path: root/src/devices/cpu/lr35902/lr35902.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/lr35902/lr35902.cpp')
1 files changed, 354 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/lr35902/lr35902.cpp b/src/devices/cpu/lr35902/lr35902.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..02cb785e1ff
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/lr35902/lr35902.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,354 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Wilbert Pol
+/** **/
+/** lr35902.c **/
+/** **/
+/** This file contains implementation for the GameBoy CPU. **/
+/** See lr35902.h for the relevant definitions. Please, note**/
+/** that this code can not be used to emulate a generic Z80 **/
+/** because the GameBoy version of it differs from Z80 in **/
+/** many ways. **/
+/** **/
+/** Orginal cpu code (PlayBoy) Carsten Sorensen 1998 **/
+/** MESS modifications Hans de Goede 1998 **/
+/** Adapted to new cpuintrf Juergen Buchmueller 2000 **/
+/** Adapted to new cpuintrf Anthony Kruize 2002 **/
+/** Changed reset function to **/
+/** reset all registers instead **/
+/** of just AF. Wilbert Pol 2004 **/
+/** **/
+/** 1.1: **/
+/** Removed dependency on the mess gameboy driver **/
+/** **/
+/** 1.2: **/
+/** Fixed cycle count for taking an interrupt **/
+/** Fixed cycle count for BIT X,(HL) instructions **/
+/** Fixed flags in RRCA instruction **/
+/** Fixed DAA instruction **/
+/** Fixed flags in ADD SP,n8 instruction **/
+/** Fixed flags in LD HL,SP+n8 instruction **/
+/** **/
+/** 1.3: **/
+/** Improved triggering of the HALT bug **/
+/** Added 4 cycle penalty when leaving HALT state for **/
+/** newer versions of the cpu core **/
+/** **/
+/** 1.4: **/
+/** Split fetch and execute cycles. **/
+/** **/
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "debugger.h"
+#include "lr35902.h"
+/* Flag bit definitions */
+enum lr35902_flag
+ FLAG_C = 0x10,
+ FLAG_H = 0x20,
+ FLAG_N = 0x40,
+ FLAG_Z = 0x80
+#define IME 0x01
+#define HALTED 0x02
+// LR35902 DEVICE
+const device_type LR35902 = &device_creator<lr35902_cpu_device>;
+lr35902_cpu_device::lr35902_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock)
+ : cpu_device(mconfig, LR35902, "LR35902", tag, owner, clock, "lr35902", __FILE__)
+ , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_LITTLE, 8, 16, 0)
+ , m_A(0)
+ , m_F(0)
+ , m_B(0)
+ , m_C(0)
+ , m_D(0)
+ , m_E(0)
+ , m_H(0)
+ , m_L(0)
+ , m_SP(0)
+ , m_PC(0)
+ , m_IE(0)
+ , m_IF(0)
+ , m_enable(0)
+ , m_has_halt_bug(false)
+ , m_timer_func(*this)
+ , m_incdec16_func(*this)
+/* Memory functions */
+inline void lr35902_cpu_device::cycles_passed(UINT8 cycles)
+ m_icount -= cycles / m_gb_speed;
+ m_timer_func( cycles );
+inline UINT8 lr35902_cpu_device::mem_read_byte( UINT16 addr )
+ UINT8 data = m_program->read_byte( addr );
+ cycles_passed( 4 );
+ return data;
+inline void lr35902_cpu_device::mem_write_byte( UINT16 addr, UINT8 data )
+ m_program->write_byte( addr, data );
+ cycles_passed( 4 );
+inline UINT16 lr35902_cpu_device::mem_read_word( UINT16 addr )
+ UINT16 data = mem_read_byte( addr );
+ data |= ( mem_read_byte( addr + 1 ) << 8 );
+ return data;
+inline void lr35902_cpu_device::mem_write_word( UINT16 addr, UINT16 data )
+ mem_write_byte( addr, data & 0xFF );
+ mem_write_byte( addr + 1, data >> 8 );
+void lr35902_cpu_device::device_start()
+ m_device = this;
+ m_program = &space(AS_PROGRAM);
+ // resolve callbacks
+ m_timer_func.resolve_safe();
+ m_incdec16_func.resolve_safe();
+ // register for save states
+ save_item(NAME(m_A));
+ save_item(NAME(m_F));
+ save_item(NAME(m_B));
+ save_item(NAME(m_C));
+ save_item(NAME(m_D));
+ save_item(NAME(m_E));
+ save_item(NAME(m_H));
+ save_item(NAME(m_L));
+ save_item(NAME(m_PC));
+ save_item(NAME(m_SP));
+ save_item(NAME(m_IE));
+ save_item(NAME(m_IF));
+ save_item(NAME(m_irq_state));
+ save_item(NAME(m_handle_ei_delay));
+ save_item(NAME(m_execution_state));
+ save_item(NAME(m_op));
+ save_item(NAME(m_gb_speed));
+ save_item(NAME(m_gb_speed_change_pending));
+ save_item(NAME(m_enable));
+ save_item(NAME(m_handle_halt_bug));
+ // Register state for debugger
+ state_add( LR35902_PC, "PC", m_PC ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%04X");
+ state_add( LR35902_SP, "SP", m_SP ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%04X");
+ state_add( LR35902_A, "A", m_A ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_F, "F", m_F ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_B, "B", m_B ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_C, "C", m_C ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_D, "D", m_D ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_E, "E", m_E ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_H, "H", m_H ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_L, "L", m_L ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_IRQ_STATE, "IRQ", m_enable ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_IE, "IE", m_IE ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add( LR35902_IF, "IF", m_IF ).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%02X");
+ state_add(STATE_GENPC, "curpc", m_PC).callimport().callexport().formatstr("%8s").noshow();
+ state_add(STATE_GENFLAGS, "GENFLAGS", m_F).mask(0xf0).formatstr("%8s").noshow();
+ m_icountptr = &m_icount;
+void lr35902_cpu_device::state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str)
+ switch (entry.index())
+ {
+ case LR35902_SPEED:
+ strprintf(str, "%02X", 0x7E | ((m_gb_speed - 1) << 7) | m_gb_speed_change_pending);
+ break;
+ strprintf(str, "%c%c%c%c",
+ m_F & FLAG_Z ? 'Z' : '.',
+ m_F & FLAG_N ? 'N' : '.',
+ m_F & FLAG_H ? 'H' : '.',
+ m_F & FLAG_C ? 'C' : '.'
+ );
+ break;
+ }
+void lr35902_cpu_device::device_reset()
+ m_A = 0x00;
+ m_F = 0x00;
+ m_B = 0x00;
+ m_C = 0x00;
+ m_D = 0x00;
+ m_E = 0x00;
+ m_H = 0x00;
+ m_L = 0x00;
+ m_SP = 0x0000;
+ m_PC = 0x0000;
+ m_enable = 0;
+ m_IE = 0;
+ m_IF = 0;
+ m_execution_state = 0;
+ m_handle_halt_bug = false;
+ m_handle_ei_delay = false;
+ m_gb_speed_change_pending = 0;
+ m_gb_speed = 1;
+offs_t lr35902_cpu_device::disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options)
+ extern CPU_DISASSEMBLE( lr35902 );
+ return CPU_DISASSEMBLE_NAME(lr35902)(this, buffer, pc, oprom, opram, options);
+void lr35902_cpu_device::check_interrupts()
+ UINT8 irq = m_IE & m_IF;
+ /* Interrupts should be taken after the first instruction after an EI instruction */
+ if (m_handle_ei_delay) {
+ m_handle_ei_delay = false;
+ return;
+ }
+ /*
+ logerror("Attempting to process LR35902 Interrupt IRQ $%02X\n", irq);
+ logerror("Attempting to process LR35902 Interrupt IE $%02X\n", m_IE);
+ logerror("Attempting to process LR35902 Interrupt IF $%02X\n", m_IF);
+ */
+ if (irq)
+ {
+ int irqline = 0;
+ /*
+ logerror("LR35902 Interrupt IRQ $%02X\n", irq);
+ */
+ for( ; irqline < 5; irqline++ )
+ {
+ if( irq & (1<<irqline) )
+ {
+ if (m_enable & HALTED)
+ {
+ m_enable &= ~HALTED;
+ m_PC++;
+ if ( m_has_halt_bug ) {
+ if ( ! ( m_enable & IME ) ) {
+ /* Old cpu core (dmg/mgb/sgb) */
+ m_handle_halt_bug = true;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* New cpu core (cgb/agb/ags) */
+ /* Adjust for internal syncing with video core */
+ /* This feature needs more investigation */
+ if ( irqline < 2 ) {
+ cycles_passed( 4 );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if ( m_enable & IME ) {
+ m_enable &= ~IME;
+ m_IF &= ~(1 << irqline);
+ cycles_passed( 12 );
+ m_SP -= 2;
+ mem_write_word( m_SP, m_PC );
+ m_PC = 0x40 + irqline * 8;
+ /*logerror("LR35902 Interrupt PC $%04X\n", m_PC );*/
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+/*** Execute lr35902 code for m_icount cycles. ***/
+void lr35902_cpu_device::execute_run()
+ do
+ {
+ if ( m_execution_state ) {
+ UINT8 x;
+ /* Execute instruction */
+ switch( m_op ) {
+#include ""
+ default:
+ // actually this should lock up the cpu!
+ logerror("LR35902: Illegal opcode $%02X @ %04X\n", m_op, m_PC);
+ break;
+ }
+ } else {
+ /* Fetch and count cycles */
+ check_interrupts();
+ debugger_instruction_hook(this, m_PC);
+ if ( m_enable & HALTED ) {
+ cycles_passed( 4 );
+ m_execution_state = 1;
+ } else {
+ m_op = mem_read_byte( m_PC++ );
+ if ( m_handle_halt_bug ) {
+ m_PC--;
+ m_handle_halt_bug = false;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ m_execution_state ^= 1;
+ } while (m_icount > 0);
+void lr35902_cpu_device::execute_set_input( int inptnum, int state )
+ m_irq_state = state;
+ if( state == ASSERT_LINE )
+ {
+ m_IF |= (0x01 << inptnum);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_IF &= ~(0x01 << inptnum);
+ }
+UINT8 lr35902_cpu_device::get_speed()
+ return 0x7E | ( ( m_gb_speed - 1 ) << 7 ) | m_gb_speed_change_pending;
+void lr35902_cpu_device::set_speed( UINT8 speed_request )
+ m_gb_speed_change_pending = speed_request & 0x01;