path: root/3rdparty/luv/examples/tcp-cluster.lua
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/luv/examples/tcp-cluster.lua')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 84 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/luv/examples/tcp-cluster.lua b/3rdparty/luv/examples/tcp-cluster.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e69ceffc62d..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/luv/examples/tcp-cluster.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
--- This function will be run in a child process
-local child_code = string.dump(function ()
- local p = require('lib/utils').prettyPrint
- local uv = require('luv')
- -- The parent is going to pass us the server handle over a pipe
- -- This will be our local file descriptor at PIPE_FD
- local pipe = uv.new_pipe(true)
- local pipe_fd = tonumber(os.getenv("PIPE_FD"))
- assert(uv.pipe_open(pipe, pipe_fd))
- -- Configure the server handle
- local server = uv.new_tcp()
- local function onconnection()
- local client = uv.new_tcp()
- uv.accept(server, client)
- p("New TCP", client, "on", server)
- p{client=client}
- uv.write(client, "BYE!\n");
- uv.shutdown(client, function ()
- uv.close(client)
- uv.close(server)
- end)
- end
- -- Read the server handle from the parent
- local function onread(err, data)
- p("onread", {err=err,data=data})
- assert(not err, err)
- if uv.pipe_pending_count(pipe) > 0 then
- local pending_type = uv.pipe_pending_type(pipe)
- p("pending_type", pending_type)
- assert(pending_type == "tcp")
- assert(uv.accept(pipe, server))
- assert(uv.listen(server, 128, onconnection))
- p("Received server handle from parent process", server)
- elseif data then
- p("ondata", data)
- else
- p("onend", data)
- end
- end
- uv.read_start(pipe, onread)
- -- Start the event loop!
-local p = require('lib/utils').prettyPrint
-local uv = require('luv')
-local exepath = assert(uv.exepath())
-local cpu_count = # assert(uv.cpu_info())
-local server = uv.new_tcp()
-assert(uv.tcp_bind(server, "::1", 1337))
-print("Master process bound to TCP port 1337 on ::1")
-local function onexit(status, signal)
- p("Child exited", {status=status,signal=signal})
-local function spawnChild()
- local pipe = uv.new_pipe(true)
- local input = uv.new_pipe(false)
- local _, pid = assert(uv.spawn(exepath, {
- stdio = {input,1,2,pipe},
- env= {"PIPE_FD=3"}
- }, onexit))
- uv.write(input, child_code)
- uv.shutdown(input)
- p("Spawned child", pid, "and sending handle", server)
- assert(uv.write2(pipe, "123", server))
- assert(uv.shutdown(pipe))
--- Spawn a child process for each CPU core
-for _ = 1, cpu_count do
- spawnChild()