path: root/3rdparty/luv/lib/tap.lua
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/luv/lib/tap.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 165 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/luv/lib/tap.lua b/3rdparty/luv/lib/tap.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index d1cfb59c249..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/luv/lib/tap.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,165 +0,0 @@
-local uv = require('luv')
-local dump = require('lib/utils').dump
-local stdout = require('lib/utils').stdout
-local function protect(...)
- local n = select('#', ...)
- local arguments = {...}
- for i = 1, n do
- arguments[i] = tostring(arguments[i])
- end
- local text = table.concat(arguments, "\t")
- text = " " .. string.gsub(text, "\n", "\n ")
- print(text)
-local function pprotect(...)
- local n = select('#', ...)
- local arguments = { ... }
- for i = 1, n do
- arguments[i] = dump(arguments[i])
- end
- protect(table.concat(arguments, "\t"))
-local tests = {};
-local function run()
- local passed = 0
- if #tests < 1 then
- error("No tests specified!")
- end
- print("1.." .. #tests)
- for i = 1, #tests do
- local test = tests[i]
- local cwd = uv.cwd()
- local pass, err = xpcall(function ()
- local expected = 0
- local function expect(fn, count)
- expected = expected + (count or 1)
- return function (...)
- expected = expected - 1
- local ret = fn(...)
- collectgarbage()
- return ret
- end
- end
- test.fn(protect, pprotect, expect, uv)
- collectgarbage()
- collectgarbage()
- if expected > 0 then
- error("Missing " .. expected .. " expected call" .. (expected == 1 and "" or "s"))
- elseif expected < 0 then
- error("Found " .. -expected .. " unexpected call" .. (expected == -1 and "" or "s"))
- end
- collectgarbage()
- local unclosed = 0
- uv.walk(function (handle)
- if handle == stdout then return end
- unclosed = unclosed + 1
- print("UNCLOSED", handle)
- end)
- if unclosed > 0 then
- error(unclosed .. " unclosed handle" .. (unclosed == 1 and "" or "s"))
- end
- if uv.cwd() ~= cwd then
- error("Test moved cwd from " .. cwd .. " to " .. uv.cwd())
- end
- collectgarbage()
- end, debug.traceback)
- -- Flush out any more opened handles
- uv.stop()
- uv.walk(function (handle)
- if handle == stdout then return end
- if not uv.is_closing(handle) then uv.close(handle) end
- end)
- uv.chdir(cwd)
- if pass then
- print("ok " .. i .. " " ..
- passed = passed + 1
- else
- protect(err)
- print("not ok " .. i .. " " ..
- end
- end
- local failed = #tests - passed
- if failed == 0 then
- print("# All tests passed")
- else
- print("#" .. failed .. " failed test" .. (failed == 1 and "" or "s"))
- end
- -- Close all then handles, including stdout
- uv.walk(uv.close)
- os.exit(-failed)
-local single = true
-local prefix
-local function tap(suite)
- if type(suite) == "function" then
- -- Pass in suite directly for single mode
- suite(function (name, fn)
- if prefix then
- name = prefix .. ' - ' .. name
- end
- tests[#tests + 1] = {
- name = name,
- fn = fn
- }
- end)
- prefix = nil
- elseif type(suite) == "string" then
- prefix = suite
- single = false
- else
- -- Or pass in false to collect several runs of tests
- -- And then pass in true in a later call to flush tests queue.
- single = suite
- end
- if single then run() end
--- Sample Usage
-local passed, failed, total = tap(function (test)
- test("add 1 to 2", function(print)
- print("Adding 1 to 2")
- assert(1 + 2 == 3)
- end)
- test("close handle", function (print, p, expect, uv)
- local handle = uv.new_timer()
- uv.close(handle, expect(function (self)
- assert(self == handle)
- end))
- end)
- test("simulate failure", function ()
- error("Oopsie!")
- end)
-return tap