path: root/3rdparty/genie/src/base/api.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/genie/src/base/api.lua')
1 files changed, 949 insertions, 729 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/genie/src/base/api.lua b/3rdparty/genie/src/base/api.lua
index 3a913ab9fdb..54ca768298d 100644
--- a/3rdparty/genie/src/base/api.lua
+++ b/3rdparty/genie/src/base/api.lua
@@ -4,708 +4,10 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Jason Perkins and the Premake project
+premake.fields = {}
--- Here I define all of the getter/setter functions as metadata. The actual
--- functions are built programmatically below.
- premake.fields =
- {
- archivesplit_size =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- basedir =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "container",
- },
- buildaction =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- allowed = {
- "Compile",
- "Copy",
- "Embed",
- "None"
- }
- },
- buildoptions =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_asm =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_c =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_cpp =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_objc =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_objcpp =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_vala =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- clrreferences =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "container",
- },
- configurations =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "solution",
- },
- custombuildtask =
- {
- kind = "table",
- scope = "config",
- },
- debugargs =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- debugdir =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- debugenvs =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- defines =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- deploymentoptions =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- usagecopy = true,
- },
- dependency =
- {
- kind = "table",
- scope = "config",
- },
- deploymode =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- excludes =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- forcenative =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- nopch =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- files =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- removefiles =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- flags =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- isflags = true,
- usagecopy = true,
- allowed = function(value)
- local allowed_flags = {
- ATL = 1,
- C7DebugInfo = 1,
- DebugEnvsDontMerge = 1,
- DebugEnvsInherit = 1,
- DeploymentContent = 1,
- EnableMinimalRebuild = 1,
- EnableSSE = 1,
- EnableSSE2 = 1,
- EnableAVX = 1,
- EnableAVX2 = 1,
- PedanticWarnings = 1,
- ExtraWarnings = 1,
- FatalWarnings = 1,
- FloatFast = 1,
- FloatStrict = 1,
- Managed = 1,
- MinimumWarnings = 1,
- MFC = 1,
- NativeWChar = 1,
- No64BitChecks = 1,
- NoBufferSecurityCheck = 1,
- NoEditAndContinue = 1,
- NoExceptions = 1,
- NoFramePointer = 1,
- NoImportLib = 1,
- NoIncrementalLink = 1,
- NoManifest = 1,
- NoMultiProcessorCompilation = 1,
- NoNativeWChar = 1,
- NoPCH = 1,
- NoRTTI = 1,
- NoWinMD = 1, -- explicitly disables Windows Metadata
- NoWinRT = 1, -- explicitly disables Windows Runtime Extension
- FastCall = 1,
- StdCall = 1,
- SingleOutputDir = 1,
- ObjcARC = 1,
- Optimize = 1,
- OptimizeSize = 1,
- OptimizeSpeed = 1,
- DebugRuntime = 1,
- ReleaseRuntime = 1,
- SEH = 1,
- StaticATL = 1,
- StaticRuntime = 1,
- Symbols = 1,
- Unicode = 1,
- Unsafe = 1,
- UnsignedChar = 1,
- UseFullPaths = 1,
- WinMain = 1,
- }
- local englishToAmericanSpelling =
- {
- optimise = 'optimize',
- optimisesize = 'optimizesize',
- optimisespeed = 'optimizespeed',
- }
- local lowervalue = value:lower()
- lowervalue = englishToAmericanSpelling[lowervalue] or lowervalue
- for v, _ in pairs(allowed_flags) do
- if v:lower() == lowervalue then
- return v
- end
- end
- return nil, "invalid flag"
- end,
- },
- framework =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "container",
- allowed = {
- "1.0",
- "1.1",
- "2.0",
- "3.0",
- "3.5",
- "4.0",
- "4.5",
- "4.5.1",
- "4.5.2",
- "4.6",
- "4.6.1",
- "4.6.2",
- }
- },
- windowstargetplatformversion =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "project",
- },
- windowstargetplatformminversion =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "project",
- },
- forcedincludes =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- imagepath =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- imageoptions =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- implibdir =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- implibextension =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- implibname =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- implibprefix =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- implibsuffix =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- includedirs =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- usagecopy = true,
- },
- userincludedirs =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- usagecopy = true,
- },
- usingdirs =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- usagecopy = true,
- },
- kind =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- allowed = {
- "ConsoleApp",
- "WindowedApp",
- "StaticLib",
- "SharedLib",
- "Bundle",
- }
- },
- language =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "container",
- allowed = {
- "C",
- "C++",
- "C#",
- "Vala",
- "Swift",
- }
- },
- libdirs =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- linkagecopy = true,
- },
- linkoptions =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- links =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- allowed = function(value)
- -- if library name contains a '/' then treat it as a path to a local file
- if value:find('/', nil, true) then
- value = path.getabsolute(value)
- end
- return value
- end,
- linkagecopy = true,
- mergecopiestotail = true,
- },
- location =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "container",
- },
- makesettings =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- messageskip =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "solution",
- isflags = true,
- usagecopy = true,
- allowed = function(value)
- local allowed_messages = {
- SkipCreatingMessage = 1,
- SkipBuildingMessage = 1,
- SkipCleaningMessage = 1,
- }
- local lowervalue = value:lower()
- for v, _ in pairs(allowed_messages) do
- if v:lower() == lowervalue then
- return v
- end
- end
- return nil, "invalid message to skip"
- end,
- },
- msgarchiving =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- msgcompile =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- msgprecompile =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- msgcompile_objc =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- msgresource =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- msglinking =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- objdir =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- options =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "container",
- isflags = true,
- usagecopy = true,
- allowed = function(value)
- local allowed_options = {
- ForceCPP = 1,
- ArchiveSplit = 1
- }
- local lowervalue = value:lower()
- for v, _ in pairs(allowed_options) do
- if v:lower() == lowervalue then
- return v
- end
- end
- return nil, "invalid option"
- end,
- },
- pchheader =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- pchsource =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- platforms =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "solution",
- allowed = table.keys(premake.platforms),
- },
- postbuildcommands =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- prebuildcommands =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- postcompiletasks =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- prelinkcommands =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- propertysheets =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- pullmappingfile =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- resdefines =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- resincludedirs =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- resoptions =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- sdkreferences =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- startproject =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "solution",
- },
- targetdir =
- {
- kind = "path",
- scope = "config",
- },
- targetsubdir =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- targetextension =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- targetname =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- targetprefix =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- targetsuffix =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "config",
- },
- trimpaths =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- uuid =
- {
- kind = "string",
- scope = "container",
- allowed = function(value)
- local ok = true
- if (#value ~= 36) then ok = false end
- for i=1,36 do
- local ch = value:sub(i,i)
- if (not ch:find("[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789-]")) then ok = false end
- end
- if (value:sub(9,9) ~= "-") then ok = false end
- if (value:sub(14,14) ~= "-") then ok = false end
- if (value:sub(19,19) ~= "-") then ok = false end
- if (value:sub(24,24) ~= "-") then ok = false end
- if (not ok) then
- return nil, "invalid UUID"
- end
- return value:upper()
- end
- },
- uses =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- vapidirs =
- {
- kind = "dirlist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- vpaths =
- {
- kind = "keypath",
- scope = "container",
- },
- vsimportreferences =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "container",
- },
- -- swift options
- swiftmodulemaps =
- {
- kind = "filelist",
- scope = "config",
- },
- buildoptions_swift =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- linkoptions_swift =
- {
- kind = "list",
- scope = "config",
- },
- }
--- End of metadata
- premake.check_paths = false
+premake.check_paths = false
-- Check to see if a value exists in a list of values, using a
@@ -999,34 +301,6 @@
--- Build all of the getter/setter functions from the metadata above.
- for name, info in pairs(premake.fields) do
- _G[name] = function(value)
- return accessor(name, value)
- end
- -- list value types get a remove() call too
- if info.kind == "list"
- or info.kind == "dirlist"
- or info.kind == "filelist"
- or info.kind == "absolutefilelist"
- then
- if name ~= "removefiles"
- and name ~= "files" then
- _G["remove"] = function(value)
- premake.remove(name, value)
- end
- end
- end
- end
-- Project object constructors.
@@ -1303,7 +577,6 @@
table.insert(sln.importedprojects, project)
-- Define a new action.
@@ -1336,3 +609,950 @@
function enablefilelevelconfig()
premake._filelevelconfig = true
+-- Define a new API field.
+-- Build the getter/setter functions from its metadata.
+-- @param a
+-- The new field/API object.
+function newapifield(field)
+ premake.fields[] = field
+ _G[] = function(value)
+ return accessor(, value)
+ end
+ -- list value types get a remove() call too
+ if field.kind == "list"
+ or field.kind == "dirlist"
+ or field.kind == "filelist"
+ or field.kind == "absolutefilelist"
+ then
+ if ~= "removefiles"
+ and ~= "files" then
+ _G["remove"] = function(value)
+ premake.remove(, value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- This builds the API functions from their metadata.
+ newapifield {
+ name = "archivesplit_size",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "basedir",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "container",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildaction",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = {
+ "Compile",
+ "Copy",
+ "Embed",
+ "None"
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_asm",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_c",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_cpp",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_objc",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_objcpp",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_vala",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "clrreferences",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "container",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "configurations",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "solution",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "custombuildtask",
+ kind = "table",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "debugcmd",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "debugargs",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "debugdir",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "debugenvs" ,
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "defines",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "deploymentoptions",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ usagecopy = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "dependency",
+ kind = "table",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "deploymode",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "excludes",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "forcenative",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "nopch",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "files",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "removefiles",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "flags",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ isflags = true,
+ usagecopy = true,
+ allowed = function(value)
+ local allowed_flags = {
+ AntBuildDebuggable = 1,
+ ATL = 1,
+ C7DebugInfo = 1,
+ Cpp11 = 1,
+ Cpp14 = 1,
+ Cpp17 = 1,
+ CppLatest = 1,
+ DebugEnvsDontMerge = 1,
+ DebugEnvsInherit = 1,
+ DeploymentContent = 1,
+ EnableMinimalRebuild = 1,
+ EnableSSE = 1,
+ EnableSSE2 = 1,
+ EnableAVX = 1,
+ EnableAVX2 = 1,
+ PedanticWarnings = 1,
+ ExtraWarnings = 1,
+ FatalWarnings = 1,
+ FloatFast = 1,
+ FloatStrict = 1,
+ FullSymbols = 1,
+ Hotpatchable = 1,
+ LinkSupportCircularDependencies = 1,
+ Managed = 1,
+ MinimumWarnings = 1,
+ MFC = 1,
+ NativeWChar = 1,
+ No64BitChecks = 1,
+ NoBufferSecurityCheck = 1,
+ NoEditAndContinue = 1,
+ NoExceptions = 1,
+ NoFramePointer = 1,
+ NoImportLib = 1,
+ NoIncrementalLink = 1,
+ NoJMC = 1,
+ NoManifest = 1,
+ NoMultiProcessorCompilation = 1,
+ NoNativeWChar = 1,
+ NoOptimizeLink = 1,
+ NoPCH = 1,
+ NoRTTI = 1,
+ NoRuntimeChecks = 1,
+ NoWinMD = 1, -- explicitly disables Windows Metadata
+ NoWinRT = 1, -- explicitly disables Windows Runtime Extension
+ FastCall = 1,
+ StdCall = 1,
+ SingleOutputDir = 1,
+ ObjcARC = 1,
+ Optimize = 1,
+ OptimizeSize = 1,
+ OptimizeSpeed = 1,
+ DebugRuntime = 1,
+ ReleaseRuntime = 1,
+ SEH = 1,
+ StaticATL = 1,
+ StaticRuntime = 1,
+ Symbols = 1,
+ Unicode = 1,
+ UnitySupport = 1,
+ Unsafe = 1,
+ UnsignedChar = 1,
+ UseFullPaths = 1,
+ UseLDResponseFile = 1,
+ UseObjectResponseFile = 1,
+ WinMain = 1
+ }
+ local englishToAmericanSpelling =
+ {
+ nooptimiselink = 'nooptimizelink',
+ optimise = 'optimize',
+ optimisesize = 'optimizesize',
+ optimisespeed = 'optimizespeed',
+ }
+ local lowervalue = value:lower()
+ lowervalue = englishToAmericanSpelling[lowervalue] or lowervalue
+ for v, _ in pairs(allowed_flags) do
+ if v:lower() == lowervalue then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, "invalid flag"
+ end,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "framework",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "container",
+ allowed = {
+ "1.0",
+ "1.1",
+ "2.0",
+ "3.0",
+ "3.5",
+ "4.0",
+ "4.5",
+ "4.5.1",
+ "4.5.2",
+ "4.6",
+ "4.6.1",
+ "4.6.2",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "iostargetplatformversion",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "macostargetplatformversion",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "tvostargetplatformversion",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "windowstargetplatformversion",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "windowstargetplatformminversion",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "forcedincludes",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "imagepath",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "imageoptions",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "implibdir",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "implibextension",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "implibname",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "implibprefix",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "implibsuffix",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "includedirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ usagecopy = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "systemincludedirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ usagecopy = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "userincludedirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ usagecopy = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "usingdirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ usagecopy = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "kind",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = {
+ "ConsoleApp",
+ "WindowedApp",
+ "StaticLib",
+ "SharedLib",
+ "Bundle",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "language",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "container",
+ allowed = {
+ "C",
+ "C++",
+ "C#",
+ "Vala",
+ "Swift",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "libdirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ linkagecopy = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "linkoptions",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "links",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = function(value)
+ -- if library name contains a '/' then treat it as a path to a local file
+ if value:find('/', nil, true) then
+ value = path.getabsolute(value)
+ end
+ return value
+ end,
+ linkagecopy = true,
+ mergecopiestotail = true,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "location",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "container",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "makesettings",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "messageskip",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "solution",
+ isflags = true,
+ usagecopy = true,
+ allowed = function(value)
+ local allowed_messages = {
+ SkipCreatingMessage = 1,
+ SkipBuildingMessage = 1,
+ SkipCleaningMessage = 1,
+ }
+ local lowervalue = value:lower()
+ for v, _ in pairs(allowed_messages) do
+ if v:lower() == lowervalue then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, "invalid message to skip"
+ end,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "msgarchiving",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "msgcompile",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "msgprecompile",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "msgcompile_objc",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "msgresource",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "msglinking",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "objdir",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "options",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "container",
+ isflags = true,
+ usagecopy = true,
+ allowed = function(value)
+ local allowed_options = {
+ ForceCPP = 1,
+ ArchiveSplit = 1,
+ SkipBundling = 1,
+ XcodeLibrarySchemes = 1,
+ XcodeSchemeNoConfigs = 1,
+ }
+ local lowervalue = value:lower()
+ for v, _ in pairs(allowed_options) do
+ if v:lower() == lowervalue then
+ return v
+ end
+ end
+ return nil, "invalid option"
+ end,
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "pchheader",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "pchsource",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "platforms",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "solution",
+ allowed = table.keys(premake.platforms),
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "postbuildcommands",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "prebuildcommands",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "postcompiletasks",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "prelinkcommands",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "propertysheets",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "pullmappingfile",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "applicationdatadir",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "finalizemetasource",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "resdefines",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "resincludedirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "resoptions",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "sdkreferences",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "startproject",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "solution",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "targetdir",
+ kind = "path",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "targetsubdir",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "targetextension",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "targetname",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "targetprefix",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "targetsuffix",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "trimpaths",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "uuid",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "container",
+ allowed = function(value)
+ local ok = true
+ if (#value ~= 36) then ok = false end
+ for i=1,36 do
+ local ch = value:sub(i,i)
+ if (not ch:find("[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789-]")) then ok = false end
+ end
+ if (value:sub(9,9) ~= "-") then ok = false end
+ if (value:sub(14,14) ~= "-") then ok = false end
+ if (value:sub(19,19) ~= "-") then ok = false end
+ if (value:sub(24,24) ~= "-") then ok = false end
+ if (not ok) then
+ return nil, "invalid UUID"
+ end
+ return value:upper()
+ end
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "uses",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "vapidirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "vpaths",
+ kind = "keypath",
+ scope = "container",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "vsimportreferences",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "container",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "dpiawareness",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = {
+ "None",
+ "High",
+ "HighPerMonitor",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "xcodeprojectopts",
+ kind = "table",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "xcodetargetopts",
+ kind = "table",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "xcodescriptphases",
+ kind = "table",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "xcodecopyresources",
+ kind = "table",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "xcodecopyframeworks",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "wholearchive",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ -- swift options
+ newapifield {
+ name = "swiftmodulemaps",
+ kind = "filelist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "buildoptions_swift",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "linkoptions_swift",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ -- Tegra Android options
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidtargetapi",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidminapi",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidarch",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = {
+ "armv7-a",
+ "armv7-a-hard",
+ "arm64-v8a",
+ "x86",
+ "x86_64",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidndktoolchainversion",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidstltype",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidcppstandard",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = {
+ "c++98",
+ "c++11",
+ "c++1y",
+ "gnu++98",
+ "gnu++11",
+ "gnu++1y",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androidlinker",
+ kind = "string",
+ scope = "config",
+ allowed = {
+ "bfd",
+ "gold",
+ }
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "androiddebugintentparams",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "antbuildjavasourcedirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "antbuildjardirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "antbuildjardependencies",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "antbuildnativelibdirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "antbuildnativelibdependencies",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "antbuildassetsdirs",
+ kind = "dirlist",
+ scope = "config",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "postsolutioncallbacks",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "solution",
+ }
+ newapifield {
+ name = "postprojectcallbacks",
+ kind = "list",
+ scope = "project",
+ }
+-- End of API