path: root/src/devices/cpu/m6809/m6809.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/m6809/m6809.h')
1 files changed, 318 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/m6809/m6809.h b/src/devices/cpu/m6809/m6809.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..595585cd098
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/m6809/m6809.h
@@ -0,0 +1,318 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Nathan Woods
+ m6809.h
+ Portable Motorola 6809 emulator
+#pragma once
+#ifndef __M6809_H__
+#define __M6809_H__
+class m6809_device;
+// device type definition
+extern const device_type M6809;
+extern const device_type M6809E;
+// ======================> m6809_base_device
+// Used by core CPU interface
+class m6809_base_device : public cpu_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ m6809_base_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, const device_type type, int divider, const char *shortname, const char *source);
+ class memory_interface {
+ public:
+ address_space *m_program, *m_sprogram;
+ direct_read_data *m_direct, *m_sdirect;
+ virtual ~memory_interface() {}
+ virtual UINT8 read(UINT16 adr) = 0;
+ virtual UINT8 read_opcode(UINT16 adr) = 0;
+ virtual UINT8 read_opcode_arg(UINT16 adr) = 0;
+ virtual void write(UINT16 adr, UINT8 val) = 0;
+ };
+ class mi_default : public memory_interface {
+ public:
+ virtual ~mi_default() {}
+ virtual UINT8 read(UINT16 adr);
+ virtual UINT8 read_opcode(UINT16 adr);
+ virtual UINT8 read_opcode_arg(UINT16 adr);
+ virtual void write(UINT16 adr, UINT8 val);
+ };
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ virtual void device_pre_save();
+ virtual void device_post_load();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const;
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const;
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const;
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ virtual void execute_set_input(int inputnum, int state);
+ virtual UINT64 execute_clocks_to_cycles(UINT64 clocks) const;
+ virtual UINT64 execute_cycles_to_clocks(UINT64 cycles) const;
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const;
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const;
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const;
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+ // device_state_interface overrides
+ virtual void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ // addressing modes
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ // register transfer
+ struct exgtfr_register
+ {
+ UINT8 byte_value;
+ UINT16 word_value;
+ };
+ // flag bits in the cc register
+ enum
+ {
+ CC_C = 0x01, // Carry
+ CC_V = 0x02, // Overflow
+ CC_Z = 0x04, // Zero
+ CC_N = 0x08, // Negative
+ CC_I = 0x10, // Inhibit IRQ
+ CC_H = 0x20, // Half (auxiliary) carry
+ CC_F = 0x40, // Inhibit FIRQ
+ CC_E = 0x80 // Entire state pushed
+ };
+ // flag combinations
+ enum
+ {
+ CC_VC = CC_V | CC_C,
+ CC_ZC = CC_Z | CC_C,
+ CC_NZ = CC_N | CC_Z,
+ CC_NZC = CC_N | CC_Z | CC_C,
+ CC_NZV = CC_N | CC_Z | CC_V,
+ CC_NZVC = CC_N | CC_Z | CC_V | CC_C,
+ CC_HNZVC = CC_H | CC_N | CC_Z | CC_V | CC_C
+ };
+ // interrupt vectors
+ enum
+ {
+ };
+ // Memory interface
+ memory_interface * m_mintf;
+ // CPU registers
+ PAIR16 m_pc; // program counter
+ PAIR16 m_ppc; // previous program counter
+ PAIR16 m_d; // accumulator a and b
+ PAIR16 m_x, m_y; // index registers
+ PAIR16 m_u, m_s; // stack pointers
+ UINT8 m_dp; // direct page register
+ UINT8 m_cc;
+ PAIR16 m_temp;
+ UINT8 m_opcode;
+ // other internal state
+ UINT8 * m_reg8;
+ PAIR16 * m_reg16;
+ int m_reg;
+ bool m_nmi_line;
+ bool m_nmi_asserted;
+ bool m_firq_line;
+ bool m_irq_line;
+ bool m_lds_encountered;
+ int m_icount;
+ int m_addressing_mode;
+ PAIR16 m_ea; // effective address
+ // Callbacks
+ devcb_write_line m_lic_func; // LIC pin on the 6809E
+ // eat cycles
+ inline void eat(int cycles) { m_icount -= cycles; }
+ void eat_remaining();
+ // read a byte from given memory location
+ inline UINT8 read_memory(UINT16 address) { eat(1); return m_mintf->read(address); }
+ // write a byte to given memory location
+ inline void write_memory(UINT16 address, UINT8 data) { eat(1); m_mintf->write(address, data); }
+ // read_opcode() is like read_memory() except it is used for reading opcodes. In the case of a system
+ // with memory mapped I/O, this function can be used to greatly speed up emulation.
+ inline UINT8 read_opcode(UINT16 address) { eat(1); return m_mintf->read_opcode(address); }
+ // read_opcode_arg() is identical to read_opcode() except it is used for reading opcode arguments. This
+ // difference can be used to support systems that use different encoding mechanisms for opcodes
+ // and opcode arguments.
+ inline UINT8 read_opcode_arg(UINT16 address) { eat(1); return m_mintf->read_opcode_arg(address); }
+ // read_opcode() and bump the program counter
+ inline UINT8 read_opcode() { return read_opcode(m_pc.w++); }
+ inline UINT8 read_opcode_arg() { return read_opcode_arg(m_pc.w++); }
+ // state stack - implemented as a UINT32
+ void push_state(UINT8 state) { m_state = (m_state << 8) | state; }
+ UINT8 pop_state() { UINT8 result = (UINT8) m_state; m_state >>= 8; return result; }
+ void reset_state() { m_state = 0; }
+ // effective address reading/writing
+ UINT8 read_ea() { return read_memory(m_ea.w); }
+ void write_ea(UINT8 data) { write_memory(m_ea.w, data); }
+ void set_ea(UINT16 ea) { m_ea.w = ea; m_addressing_mode = ADDRESSING_MODE_EA; }
+ void set_ea_h(UINT8 ea_h) { m_ea.b.h = ea_h; }
+ void set_ea_l(UINT8 ea_l) { m_ea.b.l = ea_l; m_addressing_mode = ADDRESSING_MODE_EA; }
+ // operand reading/writing
+ UINT8 read_operand();
+ UINT8 read_operand(int ordinal);
+ void write_operand(UINT8 data);
+ void write_operand(int ordinal, UINT8 data);
+ // instructions
+ void daa();
+ void mul();
+ // miscellaneous
+ void nop() { }
+ template<class T> T rotate_right(T value);
+ template<class T> UINT32 rotate_left(T value);
+ void set_a() { m_addressing_mode = ADDRESSING_MODE_REGISTER_A; }
+ void set_b() { m_addressing_mode = ADDRESSING_MODE_REGISTER_B; }
+ void set_d() { m_addressing_mode = ADDRESSING_MODE_REGISTER_D; }
+ void set_imm() { m_addressing_mode = ADDRESSING_MODE_IMMEDIATE; }
+ void set_regop8(UINT8 &reg) { m_reg8 = &reg; m_reg16 = NULL; }
+ void set_regop16(PAIR16 &reg) { m_reg16 = &reg; m_reg8 = NULL; }
+ UINT8 &regop8() { assert(m_reg8 != NULL); return *m_reg8; }
+ PAIR16 &regop16() { assert(m_reg16 != NULL); return *m_reg16; }
+ bool is_register_register_op_16_bit() { return m_reg16 != NULL; }
+ bool add8_sets_h() { return true; }
+ bool hd6309_native_mode() { return false; }
+ // index reg
+ UINT16 &ireg();
+ // flags
+ template<class T> T set_flags(UINT8 mask, T a, T b, UINT32 r);
+ template<class T> T set_flags(UINT8 mask, T r);
+ // branch conditions
+ inline bool cond_hi() { return !(m_cc & CC_ZC); } // BHI/BLS
+ inline bool cond_cc() { return !(m_cc & CC_C); } // BCC/BCS
+ inline bool cond_ne() { return !(m_cc & CC_Z); } // BNE/BEQ
+ inline bool cond_vc() { return !(m_cc & CC_V); } // BVC/BVS
+ inline bool cond_pl() { return !(m_cc & CC_N); } // BPL/BMI
+ inline bool cond_ge() { return (m_cc & CC_N ? true : false) == (m_cc & CC_V ? true : false); } // BGE/BLT
+ inline bool cond_gt() { return cond_ge() && !(m_cc & CC_Z); } // BGT/BLE
+ inline void set_cond(bool cond) { m_cond = cond; }
+ inline bool branch_taken() { return m_cond; }
+ // interrupt registers
+ bool firq_saves_entire_state() { return false; }
+ UINT16 partial_state_registers() { return 0x81; }
+ UINT16 entire_state_registers() { return 0xFF; }
+ // miscellaneous
+ inline exgtfr_register read_exgtfr_register(UINT8 reg);
+ inline void write_exgtfr_register(UINT8 reg, exgtfr_register value);
+ bool is_register_addressing_mode();
+ bool is_ea_addressing_mode() { return m_addressing_mode == ADDRESSING_MODE_EA; }
+ UINT16 get_pending_interrupt();
+ void log_illegal();
+ // address spaces
+ const address_space_config m_program_config;
+ const address_space_config m_sprogram_config;
+ // other state
+ UINT32 m_state;
+ bool m_cond;
+ // incidentals
+ int m_clock_divider;
+ // functions
+ inline void execute_one();
+ const char *inputnum_string(int inputnum);
+// ======================> m6809_device
+class m6809_device : public m6809_base_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ m6809_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+// ======================> m6809e_device
+#define MCFG_M6809E_LIC_CB(_devcb) \
+ m6809e_device::set_lic_cb(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+class m6809e_device : public m6809_base_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ m6809e_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+ // static configuration helpers
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_lic_cb(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<m6809e_device &>(device).m_lic_func.set_callback(object); }
+ M6809_PC=1, M6809_S, M6809_CC ,M6809_A, M6809_B, M6809_D, M6809_U, M6809_X, M6809_Y,
+ M6809_DP
+#define M6809_IRQ_LINE 0 /* IRQ line number */
+#define M6809_FIRQ_LINE 1 /* FIRQ line number */
+/* M6809e has LIC line to indicate opcode/data fetch */
+#endif /* __M6809_H__ */