path: root/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/ChooseMSVCCRT.cmake
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/ChooseMSVCCRT.cmake')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 105 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/ChooseMSVCCRT.cmake b/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/ChooseMSVCCRT.cmake
deleted file mode 100644
index 209788174ff..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/ChooseMSVCCRT.cmake
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-# The macro choose_msvc_crt() takes a list of possible
-# C runtimes to choose from, in the form of compiler flags,
-# to present to the user. (MTd for /MTd, etc)
-# The macro is invoked at the end of the file.
-# CMake already sets CRT flags in the CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_* and
-# CMAKE_C_FLAGS_* variables by default. To let the user
-# override that for each build type:
-# 1. Detect which CRT is already selected, and reflect this in
-# LLVM_USE_CRT_* so the user can have a better idea of what
-# changes they're making.
-# 2. Replace the flags in both variables with the new flag via a regex.
-# 3. set() the variables back into the cache so the changes
-# are user-visible.
-### Helper macros: ###
-macro(make_crt_regex regex crts)
- set(${regex} "")
- foreach(crt ${${crts}})
- # Trying to match the beginning or end of the string with stuff
- # like [ ^]+ didn't work, so use a bunch of parentheses instead.
- set(${regex} "${${regex}}|(^| +)/${crt}($| +)")
- endforeach(crt)
- string(REGEX REPLACE "^\\|" "" ${regex} "${${regex}}")
-macro(get_current_crt crt_current regex flagsvar)
- # Find the selected-by-CMake CRT for each build type, if any.
- # Strip off the leading slash and any whitespace.
- string(REGEX MATCH "${${regex}}" ${crt_current} "${${flagsvar}}")
- string(REPLACE "/" " " ${crt_current} "${${crt_current}}")
- string(STRIP "${${crt_current}}" ${crt_current})
-# Replaces or adds a flag to a variable.
-# Expects 'flag' to be padded with spaces.
-macro(set_flag_in_var flagsvar regex flag)
- string(REGEX MATCH "${${regex}}" current_flag "${${flagsvar}}")
- if("${current_flag}" STREQUAL "")
- set(${flagsvar} "${${flagsvar}}${${flag}}")
- else()
- string(REGEX REPLACE "${${regex}}" "${${flag}}" ${flagsvar} "${${flagsvar}}")
- endif()
- string(STRIP "${${flagsvar}}" ${flagsvar})
- # Make sure this change gets reflected in the cache/gui.
- # CMake requires the docstring parameter whenever set() touches the cache,
- # so get the existing docstring and re-use that.
- get_property(flagsvar_docs CACHE ${flagsvar} PROPERTY HELPSTRING)
- set(${flagsvar} "${${flagsvar}}" CACHE STRING "${flagsvar_docs}" FORCE)
-macro(choose_msvc_crt MSVC_CRT)
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "LLVM_USE_CRT is deprecated. Use the CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE-specific
-variables (LLVM_USE_CRT_DEBUG, etc) instead.")
- endif()
- make_crt_regex(MSVC_CRT_REGEX ${MSVC_CRT})
- string(TOUPPER "${build_type}" build)
- if (NOT LLVM_USE_CRT_${build})
- get_current_crt(LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}
- CMAKE_CXX_FLAGS_${build})
- set(LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}
- "${LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}}"
- CACHE STRING "Specify VC++ CRT to use for ${build_type} configurations."
- set_property(CACHE LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}
- endif(NOT LLVM_USE_CRT_${build})
- endforeach(build_type)
- string(TOUPPER "${build_type}" build)
- if ("${LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}}" STREQUAL "")
- set(flag_string " ")
- else()
- set(flag_string " /${LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}} ")
- list(FIND ${MSVC_CRT} ${LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}} idx)
- if (idx LESS 0)
- message(FATAL_ERROR
- "Invalid value for LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}: ${LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}}. Valid options are one of: ${${MSVC_CRT}}")
- endif (idx LESS 0)
- message(STATUS "Using ${build_type} VC++ CRT: ${LLVM_USE_CRT_${build}}")
- endif()
- foreach(lang C CXX)
- set_flag_in_var(CMAKE_${lang}_FLAGS_${build} MSVC_CRT_REGEX flag_string)
- endforeach(lang)
- endforeach(build_type)
-endmacro(choose_msvc_crt MSVC_CRT)
-# List of valid CRTs for MSVC
- MD
- MDd
- MT
- MTd)