path: root/src/devices/cpu/alto2/a2emu.c
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1 files changed, 688 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/cpu/alto2/a2emu.c b/src/devices/cpu/alto2/a2emu.c
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..fd30fa1d0f8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/cpu/alto2/a2emu.c
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+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:Juergen Buchmueller
+ *
+ * Xerox AltoII emulator task
+ *
+ *****************************************************************************/
+#include "alto2cpu.h"
+/** @brief CTL2K_U3 address line for F2 function */
+#define CTL2K_U3(f2) (f2 == f2_emu_idisp ? 0x80 : 0x00)
+ * width,from,to of the 16 bit instruction register
+ * 1 1 1 1 1 1
+ * 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 1 2 3 4 5
+ * =============================================================
+ * x - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - arithmetic operation
+ * 0 m m - - - - - - - - - - - - - memory function
+ * 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - - jump functions
+ * 0 0 1 d d - - - - - - - - - - - LDA dstAC
+ * 0 1 0 d d - - - - - - - - - - - STA dstAC
+ * 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - augmented functions
+ * 1 s s - - - - - - - - - - - - - source accumulator (0-3)
+ * 1 - - d d - - - - - - - - - - - destination accumulator (0-3)
+ * 1 s s d d x x x - - - - - - - - accumulator function
+ * 1 s s d d 0 0 0 - - - - - - - - COM dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 0 0 1 - - - - - - - - NEG dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 0 1 0 - - - - - - - - MOV dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 0 1 1 - - - - - - - - INC dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 1 0 0 - - - - - - - - ADC dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 1 0 1 - - - - - - - - SUB dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 1 1 0 - - - - - - - - ADD dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 s s d d 1 1 1 - - - - - - - - AND dstAC, srcAC
+ * 1 - - - - - - - x x - - - - - - shift operation
+ * 1 - - - - - - - 0 0 - - - - - - nothing
+ * 1 - - - - - - - 0 1 - - - - - - rotate left through carry
+ * 1 - - - - - - - 1 0 - - - - - - rotate right through carry
+ * 1 - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - - - swap byte halves
+ * 1 - - - - - - - - - x x - - - - carry in mode
+ * 1 - - - - - - - - - 0 0 - - - - nothing
+ * 1 - - - - - - - - - 0 1 - - - - Z carry in is zero
+ * 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 0 - - - - O carry in is one
+ * 1 - - - - - - - - - 1 1 - - - - C carry in is complemented carry
+ * 1 - - - - - - - - - - - x - - - NL
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - x x x conditional execution
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 0 NVR never skip
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 0 1 SKP always skip
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 1 0 SZC skip if carry result is zero
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 0 1 1 SNC skip if carry result is non-zero
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0 0 SZR skip if 16 bit result is zero
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 0 1 SNR skip if 16 bit result is non-zero
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 0 SEZ skip if either result is zero
+ * - - - - - - - - - - - - - 1 1 1 SBN skip if both results are non-zero
+ */
+#define IR_ARITH(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 0, 0)
+#define IR_SrcAC(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 1, 2)
+#define IR_DstAC(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 3, 4)
+#define IR_AFunc(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 5, 7)
+#define IR_SH(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 8, 9)
+#define IR_CY(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16,10,11)
+#define IR_NL(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16,12,12)
+#define IR_SK(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16,13,15)
+#define IR_MFunc(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 1, 2)
+#define IR_JFunc(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 3, 4)
+#define IR_I(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 5, 5)
+#define IR_X(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 6, 7)
+#define IR_DISP(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 8,15)
+#define IR_AUGFUNC(ir) X_RDBITS(ir,16, 3, 7)
+#define op_MFUNC_MASK 0060000 //!< instruction register memory function mask
+#define op_MFUNC_JUMP 0000000 //!< jump functions value
+#define op_JUMP_MASK 0014000 //!< jump functions mask
+#define op_JMP 0000000 //!< jump
+#define op_JSR 0004000 //!< jump to subroutine
+#define op_ISZ 0010000 //!< increment and skip if zero
+#define op_DSZ 0014000 //!< decrement and skip if zero
+#define op_LDA 0020000 //!< load accu functions value
+#define op_STA 0040000 //!< store accu functions value
+#define op_AUGMENTED 0060000 //!< store accu functions value
+#define op_AUGM_MASK 0077400 //!< mask covering all augmented functions
+#define op_AUGM_NODISP 0061000 //!< augmented functions w/o displacement
+#define op_AUGM_SUBFUNC 0000037 //!< mask for augmented subfunctions in DISP
+#define op_CYCLE 0060000 //!< cycle AC0
+#define op_NODISP 0061000 //!< NODISP: opcodes without displacement
+#define op_DIR 0061000 //!< disable interrupts
+#define op_EIR 0061001 //!< enable interrupts
+#define op_BRI 0061002 //!< branch and return from interrupt
+#define op_RCLK 0061003 //!< read clock to AC0, AC1
+#define op_SIO 0061004 //!< start I/O
+#define op_BLT 0061005 //!< block transfer
+#define op_BLKS 0061006 //!< block set value
+#define op_SIT 0061007 //!< start interval timer
+#define op_JMPRAM 0061010 //!< jump to microcode RAM (actually ROM, too)
+#define op_RDRAM 0061011 //!< read microcode RAM
+#define op_WRTRAM 0061012 //!< write microcode RAM
+#define op_DIRS 0061013 //!< disable interrupts, and skip, if already disabled
+#define op_VERS 0061014 //!< get microcode version in AC0
+#define op_DREAD 0061015 //!< double word read (Alto II)
+#define op_DWRITE 0061016 //!< double word write (Alto II)
+#define op_DEXCH 0061017 //!< double word exchange (Alto II)
+#define op_MUL 0061020 //!< unsigned multiply
+#define op_DIV 0061021 //!< unsigned divide
+#define op_DIAGNOSE1 0061022 //!< write two different accus in fast succession
+#define op_DIAGNOSE2 0061023 //!< write Hamming code and memory
+#define op_BITBLT 0061024 //!< bit-aligned block transfer
+#define op_XMLDA 0061025 //!< load accu AC0 from extended memory (Alto II/XM)
+#define op_XMSTA 0061026 //!< store accu AC0 to extended memory (Alto II/XM)
+#define op_JSRII 0064400 //!< jump to subroutine PC relative, doubly indirect
+#define op_JSRIS 0065000 //!< jump to subroutine AC2 relative, doubly indirect
+#define op_CONVERT 0067000 //!< convert bitmapped font to bitmap
+#define op_ARITH_MASK 0103400 //!< mask for arithmetic functions
+#define op_COM 0100000 //!< one's complement
+#define op_NEG 0100400 //!< two's complement
+#define op_MOV 0101000 //!< accu transfer
+#define op_INC 0101400 //!< increment
+#define op_ADC 0102000 //!< add one's complement
+#define op_SUB 0102400 //!< subtract by adding two's complement
+#define op_ADD 0103000 //!< add
+#define op_AND 0103400 //!< logical and
+#define ea_DIRECT 0000000 //!< effective address is direct
+#define ea_INDIRECT 0002000 //!< effective address is indirect
+#define ea_MASK 0001400 //!< mask for effective address modes
+#define ea_PAGE0 0000000 //!< e is page 0 address
+#define ea_PCREL 0000400 //!< e is PC + signed displacement
+#define ea_AC2REL 0001000 //!< e is AC2 + signed displacement
+#define ea_AC3REL 0001400 //!< e is AC3 + signed displacement
+#define sh_MASK 0000300 //!< shift mode mask (do novel shifts)
+#define sh_L 0000100 //!< rotate left through carry
+#define sh_R 0000200 //!< rotate right through carry
+#define sh_S 0000300 //!< swap byte halves
+#define cy_MASK 0000060 //!< carry in mode mask
+#define cy_Z 0000020 //!< carry in is zero
+#define cy_O 0000040 //!< carry in is one
+#define cy_C 0000060 //!< carry in is complemented carry
+#define nl_MASK 0000010 //!< no-load mask
+#define nl_NONE 0000010 //!< do not load DstAC nor carry
+#define sk_MASK 0000007 //!< skip mask
+#define sk_NVR 0000000 //!< never skip
+#define sk_SKP 0000001 //!< always skip
+#define sk_SZC 0000002 //!< skip if carry result is zero
+#define sk_SNC 0000003 //!< skip if carry result is non-zero
+#define sk_SZR 0000004 //!< skip if 16-bit result is zero
+#define sk_SNR 0000005 //!< skip if 16-bit result is non-zero
+#define sk_SEZ 0000006 //!< skip if either result is zero
+#define sk_SBN 0000007 //!< skip if both results are non-zero
+ * @brief register selection
+ *
+ * <PRE>
+ * From the schematics: 08_ALU, page 6 (PDF page 4)
+ *
+ * EMACT emulator task active
+ * F2[0-2]=111b <-ACSOURCE and F2_17
+ * F2[0-2]=101b DNS<- and ACDEST<-
+ *
+ * u49 (8 input NAND 74S30)
+ * ----------------------------------------------
+ * F2[0] & F2[2] & F2[1]' & IR[03]' & EMACT
+ *
+ * F2[0-2] IR[03] EMACT output u49pin8
+ * --------------------------------------
+ * 101 0 1 0
+ * all others 1
+ *
+ *
+ * u59 (8 input NAND 74S30)
+ * ----------------------------------------------
+ * F2[0] & F2[2] & F2[1] & IR[01]' & EMACT
+ *
+ * F2[0-2] IR[01] EMACT output u59pin8
+ * --------------------------------------
+ * 111 0 1 0
+ * all others 1
+ *
+ * u70d (2 input NOR 74S02 used as inverter)
+ * ---------------------------------------------
+ * RSEL3 -> RSEL3'
+ *
+ * u79b (3 input NAND 74S10)
+ * ---------------------------------------------
+ * u49pin8 u59pin8 RSEL3' output 6RA3
+ * -------------------------------------
+ * 1 1 1 0
+ * 0 x x 1
+ * x 0 x 1
+ * x x 0 1
+ *
+ *
+ * u60 (8 input NAND 74S30)
+ * ----------------------------------------------
+ * F2[0] & F2[2] & F2[1]' & IR[02]' & EMACT
+ *
+ * F2[0-2] IR[02] EMACT output u60pin8
+ * --------------------------------------
+ * 101 0 1 0
+ * all others 1
+ *
+ * u50 (8 input NAND 74S30)
+ * ----------------------------------------------
+ * F2[0] & F2[2] & F2[1] & IR[04]' & EMACT
+ *
+ * F2[0-2] IR[04] EMACT output u50pin8
+ * --------------------------------------
+ * 111 0 1 0
+ * all others 1
+ *
+ * u70c (2 input NOR 74S02 used as inverter)
+ * ---------------------------------------------
+ * RSEL4 -> RSEL4'
+ *
+ *
+ * u79c (3 input NAND 74S10)
+ * ---------------------------------------------
+ * u60pin8 u50pin8 RSEL4' output 8RA4
+ * -------------------------------------
+ * 1 1 1 0
+ * 0 x x 1
+ * x 0 x 1
+ * x x 0 1
+ *
+ * BUG?: schematics seem to have swapped IR(04)' and IR(02)' inputs for the
+ * RA4 decoding, because SrcAC is selected from IR[1-2]?
+ * </PRE>
+ */
+ * @brief bs_disp early: drive bus by IR[8-15], possibly sign extended
+ *
+ * The high order bits of IR cannot be read directly, but the
+ * displacement field of IR (8 low order bits) may be read with
+ * the <-DISP bus source. If the X field of the instruction is
+ * zero (i.e., it specifies page 0 addressing), then the DISP
+ * field of the instruction is put on BUS[8-15] and BUS[0-7]
+ * is zeroed. If the X field of the instruction is non-zero
+ * (i.e. it specifies PC-relative or base-register addressing)
+ * then the DISP field is sign-extended and put on the bus.
+ *
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::bs_early_emu_disp()
+ UINT16 r = IR_DISP(;
+ if (IR_X( {
+ r = ((signed char)r) & 0177777;
+ }
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2, " <-DISP (%06o)\n", r));
+ m_bus &= r;
+ * @brief f1_block early: block task
+ *
+ * The task request for the active task is cleared
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f1_early_emu_block()
+#if 0
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2, " BLOCK %02o:%s\n", m_task, task_name(m_task)));
+#elif 0
+ fatal(1, "Emulator task want's to BLOCK.\n" \
+ "%s-%04o: r:%02o af:%02o bs:%02o f1:%02o f2:%02o" \
+ " t:%o l:%o next:%05o next2:%05o cycle:%lld\n",
+ task_name(m_task), m_mpc,
+ m_rsel, m_daluf, m_dbs, m_df1, mdf2,
+ m_dloadt, m_dloatl, m_next, m_next2,
+ /* just ignore (?) */
+ * @brief f1_load_rmr late: load the reset mode register
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_emu_load_rmr()
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," RMR<-; BUS (%#o)\n", m_bus));
+ m_reset_mode = m_bus;
+ * @brief f1_load_esrb late: load the extended S register bank from BUS[12-14]
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_emu_load_esrb()
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," ESRB<-; BUS[12-14] (%#o)\n", m_bus));
+ m_s_reg_bank[m_task] = X_RDBITS(m_bus,16,12,14);
+ * @brief f1_rsnf early: drive the bus from the Ethernet node ID
+ *
+ * TODO: move this to the Ethernet code? It's really a emulator
+ * specific function that is decoded by the Ethernet card.
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f1_early_rsnf()
+ UINT16 r = 0177400 | m_ether_id;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," <-RSNF; (%#o)\n", r));
+ m_bus &= r;
+ * @brief f1_startf early: defines commands for for I/O hardware, including Ethernet
+ * <PRE>
+ * (SIO) Start I/O is included to facilitate I/O control, It places the contents of
+ * AC0 on the processor bus and executes the STARTF function (F1 = 17B). By convention,
+ * bits of AC0 must be "1" in order to signal devices. See Appendix C for a summary of
+ * assigned bits.
+ * Bit 0 100000B Standard Alto: Software boot feature
+ * Bit 14 000002B Standard Alto: Ethernet
+ * Bit 15 000001B Standard Alto: Ethernet
+ * If bit 0 of AC0 is 1, and if an Ethernet board is plugged into the Alto, the machine
+ * will boot, just as if the "boot button" were pressed (see sections 3.4, 8.4 and 9.2.2
+ * for discussions of bootstrapping).
+ *
+ * SIO also returns a result in AC0. If the Ethernet hardware is installed, the serial
+ * number and/or Ethernet host address of the machine (0-377B) is loaded into AC0[8-15].
+ * (On Alto I, the serial number and Ethernet host address are equivalent; on Alto II,
+ * the value loaded into AC0 is the Ethernet host address only.) If Ethernet hardware
+ * is missing, AC0[8-15] = 377B. Microcode installed after June 1976, which this manual
+ * describes, returns AC0[0] = 0. Microcode installed prior to June 1976 returns
+ * AC0[0] = 1; this is a quick way to acquire the approximate vintage of a machine's
+ * microcode.
+ * </PRE>
+ *
+ * TODO: move this to the Ethernet code? It's really a emulator
+ * specific function that is decoded by the Ethernet card.
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f1_early_startf()
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," STARTF (BUS is %06o)\n", m_bus));
+ /* TODO: what do we do here? reset the CPU on bit 0? */
+ if (X_BIT(m_bus,16,0)) {
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2,"**** Software boot feature\n"));
+ soft_reset();
+ } else {
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2,"**** Ethernet start function\n"));
+ eth_startf();
+ }
+ * @brief branch on odd bus
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_busodd()
+ UINT16 r = m_bus & 1;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," BUSODD; %sbranch (%#o|%#o)\n", r ? "" : "no ", m_next2, r));
+ m_next2 |= r;
+ * @brief f2_magic late: shift and use T[0] or T[15] for bit 15 or 0
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_magic()
+ int XC;
+ switch (m_d_f1) {
+ case f1_l_lsh_1: // <-L MLSH 1
+ XC = (m_t >> 15) & 1;
+ m_shifter = (m_l << 1) | XC;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," <-L MLSH 1 (shifer:%06o XC:%o)", m_shifter, XC));
+ break;
+ case f1_l_rsh_1: // <-L MRSH 1
+ XC = (m_t & 1) << 15;
+ m_shifter = (m_l >> 1) | XC;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," <-L MRSH 1 (shifter:%06o XC:%o)", m_shifter, XC));
+ break;
+ case f1_l_lcy_8: // <-L LCY 8
+ m_shifter = (m_l >> 8) | (m_l << 8);
+ break;
+ default: // other
+ m_shifter = m_l;
+ break;
+ }
+ * @brief do novel shifts: modify RESELECT with DstAC = (3 - IR[3-4])
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_early_load_dns()
+ X_WRBITS(m_rsel, 5, 3, 4, IR_DstAC( ^ 3);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," DNS<-; rsel := DstAC (%#o %s)\n", m_rsel, r_name(m_rsel)));
+ * @brief do novel shifts
+ *
+ * <PRE>
+ * New emulator carry is selected by instruction register
+ * bits CY = IR[10-11]. R register and emulator carry are
+ * loaded only if NL = IR[12] is 0 (NL = no load).
+ * SKIP is set according to SK = IR[13-15].
+ *
+ * CARRY = !
+ * exorB = IR11 ^ IR10
+ * ORA = !(exorB | CARRY)
+ * = (exorB | CARRY) ^ 1
+ * exorC = ORA ^ !IR11
+ * = ORA ^ IR11 ^ 1
+ * exorD = exorC ^ LALUC0
+ * XC = !(!(DNS & exorD) & !(MAGIC & OUTza))
+ * = (DNS & exorD) | (MAGIC & OUTza)
+ * = exorD, because this is DNS
+ * NEWCARRY = [XC, L(00), L(15), XC] for F1 = no shift, <-L RSH 1, <-L LSH 1, LCY 8
+ * SHZERO = shifter == 0
+ * DCARRY = !((!IR12 & NEWCARRY) | (IR12 & CARRY))
+ * = (((IR12 ^ 1) & NEWCARRY) | (IR12 & CARRY)) ^ 1
+ * DSKIP = !((!NEWCARRY & IR14) | (SHZERO & IR13)) ^ !IR15
+ * = ((((NEWCARRY ^ 1) & IR14) | (SHZERO & IR13)) ^ 1) ^ (IR15 ^ 1)
+ * = (((NEWCARRY ^ 1) & IR14) | (SHZERO & IR13)) ^ IR15
+ * </PRE>
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_load_dns()
+ UINT8 IR10 = X_BIT(,16,10);
+ UINT8 IR11 = X_BIT(,16,11);
+ UINT8 IR12 = X_BIT(,16,12);
+ UINT8 IR13 = X_BIT(,16,13);
+ UINT8 IR14 = X_BIT(,16,14);
+ UINT8 IR15 = X_BIT(,16,15);
+ UINT8 exorB = IR11 ^ IR10;
+ UINT8 CARRY = ^ 1;
+ UINT8 ORA = (exorB | CARRY) ^ 1;
+ UINT8 exorC = ORA ^ (IR11 ^ 1);
+ UINT8 exorD = exorC ^ m_laluc0;
+ UINT8 XC = exorD;
+ switch (m_d_f1) {
+ case f1_l_rsh_1: // <-L RSH 1
+ NEWCARRY = m_l & 1;
+ m_shifter = ((m_l >> 1) | (XC << 15)) & 0177777;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," DNS; <-L RSH 1 (shifter:%06o XC:%o NEWCARRY:%o)", m_shifter, XC, NEWCARRY));
+ break;
+ case f1_l_lsh_1: // <-L LSH 1
+ NEWCARRY = (m_l >> 15) & 1;
+ m_shifter = ((m_l << 1) | XC) & 0177777;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," DNS; <-L LSH 1 (shifter:%06o XC:%o NEWCARRY:%o)", m_shifter, XC, NEWCARRY));
+ break;
+ case f1_l_lcy_8: // <-L LCY 8
+ m_shifter = (m_l >> 8) | (m_l << 8);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," DNS; (shifter:%06o NEWCARRY:%o)", m_shifter, NEWCARRY));
+ break;
+ default: // other
+ m_shifter = m_l;
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," DNS; (shifter:%06o NEWCARRY:%o)", m_shifter, NEWCARRY));
+ break;
+ }
+ SHZERO = (m_shifter == 0);
+ DCARRY = (((IR12 ^ 1) & NEWCARRY) | (IR12 & CARRY)) ^ 1;
+ DSKIP = (((NEWCARRY ^ 1) & IR14) | (SHZERO & IR13)) ^ IR15;
+ = DCARRY; // DCARRY is latched as new
+ m_emu.skip = DSKIP; // DSKIP is latched as new m_emu.skip
+ /* !(IR12 & DNS) -> WR' = 0 for the register file */
+ if (!IR12) {
+ m_r[m_rsel] = m_shifter;
+ }
+ * @brief destiantion accu: modify RSELECT with DstAC = (3 - IR[3-4])
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_early_acdest()
+ X_WRBITS(m_rsel, 5, 3, 4, IR_DstAC( ^ 3);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," ACDEST<-; mux (rsel:%#o %s)\n", m_rsel, r_name(m_rsel)));
+void alto2_cpu_device::bitblt_info()
+ static const char *type_name[4] = {"bitmap","complement","and gray","gray"};
+ static const char *oper_name[4] = {"replace","paint","invert","erase"};
+ int bbt = m_r[rsel_ac2];
+ int val = debug_read_mem(bbt);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," BITBLT AC1:%06o AC2:%06o\n", m_r[rsel_ac1], m_r[rsel_ac2]));
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," function : %06o\n", val));
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," src extRAM: %o\n", X_BIT(val,16,10)));
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," dst extRAM: %o\n", X_BIT(val,16,11)));
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," src type : %o (%s)\n", X_RDBITS(val,16,12,13), type_name[X_RDBITS(val,16,12,13)]));
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," operation : %o (%s)\n", X_RDBITS(val,16,14,15), oper_name[X_RDBITS(val,16,14,15)]));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+1);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," unused AC2: %06o (%d)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+2);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DBCA : %06o (%d)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+3);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DBMR : %06o (%d words)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+4);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DLX : %06o (%d bits)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+5);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DTY : %06o (%d scanlines)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+6);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DW : %06o (%d bits)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+7);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DH : %06o (%d scanlines)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+8);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," SBCA : %06o (%d)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+9);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," SBMR : %06o (%d words)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+10);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," SLX : %06o (%d bits)\n", val, val));
+ val = debug_read_mem(bbt+11);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," STY : %06o (%d scanlines)\n", val, val));
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," GRAY0-3 : %06o %06o %06o %06o\n",
+ debug_read_mem(bbt+12), debug_read_mem(bbt+13),
+ debug_read_mem(bbt+14), debug_read_mem(bbt+15)));
+#endif /* DEBUG */
+ * @brief load instruction register IR and branch on IR[0,5-7]
+ *
+ * Loading the IR clears the skip latch.
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_load_ir()
+ UINT16 r = (X_BIT(m_bus,16,0) << 3) | X_RDBITS(m_bus,16,5,7);
+ /* special logging of some opcodes */
+ switch (m_bus) {
+ case op_CYCLE:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," CYCLE AC0:#o\n", m_r[rsel_ac0]));
+ break;
+ case op_CYCLE + 1: case op_CYCLE + 2: case op_CYCLE + 3: case op_CYCLE + 4:
+ case op_CYCLE + 5: case op_CYCLE + 6: case op_CYCLE + 7: case op_CYCLE + 8:
+ case op_CYCLE + 9: case op_CYCLE +10: case op_CYCLE +11: case op_CYCLE +12:
+ case op_CYCLE +13: case op_CYCLE +14: case op_CYCLE +15:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," CYCLE %#o\n", m_bus - op_CYCLE));
+ break;
+ case op_BLT:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," BLT dst:%#o src:%#o size:%#o\n",
+ (m_r[rsel_ac1] + m_r[rsel_ac3] + 1) & 0177777,
+ (m_r[rsel_ac0] + 1) & 017777, -m_r[rsel_ac3] & 0177777));
+ break;
+ case op_BLKS:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," BLKS dst:%#o val:%#o size:%#o\n",
+ (m_r[rsel_ac1] + m_r[rsel_ac3] + 1) & 0177777,
+ m_r[rsel_ac0], -m_r[rsel_ac3] & 0177777));
+ break;
+ case op_DIAGNOSE1:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DIAGNOSE1 AC0:%06o AC1:%06o AC2:%06o AC3:%06o\n",
+ m_r[rsel_ac0], m_r[rsel_ac1],
+ m_r[rsel_ac2], m_r[rsel_ac3]));
+ break;
+ case op_DIAGNOSE2:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," DIAGNOSE2 AC0:%06o AC1:%06o AC2:%06o AC3:%06o\n",
+ m_r[rsel_ac0], m_r[rsel_ac1],
+ m_r[rsel_ac2], m_r[rsel_ac3]));
+ break;
+ case op_BITBLT:
+ bitblt_info();
+ break;
+ case op_RDRAM:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," RDRAM addr:%#o\n", m_r[rsel_ac1]));
+ break;
+ case op_WRTRAM:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," WRTAM addr:%#o upper:%06o lower:%06o\n", m_r[rsel_ac1], m_r[rsel_ac0], m_r[rsel_ac3]));
+ break;
+ case op_JMPRAM:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," JMPRAM addr:%#o\n", m_r[rsel_ac1]));
+ break;
+ case op_XMLDA:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," XMLDA AC0 = [bank:%o AC1:#o]\n", m_bank_reg[m_task] & 3, m_r[rsel_ac1]));
+ break;
+ case op_XMSTA:
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,3," XMSTA [bank:%o AC1:#o] = AC0 (%#o)\n", m_bank_reg[m_task] & 3, m_r[rsel_ac1], m_r[rsel_ac0]));
+ break;
+ }
+ = m_bus;
+ m_emu.skip = 0;
+ m_next2 |= r;
+ * @brief branch on: arithmetic IR_SH, others PROM ctl2k_u3[IR[1-7]]
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_idisp()
+ UINT16 r;
+ if (IR_ARITH( {
+ /* 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */
+ r = IR_SH( ^ 3; /* complement of SH */
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," IDISP<-; branch on SH^3 (%#o|%#o)\n", m_next2, r));
+ } else {
+ int addr = CTL2K_U3(f2_emu_idisp) + X_RDBITS(,16,1,7);
+ /* 0???????xxxxxxxx */
+ r = m_ctl2k_u3[addr];
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," IDISP<-; IR (%#o) branch on PROM ctl2k_u3[%03o] (%#o|%#o)\n",, addr, m_next2, r));
+ }
+ m_next2 |= r;
+ * @brief source accu: modify RSELECT with SrcAC = (3 - IR[1-2])
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_early_acsource()
+ X_WRBITS(m_rsel, 5, 3, 4, IR_SrcAC( ^ 3);
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," <-ACSOURCE; rsel := SrcAC (%#o %s)\n", m_rsel, r_name(m_rsel)));
+ * @brief branch on: arithmetic IR_SH, others PROM ctl2k_u3[IR[1-7]]
+ */
+void alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_acsource()
+ UINT16 r;
+ if (IR_ARITH( {
+ /* 1xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx */
+ r = IR_SH( ^ 3; /* complement of SH */
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," <-ACSOURCE; branch on SH^3 (%#o|%#o)\n", m_next2, r));
+ } else {
+ int addr = CTL2K_U3(f2_emu_acsource) + X_RDBITS(,16,1,7);
+ /* 0???????xxxxxxxx */
+ r = m_ctl2k_u3[addr];
+ LOG((LOG_EMU,2," <-ACSOURCE; branch on PROM ctl2k_u3[%03o] (%#o|%#o)\n", addr, m_next2, r));
+ }
+ m_next2 |= r;
+void alto2_cpu_device::init_emu(int task)
+ memset(&m_emu, 0, sizeof(m_emu));
+ save_item(NAME(;
+ save_item(NAME(m_emu.skip));
+ save_item(NAME(;
+ init_ram(task);
+ set_bs(task, bs_emu_read_sreg, &alto2_cpu_device::bs_early_read_sreg, 0);
+ set_bs(task, bs_emu_load_sreg, &alto2_cpu_device::bs_early_load_sreg, &alto2_cpu_device::bs_late_load_sreg);
+ set_bs(task, bs_disp, &alto2_cpu_device::bs_early_emu_disp, 0);
+ set_f1(task, f1_block, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_early_emu_block, 0); // catch the emulator task trying to block (wrong branch)
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_swmode, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_swmode);
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_wrtram, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_wrtram);
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_rdram, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_rdram);
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_load_rmr, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_emu_load_rmr);
+ set_f1(task, f1_task_14, 0, 0); // F1 014 is undefined (?)
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_load_esrb, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_late_emu_load_esrb);
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_rsnf, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_early_rsnf, 0);
+ set_f1(task, f1_emu_startf, &alto2_cpu_device::f1_early_startf, 0);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_busodd, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_busodd);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_magic, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_magic);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_load_dns, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_early_load_dns, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_load_dns);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_acdest, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_early_acdest, 0);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_load_ir, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_load_ir);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_idisp, 0, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_idisp);
+ set_f2(task, f2_emu_acsource, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_early_acsource, &alto2_cpu_device::f2_late_acsource);
+void alto2_cpu_device::exit_emu()
+ // nothing to do yet
+void alto2_cpu_device::reset_emu()
+ = 0;
+ m_emu.skip = 0;
+ = 0;