path: root/src/devices/cpu/amis2000/amis2000.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/cpu/amis2000/amis2000.h')
1 files changed, 244 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/amis2000/amis2000.h b/src/devices/cpu/amis2000/amis2000.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..d04127eec16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/amis2000/amis2000.h
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+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:hap
+ AMI S2000-family MCU cores
+#ifndef _AMIS2000_H_
+#define _AMIS2000_H_
+#include "emu.h"
+// generic input pins (4 bits each)
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2000_READ_K_CB(_devcb) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_read_k_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2000_READ_I_CB(_devcb) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_read_i_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+// 8-bit external databus coupled as input/output pins
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2000_READ_D_CB(_devcb) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_read_d_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2000_WRITE_D_CB(_devcb) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_write_d_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+// 13-bit external addressbus coupled as output pins
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2000_WRITE_A_CB(_devcb) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_write_a_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+// F_out pin (only for S2152)
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2152_FOUT_CB(_devcb) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_write_f_callback(*device, DEVCB_##_devcb);
+// S2000 has a hardcoded 7seg table, that (unlike S2200) is officially
+// uncustomizable, but wildfire proves to be an exception to that rule.
+#define MCFG_AMI_S2000_7SEG_DECODER(_ptr) \
+ amis2000_base_device::set_7seg_table(*device, _ptr);
+class amis2000_base_device : public cpu_device
+ // construction/destruction
+ amis2000_base_device(const machine_config &mconfig, device_type type, const char *name, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock, UINT8 bu_bits, UINT8 callstack_bits, UINT8 callstack_depth, int prgwidth, address_map_constructor program, int datawidth, address_map_constructor data, const char *shortname, const char *source)
+ : cpu_device(mconfig, type, name, tag, owner, clock, shortname, source)
+ , m_program_config("program", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, prgwidth, 0, program)
+ , m_data_config("data", ENDIANNESS_BIG, 8, datawidth, 0, data)
+ , m_bu_bits(bu_bits)
+ , m_callstack_bits(callstack_bits)
+ , m_callstack_depth(callstack_depth)
+ , m_7seg_table(NULL)
+ , m_read_k(*this)
+ , m_read_i(*this)
+ , m_read_d(*this)
+ , m_write_d(*this)
+ , m_write_a(*this)
+ , m_write_f(*this)
+ { }
+ // static configuration helpers
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_read_k_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_read_k.set_callback(object); }
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_read_i_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_read_i.set_callback(object); }
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_read_d_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_read_d.set_callback(object); }
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_write_d_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_write_d.set_callback(object); }
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_write_a_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_write_a.set_callback(object); }
+ template<class _Object> static devcb_base &set_write_f_callback(device_t &device, _Object object) { return downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_write_f.set_callback(object); }
+ static void set_7seg_table(device_t &device, const UINT8 *ptr) { downcast<amis2000_base_device &>(device).m_7seg_table = ptr; }
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ // device_execute_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT64 execute_clocks_to_cycles(UINT64 clocks) const { return (clocks + 4 - 1) / 4; } // 4 cycles per machine cycle
+ virtual UINT64 execute_cycles_to_clocks(UINT64 cycles) const { return (cycles * 4); } // "
+ virtual UINT32 execute_min_cycles() const { return 1; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_max_cycles() const { return 2; }
+ virtual UINT32 execute_input_lines() const { return 1; }
+ virtual void execute_run();
+ // device_memory_interface overrides
+ virtual const address_space_config *memory_space_config(address_spacenum spacenum = AS_0) const { return(spacenum == AS_PROGRAM) ? &m_program_config : ((spacenum == AS_DATA) ? &m_data_config : NULL); }
+ // device_disasm_interface overrides
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_min_opcode_bytes() const { return 1; }
+ virtual UINT32 disasm_max_opcode_bytes() const { return 1; }
+ virtual offs_t disasm_disassemble(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opram, UINT32 options);
+ void state_string_export(const device_state_entry &entry, std::string &str);
+ address_space_config m_program_config;
+ address_space_config m_data_config;
+ address_space *m_program;
+ address_space *m_data;
+ UINT8 m_bu_bits;
+ UINT16 m_bu_mask;
+ UINT8 m_callstack_bits; // number of program counter bits held in callstack
+ UINT16 m_callstack_mask;
+ UINT8 m_callstack_depth; // callstack levels: 3 on 2000/2150, 5 on 2200/2400
+ UINT16 m_callstack[5]; // max 5
+ int m_icount;
+ UINT16 m_pc; // 13-bit program counter
+ UINT8 m_ppr; // prepared page register (PP 1)
+ UINT8 m_pbr; // prepared bank register (PP 2)
+ bool m_skip; // skip next opcode, including PP prefixes
+ UINT8 m_op;
+ UINT8 m_prev_op; // previous opcode, needed for PP, LAI, LB*
+ UINT8 m_f; // generic flags: 2 on 2000/2150, 6 on 2200/2400
+ UINT8 m_carry; // carry flag
+ UINT8 m_bl; // 4-bit ram index x
+ UINT8 m_bu; // 2/3-bit ram index y
+ UINT8 m_acc; // 4-bit accumulator
+ UINT8 m_e; // 4-bit generic register
+ UINT8 m_ki_mask; // 4-bit k/i-pins select latch
+ UINT8 m_d; // 8-bit d-pins latch
+ bool m_d_active; // d-pins available for direct i/o(floating), or outputting d-latch
+ UINT8 m_d_polarity; // invert d-latch output
+ UINT16 m_a; // 13-bit a-pins latch (master strobe latch)
+ // i/o handlers
+ const UINT8 *m_7seg_table;
+ devcb_read8 m_read_k;
+ devcb_read8 m_read_i;
+ devcb_read8 m_read_d;
+ devcb_write8 m_write_d;
+ devcb_write16 m_write_a;
+ devcb_write_line m_write_f;
+ // misc internal helpers
+ UINT8 ram_r();
+ void ram_w(UINT8 data);
+ void pop_callstack();
+ void push_callstack();
+ void d_latch_out(bool active);
+ // opcode handlers
+ virtual void op_lai();
+ virtual void op_lab();
+ virtual void op_lae();
+ virtual void op_xab();
+ virtual void op_xabu();
+ virtual void op_xae();
+ virtual void op_lbe();
+ virtual void op_lbep();
+ virtual void op_lbz();
+ virtual void op_lbf();
+ virtual void op_lam();
+ virtual void op_xc();
+ virtual void op_xci();
+ virtual void op_xcd();
+ virtual void op_stm();
+ virtual void op_rsm();
+ virtual void op_inp();
+ virtual void op_out();
+ virtual void op_disb();
+ virtual void op_disn();
+ virtual void op_mvs();
+ virtual void op_psh();
+ virtual void op_psl();
+ virtual void op_eur();
+ virtual void op_pp();
+ virtual void op_jmp();
+ virtual void op_jms();
+ virtual void op_rt();
+ virtual void op_rts();
+ virtual void op_nop();
+ virtual void op_halt();
+ virtual void op_szc();
+ virtual void op_szm();
+ virtual void op_szi();
+ virtual void op_szk();
+ virtual void op_sbe();
+ virtual void op_sam();
+ virtual void op_sos();
+ virtual void op_tf1();
+ virtual void op_tf2();
+ virtual void op_adcs();
+ virtual void op_adis();
+ virtual void op_add();
+ virtual void op_and();
+ virtual void op_xor();
+ virtual void op_stc();
+ virtual void op_rsc();
+ virtual void op_cma();
+ virtual void op_sf1();
+ virtual void op_rf1();
+ virtual void op_sf2();
+ virtual void op_rf2();
+class amis2000_cpu_device : public amis2000_base_device
+ amis2000_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+class amis2150_cpu_device : public amis2000_base_device
+ amis2150_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+class amis2152_cpu_device : public amis2000_base_device
+ amis2152_cpu_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, UINT32 clock);
+ // device-level overrides
+ virtual void device_start();
+ virtual void device_reset();
+ // digital-to-frequency converter
+ UINT8 m_d2f_latch;
+ emu_timer *m_d2f_timer;
+ int m_fout_state;
+ void d2f_timer_clock();
+ TIMER_CALLBACK_MEMBER(d2f_timer_cb);
+ // opcode handlers
+ virtual void op_szk();
+extern const device_type AMI_S2000;
+extern const device_type AMI_S2150;
+extern const device_type AMI_S2152;
+#endif /* _AMIS2000_H_ */