path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/funcargscontext.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/funcargscontext.cpp')
1 files changed, 307 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/funcargscontext.cpp b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/funcargscontext.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..a6580874089
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/funcargscontext.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,307 @@
+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
+#include "../core/funcargscontext_p.h"
+//! \cond INTERNAL
+//! \addtogroup asmjit_core
+//! \{
+FuncArgsContext::FuncArgsContext() noexcept {
+ for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{})
+ _workData[size_t(group)].reset();
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncArgsContext::initWorkData(const FuncFrame& frame, const FuncArgsAssignment& args, const RAConstraints* constraints) noexcept {
+ Arch arch = frame.arch();
+ const FuncDetail& func = *args.funcDetail();
+ _archTraits = &ArchTraits::byArch(arch);
+ _constraints = constraints;
+ _arch = arch;
+ // Initialize `_archRegs`.
+ for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{})
+ _workData[group]._archRegs = _constraints->availableRegs(group);
+ if (frame.hasPreservedFP())
+ _workData[size_t(RegGroup::kGp)]._archRegs &= ~Support::bitMask(archTraits().fpRegId());
+ // Extract information from all function arguments/assignments and build Var[] array.
+ uint32_t varId = 0;
+ for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < Globals::kMaxFuncArgs; argIndex++) {
+ for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
+ const FuncValue& dst_ = args.arg(argIndex, valueIndex);
+ if (!dst_.isAssigned())
+ continue;
+ const FuncValue& src_ = func.arg(argIndex, valueIndex);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!src_.isAssigned()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ Var& var = _vars[varId];
+ var.init(src_, dst_);
+ FuncValue& src = var.cur;
+ FuncValue& dst = var.out;
+ RegGroup dstGroup = RegGroup::kMaxValue;
+ uint32_t dstId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
+ WorkData* dstWd = nullptr;
+ // Not supported.
+ if (src.isIndirect())
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
+ if (dst.isReg()) {
+ RegType dstType = dst.regType();
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!archTraits().hasRegType(dstType)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRegType);
+ // Copy TypeId from source if the destination doesn't have it. The RA used by BaseCompiler would never
+ // leave TypeId undefined, but users of FuncAPI can just assign phys regs without specifying the type.
+ if (!dst.hasTypeId())
+ dst.setTypeId(archTraits().regTypeToTypeId(dst.regType()));
+ dstGroup = archTraits().regTypeToGroup(dstType);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(dstGroup > RegGroup::kMaxVirt))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRegGroup);
+ dstWd = &_workData[dstGroup];
+ dstId = dst.regId();
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(dstId >= 32 || !Support::bitTest(dstWd->archRegs(), dstId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidPhysId);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::bitTest(dstWd->dstRegs(), dstId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
+ dstWd->_dstRegs |= Support::bitMask(dstId);
+ dstWd->_dstShuf |= Support::bitMask(dstId);
+ dstWd->_usedRegs |= Support::bitMask(dstId);
+ }
+ else {
+ if (!dst.hasTypeId())
+ dst.setTypeId(src.typeId());
+ OperandSignature signature = getSuitableRegForMemToMemMove(arch, dst.typeId(), src.typeId());
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!signature.isValid()))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ _stackDstMask = uint8_t(_stackDstMask | Support::bitMask(signature.regGroup()));
+ }
+ if (src.isReg()) {
+ uint32_t srcId = src.regId();
+ RegGroup srcGroup = archTraits().regTypeToGroup(src.regType());
+ if (dstGroup == srcGroup) {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(dstWd != nullptr);
+ dstWd->assign(varId, srcId);
+ // The best case, register is allocated where it is expected to be. However, we should
+ // not mark this as done if both registers are GP and sign or zero extension is required.
+ if (dstId == srcId) {
+ if (dstGroup != RegGroup::kGp) {
+ var.markDone();
+ }
+ else {
+ TypeId dt = dst.typeId();
+ TypeId st = src.typeId();
+ uint32_t dstSize = TypeUtils::sizeOf(dt);
+ uint32_t srcSize = TypeUtils::sizeOf(st);
+ if (dt == TypeId::kVoid || st == TypeId::kVoid || dstSize <= srcSize)
+ var.markDone();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(srcGroup > RegGroup::kMaxVirt))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ WorkData& srcData = _workData[size_t(srcGroup)];
+ srcData.assign(varId, srcId);
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ if (dstWd)
+ dstWd->_numStackArgs++;
+ _hasStackSrc = true;
+ }
+ varId++;
+ }
+ }
+ // Initialize WorkData::workRegs.
+ for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{}) {
+ _workData[group]._workRegs =
+ (_workData[group].archRegs() & (frame.dirtyRegs(group) | ~frame.preservedRegs(group))) | _workData[group].dstRegs() | _workData[group].assignedRegs();
+ }
+ // Create a variable that represents `SARegId` if necessary.
+ bool saRegRequired = _hasStackSrc && frame.hasDynamicAlignment() && !frame.hasPreservedFP();
+ WorkData& gpRegs = _workData[RegGroup::kGp];
+ uint32_t saCurRegId = frame.saRegId();
+ uint32_t saOutRegId = args.saRegId();
+ if (saCurRegId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
+ // Check if the provided `SARegId` doesn't collide with input registers.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(gpRegs.isAssigned(saCurRegId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
+ }
+ if (saOutRegId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
+ // Check if the provided `SARegId` doesn't collide with argument assignments.
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::bitTest(gpRegs.dstRegs(), saOutRegId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
+ saRegRequired = true;
+ }
+ if (saRegRequired) {
+ TypeId ptrTypeId = Environment::is32Bit(arch) ? TypeId::kUInt32 : TypeId::kUInt64;
+ RegType ptrRegType = Environment::is32Bit(arch) ? RegType::kGp32 : RegType::kGp64;
+ _saVarId = uint8_t(varId);
+ _hasPreservedFP = frame.hasPreservedFP();
+ Var& var = _vars[varId];
+ var.reset();
+ if (saCurRegId == BaseReg::kIdBad) {
+ if (saOutRegId != BaseReg::kIdBad && !gpRegs.isAssigned(saOutRegId)) {
+ saCurRegId = saOutRegId;
+ }
+ else {
+ RegMask availableRegs = gpRegs.availableRegs();
+ if (!availableRegs)
+ availableRegs = gpRegs.archRegs() & ~gpRegs.workRegs();
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!availableRegs))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorNoMorePhysRegs);
+ saCurRegId = Support::ctz(availableRegs);
+ }
+ }
+ var.cur.initReg(ptrRegType, saCurRegId, ptrTypeId);
+ gpRegs.assign(varId, saCurRegId);
+ gpRegs._workRegs |= Support::bitMask(saCurRegId);
+ if (saOutRegId != BaseReg::kIdBad) {
+ var.out.initReg(ptrRegType, saOutRegId, ptrTypeId);
+ gpRegs._dstRegs |= Support::bitMask(saOutRegId);
+ gpRegs._workRegs |= Support::bitMask(saOutRegId);
+ }
+ else {
+ var.markDone();
+ }
+ varId++;
+ }
+ _varCount = varId;
+ // Detect register swaps.
+ for (varId = 0; varId < _varCount; varId++) {
+ Var& var = _vars[varId];
+ if (var.cur.isReg() && var.out.isReg()) {
+ uint32_t srcId = var.cur.regId();
+ uint32_t dstId = var.out.regId();
+ RegGroup group = archTraits().regTypeToGroup(var.cur.regType());
+ if (group != archTraits().regTypeToGroup(var.out.regType()))
+ continue;
+ WorkData& wd = _workData[group];
+ if (wd.isAssigned(dstId)) {
+ Var& other = _vars[wd._physToVarId[dstId]];
+ if (archTraits().regTypeToGroup(other.out.regType()) == group && other.out.regId() == srcId) {
+ wd._numSwaps++;
+ _regSwapsMask = uint8_t(_regSwapsMask | Support::bitMask(group));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncArgsContext::markDstRegsDirty(FuncFrame& frame) noexcept {
+ for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{}) {
+ WorkData& wd = _workData[group];
+ uint32_t regs = wd.usedRegs() | wd._dstShuf;
+ wd._workRegs |= regs;
+ frame.addDirtyRegs(group, regs);
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncArgsContext::markScratchRegs(FuncFrame& frame) noexcept {
+ uint32_t groupMask = 0;
+ // Handle stack to stack moves.
+ groupMask |= _stackDstMask;
+ // Handle register swaps.
+ groupMask |= _regSwapsMask & ~Support::bitMask(RegGroup::kGp);
+ if (!groupMask)
+ return kErrorOk;
+ // Selects one dirty register per affected group that can be used as a scratch register.
+ for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{}) {
+ if (Support::bitTest(groupMask, group)) {
+ WorkData& wd = _workData[group];
+ // Initially, pick some clobbered or dirty register.
+ RegMask workRegs = wd.workRegs();
+ RegMask regs = workRegs & ~(wd.usedRegs() | wd._dstShuf);
+ // If that didn't work out pick some register which is not in 'used'.
+ if (!regs)
+ regs = workRegs & ~wd.usedRegs();
+ // If that didn't work out pick any other register that is allocable.
+ // This last resort case will, however, result in marking one more
+ // register dirty.
+ if (!regs)
+ regs = wd.archRegs() & ~workRegs;
+ // If that didn't work out we will have to use XORs instead of MOVs.
+ if (!regs)
+ continue;
+ RegMask regMask = Support::blsi(regs);
+ wd._workRegs |= regMask;
+ frame.addDirtyRegs(group, regMask);
+ }
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncArgsContext::markStackArgsReg(FuncFrame& frame) noexcept {
+ if (_saVarId != kVarIdNone) {
+ const Var& var = _vars[_saVarId];
+ frame.setSARegId(var.cur.regId());
+ }
+ else if (frame.hasPreservedFP()) {
+ frame.setSARegId(archTraits().fpRegId());
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+//! \}
+//! \endcond