB().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x0B: /* D = fabs(D) */
+ GETD().f = fabs( GETD().f );
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x0C: /* D = D + P */
+ GETD().f += GETP().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x0D: /* D = P; P = A * B */
+ GETD().f = GETP().f;
+ GETP().f = GETA().f * GETB().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x0E: /* D = float(D) */
+ GETD().f = (float)GETD().i;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x0F: /* D = int(D) */
+ switch((m_fpucontrol>>1)&3)
+ {
+ //case 0: GETD().i = floor(GETD().f+0.5f); break;
+ //case 1: GETD().i = ceil(GETD().f); break;
+ case 2: GETD().i = floor(GETD().f); break; // Manx TT
+ case 3: GETD().i = (INT32)GETD().f; break;
+ default: popmessage("TGP uses D = int(D) with FPU control = %02x, contact MAMEdev",m_fpucontrol>>1); break;
+ }
+ FLAGSI( GETD().i);
+ break;
+ case 0x10: /* D = D / A */
+ if ( GETA().u != 0 )
+ GETD().f = GETD().f / GETA().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x11: /* D = -D */
+ GETD().f = -GETD().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x13: /* D = A + B */
+ GETD().f = GETA().f + GETB().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x14: /* D = B - A */
+ GETD().f = GETB().f - GETA().f;
+ FLAGSF( GETD().f);
+ m_icount--;
+ break;
+ case 0x16: /* LSR D, SHIFT */
+ GETD().u >>= GETSHIFT();
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x17: /* LSL D, SHIFT */
+ GETD().u <<= GETSHIFT();
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x18: /* ASR D, SHIFT */
+// GETD().u = (GETD().u & 0x80000000) | (GETD().u >> GETSHIFT());
+ GETD().i >>= GETSHIFT();
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x1A: /* D = D + A */
+ GETD().i += GETA().i;
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ case 0x1B: /* D = D - A */
+ GETD().i -= GETA().i;
+ FLAGSI( GETD().u);
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown ALU op %x at PC:%04x\n", alu, GETPC() );
+ }
+ Memory Access
+UINT32 mb86233_cpu_device::ScaleExp(unsigned int v,int scale)
+ int exp=(v>>23)&0xff;
+ exp+=scale;
+ v&=~0x7f800000;
+ return v|(exp<<23);
+UINT32 mb86233_cpu_device::GETEXTERNAL( UINT32 EB, UINT32 offset )
+ UINT32 addr;
+ if ( EB == 0 && offset >= 0x20 && offset <= 0x2f ) /* TGP Tables in ROM - FIXME - */
+ {
+ if(offset>=0x20 && offset<=0x23) //SIN from value at RAM(0x20) in 0x4000/PI steps
+ {
+ UINT32 r;
+ UINT32 value=GETEXTPORT()[0x20];
+ UINT32 off;
+ value+=(offset-0x20)<<14;
+ off=value&0x3fff;
+ if((value&0x7fff)==0)
+ r=0;
+ else if((value&0x7fff)==0x4000)
+ r=0x3f800000;
+ else
+ {
+ if(value&0x4000)
+ off=0x4000-off;
+ r=m_Tables[off];
+ }
+ if(value&0x8000)
+ r|=1<<31;
+ return r;
+ }
+ if(offset==0x27)
+ {
+ unsigned int value=GETEXTPORT()[0x27];
+ int exp=(value>>23)&0xff;
+ unsigned int res=0;
+ unsigned int sign=0;
+ MB86233_REG a,b;
+ int index;
+ a.u=GETEXTPORT()[0x24];
+ b.u=GETEXTPORT()[0x25];
+ if(!exp)
+ {
+ if((a.u&0x7fffffff)<=(b.u&0x7fffffff))
+ {
+ if(b.u&0x80000000)
+ res=0xc000;
+ else
+ res=0x4000;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(a.u&0x80000000)
+ res=0x8000;
+ else
+ res=0x0000;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ if((a.u^b.u)&0x80000000)
+ sign=16; //the negative values are in the high word
+ if((exp&0x70)!=0x70)
+ index=0;
+ else if(exp<0x70 || exp>0x7e)
+ index=0x3fff;
+ else
+ {
+ int expdif=exp-0x71;
+ int base;
+ int mask;
+ int shift;
+ if(expdif<0)
+ expdif=0;
+ base=1<<expdif;
+ mask=base-1;
+ shift=23-expdif;
+ index=base+((value>>shift)&mask);
+ }
+ res=(m_Tables[index+0x10000/4]>>sign)&0xffff;
+ if((a.u&0x7fffffff)<=(b.u&0x7fffffff))
+ res=0x4000-res;
+ if((a.u&0x80000000) && (b.u&0x80000000)) //3rd quadrant
+ {
+ res=0x8000|res;
+ }
+ else if((a.u&0x80000000) && !(b.u&0x80000000)) //2nd quadrant
+ {
+ res=res&0x7fff;
+ }
+ else if(!(a.u&0x80000000) && (b.u&0x80000000)) //2nd quadrant
+ {
+ res=0x8000|res;
+ }
+ return res;
+ }
+ if(offset==0x28)
+ {
+ UINT32 offset=(GETEXTPORT()[0x28]>>10)&0x1fff;
+ UINT32 value=m_Tables[offset*2+0x20000/4];
+ UINT32 srcexp=(GETEXTPORT()[0x28]>>23)&0xff;
+ value&=0x7FFFFFFF;
+ return ScaleExp(value,0x7f-srcexp);
+ }
+ if(offset==0x29)
+ {
+ UINT32 offset=(GETEXTPORT()[0x28]>>10)&0x1fff;
+ UINT32 value=m_Tables[offset*2+(0x20000/4)+1];
+ UINT32 srcexp=(GETEXTPORT()[0x28]>>23)&0xff;
+ value&=0x7FFFFFFF;
+ if(GETEXTPORT()[0x28]&(1<<31))
+ value|=1<<31;
+ return ScaleExp(value,0x7f-srcexp);
+ }
+ if(offset==0x2a)
+ {
+ UINT32 offset=((GETEXTPORT()[0x2a]>>11)&0x1fff)^0x1000;
+ UINT32 value=m_Tables[offset*2+0x30000/4];
+ UINT32 srcexp=(GETEXTPORT()[0x2a]>>24)&0x7f;
+ value&=0x7FFFFFFF;
+ return ScaleExp(value,0x3f-srcexp);
+ }
+ if(offset==0x2b)
+ {
+ UINT32 offset=((GETEXTPORT()[0x2a]>>11)&0x1fff)^0x1000;
+ UINT32 value=m_Tables[offset*2+(0x30000/4)+1];
+ UINT32 srcexp=(GETEXTPORT()[0x2a]>>24)&0x7f;
+ value&=0x7FFFFFFF;
+ if(GETEXTPORT()[0x2a]&(1<<31))
+ value|=1<<31;
+ return ScaleExp(value,0x3f-srcexp);
+ }
+ return GETEXTPORT()[offset];
+ }
+ addr = ( EB & 0xFFFF0000 ) | ( offset & 0xFFFF );
+ return RDMEM(addr);
+void mb86233_cpu_device::SETEXTERNAL( UINT32 EB, UINT32 offset, UINT32 value )
+ UINT32 addr;
+ if ( EB == 0 && offset >= 0x20 && offset <= 0x2f ) /* TGP Tables in ROM - FIXME - */
+ {
+ GETEXTPORT()[offset] = value;
+ if(offset==0x25 || offset==0x24)
+ {
+ if((GETEXTPORT()[0x24]&0x7fffffff)<=(GETEXTPORT()[0x25]&0x7fffffff))
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ return;
+ }
+ addr = ( EB & 0xFFFF0000 ) | ( offset & 0xFFFF );
+ WRMEM( addr, value );
+ Register Access
+UINT32 mb86233_cpu_device::GETREGS( UINT32 reg, int source )
+ UINT32 mode = ( reg >> 6 ) & 0x07;
+ reg &= 0x3f;
+ if ( mode == 0 || mode == 1 || mode == 3 )
+ {
+ if ( reg < 0x10 )
+ {
+ return GETGPR(reg);
+ }
+ switch( reg )
+ {
+ case 0x10: /* A */
+ return GETA().u;
+ case 0x11: /* A.e */
+ return (GETA().u >> 23) & 0xff;
+ case 0x12: /* A.m */
+ return (GETA().u & 0x7fffff) | ((GETA().u&0x80000000) >> 8);
+ case 0x13: /* B */
+ return GETB().u;
+ case 0x14: /* B.e */
+ return (GETB().u >> 23) & 0xff;
+ case 0x15: /* B.m */
+ return (GETB().u & 0x7fffff) | ((GETB().u&0x80000000) >> 8);
+ case 0x19: /* D */
+ return GETD().u;
+ case 0x1A: /* D.e */
+ return (GETD().u >> 23) & 0xff;
+ case 0x1B: /* D.m */
+ return (GETD().u & 0x7fffff) | ((GETD().u&0x80000000) >> 8);
+ case 0x1C: /* P */
+ return GETP().u;
+ case 0x1D: /* P.e */
+ return (GETP().u >> 23) & 0xff;
+ case 0x1E: /* P.m */
+ return (GETP().u & 0x7fffff) | ((GETP().u&0x80000000) >> 8);
+ case 0x1F: /* Shift */
+ return GETSHIFT();
+ case 0x20: /* Parallel Port */
+ logerror( "TGP: Parallel port read at PC:%04x\n", GETPC() );
+ return 0;
+ case 0x21: /* FIn */
+ {
+ if ( m_fifo_read_ok_cb() == ASSERT_LINE )
+ {
+ return m_fifo_read_cb();
+ }
+ return 0;
+ }
+ case 0x22: /* FOut */
+ return 0;
+ case 0x23: /* EB */
+ return GETEB();
+ case 0x34:
+ return GETREPCNT();
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown GETREG (%d) at PC=%04x\n", reg, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( mode == 2 ) /* Indexed */
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = reg & 0x1f;
+ if ( source )
+ {
+ if( !( reg & 0x20 ) )
+ addr += GETGPR(0);
+ addr += GETGPR(2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !( reg & 0x20 ) )
+ addr += GETGPR(1);
+ addr += GETGPR(3);
+ }
+ return addr;
+ }
+ else if( mode == 6 ) /* Indexed with postop */
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = 0;
+ if ( source )
+ {
+ if( !( reg & 0x20 ) )
+ addr += GETGPR(0);
+ addr += GETGPR(2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !( reg & 0x20 ) )
+ addr += GETGPR(1);
+ addr += GETGPR(3);
+ }
+ if ( reg & 0x10 )
+ {
+ if ( source )
+ GETGPR(2) -= 0x20 - ( reg & 0x1f );
+ else
+ GETGPR(3) -= 0x20 - ( reg & 0x1f );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( source )
+ GETGPR(2) += ( reg & 0x1f );
+ else
+ GETGPR(3) += ( reg & 0x1f );
+ }
+ return addr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown GETREG mode %d at PC:%04x\n", mode, GETPC() );
+ }
+ // never executed
+ //return 0;
+void mb86233_cpu_device::SETREGS( UINT32 reg, UINT32 val )
+ int mode = ( reg >> 6) & 0x07;
+ reg &= 0x3f;
+ if( mode == 0 || mode == 1 || mode == 3 )
+ {
+ if(reg==12 || reg==13) // counter regs seem to be 8 bit only
+ val&=0xff;
+ if ( reg < 0x10 )
+ {
+ GETGPR(reg) = val;
+ return;
+ }
+ switch( reg )
+ {
+ case 0x10: /* A */
+ GETA().u = val;
+ break;
+ case 0x11: /* A.e */
+ GETA().u &= ~((0x0000007f) << 23);
+ GETA().u |= (( val & 0xff ) << 23 );
+ break;
+ case 0x12: /* A.m */
+ GETA().u &= ~( 0x807fffff );
+ GETA().u |= ( val & 0x7fffff );
+ GETA().u |= ( val & 0x800000 ) << 8;
+ break;
+ case 0x13: /* B */
+ GETB().u = val;
+ break;
+ case 0x14: /* B.e */
+ GETB().u &= ~((0x0000007f) << 23);
+ GETB().u |= (( val & 0xff ) << 23 );
+ break;
+ case 0x15: /* B.m */
+ GETB().u &= ~( 0x807fffff );
+ GETB().u |= ( val & 0x7fffff );
+ GETB().u |= ( val & 0x800000 ) << 8;
+ break;
+ case 0x19: /* D */
+ GETD().u = val;
+ break;
+ case 0x1A: /* D.e */
+ GETD().u &= ~((0x0000007f) << 23);
+ GETD().u |= (( val & 0xff ) << 23 );
+ break;
+ case 0x1B: /* B.m */
+ GETD().u &= ~( 0x807fffff );
+ GETD().u |= ( val & 0x7fffff );
+ GETD().u |= ( val & 0x800000 ) << 8;
+ break;
+ case 0x1C: /* P */
+ GETP().u = val;
+ break;
+ case 0x1D: /* P.e */
+ GETP().u &= ~((0x000000ff) << 23);
+ GETP().u |= (( val & 0xff ) << 23 );
+ break;
+ case 0x1E: /* P.m */
+ GETP().u &= ~( 0x807fffff );
+ GETP().u |= ( val & 0x7fffff );
+ GETP().u |= ( val & 0x800000 ) << 8;
+ break;
+ case 0x1F:
+ GETSHIFT() = val;
+ break;
+ case 0x20: /* Parallel Port */
+ logerror( "TGP: Parallel port write: %08x at PC:%04x\n", val, GETPC() );
+ break;
+ case 0x22: /* FOut */
+ m_fifo_write_cb( val );
+ break;
+ case 0x23:
+ GETEB() = val;
+ break;
+ case 0x34:
+ GETREPCNT() = val;
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown register write (r:%d, mode:%d) at PC:%04x\n", reg, mode, GETPC());
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown register write (r:%d, mode:%d) at PC:%04x\n", reg, mode, GETPC());
+ }
+ Addressing Modes
+UINT32 mb86233_cpu_device::INDIRECT( UINT32 reg, int source )
+ UINT32 mode = ( reg >> 6 ) & 0x07;
+ if ( mode == 0 || mode == 1 || mode == 3 )
+ {
+ return reg;
+ }
+ else if ( mode == 2 )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = reg & 0x3f;
+ if ( source )
+ {
+ if( !(reg & 0x20) )
+ addr += GETGPR(0);
+ addr += GETGPR(2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( !(reg & 0x20) )
+ addr += GETGPR(1);
+ addr += GETGPR(3);
+ }
+ return addr;
+ }
+ else if ( mode == 6 || mode == 7 )
+ {
+ UINT32 addr = 0;
+ if ( source )
+ {
+ if ( !( reg & 0x20 ) )
+ addr += GETGPR(0);
+ addr += GETGPR(2);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( !( reg & 0x20 ) )
+ addr += GETGPR(1);
+ addr += GETGPR(3);
+ }
+ if ( reg & 0x10 )
+ {
+ if ( source )
+ GETGPR(2) -= 0x20 - ( reg & 0x1f );
+ else
+ GETGPR(3) -= 0x20 - ( reg & 0x1f );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if ( source )
+ GETGPR(2) += ( reg & 0x1f );
+ else
+ GETGPR(3) += ( reg & 0x1f );
+ }
+ if( mode == 7)
+ {
+ if ( source )
+ GETGPR(2)&=0x3f;
+ else
+ GETGPR(3)&=0x3f;
+ }
+ return addr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown INDIRECT mode %d at PC:%04x\n", mode, GETPC() );
+ }
+ // never executed
+ //return 0;
+ Core Execution Loop
+void mb86233_cpu_device::execute_run()
+ while( m_icount > 0 )
+ {
+ UINT32 val;
+ UINT32 opcode;
+ debugger_instruction_hook(this, GETPC());
+ opcode = ROPCODE(GETPC());
+ switch( (opcode >> 26) & 0x3f )
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* dual move */
+ {
+ UINT32 r1 = opcode & 0x1ff;
+ UINT32 r2 = ( opcode >> 9 ) & 0x7f;
+ UINT32 alu = ( opcode >> 21 ) & 0x1f;
+ UINT32 op = ( opcode >> 16 ) & 0x1f;
+ ALU( alu );
+ switch( op )
+ {
+ case 0x01:
+ GETA().u = GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ GETB().u = GETEXTERNAL( GETEB(),INDIRECT(r2|(2<<6), 0));
+ break;
+ case 0x04: // ?
+ GETA().u = GETARAM()[r1];
+ break;
+ case 0x0C:
+ GETA().u = GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ GETB().u = GETBRAM()[r2];
+ break;
+ case 0x0D: // VF2 shadows
+ GETA().u = GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ GETB().u = GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r2|2<<6,0)];
+ break;
+ case 0x0F:
+ GETA().u = GETARAM()[r1];
+ GETB().u = GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r2|6<<6,0)];
+ break;
+ case 0x10:
+ GETA().u = GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ GETB().u = GETARAM()[r2];
+ break;
+ case 0x11:
+ GETA().u = GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ GETB().u = GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r2|(2<<6),0)];
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror( "TGP: Unknown TGP double move (op=%d) at PC:%x\n", op, GETPC());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x7: /* LD/MOV */
+ {
+ UINT32 r1 = opcode & 0x1ff;
+ UINT32 r2 = ( opcode >> 9 ) & 0x7f;
+ UINT32 alu = ( opcode >> 21 ) & 0x1f;
+ UINT32 op = ( opcode >> 16 ) & 0x1f;
+ switch( op )
+ {
+ case 0x04: /* MOV RAM->External */
+ {
+ ALU(alu);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0c: /* MOV RAM->BRAM */
+ {
+ GETBRAM()[r2] = GETARAM()[r1];
+ ALU(alu);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0d: /* Move RAM->BRAM indirect? */
+ {
+ val = GETARAM()[r1];
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r2|(2<<6),0)] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x1d: /* MOV RAM->Reg */
+ {
+ if ( r1 & 0x180 )
+ {
+ val = GETARAM()[GETREGS(r1,0)];
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val = GETARAM()[r1];
+ }
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ ALU(alu);
+ SETREGS(r2,val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x1c: /* MOV Reg->RAMInd */
+ {
+ val = GETREGS(r2,1);
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ ALU(alu);
+ if ( ( r2 >> 6 ) & 0x01)
+ {
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r1,0)] = val;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x1f: /* MOV Reg->Reg */
+ {
+ if ( r1 == 0x10 && r2 == 0xf )
+ {
+ /* NOP */
+ ALU( alu);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ val = GETREGS(r1,1);
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ ALU(alu);
+ SETREGS(r2, val);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0f: /* MOV RAMInd->BRAMInd */
+ {
+ val = GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r2|(6<<6),0)] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x13: /* MOV BRAMInd->RAMInd */
+ {
+ val = GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r2|(6<<6),0)] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x10: /* MOV RAMInd->RAM */
+ {
+ val = GETBRAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETARAM()[r2] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x1e: /* External->Reg */
+ {
+ UINT32 offset;
+ if ( (( r2 >> 6 ) & 7) == 1 )
+ {
+ offset = INDIRECT(r1,1);
+ val = GETEXTERNAL(0,offset);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ offset = INDIRECT(r1,0);
+ val = GETEXTERNAL(GETEB(),offset);
+ }
+ ALU(alu);
+ SETREGS(r2,val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x03: /* RAM->External Ind */
+ {
+ val = GETARAM()[r1];
+ ALU(alu);
+ SETEXTERNAL(GETEB(),INDIRECT(r2|(6<<6),0),val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x07: /* RAMInd->External */
+ {
+ val = GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r1,1)];
+ ALU(alu);
+ SETEXTERNAL( GETEB(),INDIRECT(r2|(6<<6),0),val);
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x08: /* External->RAM */
+ {
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETARAM()[r2] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0b: /* External->RAMInd */
+ {
+ ALU( alu);
+ GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r2|(6<<6),0)] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x17: /* External r2-> RAMInd r3 */
+ {
+ UINT32 offset;
+ offset = INDIRECT(r1,1);
+ val = GETEXTERNAL( GETEB(), offset);
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETARAM()[INDIRECT(r2|(6<<6),0)] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x14:
+ {
+ UINT32 offset;
+ offset = INDIRECT(r1,1);
+ val = GETEXTERNAL( 0, offset);
+ ALU(alu);
+ GETARAM()[r2] = val;
+ }
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown TGP move (op=%02x) at PC:%x\n", op, GETPC());
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0d: /* CONTROL? */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>16) & 0xff;
+ switch(sub)
+ {
+ case 0x0a: // FPU Round Control opcode
+ m_fpucontrol = opcode & 0xff;
+ logerror( "TGP: FPU Round CONTROL sets %02x at PC:%x\n", m_fpucontrol, GETPC());
+ break;
+ default:
+ logerror( "TGP: Unknown CONTROL sub-type %02x at PC:%x\n", sub, GETPC());
+ break;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case 0x0e: /* LDIMM24 */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ /* sign extend 24->32 */
+ if ( imm & 0x800000 )
+ imm |= 0xFF000000;
+ switch( sub )
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* P */
+ GETP().u = imm;
+ break;
+ case 0x01: /* A */
+ GETA().u = imm;
+ break;
+ case 0x02: /* B */
+ GETB().u = imm;
+ break;
+ case 0x03: /* D */
+ GETD().u = imm;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x0f: /* REP/CLEAR/FLAGS */
+ {
+ UINT32 alu = ( opcode >> 20 ) & 0x1f;
+ UINT32 sub2 = ( opcode >> 16 ) & 0x0f;
+ ALU(alu);
+ if( sub2 == 0x00 ) /* CLEAR reg */
+ {
+ UINT32 reg = opcode & 0x1f;
+ switch( reg )
+ {
+ case 0x10:
+ GETD().u = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0x08:
+ GETB().u = 0;
+ break;
+ case 0x04:
+ GETA().u = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sub2 == 0x04 ) /* REP xxx */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub3 = ( opcode >> 12 ) & 0x0f;
+ if ( sub3 == 0 )
+ {
+ GETREPS() = opcode & 0xfff;
+ if ( GETREPS() == 0 )
+ GETREPS() = 0x100;
+ GETPC()++;
+ }
+ else if ( sub3 == 8 )
+ {
+ GETREPS() = GETREGS( opcode & 0xfff, 0 );
+ GETPC()++;
+ }
+ }
+ else if ( sub2 == 0x02 ) /* CLRFLAGS */
+ {
+ GETSR() &= ~(opcode&0xfff);
+ }
+ else if ( sub2 == 0x06 ) /* SETFLAGS */
+ {
+ GETSR() |= (opcode&0xfff);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x10: /* LDIMM rx */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffff;
+ GETGPR(sub) = imm;
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x13: /* LDIMM r1x */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ if ( sub == 0 ) /* R12 */
+ GETGPR(12) = imm;
+ else if ( sub == 1 ) /* R13 */
+ GETGPR(13) = imm;
+ else
+ logerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM r12 (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x14: /* LDIMM m,e */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ if ( sub == 0 ) /* A */
+ {
+ GETA().u = imm;
+ }
+ else if ( sub == 1 ) /* A.e */
+ {
+ GETA().u &= ~0x7f800000;
+ GETA().u |= (imm & 0xff) << 23;
+ }
+ else if ( sub == 2 ) /* A.m */
+ {
+ GETA().u &= 0x7f800000;
+ GETA().u |= (imm & 0x7fffff ) | ((imm & 0x800000) << 8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM m,e (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x15: /* LDIMM m,e */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ if ( sub == 0 ) /* B.e again? */
+ {
+ //GETB().u = ((imm & 0x7f) << 23) | ((imm & 0xff) << 8) | ( imm & 0xff );
+ GETB().u &= ~0x7f800000;
+ GETB().u |= (imm & 0xff) << 23;
+ }
+ else if ( sub == 1 ) /* B.e */
+ {
+ GETB().u &= ~0x7f800000;
+ GETB().u |= (imm & 0xff) << 23;
+ }
+ else if ( sub == 2 ) /* B.m */
+ {
+ GETB().u &= 0x7f800000;
+ GETB().u |= (imm & 0x7fffff ) | ((imm & 0x800000) << 8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM m,e (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x16: /* LDIMM m,e */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ if ( sub == 1 ) /* clear + D.m */
+ {
+ GETD().u = (imm & 0x7fffff ) | ((imm & 0x800000) << 8);
+ }
+ else if ( sub == 2 ) /* D.e */
+ {
+ GETD().u &= ~0x7f800000;
+ GETD().u |= (imm & 0xff) << 23;
+ }
+ else if ( sub == 3 ) /* D.m */
+ {
+ GETD().u &= 0x7f800000;
+ GETD().u |= (imm & 0x7fffff ) | ((imm & 0x800000) << 8);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM m,e (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x17: /* LDIMM special reg */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ if ( sub == 0x03 )
+ {
+ GETSHIFT() = imm;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ logerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM special reg (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x18: /* LDIMM external reg */
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24) & 0x03;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode & 0xffffff;
+ if ( sub == 0x03 )
+ {
+ GETEB() = imm;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM external reg (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x1d: //LDIMM to Rep regs
+ {
+ UINT32 sub = (opcode>>24)&0x3;
+ UINT32 imm = opcode&0xffffff;
+ if(sub == 0x00)
+ {
+ GETREPCNT() = imm;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown LDIMM REPCnt (sub=%d) at PC:%04x\n", sub, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x2f: /* Conditional Branches */
+ {
+ UINT32 cond = ( opcode >> 20 ) & 0x1f;
+ UINT32 subtype = ( opcode >> 16 ) & 0x0f;
+ UINT32 data = opcode & 0xffff;
+ if( COND( cond) )
+ {
+ switch( subtype )
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* BRIF <addr> */
+ GETPC() = data - 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x02: /* BRIF indirect */
+ data = GETREGS(data&0x7f,0) - 1;
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ GETPC() = data;
+ break;
+ case 0x04: /* BSIF <addr> */
+ GETPCSP()++;
+ GETPC() = data - 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x06: /* BSIF indirect */
+ GETPCSP()++;
+ if ( data & 0x4000 )
+ data = GETREGS(data&0x7f,0) - 1;
+ else
+ data = ((GETARAM()[data&0x3ff])&0xffff)-1;
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ GETPC() = data;
+ break;
+ case 0x0a: /* RTIF */
+ --GETPCSP();
+ break;
+ case 0x0c: /* LDIF */
+ SETREGS(((data>>9)&0x7f), GETARAM()[data&0x1FF] );
+ break;
+ case 0x0e: /* RIIF */
+ fatalerror( "TGP: RIIF unimplemented at PC:%04x\n", GETPC() );
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown Branch opcode (subtype=%d) at PC:%04x\n", subtype, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x3f: /* Inverse Conditional Branches */
+ {
+ UINT32 cond = ( opcode >> 20 ) & 0x1f;
+ UINT32 subtype = ( opcode >> 16 ) & 0x0f;
+ UINT32 data = opcode & 0xffff;
+ if( !COND( cond) )
+ {
+ switch( subtype )
+ {
+ case 0x00: /* BRUL <addr> */
+ GETPC() = data - 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x02: /* BRUL indirect */
+ data = GETREGS(data&0x7f,0) - 1;
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ GETPC() = data;
+ break;
+ case 0x04: /* BSUL <addr> */
+ GETPCSP()++;
+ GETPC() = data - 1;
+ break;
+ case 0x06: /* BSUL indirect */
+ data = GETARAM()[data] - 1;
+ /* if we're waiting for data, don't complete the instruction */
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() )
+ break;
+ GETPC() = data;
+ break;
+ case 0x0a: /* RTUL */
+ --GETPCSP();
+ break;
+ case 0x0c: /* LDUL */
+ SETREGS(((data>>9)&0x7f), GETARAM()[data&0x1FF] );
+ break;
+ case 0x0e: /* RIUL */
+ fatalerror( "TGP: RIUL unimplemented at PC:%04x\n", GETPC() );
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: Unknown Branch opcode (subtype=%d) at PC:%04x\n", subtype, GETPC() );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case 0x1f:
+ case 0x12:
+ logerror( "TGP: unknown opcode %08x at PC:%04x (%02x)\n", opcode, GETPC(),(opcode >> 26) & 0x3f );
+ break;
+ default:
+ fatalerror( "TGP: unknown opcode %08x at PC:%04x (%02x)\n", opcode, GETPC(),(opcode >> 26) & 0x3f );
+ }
+ if ( GETFIFOWAIT() == 0 )
+ {
+ if( GETREPS() == 0 )
+ GETPC()++;
+ else
+ --GETREPS();
+ m_icount--;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_icount = 0;
+ }
+ }