path: root/hlsl/color_heavy.fx
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'hlsl/color_heavy.fx')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 218 deletions
diff --git a/hlsl/color_heavy.fx b/hlsl/color_heavy.fx
deleted file mode 100644
index f2f3b907a83..00000000000
--- a/hlsl/color_heavy.fx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,218 +0,0 @@
-// Color-Convolution Effect
-texture Diffuse;
-sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state
- Texture = <Diffuse>;
- MipFilter = LINEAR;
- MinFilter = LINEAR;
- MagFilter = LINEAR;
- AddressU = CLAMP;
- AddressV = CLAMP;
- AddressW = CLAMP;
-// Vertex Definitions
-struct VS_OUTPUT
- float4 Position : POSITION;
- float4 Color : COLOR0;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
- float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
-struct VS_INPUT
- float4 Position : POSITION;
- float4 Color : COLOR0;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
- float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
-struct PS_INPUT
- float4 Color : COLOR0;
- float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
- float2 ExtraInfo : TEXCOORD1;
-// Post-Processing Vertex Shader
-uniform float TargetWidth;
-uniform float TargetHeight;
-uniform float RawWidth;
-uniform float RawHeight;
-uniform float WidthRatio;
-uniform float HeightRatio;
-VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
- VS_OUTPUT Output = (VS_OUTPUT)0;
- Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
- Output.Position.x /= TargetWidth;
- Output.Position.y /= TargetHeight;
- Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y;
- Output.Position.x -= 0.5f;
- Output.Position.y -= 0.5f;
- Output.Position *= float4(2.0f, 2.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
- Output.Color = Input.Color;
- Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;//(Input.TexCoord - float2(0.5f, 0.5f)) / 8.0f + float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
- Output.ExtraInfo = Input.ExtraInfo;
- return Output;
-// Post-Processing Pixel Shader
-uniform float RedFromRed = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedFromGrn = 0.0f;
-uniform float RedFromBlu = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnFromRed = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnFromGrn = 1.0f;
-uniform float GrnFromBlu = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFromRed = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFromGrn = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFromBlu = 1.0f;
-uniform float YfromY = 1.0f;
-uniform float YfromI = 0.0f;
-uniform float YfromQ = 0.0f;
-uniform float IfromY = 0.0f;
-uniform float IfromI = 1.0f;
-uniform float IfromQ = 0.0f;
-uniform float QfromY = 0.0f;
-uniform float QfromI = 0.0f;
-uniform float QfromQ = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float RedScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float GrnScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float BluScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float RedFloor = 0.0f;
-uniform float GrnFloor = 0.0f;
-uniform float BluFloor = 0.0f;
-uniform float Saturation = 1.0f;
-uniform float YScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float IScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float QScale = 1.0f;
-uniform float YOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float IOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float QOffset = 0.0f;
-uniform float RedPower = 2.2f;
-uniform float GrnPower = 2.2f;
-uniform float BluPower = 2.2f;
-uniform float YSubsampleLength = 3.0f;
-uniform float ISubsampleLength = 3.0f;
-uniform float QSubsampleLength = 3.0f;
-float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
- // -- Bandwidth Subsampling --
- float3 SubsampleWidth = float3(YSubsampleLength, ISubsampleLength, QSubsampleLength);
- SubsampleWidth = (RawWidth * 2.0f) / SubsampleWidth;
- float3 SubsampleCoord = Input.TexCoord.x;
- float3 SubsampleFrac = frac(SubsampleCoord * SubsampleWidth); // Fraction is in subsample width units!
- SubsampleCoord = (SubsampleCoord * SubsampleWidth - SubsampleFrac) / SubsampleWidth;
- float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.TexCoord);
- float3 YTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.x, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
- float3 ITexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.y, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
- float3 QTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.z, Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
- float3 LastYTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.x + YSubsampleLength / (RawWidth * 2.0f), Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
- float3 LastITexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.y + ISubsampleLength / (RawWidth * 2.0f), Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
- float3 LastQTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, float2(SubsampleCoord.z + QSubsampleLength / (RawWidth * 2.0f), Input.TexCoord.y)).rgb;
- YTexel = lerp(YTexel, LastYTexel, SubsampleFrac.x);
- ITexel = lerp(ITexel, LastITexel, SubsampleFrac.y);
- QTexel = lerp(QTexel, LastQTexel, SubsampleFrac.z);
- // -- RGB Tint & Shift --
- float ShiftedRedY = dot(YTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
- float ShiftedGrnY = dot(YTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
- float ShiftedBluY = dot(YTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
- float ShiftedRedI = dot(ITexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
- float ShiftedGrnI = dot(ITexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
- float ShiftedBluI = dot(ITexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
- float ShiftedRedQ = dot(QTexel, float3(RedFromRed, RedFromGrn, RedFromBlu));
- float ShiftedGrnQ = dot(QTexel, float3(GrnFromRed, GrnFromGrn, GrnFromBlu));
- float ShiftedBluQ = dot(QTexel, float3(BluFromRed, BluFromGrn, BluFromBlu));
- // -- RGB Offset & Scale --
- float3 RGBScale = float3(RedScale, GrnScale, BluScale);
- float3 RGBShift = float3(RedOffset, GrnOffset, BluOffset);
- float3 OutTexelY = float3(ShiftedRedY, ShiftedGrnY, ShiftedBluY) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
- float3 OutTexelI = float3(ShiftedRedI, ShiftedGrnI, ShiftedBluI) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
- float3 OutTexelQ = float3(ShiftedRedQ, ShiftedGrnQ, ShiftedBluQ) * RGBScale + RGBShift;
- // -- Saturation --
- float3 Gray = float3(0.3f, 0.59f, 0.11f);
- float OutLumaY = dot(OutTexelY, Gray);
- float OutLumaI = dot(OutTexelI, Gray);
- float OutLumaQ = dot(OutTexelQ, Gray);
- float3 OutChromaY = OutTexelY - OutLumaY;
- float3 OutChromaI = OutTexelI - OutLumaI;
- float3 OutChromaQ = OutTexelQ - OutLumaQ;
- float3 SaturatedY = OutLumaY + OutChromaY * Saturation;
- float3 SaturatedI = OutLumaI + OutChromaI * Saturation;
- float3 SaturatedQ = OutLumaQ + OutChromaQ * Saturation;
- // -- YIQ Convolution --
- float Y = dot(SaturatedY, float3(0.299f, 0.587f, 0.114f));
- float I = dot(SaturatedI, float3(0.595716f, -0.274453f, -0.321263f));
- float Q = dot(SaturatedQ, float3(0.211456f, -0.522591f, 0.311135f));
- Y = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(YfromY, YfromI, YfromQ));
- I = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(IfromY, IfromI, IfromQ));
- Q = dot(float3(Y, I, Q), float3(QfromY, QfromI, QfromQ));
- float3 OutYIQ = float3(Y, I, Q) * float3(YScale, IScale, QScale) + float3(YOffset, IOffset, QOffset);
- float3 OutRGB = float3(dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, 0.9563f, 0.6210f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -0.2721f, -0.6474f)), dot(OutYIQ, float3(1.0f, -1.1070f, 1.7046f)));
- OutRGB.r = pow(OutRGB.r, RedPower);
- OutRGB.g = pow(OutRGB.g, GrnPower);
- OutRGB.b = pow(OutRGB.b, BluPower);
- // -- Color Compression (increasing the floor of the signal without affecting the ceiling) --
- OutRGB = float3(RedFloor + (1.0f - RedFloor) * OutRGB.r, GrnFloor + (1.0f - GrnFloor) * OutRGB.g, BluFloor + (1.0f - BluFloor) * OutRGB.b);
- // -- Final Pixel --
- float4 Output = lerp(Input.Color, float4(OutRGB, BaseTexel.a) * Input.Color, Input.ExtraInfo.x);
- return Output;
-// Color-Convolution Technique
-technique ColorTechnique
- pass Pass0
- {
- Lighting = FALSE;
- VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
- PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
- }