path: root/3rdparty/sol2/docs/source/api/proxy.rst
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diff --git a/3rdparty/sol2/docs/source/api/proxy.rst b/3rdparty/sol2/docs/source/api/proxy.rst
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index 897dbbaf7dd..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/sol2/docs/source/api/proxy.rst
+++ /dev/null
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-proxy, (protected\_)function_result - proxy_base derivatives
-``table[x]`` and ``function(...)`` conversion struct
-.. code-block:: c++
- template <typename Recurring>
- struct proxy_base;
- template <typename Table, typename Key>
- struct proxy : proxy_base<...>;
- struct stack_proxy: proxy_base<...>;
- struct function_result : proxy_base<...>;
- struct protected_function_result: proxy_base<...>;
-These classes provide implicit assignment operator ``operator=`` (for ``set``) and an implicit conversion operator ``operator T`` (for ``get``) to support items retrieved from the underlying Lua implementation, specifically :doc:`sol::table<table>` and the results of function calls on :doc:`sol::function<function>` and :doc:`sol::protected_function<protected_function>`.
-.. _proxy:
-``proxy`` is returned by lookups into :doc:`sol::table<table>` and table-like entities. Because it is templated on key and table type, it would be hard to spell: you can capture it using the word ``auto`` if you feel like you need to carry it around for some reason before using it. ``proxy`` evaluates its arguments lazily, when you finally call ``get`` or ``set`` on it. Here are some examples given the following lua script.
-.. code-block:: lua
- :linenos:
- :caption: lua nested table script
- bark = {
- woof = {
- [2] = "arf!"
- }
- }
-After loading that file in or putting it in a string and reading the string directly in lua (see :doc:`state`), you can start kicking around with it in C++ like so:
-.. code-block:: c++
- :linenos:
- sol::state lua;
- // produces proxy, implicitly converts to std::string, quietly destroys proxy
- std::string x = lua["bark"]["woof"][2];
-``proxy`` lazy evaluation:
-.. code-block:: c++
- :linenos:
- :caption: multi-get
- auto x = lua["bark"];
- auto y = x["woof"];
- auto z = x[2];
- // retrivies value inside of lua table above
- std::string value = z; // "arf!"
- // Can change the value later...
- z = 20;
- // Yay, lazy-evaluation!
- int changed_value = z; // now it's 20!
-We don't recommend the above to be used across classes or between function: it's more of something you can do to save a reference to a value you like, call a script or run a lua function, and then get it afterwards. You can also set functions (and function objects :ref:`*<note 1>`) this way, and retrieve them as well.
-.. code-block:: c++
- :linenos:
- lua["bark_value"] = 24;
- lua["chase_tail"] = floof::chase_tail; // chase_tail is a free function
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: functions: [overloaded] implicit conversion get
- :name: implicit-get
- requires( sol::is_primitive_type<T>::value == true )
- template <typename T>
- operator T() const;
- requires( sol::is_primitive_type<T>::value == false )
- template <typename T>
- operator T&() const;
-Gets the value associated with the keys the proxy was generated and convers it to the type ``T``. Note that this function will always return ``T&``, a non-const reference, to types which are not based on :doc:`sol::reference<reference>` and not a :doc:`primitive lua type<types>`
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: function: get a value
- :name: regular-get
- template <typename T>
- decltype(auto) get( ) const;
-Gets the value associated with the keys and converts it to the type ``T``.
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: function: optionally get a value
- :name: regular-get-or
- template <typename T, typename Otherwise>
- optional<T> get_or( Otherwise&& otherise ) const;
-Gets the value associated with the keys and converts it to the type ``T``. If it is not of the proper type, it will return a ``sol::nullopt`` instead.
-``operator[]`` proxy-only members
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: function: valid
- :name: proxy-valid
- bool valid () const;
-Returns whether this proxy actually refers to a valid object. It uses :ref:`sol::stack::probe_get_field<stack-probe-get-field>` to determine whether or not its valid.
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: functions: [overloaded] implicit set
- :name: implicit-set
- requires( sol::detail::Function<Fx> == false )
- template <typename T>
- proxy& operator=( T&& value );
- requires( sol::detail::Function<Fx> == true )
- template <typename Fx>
- proxy& operator=( Fx&& function );
-Sets the value associated with the keys the proxy was generated with to ``value``. If this is a function, calls ``set_function``. If it is not, just calls ``set``. Does not exist on :ref:`function_result<function-result>` or :ref:`protected_function_result<protected-function-result>`. See :ref:`note<note 1>` for caveats.
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: function: set a callable
- :name: regular-set-function
- template <typename Fx>
- proxy& set_function( Fx&& fx );
-Sets the value associated with the keys the proxy was generated with to a function ``fx``. Does not exist on :ref:`function_result<function-result>` or :ref:`protected_function_result<protected-function-result>`.
-.. code-block:: c++
- :caption: function: set a value
- :name: regular-set
- template <typename T>
- proxy& set( T&& value );
-Sets the value associated with the keys the proxy was generated with to ``value``. Does not exist on :ref:`function_result<function-result>` or :ref:`protected_function_result<protected-function-result>`.
-``sol::stack_proxy`` is what gets returned by :doc:`sol::variadic_args<variadic_args>` and other parts of the framework. It is similar to proxy, but is meant to alias a stack index and not a named variable.
-.. _function-result:
-``function_result`` is a temporary-only, intermediate-only implicit conversion worker for when :doc:`function<function>` is called. It is *NOT* meant to be stored or captured with ``auto``. It provides fast access to the desired underlying value. It does not implement ``set`` / ``set_function`` / templated ``operator=``, as is present on :ref:`proxy<proxy>`.
-.. _protected-function-result:
-``protected_function_result`` is a nicer version of ``function_result`` that can be used to detect errors. Its gives safe access to the desired underlying value. It does not implement ``set`` / ``set_function`` / templated ``operator=`` as is present on :ref:`proxy<proxy>`.
-.. _note 1:
-on function objects and proxies
-Consider the following:
-.. code-block:: cpp
- :linenos:
- :caption: Note 1 Case
- struct doge {
- int bark;
- void operator()() {
- bark += 1;
- }
- };
- sol::state lua;
- lua["object"] = doge{}; // bind constructed doge to "object"
- // but it binds as a function
-When you use the ``lua["object"] = doge{};`` from above, keep in mind that Sol detects if this is a function *callable with any kind of arguments*. Since ``doge`` has overriden ``return_type operator()( argument_types... )`` on itself, it results in satisfying the ``requires`` constraint from above. This means that if you have a user-defined type you want to bind as a :doc:`userdata with usertype semantics<usertype>` with this syntax, it might get bound as a function and not as a user-defined type (d'oh!). use ``lua["object"].set(doge)`` directly to avoid this, or ``lua["object"].set_function(doge{})`` to perform this explicitly. \ No newline at end of file