path: root/3rdparty/sol2/docs/source/api/protect.rst
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-Routine to mark a function / variable as requiring safety
-.. code-block:: cpp
- template <typename T>
- auto protect( T&& value );
-``sol::protect( my_func )`` allows you to protect a function call or member variable call when it is being set to Lua. It can be used with usertypes or when just setting a function into Sol. Below is an example that demonstrates that a call that would normally not error without :doc:`Safety features turned on<../safety>` that instead errors and makes the Lua safety-call wrapper ``pcall`` fail:
-.. code-block:: cpp
- struct protect_me {
- int gen(int x) {
- return x;
- }
- };
- sol::state lua;
- lua.open_libraries(sol::lib::base);
- lua.new_usertype<protect_me>("protect_me",
- "gen", sol::protect( &protect_me::gen )
- );
- lua.script(R"__(
- pm =
- value = pcall(pm.gen,pm)
- )__");
- );
- bool value = lua["value"];
- // value == false