path: root/plugins/pretty-print/init.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'plugins/pretty-print/init.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 362 deletions
diff --git a/plugins/pretty-print/init.lua b/plugins/pretty-print/init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index f1c112d6e4f..00000000000
--- a/plugins/pretty-print/init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,362 +0,0 @@
-Copyright 2014-2015 The Luvit Authors. All Rights Reserved.
-Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
-you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
-You may obtain a copy of the License at
-Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
-distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS,
-See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
-limitations under the License.
--- Luv port by Tim Caswell <>
-local exports = {} = "luvit/pretty-print"
-exports.version = "1.0.3"
-exports.homepage = ""
-exports.description = "A lua value pretty printer and colorizer for terminals."
-exports.tags = {"colors", "tty"}
-exports.license = "Apache 2" = { name = "Tim Caswell" }
-local uv = require('luv')
-local prettyPrint, dump, strip, color, colorize, loadColors
-local theme = {}
-local useColors = false
-local defaultTheme
-local stdout, stdin, stderr, width
-local quote, quote2, dquote, dquote2, obracket, cbracket, obrace, cbrace, comma, equals, controls
-local themes = {
- -- nice color theme using 16 ansi colors
- [16] = {
- property = "0;37", -- white
- sep = "1;30", -- bright-black
- braces = "1;30", -- bright-black
- ["nil"] = "1;30", -- bright-black
- boolean = "0;33", -- yellow
- number = "1;33", -- bright-yellow
- string = "0;32", -- green
- quotes = "1;32", -- bright-green
- escape = "1;32", -- bright-green
- ["function"] = "0;35", -- purple
- thread = "1;35", -- bright-purple
- table = "1;34", -- bright blue
- userdata = "1;36", -- bright cyan
- cdata = "0;36", -- cyan
- err = "1;31", -- bright red
- success = "1;33;42", -- bright-yellow on green
- failure = "1;33;41", -- bright-yellow on red
- highlight = "1;36;44", -- bright-cyan on blue
- },
- -- nice color theme using ansi 256-mode colors
- [256] = {
- property = "38;5;253",
- braces = "38;5;247",
- sep = "38;5;240",
- ["nil"] = "38;5;244",
- boolean = "38;5;220", -- yellow-orange
- number = "38;5;202", -- orange
- string = "38;5;34", -- darker green
- quotes = "38;5;40", -- green
- escape = "38;5;46", -- bright green
- ["function"] = "38;5;129", -- purple
- thread = "38;5;199", -- pink
- table = "38;5;27", -- blue
- userdata = "38;5;39", -- blue2
- cdata = "38;5;69", -- teal
- err = "38;5;196", -- bright red
- success = "38;5;120;48;5;22", -- bright green on dark green
- failure = "38;5;215;48;5;52", -- bright red on dark red
- highlight = "38;5;45;48;5;236", -- bright teal on dark grey
- },
-local special = {
- [7] = 'a',
- [8] = 'b',
- [9] = 't',
- [10] = 'n',
- [11] = 'v',
- [12] = 'f',
- [13] = 'r'
-function strip(str)
- return string.gsub(str, '\027%[[^m]*m', '')
-function loadColors(index)
- if index == nil then index = defaultTheme end
- -- Remove the old theme
- for key in pairs(theme) do
- theme[key] = nil
- end
- if index then
- local new = themes[index]
- if not new then error("Invalid theme index: " .. tostring(index)) end
- -- Add the new theme
- for key in pairs(new) do
- theme[key] = new[key]
- end
- useColors = true
- else
- useColors = false
- end
- quote = colorize('quotes', "'", 'string')
- quote2 = colorize('quotes', "'")
- dquote = colorize('quotes', '"', 'string')
- dquote2 = colorize('quotes', '"')
- obrace = colorize('braces', '{ ')
- cbrace = colorize('braces', '}')
- obracket = colorize('property', '[')
- cbracket = colorize('property', ']')
- comma = colorize('sep', ', ')
- equals = colorize('sep', ' = ')
- controls = {}
- for i = 0, 31 do
- local c = special[i]
- if not c then
- if i < 10 then
- c = "00" .. tostring(i)
- else
- c = "0" .. tostring(i)
- end
- end
- controls[i] = colorize('escape', '\\' .. c, 'string')
- end
- controls[92] = colorize('escape', '\\\\', 'string')
- controls[34] = colorize('escape', '\\"', 'string')
- controls[39] = colorize('escape', "\\'", 'string')
- for i = 128, 255 do
- local c
- if i < 100 then
- c = "0" .. tostring(i)
- else
- c = tostring(i)
- end
- controls[i] = colorize('escape', '\\' .. c, 'string')
- end
-function color(colorName)
- return '\27[' .. (theme[colorName] or '0') .. 'm'
-function colorize(colorName, string, resetName)
- return useColors and
- (color(colorName) .. tostring(string) .. color(resetName)) or
- tostring(string)
-local function stringEscape(c)
- return controls[string.byte(c, 1)]
-function dump(value, recurse, nocolor)
- local seen = {}
- local output = {}
- local offset = 0
- local stack = {}
- local function recalcOffset(index)
- for i = index + 1, #output do
- local m = string.match(output[i], "\n([^\n]*)$")
- if m then
- offset = #(strip(m))
- else
- offset = offset + #(strip(output[i]))
- end
- end
- end
- local function write(text, length)
- if not length then length = #(strip(text)) end
- -- Create room for data by opening parent blocks
- -- Start at the root and go down.
- local i = 1
- while offset + length > width and stack[i] do
- local entry = stack[i]
- if not entry.opened then
- entry.opened = true
- table.insert(output, entry.index + 1, "\n" .. string.rep(" ", i))
- -- Recalculate the offset
- recalcOffset(entry.index)
- -- Bump the index of all deeper entries
- for j = i + 1, #stack do
- stack[j].index = stack[j].index + 1
- end
- end
- i = i + 1
- end
- output[#output + 1] = text
- offset = offset + length
- if offset > width then
- return dump(stack)
- end
- end
- local function indent()
- stack[#stack + 1] = {
- index = #output,
- opened = false,
- }
- end
- local function unindent()
- stack[#stack] = nil
- end
- local function process(value)
- local typ = type(value)
- if typ == 'string' then
- if string.match(value, "'") and not string.match(value, '"') then
- write(dquote .. string.gsub(value, '[%c\\\128-\255]', stringEscape) .. dquote2)
- else
- write(quote .. string.gsub(value, "[%c\\'\128-\255]", stringEscape) .. quote2)
- end
- elseif typ == 'table' and not seen[value] then
- if not recurse then seen[value] = true end
- write(obrace)
- local i = 1
- -- Count the number of keys so we know when to stop adding commas
- local total = 0
- for _ in pairs(value) do total = total + 1 end
- local nextIndex = 1
- for k, v in pairs(value) do
- indent()
- if k == nextIndex then
- -- if the key matches the last numerical index + 1
- -- This is how lists print without keys
- nextIndex = k + 1
- process(v)
- else
- if type(k) == "string" and string.find(k,"^[%a_][%a%d_]*$") then
- write(colorize("property", k) .. equals)
- else
- write(obracket)
- process(k)
- write(cbracket .. equals)
- end
- if type(v) == "table" then
- process(v)
- else
- indent()
- process(v)
- unindent()
- end
- end
- if i < total then
- write(comma)
- else
- write(" ")
- end
- i = i + 1
- unindent()
- end
- write(cbrace)
- else
- write(colorize(typ, tostring(value)))
- end
- end
- process(value)
- local s = table.concat(output, "")
- return nocolor and strip(s) or s
--- Print replacement that goes through libuv. This is useful on windows
--- to use libuv's code to translate ansi escape codes to windows API calls.
-function _G.print(...)
- local n = select('#', ...)
- local arguments = {...}
- for i = 1, n do
- arguments[i] = tostring(arguments[i])
- end
- uv.write(stdout, table.concat(arguments, "\t") .. "\n")
-function prettyPrint(...)
- local n = select('#', ...)
- local arguments = { ... }
- for i = 1, n do
- arguments[i] = dump(arguments[i])
- end
- print(table.concat(arguments, "\t"))
-function strip(str)
- return string.gsub(str, '\027%[[^m]*m', '')
-if uv.guess_handle(0) == 'tty' then
- stdin = assert(uv.new_tty(0, true))
- stdin = uv.new_pipe(false)
- uv.pipe_open(stdin, 0)
-if uv.guess_handle(1) == 'tty' then
- stdout = assert(uv.new_tty(1, false))
- width = uv.tty_get_winsize(stdout)
- if width == 0 then width = 80 end
- -- auto-detect when 16 color mode should be used
- local term = os.getenv("TERM")
- if term == 'xterm' or term == 'xterm-256color' then
- defaultTheme = 256
- else
- defaultTheme = 16
- end
- stdout = uv.new_pipe(false)
- uv.pipe_open(stdout, 1)
- width = 80
-if uv.guess_handle(2) == 'tty' then
- stderr = assert(uv.new_tty(2, false))
- stderr = uv.new_pipe(false)
- uv.pipe_open(stderr, 2)
-exports.loadColors = loadColors
-exports.theme = theme
-exports.print = print
-exports.prettyPrint = prettyPrint
-exports.dump = dump
-exports.color = color
-exports.colorize = colorize
-exports.stdin = stdin
-exports.stdout = stdout
-exports.stderr = stderr
-exports.strip = strip
-return exports