path: root/src/devices/bus/gamate/slot.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/devices/bus/gamate/slot.cpp')
1 files changed, 248 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/bus/gamate/slot.cpp b/src/devices/bus/gamate/slot.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a74b4569b6e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/devices/bus/gamate/slot.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:David Haywood
+#include "emu.h"
+#include "slot.h"
+DEFINE_DEVICE_TYPE(GAMATE_CART_SLOT, gamate_cart_slot_device, "gamate_cart_slot", "Gamate Cartridge Slot")
+// GAMATE cartridges Interface
+// device_gamate_cart_interface - constructor
+device_gamate_cart_interface::device_gamate_cart_interface(const machine_config &mconfig, device_t &device)
+ : device_slot_card_interface(mconfig, device),
+ m_rom(nullptr),
+ m_rom_size(0)
+// ~device_gamate_cart_interface - destructor
+// rom_alloc - alloc the space for the cart
+void device_gamate_cart_interface::rom_alloc(uint32_t size, const char *tag)
+ if (m_rom == nullptr)
+ {
+ m_rom = device().machine().memory().region_alloc(std::string(tag).append(GAMATESLOT_ROM_REGION_TAG).c_str(), size, 1, ENDIANNESS_BIG)->base();
+ m_rom_size = size;
+ }
+// gamate_cart_slot_device - constructor
+gamate_cart_slot_device::gamate_cart_slot_device(const machine_config &mconfig, const char *tag, device_t *owner, uint32_t clock) :
+ device_t(mconfig, GAMATE_CART_SLOT, tag, owner, clock),
+ device_image_interface(mconfig, *this),
+ device_slot_interface(mconfig, *this),
+ m_type(GAMATE_PLAIN),
+ m_cart(nullptr)
+// gamate_cart_slot_device - destructor
+// device_start - device-specific startup
+void gamate_cart_slot_device::device_start()
+ m_cart = dynamic_cast<device_gamate_cart_interface *>(get_card_device());
+struct gamate_slot
+ int pcb_id;
+ const char *slot_option;
+// Here, we take the feature attribute from .xml (i.e. the PCB name) and we assign a unique ID to it
+static const gamate_slot slot_list[] =
+ { GAMATE_PLAIN, "plain" },
+ { GAMATE_BANKED, "banked" },
+ { GAMATE_4IN1, "4in1" },
+static int gamate_get_pcb_id(const char *slot)
+ for (auto & elem : slot_list)
+ {
+ if (!core_stricmp(elem.slot_option, slot))
+ return elem.pcb_id;
+ }
+ return 0;
+static const char *gamate_get_slot(int type)
+ for (auto & elem : slot_list)
+ {
+ if (elem.pcb_id == type)
+ return elem.slot_option;
+ }
+ return "plain";
+ call load
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+image_init_result gamate_cart_slot_device::call_load()
+ if (m_cart)
+ {
+ uint8_t *ROM;
+ uint32_t len = !loaded_through_softlist() ? length() : get_software_region_length("rom");
+ if (len > 0x80000)
+ {
+ seterror(IMAGE_ERROR_UNSPECIFIED, "Unsupported cartridge size");
+ return image_init_result::FAIL;
+ }
+ m_cart->rom_alloc(len, tag());
+ ROM = m_cart->get_rom_base();
+ if (!loaded_through_softlist())
+ fread(ROM, len);
+ else
+ memcpy(ROM, get_software_region("rom"), len);
+ if (!loaded_through_softlist())
+ {
+ // attempt to detect cart type without softlist assistance
+ m_type = get_cart_type(ROM, len);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // or for softlist loading, use the type specified
+ const char *pcb_name = get_feature("slot");
+ if (pcb_name)
+ m_type = gamate_get_pcb_id(pcb_name);
+ }
+ return image_init_result::PASS;
+ }
+ return image_init_result::PASS;
+ get_cart_type - code to detect cart type from
+ fullpath
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+int gamate_cart_slot_device::get_cart_type(const uint8_t *ROM, uint32_t len)
+ int type = GAMATE_PLAIN;
+ switch (len)
+ {
+ case 0x4000:
+ case 0x8000:
+ type = GAMATE_PLAIN;
+ break;
+ case 0x10000:
+ case 0x20000:
+ case 0x40000:
+ case 0x80000:
+ break;
+ }
+ return type;
+ get default card software
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+std::string gamate_cart_slot_device::get_default_card_software(get_default_card_software_hook &hook) const
+ if (hook.image_file())
+ {
+ const char *slot_string;
+ uint32_t len = hook.image_file()->size();
+ std::vector<uint8_t> rom(len);
+ int type;
+ hook.image_file()->read(&rom[0], len);
+ type = get_cart_type(&rom[0], len);
+ slot_string = gamate_get_slot(type);
+ //printf("type: %s\n", slot_string);
+ return std::string(slot_string);
+ }
+ return software_get_default_slot("plain");
+ read
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (m_cart)
+ {
+ return m_cart->read_cart(space, offset);
+ }
+ else
+ return 0xff;
+ write
+ -------------------------------------------------*/
+ if (m_cart)
+ {
+ m_cart->write_cart(space, offset, data);
+ }