path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/x86/x86instapi.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/x86/x86instapi.cpp')
1 files changed, 1830 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/x86/x86instapi.cpp b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/x86/x86instapi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..27671b3adc5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/x86/x86instapi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,1830 @@
+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
+#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
+#include "../core/cpuinfo.h"
+#include "../core/instdb_p.h"
+#include "../core/misc_p.h"
+#include "../x86/x86instapi_p.h"
+#include "../x86/x86instdb_p.h"
+#include "../x86/x86opcode_p.h"
+#include "../x86/x86operand.h"
+namespace InstInternal {
+// x86::InstInternal - Text
+// ========================
+Error instIdToString(InstId instId, String& output) noexcept {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Inst::isDefinedId(instId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ return InstNameUtils::decode(output, InstDB::_instNameIndexTable[instId], InstDB::_instNameStringTable);
+InstId stringToInstId(const char* s, size_t len) noexcept {
+ return InstNameUtils::find(s, len, InstDB::instNameIndex, InstDB::_instNameIndexTable, InstDB::_instNameStringTable);
+#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_TEXT
+// x86::InstInternal - Validate
+// ============================
+struct X86ValidationData {
+ //! Allowed registers by \ref RegType.
+ RegMask allowedRegMask[uint32_t(RegType::kMaxValue) + 1];
+ uint32_t allowedMemBaseRegs;
+ uint32_t allowedMemIndexRegs;
+#define VALUE(x) \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_GpbLo)) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpbLo : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_GpbHi)) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpbHi : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpw )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpw : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpd )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpd : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpq )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpq : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Xmm )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegXmm : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Ymm )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegYmm : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Zmm )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegZmm : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Mm )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegMm : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_KReg )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegKReg : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_SReg )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegSReg : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_CReg )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegCReg : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_DReg )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegDReg : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_St )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegSt : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Bnd )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegBnd : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Tmm )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kRegTmm : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Rip )) ? InstDB::OpFlags::kNone : InstDB::OpFlags::kNone
+static const InstDB::OpFlags _x86OpFlagFromRegType[uint32_t(RegType::kMaxValue) + 1] = { ASMJIT_LOOKUP_TABLE_32(VALUE, 0) };
+#undef VALUE
+#define REG_MASK_FROM_REG_TYPE_X86(x) \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_GpbLo)) ? 0x0000000Fu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_GpbHi)) ? 0x0000000Fu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpw )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpd )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpq )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Xmm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Ymm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Zmm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Mm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_KReg )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_SReg )) ? 0x0000007Eu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_CReg )) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_DReg )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_St )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Bnd )) ? 0x0000000Fu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Tmm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Rip )) ? 0x00000001u : 0u
+#define REG_MASK_FROM_REG_TYPE_X64(x) \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_GpbLo)) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_GpbHi)) ? 0x0000000Fu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpw )) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpd )) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Gpq )) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Xmm )) ? 0xFFFFFFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Ymm )) ? 0xFFFFFFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Zmm )) ? 0xFFFFFFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Mm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_KReg )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_SReg )) ? 0x0000007Eu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_CReg )) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_DReg )) ? 0x0000FFFFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_St )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Bnd )) ? 0x0000000Fu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Tmm )) ? 0x000000FFu : \
+ (x == uint32_t(RegType::kX86_Rip )) ? 0x00000001u : 0u
+#define B(RegType) (uint32_t(1) << uint32_t(RegType))
+static const X86ValidationData _x86ValidationData = {
+ B(RegType::kX86_Gpw) | B(RegType::kX86_Gpd) | B(RegType::kX86_Rip) | B(RegType::kLabelTag),
+ B(RegType::kX86_Gpw) | B(RegType::kX86_Gpd) | B(RegType::kX86_Xmm) | B(RegType::kX86_Ymm) | B(RegType::kX86_Zmm)
+static const X86ValidationData _x64ValidationData = {
+ B(RegType::kX86_Gpd) | B(RegType::kX86_Gpq) | B(RegType::kX86_Rip) | B(RegType::kLabelTag),
+ B(RegType::kX86_Gpd) | B(RegType::kX86_Gpq) | B(RegType::kX86_Xmm) | B(RegType::kX86_Ymm) | B(RegType::kX86_Zmm)
+#undef B
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE bool x86IsZmmOrM512(const Operand_& op) noexcept {
+ return Reg::isZmm(op) || (op.isMem() && op.x86RmSize() == 64);
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE bool x86CheckOSig(const InstDB::OpSignature& op, const InstDB::OpSignature& ref, bool& immOutOfRange) noexcept {
+ // Fail if operand types are incompatible.
+ InstDB::OpFlags commonFlags = op.flags() & ref.flags();
+ if (!Support::test(commonFlags, InstDB::OpFlags::kOpMask)) {
+ // Mark temporarily `immOutOfRange` so we can return a more descriptive error later.
+ if (op.hasImm() && ref.hasImm()) {
+ immOutOfRange = true;
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Fail if some memory specific flags do not match.
+ if (Support::test(commonFlags, InstDB::OpFlags::kMemMask)) {
+ if (ref.hasFlag(InstDB::OpFlags::kFlagMemBase) && !op.hasFlag(InstDB::OpFlags::kFlagMemBase))
+ return false;
+ }
+ // Fail if register indexes do not match.
+ if (Support::test(commonFlags, InstDB::OpFlags::kRegMask)) {
+ if (ref.regMask() && !Support::test(op.regMask(), ref.regMask()))
+ return false;
+ }
+ return true;
+static ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error validate(InstDB::Mode mode, const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, ValidationFlags validationFlags) noexcept {
+ uint32_t i;
+ // Get the instruction data.
+ const X86ValidationData* vd = (mode == InstDB::Mode::kX86) ? &_x86ValidationData : &_x64ValidationData;
+ InstId instId =;
+ InstOptions options = inst.options();
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Inst::isDefinedId(instId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ const InstDB::InstInfo& instInfo = InstDB::infoById(instId);
+ const InstDB::CommonInfo& commonInfo = instInfo.commonInfo();
+ InstDB::InstFlags iFlags = instInfo.flags();
+ constexpr InstOptions kRepAny = InstOptions::kX86_Rep | InstOptions::kX86_Repne;
+ constexpr InstOptions kXAcqXRel = InstOptions::kX86_XAcquire | InstOptions::kX86_XRelease;
+ constexpr InstOptions kAvx512Options = InstOptions::kX86_ZMask | InstOptions::kX86_ER | InstOptions::kX86_SAE;
+ // Validate LOCK|XACQUIRE|XRELEASE Prefixes
+ // ----------------------------------------
+ if (Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_Lock | kXAcqXRel)) {
+ if (Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_Lock)) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Support::test(iFlags, InstDB::InstFlags::kLock) && !Support::test(options, kXAcqXRel)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidLockPrefix);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(opCount < 1 || !operands[0].isMem()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidLockPrefix);
+ }
+ if (Support::test(options, kXAcqXRel)) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_Lock) || (options & kXAcqXRel) == kXAcqXRel))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPrefixCombination);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_XAcquire) && !Support::test(iFlags, InstDB::InstFlags::kXAcquire)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidXAcquirePrefix);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_XRelease) && !Support::test(iFlags, InstDB::InstFlags::kXRelease)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidXReleasePrefix);
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate REP and REPNE Prefixes
+ // -------------------------------
+ if (Support::test(options, kRepAny)) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY((options & kRepAny) == kRepAny))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPrefixCombination);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Support::test(iFlags, InstDB::InstFlags::kRep)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRepPrefix);
+ }
+ // Translate Each Operand to the Corresponding OpSignature
+ // -------------------------------------------------------
+ InstDB::OpSignature oSigTranslated[Globals::kMaxOpCount];
+ InstDB::OpFlags combinedOpFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kNone;
+ uint32_t combinedRegMask = 0;
+ const Mem* memOp = nullptr;
+ for (i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
+ const Operand_& op = operands[i];
+ if (op.opType() == OperandType::kNone)
+ break;
+ InstDB::OpFlags opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kNone;
+ RegMask regMask = 0;
+ switch (op.opType()) {
+ case OperandType::kReg: {
+ RegType regType =<BaseReg>().type();
+ opFlags = _x86OpFlagFromRegType[size_t(regType)];
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(opFlags == InstDB::OpFlags::kNone))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRegType);
+ // If `regId` is equal or greater than Operand::kVirtIdMin it means that the register is virtual and its
+ // index will be assigned later by the register allocator. We must pass unless asked to disallow virtual
+ // registers.
+ uint32_t regId =;
+ if (regId < Operand::kVirtIdMin) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(regId >= 32))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPhysId);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::bitTest(vd->allowedRegMask[size_t(regType)], regId) == 0))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPhysId);
+ regMask = Support::bitMask(regId);
+ combinedRegMask |= regMask;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (uint32_t(validationFlags & ValidationFlags::kEnableVirtRegs) == 0)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorIllegalVirtReg);
+ regMask = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ // TODO: Validate base and index and combine these with `combinedRegMask`.
+ case OperandType::kMem: {
+ const Mem& m =<Mem>();
+ memOp = &m;
+ uint32_t memSize = m.size();
+ RegType baseType = m.baseType();
+ RegType indexType = m.indexType();
+ if (m.segmentId() > 6)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidSegment);
+ // Validate AVX-512 broadcast {1tox}.
+ if (m.hasBroadcast()) {
+ if (memSize != 0) {
+ // If the size is specified it has to match the broadcast size.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(commonInfo.hasAvx512B32() && memSize != 4))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidBroadcast);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(commonInfo.hasAvx512B64() && memSize != 8))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidBroadcast);
+ }
+ else {
+ // If there is no size we implicitly calculate it so we can validate N in {1toN} properly.
+ memSize = commonInfo.hasAvx512B64() ? 8 :
+ commonInfo.hasAvx512B32() ? 4 : 2;
+ }
+ memSize <<= uint32_t(m.getBroadcast());
+ }
+ if (baseType != RegType::kNone && baseType > RegType::kLabelTag) {
+ uint32_t baseId = m.baseId();
+ if (m.isRegHome()) {
+ // Home address of a virtual register. In such case we don't want to validate the type of the
+ // base register as it will always be patched to ESP|RSP.
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Support::bitTest(vd->allowedMemBaseRegs, baseType)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAddress);
+ }
+ // Create information that will be validated only if this is an implicit memory operand. Basically
+ // only usable for string instructions and other instructions where memory operand is implicit and
+ // has 'seg:[reg]' form.
+ if (baseId < Operand::kVirtIdMin) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(baseId >= 32))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPhysId);
+ // Physical base id.
+ regMask = Support::bitMask(baseId);
+ combinedRegMask |= regMask;
+ }
+ else {
+ // Virtual base id - fill the whole mask for implicit mem validation. The register is not assigned
+ // yet, so we cannot predict the phys id.
+ if (uint32_t(validationFlags & ValidationFlags::kEnableVirtRegs) == 0)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorIllegalVirtReg);
+ regMask = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+ }
+ if (indexType == RegType::kNone && !m.offsetLo32())
+ opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kFlagMemBase;
+ }
+ else if (baseType == RegType::kLabelTag) {
+ // [Label] - there is no need to validate the base as it's label.
+ }
+ else {
+ // Base is a 64-bit address.
+ int64_t offset = m.offset();
+ if (!Support::isInt32(offset)) {
+ if (mode == InstDB::Mode::kX86) {
+ // 32-bit mode: Make sure that the address is either `int32_t` or `uint32_t`.
+ if (!Support::isUInt32(offset))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAddress64Bit);
+ }
+ else {
+ // 64-bit mode: Zero extension is allowed if the address has 32-bit index register or the address
+ // has no index register (it's still encodable).
+ if (indexType != RegType::kNone) {
+ if (!Support::isUInt32(offset))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAddress64Bit);
+ if (indexType != RegType::kX86_Gpd)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAddress64BitZeroExtension);
+ }
+ else {
+ // We don't validate absolute 64-bit addresses without an index register as this also depends
+ // on the target's base address. We don't have the information to do it at this moment.
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (indexType != RegType::kNone) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Support::bitTest(vd->allowedMemIndexRegs, indexType)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAddress);
+ if (indexType == RegType::kX86_Xmm) {
+ opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kVm32x | InstDB::OpFlags::kVm64x;
+ }
+ else if (indexType == RegType::kX86_Ymm) {
+ opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kVm32y | InstDB::OpFlags::kVm64y;
+ }
+ else if (indexType == RegType::kX86_Zmm) {
+ opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kVm32z | InstDB::OpFlags::kVm64z;
+ }
+ else {
+ if (baseType != RegType::kNone)
+ opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kFlagMib;
+ }
+ // [RIP + {XMM|YMM|ZMM}] is not allowed.
+ if (baseType == RegType::kX86_Rip && Support::test(opFlags, InstDB::OpFlags::kVmMask))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAddress);
+ uint32_t indexId = m.indexId();
+ if (indexId < Operand::kVirtIdMin) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(indexId >= 32))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPhysId);
+ combinedRegMask |= Support::bitMask(indexId);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (uint32_t(validationFlags & ValidationFlags::kEnableVirtRegs) == 0)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorIllegalVirtReg);
+ }
+ // Only used for implicit memory operands having 'seg:[reg]' form, so clear it.
+ regMask = 0;
+ }
+ switch (memSize) {
+ case 0: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMemUnspecified; break;
+ case 1: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem8; break;
+ case 2: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem16; break;
+ case 4: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem32; break;
+ case 6: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem48; break;
+ case 8: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem64; break;
+ case 10: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem80; break;
+ case 16: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem128; break;
+ case 32: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem256; break;
+ case 64: opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kMem512; break;
+ default:
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidOperandSize);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OperandType::kImm: {
+ uint64_t immValue =<Imm>().valueAs<uint64_t>();
+ if (int64_t(immValue) >= 0) {
+ if (immValue <= 0x7u)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI8 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU8 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI4 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU4 ;
+ else if (immValue <= 0xFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI8 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU8 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU4 ;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x7Fu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI8 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU8 ;
+ else if (immValue <= 0xFFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU8 ;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x7FFFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU16 ;
+ else if (immValue <= 0xFFFFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32 |
+ InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU16 ;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x7FFFFFFFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32;
+ else if (immValue <= 0xFFFFFFFFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU32;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64;
+ else
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmU64;
+ }
+ else {
+ immValue = Support::neg(immValue);
+ if (immValue <= 0x8u)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI8 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI4;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x80u)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI8;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x8000u)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI16;
+ else if (immValue <= 0x80000000u)
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64 | InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI32;
+ else
+ opFlags = InstDB::OpFlags::kImmI64;
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case OperandType::kLabel: {
+ opFlags |= InstDB::OpFlags::kRel8 | InstDB::OpFlags::kRel32;
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ }
+ InstDB::OpSignature& oSigDst = oSigTranslated[i];
+ oSigDst._flags = uint64_t(opFlags) & 0x00FFFFFFFFFFFFFFu;
+ oSigDst._regMask = uint8_t(regMask & 0xFFu);
+ combinedOpFlags |= opFlags;
+ }
+ // Decrease the number of operands of those that are none. This is important as Assembler and Compiler may just pass
+ // more operands padded with none (which means that no operand is given at that index). However, validate that there
+ // are no gaps (like [reg, none, reg] or [none, reg]).
+ if (i < opCount) {
+ while (--opCount > i)
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!operands[opCount].isNone()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ }
+ // Validate X86 and X64 specific cases.
+ if (mode == InstDB::Mode::kX86) {
+ // Illegal use of 64-bit register in 32-bit mode.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::test(combinedOpFlags, InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpq)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidUseOfGpq);
+ }
+ else {
+ // Illegal use of a high 8-bit register with REX prefix.
+ bool hasREX = inst.hasOption(InstOptions::kX86_Rex) || (combinedRegMask & 0xFFFFFF00u) != 0;
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(hasREX && Support::test(combinedOpFlags, InstDB::OpFlags::kRegGpbHi)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidUseOfGpbHi);
+ }
+ // Validate Instruction Signature by Comparing Against All `iSig` Rows
+ // -------------------------------------------------------------------
+ const InstDB::InstSignature* iSig = InstDB::_instSignatureTable + commonInfo._iSignatureIndex;
+ const InstDB::InstSignature* iEnd = iSig + commonInfo._iSignatureCount;
+ if (iSig != iEnd) {
+ const InstDB::OpSignature* opSignatureTable = InstDB::_opSignatureTable;
+ // If set it means that we matched a signature where only immediate value
+ // was out of bounds. We can return a more descriptive error if we know this.
+ bool globalImmOutOfRange = false;
+ do {
+ // Check if the architecture is compatible.
+ if (!iSig->supportsMode(mode))
+ continue;
+ // Compare the operands table with reference operands.
+ uint32_t j = 0;
+ uint32_t iSigCount = iSig->opCount();
+ bool localImmOutOfRange = false;
+ if (iSigCount == opCount) {
+ for (j = 0; j < opCount; j++)
+ if (!x86CheckOSig(oSigTranslated[j], iSig->opSignature(j), localImmOutOfRange))
+ break;
+ }
+ else if (iSigCount - iSig->implicitOpCount() == opCount) {
+ uint32_t r = 0;
+ for (j = 0; j < opCount && r < iSigCount; j++, r++) {
+ const InstDB::OpSignature* oChk = oSigTranslated + j;
+ const InstDB::OpSignature* oRef;
+ oRef = opSignatureTable + iSig->opSignatureIndex(r);
+ // Skip implicit operands.
+ if (oRef->isImplicit()) {
+ if (++r >= iSigCount)
+ break;
+ else
+ goto Next;
+ }
+ if (!x86CheckOSig(*oChk, *oRef, localImmOutOfRange))
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (j == opCount) {
+ if (!localImmOutOfRange) {
+ // Match, must clear possible `globalImmOutOfRange`.
+ globalImmOutOfRange = false;
+ break;
+ }
+ globalImmOutOfRange = localImmOutOfRange;
+ }
+ } while (++iSig != iEnd);
+ if (iSig == iEnd) {
+ if (globalImmOutOfRange)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidImmediate);
+ else
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate AVX512 Options
+ // -----------------------
+ const RegOnly& extraReg = inst.extraReg();
+ if (Support::test(options, kAvx512Options)) {
+ if (commonInfo.hasFlag(InstDB::InstFlags::kEvex)) {
+ // Validate AVX-512 {z}.
+ if (Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_ZMask)) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_ZMask) && !commonInfo.hasAvx512Z()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidKZeroUse);
+ }
+ // Validate AVX-512 {sae} and {er}.
+ if (Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_SAE | InstOptions::kX86_ER)) {
+ // Rounding control is impossible if the instruction is not reg-to-reg.
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidEROrSAE);
+ // Check if {sae} or {er} is supported by the instruction.
+ if (Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_ER)) {
+ // NOTE: if both {sae} and {er} are set, we don't care, as {sae} is implied.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!commonInfo.hasAvx512ER()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidEROrSAE);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!commonInfo.hasAvx512SAE()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidEROrSAE);
+ }
+ // {sae} and {er} are defined for either scalar ops or vector ops that require LL to be 10 (512-bit vector
+ // operations). We don't need any more bits in the instruction database to be able to validate this, as
+ // each AVX512 instruction that has broadcast is vector instruction (in this case we require zmm registers),
+ // otherwise it's a scalar instruction, which is valid.
+ if (commonInfo.hasAvx512B()) {
+ // Supports broadcast, thus we require LL to be '10', which means there have to be ZMM registers used. We
+ // don't calculate LL here, but we know that it would be '10' if there is at least one ZMM register used.
+ // There is no {er}/{sae}-enabled instruction with less than two operands.
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(opCount >= 2);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!x86IsZmmOrM512(operands[0]) && !x86IsZmmOrM512(operands[1])))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidEROrSAE);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ // Not an AVX512 instruction - maybe OpExtra is xCX register used by REP/REPNE prefix.
+ if (Support::test(options, kAvx512Options) || !Support::test(options, kRepAny))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ }
+ }
+ // Validate {Extra} Register
+ // -------------------------
+ if (extraReg.isReg()) {
+ if (Support::test(options, kRepAny)) {
+ // Validate REP|REPNE {cx|ecx|rcx}.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::test(iFlags, InstDB::InstFlags::kRepIgnored)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidExtraReg);
+ if (extraReg.isPhysReg()) {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY( != Gp::kIdCx))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidExtraReg);
+ }
+ // The type of the {...} register must match the type of the base register
+ // of memory operand. So if the memory operand uses 32-bit register the
+ // count register must also be 32-bit, etc...
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!memOp || extraReg.type() != memOp->baseType()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidExtraReg);
+ }
+ else if (commonInfo.hasFlag(InstDB::InstFlags::kEvex)) {
+ // Validate AVX-512 {k}.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(extraReg.type() != RegType::kX86_KReg))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidExtraReg);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY( == 0 || !commonInfo.hasAvx512K()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidKMaskUse);
+ }
+ else {
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidExtraReg);
+ }
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+Error validateX86(const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, ValidationFlags validationFlags) noexcept {
+ return validate(InstDB::Mode::kX86, inst, operands, opCount, validationFlags);
+Error validateX64(const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, ValidationFlags validationFlags) noexcept {
+ return validate(InstDB::Mode::kX64, inst, operands, opCount, validationFlags);
+// x86::InstInternal - QueryRWInfo
+// ===============================
+static const Support::Array<uint64_t, uint32_t(RegGroup::kMaxValue) + 1> rwRegGroupByteMask = {{
+ 0x00000000000000FFu, // GP.
+ 0x00000000000000FFu, // MM.
+ 0x00000000000000FFu, // KReg.
+ 0x0000000000000003u, // SReg.
+ 0x00000000000000FFu, // CReg.
+ 0x00000000000000FFu, // DReg.
+ 0x00000000000003FFu, // St().
+ 0x000000000000FFFFu, // BND.
+ 0x00000000000000FFu // RIP.
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void rwZeroExtendGp(OpRWInfo& opRwInfo, const Gp& reg, uint32_t nativeGpSize) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(BaseReg::isGp(<Operand>()));
+ if (reg.size() + 4 == nativeGpSize) {
+ opRwInfo.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kZExt);
+ opRwInfo.setExtendByteMask(~opRwInfo.writeByteMask() & 0xFFu);
+ }
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void rwZeroExtendAvxVec(OpRWInfo& opRwInfo, const Vec& reg) noexcept {
+ DebugUtils::unused(reg);
+ uint64_t msk = ~Support::fillTrailingBits(opRwInfo.writeByteMask());
+ if (msk) {
+ opRwInfo.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kZExt);
+ opRwInfo.setExtendByteMask(msk);
+ }
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void rwZeroExtendNonVec(OpRWInfo& opRwInfo, const Reg& reg) noexcept {
+ uint64_t msk = ~Support::fillTrailingBits(opRwInfo.writeByteMask()) & rwRegGroupByteMask[];
+ if (msk) {
+ opRwInfo.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kZExt);
+ opRwInfo.setExtendByteMask(msk);
+ }
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error rwHandleAVX512(const BaseInst& inst, const InstDB::CommonInfo& commonInfo, InstRWInfo* out) noexcept {
+ if (inst.hasExtraReg() && inst.extraReg().type() == RegType::kX86_KReg && out->opCount() > 0) {
+ // AVX-512 instruction that uses a destination with {k} register (zeroing vs masking).
+ out->_extraReg.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kRead);
+ out->_extraReg.setReadByteMask(0xFF);
+ if (!inst.hasOption(InstOptions::kX86_ZMask) && !commonInfo.hasAvx512Flag(InstDB::Avx512Flags::kImplicitZ)) {
+ out->_operands[0].addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kRead);
+ out->_operands[0]._readByteMask |= out->_operands[0]._writeByteMask;
+ }
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE bool hasSameRegType(const BaseReg* regs, size_t opCount) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(opCount > 0);
+ RegType regType = regs[0].type();
+ for (size_t i = 1; i < opCount; i++)
+ if (regs[i].type() != regType)
+ return false;
+ return true;
+Error queryRWInfo(Arch arch, const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, InstRWInfo* out) noexcept {
+ // Only called when `arch` matches X86 family.
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(Environment::isFamilyX86(arch));
+ // Get the instruction data.
+ InstId instId =;
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Inst::isDefinedId(instId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ // Read/Write flags.
+ const InstDB::InstInfo& instInfo = InstDB::_instInfoTable[instId];
+ const InstDB::CommonInfo& commonInfo = InstDB::_commonInfoTable[instInfo._commonInfoIndex];
+ const InstDB::AdditionalInfo& additionalInfo = InstDB::_additionalInfoTable[instInfo._additionalInfoIndex];
+ const InstDB::RWFlagsInfoTable& rwFlags = InstDB::_rwFlagsInfoTable[additionalInfo._rwFlagsIndex];
+ // There are two data tables, one for `opCount == 2` and the second for
+ // `opCount != 2`. There are two reasons for that:
+ // - There are instructions that share the same name that have both 2 or 3 operands, which have different
+ // RW information / semantics.
+ // - There must be 2 tables otherwise the lookup index won't fit into 8 bits (there is more than 256 records
+ // of combined rwInfo A and B).
+ const InstDB::RWInfo& instRwInfo = opCount == 2 ? InstDB::rwInfoA[InstDB::rwInfoIndexA[instId]]
+ : InstDB::rwInfoB[InstDB::rwInfoIndexB[instId]];
+ const InstDB::RWInfoRm& instRmInfo = InstDB::rwInfoRm[instRwInfo.rmInfo];
+ out->_instFlags = InstDB::_instFlagsTable[additionalInfo._instFlagsIndex];
+ out->_opCount = uint8_t(opCount);
+ out->_rmFeature = instRmInfo.rmFeature;
+ out->_extraReg.reset();
+ out->_readFlags = CpuRWFlags(rwFlags.readFlags);
+ out->_writeFlags = CpuRWFlags(rwFlags.writeFlags);
+ uint32_t opTypeMask = 0u;
+ uint32_t nativeGpSize = Environment::registerSizeFromArch(arch);
+ constexpr OpRWFlags R = OpRWFlags::kRead;
+ constexpr OpRWFlags W = OpRWFlags::kWrite;
+ constexpr OpRWFlags X = OpRWFlags::kRW;
+ constexpr OpRWFlags RegM = OpRWFlags::kRegMem;
+ constexpr OpRWFlags RegPhys = OpRWFlags::kRegPhysId;
+ constexpr OpRWFlags MibRead = OpRWFlags::kMemBaseRead | OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRead;
+ if (instRwInfo.category <= uint32_t(InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryGenericEx)) {
+ uint32_t i;
+ uint32_t rmOpsMask = 0;
+ uint32_t rmMaxSize = 0;
+ for (i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
+ OpRWInfo& op = out->_operands[i];
+ const Operand_& srcOp = operands[i];
+ const InstDB::RWInfoOp& rwOpData = InstDB::rwInfoOp[instRwInfo.opInfoIndex[i]];
+ opTypeMask |= Support::bitMask(srcOp.opType());
+ if (!srcOp.isRegOrMem()) {
+ op.reset();
+ continue;
+ }
+ op._opFlags = rwOpData.flags & ~OpRWFlags::kZExt;
+ op._physId = rwOpData.physId;
+ op._rmSize = 0;
+ op._resetReserved();
+ uint64_t rByteMask = rwOpData.rByteMask;
+ uint64_t wByteMask = rwOpData.wByteMask;
+ if (op.isRead() && !rByteMask) rByteMask = Support::lsbMask<uint64_t>(srcOp.x86RmSize());
+ if (op.isWrite() && !wByteMask) wByteMask = Support::lsbMask<uint64_t>(srcOp.x86RmSize());
+ op._readByteMask = rByteMask;
+ op._writeByteMask = wByteMask;
+ op._extendByteMask = 0;
+ op._consecutiveLeadCount = rwOpData.consecutiveLeadCount;
+ if (srcOp.isReg()) {
+ // Zero extension.
+ if (op.isWrite()) {
+ if (<Reg>().isGp()) {
+ // GP registers on X64 are special:
+ // - 8-bit and 16-bit writes aren't zero extended.
+ // - 32-bit writes ARE zero extended.
+ rwZeroExtendGp(op,<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ }
+ else if (Support::test(rwOpData.flags, OpRWFlags::kZExt)) {
+ // Otherwise follow ZExt.
+ rwZeroExtendNonVec(op,<Gp>());
+ }
+ }
+ // Aggregate values required to calculate valid Reg/M info.
+ rmMaxSize = Support::max(rmMaxSize, srcOp.x86RmSize());
+ rmOpsMask |= Support::bitMask<uint32_t>(i);
+ }
+ else {
+ const x86::Mem& memOp =<x86::Mem>();
+ // The RW flags of BASE+INDEX are either provided by the data, which means
+ // that the instruction is border-case, or they are deduced from the operand.
+ if (memOp.hasBaseReg() && !op.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kMemBaseRW))
+ op.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kMemBaseRead);
+ if (memOp.hasIndexReg() && !op.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRW))
+ op.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRead);
+ }
+ }
+ // Only keep kMovOp if the instruction is actually register to register move of the same kind.
+ if (out->hasInstFlag(InstRWFlags::kMovOp)) {
+ if (!(opCount >= 2 && opTypeMask == Support::bitMask(OperandType::kReg) && hasSameRegType(reinterpret_cast<const BaseReg*>(operands), opCount)))
+ out->_instFlags &= ~InstRWFlags::kMovOp;
+ }
+ // Special cases require more logic.
+ if (instRmInfo.flags & (InstDB::RWInfoRm::kFlagMovssMovsd | InstDB::RWInfoRm::kFlagPextrw | InstDB::RWInfoRm::kFlagFeatureIfRMI)) {
+ if (instRmInfo.flags & InstDB::RWInfoRm::kFlagMovssMovsd) {
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isReg()) {
+ // Doesn't zero extend the destination.
+ out->_operands[0]._extendByteMask = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else if (instRmInfo.flags & InstDB::RWInfoRm::kFlagPextrw) {
+ if (opCount == 3 && Reg::isMm(operands[1])) {
+ out->_rmFeature = 0;
+ rmOpsMask = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ else if (instRmInfo.flags & InstDB::RWInfoRm::kFlagFeatureIfRMI) {
+ if (opCount != 3 || !operands[2].isImm()) {
+ out->_rmFeature = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ rmOpsMask &= uint32_t(instRmInfo.rmOpsMask);
+ if (rmOpsMask && !inst.hasOption(InstOptions::kX86_ER)) {
+ Support::BitWordIterator<uint32_t> it(rmOpsMask);
+ do {
+ i =;
+ OpRWInfo& op = out->_operands[i];
+ op.addOpFlags(RegM);
+ switch (instRmInfo.category) {
+ case InstDB::RWInfoRm::kCategoryFixed:
+ op.setRmSize(instRmInfo.fixedSize);
+ break;
+ case InstDB::RWInfoRm::kCategoryConsistent:
+ op.setRmSize(operands[i].x86RmSize());
+ break;
+ case InstDB::RWInfoRm::kCategoryHalf:
+ op.setRmSize(rmMaxSize / 2u);
+ break;
+ case InstDB::RWInfoRm::kCategoryQuarter:
+ op.setRmSize(rmMaxSize / 4u);
+ break;
+ case InstDB::RWInfoRm::kCategoryEighth:
+ op.setRmSize(rmMaxSize / 8u);
+ break;
+ }
+ } while (it.hasNext());
+ }
+ // Special cases per instruction.
+ if (instRwInfo.category == InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryGenericEx) {
+ switch ( {
+ case Inst::kIdVpternlogd:
+ case Inst::kIdVpternlogq: {
+ if (opCount == 4 && operands[3].isImm()) {
+ uint32_t predicate = operands[3].as<Imm>().valueAs<uint8_t>();
+ if ((predicate >> 4) == (predicate & 0xF)) {
+ out->_operands[0].clearOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kRead);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ default:
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ switch (instRwInfo.category) {
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryMov: {
+ // Special case for 'mov' instruction. Here there are some variants that we have to handle as 'mov' can be
+ // used to move between GP, segment, control and debug registers. Moving between GP registers also allow to
+ // use memory operand.
+ // We will again set the flag if it's actually a move from GP to GP register, otherwise this flag cannot be set.
+ out->_instFlags &= ~InstRWFlags::kMovOp;
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isReg()) {
+ const Reg& o0 = operands[0].as<Reg>();
+ const Reg& o1 = operands[1].as<Reg>();
+ if (o0.isGp() && o1.isGp()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | RegM, operands[0].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegM, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ out->_instFlags |= InstRWFlags::kMovOp;
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (o0.isGp() && o1.isSReg()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | RegM, nativeGpSize);
+ out->_operands[0].setRmSize(2);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, 2);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (o0.isSReg() && o1.isGp()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, 2);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegM, 2);
+ out->_operands[1].setRmSize(2);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (o0.isGp() && (o1.isCReg() || o1.isDReg())) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, nativeGpSize);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, nativeGpSize);
+ out->_writeFlags = CpuRWFlags::kX86_OF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_SF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_ZF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_AF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_PF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_CF;
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if ((o0.isCReg() || o0.isDReg()) && o1.isGp()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, nativeGpSize);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, nativeGpSize);
+ out->_writeFlags = CpuRWFlags::kX86_OF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_SF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_ZF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_AF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_PF |
+ CpuRWFlags::kX86_CF;
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isMem()) {
+ const Reg& o0 = operands[0].as<Reg>();
+ const Mem& o1 = operands[1].as<Mem>();
+ if (o0.isGp()) {
+ if (!o1.isOffset64Bit())
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, o0.size());
+ else
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | RegPhys, o0.size(), Gp::kIdAx);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | MibRead, o0.size());
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (o0.isSReg()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, 2);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, 2);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isMem() && operands[1].isReg()) {
+ const Mem& o0 = operands[0].as<Mem>();
+ const Reg& o1 = operands[1].as<Reg>();
+ if (o1.isGp()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | MibRead, o1.size());
+ if (!o0.isOffset64Bit())
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, o1.size());
+ else
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegPhys, o1.size(), Gp::kIdAx);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (o1.isSReg()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | MibRead, 2);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, 2);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Reg::isGp(operands[0]) && operands[1].isImm()) {
+ const Reg& o0 = operands[0].as<Reg>();
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | RegM, o0.size());
+ out->_operands[1].reset();
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isMem() && operands[1].isImm()) {
+ const Reg& o0 = operands[0].as<Reg>();
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | MibRead, o0.size());
+ out->_operands[1].reset();
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryMovabs: {
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (Reg::isGp(operands[0]) && operands[1].isMem()) {
+ const Reg& o0 = operands[0].as<Reg>();
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | RegPhys, o0.size(), Gp::kIdAx);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | MibRead, o0.size());
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isMem() && Reg::isGp(operands[1])) {
+ const Reg& o1 = operands[1].as<Reg>();
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | MibRead, o1.size());
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegPhys, o1.size(), Gp::kIdAx);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (Reg::isGp(operands[0]) && operands[1].isImm()) {
+ const Reg& o0 = operands[0].as<Reg>();
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, o0.size());
+ out->_operands[1].reset();
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryImul: {
+ // Special case for 'imul' instruction.
+ //
+ // There are 3 variants in general:
+ //
+ // 1. Standard multiplication: 'A = A * B'.
+ // 2. Multiplication with imm: 'A = B * C'.
+ // 3. Extended multiplication: 'A:B = B * C'.
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isImm()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(X, operands[0].as<Reg>().size());
+ out->_operands[1].reset();
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (Reg::isGpw(operands[0]) && operands[1].x86RmSize() == 1) {
+ // imul ax, r8/m8 <- AX = AL * r8/m8
+ out->_operands[0].reset(X | RegPhys, 2, Gp::kIdAx);
+ out->_operands[0].setReadByteMask(Support::lsbMask<uint64_t>(1));
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegM, 1);
+ }
+ else {
+ // imul r?, r?/m?
+ out->_operands[0].reset(X, operands[0].as<Gp>().size());
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegM, operands[0].as<Gp>().size());
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ }
+ if (operands[1].isMem())
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(MibRead);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (opCount == 3) {
+ if (operands[2].isImm()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, operands[0].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegM, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[2].reset();
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ if (operands[1].isMem())
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(MibRead);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ else {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | RegPhys, operands[0].x86RmSize(), Gp::kIdDx);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(X | RegPhys, operands[1].x86RmSize(), Gp::kIdAx);
+ out->_operands[2].reset(R | RegM, operands[2].x86RmSize());
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[1], operands[1].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ if (operands[2].isMem())
+ out->_operands[2].addOpFlags(MibRead);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryMovh64: {
+ // Special case for 'movhpd|movhps' instructions. Note that this is only required for legacy (non-AVX)
+ // variants as AVX instructions use either 2 or 3 operands that are in `kCategoryGeneric` category.
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]) && operands[1].isMem()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, 8);
+ out->_operands[0].setWriteByteMask(Support::lsbMask<uint64_t>(8) << 8);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | MibRead, 8);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isMem() && BaseReg::isVec(operands[1])) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | MibRead, 8);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, 8);
+ out->_operands[1].setReadByteMask(Support::lsbMask<uint64_t>(8) << 8);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryPunpcklxx: {
+ // Special case for 'punpcklbw|punpckldq|punpcklwd' instructions.
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (Reg::isXmm(operands[0])) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(X, 16);
+ out->_operands[0].setReadByteMask(0x0F0Fu);
+ out->_operands[0].setWriteByteMask(0xFFFFu);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, 16);
+ out->_operands[1].setWriteByteMask(0x0F0Fu);
+ if (Reg::isXmm(operands[1])) {
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[1].isMem()) {
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(MibRead);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ if (Reg::isMm(operands[0])) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(X, 8);
+ out->_operands[0].setReadByteMask(0x0Fu);
+ out->_operands[0].setWriteByteMask(0xFFu);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, 4);
+ out->_operands[1].setReadByteMask(0x0Fu);
+ if (Reg::isMm(operands[1])) {
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[1].isMem()) {
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(MibRead);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmaskmov: {
+ // Special case for 'vmaskmovpd|vmaskmovps|vpmaskmovd|vpmaskmovq' instructions.
+ if (opCount == 3) {
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]) && BaseReg::isVec(operands[1]) && operands[2].isMem()) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, operands[0].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[2].reset(R | MibRead, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ rwZeroExtendAvxVec(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Vec>());
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isMem() && BaseReg::isVec(operands[1]) && BaseReg::isVec(operands[2])) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(X | MibRead, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ out->_operands[2].reset(R, operands[2].x86RmSize());
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmovddup: {
+ // Special case for 'vmovddup' instruction. This instruction has an interesting semantic as 128-bit XMM
+ // version only uses 64-bit memory operand (m64), however, 256/512-bit versions use 256/512-bit memory
+ // operand, respectively.
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]) && BaseReg::isVec(operands[1])) {
+ uint32_t o0Size = operands[0].x86RmSize();
+ uint32_t o1Size = o0Size == 16 ? 8 : o0Size;
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, o0Size);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | RegM, o1Size);
+ out->_operands[1]._readByteMask &= 0x00FF00FF00FF00FFu;
+ rwZeroExtendAvxVec(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Vec>());
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]) && operands[1].isMem()) {
+ uint32_t o0Size = operands[0].x86RmSize();
+ uint32_t o1Size = o0Size == 16 ? 8 : o0Size;
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, o0Size);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | MibRead, o1Size);
+ rwZeroExtendAvxVec(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Vec>());
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmovmskpd:
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmovmskps: {
+ // Special case for 'vmovmskpd|vmovmskps' instructions.
+ if (opCount == 2) {
+ if (BaseReg::isGp(operands[0]) && BaseReg::isVec(operands[1])) {
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, 1);
+ out->_operands[0].setExtendByteMask(Support::lsbMask<uint32_t>(nativeGpSize - 1) << 1);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, operands[1].x86RmSize());
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov1_2:
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov1_4:
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov1_8: {
+ // Special case for instructions where the destination is 1:N (narrowing).
+ //
+ // Vmov1_2:
+ // vcvtpd2dq|vcvttpd2dq
+ // vcvtpd2udq|vcvttpd2udq
+ // vcvtpd2ps|vcvtps2ph
+ // vcvtqq2ps|vcvtuqq2ps
+ // vpmovwb|vpmovswb|vpmovuswb
+ // vpmovdw|vpmovsdw|vpmovusdw
+ // vpmovqd|vpmovsqd|vpmovusqd
+ //
+ // Vmov1_4:
+ // vpmovdb|vpmovsdb|vpmovusdb
+ // vpmovqw|vpmovsqw|vpmovusqw
+ //
+ // Vmov1_8:
+ // pmovmskb|vpmovmskb
+ // vpmovqb|vpmovsqb|vpmovusqb
+ uint32_t shift = instRwInfo.category - InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov1_2 + 1;
+ if (opCount >= 2) {
+ if (opCount >= 3) {
+ if (opCount > 3)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ out->_operands[2].reset();
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isReg()) {
+ uint32_t size1 = operands[1].x86RmSize();
+ uint32_t size0 = size1 >> shift;
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, size0);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, size1);
+ if (instRmInfo.rmOpsMask & 0x1) {
+ out->_operands[0].addOpFlags(RegM);
+ out->_operands[0].setRmSize(size0);
+ }
+ if (instRmInfo.rmOpsMask & 0x2) {
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(RegM);
+ out->_operands[1].setRmSize(size1);
+ }
+ // Handle 'pmovmskb|vpmovmskb'.
+ if (BaseReg::isGp(operands[0]))
+ rwZeroExtendGp(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Gp>(), nativeGpSize);
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]))
+ rwZeroExtendAvxVec(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Vec>());
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isMem()) {
+ uint32_t size1 = operands[1].x86RmSize() ? operands[1].x86RmSize() : uint32_t(16);
+ uint32_t size0 = size1 >> shift;
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, size0);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R | MibRead, size1);
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]))
+ rwZeroExtendAvxVec(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Vec>());
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isMem() && operands[1].isReg()) {
+ uint32_t size1 = operands[1].x86RmSize();
+ uint32_t size0 = size1 >> shift;
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W | MibRead, size0);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, size1);
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov2_1:
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov4_1:
+ case InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov8_1: {
+ // Special case for instructions where the destination is N:1 (widening).
+ //
+ // Vmov2_1:
+ // vcvtdq2pd|vcvtudq2pd
+ // vcvtps2pd|vcvtph2ps
+ // vcvtps2qq|vcvtps2uqq
+ // vcvttps2qq|vcvttps2uqq
+ // vpmovsxbw|vpmovzxbw
+ // vpmovsxwd|vpmovzxwd
+ // vpmovsxdq|vpmovzxdq
+ //
+ // Vmov4_1:
+ // vpmovsxbd|vpmovzxbd
+ // vpmovsxwq|vpmovzxwq
+ //
+ // Vmov8_1:
+ // vpmovsxbq|vpmovzxbq
+ uint32_t shift = instRwInfo.category - InstDB::RWInfo::kCategoryVmov2_1 + 1;
+ if (opCount >= 2) {
+ if (opCount >= 3) {
+ if (opCount > 3)
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ out->_operands[2].reset();
+ }
+ uint32_t size0 = operands[0].x86RmSize();
+ uint32_t size1 = size0 >> shift;
+ out->_operands[0].reset(W, size0);
+ out->_operands[1].reset(R, size1);
+ if (BaseReg::isVec(operands[0]))
+ rwZeroExtendAvxVec(out->_operands[0], operands[0].as<Vec>());
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isReg()) {
+ if (instRmInfo.rmOpsMask & 0x1) {
+ out->_operands[0].addOpFlags(RegM);
+ out->_operands[0].setRmSize(size0);
+ }
+ if (instRmInfo.rmOpsMask & 0x2) {
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(RegM);
+ out->_operands[1].setRmSize(size1);
+ }
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ if (operands[0].isReg() && operands[1].isMem()) {
+ out->_operands[1].addOpFlags(MibRead);
+ return rwHandleAVX512(inst, commonInfo, out);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+// x86::InstInternal - QueryFeatures
+// =================================
+struct RegAnalysis {
+ uint32_t regTypeMask;
+ uint32_t highVecUsed;
+ inline bool hasRegType(RegType regType) const noexcept {
+ return Support::bitTest(regTypeMask, regType);
+ }
+static RegAnalysis InstInternal_regAnalysis(const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount) noexcept {
+ uint32_t mask = 0;
+ uint32_t highVecUsed = 0;
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
+ const Operand_& op = operands[i];
+ if (op.isReg()) {
+ const BaseReg& reg =<BaseReg>();
+ mask |= Support::bitMask(reg.type());
+ if (reg.isVec())
+ highVecUsed |= uint32_t( >= 16 && < 32);
+ }
+ else if (op.isMem()) {
+ const BaseMem& mem =<BaseMem>();
+ if (mem.hasBaseReg()) mask |= Support::bitMask(mem.baseType());
+ if (mem.hasIndexReg()) {
+ mask |= Support::bitMask(mem.indexType());
+ highVecUsed |= uint32_t(mem.indexId() >= 16 && mem.indexId() < 32);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return RegAnalysis { mask, highVecUsed };
+static inline uint32_t InstInternal_usesAvx512(InstOptions instOptions, const RegOnly& extraReg, const RegAnalysis& regAnalysis) noexcept {
+ uint32_t hasEvex = uint32_t(instOptions & (InstOptions::kX86_Evex | InstOptions::kX86_AVX512Mask));
+ uint32_t hasKMask = extraReg.type() == RegType::kX86_KReg;
+ uint32_t hasKOrZmm = regAnalysis.regTypeMask & Support::bitMask(RegType::kX86_Zmm, RegType::kX86_KReg);
+ return hasEvex | hasKMask | hasKOrZmm;
+Error queryFeatures(Arch arch, const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, CpuFeatures* out) noexcept {
+ typedef CpuFeatures::X86 Ext;
+ // Only called when `arch` matches X86 family.
+ DebugUtils::unused(arch);
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(Environment::isFamilyX86(arch));
+ // Get the instruction data.
+ InstId instId =;
+ InstOptions options = inst.options();
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Inst::isDefinedId(instId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ const InstDB::InstInfo& instInfo = InstDB::infoById(instId);
+ const InstDB::AdditionalInfo& additionalInfo = InstDB::_additionalInfoTable[instInfo._additionalInfoIndex];
+ const uint8_t* fData = additionalInfo.featuresBegin();
+ const uint8_t* fEnd = additionalInfo.featuresEnd();
+ // Copy all features to `out`.
+ out->reset();
+ do {
+ uint32_t feature = fData[0];
+ if (!feature)
+ break;
+ out->add(feature);
+ } while (++fData != fEnd);
+ // Since AsmJit aggregates instructions that share the same name we have to
+ // deal with some special cases and also with MMX/SSE and AVX/AVX2 overlaps.
+ if (fData != additionalInfo.featuresBegin()) {
+ RegAnalysis regAnalysis = InstInternal_regAnalysis(operands, opCount);
+ // Handle MMX vs SSE overlap.
+ if (out->has(Ext::kMMX) || out->has(Ext::kMMX2)) {
+ // Only instructions defined by SSE and SSE2 overlap. Instructions introduced by newer instruction sets like
+ // SSE3+ don't state MMX as they require SSE3+.
+ if (out->has(Ext::kSSE) || out->has(Ext::kSSE2)) {
+ if (!regAnalysis.hasRegType(RegType::kX86_Xmm)) {
+ // The instruction doesn't use XMM register(s), thus it's MMX/MMX2 only.
+ out->remove(Ext::kSSE);
+ out->remove(Ext::kSSE2);
+ out->remove(Ext::kSSE4_1);
+ }
+ else {
+ out->remove(Ext::kMMX);
+ out->remove(Ext::kMMX2);
+ }
+ // Special case: PEXTRW instruction is MMX/SSE2 instruction. However, MMX/SSE version cannot access memory
+ // (only register to register extract) so when SSE4.1 introduced the whole family of PEXTR/PINSR instructions
+ // they also introduced PEXTRW with a new opcode 0x15 that can extract directly to memory. This instruction
+ // is, of course, not compatible with MMX/SSE2 and would #UD if SSE4.1 is not supported.
+ if (instId == Inst::kIdPextrw) {
+ if (opCount >= 1 && operands[0].isMem())
+ out->remove(Ext::kSSE2);
+ else
+ out->remove(Ext::kSSE4_1);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (out->has(Ext::kVPCLMULQDQ)) {
+ if (regAnalysis.hasRegType(RegType::kX86_Zmm) || Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_Evex)) {
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX, Ext::kPCLMULQDQ);
+ }
+ else if (regAnalysis.hasRegType(RegType::kX86_Ymm)) {
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX512_F, Ext::kAVX512_VL);
+ }
+ else {
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX512_F, Ext::kAVX512_VL, Ext::kVPCLMULQDQ);
+ }
+ }
+ // Handle AVX vs AVX2 overlap.
+ if (out->has(Ext::kAVX) && out->has(Ext::kAVX2)) {
+ bool isAVX2 = true;
+ // Special case: VBROADCASTSS and VBROADCASTSD were introduced in AVX, but only version that uses memory as a
+ // source operand. AVX2 then added support for register source operand.
+ if (instId == Inst::kIdVbroadcastss || instId == Inst::kIdVbroadcastsd) {
+ if (opCount > 1 && operands[1].isMem())
+ isAVX2 = false;
+ }
+ else {
+ // AVX instruction set doesn't support integer operations on YMM registers as these were later introcuced by
+ // AVX2. In our case we have to check if YMM register(s) are in use and if that is the case this is an AVX2
+ // instruction.
+ if (!(regAnalysis.regTypeMask & Support::bitMask(RegType::kX86_Ymm, RegType::kX86_Zmm)))
+ isAVX2 = false;
+ }
+ if (isAVX2)
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX);
+ else
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX2);
+ }
+ // Handle AVX vs AVX512 overlap.
+ //
+ // In general, non-AVX encoding is preferred, however, AVX encoded instructions that were initially provided
+ // as AVX-512 instructions must naturally prefer AVX-512 encoding, as that was the first one provided.
+ if (out->hasAny(Ext::kAVX,
+ Ext::kAVX_IFMA,
+ Ext::kAVX_VNNI,
+ Ext::kAVX2,
+ Ext::kF16C,
+ Ext::kFMA)
+ &&
+ out->hasAny(Ext::kAVX512_BF16,
+ Ext::kAVX512_BW,
+ Ext::kAVX512_DQ,
+ Ext::kAVX512_F,
+ Ext::kAVX512_IFMA,
+ Ext::kAVX512_VNNI)) {
+ uint32_t useEvex = InstInternal_usesAvx512(options, inst.extraReg(), regAnalysis) | regAnalysis.highVecUsed;
+ switch (instId) {
+ // Special case: VPBROADCAST[B|D|Q|W] only supports r32/r64 with EVEX prefix.
+ case Inst::kIdVpbroadcastb:
+ case Inst::kIdVpbroadcastd:
+ case Inst::kIdVpbroadcastq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpbroadcastw:
+ useEvex |= uint32_t(opCount >= 2 && x86::Reg::isGp(operands[1]));
+ break;
+ case Inst::kIdVcvtpd2dq:
+ case Inst::kIdVcvtpd2ps:
+ case Inst::kIdVcvttpd2dq:
+ useEvex |= uint32_t(opCount >= 2 && Reg::isYmm(operands[0]));
+ break;
+ case Inst::kIdVgatherdpd:
+ case Inst::kIdVgatherdps:
+ case Inst::kIdVgatherqpd:
+ case Inst::kIdVgatherqps:
+ case Inst::kIdVpgatherdd:
+ case Inst::kIdVpgatherdq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpgatherqd:
+ case Inst::kIdVpgatherqq:
+ useEvex |= uint32_t(opCount == 2);
+ break;
+ // Special case: These instructions only allow `reg, reg. imm` combination in AVX|AVX2 mode, then
+ // AVX-512 introduced `reg, reg/mem, imm` combination that uses EVEX prefix. This means that if
+ // the second operand is memory then this is AVX-512_BW instruction and not AVX/AVX2 instruction.
+ case Inst::kIdVpslldq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpslld:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsllq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsllw:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsrad:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsraq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsraw:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsrld:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsrldq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsrlq:
+ case Inst::kIdVpsrlw:
+ useEvex |= uint32_t(opCount >= 2 && operands[1].isMem());
+ break;
+ // Special case: VPERMPD - AVX2 vs AVX512-F case.
+ case Inst::kIdVpermpd:
+ useEvex |= uint32_t(opCount >= 3 && !operands[2].isImm());
+ break;
+ // Special case: VPERMQ - AVX2 vs AVX512-F case.
+ case Inst::kIdVpermq:
+ useEvex |= uint32_t(opCount >= 3 && (operands[1].isMem() || !operands[2].isImm()));
+ break;
+ }
+ if (instInfo.commonInfo().preferEvex() && !Support::test(options, InstOptions::kX86_Vex | InstOptions::kX86_Vex3))
+ useEvex = 1;
+ if (useEvex) {
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX,
+ Ext::kAVX_IFMA,
+ Ext::kAVX_VNNI,
+ Ext::kAVX2,
+ Ext::kF16C,
+ Ext::kFMA);
+ }
+ else {
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX512_BF16,
+ Ext::kAVX512_BW,
+ Ext::kAVX512_DQ,
+ Ext::kAVX512_F,
+ Ext::kAVX512_IFMA,
+ Ext::kAVX512_VL,
+ Ext::kAVX512_VNNI);
+ }
+ }
+ // Clear AVX512_VL if ZMM register is used.
+ if (regAnalysis.hasRegType(RegType::kX86_Zmm))
+ out->remove(Ext::kAVX512_VL);
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+} // {InstInternal}
+// x86::InstInternal - Tests
+// =========================
+#if defined(ASMJIT_TEST)
+UNIT(x86_inst_api_text) {
+ // All known instructions should be matched.
+ INFO("Matching all X86 instructions");
+ for (uint32_t a = 1; a < Inst::_kIdCount; a++) {
+ StringTmp<128> aName;
+ EXPECT_EQ(InstInternal::instIdToString(a, aName), kErrorOk)
+ .message("Failed to get the name of instruction #%u", a);
+ uint32_t b = InstInternal::stringToInstId(, aName.size());
+ StringTmp<128> bName;
+ InstInternal::instIdToString(b, bName);
+ EXPECT_EQ(a, b)
+ .message("Instructions do not match \"%s\" (#%u) != \"%s\" (#%u)",, a,, b);
+ }
+#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_TEXT
+template<typename... Args>
+static Error queryFeaturesInline(CpuFeatures* out, Arch arch, BaseInst inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Operand_ opArray[] = { std::forward<Args>(args)... };
+ return InstInternal::queryFeatures(arch, inst, opArray, sizeof...(args), out);
+UNIT(x86_inst_api_cpu_features) {
+ INFO("Verifying whether SSE2+ features are reported correctly for legacy instructions");
+ {
+ CpuFeatures f;
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdPaddd), xmm1, xmm2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasSSE2());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdAddsubpd), xmm1, xmm2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasSSE3());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdPshufb), xmm1, xmm2);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasSSSE3());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdBlendpd), xmm1, xmm2, Imm(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasSSE4_1());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdCrc32), eax, al);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasSSE4_2());
+ }
+ INFO("Verifying whether AVX+ features are reported correctly for AVX instructions");
+ {
+ CpuFeatures f;
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpaddd), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpaddd), ymm1, ymm2, ymm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX2());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVaddsubpd), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVaddsubpd), ymm1, ymm2, ymm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpshufb), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpshufb), ymm1, ymm2, ymm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX2());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVblendpd), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3, Imm(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVblendpd), ymm1, ymm2, ymm3, Imm(1));
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpunpcklbw), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpunpcklbw), ymm1, ymm2, ymm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX2());
+ }
+ INFO("Verifying whether AVX2 / AVX512 features are reported correctly for vpgatherxx instructions");
+ {
+ CpuFeatures f;
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpgatherdd), xmm1, ptr(rax, xmm2), xmm3);
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX2());
+ EXPECT_FALSE(f.x86().hasAVX512_F());
+ // NOTE: This instruction is unencodable, but sometimes this signature is used to check the support (without the {k}).
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpgatherdd), xmm1, ptr(rax, xmm2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(f.x86().hasAVX2());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX512_F());
+ queryFeaturesInline(&f, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpgatherdd, InstOptions::kNone, k1), xmm1, ptr(rax, xmm2));
+ EXPECT_FALSE(f.x86().hasAVX2());
+ EXPECT_TRUE(f.x86().hasAVX512_F());
+ }
+template<typename... Args>
+static Error queryRWInfoInline(InstRWInfo* out, Arch arch, BaseInst inst, Args&&... args) {
+ Operand_ opArray[] = { std::forward<Args>(args)... };
+ return InstInternal::queryRWInfo(arch, inst, opArray, sizeof...(args), out);
+UNIT(x86_inst_api_rm_features) {
+ INFO("Verifying whether RM/feature is reported correctly for PEXTRW instruction");
+ {
+ InstRWInfo rwi;
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdPextrw), eax, mm1, imm(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), 0u);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdPextrw), eax, xmm1, imm(1));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kSSE4_1);
+ }
+ INFO("Verifying whether RM/feature is reported correctly for AVX512 shift instructions");
+ {
+ InstRWInfo rwi;
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpslld), xmm1, xmm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_F);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsllq), ymm1, ymm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_F);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsrad), xmm1, xmm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_F);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsrld), ymm1, ymm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_F);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsrlq), xmm1, xmm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_F);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpslldq), xmm1, xmm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_BW);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsllw), ymm1, ymm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_BW);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsraw), xmm1, xmm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_BW);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsrldq), ymm1, ymm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_BW);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsrlw), xmm1, xmm2, imm(8));
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), CpuFeatures::X86::kAVX512_BW);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpslld), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), 0u);
+ queryRWInfoInline(&rwi, Arch::kX64, BaseInst(Inst::kIdVpsllw), xmm1, xmm2, xmm3);
+ EXPECT_EQ(rwi.rmFeature(), 0u);
+ }
+#endif // ASMJIT_TEST
+#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_X86