path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/radefs_p.h
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/radefs_p.h')
1 files changed, 1212 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/radefs_p.h b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/radefs_p.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..99e79be3ebb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/radefs_p.h
@@ -0,0 +1,1212 @@
+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+#include "../core/api-config.h"
+#include "../core/archtraits.h"
+#include "../core/compilerdefs.h"
+#include "../core/logger.h"
+#include "../core/operand.h"
+#include "../core/support.h"
+#include "../core/type.h"
+#include "../core/zone.h"
+#include "../core/zonevector.h"
+//! \cond INTERNAL
+//! \addtogroup asmjit_ra
+//! \{
+# define ASMJIT_RA_LOG_FORMAT(...) \
+ do { \
+ if (logger) \
+ logger->logf(__VA_ARGS__); \
+ } while (0)
+# define ASMJIT_RA_LOG_COMPLEX(...) \
+ do { \
+ if (logger) { \
+ __VA_ARGS__ \
+ } \
+ } while (0)
+# define ASMJIT_RA_LOG_FORMAT(...) ((void)0)
+# define ASMJIT_RA_LOG_COMPLEX(...) ((void)0)
+class BaseRAPass;
+class RABlock;
+class BaseNode;
+struct RAStackSlot;
+typedef ZoneVector<RABlock*> RABlocks;
+typedef ZoneVector<RAWorkReg*> RAWorkRegs;
+//! Maximum number of consecutive registers aggregated from all supported backends.
+static constexpr uint32_t kMaxConsecutiveRegs = 4;
+//! Provides architecture constraints used by register allocator.
+class RAConstraints {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ Support::Array<RegMask, Globals::kNumVirtGroups> _availableRegs {};
+ //! \}
+ ASMJIT_NOINLINE Error init(Arch arch) noexcept {
+ switch (arch) {
+ case Arch::kX86:
+ case Arch::kX64: {
+ uint32_t registerCount = arch == Arch::kX86 ? 8 : 16;
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kGp] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(registerCount) & ~Support::bitMask(4u);
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kVec] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(registerCount);
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kMask] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(8);
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kExtraVirt3] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(8);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ case Arch::kAArch64: {
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kGp] = 0xFFFFFFFFu & ~Support::bitMask(18, 31u);
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kVec] = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kMask] = 0;
+ _availableRegs[RegGroup::kExtraVirt3] = 0;
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ default:
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArch);
+ }
+ }
+ inline RegMask availableRegs(RegGroup group) const noexcept { return _availableRegs[group]; }
+enum class RAStrategyType : uint8_t {
+ kSimple = 0,
+ kComplex = 1
+enum class RAStrategyFlags : uint8_t {
+ kNone = 0
+//! Register allocation strategy.
+//! The idea is to select the best register allocation strategy for each virtual register group based on the
+//! complexity of the code.
+struct RAStrategy {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ RAStrategyType _type = RAStrategyType::kSimple;
+ RAStrategyFlags _flags = RAStrategyFlags::kNone;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept {
+ _type = RAStrategyType::kSimple;
+ _flags = RAStrategyFlags::kNone;
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RAStrategyType type() const noexcept { return _type; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setType(RAStrategyType type) noexcept { _type = type; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isSimple() const noexcept { return _type == RAStrategyType::kSimple; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isComplex() const noexcept { return _type >= RAStrategyType::kComplex; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RAStrategyFlags flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasFlag(RAStrategyFlags flag) const noexcept { return Support::test(_flags, flag); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addFlags(RAStrategyFlags flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
+ //! \}
+//! Count of virtual or physical registers per group.
+//! \note This class uses 8-bit integers to represent counters, it's only used in places where this is sufficient,
+//! for example total count of machine's physical registers, count of virtual registers per instruction, etc...
+//! There is also `RALiveCount`, which uses 32-bit integers and is indeed much safer.
+struct RARegCount {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ union {
+ uint8_t _regs[4];
+ uint32_t _packed;
+ };
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ //! Resets all counters to zero.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { _packed = 0; }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Overloaded Operators
+ //! \{
+ inline uint8_t& operator[](RegGroup group) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(group <= RegGroup::kMaxVirt);
+ return _regs[size_t(group)];
+ }
+ inline const uint8_t& operator[](RegGroup group) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(group <= RegGroup::kMaxVirt);
+ return _regs[size_t(group)];
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator==(const RARegCount& other) const noexcept { return _packed == other._packed; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator!=(const RARegCount& other) const noexcept { return _packed != other._packed; }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ //! Returns the count of registers by the given register `group`.
+ inline uint32_t get(RegGroup group) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(group <= RegGroup::kMaxVirt);
+ uint32_t shift = Support::byteShiftOfDWordStruct(uint32_t(group));
+ return (_packed >> shift) & uint32_t(0xFF);
+ }
+ //! Sets the register count by a register `group`.
+ inline void set(RegGroup group, uint32_t n) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(group <= RegGroup::kMaxVirt);
+ uint32_t shift = Support::byteShiftOfDWordStruct(uint32_t(group));
+ _packed = (_packed & ~uint32_t(0xFF << shift)) + (n << shift);
+ }
+ //! Adds the register count by a register `group`.
+ inline void add(RegGroup group, uint32_t n = 1) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(group <= RegGroup::kMaxVirt);
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(0xFF - uint32_t(_regs[size_t(group)]) >= n);
+ uint32_t shift = Support::byteShiftOfDWordStruct(uint32_t(group));
+ _packed += n << shift;
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! Provides mapping that can be used to fast index architecture register groups.
+struct RARegIndex : public RARegCount {
+ //! Build register indexes based on the given `count` of registers.
+ ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void buildIndexes(const RARegCount& count) noexcept {
+ uint32_t x = uint32_t(count._regs[0]);
+ uint32_t y = uint32_t(count._regs[1]) + x;
+ uint32_t z = uint32_t(count._regs[2]) + y;
+ _packed = Support::bytepack32_4x8(0, x, y, z);
+ }
+//! Registers mask.
+struct RARegMask {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ Support::Array<RegMask, Globals::kNumVirtGroups> _masks;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const RARegMask& other) noexcept { _masks = other._masks; }
+ //! Reset all register masks to zero.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { _masks.fill(0); }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Overloaded Operators
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator==(const RARegMask& other) const noexcept { return _masks == other._masks; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator!=(const RARegMask& other) const noexcept { return _masks != other._masks; }
+ template<typename Index>
+ inline uint32_t& operator[](const Index& index) noexcept { return _masks[index]; }
+ template<typename Index>
+ inline const uint32_t& operator[](const Index& index) const noexcept { return _masks[index]; }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Utilities
+ //! \{
+ //! Tests whether all register masks are zero (empty).
+ inline bool empty() const noexcept {
+ return _masks.aggregate<Support::Or>() == 0;
+ }
+ inline bool has(RegGroup group, RegMask mask = 0xFFFFFFFFu) const noexcept {
+ return (_masks[group] & mask) != 0;
+ }
+ template<class Operator>
+ inline void op(const RARegMask& other) noexcept {
+ _masks.combine<Operator>(other._masks);
+ }
+ template<class Operator>
+ inline void op(RegGroup group, RegMask mask) noexcept {
+ _masks[group] = Operator::op(_masks[group], mask);
+ }
+ inline void clear(RegGroup group, RegMask mask) noexcept {
+ _masks[group] = _masks[group] & ~mask;
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! Information associated with each instruction, propagated to blocks, loops, and the whole function. This
+//! information can be used to do minor decisions before the register allocator tries to do its job. For
+//! example to use fast register allocation inside a block or loop it cannot have clobbered and/or fixed
+//! registers, etc...
+class RARegsStats {
+ //! \name Constants
+ //! \{
+ enum Index : uint32_t {
+ kIndexUsed = 0,
+ kIndexFixed = 8,
+ kIndexClobbered = 16
+ };
+ enum Mask : uint32_t {
+ kMaskUsed = 0xFFu << kIndexUsed,
+ kMaskFixed = 0xFFu << kIndexFixed,
+ kMaskClobbered = 0xFFu << kIndexClobbered
+ };
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ uint32_t _packed = 0;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { _packed = 0; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void combineWith(const RARegsStats& other) noexcept { _packed |= other._packed; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasUsed() const noexcept { return (_packed & kMaskUsed) != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasUsed(RegGroup group) const noexcept { return (_packed & Support::bitMask(kIndexUsed + uint32_t(group))) != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void makeUsed(RegGroup group) noexcept { _packed |= Support::bitMask(kIndexUsed + uint32_t(group)); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasFixed() const noexcept { return (_packed & kMaskFixed) != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasFixed(RegGroup group) const noexcept { return (_packed & Support::bitMask(kIndexFixed + uint32_t(group))) != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void makeFixed(RegGroup group) noexcept { _packed |= Support::bitMask(kIndexFixed + uint32_t(group)); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasClobbered() const noexcept { return (_packed & kMaskClobbered) != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasClobbered(RegGroup group) const noexcept { return (_packed & Support::bitMask(kIndexClobbered + uint32_t(group))) != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void makeClobbered(RegGroup group) noexcept { _packed |= Support::bitMask(kIndexClobbered + uint32_t(group)); }
+ //! \}
+//! Count of live registers, per group.
+class RALiveCount {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ Support::Array<uint32_t, Globals::kNumVirtGroups> n {};
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveCount() noexcept = default;
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveCount(const RALiveCount& other) noexcept = default;
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const RALiveCount& other) noexcept { n = other.n; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { n.fill(0); }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Overloaded Operators
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveCount& operator=(const RALiveCount& other) noexcept = default;
+ inline uint32_t& operator[](RegGroup group) noexcept { return n[group]; }
+ inline const uint32_t& operator[](RegGroup group) const noexcept { return n[group]; }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Utilities
+ //! \{
+ template<class Operator>
+ inline void op(const RALiveCount& other) noexcept { n.combine<Operator>(other.n); }
+ //! \}
+struct RALiveInterval {
+ //! \name Constants
+ //! \{
+ enum : uint32_t {
+ kNaN = 0,
+ kInf = 0xFFFFFFFFu
+ };
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ uint32_t a, b;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveInterval() noexcept : a(0), b(0) {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveInterval(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) noexcept : a(a), b(b) {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveInterval(const RALiveInterval& other) noexcept : a(other.a), b(other.b) {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(uint32_t aVal, uint32_t bVal) noexcept {
+ a = aVal;
+ b = bVal;
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const RALiveInterval& other) noexcept { init(other.a, other.b); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { init(0, 0); }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Overloaded Operators
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveInterval& operator=(const RALiveInterval& other) = default;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isValid() const noexcept { return a < b; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t width() const noexcept { return b - a; }
+ //! \}
+//! Live span with payload of type `T`.
+template<typename T>
+class RALiveSpan : public RALiveInterval, public T {
+ //! \name Types
+ //! \{
+ typedef T DataType;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpan() noexcept : RALiveInterval(), T() {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpan(const RALiveSpan<T>& other) noexcept : RALiveInterval(other), T() {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpan(const RALiveInterval& interval, const T& data) noexcept : RALiveInterval(interval), T(data) {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpan(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) noexcept : RALiveInterval(a, b), T() {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpan(uint32_t a, uint32_t b, const T& data) noexcept : RALiveInterval(a, b), T(data) {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const RALiveSpan<T>& other) noexcept {
+ RALiveInterval::init(static_cast<const RALiveInterval&>(other));
+ T::init(static_cast<const T&>(other));
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const RALiveSpan<T>& span, const T& data) noexcept {
+ RALiveInterval::init(static_cast<const RALiveInterval&>(span));
+ T::init(data);
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const RALiveInterval& interval, const T& data) noexcept {
+ RALiveInterval::init(interval);
+ T::init(data);
+ }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Overloaded Operators
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpan& operator=(const RALiveSpan& other) {
+ init(other);
+ return *this;
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! Vector of `RALiveSpan<T>` with additional convenience API.
+template<typename T>
+class RALiveSpans {
+ typedef typename T::DataType DataType;
+ ZoneVector<T> _data;
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveSpans() noexcept : _data() {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { _data.reset(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void release(ZoneAllocator* allocator) noexcept { _data.release(allocator); }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool empty() const noexcept { return _data.empty(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t size() const noexcept { return _data.size(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG T* data() noexcept { return; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const T* data() const noexcept { return; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isOpen() const noexcept {
+ uint32_t size = _data.size();
+ return size > 0 && _data[size - 1].b == RALiveInterval::kInf;
+ }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Utilities
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void swap(RALiveSpans<T>& other) noexcept { _data.swap(other._data); }
+ //! Open the current live span.
+ ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error openAt(ZoneAllocator* allocator, uint32_t start, uint32_t end) noexcept {
+ bool wasOpen;
+ return openAt(allocator, start, end, wasOpen);
+ }
+ ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error openAt(ZoneAllocator* allocator, uint32_t start, uint32_t end, bool& wasOpen) noexcept {
+ uint32_t size = _data.size();
+ wasOpen = false;
+ if (size > 0) {
+ T& last = _data[size - 1];
+ if (last.b >= start) {
+ wasOpen = last.b > start;
+ last.b = end;
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ }
+ return _data.append(allocator, T(start, end));
+ }
+ ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void closeAt(uint32_t end) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(!empty());
+ uint32_t size = _data.size();
+ _data[size - 1].b = end;
+ }
+ //! Returns the sum of width of all spans.
+ //!
+ //! \note Don't overuse, this iterates over all spans so it's O(N). It should be only called once and then cached.
+ inline uint32_t width() const noexcept {
+ uint32_t width = 0;
+ for (const T& span : _data)
+ width += span.width();
+ return width;
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG T& operator[](uint32_t index) noexcept { return _data[index]; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const T& operator[](uint32_t index) const noexcept { return _data[index]; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool intersects(const RALiveSpans<T>& other) const noexcept {
+ return intersects(*this, other);
+ }
+ ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error nonOverlappingUnionOf(ZoneAllocator* allocator, const RALiveSpans<T>& x, const RALiveSpans<T>& y, const DataType& yData) noexcept {
+ uint32_t finalSize = x.size() + y.size();
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_data.reserve(allocator, finalSize));
+ T* dstPtr =;
+ const T* xSpan =;
+ const T* ySpan =;
+ const T* xEnd = xSpan + x.size();
+ const T* yEnd = ySpan + y.size();
+ // Loop until we have intersection or either `xSpan == xEnd` or `ySpan == yEnd`, which means that there is no
+ // intersection. We advance either `xSpan` or `ySpan` depending on their ranges.
+ if (xSpan != xEnd && ySpan != yEnd) {
+ uint32_t xa, ya;
+ xa = xSpan->a;
+ for (;;) {
+ while (ySpan->b <= xa) {
+ dstPtr->init(*ySpan, yData);
+ dstPtr++;
+ if (++ySpan == yEnd)
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ ya = ySpan->a;
+ while (xSpan->b <= ya) {
+ *dstPtr++ = *xSpan;
+ if (++xSpan == xEnd)
+ goto Done;
+ }
+ // We know that `xSpan->b > ySpan->a`, so check if `ySpan->b > xSpan->a`.
+ xa = xSpan->a;
+ if (ySpan->b > xa)
+ return 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+ }
+ }
+ Done:
+ while (xSpan != xEnd) {
+ *dstPtr++ = *xSpan++;
+ }
+ while (ySpan != yEnd) {
+ dstPtr->init(*ySpan, yData);
+ dstPtr++;
+ ySpan++;
+ }
+ _data._setEndPtr(dstPtr);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE bool intersects(const RALiveSpans<T>& x, const RALiveSpans<T>& y) noexcept {
+ const T* xSpan =;
+ const T* ySpan =;
+ const T* xEnd = xSpan + x.size();
+ const T* yEnd = ySpan + y.size();
+ // Loop until we have intersection or either `xSpan == xEnd` or `ySpan == yEnd`, which means that there is no
+ // intersection. We advance either `xSpan` or `ySpan` depending on their end positions.
+ if (xSpan == xEnd || ySpan == yEnd)
+ return false;
+ uint32_t xa, ya;
+ xa = xSpan->a;
+ for (;;) {
+ while (ySpan->b <= xa)
+ if (++ySpan == yEnd)
+ return false;
+ ya = ySpan->a;
+ while (xSpan->b <= ya)
+ if (++xSpan == xEnd)
+ return false;
+ // We know that `xSpan->b > ySpan->a`, so check if `ySpan->b > xSpan->a`.
+ xa = xSpan->a;
+ if (ySpan->b > xa)
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! Statistics about a register liveness.
+class RALiveStats {
+ uint32_t _width = 0;
+ float _freq = 0.0f;
+ float _priority = 0.0f;
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t width() const noexcept { return _width; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG float freq() const noexcept { return _freq; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG float priority() const noexcept { return _priority; }
+ //! \}
+struct LiveRegData {
+ uint32_t id;
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG explicit LiveRegData(uint32_t id = BaseReg::kIdBad) noexcept : id(id) {}
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG LiveRegData(const LiveRegData& other) noexcept = default;
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void init(const LiveRegData& other) noexcept { id =; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator==(const LiveRegData& other) const noexcept { return id ==; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator!=(const LiveRegData& other) const noexcept { return id !=; }
+typedef RALiveSpan<LiveRegData> LiveRegSpan;
+typedef RALiveSpans<LiveRegSpan> LiveRegSpans;
+//! Flags used by \ref RATiedReg.
+//! Register access information is encoded in 4 flags in total:
+//! - `kRead` - Register is Read (ReadWrite if combined with `kWrite`).
+//! - `kWrite` - Register is Written (ReadWrite if combined with `kRead`).
+//! - `kUse` - Encoded as Read or ReadWrite.
+//! - `kOut` - Encoded as WriteOnly.
+//! Let's describe all of these on two X86 instructions:
+//! - ADD x{R|W|Use}, x{R|Use} -> {x:R|W|Use }
+//! - LEA x{ W|Out}, [x{R|Use} + x{R|Out}] -> {x:R|W|Use|Out }
+//! - ADD x{R|W|Use}, y{R|Use} -> {x:R|W|Use y:R|Use}
+//! - LEA x{ W|Out}, [x{R|Use} + y{R|Out}] -> {x:R|W|Use|Out y:R|Use}
+//! It should be obvious from the example above how these flags get created. Each operand contains READ/WRITE
+//! information, which is then merged to RATiedReg's flags. However, we also need to represent the possitility
+//! to view the operation as two independent operations - USE and OUT, because the register allocator first
+//! allocates USE registers, and then assigns OUT registers independently of USE registers.
+enum class RATiedFlags : uint32_t {
+ //! No flags.
+ kNone = 0,
+ // Access Flags
+ // ------------
+ //! Register is read.
+ kRead = uint32_t(OpRWFlags::kRead),
+ //! Register is written.
+ kWrite = uint32_t(OpRWFlags::kWrite),
+ //! Register both read and written.
+ kRW = uint32_t(OpRWFlags::kRW),
+ // Use / Out Flags
+ // ---------------
+ //! Register has a USE slot (read/rw).
+ kUse = 0x00000004u,
+ //! Register has an OUT slot (write-only).
+ kOut = 0x00000008u,
+ //! Register in USE slot can be patched to memory.
+ kUseRM = 0x00000010u,
+ //! Register in OUT slot can be patched to memory.
+ kOutRM = 0x00000020u,
+ //! Register has a fixed USE slot.
+ kUseFixed = 0x00000040u,
+ //! Register has a fixed OUT slot.
+ kOutFixed = 0x00000080u,
+ //! Register USE slot has been allocated.
+ kUseDone = 0x00000100u,
+ //! Register OUT slot has been allocated.
+ kOutDone = 0x00000200u,
+ // Consecutive Flags / Data
+ // ------------------------
+ kUseConsecutive = 0x00000400u,
+ kOutConsecutive = 0x00000800u,
+ kLeadConsecutive = 0x00001000u,
+ kConsecutiveData = 0x00006000u,
+ // Other Constraints
+ // -----------------
+ kUnique = 0x00008000u,
+ // Liveness Flags
+ // --------------
+ //! Register must be duplicated (function call only).
+ kDuplicate = 0x00010000u,
+ //! Last occurrence of this VirtReg in basic block.
+ kLast = 0x00020000u,
+ //! Kill this VirtReg after use.
+ kKill = 0x00040000u,
+ // X86 Specific Flags
+ // ------------------
+ // Architecture specific flags are used during RATiedReg building to ensure that architecture-specific constraints
+ // are handled properly. These flags are not really needed after RATiedReg[] is built and copied to `RAInst`.
+ //! This RATiedReg references GPB-LO or GPB-HI.
+ kX86_Gpb = 0x01000000u,
+ // Instruction Flags (Never used by RATiedReg)
+ // -------------------------------------------
+ //! Instruction is transformable to another instruction if necessary.
+ //!
+ //! This is flag that is only used by \ref RAInst to inform register allocator that the instruction has some
+ //! constraints that can only be solved by transforming the instruction into another instruction, most likely
+ //! by changing its InstId.
+ kInst_IsTransformable = 0x80000000u
+static_assert(uint32_t(RATiedFlags::kRead ) == 0x1, "RATiedFlags::kRead must be 0x1");
+static_assert(uint32_t(RATiedFlags::kWrite) == 0x2, "RATiedFlags::kWrite must be 0x2");
+static_assert(uint32_t(RATiedFlags::kRW ) == 0x3, "RATiedFlags::kRW must be 0x3");
+//! Tied register merges one ore more register operand into a single entity. It contains information about its access
+//! (Read|Write) and allocation slots (Use|Out) that are used by the register allocator and liveness analysis.
+struct RATiedReg {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ //! WorkReg id.
+ uint32_t _workId;
+ //! WorkReg id that is an immediate consecutive parent of this register, or Globals::kInvalidId if it has no parent.
+ uint32_t _consecutiveParent;
+ //! Allocation flags.
+ RATiedFlags _flags;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ //! How many times the VirtReg is referenced in all operands.
+ uint8_t _refCount;
+ //! Size of a memory operand in case that it's use instead of the register.
+ uint8_t _rmSize;
+ //! Physical register for use operation (ReadOnly / ReadWrite).
+ uint8_t _useId;
+ //! Physical register for out operation (WriteOnly).
+ uint8_t _outId;
+ };
+ //! Packed data.
+ uint32_t _packed;
+ };
+ //! Registers where inputs {R|X} can be allocated to.
+ RegMask _useRegMask;
+ //! Registers where outputs {W} can be allocated to.
+ RegMask _outRegMask;
+ //! Indexes used to rewrite USE regs.
+ uint32_t _useRewriteMask;
+ //! Indexes used to rewrite OUT regs.
+ uint32_t _outRewriteMask;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Statics
+ //! \{
+ static inline RATiedFlags consecutiveDataToFlags(uint32_t offset) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(offset < 4);
+ constexpr uint32_t kOffsetShift = Support::ConstCTZ<uint32_t(RATiedFlags::kConsecutiveData)>::value;
+ return (RATiedFlags)(offset << kOffsetShift);
+ }
+ static inline uint32_t consecutiveDataFromFlags(RATiedFlags flags) noexcept {
+ constexpr uint32_t kOffsetShift = Support::ConstCTZ<uint32_t(RATiedFlags::kConsecutiveData)>::value;
+ return uint32_t(flags & RATiedFlags::kConsecutiveData) >> kOffsetShift;
+ }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ inline void init(uint32_t workId, RATiedFlags flags, RegMask useRegMask, uint32_t useId, uint32_t useRewriteMask, RegMask outRegMask, uint32_t outId, uint32_t outRewriteMask, uint32_t rmSize = 0, uint32_t consecutiveParent = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept {
+ _workId = workId;
+ _consecutiveParent = consecutiveParent;
+ _flags = flags;
+ _refCount = 1;
+ _rmSize = uint8_t(rmSize);
+ _useId = uint8_t(useId);
+ _outId = uint8_t(outId);
+ _useRegMask = useRegMask;
+ _outRegMask = outRegMask;
+ _useRewriteMask = useRewriteMask;
+ _outRewriteMask = outRewriteMask;
+ }
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ //! Returns the associated WorkReg id.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t workId() const noexcept { return _workId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasConsecutiveParent() const noexcept { return _consecutiveParent != Globals::kInvalidId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t consecutiveParent() const noexcept { return _consecutiveParent; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t consecutiveData() const noexcept { return consecutiveDataFromFlags(_flags); }
+ //! Returns TiedReg flags.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RATiedFlags flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
+ //! Checks if the given `flag` is set.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasFlag(RATiedFlags flag) const noexcept { return Support::test(_flags, flag); }
+ //! Adds tied register flags.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addFlags(RATiedFlags flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
+ //! Tests whether the register is read (writes `true` also if it's Read/Write).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isRead() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kRead); }
+ //! Tests whether the register is written (writes `true` also if it's Read/Write).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isWrite() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kWrite); }
+ //! Tests whether the register is read only.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isReadOnly() const noexcept { return (_flags & RATiedFlags::kRW) == RATiedFlags::kRead; }
+ //! Tests whether the register is write only.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isWriteOnly() const noexcept { return (_flags & RATiedFlags::kRW) == RATiedFlags::kWrite; }
+ //! Tests whether the register is read and written.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isReadWrite() const noexcept { return (_flags & RATiedFlags::kRW) == RATiedFlags::kRW; }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register has use operand (Read/ReadWrite).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isUse() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kUse); }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register has out operand (Write).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isOut() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kOut); }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register has \ref RATiedFlags::kLeadConsecutive flag set.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLeadConsecutive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kLeadConsecutive); }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register has \ref RATiedFlags::kUseConsecutive flag set.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isUseConsecutive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kUseConsecutive); }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register has \ref RATiedFlags::kOutConsecutive flag set.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isOutConsecutive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kOutConsecutive); }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register must be unique (cannot be allocated to any other allocated register).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isUnique() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kUnique); }
+ //! Tests whether the tied register has any consecutive flag.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasAnyConsecutiveFlag() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kLeadConsecutive | RATiedFlags::kUseConsecutive | RATiedFlags::kOutConsecutive); }
+ //! Tests whether the USE slot can be patched to memory operand.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasUseRM() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kUseRM); }
+ //! Tests whether the OUT slot can be patched to memory operand.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasOutRM() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kOutRM); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t rmSize() const noexcept { return _rmSize; }
+ inline void makeReadOnly() noexcept {
+ _flags = (_flags & ~(RATiedFlags::kOut | RATiedFlags::kWrite)) | RATiedFlags::kUse;
+ _useRewriteMask |= _outRewriteMask;
+ _outRewriteMask = 0;
+ }
+ inline void makeWriteOnly() noexcept {
+ _flags = (_flags & ~(RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kRead)) | RATiedFlags::kOut;
+ _outRewriteMask |= _useRewriteMask;
+ _useRewriteMask = 0;
+ }
+ //! Tests whether the register would duplicate.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isDuplicate() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kDuplicate); }
+ //! Tests whether the register (and the instruction it's part of) appears last in the basic block.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLast() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kLast); }
+ //! Tests whether the register should be killed after USEd and/or OUTed.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isKill() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kKill); }
+ //! Tests whether the register is OUT or KILL (used internally by local register allocator).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isOutOrKill() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kOut | RATiedFlags::kKill); }
+ //! Returns a register mask that describes allocable USE registers (Read/ReadWrite access).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask useRegMask() const noexcept { return _useRegMask; }
+ //! Returns a register mask that describes allocable OUT registers (WriteOnly access).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask outRegMask() const noexcept { return _outRegMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t refCount() const noexcept { return _refCount; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addRefCount(uint32_t n = 1) noexcept { _refCount = uint8_t(_refCount + n); }
+ //! Tests whether the register must be allocated to a fixed physical register before it's used.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasUseId() const noexcept { return _useId != BaseReg::kIdBad; }
+ //! Tests whether the register must be allocated to a fixed physical register before it's written.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasOutId() const noexcept { return _outId != BaseReg::kIdBad; }
+ //! Returns a physical register id used for 'use' operation.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t useId() const noexcept { return _useId; }
+ //! Returns a physical register id used for 'out' operation.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t outId() const noexcept { return _outId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t useRewriteMask() const noexcept { return _useRewriteMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t outRewriteMask() const noexcept { return _outRewriteMask; }
+ //! Sets a physical register used for 'use' operation.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setUseId(uint32_t index) noexcept { _useId = uint8_t(index); }
+ //! Sets a physical register used for 'out' operation.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setOutId(uint32_t index) noexcept { _outId = uint8_t(index); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isUseDone() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kUseDone); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isOutDone() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kUseDone); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markUseDone() noexcept { addFlags(RATiedFlags::kUseDone); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markOutDone() noexcept { addFlags(RATiedFlags::kUseDone); }
+ //! \}
+//! Flags used by \ref RAWorkReg.
+enum class RAWorkRegFlags : uint32_t {
+ //! No flags.
+ kNone = 0,
+ //! This register has already been allocated.
+ kAllocated = 0x00000001u,
+ //! Has been coalesced to another WorkReg.
+ kCoalesced = 0x00000002u,
+ //! Set when this register is used as a LEAD consecutive register at least once.
+ kLeadConsecutive = 0x00000004u,
+ //! Used to mark consecutive registers during processing.
+ kProcessedConsecutive = 0x00000008u,
+ //! Stack slot has to be allocated.
+ kStackUsed = 0x00000010u,
+ //! Stack allocation is preferred.
+ kStackPreferred = 0x00000020u,
+ //! Marked for stack argument reassignment.
+ kStackArgToStack = 0x00000040u
+//! Work register provides additional data of \ref VirtReg that is used by register allocator.
+//! In general when a virtual register is found by register allocator it maps it to \ref RAWorkReg
+//! and then only works with it. The reason for such mapping is that users can create many virtual
+//! registers, which are not used inside a register allocation scope (which is currently always a
+//! function). So register allocator basically scans the function for virtual registers and maps
+//! them into WorkRegs, which receive a temporary ID (workId), which starts from zero. This WorkId
+//! is then used in bit-arrays and other mappings.
+class RAWorkReg {
+ //! \name Constants
+ //! \{
+ enum : uint32_t {
+ kIdNone = 0xFFFFFFFFu
+ };
+ enum : uint32_t {
+ kNoArgIndex = 0xFFu
+ };
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ //! RAPass specific ID used during analysis and allocation.
+ uint32_t _workId = 0;
+ //! Copy of ID used by \ref VirtReg.
+ uint32_t _virtId = 0;
+ //! Permanent association with \ref VirtReg.
+ VirtReg* _virtReg = nullptr;
+ //! Temporary association with \ref RATiedReg.
+ RATiedReg* _tiedReg = nullptr;
+ //! Stack slot associated with the register.
+ RAStackSlot* _stackSlot = nullptr;
+ //! Copy of a signature used by \ref VirtReg.
+ OperandSignature _signature {};
+ //! RAPass specific flags used during analysis and allocation.
+ RAWorkRegFlags _flags = RAWorkRegFlags::kNone;
+ //! Constains all USE ids collected from all instructions.
+ //!
+ //! If this mask is non-zero and not a power of two, it means that the register is used multiple times in
+ //! instructions where it requires to have a different use ID. This means that in general it's not possible
+ //! to keep this register in a single home.
+ RegMask _useIdMask = 0;
+ //! Preferred mask of registers (if non-zero) to allocate this register to.
+ //!
+ //! If this mask is zero it means that either there is no intersection of preferred registers collected from all
+ //! TiedRegs or there is no preference at all (the register can be allocated to any register all the time).
+ RegMask _preferredMask = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+ //! Consecutive mask, which was collected from all instructions where this register was used as a lead consecutive
+ //! register.
+ RegMask _consecutiveMask = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
+ //! IDs of all physical registers that are clobbered during the lifetime of this WorkReg.
+ //!
+ //! This mask should be updated by `RAPass::buildLiveness()`, because it's global and should
+ //! be updated after unreachable code has been removed.
+ RegMask _clobberSurvivalMask = 0;
+ //! IDs of all physical registers this WorkReg has been allocated to.
+ RegMask _allocatedMask = 0;
+ //! A byte-mask where each bit represents one valid byte of the register.
+ uint64_t _regByteMask = 0;
+ //! Argument index (or `kNoArgIndex` if none).
+ uint8_t _argIndex = kNoArgIndex;
+ //! Argument value index in the pack (0 by default).
+ uint8_t _argValueIndex = 0;
+ //! Global home register ID (if any, assigned by RA).
+ uint8_t _homeRegId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
+ //! Global hint register ID (provided by RA or user).
+ uint8_t _hintRegId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
+ //! Live spans of the `VirtReg`.
+ LiveRegSpans _liveSpans {};
+ //! Live statistics.
+ RALiveStats _liveStats {};
+ //! All nodes that read/write this VirtReg/WorkReg.
+ ZoneVector<BaseNode*> _refs {};
+ //! All nodes that write to this VirtReg/WorkReg.
+ ZoneVector<BaseNode*> _writes {};
+ //! Contains work IDs of all immediate consecutive registers of this register.
+ //!
+ //! \note This bit array only contains immediate consecutives. This means that if this is a register that is
+ //! followed by 3 more registers, then it would still have only a single immediate. The rest registers would
+ //! have immediate consecutive registers as well, except the last one.
+ ZoneBitVector _immediateConsecutives {};
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RAWorkReg(VirtReg* vReg, uint32_t workId) noexcept
+ : _workId(workId),
+ _virtId(vReg->id()),
+ _virtReg(vReg),
+ _signature(vReg->signature()) {}
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t workId() const noexcept { return _workId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t virtId() const noexcept { return _virtId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const char* name() const noexcept { return _virtReg->name(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t nameSize() const noexcept { return _virtReg->nameSize(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG TypeId typeId() const noexcept { return _virtReg->typeId(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RAWorkRegFlags flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags flag) const noexcept { return Support::test(_flags, flag); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addFlags(RAWorkRegFlags flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isAllocated() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags::kAllocated); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markAllocated() noexcept { addFlags(RAWorkRegFlags::kAllocated); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLeadConsecutive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags::kLeadConsecutive); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markLeadConsecutive() noexcept { addFlags(RAWorkRegFlags::kLeadConsecutive); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isProcessedConsecutive() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags::kProcessedConsecutive); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markProcessedConsecutive() noexcept { addFlags(RAWorkRegFlags::kProcessedConsecutive); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isStackUsed() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags::kStackUsed); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markStackUsed() noexcept { addFlags(RAWorkRegFlags::kStackUsed); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isStackPreferred() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags::kStackPreferred); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void markStackPreferred() noexcept { addFlags(RAWorkRegFlags::kStackPreferred); }
+ //! Tests whether this RAWorkReg has been coalesced with another one (cannot be used anymore).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isCoalesced() const noexcept { return hasFlag(RAWorkRegFlags::kCoalesced); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG OperandSignature signature() const noexcept { return _signature; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegType type() const noexcept { return _signature.regType(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegGroup group() const noexcept { return _signature.regGroup(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VirtReg* virtReg() const noexcept { return _virtReg; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasTiedReg() const noexcept { return _tiedReg != nullptr; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RATiedReg* tiedReg() const noexcept { return _tiedReg; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setTiedReg(RATiedReg* tiedReg) noexcept { _tiedReg = tiedReg; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void resetTiedReg() noexcept { _tiedReg = nullptr; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasStackSlot() const noexcept { return _stackSlot != nullptr; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RAStackSlot* stackSlot() const noexcept { return _stackSlot; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG LiveRegSpans& liveSpans() noexcept { return _liveSpans; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const LiveRegSpans& liveSpans() const noexcept { return _liveSpans; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RALiveStats& liveStats() noexcept { return _liveStats; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const RALiveStats& liveStats() const noexcept { return _liveStats; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasArgIndex() const noexcept { return _argIndex != kNoArgIndex; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t argIndex() const noexcept { return _argIndex; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t argValueIndex() const noexcept { return _argValueIndex; }
+ inline void setArgIndex(uint32_t argIndex, uint32_t valueIndex) noexcept {
+ _argIndex = uint8_t(argIndex);
+ _argValueIndex = uint8_t(valueIndex);
+ }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasHomeRegId() const noexcept { return _homeRegId != BaseReg::kIdBad; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t homeRegId() const noexcept { return _homeRegId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setHomeRegId(uint32_t physId) noexcept { _homeRegId = uint8_t(physId); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasHintRegId() const noexcept { return _hintRegId != BaseReg::kIdBad; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t hintRegId() const noexcept { return _hintRegId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setHintRegId(uint32_t physId) noexcept { _hintRegId = uint8_t(physId); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask useIdMask() const noexcept { return _useIdMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasUseIdMask() const noexcept { return _useIdMask != 0u; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasMultipleUseIds() const noexcept { return _useIdMask != 0u && !Support::isPowerOf2(_useIdMask); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addUseIdMask(RegMask mask) noexcept { _useIdMask |= mask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask preferredMask() const noexcept { return _preferredMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasPreferredMask() const noexcept { return _preferredMask != 0xFFFFFFFFu; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void restrictPreferredMask(RegMask mask) noexcept { _preferredMask &= mask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask consecutiveMask() const noexcept { return _consecutiveMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasConsecutiveMask() const noexcept { return _consecutiveMask != 0xFFFFFFFFu; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void restrictConsecutiveMask(RegMask mask) noexcept { _consecutiveMask &= mask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask clobberSurvivalMask() const noexcept { return _clobberSurvivalMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addClobberSurvivalMask(RegMask mask) noexcept { _clobberSurvivalMask |= mask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RegMask allocatedMask() const noexcept { return _allocatedMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addAllocatedMask(RegMask mask) noexcept { _allocatedMask |= mask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t regByteMask() const noexcept { return _regByteMask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setRegByteMask(uint64_t mask) noexcept { _regByteMask = mask; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasImmediateConsecutives() const noexcept { return !_immediateConsecutives.empty(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const ZoneBitVector& immediateConsecutives() const noexcept { return _immediateConsecutives; }
+ inline Error addImmediateConsecutive(ZoneAllocator* allocator, uint32_t workId) noexcept {
+ if (_immediateConsecutives.size() <= workId)
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_immediateConsecutives.resize(allocator, workId + 1));
+ _immediateConsecutives.setBit(workId, true);
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! \}
+//! \endcond