path: root/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/iconfontheaders/
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/iconfontheaders/')
1 files changed, 298 insertions, 130 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/iconfontheaders/ b/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/iconfontheaders/
index 09eae5c4566..fe7fe8e95e2 100644
--- a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/iconfontheaders/
+++ b/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/iconfontheaders/
@@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
# Convert Font Awesome, Google Material Design and Kenney Game icon font
-# parameters to C++11 and C89 compatible formats.
+# parameters to C++11, C89 and None compatible formats.
# 1 - Source material
-# 1.1 - Font Awesome -
-# 1.2 - Material Design -
-# 1.3 - Kenney icons -
+# 1.1 - Font Awesome
+# 1.2 - Material Design
+# 1.3 - Kenney icons
# 2 - Data samples
@@ -24,21 +29,26 @@
# - Web Application Icons
# - output C++11: #define ICON_FA_MUSIC u8"\uf001"
# - output C89: #define ICON_FA_MUSIC "\xEF\x80\x81"
+# - output None: var icon-fa-music ""
# 2.2 - Google Material Design icons
# - input: 3d_rotation e84d
# - output C++11: #define ICON_MD_3D_ROTATION u8"\ue84d"
# - output C89: #define ICON_MD_3D_ROTATION "\xEE\xA1\x8D"
+# - output None: var icon-md-3d_rotation ""
# 2.3 - Kenney Game icons
# - input: .ki-home:before{ content: "\e900"; }
# - output C++11: #define ICON_KI_HOME u8"\ue900"
# - output C89: #define ICON_KI_HOME "\xEE\xA4\x80"
+# - output None: var icon-ki-home ""
# 2.4 - All fonts
# - computed min and max unicode fonts ICON_MIN and ICON_MAX
-# - output: #define ICON_MIN_FA 0xf000
-# #define ICON_MAX_FA 0xf295
+# - output C89, C++11: #define ICON_MIN_FA 0xf000
+# #define ICON_MAX_FA 0xf295
+# - output None: var icon-min-fa 0xf000
+# var icon-max-fa 0xf2b2
# 3 - Script dependencies
@@ -48,136 +58,294 @@
# 3.3 - PyYAML -
+# 4 - References
+# None language:
import requests
import yaml
-LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX = '#define ICON_{!s}_{!s} 0x{!s}\n'
-UNICODE_MIN = 'ffff'
-MESSAGE_SUCCESS = '{!s} fonts - conversion success: {!s}'
-MESSAGE_ERROR = '{!s} fonts - error \n\t{!s}'
-def get_prelude( url ):
- prelude = '// Generated by \n// from {!s}\n#pragma once\n\n'.format( url )
- return prelude
-def line_format( font_abbr, font, unicode, cpp11 = True ):
- if cpp11:
- result = '#define ICON_{!s}_{!s} u8"\u{!s}"\n'.format( font_abbr, font, unicode )
- else:
- unicode_base = ''.join([ '{0:x}'.format( ord( x )) for x in unichr( int( unicode, 16 )).encode( 'utf-8' )]).upper()
- unicode = '\\x' + unicode_base[ :2 ] + '\\x' + unicode_base[ 2:4 ] + '\\x' + unicode_base[ 4: ]
- result = '#define ICON_{!s}_{!s} "{!s}"\n'.format( font_abbr, font, unicode )
- return result
-def convert_font_awesome( font_name, font_abbr, source_url, output_file, cpp11 ):
- try:
- response = requests.get( source_url, timeout = TIMEOUT )
- if response.status_code == 200:
- input = yaml.safe_load( response.content )
- output_fonts = ''
- for item in input[ 'icons' ]:
- font = ''
- for char in item[ 'id' ]:
- font += '_' if ( char == '-' ) else str.upper( char )
- unicode = item[ 'unicode' ]
- if unicode < min:
- min = unicode
- elif unicode >= max:
- max = unicode
- output_fonts += line_format( font_abbr, font, unicode, cpp11 )
- output = get_prelude( source_url ) + \
- LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX.format( 'MIN', font_abbr, min ) + \
- LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX.format( 'MAX', font_abbr, max ) + \
- output_fonts
- with open( output_file, 'w' ) as f:
- f.write( output )
- print( MESSAGE_SUCCESS.format( font_name, output_file ))
- except Exception as e:
- print( MESSAGE_ERROR.format( font_name, e ))
-def convert_material_design( font_name, font_abbr, source_url, output_file, cpp11 ):
- try:
- response = requests.get( source_url, timeout = TIMEOUT )
- if response.status_code == 200:
- input = str.split( response.content, '\n' )
- output_fonts = ''
- for line in input:
- words = str.split( line )
- if words:
- font = ''
- for char in words[ 0 ]:
- font += '_' if ( char == '-' ) else str.upper( char )
- unicode = words[ 1 ]
- if unicode < min:
- min = unicode
- elif unicode >= max:
- max = unicode
- output_fonts += line_format( font_abbr, font, unicode, cpp11 )
- output = get_prelude( source_url ) + \
- LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX.format( 'MIN', font_abbr, min ) + \
- LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX.format( 'MAX', font_abbr, max ) + \
- output_fonts
- with open( output_file, 'w' ) as f:
- f.write( output )
- print( MESSAGE_SUCCESS.format( font_name, output_file ))
- except Exception as e:
- print( MESSAGE_ERROR.format( font_name, e ))
-def convert_kenney( font_name, font_abbr, source_url, output_file, cpp11 ):
- try:
- response = requests.get( source_url, timeout = TIMEOUT )
- if response.status_code == 200:
- input = str.split( response.content, '\n' )
- output_fonts = ''
- font_begin= '.ki-'
- font_end = ':before'
- unicode_begin = '"\\'
- unicode_end = '";'
- for line in input:
- words = str.split( line )
- if words:
- if font_begin in words[ 0 ]:
- font = ''
- word = words[ 0 ][( words[ 0 ].find( font_begin ) + len( font_begin )) : ( words[ 0 ].find( font_end ))]
- for char in word:
- font += '_' if ( char == '-' ) else str.upper( char )
- unicode = str( words[ 2 ][( words[ 2 ].find( unicode_begin ) + len( unicode_begin )) : words[ 2 ].find( unicode_end )])
- if unicode < min:
- min = unicode
- elif unicode >= max:
- max = unicode
- output_fonts += line_format( font_abbr, font, unicode, cpp11 )
- output = get_prelude( source_url ) + \
- LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX.format( 'MIN', font_abbr, min ) + \
- LINE_FORMAT_MINMAX.format( 'MAX', font_abbr, max ) + \
- output_fonts
- with open( output_file, 'w' ) as f:
- f.write( output )
- print( MESSAGE_SUCCESS.format( font_name, output_file ))
- except Exception as e:
- print( MESSAGE_ERROR.format( font_name, e ))
+# Fonts
+class Font:
+ font_tff = '[ ERROR - missing tff file info ]'
+ font_url = '[ ERROR - missing font data url ]'
+ font_name = '[ ERROR - missing font name ]'
+ font_abbr = '[ ERROR - missing font abbreviation ]'
+ @classmethod
+ def get_icons( cls, input ):
+ # intermediate representation of the fonts data, identify the min and max
+ print( '[ ERROR - missing implementation of class method get_icons for {!s} ]'.format( cls.font_name ))
+ icons_data = {}
+ icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : '[ ERROR - missing font min ]',
+ 'font_max' : '[ ERROR - missing font max ]',
+ 'icons' : '[ ERROR - missing list of pairs [ font icon name, code ]]' })
+ return icons_data
+ @classmethod
+ def download( cls ):
+ input_raw = ''
+ try :
+ response = requests.get( cls.font_url, timeout = 2 )
+ if response.status_code == 200:
+ input_raw = response.content
+ print( 'Downloaded - ' + cls.font_name )
+ except Exception as e :
+ print( '[ ERROR - {!s}: {!s} ]'.format( cls.font_name, e ))
+ return input_raw
+ @classmethod
+ def get_intermediate_representation( cls ):
+ font_ir = {}
+ input_raw =
+ if input_raw:
+ icons_data = cls.get_icons( input_raw )
+ font_ir.update( icons_data )
+ font_ir.update({ 'font_tff' : cls.font_tff,
+ 'font_url' : cls.font_url,
+ 'font_name' : cls.font_name,
+ 'font_abbr' : cls.font_abbr })
+ print( 'Generated intermediate data - ' + cls.font_name )
+ return font_ir
+class FontFA( Font ):
+ font_tff = ''
+ font_url = ''
+ font_name = 'font_awesome'
+ font_abbr = 'FA'
+ @classmethod
+ def get_icons( self, input ):
+ icons_data = {}
+ data = yaml.safe_load( input )
+ if data:
+ font_min = 'ffff'
+ font_max = '0'
+ icons = []
+ for item in data[ 'icons' ]:
+ if item[ 'unicode' ] < font_min:
+ font_min = item[ 'unicode' ]
+ if item[ 'unicode' ] >= font_max:
+ font_max = item[ 'unicode' ]
+ icons.append([ item[ 'id' ], item[ 'unicode' ]])
+ icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : font_min,
+ 'font_max' : font_max,
+ 'icons' : icons })
+ return icons_data
+class FontMD( Font ):
+ font_tff = ''
+ font_url = ''
+ font_name = 'material_design'
+ font_abbr = 'MD'
+ @classmethod
+ def get_icons( self, input ):
+ icons_data = {}
+ lines = str.split( input, '\n' )
+ if lines:
+ font_min = 'ffff'
+ font_max = '0'
+ icons = []
+ for line in lines :
+ words = str.split(line)
+ if words and len( words ) >= 2:
+ if words[ 1 ] < font_min:
+ font_min = words[ 1 ]
+ if words[ 1 ] >= font_max:
+ font_max = words[ 1 ]
+ icons.append( words )
+ icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : font_min,
+ 'font_max' : font_max,
+ 'icons' : icons })
+ return icons_data
+class FontKI( Font ):
+ font_tff = ''
+ font_url = ''
+ font_name = 'kenney'
+ font_abbr = 'KI'
+ @classmethod
+ def get_icons( self, input ):
+ icons_data = {}
+ lines = str.split( input, '\n' )
+ if lines:
+ font_min = 'ffff'
+ font_max = '0'
+ icons = []
+ for line in lines :
+ if '.ki-' in line:
+ words = str.split(line)
+ if words and '.ki-' in words[ 0 ]:
+ font_id = words[ 0 ].partition( '.ki-' )[2].partition( ':before' )[0]
+ font_code = words[ 2 ].partition( '"\\' )[2].partition( '";' )[0]
+ if font_code < font_min:
+ font_min = font_code
+ if font_code >= font_max:
+ font_max = font_code
+ icons.append([ font_id, font_code ])
+ icons_data.update({ 'font_min' : font_min,
+ 'font_max' : font_max,
+ 'icons' : icons })
+ return icons_data
+# Languages
+class Language:
+ language_name = '[ ERROR - missing language name ]'
+ file_name = '[ ERROR - missing file name ]'
+ intermediate = {}
+ def __init__( self, intermediate ):
+ self.intermediate = intermediate
+ @classmethod
+ def prelude( cls ):
+ print('[ ERROR - missing implementation of class method prelude for {!s} ]'.format(cls.language_name))
+ result = '[ ERROR - missing prelude ]'
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def lines_minmax( cls ):
+ print('[ ERROR - missing implementation of class method lines_minmax for {!s} ]'.format(cls.language_name))
+ result = '[ ERROR - missing min and max ]'
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def line_icon( cls, icon ):
+ print('[ ERROR - missing implementation of class method line_icon for {!s} ]'.format( cls.language_name ))
+ result = '[ ERROR - missing icon line ]'
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def convert( cls ):
+ result = cls.prelude() + cls.lines_minmax()
+ for icon in cls.intermediate.get( 'icons' ):
+ line_icon = cls.line_icon( icon )
+ result += line_icon
+ print ( 'Converted - {!s} for {!s}' ).format( cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' ), cls.language_name)
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def save_to_file( cls ):
+ filename = cls.file_name.format( name = str(cls.intermediate.get( 'font_name' )).replace( ' ', '' ))
+ converted = cls.convert()
+ with open( filename, 'w' ) as f:
+ f.write( converted )
+ print( 'Saved - {!s}' ).format( filename )
+class LanguageC89( Language ):
+ language_name = 'C89'
+ file_name = 'icons_{name}.h'
+ @classmethod
+ def prelude( cls ):
+ tmpl_prelude = '// Generated by for language {lang}\n' + \
+ '// from {url}\n' + \
+ '// for use with {tff}\n' + \
+ '#pragma once\n\n'
+ result = tmpl_prelude.format(lang = cls.language_name,
+ url = cls.intermediate.get('font_url'),
+ tff = cls.intermediate.get('font_tff'))
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def lines_minmax( cls ):
+ tmpl_line_minmax = '#define ICON_{minmax}_{abbr} 0x{val}\n'
+ result = tmpl_line_minmax.format(minmax = 'MIN',
+ abbr = cls.intermediate.get('font_abbr'),
+ val = cls.intermediate.get('font_min')) + \
+ tmpl_line_minmax.format(minmax = 'MAX',
+ abbr = cls.intermediate.get('font_abbr'),
+ val = cls.intermediate.get('font_max'))
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def line_icon( cls, icon ):
+ tmpl_line_icon = '#define ICON_{abbr}_{icon} "{code}"\n'
+ icon_name = str.upper( icon[ 0 ]).replace( '-', '_' )
+ code_base = ''.join([ '{0:x}'.format( ord( x )) for x in unichr( int( icon[ 1 ], 16 )).encode( 'utf-8' )]).upper()
+ icon_code = '\\x' + code_base[ :2 ] + '\\x' + code_base[ 2:4 ] + '\\x' + code_base[ 4: ]
+ result = tmpl_line_icon.format( abbr = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_abbr' ),
+ icon = icon_name,
+ code = icon_code )
+ return result
+class LanguageCpp11( LanguageC89 ):
+ language_name = 'C++11'
+ file_name = 'Icons{name}.h'
+ @classmethod
+ def line_icon( cls, icon ):
+ tmpl_line_icon = '#define ICON_{abbr}_{icon} u8"\u{code}"\n'
+ icon_name = str.upper( icon[ 0 ]).replace( '-', '_' )
+ icon_code = icon[ 1 ]
+ result = tmpl_line_icon.format( abbr = cls.intermediate.get('font_abbr'),
+ icon = icon_name,
+ code = icon_code)
+ return result
+class LanguageNone( Language ):
+ language_name = 'None'
+ file_name = 'Icons{name}.n'
+ @classmethod
+ def prelude( cls ):
+ tmpl_prelude = 'none\n' + \
+ '; Generated by for language {lang}\n' + \
+ '; from {url}\n' + \
+ '; for use with {tff}\n' + \
+ '\n$\n'
+ result = tmpl_prelude.format( lang = cls.language_name,
+ url = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_url' ),
+ tff = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_tff' ))
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def lines_minmax( cls ):
+ tmpl_line_minmax = ' var icon-{minmax}-{abbr} 0x{val}\n'
+ result = tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'min',
+ abbr = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_abbr' ).lower(),
+ val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_min' )) + \
+ tmpl_line_minmax.format( minmax = 'max',
+ abbr = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_abbr' ).lower(),
+ val = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_max' ))
+ return result
+ @classmethod
+ def line_icon( cls, icon ):
+ tmpl_line_icon = ' var icon-{abbr}-{icon} "{code}"\n'
+ icon_name = str.upper( icon[ 0 ]).replace( '-', '_' ).lower()
+ icon_code = unichr( int( icon[ 1 ], 16 )).encode( 'utf-8' )
+ result = tmpl_line_icon.format( abbr = cls.intermediate.get( 'font_abbr' ).lower(),
+ icon = icon_name,
+ code = icon_code )
+ return result
# Main
-convert_font_awesome( 'Font Awesome', 'FA', '', 'icons_font_awesome.h', False )
-convert_material_design( 'Material Design', 'MD', '', 'icons_material_design.h', False )
-convert_kenney( 'Kenney', 'KI', '', 'icons_kenney.h', False )
+fonts = [ FontKI , FontMD, FontFA ]
+languages = [ LanguageC89 ]
+intermediates = []
+for font in fonts:
+ intermediates.append( font.get_intermediate_representation())
+for interm in intermediates:
+ Language.intermediate = interm
+ for lang in languages:
+ lang.save_to_file()