path: root/plugins/weblit/auto-headers.lua
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Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/weblit/auto-headers.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 92 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/weblit/auto-headers.lua b/plugins/weblit/auto-headers.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 44ad65779e9..00000000000
--- a/plugins/weblit/auto-headers.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,92 +0,0 @@
-Response automatic values:
- - Auto Server header
- - Auto Date Header
- - code defaults to 404 with body "Not Found\n"
- - if there is a string body add Content-Length and ETag if missing
- - if string body and no Content-Type, use text/plain for valid utf-8, application/octet-stream otherwise
- - Auto add "; charset=utf-8" to Content-Type when body is known to be valid utf-8
- - Auto 304 responses for if-none-match requests
- - Auto strip body with HEAD requests
- - Auto chunked encoding if body with unknown length
- - if Connection header set and not keep-alive, set res.keepAlive to false
- - Add Connection Keep-Alive/Close if not found based on res.keepAlive
---TODO: utf8 scanning
---local digest = require('openssl').digest.digest
-local date = require('os').date
-return function (req, res, go)
- local isHead = false
- if req.method == "HEAD" then
- req.method = "GET"
- isHead = true
- end
- local requested = req.headers["if-none-match"]
- go()
- -- We could use the fancy metatable, but this is much faster
- local lowerHeaders = {}
- local headers = res.headers
- for i = 1, #headers do
- local key, value = unpack(headers[i])
- lowerHeaders[key:lower()] = value
- end
- if not lowerHeaders.server then
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Server", serverName}
- end
- if not then
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Date", date("!%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT")}
- end
- if not lowerHeaders.connection then
- if req.keepAlive then
- lowerHeaders.connection = "Keep-Alive"
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Connection", "Keep-Alive"}
- else
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Connection", "Close"}
- end
- end
- res.keepAlive = lowerHeaders.connection and lowerHeaders.connection:lower() == "keep-alive"
- local body = res.body
- if body then
- local needLength = not lowerHeaders["content-length"] and not lowerHeaders["transfer-encoding"]
- if type(body) == "string" then
- if needLength then
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Content-Length", #body}
- end
- -- if not lowerHeaders.etag then
- -- local etag = '"' .. digest("sha1", body) .. '"'
- -- lowerHeaders.etag = etag
- --headers[#headers + 1] = {"ETag", etag}
- -- end
- else
- if needLength then
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Transfer-Encoding", "chunked"}
- end
- end
- if not lowerHeaders["content-type"] then
- headers[#headers + 1] = {"Content-Type", "text/plain"}
- end
- end
- local etag = lowerHeaders.etag
- if requested and res.code >= 200 and res.code < 300 and requested == etag then
- res.code = 304
- body = nil
- end
- if isHead then body = nil end
- res.body = body