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12 files changed, 742 insertions, 447 deletions
diff --git a/hlsl/bloom.fx b/hlsl/bloom.fx
index e41a663b204..0b3a230bf5b 100644
--- a/hlsl/bloom.fx
+++ b/hlsl/bloom.fx
@@ -172,12 +172,32 @@ struct PS_INPUT
+// Constants
+static const float E = 2.7182817f;
+static const float Gelfond = 23.140692f; // e^pi (Gelfond constant)
+static const float GelfondSchneider = 2.6651442f; // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-Schneider constant)
+// Funcions
+float random(float2 seed)
+ // irrationals for pseudo randomness
+ float2 i = float2(Gelfond, GelfondSchneider);
+ return frac(cos(dot(seed, i)) * 123456.0f);
// Bloom Vertex Shader
uniform float2 ScreenDims;
-uniform float2 Prescale = float2(1.0f, 1.0f);
+uniform float2 TargetDims;
uniform float4 Level01Size;
uniform float4 Level23Size;
@@ -199,15 +219,16 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Color = Input.Color;
float2 TexCoord = Input.Position.xy / ScreenDims;
+ TexCoord += 0.5f / TargetDims; // half texel offset correction (DX9)
Output.TexCoord01.xy = TexCoord.xy;
- = TexCoord.xy + Prescale.xy /;
- Output.TexCoord23 = TexCoord.xyxy + Prescale.xyxy / Level23Size;
- Output.TexCoord45 = TexCoord.xyxy + Prescale.xyxy / Level45Size;
- Output.TexCoord67 = TexCoord.xyxy + Prescale.xyxy / Level67Size;
- Output.TexCoord89 = TexCoord.xyxy + Prescale.xyxy / Level89Size;
- Output.TexCoordA = TexCoord.xy + Prescale.xy / LevelASize;
+ = TexCoord.xy + 0.5f /;
+ Output.TexCoord23 = TexCoord.xyxy + 0.5f / Level23Size;
+ Output.TexCoord45 = TexCoord.xyxy + 0.5f / Level45Size;
+ Output.TexCoord67 = TexCoord.xyxy + 0.5f / Level67Size;
+ Output.TexCoord89 = TexCoord.xyxy + 0.5f / Level89Size;
+ Output.TexCoordA = TexCoord.xy + 0.5f / LevelASize;
return Output;
@@ -219,6 +240,12 @@ uniform float4 Level0123Weight;
uniform float4 Level4567Weight;
uniform float3 Level89AWeight;
+float3 GetNoiseFactor(float3 n, float random)
+ // smaller n become more noisy
+ return 1.0f + random * max(0.0f, 0.25f * pow(E, -8 * n));
float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float3 texel0 = tex2D(DiffuseSampler0, Input.TexCoord01.xy).rgb;
@@ -245,19 +272,22 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
texel9 = texel9 * Level89AWeight.y;
texelA = texelA * Level89AWeight.z;
- float4 sum = float4(
- texel0 +
- texel1 +
- texel2 +
- texel3 +
+ float3 bloom = float3(
+ texel1 +
+ texel2 +
+ texel3 +
texel4 +
- texel5 +
- texel6 +
- texel7 +
- texel8 +
- texel9 +
- texelA, 1.0f);
- return sum;
+ texel5 +
+ texel6 +
+ texel7 +
+ texel8 +
+ texel9 +
+ texelA);
+ float2 NoiseCoord = Input.TexCoord01.xy;
+ float3 NoiseFactor = GetNoiseFactor(bloom, random(NoiseCoord));
+ return float4(texel0 + bloom * NoiseFactor, 1.0f);
diff --git a/hlsl/distortion.fx b/hlsl/distortion.fx
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..9db6edd4fb5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hlsl/distortion.fx
@@ -0,0 +1,330 @@
+// license:BSD-3-Clause
+// copyright-holders:ImJezze
+// Distortion Effect
+texture DiffuseTexture;
+sampler DiffuseSampler = sampler_state
+ Texture = <DiffuseTexture>;
+ MipFilter = LINEAR;
+ MinFilter = LINEAR;
+ MagFilter = LINEAR;
+ AddressU = CLAMP;
+ AddressV = CLAMP;
+ AddressW = CLAMP;
+// Vertex Definitions
+struct VS_INPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+struct VS_OUTPUT
+ float4 Position : POSITION;
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+struct PS_INPUT
+ float4 Color : COLOR0;
+ float2 TexCoord : TEXCOORD0;
+// Constants
+static const float Epsilon = 1.0e-7f;
+static const float PI = 3.1415927f;
+static const float E = 2.7182817f;
+static const float Gelfond = 23.140692f; // e^pi (Gelfond constant)
+static const float GelfondSchneider = 2.6651442f; // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-Schneider constant)
+// Functions
+bool xor(bool a, bool b)
+ return (a || b) && !(a && b);
+float random(float2 seed)
+ // irrationals for pseudo randomness
+ float2 i = float2(Gelfond, GelfondSchneider);
+ return frac(cos(dot(seed, i)) * 123456.0f);
+float normalizedSigmoid(float n, float k)
+ // valid for n and k in range of -1.0 and 1.0
+ return (n - n * k) / (k - abs(n) * 2.0f * k + 1);
+float roundBox(float2 p, float2 b, float r)
+ return length(max(abs(p) - b + r, 0.0f)) - r;
+// Distortion Vertex Shader
+uniform float2 ScreenDims; // size of the window or fullscreen
+uniform float2 TargetDims;
+uniform float2 QuadDims; // size of the screen quad
+VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
+ VS_OUTPUT Output = (VS_OUTPUT)0;
+ Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
+ Output.Position.xy /= ScreenDims;
+ Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y; // flip y
+ Output.Position.xy -= 0.5f; // center
+ Output.Position.xy *= 2.0f; // zoom
+ Output.Color = Input.Color;
+ Output.TexCoord = Input.Position.xy / ScreenDims;
+ Output.TexCoord += 0.5f / TargetDims; // half texel offset correction (DX9)
+ return Output;
+// Post-Processing Pixel Shader
+uniform float2 DefaultScreenRatio = float2(1.0f, 3.0f / 4.0f); // normalized screen ratio (defalt ratio of 4:3)
+uniform float CurvatureAmount = 0.0f;
+uniform float RoundCornerAmount = 0.0f;
+uniform float SmoothBorderAmount = 0.5f;
+uniform float VignettingAmount = 0.0f;
+uniform float ReflectionAmount = 0.0f;
+uniform bool OrientationSwapXY = false; // false landscape, true portrait for default screen orientation
+uniform bool RotationSwapXY = false; // swapped default screen orientation due to screen rotation
+uniform int RotationType = 0; // 0 = 0°, 1 = 90°, 2 = 180°, 3 = 270°
+float2 GetRatioCorrecton()
+ float ScreenRatio = ScreenDims.x / ScreenDims.y;
+ float QuadRatio = QuadDims.x / QuadDims.y;
+ float ScreenQuadRatio = QuadRatio / ScreenRatio;
+ return ScreenQuadRatio > 1.0f
+ ? float2(1.0, 1.0f / ScreenQuadRatio)
+ : float2(ScreenQuadRatio, 1.0);
+float GetNoiseFactor(float3 n, float random)
+ // smaller n become more noisy
+ return 1.0f + random * max(0.0f, 0.25f * pow(E, -8 * n));
+float GetVignetteFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
+ float2 VignetteCoord = coord;
+ float VignetteLength = length(VignetteCoord);
+ float VignetteBlur = (amount * 0.75f) + 0.25;
+ // 0.5 full screen fitting circle
+ float VignetteRadius = 1.0f - (amount * 0.25f);
+ float Vignette = smoothstep(VignetteRadius, VignetteRadius - VignetteBlur, VignetteLength);
+ return saturate(Vignette);
+float GetSpotAddend(float2 coord, float amount)
+ float2 RatioCorrection = GetRatioCorrecton();
+ float2 defaultScreenRatio = xor(OrientationSwapXY, RotationSwapXY)
+ ? DefaultScreenRatio.yx
+ : DefaultScreenRatio.xy;
+ // upper right quadrant
+ float2 spotOffset =
+ RotationType == 1 // 90°
+ ? float2(-0.25f, -0.25f)
+ : RotationType == 2 // 180°
+ ? float2(0.25f, -0.25f)
+ : RotationType == 3 // 270°
+ ? float2(0.25f, 0.25f)
+ : float2(-0.25f, 0.25f);
+ float2 SpotCoord = coord;
+ SpotCoord += spotOffset * defaultScreenRatio * RatioCorrection;
+ float SpotBlur = amount;
+ // 0.5 full screen fitting circle
+ float SpotRadius = amount * 0.75f;
+ float Spot = smoothstep(SpotRadius, SpotRadius - SpotBlur, length(SpotCoord));
+ float SigmoidSpot = normalizedSigmoid(Spot, 0.75) * amount;
+ // increase strength by 100%
+ SigmoidSpot = SigmoidSpot * 2.0f;
+ return saturate(SigmoidSpot);
+float GetRoundCornerFactor(float2 coord, float radiusAmount, float smoothAmount)
+ float2 RatioCorrection = GetRatioCorrecton();
+ smoothAmount = min(smoothAmount, radiusAmount);
+ float2 RoundCornerCoord = coord * 2;
+ float MinScreenDims = min(ScreenDims.x, ScreenDims.y);
+ float radius = MinScreenDims * 0.5 * max(radiusAmount, 0.01f);
+ float smooth = 1.0 / (MinScreenDims * 0.25 * max(smoothAmount, 0.01f));
+ // compute box
+ float box = roundBox(ScreenDims * RoundCornerCoord, ScreenDims * RatioCorrection, radius);
+ // apply smooth
+ // box *= smooth;
+ // box += 1.0f - pow(smooth * 0.5f, 0.5f);
+ float border = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.0f, box);
+ return saturate(border);
+float2 GetDistortedCoords(float2 coord, float amount)
+ amount *= 0.25f; // reduced amount
+ float2 RatioCorrection = GetRatioCorrecton();
+ // center coordinates
+ coord -= 0.5f;
+ coord /= RatioCorrection;
+ // lens distortion coefficient
+ float k = amount;
+ // cubic distortion value
+ float kcube = amount * 2.0f;
+ // compute cubic distortion factor
+ float r2 = coord.x * coord.x + coord.y * coord.y;
+ float f = kcube == 0.0f
+ ? 1 + r2 * k
+ : 1 + r2 * (k + kcube * sqrt(r2));
+ // correct zoom
+ f /= 1.0f + amount * 0.5f;
+ // apply cubic distortion factor
+ coord *= f;
+ coord *= RatioCorrection;
+ // uncenter coordinates
+ coord += 0.5f;
+ return coord;
+float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
+ float2 TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;
+ float2 BaseCoord = TexCoord;
+ // // test code
+ // // BaseCoord.x += (TexCoord.x > 0.5f ? -0.5f : 0.0f);
+ // BaseCoord.y += (TexCoord.y > 0.5f ? -0.5f : 0.0f);
+ // BaseCoord.y *= 2.0f;
+ // Screen Curvature
+ BaseCoord = GetDistortedCoords(BaseCoord, CurvatureAmount);
+ float2 BaseCoordCentered = BaseCoord;
+ BaseCoordCentered -= 0.5f;
+ // // test code
+ // BaseCoord.y /= 2.0f;
+ // // BaseCoord.x += (TexCoord.x > 0.5f ? +0.5f : 0.0f);
+ // BaseCoord.y += (TexCoord.y > 0.5 ? +0.5f : 0.0f);
+ float2 defaultScreenRatio = xor(OrientationSwapXY, RotationSwapXY)
+ ? DefaultScreenRatio.yx
+ : DefaultScreenRatio.xy;
+ float2 BaseRatioCoordCentered = BaseCoordCentered;
+ BaseRatioCoordCentered *= defaultScreenRatio;
+ // Color
+ float4 BaseColor = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord);
+ BaseColor.a = 1.0f;
+ // Vignetting Simulation
+ float2 VignetteCoord = BaseCoordCentered;
+ float VignetteFactor = GetVignetteFactor(VignetteCoord, VignettingAmount);
+ BaseColor.rgb *= VignetteFactor;
+ // Light Reflection Simulation
+ float3 LightColor = float3(1.0f, 0.90f, 0.80f);
+ float2 SpotCoord = BaseRatioCoordCentered;
+ float2 NoiseCoord = BaseRatioCoordCentered;
+ float SpotAddend = GetSpotAddend(SpotCoord, ReflectionAmount);
+ float NoiseFactor = GetNoiseFactor(SpotAddend, random(NoiseCoord));
+ BaseColor.rgb += SpotAddend * NoiseFactor * LightColor;
+ // Round Corners Simulation
+ float2 RoundCornerCoord = BaseCoordCentered;
+ float roundCornerFactor = GetRoundCornerFactor(RoundCornerCoord, RoundCornerAmount, 0);
+ BaseColor.rgb *= roundCornerFactor;
+ // // test code
+ // BaseColor.rgb = BaseCoord.x * BaseCoord.y;
+ // BaseColor.rgb = TexCoord.y > 0.5f ? 1.0f : 0.5f;
+ return BaseColor;
+// Distortion Effect
+technique DistortionTechnique
+ pass Pass0
+ {
+ Lighting = FALSE;
+ VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
+ PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
+ }
+} \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/hlsl/downsample.fx b/hlsl/downsample.fx
index 376e4b8802d..4a4a8fe3743 100644
--- a/hlsl/downsample.fx
+++ b/hlsl/downsample.fx
@@ -48,15 +48,15 @@ struct PS_INPUT
uniform float2 ScreenDims;
-uniform float2 TargetSize;
+uniform float2 TargetDims;
-uniform float2 Prescale = float2(1.0f, 1.0f);
+uniform bool PrepareVector;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
- float2 TargetTexelSize = 1.0f / TargetSize;
+ float2 TargetTexelDims = 1.0f / TargetDims;
Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
Output.Position.xy /= ScreenDims;
@@ -67,11 +67,14 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Color = Input.Color;
float2 TexCoord = Input.Position.xy / ScreenDims;
- Output.TexCoord01.xy = TexCoord + float2(-0.5f, -0.5f) * TargetTexelSize * Prescale;
- = TexCoord + float2( 0.5f, -0.5f) * TargetTexelSize * Prescale;
- Output.TexCoord23.xy = TexCoord + float2(-0.5f, 0.5f) * TargetTexelSize * Prescale;
- = TexCoord + float2( 0.5f, 0.5f) * TargetTexelSize * Prescale;
+ TexCoord += PrepareVector
+ ? 0.5f / TargetDims // half texel offset correction (DX9)
+ : 0.0f;
+ Output.TexCoord01.xy = TexCoord + float2(-0.5f, -0.5f) * TargetTexelDims;
+ = TexCoord + float2( 0.5f, -0.5f) * TargetTexelDims;
+ Output.TexCoord23.xy = TexCoord + float2(-0.5f, 0.5f) * TargetTexelDims;
+ = TexCoord + float2( 0.5f, 0.5f) * TargetTexelDims;
return Output;
diff --git a/hlsl/focus.fx b/hlsl/focus.fx
index b71bc0dcdc6..39e642b58c4 100644
--- a/hlsl/focus.fx
+++ b/hlsl/focus.fx
@@ -83,8 +83,9 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y; // flip y
Output.Position.xy -= 0.5f; // center
Output.Position.xy *= 2.0f; // zoom
- float2 TexCoord = Input.TexCoord + 0.5f / TargetDims;
+ float2 TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;
+ TexCoord += 0.5f / TargetDims; // half texel offset correction (DX9)
Output.TexCoord0 = TexCoord;
Output.TexCoord1 = TexCoord + Coord1Offset * TargetTexelDims * Defocus;
@@ -117,7 +118,7 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float3 blurred = (d0.rgb + d1 + d2 + d3 + d4 + d5 + d6 + d7) / 8.0f;
blurred = lerp(d0.rgb, blurred, 1.0f);
return float4(blurred, d0.a);
diff --git a/hlsl/phosphor.fx b/hlsl/phosphor.fx
index 44b00ac0ee7..13c7700e2e8 100644
--- a/hlsl/phosphor.fx
+++ b/hlsl/phosphor.fx
@@ -68,18 +68,20 @@ uniform bool Passthrough;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
Output.Position.xy /= ScreenDims;
Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y; // flip y
Output.Position.xy -= 0.5f; // center
Output.Position.xy *= 2.0f; // zoom
- Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord + 0.5f / TargetDims;
+ Output.TexCoord = Input.TexCoord;
+ Output.TexCoord += 0.5f / TargetDims; // half texel offset correction (DX9)
Output.PrevCoord = Output.TexCoord;
Output.Color = Input.Color;
return Output;
@@ -93,13 +95,13 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float4 CurrPix = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.TexCoord);
float3 PrevPix = tex2D(PreviousSampler, Input.PrevCoord).rgb * float3(Phosphor.r, Phosphor.g, Phosphor.b);
float RedMax = max(CurrPix.r, PrevPix.r);
float GreenMax = max(CurrPix.g, PrevPix.g);
float BlueMax = max(CurrPix.b, PrevPix.b);
return Passthrough
- ? CurrPix
+ ? CurrPix
: float4(RedMax, GreenMax, BlueMax, CurrPix.a);
diff --git a/hlsl/post.fx b/hlsl/post.fx
index 57cf821071f..1a49ab55d4d 100644
--- a/hlsl/post.fx
+++ b/hlsl/post.fx
@@ -66,22 +66,16 @@ bool xor(bool a, bool b)
uniform float2 ScreenDims; // size of the window or fullscreen
-uniform float2 ScreenRatio = float2(1.0f, 3.0f / 4.0f); // normalized screen ratio (defalt ratio of 4:3)
uniform float2 SourceDims; // size of the texture in power-of-two size
-uniform float2 SourceRect; // size of the uv rectangle
-uniform float2 TargetDims; // size of target
+uniform float2 TargetDims; // size of the target surface
uniform float2 ShadowDims = float2(32.0f, 32.0f); // size of the shadow texture (extended to power-of-two size)
uniform float2 ShadowUVOffset = float2(0.0f, 0.0f);
-uniform float2 Prescale = float2(8.0f, 8.0f);
uniform bool OrientationSwapXY = false; // false landscape, true portrait for default screen orientation
uniform bool RotationSwapXY = false; // swapped default screen orientation due to screen rotation
-uniform bool PrepareBloom = false; // disables some effects for rendering bloom textures
+uniform bool PrepareBloom = false; // disables some effects for rendering bloom textures
uniform bool PrepareVector = false;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
@@ -93,12 +87,11 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
? shadowUVOffset.yx
: shadowUVOffset.xy;
- // todo: calculate offset
- float2 ScreenCoordPrescaleOffset = 0.0f;
- ScreenCoordPrescaleOffset += shadowUVOffset;
+ float2 ScreenCoordOffset = 0.0f;
+ ScreenCoordOffset += shadowUVOffset;
Output.ScreenCoord = Input.Position.xy;
- Output.ScreenCoord += ScreenCoordPrescaleOffset;
+ Output.ScreenCoord += ScreenCoordOffset;
Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
Output.Position.xy /= ScreenDims;
@@ -108,7 +101,8 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.TexCoord = PrepareVector
? Input.Position.xy / ScreenDims
- : Input.TexCoord; // + 0.5f / TargetDims;
+ : Input.TexCoord;
+ Output.TexCoord += 0.5f / TargetDims; // half texel offset correction (DX9)
Output.Color = Input.Color;
@@ -126,11 +120,6 @@ uniform float ScanlineBrightOffset = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineOffset = 1.0f;
uniform float ScanlineHeight = 1.0f;
-uniform float CurvatureAmount = 0.0f;
-uniform float RoundCornerAmount = 0.0f;
-uniform float VignettingAmount = 0.0f;
-uniform float ReflectionAmount = 0.0f;
uniform float ShadowAlpha = 0.0f;
uniform float2 ShadowCount = float2(6.0f, 6.0f);
uniform float2 ShadowUV = float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
@@ -138,198 +127,18 @@ uniform float2 ShadowUV = float2(0.25f, 0.25f);
uniform float3 Power = float3(1.0f, 1.0f, 1.0f);
uniform float3 Floor = float3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
-static const float Epsilon = 1.0e-7f;
static const float PI = 3.1415927f;
-static const float E = 2.7182817f;
-static const float Gelfond = 23.140692f; // e^pi (Gelfond constant)
-static const float GelfondSchneider = 2.6651442f; // 2^sqrt(2) (Gelfond-Schneider constant)
-float nextPowerOfTwo(float n)
- return pow(2, floor(log2(n) / log2(2)) + 1);
-float random(float2 seed)
- // irrationals for pseudo randomness
- float2 i = float2(Gelfond, GelfondSchneider);
- return frac(cos(dot(seed, i)) * 123456.0f);
-float normalizedSigmoid(float n, float k)
- // valid for n and k in range of -1.0 and 1.0
- return (n - n * k) / (k - abs(n) * 2.0f * k + 1);
-float GetNoiseFactor(float n, float random)
- // smaller n become more noisy
- return 1.0f + random * max(0.0f, 0.25f * pow(E, -4 * n));
-float GetVignetteFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
- float2 VignetteCoord = coord;
- float VignetteLength = length(VignetteCoord);
- float VignetteBlur = (amount * 0.75f) + 0.25;
- // 0.5 full screen fitting circle
- float VignetteRadius = 1.0f - (amount * 0.25f);
- float Vignette = smoothstep(VignetteRadius, VignetteRadius - VignetteBlur, VignetteLength);
- return saturate(Vignette);
-float GetSpotAddend(float2 coord, float amount)
- float2 SpotCoord = coord;
- SpotCoord += OrientationSwapXY
- ? float2(-0.25f, -0.25f) * ScreenRatio // upper right quadrant
- : float2(-0.25f, 0.25f) * ScreenRatio; // upper right quadrant
- float SpotBlur = amount;
- // 0.5 full screen fitting circle
- float SpotRadius = amount * 0.75f;
- float Spot = smoothstep(SpotRadius, SpotRadius - SpotBlur, length(SpotCoord));
- float SigmoidSpot = normalizedSigmoid(Spot, 0.75) * amount;
- // increase strength by 100%
- SigmoidSpot = SigmoidSpot * 2.0f;
- return saturate(SigmoidSpot);
-float RoundBox(float2 p, float2 b, float r)
- return length(max(abs(p) - b + r, 0.0f)) - r;
-float GetRoundCornerFactor(float2 coord, float amount)
- // hint: vector target area is always quadratic
- float2 UsedSourceRect = PrepareVector
- ? float2(1.0f, 1.0f)
- : SourceRect;
- float2 SourceArea = 1.0f / UsedSourceRect;
- float2 SourceDimsArea = SourceDims * UsedSourceRect;
- float2 SourceRatio = float2(1.0f, SourceDimsArea.y / SourceDimsArea.x);
- float2 SourceTexelDims = 1.0f / SourceDims;
- // base on the default ratio of 4:3
- float2 RoundCoordScale = (SourceDims / SourceArea / SourceRatio) * ScreenRatio;
- float2 RoundCoord = coord;
- // hint: alignment correction
- RoundCoord -= SourceTexelDims * SourceArea;
- RoundCoord *= SourceTexelDims * SourceArea + 1.0f;
- // hint: roundness correction
- RoundCoord *= RoundCoordScale;
- float radius = amount * 50.0f;
- // compute box (base on the default ratio of 4:3)
- float box = RoundBox(RoundCoord.xy, (RoundCoordScale * 0.5f), radius);
- // // apply blur
- // float blurAmount = 1.0f / max(1.0f, amount * 25.0f);
- // float blueOffset = 1.0f - pow(blurAmount * 0.5f, 0.5f);
- // box *= blurAmount;
- // box += blueOffset;
- float border = smoothstep(1.0f, 0.5f, box);
- return saturate(border);
float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float2 ScreenTexelDims = 1.0f / ScreenDims;
- float2 SourceTexelDims = 1.0f / SourceDims;
- // hint: vector target area is always quadratic
- float2 UsedSourceRect = PrepareVector
- ? float2(1.0f, 1.0f)
- : SourceRect;
- float UsedCurvatureAmount = CurvatureAmount * 0.25f; // reduced curvature
- float2 SourceArea = 1.0f / UsedSourceRect;
- float2 DoubleSourceArea = SourceArea * 2.0f;
- float SquareSourceAreaLength = pow(length(SourceArea), 2.0f);
- float2 HalfSourceRect = UsedSourceRect * 0.5f;
- // Screen Curvature
- float2 CurvatureUnitCoord = (Input.TexCoord * DoubleSourceArea) - 1.0f;
- float2 CurvatureFactor = (1.0 / SquareSourceAreaLength) * UsedCurvatureAmount;
- float2 CurvatureCurve = CurvatureUnitCoord * pow(length(CurvatureUnitCoord), 2.0f) * CurvatureFactor;
- float2 CurvatureZoom = 1.0f - (DoubleSourceArea * CurvatureFactor);
- // todo: vector cuverture requires a correction on y-axis if screen and target size differ and y > x
float2 ScreenCoord = Input.ScreenCoord / ScreenDims;
- ScreenCoord -= HalfSourceRect;
- ScreenCoord *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
- ScreenCoord += HalfSourceRect;
- ScreenCoord += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
float2 BaseCoord = Input.TexCoord;
- BaseCoord -= HalfSourceRect;
- BaseCoord *= CurvatureZoom; // zoom
- BaseCoord += HalfSourceRect;
- BaseCoord += CurvatureCurve; // distortion
- float2 CurvatureCorrection = 1.0f;
- // vector cuverture correction
- if (PrepareVector)
- {
- float ScreenRatio = ScreenDims.x / ScreenDims.y;
- float TargetRatio = TargetDims.x / TargetDims.y;
- // hint: vector cuverture requires a correction on the x-axis by the amount that screen and target size differ
- CurvatureCorrection.x +=
- (ScreenRatio / TargetRatio - 1.0f)
- * (1.0f + SquareSourceAreaLength * UsedCurvatureAmount);
- }
- // the floowing coordinates are used for effects
- float2 BaseCoordCentered = Input.TexCoord;
- BaseCoordCentered -= HalfSourceRect;
- BaseCoordCentered *= CurvatureZoom * CurvatureCorrection; // zoom
- BaseCoordCentered += CurvatureCurve * CurvatureCorrection; // distortion
- float2 BaseAreaCoord = BaseCoord;
- BaseAreaCoord *= SourceArea;
- float2 BaseAreaCoordCentered = BaseCoordCentered;
- BaseAreaCoordCentered *= SourceArea;
- float2 BaseAreaRatioCoord = BaseAreaCoord;
- BaseAreaRatioCoord *= ScreenRatio;
- float2 BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
- BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered *= ScreenRatio;
- // // Alpha Clipping (round corners applies smoother clipping when screen is curved)
- // clip((BaseCoord < SourceTexelDims) ? -1 : 1);
- // clip((BaseCoord > SourceRect + SourceTexelDims) ? -1 : 1);
+ // Color
float4 BaseColor = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, BaseCoord);
BaseColor.a = 1.0f;
- // BaseColor.rgb = 1.0f;
- // Vignetting Simulation (may affect bloom)
- float2 VignetteCoord = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
- float VignetteFactor = GetVignetteFactor(VignetteCoord, VignettingAmount);
- BaseColor.rgb *= VignetteFactor;
// Mask Simulation (may not affect bloom)
if (!PrepareBloom)
@@ -387,15 +196,16 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
// Scanline Simulation (may not affect bloom)
if (!PrepareBloom)
- // todo: there is an offset which can be noticed at lower prescale in high-resolution
- float2 ScanlinePrescaleOffset = 0.0f;
- float InnerSine = BaseCoord.y * ScanlineScale * SourceDims.y;
- float ScanJitter = ScanlineOffset * SourceDims.y;
- float ScanBrightMod = sin(InnerSine * PI + ScanJitter + ScanlinePrescaleOffset);
- float3 ScanColor = lerp(1.0f, (pow(ScanBrightMod * ScanBrightMod, ScanlineHeight) * ScanlineBrightScale + 1.0f + ScanlineBrightOffset) * 0.5f, ScanlineAlpha);
- BaseColor.rgb *= ScanColor;
+ // Scanline Simulation (disabled for vector)
+ if (!PrepareVector)
+ {
+ float InnerSine = BaseCoord.y * ScanlineScale * SourceDims.y;
+ float ScanJitter = ScanlineOffset * SourceDims.y;
+ float ScanBrightMod = sin(InnerSine * PI + ScanJitter);
+ float3 ScanColor = lerp(1.0f, (pow(ScanBrightMod * ScanBrightMod, ScanlineHeight) * ScanlineBrightScale + 1.0f + ScanlineBrightOffset) * 0.5f, ScanlineAlpha);
+ BaseColor.rgb *= ScanColor;
+ }
// Output
@@ -404,25 +214,6 @@ float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
: BaseColor * Input.Color;
Output.a = 1.0f;
- // Light Reflection Simulation (may not affect bloom)
- if (!PrepareBloom)
- {
- float3 LightColor = float3(1.0f, 0.90f, 0.80f);
- float2 SpotCoord = BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered;
- float2 NoiseCoord = BaseAreaRatioCoordCentered;
- float SpotAddend = GetSpotAddend(SpotCoord, ReflectionAmount);
- float NoiseFactor = GetNoiseFactor(SpotAddend, random(NoiseCoord));
- Output.rgb += SpotAddend * NoiseFactor * LightColor;
- }
- // Round Corners Simulation (may affect bloom)
- float2 RoundCornerCoord = BaseAreaCoordCentered;
- float roundCornerFactor = GetRoundCornerFactor(RoundCornerCoord, RoundCornerAmount);
- Output.rgb *= roundCornerFactor;
return Output;
@@ -436,7 +227,7 @@ technique ScanMaskTechnique
Lighting = FALSE;
- //Sampler[0] = <DiffuseSampler>;
+ Sampler[0] = <DiffuseSampler>;
VertexShader = compile vs_3_0 vs_main();
PixelShader = compile ps_3_0 ps_main();
diff --git a/hlsl/primary.fx b/hlsl/primary.fx
index da9abf028be..130c1cd4706 100644
--- a/hlsl/primary.fx
+++ b/hlsl/primary.fx
@@ -45,24 +45,33 @@ struct PS_INPUT
// Simple Vertex Shader
+static const float Epsilon = 1.0e-7f;
uniform float2 ScreenDims;
+uniform float2 TargetDims;
uniform bool PostPass;
uniform float Brighten;
VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
Output.Position = float4(, 1.0f);
Output.Position.xy /= ScreenDims;
Output.Position.y = 1.0f - Output.Position.y; // flip y
Output.Position.xy -= 0.5f; // center
Output.Position.xy *= 2.0f; // zoom
- Output.TexCoord = PostPass
+ float2 targetDims = TargetDims + Epsilon; // bug: with exact target dimensions the font disappears
+ Output.TexCoord = PostPass
? Input.Position.xy / ScreenDims
: Input.TexCoord;
+ Output.TexCoord += PostPass
+ ? 0.5f / targetDims // half texel offset correction (DX9)
+ : 0.0f;
Output.Color = Input.Color;
@@ -76,7 +85,9 @@ VS_OUTPUT vs_main(VS_INPUT Input)
float4 ps_main(PS_INPUT Input) : COLOR
float4 BaseTexel = tex2D(DiffuseSampler, Input.TexCoord);
- return BaseTexel * (Input.Color + float4(Brighten, Brighten, Brighten, 0.0f));
+ BaseTexel *= Input.Color + float4(Brighten, Brighten, Brighten, 0.0f);
+ return BaseTexel;
diff --git a/src/emu/render.h b/src/emu/render.h
index 8598a565be2..3c3a100a987 100644
--- a/src/emu/render.h
+++ b/src/emu/render.h
@@ -605,6 +605,7 @@ public:
float max_update_rate() const { return m_max_refresh; }
int orientation() const { return m_orientation; }
render_layer_config layer_config() const { return m_layerconfig; }
+ layout_view *current_view() const { return m_curview; }
int view() const { return view_index(*m_curview); }
bool hidden() const { return ((m_flags & RENDER_CREATE_HIDDEN) != 0); }
bool is_ui_target() const;
diff --git a/src/emu/rendlay.h b/src/emu/rendlay.h
index 068fc5cfec0..966e3d2b901 100644
--- a/src/emu/rendlay.h
+++ b/src/emu/rendlay.h
@@ -235,6 +235,8 @@ public:
layout_view *next() const { return m_next; }
item *first_item(item_layer layer) const;
const char *name() const { return m_name.c_str(); }
+ const render_bounds &bounds() const { return m_bounds; }
+ const render_bounds &screen_bounds() const { return m_scrbounds; }
const render_screen_list &screens() const { return m_screens; }
bool layer_enabled(item_layer layer) const { return m_layenabled[layer]; }
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.c b/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.c
index 4fd6403fb15..f32f618e9ee 100644
--- a/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.c
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.c
@@ -989,6 +989,7 @@ int shaders::create_resources(bool reset)
default_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "primary.fx", fx_dir);
post_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "post.fx", fx_dir);
+ distortion_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "distortion.fx", fx_dir);
prescale_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "prescale.fx", fx_dir);
phosphor_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "phosphor.fx", fx_dir);
focus_effect = new effect(this, d3d->get_device(), "focus.fx", fx_dir);
@@ -1002,6 +1003,7 @@ int shaders::create_resources(bool reset)
if (!default_effect->is_valid() ||
!post_effect->is_valid() ||
+ !distortion_effect->is_valid() ||
!prescale_effect->is_valid() ||
!phosphor_effect->is_valid() ||
!focus_effect->is_valid() ||
@@ -1076,15 +1078,11 @@ int shaders::create_resources(bool reset)
downsample_effect->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS);
bloom_effect->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS);
+ bloom_effect->add_uniform("TargetDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_TARGET_DIMS);
post_effect->add_uniform("SourceDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SOURCE_DIMS);
- post_effect->add_uniform("SourceRect", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SOURCE_RECT);
post_effect->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS);
- post_effect->add_uniform("VignettingAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_VIGNETTING);
- post_effect->add_uniform("CurvatureAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_CURVATURE);
- post_effect->add_uniform("RoundCornerAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_ROUND_CORNER);
- post_effect->add_uniform("ReflectionAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_REFLECTION);
+ post_effect->add_uniform("TargetDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_TARGET_DIMS);
post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowAlpha", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_ALPHA);
post_effect->add_uniform("ShadowCount", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_POST_SHADOW_COUNT);
@@ -1100,9 +1098,19 @@ int shaders::create_resources(bool reset)
post_effect->add_uniform("Power", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_POST_POWER);
post_effect->add_uniform("Floor", uniform::UT_VEC3, uniform::CU_POST_FLOOR);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("TargetDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_TARGET_DIMS);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("QuadDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_QUAD_DIMS);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("VignettingAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_VIGNETTING);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("CurvatureAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_CURVATURE);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("RoundCornerAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_ROUND_CORNER);
+ distortion_effect->add_uniform("ReflectionAmount", uniform::UT_FLOAT, uniform::CU_POST_REFLECTION);
vector_effect->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS);
default_effect->add_uniform("ScreenDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_SCREEN_DIMS);
+ default_effect->add_uniform("TargetDims", uniform::UT_VEC2, uniform::CU_TARGET_DIMS);
initialized = true;
@@ -1125,6 +1133,7 @@ void shaders::begin_draw()
+ distortion_effect->set_technique("DistortionTechnique");
@@ -1187,14 +1196,14 @@ void shaders::blit(
for (UINT pass = 0; pass < num_passes; pass++)
// add the primitives
result = (*d3dintf->device.draw_primitive)(d3d->get_device(), prim_type, prim_index, prim_count);
- if (result != D3D_OK)
+ if (result != D3D_OK)
osd_printf_verbose("Direct3D: Error %08X during device draw_primitive call\n", (int)result);
@@ -1311,7 +1320,7 @@ int shaders::ntsc_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int
// Convert our signal into YIQ
curr_effect = yiq_encode_effect;
// initial "Diffuse" texture is set in shaders::set_texture()
next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
@@ -1325,7 +1334,7 @@ int shaders::ntsc_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int
next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
blit(rt->native_target[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2);
color_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->native_texture[next_index]);
return next_index;
@@ -1337,7 +1346,7 @@ int shaders::color_convolution_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_in
curr_effect = color_effect;
// initial "Diffuse" texture is set in shaders::set_texture() or the result of shaders::ntsc_pass()
next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
@@ -1380,9 +1389,9 @@ int shaders::defocus_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly,
float defocus_x = options->defocus[0];
float defocus_y = options->defocus[1];
- bool focus_enable = defocus_x != 0.0f || defocus_y != 0.0f;
- if (!focus_enable)
+ // skip defocus if no influencing settings
+ if (defocus_x == 0.0f && defocus_y == 0.0f)
return next_index;
@@ -1409,7 +1418,7 @@ int shaders::phosphor_pass(render_target *rt, cache_target *ct, int source_index
next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
blit(rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, 0, 2);
// Pass along our phosphor'd screen
curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->prescale_texture[next_index]);
@@ -1428,53 +1437,26 @@ int shaders::post_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int
texture_info *texture = poly->get_texture();
- bool prepare_vector =
+ bool prepare_vector =
PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTORBUF(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable;
- float prescale[2] = {
- prepare_vector ? 1.0f : (float)hlsl_prescale_x,
- prepare_vector ? 1.0f : (float)hlsl_prescale_y };
- float target_dims[2] = {
- poly->get_prim_width(),
- poly->get_prim_height() };
bool orientation_swap_xy =
(d3d->window().machine().system().flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) == ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY;
bool rotation_swap_xy =
(d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT90) == ROT90 ||
(d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT270) == ROT270;
curr_effect = post_effect;
curr_effect->set_texture("ShadowTexture", shadow_texture == NULL ? NULL : shadow_texture->get_finaltex());
curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture", rt->prescale_texture[next_index]);
curr_effect->set_float("ScanlineOffset", texture->get_cur_frame() == 0 ? 0.0f : options->scanline_offset);
- curr_effect->set_vector("Prescale", 2, prescale);
- curr_effect->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, target_dims);
curr_effect->set_bool("OrientationSwapXY", orientation_swap_xy);
curr_effect->set_bool("RotationSwapXY", rotation_swap_xy);
curr_effect->set_bool("PrepareBloom", prepare_bloom);
curr_effect->set_bool("PrepareVector", prepare_vector);
- if (prepare_vector)
- {
- int texture_width = 0;
- int texture_height = 0;
- texture_info::compute_size_subroutine(d3d->get_texture_manager(), (int)target_dims[0], (int)target_dims[1], &texture_width, &texture_height);
- float source_dims[2] = { (float)texture_width, (float)texture_height };
- float source_rect[2] = { target_dims[0] / texture_width , target_dims[1] / texture_height };
- // override uniforms
- curr_effect->set_vector("SourceDims", 2, source_dims);
- curr_effect->set_vector("SourceRect", 2, source_rect);
- }
- d3d->set_wrap(D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR);
next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
blit(prepare_bloom ? rt->native_target[next_index] : rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
- d3d->set_wrap(PRIMFLAG_GET_TEXWRAP(poly->get_texture()->get_flags()) ? D3DTADDRESS_WRAP : D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP);
return next_index;
@@ -1483,35 +1465,45 @@ int shaders::downsample_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *pol
int next_index = source_index;
- bool prepare_vector =
+ bool prepare_vector =
PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTORBUF(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable;
- float prescale[2] = {
- prepare_vector ? 1.0f : (float)hlsl_prescale_x, // no prescale for vector
- prepare_vector ? 1.0f : (float)hlsl_prescale_y }; // full prescale for raster
+ float bloom_rescale = prepare_vector
+ ? options->vector_bloom_scale
+ : options->raster_bloom_scale;
+ // skip downsample if no influencing settings
+ if (bloom_rescale == 0.0f)
+ {
+ return next_index;
+ }
curr_effect = downsample_effect;
- curr_effect->set_vector("Prescale", 2, prescale);
+ curr_effect->set_bool("PrepareVector", prepare_vector);
- float bloom_size = (d3d->get_width() < d3d->get_height()) ? d3d->get_width() : d3d->get_height();
int bloom_index = 0;
- float bloom_width = rt->target_width;
- float bloom_height = rt->target_height;
+ float bloom_size = (d3d->get_width() < d3d->get_height()) ? d3d->get_width() : d3d->get_height();
+ float bloom_width = prepare_vector ? rt->target_width : rt->target_width / hlsl_prescale_x;
+ float bloom_height = prepare_vector ? rt->target_height : rt->target_height / hlsl_prescale_y;
for (; bloom_size >= 2.0f && bloom_index < 11; bloom_size *= 0.5f)
- bloom_dims[bloom_index][0] = bloom_width;
- bloom_dims[bloom_index][1] = bloom_height;
+ bloom_dims[bloom_index][0] = (float)(int)bloom_width;
+ bloom_dims[bloom_index][1] = (float)(int)bloom_height;
- curr_effect->set_vector("TargetSize", 2, bloom_dims[bloom_index]);
- curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture", (bloom_index == 0) ? rt->native_texture[next_index] : rt->bloom_texture[bloom_index - 1]);
+ curr_effect->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, bloom_dims[bloom_index]);
+ curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture",
+ bloom_index == 0
+ ? rt->native_texture[next_index]
+ : rt->bloom_texture[bloom_index - 1]);
blit(rt->bloom_target[bloom_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
- bloom_index++;
bloom_width *= 0.5f;
bloom_height *= 0.5f;
+ bloom_index++;
bloom_count = bloom_index;
return next_index;
@@ -1521,17 +1513,20 @@ int shaders::bloom_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, in
int next_index = source_index;
- bool prepare_vector = PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTORBUF(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable;
- float prescale[2] = {
- prepare_vector ? 1.0f : (float)hlsl_prescale_x / 2.0f, // no prescale for vector
- prepare_vector ? 1.0f : (float)hlsl_prescale_y / 2.0f }; // half prescale for raster
+ bool prepare_vector =
+ PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTORBUF(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable;
float bloom_rescale = prepare_vector
- ? options->vector_bloom_scale
+ ? options->vector_bloom_scale
: options->raster_bloom_scale;
+ // skip bloom if no influencing settings
+ if (bloom_rescale == 0.0f)
+ {
+ return next_index;
+ }
curr_effect = bloom_effect;
- curr_effect->set_vector("Prescale", 2, prescale);
float weight0123[4] = {
@@ -1545,7 +1540,7 @@ int shaders::bloom_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, in
options->bloom_level6_weight * bloom_rescale,
options->bloom_level7_weight * bloom_rescale
- float weight89A[3] = {
+ float weight89A[3] = {
options->bloom_level8_weight * bloom_rescale,
options->bloom_level9_weight * bloom_rescale,
options->bloom_level10_weight * bloom_rescale
@@ -1580,8 +1575,102 @@ int shaders::bloom_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, in
return next_index;
+int shaders::distortion_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
+ int next_index = source_index;
+ int screen_count = d3d->window().target()->current_view()->screens().count();
+ // todo: currently only one screen is supported
+ if (screen_count > 1)
+ {
+ return next_index;
+ }
+ render_bounds bounds = d3d->window().target()->current_view()->bounds();
+ render_bounds screen_bounds = d3d->window().target()->current_view()->screen_bounds();
+ // todo: cuccently artworks are not supported
+ if (bounds.x0 != screen_bounds.x0 ||
+ bounds.y0 != screen_bounds.y0 ||
+ bounds.x1 != screen_bounds.x1 ||
+ bounds.y1 != screen_bounds.y1)
+ {
+ return next_index;
+ }
+ // skip distortion if no influencing settings
+ if (options->reflection == 0 &&
+ options->vignetting == 0 &&
+ options->curvature == 0 &&
+ options->round_corner == 0)
+ {
+ return next_index;
+ }
+ bool orientation_swap_xy =
+ (d3d->window().machine().system().flags & ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY) == ORIENTATION_SWAP_XY;
+ bool rotation_swap_xy =
+ (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT90) == ROT90 ||
+ (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT270) == ROT270;
+ int rotation_type =
+ (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT90) == ROT90
+ ? 1
+ : (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT180) == ROT180
+ ? 2
+ : (d3d->window().target()->orientation() & ROT270) == ROT270
+ ? 3
+ : 0;
+ curr_effect = distortion_effect;
+ curr_effect->update_uniforms();
+ curr_effect->set_texture("DiffuseTexture", rt->prescale_texture[next_index]);
+ curr_effect->set_bool("OrientationSwapXY", orientation_swap_xy);
+ curr_effect->set_bool("RotationSwapXY", rotation_swap_xy);
+ curr_effect->set_int("RotationType", rotation_type);
+ next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
+ blit(rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
+ return next_index;
+int shaders::vector_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
+ int next_index = source_index;
+ float time_params[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
+ float length_params[3] = { poly->get_line_length(), options->vector_length_scale, options->vector_length_ratio };
+ curr_effect = vector_effect;
+ curr_effect->update_uniforms();
+ curr_effect->set_vector("TimeParams", 2, time_params);
+ curr_effect->set_vector("LengthParams", 3, length_params);
+ blit(rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
+ return next_index;
+int shaders::vector_buffer_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
+ int next_index = source_index;
+ curr_effect = default_effect;
+ curr_effect->update_uniforms();
+ curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->prescale_texture[next_index]);
+ curr_effect->set_bool("PostPass", true);
+ curr_effect->set_float("Brighten", 1.0f);
+ next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
+ blit(rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
+ return next_index;
int shaders::screen_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
int next_index = source_index;
bool prepare_vector = PRIMFLAG_GET_VECTORBUF(poly->get_flags()) && vector_enable;
@@ -1611,6 +1700,16 @@ int shaders::screen_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, i
return next_index;
+void shaders::menu_pass(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
+ curr_effect = default_effect;
+ curr_effect->update_uniforms();
+ curr_effect->set_bool("PostPass", false);
+ curr_effect->set_float("Brighten", 0.0f);
+ blit(NULL, false, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
// shaders::render_quad
@@ -1624,6 +1723,7 @@ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
curr_texture = poly->get_texture();
+ curr_poly = poly;
if (PRIMFLAG_GET_SCREENTEX(d3d->get_last_texture_flags()) && curr_texture != NULL)
@@ -1657,8 +1757,12 @@ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
next_index = post_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum, false);
next_index = bloom_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
+ next_index = distortion_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
// render on screen
+ d3d->set_wrap(D3DTADDRESS_MIRROR);
next_index = screen_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
+ d3d->set_wrap(PRIMFLAG_GET_TEXWRAP(poly->get_texture()->get_flags()) ? D3DTADDRESS_WRAP : D3DTADDRESS_CLAMP);
@@ -1679,15 +1783,7 @@ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
int next_index = 0;
- float time_params[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
- float length_params[3] = { poly->get_line_length(), options->vector_length_scale, options->vector_length_ratio };
- curr_effect = vector_effect;
- curr_effect->update_uniforms();
- curr_effect->set_vector("TimeParams", 2, time_params);
- curr_effect->set_vector("LengthParams", 3, length_params);
- blit(rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
+ next_index = vector_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.set_render_target)(d3d->get_device(), 0, backbuffer);
if (result != D3D_OK)
@@ -1704,21 +1800,13 @@ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
cache_target *ct = find_cache_target(rt->screen_index, rt->width, rt->height);
int next_index = 0;
- curr_effect = default_effect;
- curr_effect->update_uniforms();
- curr_effect->set_texture("Diffuse", rt->prescale_texture[next_index]);
- curr_effect->set_bool("PostPass", true);
- curr_effect->set_float("Brighten", 1.0f);
- next_index = rt->next_index(next_index);
- blit(rt->prescale_target[next_index], true, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
+ next_index = vector_buffer_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
+ next_index = defocus_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
next_index = phosphor_pass(rt, ct, next_index, poly, vertnum);
// create bloom textures
@@ -1731,6 +1819,8 @@ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
next_index = post_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum, false);
next_index = bloom_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
+ next_index = distortion_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
// render on screen
next_index = screen_pass(rt, next_index, poly, vertnum);
@@ -1744,16 +1834,12 @@ void shaders::render_quad(poly_info *poly, int vertnum)
- curr_effect = default_effect;
- curr_effect->update_uniforms();
- curr_effect->set_bool("PostPass", false);
- curr_effect->set_float("Brighten", 0.0f);
- blit(NULL, false, poly->get_type(), vertnum, poly->get_count());
+ menu_pass(poly, vertnum);
curr_render_target = NULL;
curr_texture = NULL;
+ curr_poly = NULL;
@@ -2040,6 +2126,11 @@ void shaders::delete_resources(bool reset)
delete post_effect;
post_effect = NULL;
+ if (distortion_effect != NULL)
+ {
+ delete distortion_effect;
+ distortion_effect = NULL;
+ }
if (prescale_effect != NULL)
delete prescale_effect;
@@ -2151,9 +2242,9 @@ static void get_vector(const char *data, int count, float *out, int report_error
- slider_alloc - allocate a new slider entry
- currently duplicated from ui.c, this could
- be done in a more ideal way.
+ slider_alloc - allocate a new slider entry
+ currently duplicated from ui.c, this could
+ be done in a more ideal way.
static slider_state *slider_alloc(running_machine &machine, const char *title, INT32 minval, INT32 defval, INT32 maxval, INT32 incval, slider_update update, void *arg)
@@ -2187,7 +2278,7 @@ static INT32 slider_set(float *option, float scale, const char *fmt, std::string
strprintf(*str, fmt, *option);
return floor(*option / scale + 0.5f);
@@ -2202,13 +2293,13 @@ static INT32 slider_shadow_mask_x_count(running_machine &machine, void *arg, std
if (newval != SLIDER_NOCHANGE)
options->shadow_mask_count_x = newval;
- }
+ }
if (str != NULL)
strprintf(*str, "%d", options->shadow_mask_count_x);
options->params_dirty = true;
return options->shadow_mask_count_x;
@@ -2224,7 +2315,7 @@ static INT32 slider_shadow_mask_y_count(running_machine &machine, void *arg, std
strprintf(*str, "%d", options->shadow_mask_count_y);
options->params_dirty = true;
return options->shadow_mask_count_y;
@@ -2643,77 +2734,77 @@ static INT32 slider_bloom_lvl10_scale(running_machine &machine, void *arg, std::
shaders::slider_desc shaders::s_sliders[] =
- { "Shadow Mask Darkness", 0, 0, 100, 1, slider_shadow_mask_alpha },
- { "Shadow Mask X Count", 1, 6, 1024, 1, slider_shadow_mask_x_count },
- { "Shadow Mask Y Count", 1, 6, 1024, 1, slider_shadow_mask_y_count },
- { "Shadow Mask Pixel Count X", 1, 6, 64, 1, slider_shadow_mask_usize },
- { "Shadow Mask Pixel Count Y", 1, 6, 64, 1, slider_shadow_mask_vsize },
- { "Shadow Mask Offset X", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_shadow_mask_uoffset },
- { "Shadow Mask Offset Y", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_shadow_mask_voffset },
- { "Screen Curvature", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_curvature },
- { "Screen Round Corner", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_round_corner },
- { "Screen Reflection", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_reflection },
- { "Image Vignetting", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_vignetting },
- { "Scanline Darkness", 0, 100, 100, 1, slider_scanline_alpha },
- { "Scanline Screen Height", 1, 20, 80, 1, slider_scanline_scale },
- { "Scanline Indiv. Height", 1, 20, 80, 1, slider_scanline_height },
- { "Scanline Brightness", 0, 20, 40, 1, slider_scanline_bright_scale },
- { "Scanline Brightness Overdrive", 0, 0, 20, 1, slider_scanline_bright_offset },
- { "Scanline Jitter", 0, 0, 40, 1, slider_scanline_offset },
- { "Defocus X", 0, 0, 64, 1, slider_defocus_x },
- { "Defocus Y", 0, 0, 64, 1, slider_defocus_y },
- { "Red Position Offset X", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_red_converge_x },
- { "Red Position Offset Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_red_converge_y },
- { "Green Position Offset X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_green_converge_x },
- { "Green Position Offset Y", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_green_converge_y },
- { "Blue Position Offset X", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_blue_converge_x },
- { "Blue Position Offset Y", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_blue_converge_y },
- { "Red Convergence X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_red_radial_converge_x },
- { "Red Convergence Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_red_radial_converge_y },
- { "Green Convergence X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_green_radial_converge_x },
- { "Green Convergence Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_green_radial_converge_y },
- { "Blue Convergence X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_blue_radial_converge_x },
- { "Blue Convergence Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_blue_radial_converge_y },
- { "Red Output from Red Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_red_from_r },
- { "Red Output from Green Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_red_from_g },
- { "Red Output from Blue Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_red_from_b },
- { "Green Output from Red Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_green_from_r },
- { "Green Output from Green Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_green_from_g },
- { "Green Output from Blue Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_green_from_b },
- { "Blue Output from Red Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_blue_from_r },
- { "Blue Output from Green Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_blue_from_g },
- { "Blue Output from Blue Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_blue_from_b },
- { "Saturation", 0, 140, 400, 1, slider_saturation },
- { "Red DC Offset", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_red_offset },
- { "Green DC Offset", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_green_offset },
- { "Blue DC Offset", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_blue_offset },
- { "Red Scale", -200, 95, 200, 1, slider_red_scale },
- { "Green Scale", -200, 95, 200, 1, slider_green_scale },
- { "Blue Scale", -200, 95, 200, 1, slider_blue_scale },
- { "Red Gamma", -80, 16, 80, 1, slider_red_power },
- { "Green Gamma", -80, 16, 80, 1, slider_green_power },
- { "Blue Gamma", -80, 16, 80, 1, slider_blue_power },
- { "Red Floor", 0, 5, 100, 1, slider_red_floor },
- { "Green Floor", 0, 5, 100, 1, slider_green_floor },
- { "Blue Floor", 0, 5, 100, 1, slider_blue_floor },
- { "Red Phosphor Life", 0, 40, 100, 1, slider_red_phosphor_life },
- { "Green Phosphor Life", 0, 40, 100, 1, slider_green_phosphor_life },
- { "Blue Phosphor Life", 0, 40, 100, 1, slider_blue_phosphor_life },
- { "Vector Length Attenuation", 0, 80, 100, 1, slider_vector_attenuation },
- { "Vector Attenuation Length Limit", 1, 500, 1000, 1, slider_vector_length_max },
- { "Vector Bloom Scale", 0, 300, 1000, 5, slider_vector_bloom_scale },
- { "Raster Bloom Scale", 0, 225, 1000, 5, slider_raster_bloom_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 0 Scale", 0, 100, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl0_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 1 Scale", 0, 21, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl1_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 2 Scale", 0, 19, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl2_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 3 Scale", 0, 17, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl3_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 4 Scale", 0, 15, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl4_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 5 Scale", 0, 14, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl5_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 6 Scale", 0, 13, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl6_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 7 Scale", 0, 12, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl7_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 8 Scale", 0, 11, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl8_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 9 Scale", 0, 10, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl9_scale },
- { "Bloom Level 10 Scale", 0, 9, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl10_scale },
+ { "Shadow Mask Darkness", 0, 0, 100, 1, slider_shadow_mask_alpha },
+ { "Shadow Mask X Count", 1, 6, 1024, 1, slider_shadow_mask_x_count },
+ { "Shadow Mask Y Count", 1, 6, 1024, 1, slider_shadow_mask_y_count },
+ { "Shadow Mask Pixel Count X", 1, 6, 64, 1, slider_shadow_mask_usize },
+ { "Shadow Mask Pixel Count Y", 1, 6, 64, 1, slider_shadow_mask_vsize },
+ { "Shadow Mask Offset X", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_shadow_mask_uoffset },
+ { "Shadow Mask Offset Y", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_shadow_mask_voffset },
+ { "Screen Curvature", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_curvature },
+ { "Screen Round Corner", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_round_corner },
+ { "Screen Reflection", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_reflection },
+ { "Image Vignetting", 0, 3, 100, 1, slider_vignetting },
+ { "Scanline Darkness", 0, 100, 100, 1, slider_scanline_alpha },
+ { "Scanline Screen Height", 1, 20, 80, 1, slider_scanline_scale },
+ { "Scanline Indiv. Height", 1, 20, 80, 1, slider_scanline_height },
+ { "Scanline Brightness", 0, 20, 40, 1, slider_scanline_bright_scale },
+ { "Scanline Brightness Overdrive", 0, 0, 20, 1, slider_scanline_bright_offset },
+ { "Scanline Jitter", 0, 0, 40, 1, slider_scanline_offset },
+ { "Defocus X", 0, 0, 64, 1, slider_defocus_x },
+ { "Defocus Y", 0, 0, 64, 1, slider_defocus_y },
+ { "Red Position Offset X", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_red_converge_x },
+ { "Red Position Offset Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_red_converge_y },
+ { "Green Position Offset X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_green_converge_x },
+ { "Green Position Offset Y", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_green_converge_y },
+ { "Blue Position Offset X", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_blue_converge_x },
+ { "Blue Position Offset Y", -1500, 3, 1500, 1, slider_blue_converge_y },
+ { "Red Convergence X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_red_radial_converge_x },
+ { "Red Convergence Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_red_radial_converge_y },
+ { "Green Convergence X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_green_radial_converge_x },
+ { "Green Convergence Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_green_radial_converge_y },
+ { "Blue Convergence X", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_blue_radial_converge_x },
+ { "Blue Convergence Y", -1500, 0, 1500, 1, slider_blue_radial_converge_y },
+ { "Red Output from Red Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_red_from_r },
+ { "Red Output from Green Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_red_from_g },
+ { "Red Output from Blue Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_red_from_b },
+ { "Green Output from Red Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_green_from_r },
+ { "Green Output from Green Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_green_from_g },
+ { "Green Output from Blue Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_green_from_b },
+ { "Blue Output from Red Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_blue_from_r },
+ { "Blue Output from Green Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_blue_from_g },
+ { "Blue Output from Blue Input", -400, 0, 400, 5, slider_blue_from_b },
+ { "Saturation", 0, 140, 400, 1, slider_saturation },
+ { "Red DC Offset", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_red_offset },
+ { "Green DC Offset", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_green_offset },
+ { "Blue DC Offset", -100, 0, 100, 1, slider_blue_offset },
+ { "Red Scale", -200, 95, 200, 1, slider_red_scale },
+ { "Green Scale", -200, 95, 200, 1, slider_green_scale },
+ { "Blue Scale", -200, 95, 200, 1, slider_blue_scale },
+ { "Red Gamma", -80, 16, 80, 1, slider_red_power },
+ { "Green Gamma", -80, 16, 80, 1, slider_green_power },
+ { "Blue Gamma", -80, 16, 80, 1, slider_blue_power },
+ { "Red Floor", 0, 5, 100, 1, slider_red_floor },
+ { "Green Floor", 0, 5, 100, 1, slider_green_floor },
+ { "Blue Floor", 0, 5, 100, 1, slider_blue_floor },
+ { "Red Phosphor Life", 0, 40, 100, 1, slider_red_phosphor_life },
+ { "Green Phosphor Life", 0, 40, 100, 1, slider_green_phosphor_life },
+ { "Blue Phosphor Life", 0, 40, 100, 1, slider_blue_phosphor_life },
+ { "Vector Length Attenuation", 0, 80, 100, 1, slider_vector_attenuation },
+ { "Vector Attenuation Length Limit", 1, 500, 1000, 1, slider_vector_length_max },
+ { "Vector Bloom Scale", 0, 300, 1000, 5, slider_vector_bloom_scale },
+ { "Raster Bloom Scale", 0, 225, 1000, 5, slider_raster_bloom_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 0 Scale", 0, 100, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl0_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 1 Scale", 0, 21, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl1_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 2 Scale", 0, 19, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl2_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 3 Scale", 0, 17, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl3_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 4 Scale", 0, 15, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl4_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 5 Scale", 0, 14, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl5_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 6 Scale", 0, 13, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl6_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 7 Scale", 0, 12, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl7_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 8 Scale", 0, 11, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl8_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 9 Scale", 0, 10, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl9_scale },
+ { "Bloom Level 10 Scale", 0, 9, 100, 1, slider_bloom_lvl10_scale },
{ NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, NULL },
@@ -2816,8 +2907,22 @@ void uniform::update()
- float rtsize[2] = { shadersys->curr_render_target->target_width, shadersys->curr_render_target->target_height };
- m_shader->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, rtsize);
+ if (shadersys->curr_render_target == NULL)
+ {
+ float targetdims[2] = { 0.0f, 0.0f };
+ m_shader->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, targetdims);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ float targetdims[2] = { shadersys->curr_render_target->target_width, shadersys->curr_render_target->target_height };
+ m_shader->set_vector("TargetDims", 2, targetdims);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case CU_QUAD_DIMS:
+ {
+ float quaddims[2] = { shadersys->curr_poly->get_prim_width(), shadersys->curr_poly->get_prim_height() };
+ m_shader->set_vector("QuadDims", 2, quaddims);
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.h b/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.h
index 01346371310..9c6fbaec5eb 100644
--- a/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.h
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/d3d/d3dhlsl.h
@@ -45,6 +45,7 @@ public:
@@ -337,7 +338,11 @@ private:
int post_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum, bool prepare_bloom);
int downsample_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
int bloom_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
+ int distortion_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
+ int vector_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
+ int vector_buffer_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
int screen_pass(render_target *rt, int source_index, poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
+ void menu_pass(poly_info *poly, int vertnum);
base * d3dintf; // D3D interface
@@ -400,6 +405,7 @@ private:
effect * default_effect; // pointer to the primary-effect object
effect * prescale_effect; // pointer to the prescale-effect object
effect * post_effect; // pointer to the post-effect object
+ effect * distortion_effect; // pointer to the distortion-effect object
effect * focus_effect; // pointer to the focus-effect object
effect * phosphor_effect; // pointer to the phosphor-effect object
effect * deconverge_effect; // pointer to the deconvergence-effect object
@@ -413,6 +419,7 @@ private:
texture_info * curr_texture;
render_target * curr_render_target;
+ poly_info * curr_poly;
render_target * targethead;
diff --git a/src/osd/modules/render/drawd3d.c b/src/osd/modules/render/drawd3d.c
index caeee46ada9..2beeb16b663 100644
--- a/src/osd/modules/render/drawd3d.c
+++ b/src/osd/modules/render/drawd3d.c
@@ -2757,26 +2757,30 @@ cache_target::~cache_target()
bool cache_target::init(renderer *d3d, base *d3dintf, int width, int height, int prescale_x, int prescale_y)
- int bloom_size = (width < height) ? width : height;
int bloom_index = 0;
+ int bloom_size = (width < height) ? width : height;
int bloom_width = width;
int bloom_height = height;
for (; bloom_size >= 2 && bloom_index < 11; bloom_size >>= 1)
bloom_width >>= 1;
bloom_height >>= 1;
HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), bloom_width, bloom_height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &bloom_texture[bloom_index]);
if (result != D3D_OK)
return false;
(*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(bloom_texture[bloom_index], 0, &bloom_target[bloom_index]);
HRESULT result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), width * prescale_x, height * prescale_y, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &last_texture);
if (result != D3D_OK)
+ {
return false;
+ }
(*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(last_texture, 0, &last_target);
target_width = width * prescale_x;
@@ -2804,8 +2808,8 @@ render_target::~render_target()
bloom_target[index] = NULL;
- }
+ }
for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++)
if (native_texture[index] != NULL)
@@ -2837,34 +2841,42 @@ render_target::~render_target()
bool render_target::init(renderer *d3d, base *d3dintf, int width, int height, int prescale_x, int prescale_y)
HRESULT result;
for (int index = 0; index < 2; index++)
result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), width, height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &native_texture[index]);
if (result != D3D_OK)
+ {
return false;
+ }
(*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(native_texture[index], 0, &native_target[index]);
result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), width * prescale_x, height * prescale_y, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &prescale_texture[index]);
if (result != D3D_OK)
+ {
return false;
+ }
(*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(prescale_texture[index], 0, &prescale_target[index]);
- float bloom_size = (d3d->get_width() < d3d->get_height()) ? d3d->get_width() : d3d->get_height();
int bloom_index = 0;
+ float bloom_size = (d3d->get_width() < d3d->get_height()) ? d3d->get_width() : d3d->get_height();
float bloom_width = d3d->get_width();
float bloom_height = d3d->get_height();
for (; bloom_size >= 2.0f && bloom_index < 11; bloom_size *= 0.5f)
bloom_width *= 0.5f;
bloom_height *= 0.5f;
result = (*d3dintf->device.create_texture)(d3d->get_device(), (int)bloom_width, (int)bloom_height, 1, D3DUSAGE_RENDERTARGET, D3DFMT_A8R8G8B8, D3DPOOL_DEFAULT, &bloom_texture[bloom_index]);
if (result != D3D_OK)
+ {
return false;
+ }
(*d3dintf->texture.get_surface_level)(bloom_texture[bloom_index], 0, &bloom_target[bloom_index]);