path: root/src/devices/cpu/h8/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/h8/')
1 files changed, 474 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/h8/ b/src/devices/cpu/h8/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..929b5d14c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/h8/
@@ -0,0 +1,474 @@
+from __future__ import print_function
+USAGE = """
+%s h8.lst <type> (type = o/h/s20/s26)
+import sys
+def name_to_type(name):
+ if name == "o":
+ return 0
+ if name == "h":
+ return 1
+ if name == "s20":
+ return 2
+ if name == "s26":
+ return 3
+ sys.stderr.write("Unknown chip type name %s\n" % name)
+ sys.exit(1)
+def type_to_device(dtype):
+ if dtype == 0:
+ return "h8_device"
+ if dtype == 1:
+ return "h8h_device"
+ if dtype == 2:
+ return "h8s2000_device"
+ return "h8s2600_device"
+def hexsplit(str):
+ res = []
+ for i in range(0, len(str), 2):
+ res.append(int(str[i:i+2], 16))
+ return res
+def has_memory(ins):
+ for s in ["read", "write", "sp_push", "sp_pop", "sp32_push", "sp32_pop", "fetch(", "prefetch_start(", "prefetch(", "prefetch_noirq("]:
+ if s in ins:
+ return True
+ return False
+def has_eat(ins):
+ if "eat-all-cycles" in ins:
+ return True
+ return False
+def save_full_one(f, t, name, source):
+ print("void %s::%s_full()" % (t, name), file=f)
+ print("{", file=f)
+ substate = 1
+ for line in source:
+ if has_memory(line):
+ print("\tif(icount <= bcount) { inst_substate = %d; return; }" % substate, file=f)
+ print(line, file=f)
+ substate += 1
+ elif has_eat(line):
+ print("\tif(icount) icount = bcount; inst_substate = %d; return;" % substate, file=f)
+ substate += 1
+ else:
+ print(line, file=f)
+ print("}", file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+def save_partial_one(f, t, name, source):
+ print("void %s::%s_partial()" % (t, name), file=f)
+ print("{", file=f)
+ print("switch(inst_substate) {", file=f)
+ print("case 0:", file=f)
+ substate = 1
+ for line in source:
+ if has_memory(line):
+ print("\tif(icount <= bcount) { inst_substate = %d; return; }" % substate, file=f)
+ print("case %d:;" % substate, file=f)
+ print(line, file=f)
+ substate += 1
+ elif has_eat(line):
+ print("\tif(icount) icount = bcount; inst_substate = %d; return;" % substate, file=f)
+ print("case %d:;" % substate, file=f)
+ substate += 1
+ else:
+ print(line, file=f)
+ print("\tbreak;", file=f)
+ print("}", file=f)
+ print("\tinst_substate = 0;", file=f)
+ print("}", file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+class Hash:
+ def __init__(self, premask):
+ self.mask = 0x00
+ self.enabled = False
+ self.premask = premask
+ self.d = {}
+ def get(self, val, premask):
+ if val in self.d:
+ h = self.d[val]
+ if h.premask != premask:
+ sys.stderr.write("Premask conflict\n")
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return h
+ h = Hash(premask)
+ self.d[val] = h
+ return h
+ def set(self, val, opc):
+ if val in self.d:
+ sys.stderr.write("Collision on %s\n" % opc.description())
+ sys.exit(1)
+ self.d[val] = opc
+class Opcode:
+ def __init__(self, val, mask, skip, name, am1, am2, otype, dtype):
+ = name
+ self.val = hexsplit(val)
+ self.mask = hexsplit(mask)
+ self.skip = int(skip)
+ self.am1 = am1
+ self.am2 = am2
+ self.source = []
+ self.otype = otype
+ self.enabled = otype == -1 or (otype == 0 and dtype == 0) or (otype != 0 and dtype >= otype)
+ self.needed = self.enabled and (otype == dtype or (otype == -1 and dtype == 0))
+ if dtype == 0 and (am1 == "r16l" or am2 == "r16l"):
+ self.mask[len(self.mask) - 1] |= 0x08
+ if dtype == 0 and (am1 == "r16h" or am2 == "r16h"):
+ self.mask[len(self.mask) - 1] |= 0x80
+ extra_words = 0
+ if (am1 == "abs16" or am2 == "abs16" or am1 == "abs16e" or am1 == "abs24e") and self.skip == 0:
+ extra_words += 1
+ if (am1 == "abs32" or am2 == "abs32") and self.skip == 0:
+ extra_words += 2
+ if am1 == "imm16" or am1 == "rel16" or am1 == "r16d16h" or am2 == "r16d16h" or am1 == "r32d16h" or am2 == "r32d16h":
+ extra_words += 1
+ if am1 == "imm32" or am1 == "r32d32hh" or am2 == "r32d32hh":
+ extra_words += 2
+ self.extra_words = extra_words
+ base_offset = len(self.val)/2 + self.skip
+ for i in range(0, extra_words):
+ self.source.append("\tfetch(%d);\n" % (i+base_offset))
+ def description(self):
+ return "%s %s %s" % (, self.am1, self.am2)
+ def add_source_line(self, line):
+ self.source.append(line)
+ def is_dispatch(self):
+ return False
+ def function_name(self):
+ n =".", "_")
+ if self.am1 != "-":
+ n = n + "_" + self.am1
+ if self.am2 != "-":
+ n = n + "_" + self.am2
+ return n
+ def save_dasm(self, f):
+ if len(self.mask) == 2:
+ mask = (self.mask[0] << 8) | self.mask[1]
+ val = (self.val[0] << 8) | self.val[1]
+ mask2 = 0
+ val2 = 0
+ slot = 0
+ elif len(self.mask) == 4:
+ mask = (self.mask[0] << 24) | (self.mask[1] << 16) | (self.mask[2] << 8) | self.mask[3]
+ val = (self.val[0] << 24) | (self.val[1] << 16) | (self.val[2] << 8) | self.val[3]
+ mask2 = 0
+ val2 = 0
+ slot = self.skip + 1
+ else:
+ mask = (self.mask[2] << 24) | (self.mask[3] << 16) | (self.mask[4] << 8) | self.mask[5]
+ val = (self.val[2] << 24) | (self.val[3] << 16) | (self.val[4] << 8) | self.val[5]
+ mask2 = (self.mask[0] << 8) | self.mask[1]
+ val2 = (self.val[0] << 8) | self.val[1]
+ slot = 4
+ size = len(self.val) + 2*self.skip + 2*self.extra_words
+ if == "jsr" or == "bsr":
+ flags = "%d | DASMFLAG_STEP_OVER" % size
+ elif == "rts" or == "rte":
+ flags = "%d | DASMFLAG_STEP_OUT" % size
+ else:
+ flags = "%d" % size
+ print("\t{ %d, 0x%08x, 0x%08x, 0x%04x, 0x%04x, \"%s\", DASM_%s, DASM_%s, %s }, // %s" % ( slot, val, mask, val2, mask2,, self.am1 if self.am1 != "-" else "none", self.am2 if self.am2 != "-" else "none", flags, "needed" if self.needed else "inherited"), file=f)
+class Special:
+ def __init__(self, val, name, otype, dtype):
+ = name
+ self.val = int(val, 16)
+ self.enabled = otype == -1 or (otype == 0 and dtype == 0) or (otype != 0 and dtype >= otype)
+ self.needed = otype == dtype or (otype == -1 and dtype == 0)
+ self.source = []
+ def add_source_line(self, line):
+ self.source.append(line)
+class Macro:
+ def __init__(self, tokens):
+ = tokens[1]
+ self.params = []
+ for i in range(2, len(tokens)):
+ self.params.append(tokens[i])
+ self.source = []
+ def add_source_line(self, line):
+ self.source.append(line)
+ def apply(self, target, tokens):
+ values = []
+ if len(self.params) > 1:
+ for i in range(0, len(self.params)-1):
+ values.append(tokens[i+1])
+ lval = ""
+ for i in range(len(self.params)-1, len(tokens)-1):
+ if lval != "":
+ lval += " "
+ lval = lval + tokens[i+1]
+ values.append(lval)
+ for i in range(0, len(self.source)):
+ line = self.source[i]
+ for j in range(0, len(self.params)):
+ line = line.replace(self.params[j], values[j])
+ target.add_source_line(line)
+class DispatchStep:
+ def __init__(self, id, pos, opc):
+ = id
+ self.pos = pos
+ = ""
+ self.enabled = False
+ self.mask = opc.mask[pos-1]
+ for i in range(0, pos):
+ += "%02x" % opc.val[i]
+ if pos == 2:
+ self.skip = opc.skip
+ else:
+ self.skip = 0
+ def is_dispatch(self):
+ return True
+ def source(self):
+ start = self.pos // 2
+ end = start + self.skip
+ s = []
+ for i in range(start, end+1):
+ s.append("\tIR[%d] = fetch();" % i)
+ s.append("\tinst_state = 0x%x0000 | IR[%d];" % (, end))
+ return s
+class OpcodeList:
+ def __init__(self, fname, dtype):
+ self.opcode_info = []
+ self.dispatch_info = []
+ self.states_info = []
+ self.dispatch = {}
+ self.macros = {}
+ try:
+ f = open(fname, "r")
+ except Exception:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ sys.stderr.write("Cannot read opcodes file %s [%s]\n" % (fname, err))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ inf = None
+ for line in f:
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ continue
+ line = line.rstrip()
+ if not line:
+ continue
+ if line.startswith(" ") or line.startswith("\t"):
+ if inf is not None:
+ # append instruction to last opcode, maybe expand a macro
+ tokens = line.split()
+ if tokens[0] in self.macros:
+ self.macros[tokens[0]].apply(inf, tokens)
+ else:
+ inf.add_source_line(line)
+ else:
+ # New opcode
+ tokens = line.split()
+ if tokens[0] == "macro":
+ inf = Macro(tokens)
+ self.macros[] = inf
+ elif len(tokens) == 2 or len(tokens) == 3:
+ if len(tokens) >= 3:
+ otype = name_to_type(tokens[2])
+ else:
+ otype = -1
+ inf = Special(tokens[0], tokens[1], otype, dtype)
+ self.states_info.append(inf)
+ else:
+ if len(tokens) >= 7:
+ otype = name_to_type(tokens[6])
+ else:
+ otype = -1
+ if otype == -1 or dtype == 0 or (otype != 0 and dtype != 0):
+ inf = Opcode(tokens[0], tokens[1], tokens[2], tokens[3], tokens[4], tokens[5], otype, dtype)
+ self.opcode_info.append(inf)
+ else:
+ inf = None
+ def get(self, i):
+ if i in self.dispatch:
+ return self.dispatch[i]
+ h = Hash(0)
+ self.dispatch[i] = h
+ return h
+ def build_dispatch(self):
+ for opc in self.opcode_info:
+ for i in range(0, len(opc.val)):
+ v = opc.val[i]
+ if i == 0:
+ h = self.get(0)
+ if opc.enabled:
+ h.mask = h.mask | opc.mask[i]
+ h.enabled = True
+ if (i & 1) == 0:
+ h = h.get(v, opc.mask[i])
+ elif i == len(opc.val)-1:
+ if opc.enabled:
+ h.set(v, opc)
+ else:
+ if v in h.d:
+ d = h.d[v]
+ if not d.is_dispatch():
+ sys.stderr.write("Collision on %s\n" % opc.description())
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if opc.enabled:
+ d.enabled = True
+ h = self.get(
+ else:
+ d = DispatchStep(len(self.dispatch_info)+2, i+1, opc)
+ self.dispatch_info.append(d)
+ if opc.enabled:
+ d.enabled = True
+ h.set(v, d)
+ h = self.get(
+ def save_dasm(self, f, dname):
+ print("const %s::disasm_entry %s::disasm_entries[] = {" % (dname, dname), file=f)
+ for opc in self.opcode_info:
+ if opc.enabled:
+ opc.save_dasm(f)
+ print("\t{ 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, \"illegal\", 0, 0, 2 },", file=f)
+ print("};", file=f)
+ print("", file=f)
+ def save_opcodes(self, f, t):
+ for opc in self.opcode_info:
+ if opc.needed:
+ save_full_one(f, t, opc.function_name(), opc.source)
+ save_partial_one(f, t, opc.function_name(), opc.source)
+ for sta in self.states_info:
+ if sta.needed:
+ save_full_one(f, t, "state_" +, sta.source)
+ save_partial_one(f, t, "state_" +, sta.source)
+ def save_dispatch(self, f, t):
+ for dsp in self.dispatch_info:
+ save_full_one(f, t, "dispatch_" +, dsp.source())
+ save_partial_one(f, t, "dispatch_" +, dsp.source())
+ def save_exec(self, f, t, dtype, v):
+ print("void %s::do_exec_%s()" % (t, v), file=f)
+ print("{", file=f)
+ print("\tswitch(inst_state >> 16) {", file=f)
+ for i in range(0, len(self.dispatch_info)+2):
+ if i == 1:
+ print("\tcase 0x01: {", file=f)
+ print("\t\tswitch(inst_state & 0xffff) {", file=f)
+ for sta in self.states_info:
+ if sta.enabled:
+ print("\t\tcase 0x%02x: state_%s_%s(); break;" % (sta.val & 0xffff,, v), file=f)
+ print("\t\t}", file=f)
+ print("\t\tbreak;", file=f)
+ print("\t}", file=f)
+ else:
+ if i == 0 or self.dispatch_info[i-2].enabled:
+ print("\tcase 0x%02x: {" % i, file=f)
+ h = self.get(i)
+ print("\t\tswitch((inst_state >> 8) & 0x%02x) {" % h.mask, file=f)
+ for val, h2 in sorted(h.d.items()):
+ if h2.enabled:
+ fmask = h2.premask | (h.mask ^ 0xff)
+ c = ""
+ s = 0
+ while s < 0x100:
+ c += "case 0x%02x: " % (val | s)
+ s += 1
+ while s & fmask:
+ s += s & fmask
+ print("\t\t%s{" % c, file=f)
+ if h2.mask == 0x00:
+ n = h2.d[0]
+ if n.is_dispatch():
+ print("\t\t\tdispatch_%s_%s();" % (, v), file=f)
+ else:
+ print("\t\t\t%s_%s();" % (n.function_name(), v), file=f)
+ print("\t\t\tbreak;", file=f)
+ else:
+ print("\t\t\tswitch(inst_state & 0x%02x) {" % h2.mask, file=f)
+ if i == 0:
+ mpos = 1
+ else:
+ mpos = self.dispatch_info[i-2].pos + 1
+ for val2, n in sorted(h2.d.items()):
+ if n.enabled:
+ fmask = h2.mask ^ 0xff
+ if n.is_dispatch():
+ fmask = fmask | n.mask
+ else:
+ fmask = fmask | n.mask[mpos]
+ c = ""
+ s = 0
+ while s < 0x100:
+ c += "case 0x%02x: " % (val2 | s)
+ s += 1
+ while s & fmask:
+ s += s & fmask
+ if n.is_dispatch():
+ print("\t\t\t%sdispatch_%s_%s(); break;" % (c,, v), file=f)
+ else:
+ print("\t\t\t%s%s_%s(); break;" % (c, n.function_name(), v), file=f)
+ print("\t\t\tdefault: illegal(); break;", file=f)
+ print("\t\t\t}", file=f)
+ print("\t\t\tbreak;", file=f)
+ print("\t\t}", file=f)
+ print("\t\tdefault: illegal(); break;", file=f)
+ print("\t\t}", file=f)
+ print("\t\tbreak;", file=f)
+ print("\t}", file=f)
+ print("\t}", file=f)
+ print("}", file=f)
+def main(argv):
+ if len(argv) != 4:
+ print(USAGE % argv[0])
+ return 1
+ dtype = name_to_type(argv[2])
+ dname = type_to_device(dtype)
+ opcodes = OpcodeList(argv[1], dtype)
+ try:
+ f = open(argv[3], "w")
+ except Exception:
+ err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+ sys.stderr.write("cannot write file %s [%s]\n" % (argv[3], err))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ opcodes.build_dispatch()
+ opcodes.save_dasm(f, dname)
+ opcodes.save_opcodes(f, dname)
+ if dtype == 0:
+ opcodes.save_dispatch(f, dname)
+ opcodes.save_exec(f, dname, dtype, "full")
+ opcodes.save_exec(f, dname, dtype, "partial")
+ f.close()
+# ======================================================================
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ sys.exit(main(sys.argv))