path: root/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/BUILD.bazel
diff options
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/BUILD.bazel')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 245 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/BUILD.bazel b/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/BUILD.bazel
deleted file mode 100644
index cc18aa268e0..00000000000
--- a/3rdparty/bgfx/3rdparty/glslang/BUILD.bazel
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,245 +0,0 @@
- default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"],
-# Description:
-# Khronos reference front-end for GLSL and ESSL, and sample SPIR-V generator.
-COMMON_COPTS = select({
- "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": [""],
- "//conditions:default": [
- "-Wall",
- "-Wuninitialized",
- "-Wunused",
- "-Wunused-local-typedefs",
- "-Wunused-parameter",
- "-Wunused-value",
- "-Wunused-variable",
- "-Wno-reorder",
- "-std=c++11",
- "-fvisibility=hidden",
- "-fvisibility-inlines-hidden",
- "-fno-exceptions",
- "-fno-rtti",
- ],
- name = "glslang",
- srcs = glob(
- [
- "glslang/GenericCodeGen/*.cpp",
- "glslang/MachineIndependent/*.cpp",
- "glslang/MachineIndependent/preprocessor/*.cpp",
- "hlsl/*.cpp",
- ],
- exclude = [
- "glslang/MachineIndependent/pch.cpp",
- "glslang/MachineIndependent/pch.h",
- "hlsl/pch.cpp",
- "hlsl/pch.h",
- ],
- ) + [
- "OGLCompilersDLL/InitializeDll.cpp",
- ] + select({
- "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows":
- ["glslang/OSDependent/Windows/ossource.cpp"],
- "//conditions:default":
- ["glslang/OSDependent/Unix/ossource.cpp"],
- }),
- hdrs = glob([
- "glslang/Include/*.h",
- "glslang/MachineIndependent/*.h",
- "glslang/MachineIndependent/preprocessor/*.h",
- "hlsl/*.h",
- ]) + [
- "OGLCompilersDLL/InitializeDll.h",
- "StandAlone/DirStackFileIncluder.h",
- "glslang/OSDependent/osinclude.h",
- "glslang/Public/ShaderLang.h",
- ],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- defines = [
- ],
- linkopts = select({
- "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": [""],
- "//conditions:default": ["-lm", "-lpthread"],
- }),
- linkstatic = 1,
- name = "export_spirv_headers",
- srcs = [
- "SPIRV/GLSL.ext.AMD.h",
- "SPIRV/GLSL.ext.EXT.h",
- "SPIRV/GLSL.ext.KHR.h",
- "SPIRV/GLSL.ext.NV.h",
- "SPIRV/GLSL.std.450.h",
- "SPIRV/spirv.hpp",
- ],
- outs = [
- "include/SPIRV/GLSL.ext.AMD.h",
- "include/SPIRV/GLSL.ext.EXT.h",
- "include/SPIRV/GLSL.ext.KHR.h",
- "include/SPIRV/GLSL.ext.NV.h",
- "include/SPIRV/GLSL.std.450.h",
- "include/SPIRV/spirv.hpp",
- ],
- cmd = "mkdir -p $(@D)/include/SPIRV && cp $(SRCS) $(@D)/include/SPIRV/",
- name = "SPIRV_headers",
- hdrs = [":export_spirv_headers"],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- includes = [
- "include",
- "include/SPIRV",
- ],
- linkstatic = 1,
- name = "SPIRV",
- srcs = glob(
- ["SPIRV/*.cpp"],
- exclude = [
- "SPIRV/SpvTools.cpp",
- ],
- ),
- hdrs = [
- "SPIRV/GlslangToSpv.h",
- "SPIRV/Logger.h",
- "SPIRV/SPVRemapper.h",
- "SPIRV/SpvBuilder.h",
- "SPIRV/SpvTools.h",
- "SPIRV/bitutils.h",
- "SPIRV/disassemble.h",
- "SPIRV/doc.h",
- "SPIRV/hex_float.h",
- "SPIRV/spvIR.h",
- ],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- includes = ["SPIRV"],
- linkopts = select({
- "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows": [""],
- "//conditions:default": ["-lm"],
- }),
- linkstatic = 1,
- deps = [
- ":SPIRV_headers",
- ":glslang",
- ],
- name = "glslang-default-resource-limits",
- srcs = ["StandAlone/ResourceLimits.cpp"],
- hdrs = ["StandAlone/ResourceLimits.h"],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- linkstatic = 1,
- deps = [":glslang"],
- name = "glslangValidator",
- srcs = [
- "StandAlone/StandAlone.cpp",
- "StandAlone/Worklist.h",
- ],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- deps = [
- ":SPIRV",
- ":glslang",
- ":glslang-default-resource-limits",
- ],
- name = "spirv-remap",
- srcs = ["StandAlone/spirv-remap.cpp"],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- deps = [
- ":SPIRV",
- ":glslang",
- ":glslang-default-resource-limits",
- ],
- name = "test_files",
- srcs = glob(
- ["Test/**"],
- exclude = [
- "Test/bump",
- "Test/glslangValidator",
- "Test/runtests",
- ],
- ),
- name = "glslang_test_lib",
- testonly = 1,
- srcs = [
- "gtests/HexFloat.cpp",
- "gtests/Initializer.h",
- "gtests/Settings.cpp",
- "gtests/Settings.h",
- "gtests/TestFixture.cpp",
- "gtests/TestFixture.h",
- "gtests/main.cpp",
- ],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- data = [":test_files"],
- defines = select({
- # Unfortunately we can't use $(location) in cc_library at the moment.
- # See
- # So we'll specify the path manually.
- "@bazel_tools//src/conditions:windows":
- ["GLSLANG_TEST_DIRECTORY='\"../../../../../Test\"'"],
- "//conditions:default":
- }),
- linkstatic = 1,
- deps = [
- ":SPIRV",
- ":glslang",
- ":glslang-default-resource-limits",
- "@com_google_googletest//:gtest",
- ],
- ["gtests/*.FromFile.cpp"],
- # Since we are not building the SPIRV-Tools dependency, the following tests
- # cannot be performed.
- exclude = [
- "gtests/Hlsl.FromFile.cpp",
- "gtests/Spv.FromFile.cpp",
- ],
- name = test_file.replace("gtests/", "").replace(".FromFile.cpp", "") + "_test",
- srcs = [test_file],
- copts = COMMON_COPTS,
- data = [
- ":test_files",
- ],
- deps = [
- ":SPIRV",
- ":glslang",
- ":glslang_test_lib",
- ],
-) for test_file in GLSLANG_TESTS]