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22 files changed, 284 insertions, 284 deletions
diff --git a/src/emu/cpu/dsp56k/dsp56dsm.c b/src/emu/cpu/dsp56k/dsp56dsm.c
index 58708db4d6e..1a98d2a4a57 100644
--- a/src/emu/cpu/dsp56k/dsp56dsm.c
+++ b/src/emu/cpu/dsp56k/dsp56dsm.c
@@ -8,17 +8,17 @@
-*** There seems to be a disagreement in dasm with bytes like this : 0500 0307
- On one hand, you can dasm it like this : add Y1,A X:(R2+00),Y0
- On the other, you can dasm it like this : move(m) P:(R2+00),B0
- The interesting doc pages for this are the following : move(m) . A-155
- mem move + short displacement . A-139
- add . A-23
- (POSSIBILITY : Maybe Add can't have a mem move + short displacement parallel move?)
- (CURRENT SOLUTION : I'm completely ignoring mem move + short displacements for now)
-*** This disassembler has been 75% tested. There may remain some bugs, but it disassembles
- Polygonet Commanders' memtest code 100% accurate (to my knowledge).
+*** There seems to be a disagreement in dasm with bytes like this : 0500 0307
+ On one hand, you can dasm it like this : add Y1,A X:(R2+00),Y0
+ On the other, you can dasm it like this : move(m) P:(R2+00),B0
+ The interesting doc pages for this are the following : move(m) . A-155
+ mem move + short displacement . A-139
+ add . A-23
+ (POSSIBILITY : Maybe Add can't have a mem move + short displacement parallel move?)
+ (CURRENT SOLUTION : I'm completely ignoring mem move + short displacements for now)
+*** This disassembler has been 75% tested. There may remain some bugs, but it disassembles
+ Polygonet Commanders' memtest code 100% accurate (to my knowledge).
#include "dsp56k.h"
@@ -229,23 +229,23 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
char opcode_str[128] = "";
char parallel_move_str[128] = "";
char parallel_move_str2[128] = "";
const UINT16 op = oprom[0] | (oprom[1] << 8);
const UINT16 op2 = oprom[2] | (oprom[3] << 8);
/* Dual X Memory Data Read : 011m mKKK -rr- ---- : A-142*/
if ((op & 0xe000) == 0x6000)
/* Quote: (MOVE, MAC(R), MPY(R), ADD, SUB, TFR) */
UINT16 op_byte = op & 0x00ff;
/* ADD : 011m mKKK 0rru Fuuu : A-22 */
if ((op & 0xe080) == 0x6000)
size = dsp56k_dasm_add_2(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str);
/* MAC : 011m mKKK 1xx0 F1QQ : A-122 */
- else if ((op & 0xe094) == 0x6084)
+ else if ((op & 0xe094) == 0x6084)
size = dsp56k_dasm_mac_1(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str);
@@ -260,7 +260,7 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_move_1(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str);
/* MPY : 011m mKKK 1xx0 F0QQ : A-160 */
- else if ((op & 0xe094) == 0x6080)
+ else if ((op & 0xe094) == 0x6080)
size = dsp56k_dasm_mpy_1(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str);
@@ -279,7 +279,7 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_tfr_2(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str);
/* Now evaluate the parallel data move */
decode_dual_x_memory_data_read(op, parallel_move_str, parallel_move_str2);
@@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
/* Quote: (MPY or MAC) */
UINT16 op_byte = op & 0x00ff;
/* MPY : 0001 0110 RRDD FQQQ : A-160 */
if ((op & 0xff00) == 0x1600)
@@ -299,7 +299,7 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_mac_2(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str);
/* Now evaluate the parallel data move */
decode_x_memory_data_write_and_register_data_move(op, parallel_move_str, parallel_move_str2);
@@ -310,8 +310,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
/* 32 General parallel move operations */
- enum pType { kNoParallelDataMove,
+ enum pType { kNoParallelDataMove,
@@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
UINT16 op_byte = 0x0000;
char d_register[32] = "";
int parallelType = -1;
/* Note: it's important that NPDM comes before RtRDM here */
/* No Parallel Data Move : 0100 1010 ---- ---- : A-131 */
if ((op & 0xff00) == 0x4a00)
@@ -361,13 +361,13 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
/* parallelType = kXMemoryDataMoveWithDisp; */
if (parallelType != -1)
/* Note: There is much overlap between opcodes down here */
/* To this end, certain ops must come before others in the list */
/* CLR : .... .... 0000 F001 : A-60 */
if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0001)
@@ -378,8 +378,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_add(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* MOVE : .... .... 0001 0001 : A-128 */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00ff) == 0x0011)
@@ -390,8 +390,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_tfr(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* RND : .... .... 0010 F000 : A-188 */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0020)
@@ -417,8 +417,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_or(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* ASR : .... .... 0011 F000 : A-32 */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0030)
@@ -444,8 +444,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_eor(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* SUBL : .... .... 0100 F001 : A-204 */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0041)
@@ -456,8 +456,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_sub(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* CLR24 : .... .... 0101 F001 : A-62 */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0051)
@@ -473,8 +473,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_cmp(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* NEG : .... .... 0110 F000 : A-166 */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0060)
@@ -500,8 +500,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_and(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* ABS : .... .... 0111 F001 : A-18 */
if ((op_byte & 0x00f7) == 0x0071)
@@ -522,8 +522,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_cmpm(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* MPY : .... .... 1k00 FQQQ : A-160 -- CONFIRMED TYPO IN DOCS (HHHH vs HHHW) */
else if ((op_byte & 0x00b0) == 0x0080)
@@ -544,8 +544,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_macr(op_byte, opcode_str, arg_str, d_register);
/* Now evaluate the parallel data move */
switch (parallelType)
@@ -569,14 +569,14 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
decode_x_memory_data_move2(op, parallel_move_str, d_register);
size = 1;
- case kXMemoryDataMoveWithDisp:
+ case kXMemoryDataMoveWithDisp:
decode_x_memory_data_move_with_short_displacement(op, op2, parallel_move_str);
size = 2;
/* Assemble and return parallel move operation */
if (size > 0)
@@ -589,15 +589,15 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
sprintf(space, " ");
sprintf(buffer, "%s%s%s%s%s", opcode_str, arg_str, parallel_move_str, space, parallel_move_str2);
return (size | DASMFLAG_SUPPORTED);
/* Remaining non-parallel ops */
/* ADC : 0001 0101 0000 F01J : A-20 */
if ((op & 0xfff6) == 0x1502)
@@ -1060,8 +1060,8 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
size = dsp56k_dasm_zero(op, opcode_str, arg_str);
/* Assemble opcode string buffer */
if (size >= 1)
@@ -1074,7 +1074,7 @@ offs_t dsp56k_dasm(char *buffer, offs_t pc, const UINT8 *oprom, const UINT8 *opr
sprintf(buffer, "unknown");
size = 1;
return (size | DASMFLAG_SUPPORTED);
@@ -1188,16 +1188,16 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_tfr_2(const UINT16 op_byte, char* opcode_str, char* ar
/* MPY : 0001 0110 RRDD FQQQ : A-160 */
static size_t dsp56k_dasm_mpy_2(const UINT16 op_byte, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
-/* TODO
- // MPY - 0001 0110 RRDD FQQQ
- decode_k_table(BITS(op,0x0100), Dnot);
- Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x00c0));
- decode_DD_table(BITS(op,0x0030), S);
- decode_QQQF_table(BITS(op,0x0007), BITS(op,0x0008), S1, S2, D);
- sprintf(buffer, "mpy %s,%s,%s %s,(R%d)+N%d %s,%s", S1, S2, D, Dnot, Rnum, Rnum, S, Dnot);
- // Strange, but not entirely out of the question - this 'k' parameter is hardcoded
- // I cheat here and do the parallel memory data move above - this specific one is only used twice
- retSize = 1;
+/* TODO
+ // MPY - 0001 0110 RRDD FQQQ
+ decode_k_table(BITS(op,0x0100), Dnot);
+ Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x00c0));
+ decode_DD_table(BITS(op,0x0030), S);
+ decode_QQQF_table(BITS(op,0x0007), BITS(op,0x0008), S1, S2, D);
+ sprintf(buffer, "mpy %s,%s,%s %s,(R%d)+N%d %s,%s", S1, S2, D, Dnot, Rnum, Rnum, S, Dnot);
+ // Strange, but not entirely out of the question - this 'k' parameter is hardcoded
+ // I cheat here and do the parallel memory data move above - this specific one is only used twice
+ retSize = 1;
return 0;
@@ -1205,16 +1205,16 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_mpy_2(const UINT16 op_byte, char* opcode_str, char* ar
/* MAC : 0001 0111 RRDD FQQQ : A-122 */
static size_t dsp56k_dasm_mac_2(const UINT16 op_byte, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
-/* TODO
- // MAC - 0001 0111 RRDD FQQQ
- decode_k_table(BITS(op,0x0100), Dnot);
- Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x00c0));
- decode_DD_table(BITS(op,0x0030), S);
- decode_QQQF_table(BITS(op,0x0007), BITS(op,0x0008), S1, S2, D);
- sprintf(buffer, "mac %s,%s,%s %s,(R%d)+N%d %s,%s", S1, S2, D, Dnot, Rnum, Rnum, S, Dnot);
- // Strange, but not entirely out of the question - this 'k' parameter is hardcoded
- // I cheat here and do the parallel memory data move above - this specific one is only used twice
- retSize = 1;
+/* TODO
+ // MAC - 0001 0111 RRDD FQQQ
+ decode_k_table(BITS(op,0x0100), Dnot);
+ Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x00c0));
+ decode_DD_table(BITS(op,0x0030), S);
+ decode_QQQF_table(BITS(op,0x0007), BITS(op,0x0008), S1, S2, D);
+ sprintf(buffer, "mac %s,%s,%s %s,(R%d)+N%d %s,%s", S1, S2, D, Dnot, Rnum, Rnum, S, Dnot);
+ // Strange, but not entirely out of the question - this 'k' parameter is hardcoded
+ // I cheat here and do the parallel memory data move above - this specific one is only used twice
+ retSize = 1;
return 0;
@@ -1619,7 +1619,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_adc(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
decode_JF_table(BITS(op,0x0001), BITS(op,0x0008), S1, D);
sprintf(opcode_str, "adc");
sprintf(arg_str, "%s,%s", S1, D);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* ANDI : 0001 1EE0 iiii iiii : A-26 */
@@ -1629,7 +1629,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_andi(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
decode_EE_table(BITS(op,0x0600), D);
sprintf(opcode_str, "and(i)");
sprintf(arg_str, "#%02x,%s", BITS(op,0x00ff), D);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* ASL4 : 0001 0101 0011 F001 : A-30 */
@@ -1639,7 +1639,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_asl4(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
decode_F_table(BITS(op,0x0008), D);
sprintf(opcode_str, "asl4");
sprintf(arg_str, "%s", D);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* ASR4 : 0001 0101 0011 F000 : A-34 */
@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_asr4(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
decode_F_table(BITS(op,0x0008), D);
sprintf(opcode_str, "asr4");
sprintf(arg_str, "%s", D);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* ASR16 : 0001 0101 0111 F000 : A-36 */
@@ -1659,7 +1659,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_asr16(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str
decode_F_table(BITS(op,0x0008), D);
sprintf(opcode_str, "asr16");
sprintf(arg_str, "%s", D);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* BFCHG : 0001 0100 11Pp pppp BBB1 0010 iiii iiii : A-38 */
@@ -1743,7 +1743,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_bcc_1(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str
relativeInt = get_6_bit_signed_value(BITS(op,0x003f));
sprintf(opcode_str, "b.%s", M);
sprintf(arg_str, "%d (0x%04x)", relativeInt, pc + 1 + relativeInt);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* Bcc : 0000 0111 RR10 cccc : A-48 */
@@ -1755,7 +1755,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_bcc_2(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str
Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x00c0));
sprintf(opcode_str, "b.%s", M);
sprintf(arg_str, "R%d", Rnum);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* BRA : 0000 0001 0011 11-- xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx : A-50 */
@@ -1771,7 +1771,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_bra_1(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str
sprintf(opcode_str, "bra");
sprintf(arg_str, "%d (0x%02x)", (INT8)BITS(op,0x00ff), pc + 1 + (INT8)BITS(op,0x00ff));
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* BRA : 0000 0001 0010 11RR : A-50 */
@@ -1781,7 +1781,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_bra_2(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str
Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x0003));
sprintf(opcode_str, "bra");
sprintf(arg_str, "R%d", Rnum);
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* BRKc : 0000 0001 0001 cccc : A-52 */
@@ -1791,7 +1791,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_brkc(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str)
decode_cccc_table(BITS(op,0x000f), M);
sprintf(opcode_str, "brk.%s", M);
sprintf(arg_str, " ");
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* BScc : 0000 0111 --01 cccc xxxx xxxx xxxx xxxx : A-54 */
@@ -1847,7 +1847,7 @@ static size_t dsp56k_dasm_debug(const UINT16 op, char* opcode_str, char* arg_str
sprintf(opcode_str, "debug");
sprintf(arg_str, " ");
- return 1;
+ return 1;
/* DEBUGcc : 0000 0000 0101 cccc : A-70 */
@@ -2545,12 +2545,12 @@ static void decode_x_memory_data_move(const UINT16 op, char* parallel_move_str)
char SD[32];
char ea[32];
char args[32];
Rnum = decode_RR_table(BITS(op,0x3000));
decode_HHH_table(BITS(op,0x0e00), SD);
assemble_ea_from_m_table(BITS(op,0x4000), Rnum, ea);
assemble_arguments_from_W_table(BITS(op,0x0100), args, 'X', SD, ea);
sprintf(parallel_move_str, "%s", args);
@@ -2560,17 +2560,17 @@ static void decode_x_memory_data_move2(const UINT16 op, char* parallel_move_str,
char SD[32] ;
char args[32] ;
char dest[32] ;
if (d_register[0] == 'B')
sprintf(dest, "(A1)");
else if (d_register[0] == 'A')
sprintf(dest, "(B1)");
sprintf(dest, "(A1)");
decode_HHH_table(BITS(op,0x0e00), SD) ;
assemble_arguments_from_W_table(BITS(op,0x0100), args, 'X', SD, dest) ;
sprintf(parallel_move_str, "%s", args);
@@ -2582,18 +2582,18 @@ static void decode_dual_x_memory_data_read(const UINT16 op, char* parallel_move_
char D2[32] = "";
char ea1[32] = "";
char ea2[32] = "";
Rnum = decode_rr_table(BITS(op,0x0060));
decode_KKK_table(BITS(op,0x0700), D1, D2);
assemble_eas_from_m_table(BITS(op,0x1800), Rnum, 3, ea1, ea2);
/* TODO : The ^F's should likely be replaced */
if (Rnum == -1)
sprintf(ea1, "(!!)!");
sprintf(parallel_move_str, "X:%s,%s", ea1, D1);
sprintf(parallel_move_str2, "X:%s,%s", ea2, D2);
@@ -2603,9 +2603,9 @@ static void decode_register_to_register_data_move(const UINT16 op, char* paralle
char S[32];
char D[32];
decode_IIII_table(BITS(op,0x0f00), S, D);
if (D[0] == '^' && D[1] == 'F')
if (d_register[0] == 'B')
@@ -2615,7 +2615,7 @@ static void decode_register_to_register_data_move(const UINT16 op, char* paralle
sprintf(D, "A");
sprintf(parallel_move_str, "%s,%s", S, D);
@@ -2635,7 +2635,7 @@ static void decode_x_memory_data_write_and_register_data_move(const UINT16 op, c
int Rnum;
char S[32];
char Dnot[32];
/* TODO : Cross-check the Dnot stuff against the MPY & MAC things. */
/* It's likely correct as-is, since the ALU op and this guy probably decode the same bit, */
/* but i may have to pass in d_register just to be sure? */
@@ -2654,7 +2654,7 @@ static void decode_x_memory_data_move_with_short_displacement(const UINT16 op, c
char SD[32];
char args[32];
B = (char)(op & 0x00ff);
decode_HHH_table(BITS(op2,0x0e00), SD);
assemble_reg_from_W_table(BITS(op2,0x0100), args, 'X', SD, B);
@@ -2674,7 +2674,7 @@ static int decode_BBB_table(UINT16 BBB)
case 0x2: return BBB_MIDDLE; break;
case 0x1: return BBB_LOWER ; break;
return BBB_LOWER; /* Not really safe... */
@@ -2721,7 +2721,7 @@ static void decode_DDDDD_table(UINT16 DDDDD, char *SD)
case 0x0d: sprintf(SD, "B1"); break;
case 0x0e: sprintf(SD, "A2"); break;
case 0x0f: sprintf(SD, "B2"); break;
case 0x10: sprintf(SD, "R0"); break;
case 0x11: sprintf(SD, "R1"); break;
case 0x12: sprintf(SD, "R2"); break;
@@ -2755,7 +2755,7 @@ static void decode_DD_table(UINT16 DD, char *SD)
static void decode_DDF_table(UINT16 DD, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (DD << 1) | F;
switch (switchVal)
case 0x0: sprintf(S, "X0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2791,7 +2791,7 @@ static void decode_F_table(UINT16 F, char *SD)
static void decode_h0hF_table(UINT16 h0h, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (h0h << 1) | F;
switch (switchVal)
case 0x8: sprintf(S, "X0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2857,7 +2857,7 @@ static void decode_IIII_table(UINT16 IIII, char *S, char *D)
static void decode_JJJF_table(UINT16 JJJ, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (JJJ << 1) | F;
case 0x0: sprintf(S, "B") ; sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2882,7 +2882,7 @@ static void decode_JJJF_table(UINT16 JJJ, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
static void decode_JJF_table(UINT16 JJ, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (JJ << 1) | F;
switch (switchVal)
case 0x0: sprintf(S, "X0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2899,7 +2899,7 @@ static void decode_JJF_table(UINT16 JJ, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
static void decode_JF_table(UINT16 J, UINT16 F, char *S, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (J << 1) | F;
case 0x0: sprintf(S, "X"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2955,7 +2955,7 @@ static int decode_TT_table(UINT16 TT)
static void decode_QQF_table(UINT16 QQ, UINT16 F, char *S1, char *S2, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (QQ << 1) | F;
case 0x0: sprintf(S1, "X0"); sprintf(S2, "Y0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2972,7 +2972,7 @@ static void decode_QQF_table(UINT16 QQ, UINT16 F, char *S1, char *S2, char *D)
static void decode_QQF_special_table(UINT16 QQ, UINT16 F, char *S1, char *S2, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (QQ << 1) | F;
case 0x0: sprintf(S1, "Y0"); sprintf(S2, "X0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -2989,7 +2989,7 @@ static void decode_QQF_special_table(UINT16 QQ, UINT16 F, char *S1, char *S2, ch
static void decode_QQQF_table(UINT16 QQQ, UINT16 F, char *S1, char *S2, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (QQQ << 1) | F;
case 0x0: sprintf(S1, "X0"); sprintf(S2, "X0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -3047,7 +3047,7 @@ static void decode_ss_table(UINT16 ss, char *arithmetic)
static void decode_uuuuF_table(UINT16 uuuu, UINT16 F, char *arg, char *S, char *D)
UINT16 switchVal = (uuuu << 1) | F;
case 0x00: sprintf(arg, "add"); sprintf(S, "X0"); sprintf(D, "A"); break;
@@ -3149,7 +3149,7 @@ static void assemble_ea_from_z_table(UINT16 z, int n, char *ea)
static void assemble_D_from_P_table(UINT16 P, UINT16 ppppp, char *D)
char fullAddy[128]; /* Convert Short Absolute Address to full 16-bit */
case 0x0: sprintf(D, "X:%02x", ppppp); break;
@@ -3182,7 +3182,7 @@ static void assemble_address_from_IO_short_address(UINT16 pp, char *ea)
UINT16 fullAddy = 0xffe0;
fullAddy |= pp;
sprintf(ea, "%.04x", fullAddy);
@@ -3191,7 +3191,7 @@ static INT8 get_6_bit_signed_value(UINT16 bits)
UINT16 fullAddy = bits;
if (fullAddy & 0x0020)
fullAddy |= 0xffc0;
return (INT8)fullAddy;
@@ -3203,11 +3203,11 @@ static INT8 get_6_bit_signed_value(UINT16 bits)
static UINT16 dsp56k_op_mask(UINT16 cur, UINT16 mask)
int i;
UINT16 retVal = (cur & mask);
UINT16 temp = 0x0000;
int offsetCount = 0;
/* Shift everything right, eliminating 'whitespace'... */
for (i = 0; i < 16; i++)
@@ -3217,7 +3217,7 @@ static UINT16 dsp56k_op_mask(UINT16 cur, UINT16 mask)
return temp;
diff --git a/src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c b/src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c
index a8a868ca587..54f95a4fa09 100644
--- a/src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c
+++ b/src/emu/debug/debugcpu.c
@@ -434,7 +434,7 @@ void debug_cpu_start_hook(running_machine *machine, int cpunum, attotime endtime
global.last_periodic_update_time = osd_ticks();
/* check for pending breaks */
else if (info == global.breakcpu)
@@ -944,13 +944,13 @@ void debug_cpu_halt_on_next_instruction(running_machine *machine, int cpunum, co
debug_cpu_info *info;
va_list arg;
/* pick the best CPU to land on */
if (cpunum != -1)
info = &global.cpuinfo[cpunum];
else if (global.visiblecpu != NULL)
info = global.visiblecpu;
- else
+ else
info = global.livecpu;
/* if something is pending on this CPU already, ignore this request */
diff --git a/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c b/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c
index 401d9763362..c112813968a 100644
--- a/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c
+++ b/src/emu/machine/ldcore.c
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ static const ldplayer_interface *player_interfaces[] =
// &ldp1450_interface,
-// &vp932_interface,
+// &vp932_interface,
@@ -894,7 +894,7 @@ static void read_track_data(laserdisc_state *ld)
UINT32 vbiframe;
UINT32 readhunk;
INT32 chdtrack;
frame = &ldcore->frame[ldcore->videoindex];
/* special cases for playing forward */
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ static void read_track_data(laserdisc_state *ld)
/* if the previous field had a frame number, force the new field to pair with the previous one */
if ((ldcore->metadata[fieldnum ^ 1].line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE)
frame->numfields = 1;
/* if the twice-previous field was a frame number, and we've moved one since then, consider this one done */
else if (frame->numfields >= 2 && (ldcore->metadata[fieldnum].line1718 & VBI_MASK_CAV_PICTURE) == VBI_CODE_CAV_PICTURE)
@@ -912,7 +912,7 @@ static void read_track_data(laserdisc_state *ld)
frame->numfields = 0;
/* all other cases */
diff --git a/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c b/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c
index 34d75e231c8..4b2f638f584 100644
--- a/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c
+++ b/src/emu/machine/ldvp931.c
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
Still to do:
* determine actual slow/fast speeds
- *
+ *
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ static void vp931_init(laserdisc_state *ld)
/* find our CPU */
astring_printf(tempstring, "%s:%s", ld->device->tag, "vp931");
player->cpunum = mame_find_cpu_index(ld->device->machine, astring_c(tempstring));
/* find our timer */
astring_printf(tempstring, "%s:%s", ld->device->tag, "tracktimer");
player->tracktimer = device_list_find_by_tag(ld->device->machine->config->devicelist, TIMER, astring_c(tempstring));
@@ -277,7 +277,7 @@ static void vp931_data_w(laserdisc_state *ld, UINT8 prev, UINT8 data)
static UINT8 vp931_data_r(laserdisc_state *ld)
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* if data is pending, clear the pending flag and notify any callbacks */
if (player->tocontroller_pending)
@@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ static UINT8 vp931_data_r(laserdisc_state *ld)
vp931_ready - return the status of "ready"
- to the caller (ready to accept another
+ to the caller (ready to accept another
@@ -327,17 +327,17 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output0_w )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
- $80 = n/c
- $40 = LED (?) -> C335
- $20 = LED (?)
- $10 = LED (?) -> CX
- $08 = EJECT
- $04 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE II
- $02 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE I
- $01 = inverted -> VIDEO MUTE
- */
+ $80 = n/c
+ $40 = LED (?) -> C335
+ $20 = LED (?)
+ $10 = LED (?) -> CX
+ $08 = EJECT
+ $04 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE II
+ $02 = inverted -> AUDIO MUTE I
+ $01 = inverted -> VIDEO MUTE
+ */
if (LOG_PORTS && (player->out0 ^ data) & 0xff)
@@ -371,15 +371,15 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output1_w )
INT32 speed = 0;
- $80 = n/c
- $40 = n/c
- $20 = n/c
- $10 = n/c
- $08 = inverted -> SMS
- $04 = inverted -> SSS
- $02 = inverted -> SCAN CMD
- $01 = OSM
- */
+ $80 = n/c
+ $40 = n/c
+ $20 = n/c
+ $10 = n/c
+ $08 = inverted -> SMS
+ $04 = inverted -> SSS
+ $02 = inverted -> SCAN CMD
+ $01 = OSM
+ */
if (LOG_PORTS && (player->out1 ^ data) & 0x08)
@@ -388,19 +388,19 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output1_w )
player->out1 = data;
/* speed is 0 unless SCAN CMD is clear */
speed = 0;
if (!(data & 0x02))
/* fast/slow is based on bit 2 */
speed = (data & 0x04) ? VP931_SCAN_FAST_SPEED : VP931_SCAN_SPEED;
/* direction is based on bit 0 */
if (data & 0x01)
speed = -speed;
/* update the speed */
ldcore_set_slider_speed(ld, speed);
@@ -413,9 +413,9 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( output1_w )
static WRITE8_HANDLER( lcd_w )
- Frame number is written as 5 digits here; however, it is not actually
- connected
- */
+ Frame number is written as 5 digits here; however, it is not actually
+ connected
+ */
@@ -426,16 +426,16 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( lcd_w )
static READ8_HANDLER( keypad_r )
- From the code, this is apparently a vestigial keypad with basic controls:
- $01 = play
- $02 = still
- $04 = jump 25 frames backward
- $08 = jump 25 frames forward
- $10 = search for frame 50(?)
- $20 = search for frame 350(?)
- $40 = reset
- $80 = play reverse
- */
+ From the code, this is apparently a vestigial keypad with basic controls:
+ $01 = play
+ $02 = still
+ $04 = jump 25 frames backward
+ $08 = jump 25 frames forward
+ $10 = search for frame 50(?)
+ $20 = search for frame 350(?)
+ $40 = reset
+ $80 = play reverse
+ */
return 0x00;
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( from_controller_r )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* clear the pending flag and return the data */
player->fromcontroller_pending = FALSE;
return player->fromcontroller;
@@ -477,11 +477,11 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( to_controller_w )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* set the pending flag and stash the data */
player->tocontroller_pending = TRUE;
player->tocontroller = data;
/* signal to the callback if provided */
if (player->data_ready_cb != NULL)
(*player->data_ready_cb)(ld->device, TRUE);
@@ -502,14 +502,14 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( port1_r )
UINT8 result = 0x00;
- $80 = P17 = (in) unsure
- $40 = P16 = (in) /ERP from datic circuit
- $20 = P15 = (in) D105
- */
+ $80 = P17 = (in) unsure
+ $40 = P16 = (in) /ERP from datic circuit
+ $20 = P15 = (in) D105
+ */
if (!player->daticerp)
result |= 0x40;
return result;
@@ -522,14 +522,14 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
laserdisc_state *ld = find_vp931(machine);
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
- $10 = P14 = (out) D104 -> /SPEED
- $08 = P13 = (out) D103 -> /TIMER ENABLE
- $04 = P12 = (out) D102 -> /REV
- $02 = P11 = (out) D101 -> /FORW
- $01 = P10 = (out) D100 -> some op-amp then to C334, B56, B332
- */
+ $10 = P14 = (out) D104 -> /SPEED
+ $08 = P13 = (out) D103 -> /TIMER ENABLE
+ $04 = P12 = (out) D102 -> /REV
+ $02 = P11 = (out) D101 -> /FORW
+ $01 = P10 = (out) D100 -> some op-amp then to C334, B56, B332
+ */
if (LOG_PORTS && (player->port1 ^ data) & 0x1f)
@@ -541,7 +541,7 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
if (!(data & 0x01)) printf(" OPAMP");
/* if bit 0 is set, we are not tracking */
if (data & 0x01)
player->trackdir = 0;
@@ -550,14 +550,14 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
else if (player->trackdir == 0)
player->advanced = 0;
/* if bit 2 is clear, we are moving backwards */
if (!(data & 0x04))
player->trackdir = -1;
player->trackstate = 1;
/* if bit 1 is clear, we are moving forward */
else if (!(data & 0x02))
@@ -572,13 +572,13 @@ static WRITE8_HANDLER( port1_w )
/* turn it off if we're not tracking */
if (player->trackdir == 0)
timer_device_adjust_periodic(player->tracktimer, attotime_never, 0, attotime_never);
/* if we just started tracking, or if the speed was changed, reprime the timer */
else if (((player->port1 ^ data) & 0x11) != 0)
/* speeds here are just guesses, but work with the player logic; this is the time per half-track */
attotime speed = (data & 0x10) ? ATTOTIME_IN_USEC(60) : ATTOTIME_IN_USEC(10);
/* always start with an initial long delay; the code expects this */
timer_device_adjust_periodic(player->tracktimer, ATTOTIME_IN_USEC(100), 0, speed);
@@ -599,16 +599,16 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( port2_r )
UINT8 result = 0x00;
- $80 = P27 = (in) set/reset latch; set by FOC LS, reset by IGR
- $20 = P25 = (in) D125 -> 0 when data written to controller is preset, reset to 1 when read
- $10 = P24 = (in) D124 -> 0 when data from controller is present, reset to 1 on a read
- */
+ $80 = P27 = (in) set/reset latch; set by FOC LS, reset by IGR
+ $20 = P25 = (in) D125 -> 0 when data written to controller is preset, reset to 1 when read
+ $10 = P24 = (in) D124 -> 0 when data from controller is present, reset to 1 on a read
+ */
if (!player->tocontroller_pending)
result |= 0x20;
if (!player->fromcontroller_pending)
result |= 0x10;
return result;
@@ -620,9 +620,9 @@ static READ8_HANDLER( port2_r )
static WRITE8_HANDLER( port2_w )
- $40 = P26 = (out) cleared while data is sent back & forth; set afterwards
- [Not actually connected, but this is done in the code]
- */
+ $40 = P26 = (out) cleared while data is sent back & forth; set afterwards
+ [Not actually connected, but this is done in the code]
+ */
@@ -664,18 +664,18 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( vbi_data_fetch )
int which = param & 3;
int line = param >> 2;
UINT32 code = 0;
/* fetch the code and compute the DATIC latched value */
code = laserdisc_get_field_code(ld->device, line);
/* at the start of each line, signal an interrupt and use a timer to turn it off */
if (which == 0)
cpunum_set_input_line(machine, player->cpunum, MCS48_INPUT_IRQ, ASSERT_LINE);
timer_set(ATTOTIME_IN_NSEC(5580), ld, 0, irq_off);
/* clock the data strobe on each subsequent callback */
else if (code != 0)
@@ -683,7 +683,7 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( vbi_data_fetch )
player->datastrobe = 1;
timer_set(ATTOTIME_IN_NSEC(5000), ld, 0, datastrobe_off);
/* determine the next bit to fetch and reprime ourself */
if (++which == 4)
@@ -708,7 +708,7 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( deferred_data_w )
/* set the value and mark it pending */
player->fromcontroller = param;
player->fromcontroller_pending = TRUE;
/* track the commands for debugging purposes */
if (player->cmdcount < ARRAY_LENGTH(player->cmdbuf))
@@ -761,7 +761,7 @@ static TIMER_DEVICE_CALLBACK( track_timer )
laserdisc_state *ld = ptr;
ldplayer_data *player = ld->player;
/* advance by the count and toggle the state */
player->trackstate ^= 1;
if ((player->trackdir < 0 && !player->trackstate) || (player->trackdir > 0 && player->trackstate))
diff --git a/src/lib/util/bitmap.c b/src/lib/util/bitmap.c
index 5e97ae437f7..efbb6d09e71 100644
--- a/src/lib/util/bitmap.c
+++ b/src/lib/util/bitmap.c
@@ -199,12 +199,12 @@ void bitmap_fill(bitmap_t *dest, const rectangle *cliprect, UINT32 color)
UINT16 *destrow, *destrow0;
/* Fill the first line the hard way */
destrow = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest, fill.min_y, 0);
for (x = fill.min_x; x <= fill.max_x; x++)
destrow[x] = (UINT16)color;
/* For the other lines, just copy the first one */
destrow0 = BITMAP_ADDR16(dest, fill.min_y, fill.min_x);
for (y = fill.min_y + 1; y <= fill.max_y; y++)
@@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ void bitmap_fill(bitmap_t *dest, const rectangle *cliprect, UINT32 color)
destrow = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest, fill.min_y, 0);
for (x = fill.min_x; x <= fill.max_x; x++)
destrow[x] = (UINT32)color;
/* For the other lines, just copy the first one */
destrow0 = BITMAP_ADDR32(dest, fill.min_y, fill.min_x);
for (y = fill.min_y + 1; y <= fill.max_y; y++)
diff --git a/src/mame/audio/dkong.c b/src/mame/audio/dkong.c
index 6b23c4610b5..0becac0ce0a 100644
--- a/src/mame/audio/dkong.c
+++ b/src/mame/audio/dkong.c
@@ -875,7 +875,7 @@ DISCRETE_SOUND_END
dkong_state *state = machine->driver_data;
state->snd_rom = memory_region(machine, "sound");
state->dev_vp2 = devtag_get_device(machine, LATCH8, "virtual_p2");
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/chanbara.c b/src/mame/drivers/chanbara.c
index 7a9bc17225e..9533fd27238 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/chanbara.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/chanbara.c
@@ -297,17 +297,17 @@ GFXDECODE_END
static WRITE8_HANDLER(chanbara_ay_out_0_w)
-// printf("chanbara_ay_out_0_w %02x\n",data);
+// printf("chanbara_ay_out_0_w %02x\n",data);
static WRITE8_HANDLER(chanbara_ay_out_1_w)
-// printf("chanbara_ay_out_1_w %02x\n",data);
+// printf("chanbara_ay_out_1_w %02x\n",data);
memory_set_bankptr(1, memory_region(machine, "user1") + ((data&4)?0x4000:0x0000) );
scrollhi = data & 0x03;
- //if (data&0xf8) printf("chanbara_ay_out_1_w unused bits set %02x\n",data&0xf8);
+ //if (data&0xf8) printf("chanbara_ay_out_1_w unused bits set %02x\n",data&0xf8);
static void sound_irq(running_machine *machine, int linestate)
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/firefox.c b/src/mame/drivers/firefox.c
index ee9f56f0070..d1e3090feca 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/firefox.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/firefox.c
@@ -73,13 +73,13 @@ static int m_n_disc_read_data;
static READ8_HANDLER( firefox_disc_status_r )
UINT8 result = 0xff;
result ^= 0x20;
if (!laserdisc_line_r(laserdisc, LASERDISC_LINE_READY))
result ^= 0x40;
if (laserdisc_line_r(laserdisc, LASERDISC_LINE_DATA_AVAIL))
result ^= 0x80;
return result;
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/gamecstl.c b/src/mame/drivers/gamecstl.c
index 5c4f959a532..c5a6db6e451 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/gamecstl.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/gamecstl.c
@@ -39,23 +39,23 @@
CPUID info:
Original set:
- 00000000 00000003 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
- 00000001 0000068A 00000002 00000000 0387F9FF
- 00000002 03020101 00000000 00000000 0C040882
- 00000003 00000000 00000000 CA976D2E 000082F6
- 80000000 00000000 00000000 CA976D2E 000082F6
- C0000000 00000000 00000000 CA976D2E 000082F6
+ 00000000 00000003 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
+ 00000001 0000068A 00000002 00000000 0387F9FF
+ 00000002 03020101 00000000 00000000 0C040882
+ 00000003 00000000 00000000 CA976D2E 000082F6
+ 80000000 00000000 00000000 CA976D2E 000082F6
+ C0000000 00000000 00000000 CA976D2E 000082F6
Version 2:
- 00000000 00000003 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
- 00000001 0000068A 00000002 00000000 0387F9FF
- 00000002 03020101 00000000 00000000 0C040882
- 00000003 00000000 00000000 B8BA1941 00038881
- 80000000 00000000 00000000 B8BA1941 00038881
- C0000000 00000000 00000000 B8BA1941 00038881
+ 00000000 00000003 756E6547 6C65746E 49656E69
+ 00000001 0000068A 00000002 00000000 0387F9FF
+ 00000002 03020101 00000000 00000000 0C040882
+ 00000003 00000000 00000000 B8BA1941 00038881
+ 80000000 00000000 00000000 B8BA1941 00038881
+ C0000000 00000000 00000000 B8BA1941 00038881
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/leland.c b/src/mame/drivers/leland.c
index d7711952ed5..3e40fc2b557 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/leland.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/leland.c
@@ -680,7 +680,7 @@ INPUT_PORTS_END
Port A of both chips is connected to a banking control
All 6 (3*2) AY-3-8910/12 outputs are tied together
and put with 1000 Ohm to gnd.
The following is a approximation, since
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/namcona1.c b/src/mame/drivers/namcona1.c
index 4eb0377b403..d664e58fedc 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/namcona1.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/namcona1.c
@@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ static READ16_HANDLER( custom_key_r )
res = BITSWAP16(keyval, 22,26,31,23,18,20,16,30,24,21,25,19,17,29,28,27);
keyval >>= 1;
-// printf("popcount(%08X) = %d\n", keyval & 0x58000c00, popcount(keyval & 0x58000c00));
+// printf("popcount(%08X) = %d\n", keyval & 0x58000c00, popcount(keyval & 0x58000c00));
if((!keyval) || (popcount(keyval & 0x58000c00) & 1))
keyval ^= 0x80000000;
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/namconb1.c b/src/mame/drivers/namconb1.c
index 33dcb170c4f..55ef1ec8f72 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/namconb1.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/namconb1.c
@@ -1802,7 +1802,7 @@ ROM_END
static INPUT_PORTS_START( gunbulet )
PORT_DIPUNUSED_DIPLOC(0x01, 0x01, "SW1: 2")
- PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
+ PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
@@ -1856,7 +1856,7 @@ static INPUT_PORTS_START( outfxies )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "Freeze Screen" ) PORT_DIPLOCATION("SW1: 2")
- PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
+ PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
@@ -1887,10 +1887,10 @@ static INPUT_PORTS_START( nbsports )
- PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "Freeze Screen" ) PORT_DIPLOCATION("SW1: 2")
+ PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "Freeze Screen" ) PORT_DIPLOCATION("SW1: 2")
- PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
+ PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
@@ -1944,7 +1944,7 @@ static INPUT_PORTS_START( namconb1 )
PORT_DIPNAME( 0x01, 0x01, "Freeze Screen" ) PORT_DIPLOCATION("SW1: 2")
- PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
+ PORT_SERVICE_DIPLOC(0x02, 0x02, "SW1: 1")
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/namcos23.c b/src/mame/drivers/namcos23.c
index 3ff375efd33..c7f0f44d138 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/namcos23.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/namcos23.c
@@ -502,17 +502,17 @@ This game runs on hardware called "GORGON". It appears to be similar to
System 23 but the PCBs are slightly larger.
The system comprises Main PCB, ROM PCB and I/O PCB all located inside
-a metal box with 3 separate power supplies for 5V, 12V and 3.3V. Main
+a metal box with 3 separate power supplies for 5V, 12V and 3.3V. Main
input power is 115V.
The game is controlled by rotating a paddle (for thrust) and turning it
sideways (moves left/right).
-The rotation action is done with a 5K potentiometer whereby the thrust
+The rotation action is done with a 5K potentiometer whereby the thrust
is achieved by moving the pot from full left to full right continuously.
The left/right turning movement is just another 5K potentiometer connected
to the column of the paddle center shaft.
There are also some buttons just for test mode, including SELECT, UP & DOWN
-The player's seat has movement controlled by a compressor and several
-potentiometers. On bootup, the system tests the seat movement and displays
+The player's seat has movement controlled by a compressor and several
+potentiometers. On bootup, the system tests the seat movement and displays
a warning if it's not working. Pressing START allows the game to continue
and function normally without the seat movement.
@@ -583,7 +583,7 @@ Notes:
J4/J5/J6 \
J8/J9 / Custom NAMCO connectors for connection of MEM(M1) PCB
J10 - Custom NAMCO connector for MSPM(FR) PCB
Namco Custom ICs
@@ -687,7 +687,7 @@ Notes:
JP5 | Jumpers to set ROM sizes (32M/64M)
JP6/JP7 |
JP8/JP9 /
PT* - Point ROMs, sizes configurable to either 16M or 32M (SOP44)
@@ -696,11 +696,11 @@ Notes:
CCR* - Texture Tilemap ROMs, sizes fixed at 16M (SOP44)
SPR* - Sprite ROMs, sizes configurable to either 32M or 64M (SOP44)
WAVE*- Wave ROMs, sizes configurable to either 32M or 64M (SOP44)
2477960102 (2477970102)
| J105 |
@@ -873,7 +873,7 @@ static VIDEO_UPDATE( ss23 )
tilemap_draw( bitmap, cliprect, bgtilemap, 0/*flags*/, 0/*priority*/ ); /* opaque */
#if 0
static int bNew = 1;
static int code = 0x80;
@@ -1379,27 +1379,27 @@ MACHINE_DRIVER_END
ROM_START( rapidrvr )
ROM_REGION32_BE( 0x400000, "user1", 0 ) /* 4 megs for main R4650 code */
- ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd3verc.ic2", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(c15c0f30) SHA1(9f529232818f3e184f81f62408a5cad615b05613) )
- ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd3verc.ic1", 0x000001, 0x200000, CRC(9d7f4411) SHA1(d049efaa539d36ed0f73ca3f50a8f7112e67f865) )
+ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd3verc.ic2", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(c15c0f30) SHA1(9f529232818f3e184f81f62408a5cad615b05613) )
+ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd3verc.ic1", 0x000001, 0x200000, CRC(9d7f4411) SHA1(d049efaa539d36ed0f73ca3f50a8f7112e67f865) )
ROM_REGION( 0x80000, "audio", 0 ) /* Hitachi H8/3002 MCU code */
- ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "rd3verc.ic3", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(6e26fbaf) SHA1(4ab6637d22f0d26f7e1d10e9c80059c56f64303d) )
+ ROM_LOAD16_WORD_SWAP( "rd3verc.ic3", 0x000000, 0x080000, CRC(6e26fbaf) SHA1(4ab6637d22f0d26f7e1d10e9c80059c56f64303d) )
ROM_REGION( 0x800000, "sprite", 0 ) /* sprite? tilemap? tiles */
- ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd1mtal.1j", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(8f0efa86) SHA1(9953461c258f2a96be275a7b18d6518ddfac3860) )
- ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd1mtah.3j", 0x000001, 0x400000, CRC(d8fa0f3d) SHA1(0d5bdb3a2e7be1dffe11b74baa2c10bfe011ae92) )
+ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd1mtal.1j", 0x000000, 0x400000, CRC(8f0efa86) SHA1(9953461c258f2a96be275a7b18d6518ddfac3860) )
+ ROM_LOAD16_BYTE( "rd1mtah.3j", 0x000001, 0x400000, CRC(d8fa0f3d) SHA1(0d5bdb3a2e7be1dffe11b74baa2c10bfe011ae92) )
ROM_REGION( 0x2000000, "textile", 0 ) /* texture tiles */
- ROM_LOAD( "rd1cguu.5b", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(611bab41) SHA1(84cddb2b63bf8336e92aecb06eddf1b34af73540) )
+ ROM_LOAD( "rd1cguu.5b", 0x0000000, 0x800000, CRC(611bab41) SHA1(84cddb2b63bf8336e92aecb06eddf1b34af73540) )
ROM_LOAD( "rd1cgum.6b", 0x0800000, 0x800000, CRC(c50de2ef) SHA1(24758a72b3569ce6a643a5786fce7c34b8aa692d) )
ROM_LOAD( "rd1cgll.8b", 0x1000000, 0x800000, CRC(b58b92ac) SHA1(70ee6e0e5347e05817aa30d53d766b8ce0fc44e4) )
- ROM_LOAD( "rd1cglm.7b", 0x1800000, 0x800000, CRC(447067fa) SHA1(e2052373773594feb303e1924a4a820cf34ab55b) )
+ ROM_LOAD( "rd1cglm.7b", 0x1800000, 0x800000, CRC(447067fa) SHA1(e2052373773594feb303e1924a4a820cf34ab55b) )
ROM_REGION( 0x2000000, "textile2", 0 ) /* texture tiles bank 2? */
ROM_LOAD( "rd1spruu.9p", 0x0000000, 0x400000, CRC(f20a9673) SHA1(e5f1d552b0c42e102593ab578ff0b9ff814f8650) )
- ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprum.10p", 0x0800000, 0x400000, CRC(8e08b2c6) SHA1(a17331a4e41f677f604d1b74e7694cf920b03b66) )
+ ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprum.10p", 0x0800000, 0x400000, CRC(8e08b2c6) SHA1(a17331a4e41f677f604d1b74e7694cf920b03b66) )
ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprll.12t", 0x1000000, 0x400000, CRC(8d450259) SHA1(27cccd1e7dad8880147bb85185982d8d27076e69) )
- ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprlm.11p", 0x1800000, 0x400000, CRC(6c8db3a5) SHA1(24d81fa11e9c835cddadec4cbd530738e258346c) )
+ ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprlm.11p", 0x1800000, 0x400000, CRC(6c8db3a5) SHA1(24d81fa11e9c835cddadec4cbd530738e258346c) )
ROM_REGION( 0x2000000, "textiledup", 0 ) /* duplicate bank of texture tiles */
ROM_LOAD( "rd1cguu.5f", 0x0800000, 0x800000, CRC(611bab41) SHA1(84cddb2b63bf8336e92aecb06eddf1b34af73540) )
@@ -1409,9 +1409,9 @@ ROM_START( rapidrvr )
ROM_REGION( 0x2000000, "textile2d", 0 ) /* duplicate of texture tiles bank 2? */
ROM_LOAD( "rd1spruu.9t", 0x0000000, 0x400000, CRC(f20a9673) SHA1(e5f1d552b0c42e102593ab578ff0b9ff814f8650) )
- ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprum.10t", 0x0800000, 0x400000, CRC(8e08b2c6) SHA1(a17331a4e41f677f604d1b74e7694cf920b03b66) )
+ ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprum.10t", 0x0800000, 0x400000, CRC(8e08b2c6) SHA1(a17331a4e41f677f604d1b74e7694cf920b03b66) )
ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprll.12p", 0x1000000, 0x400000, CRC(8d450259) SHA1(27cccd1e7dad8880147bb85185982d8d27076e69) )
- ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprlm.11t", 0x1800000, 0x400000, CRC(6c8db3a5) SHA1(24d81fa11e9c835cddadec4cbd530738e258346c) )
+ ROM_LOAD( "rd1sprlm.11t", 0x1800000, 0x400000, CRC(6c8db3a5) SHA1(24d81fa11e9c835cddadec4cbd530738e258346c) )
ROM_REGION( 0x400000, "textilemap", 0 ) /* texture tilemap */
ROM_LOAD( "rd1ccrl.11a", 0x000000, 0x200000, CRC(b0ea2b32) SHA1(0dc45846725b0de619bc6bae69e3eb166ed21bf0) )
@@ -1422,15 +1422,15 @@ ROM_START( rapidrvr )
ROM_LOAD( "rd1ccrh.11f", 0x200000, 0x200000, CRC(fafffb86) SHA1(15b0ba0252b99d0cac29fcb374fb895643f528fe) )
ROM_REGION32_LE( 0x2000000, "pointrom", 0 ) /* 3D model data */
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt0l.9j", 0x0000000, 0x400000, CRC(47b1c5a5) SHA1(021d4ca7b8674d8ed5daa701bf41b4a7164d992a) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt0h.9l", 0x0000002, 0x400000, CRC(6f280eff) SHA1(9dd8c8903581d7a412146e50f4009e1d2b743f06) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt1l.10j", 0x0800000, 0x400000, CRC(91131cb3) SHA1(e42c5e190c719f1cf2d6e91444062ab901be0e73) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt1h.10l", 0x0800002, 0x400000, CRC(37bd9bdf) SHA1(b26c284024ea4ad4c67b2eefbfdd5ebb35a0118e) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt2l.11j", 0x1000000, 0x400000, CRC(3423ff9f) SHA1(73823c179c866cbb601a23417acbbf5b3dc97213) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt2h.11l", 0x1000002, 0x400000, CRC(fa601e83) SHA1(45c420538910f566e75d668306735f54c901669f) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt3l.12j", 0x1800000, 0x400000, CRC(7216d63e) SHA1(77088ff05c2630996f4bdc87fe466f9b97611467) )
- ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt3h.12l", 0x1800002, 0x400000, CRC(e82ff66a) SHA1(9e2c951136b26d969d2c9d030b7e0bad8bbbe3fb) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt0l.9j", 0x0000000, 0x400000, CRC(47b1c5a5) SHA1(021d4ca7b8674d8ed5daa701bf41b4a7164d992a) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt0h.9l", 0x0000002, 0x400000, CRC(6f280eff) SHA1(9dd8c8903581d7a412146e50f4009e1d2b743f06) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt1l.10j", 0x0800000, 0x400000, CRC(91131cb3) SHA1(e42c5e190c719f1cf2d6e91444062ab901be0e73) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt1h.10l", 0x0800002, 0x400000, CRC(37bd9bdf) SHA1(b26c284024ea4ad4c67b2eefbfdd5ebb35a0118e) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt2l.11j", 0x1000000, 0x400000, CRC(3423ff9f) SHA1(73823c179c866cbb601a23417acbbf5b3dc97213) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt2h.11l", 0x1000002, 0x400000, CRC(fa601e83) SHA1(45c420538910f566e75d668306735f54c901669f) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt3l.12j", 0x1800000, 0x400000, CRC(7216d63e) SHA1(77088ff05c2630996f4bdc87fe466f9b97611467) )
+ ROM_LOAD32_WORD( "rd1pt3h.12l", 0x1800002, 0x400000, CRC(e82ff66a) SHA1(9e2c951136b26d969d2c9d030b7e0bad8bbbe3fb) )
ROM_REGION( 0x1000000, "c352", 0 ) /* C352 PCM samples */
ROM_LOAD( "rd1wavel.2s", 0x000000, 0x800000, CRC(bf52c08c) SHA1(6745062e078e520484390fad1f723124aa4076d0) )
ROM_LOAD( "rd1waveh.3s", 0x800000, 0x800000, CRC(ef0136b5) SHA1(a6d923ededca168fe555e0b86a72f53bec5424cc) )
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/neodrvr.c b/src/mame/drivers/neodrvr.c
index d7df55ede47..9413247eb2b 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/neodrvr.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/neodrvr.c
@@ -7163,8 +7163,8 @@ static DRIVER_INIT( kf2k3pcb )
/* extra little swap on the m1 - this must be performed AFTER the m1 decrypt
- or the m1 checksum (used to generate the key) for decrypting the m1 is
- incorrect */
+ or the m1 checksum (used to generate the key) for decrypting the m1 is
+ incorrect */
int i;
UINT8* rom = memory_region(machine, "audio");
diff --git a/src/mame/drivers/system1.c b/src/mame/drivers/system1.c
index d226e27b5b2..908104eeea5 100644
--- a/src/mame/drivers/system1.c
+++ b/src/mame/drivers/system1.c
@@ -478,7 +478,7 @@ static INPUT_PORTS_START( system1_generic )
/* PORT_DIPSETTING( 0x00, DEF_STR( 1C_1C ) ) Not allowed by mame coinage sorting, but valid */
diff --git a/src/mame/includes/dkong.h b/src/mame/includes/dkong.h
index ee92819d94b..b46f25034f4 100644
--- a/src/mame/includes/dkong.h
+++ b/src/mame/includes/dkong.h
@@ -93,11 +93,11 @@ struct _dkong_state
size_t sprite_ram_size;
/* radar scope */
UINT8 * gfx4;
UINT8 * gfx3;
int gfx3_len;
UINT8 sig30Hz;
UINT8 grid_sig;
UINT8 rflip_sig;
diff --git a/src/mame/video/dc.c b/src/mame/video/dc.c
index b15b7267edb..94bf9cfe7e8 100644
--- a/src/mame/video/dc.c
+++ b/src/mame/video/dc.c
@@ -634,7 +634,7 @@ static void computedilated(void)
static void testdrawline(bitmap_t *bitmap, int index, int from, int to)
UINT32 *bmpaddr;
-int ix, iy, i, inc, x, y, dx, dy, plotx, ploty;
+int ix, iy, i, inc, x, y, dx, dy, plotx, ploty;
if ((state_ta.grab[index].showvertices[to].x < 0) || (state_ta.grab[index].showvertices[to].x > 639))
@@ -660,7 +660,7 @@ int ix, iy, i, inc, x, y, dx, dy, plotx, ploty;
if (x > inc)
x -= inc;
- plotx += (dx ? dx/ix : 0);
+ plotx += (dx ? dx/ix : 0);
bmpaddr = BITMAP_ADDR32(bitmap,ploty,plotx);
*bmpaddr = MAKE_RGB(0, 0, 255);
diff --git a/src/mame/video/leland.c b/src/mame/video/leland.c
index da76f5503de..1f6f12677e9 100644
--- a/src/mame/video/leland.c
+++ b/src/mame/video/leland.c
@@ -55,17 +55,17 @@ static TIMER_CALLBACK( scanline_callback )
int scanline = param;
/* update the DACs */
if (!(leland_dac_control & 0x01))
leland_dac_update(0, leland_video_ram[(last_scanline) * 256 + 160]);
if (!(leland_dac_control & 0x02))
leland_dac_update(1, leland_video_ram[(last_scanline) * 256 + 161]);
last_scanline = scanline;
scanline = (scanline+1) % 256;
if (scanline == 0)
/* turn off the DACs at the start of the frame */
@@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ static VIDEO_START( leland )
/* reset videoram */
memset(leland_video_ram, 0, VRAM_SIZE);
/* scanline timer */
scanline_timer = timer_alloc(scanline_callback, NULL);
timer_adjust_oneshot(scanline_timer, video_screen_get_time_until_pos(machine->primary_screen, 0, 0), 0);
diff --git a/src/mame/video/neogeo.c b/src/mame/video/neogeo.c
index 8a1f82fe625..02b9fd3ddb9 100644
--- a/src/mame/video/neogeo.c
+++ b/src/mame/video/neogeo.c
@@ -903,7 +903,7 @@ VIDEO_START( neogeo )
state_save_register_postload(machine, regenerate_pens, NULL);
region_zoomy = memory_region(machine, "zoomy");
diff --git a/src/mame/video/taito_f3.c b/src/mame/video/taito_f3.c
index 198346299a5..e7b361f9b4e 100644
--- a/src/mame/video/taito_f3.c
+++ b/src/mame/video/taito_f3.c
@@ -2557,7 +2557,7 @@ static void scanline_draw(running_machine *machine, bitmap_t *bitmap, const rect
sprite priority==playfield priority
- GSEEKER (plane leaving hangar) --> sprite
+ GSEEKER (plane leaving hangar) --> sprite
BUBSYMPH (title) ---> sprite
DARIUSG (ZONE V' BOSS) ---> playfield
diff --git a/src/mame/video/tx1.c b/src/mame/video/tx1.c
index a3eb1ce4f7a..2d0ee5a8459 100644
--- a/src/mame/video/tx1.c
+++ b/src/mame/video/tx1.c
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ WRITE16_HANDLER( tx1_bankcs_w )
if ( !(offset & 0x40) )
/* TODO: Looks safe to remove this */
-// if ( offset & 2 )
+// if ( offset & 2 )
tx1_vregs.h_val += tx1_vregs.h_inc;
@@ -455,7 +455,7 @@ static void tx1_draw_road(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap)
UINT8 hc1_u, hc1_l;
UINT8 hc0_u, hc0_l;
UINT32 bnkls, bnkcs, bnkrs;
UINT32 rl, rc, rr;
@@ -590,7 +590,7 @@ static void tx1_draw_road(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap)
stl = !stlf || v0 || (!v2 && !scchgf) || scchgf;
selb = (!v2 && !scchgf) || v2;
- rltmp =
+ rltmp =
(v2 && !v0 && !va10)
|| (!v2 && v0 && !va10)
|| (v2 && !v0 && !va11)
@@ -599,7 +599,7 @@ static void tx1_draw_road(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap)
|| (!v2 && v1 && !v0)
|| (!v2 && !v1 && v0);
- rctmp =
+ rctmp =
(v2 && !v0 && va9 && va8)
|| (!v2 && v0 && va9 && va8)
|| (v2 && !v0 && !va11)
@@ -608,7 +608,7 @@ static void tx1_draw_road(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap)
|| (!v2 && v1 && !v0)
|| (!v2 && !v1 && v0);
- rrtmp =
+ rrtmp =
(v2 && !v0 && !va11 && !va10)
|| (!v2 && v0 && !va11 && !va10)
|| (v2 && !v0 && va9)
@@ -834,8 +834,8 @@ static void tx1_draw_road(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap)
/* Update bank counter */
bank_cnt = (bank_cnt + 1) & 0x7ff;
- }
+ }
tx1_vregs.h_val += tx1_vregs.h_inc;
/* Finally, increment the bank accumulator */
@@ -1073,7 +1073,7 @@ static void tx1_draw_objects(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap)
color = ~ic162[prom_addr] & 0x3f;
-// *BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, x) = machine->pens[TX1_COLORS_OBJ + color];
+// *BITMAP_ADDR16(bitmap, y, x) = machine->pens[TX1_COLORS_OBJ + color];
*(bitmap + 768*y + x) = 0x40 | color;
@@ -1378,7 +1378,7 @@ static void buggyboy_draw_char(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap, int wide
UINT32 tilenum;
UINT16 ram_val;
if (wide)
ram_val = buggyboy_vram[((y_offs << 4) & 0xf80) + ((x_offs >> 3) & 0x7f)];
@@ -2122,11 +2122,11 @@ static void buggyboy_draw_objs(running_machine *machine, UINT8 *bitmap, int wide
UINT32 low_addr = ((x_acc >> (FRAC + 3)) & x_mask);
- Objects are grouped by width (either 16, 8 or 4 tiles) in
- the LUT ROMs. The ROM address lines therefore indicate
- width and are used to determine the correct scan order
- when x-flip is set.
- */
+ Objects are grouped by width (either 16, 8 or 4 tiles) in
+ the LUT ROMs. The ROM address lines therefore indicate
+ width and are used to determine the correct scan order
+ when x-flip is set.
+ */
if (gxflip)
UINT32 xor_mask;
@@ -2455,7 +2455,7 @@ VIDEO_UPDATE( buggyboy )
memset(bb_obj_bmp, 0, 768*240);
buggyboy_draw_char(screen->machine, bb_chr_bmp, 1);
-// buggyboy_draw_road(screen->machine, bb_rod_bmp, 1);
+// buggyboy_draw_road(screen->machine, bb_rod_bmp, 1);
buggyboy_draw_objs(screen->machine, bb_obj_bmp, 1);
bb_combine_layers(screen->machine, bitmap, 0);
diff --git a/src/version.c b/src/version.c
index bf999fe8a83..94c87a563d5 100644
--- a/src/version.c
+++ b/src/version.c
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@
-const char build_version[] = "0.127u4 ("__DATE__")";
+const char build_version[] = "0.127u5 ("__DATE__")";