path: root/3rdparty/genie/src/actions/xcode/xcode_scheme.lua
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/genie/src/actions/xcode/xcode_scheme.lua')
1 files changed, 239 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/genie/src/actions/xcode/xcode_scheme.lua b/3rdparty/genie/src/actions/xcode/xcode_scheme.lua
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..662582e2afb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/genie/src/actions/xcode/xcode_scheme.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+-- xcode_scheme.lua
+local premake = premake
+local xcode = premake.xcode
+-- Print a BuildableReference element.
+ local function buildableref(indent, prj, cfg)
+ cfg = cfg or premake.eachconfig(prj)()
+ _p(indent + 0, '<BuildableReference')
+ _p(indent + 1, 'BuildableIdentifier = "primary"')
+ _p(indent + 1, 'BlueprintIdentifier = "%s"', prj.xcode.projectnode.targetid)
+ _p(indent + 1, 'BuildableName = "%s"',
+ _p(indent + 1, 'BlueprintName = "%s"',
+ _p(indent + 1, 'ReferencedContainer = "container:%s.xcodeproj">',
+ _p(indent + 0, '</BuildableReference>')
+ end
+-- Print a CommandLineArgs element, if needed by the provided config.
+ local function cmdlineargs(indent, cfg)
+ if #cfg.debugargs > 0 then
+ _p(indent, '<CommandLineArguments>')
+ for _, arg in ipairs(cfg.debugargs) do
+ _p(indent + 1, '<CommandLineArgument')
+ _p(indent + 2, 'argument = "%s"', arg)
+ _p(indent + 2, 'isEnabled = "YES">')
+ _p(indent + 1, '</CommandLineArgument>')
+ end
+ _p(indent, '</CommandLineArguments>')
+ end
+ end
+-- Print an EnvironmentVariables element, if needed by the provided config.
+ local function envvars(indent, cfg)
+ if #cfg.debugenvs > 0 then
+ _p(indent, '<EnvironmentVariables>')
+ for _, arg in ipairs(cfg.debugenvs) do
+ local eq = arg:find("=")
+ local k = arg:sub(1, eq)
+ local v = arg:sub(eq + 1)
+ _p(indent + 1, '<EnvironmentVariable')
+ _p(indent + 2, 'key = "%s"', arg:sub(1, eq))
+ _p(indent + 2, 'value = "%s"', arg:sub(eq))
+ _p(indent + 2, 'isEnabled = "YES">')
+ _p(indent + 1, '</EnvironmentVariable>')
+ end
+ _p(indent, '</EnvironmentVariables>')
+ end
+ end
+-- Generate the customWorkingDir path from the given dir.
+ local function workingdir(dir)
+ if not path.isabsolute(dir) then
+ dir = "$PROJECT_DIR/" .. dir
+ end
+ return dir
+ end
+-- Determine the best matching configuration.
+-- @param fordebug
+-- True to find a debug configuration.
+ local function bestconfig(prj, fordebug)
+ local bestcfg = nil
+ local bestscore = -1
+ for cfg in premake.eachconfig(prj) do
+ local score = 0
+ if cfg.platform == "Native" then
+ score = score + 10
+ end
+ if fordebug and == "Debug" then
+ score = score + 1
+ end
+ if not fordebug and == "Release" then
+ score = score + 1
+ end
+ if score > bestscore then
+ bestcfg = cfg
+ bestscore = score
+ end
+ end
+ return bestcfg
+ end
+-- Print out an xcscheme file.
+-- @param tobuild
+-- The list of targets to build. Assumed to be sorted.
+-- @param primary
+-- The target to set as test/profile/launch target.
+ function xcode.scheme(tobuild, primary, schemecfg)
+ _p('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>')
+ _p('<Scheme')
+ _p(1, 'LastUpgradeVersion = "0940"')
+ _p(1, 'version = "1.3">')
+ _p(1, '<BuildAction')
+ _p(2, 'parallelizeBuildables = "YES"')
+ _p(2, 'buildImplicitDependencies = "YES">')
+ _p(2, '<BuildActionEntries>')
+ for _, prj in ipairs(tobuild) do
+ _p(3, '<BuildActionEntry')
+ _p(4, 'buildForTesting = "YES"')
+ _p(4, 'buildForRunning = "YES"')
+ _p(4, 'buildForProfiling = "YES"')
+ _p(4, 'buildForArchiving = "YES"')
+ _p(4, 'buildForAnalyzing = "YES">')
+ buildableref(4, prj)
+ _p(3, '</BuildActionEntry>')
+ end
+ local debugcfg = schemecfg or bestconfig(primary, true)
+ local releasecfg = schemecfg or bestconfig(primary, false)
+ local debugname = xcode.getconfigname(debugcfg)
+ local releasename = xcode.getconfigname(releasecfg)
+ _p(2, '</BuildActionEntries>')
+ _p(1, '</BuildAction>')
+ _p(1, '<TestAction')
+ _p(2, 'buildConfiguration = "%s"', debugname)
+ _p(2, 'selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"')
+ _p(2, 'selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"')
+ _p(2, 'shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES">')
+ _p(2, '<Testables>')
+ _p(2, '</Testables>')
+ _p(2, '<MacroExpansion>')
+ buildableref(3, primary, debugcfg)
+ _p(2, '</MacroExpansion>')
+ _p(2, '<AdditionalOptions>')
+ _p(2, '</AdditionalOptions>')
+ _p(1, '</TestAction>')
+ _p(1, '<LaunchAction')
+ _p(2, 'buildConfiguration = "%s"', debugname)
+ _p(2, 'selectedDebuggerIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Debugger.LLDB"')
+ _p(2, 'selectedLauncherIdentifier = "Xcode.DebuggerFoundation.Launcher.LLDB"')
+ _p(2, 'launchStyle = "0"')
+ if debugcfg.debugdir then
+ _p(2, 'useCustomWorkingDirectory = "YES"')
+ _p(2, 'customWorkingDirectory = "%s"', workingdir(debugcfg.debugdir))
+ else
+ _p(2, 'useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO"')
+ end
+ _p(2, 'ignoresPersistentStateOnLaunch = "NO"')
+ _p(2, 'debugDocumentVersioning = "YES"')
+ _p(2, 'debugServiceExtension = "internal"')
+ _p(2, 'allowLocationSimulation = "YES">')
+ if debugcfg.debugcmd then
+ _p(2, '<PathRunnable')
+ _p(3, 'runnableDebuggingMode = "0"')
+ _p(3, 'FilePath = "%s">', debugcfg.debugcmd)
+ _p(2, '</PathRunnable>')
+ else
+ _p(2, '<BuildableProductRunnable')
+ _p(3, 'runnableDebuggingMode = "0">')
+ buildableref(3, primary, debugcfg)
+ _p(2, '</BuildableProductRunnable>')
+ end
+ cmdlineargs(2, debugcfg)
+ envvars(2, debugcfg)
+ _p(2, '<AdditionalOptions>')
+ _p(2, '</AdditionalOptions>')
+ _p(1, '</LaunchAction>')
+ _p(1, '<ProfileAction')
+ _p(2, 'buildConfiguration = "%s"', releasename)
+ _p(2, 'shouldUseLaunchSchemeArgsEnv = "YES"')
+ _p(2, 'savedToolIdentifier = ""')
+ if releasecfg.debugdir then
+ _p(2, 'useCustomWorkingDirectory = "YES"')
+ _p(2, 'customWorkingDirectory = "%s"', workingdir(releasecfg.debugdir))
+ else
+ _p(2, 'useCustomWorkingDirectory = "NO"')
+ end
+ _p(2, 'debugDocumentVersioning = "YES">')
+ _p(2, '<BuildableProductRunnable')
+ _p(3, 'runnableDebuggingMode = "0">')
+ buildableref(3, primary, releasecfg)
+ _p(2, '</BuildableProductRunnable>')
+ cmdlineargs(2, releasecfg)
+ envvars(2, releasecfg)
+ _p(1, '</ProfileAction>')
+ _p(1, '<AnalyzeAction')
+ _p(2, 'buildConfiguration = "%s">', debugname)
+ _p(1, '</AnalyzeAction>')
+ _p(1, '<ArchiveAction')
+ _p(2, 'buildConfiguration = "%s"', releasename)
+ _p(2, 'revealArchiveInOrganizer = "YES">')
+ _p(1, '</ArchiveAction>')
+ _p('</Scheme>')
+ end
+-- Generate XCode schemes for the given project.
+ function xcode.generate_schemes(prj, base_path)
+ if (prj.kind == "ConsoleApp" or prj.kind == "WindowedApp") or (prj.options and prj.options.XcodeLibrarySchemes) then
+ if prj.options and prj.options.XcodeSchemeNoConfigs then
+ premake.generate(prj, path.join(base_path, "%%.xcscheme"),
+ function(prj) xcode.scheme({prj}, prj) end)
+ else
+ for cfg in premake.eachconfig(prj) do
+ premake.generate(prj, path.join(base_path, "%% " .. .. ".xcscheme"),
+ function(prj) xcode.scheme({prj}, prj, cfg) end)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end