path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/codeholder.h
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1 files changed, 652 insertions, 458 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/codeholder.h b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/codeholder.h
index 9b3466dbb58..3f2d1d70745 100644
--- a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/codeholder.h
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/codeholder.h
@@ -1,32 +1,13 @@
-// AsmJit - Machine code generation for C++
+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
-// * Official AsmJit Home Page:
-// * Official Github Repository:
-// Copyright (c) 2008-2020 The AsmJit Authors
-// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
-// warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
-// arising from the use of this software.
-// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
-// including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
-// freely, subject to the following restrictions:
-// 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
-// claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
-// in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
-// appreciated but is not required.
-// 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
-// misrepresented as being the original software.
-// 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
-#include "../core/arch.h"
+#include "../core/archtraits.h"
#include "../core/codebuffer.h"
-#include "../core/datatypes.h"
#include "../core/errorhandler.h"
#include "../core/operand.h"
#include "../core/string.h"
@@ -43,46 +24,142 @@ ASMJIT_BEGIN_NAMESPACE
//! \addtogroup asmjit_core
//! \{
-// ============================================================================
-// [Forward Declarations]
-// ============================================================================
class BaseEmitter;
class CodeHolder;
class LabelEntry;
class Logger;
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::AlignMode]
-// ============================================================================
-//! Align mode.
-enum AlignMode : uint32_t {
- //! Align executable code.
- kAlignCode = 0,
- //! Align non-executable code.
- kAlignData = 1,
- //! Align by a sequence of zeros.
- kAlignZero = 2,
- //! Count of alignment modes.
- kAlignCount = 3
+//! Operator type that can be used within an \ref Expression.
+enum class ExpressionOpType : uint8_t {
+ //! Addition.
+ kAdd = 0,
+ //! Subtraction.
+ kSub = 1,
+ //! Multiplication
+ kMul = 2,
+ //! Logical left shift.
+ kSll = 3,
+ //! Logical right shift.
+ kSrl = 4,
+ //! Arithmetic right shift.
+ kSra = 5
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::Section]
-// ============================================================================
+//! Value type that can be used within an \ref Expression.
+enum class ExpressionValueType : uint8_t {
+ //! No value or invalid.
+ kNone = 0,
+ //! Value is 64-bit unsigned integer (constant).
+ kConstant = 1,
+ //! Value is \ref LabelEntry, which references a \ref Label.
+ kLabel = 2,
+ //! Value is \ref Expression
+ kExpression = 3
+//! Expression node that can reference constants, labels, and another expressions.
+struct Expression {
+ //! Expression value.
+ union Value {
+ //! Constant.
+ uint64_t constant;
+ //! Pointer to another expression.
+ Expression* expression;
+ //! Pointer to \ref LabelEntry.
+ LabelEntry* label;
+ };
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ //! Operation type.
+ ExpressionOpType opType;
+ //! Value types of \ref value.
+ ExpressionValueType valueType[2];
+ //! Reserved for future use, should be initialized to zero.
+ uint8_t reserved[5];
+ //! Expression left and right values.
+ Value value[2];
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ //! Resets the whole expression.
+ //!
+ //! Changes both values to \ref ExpressionValueType::kNone.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void reset() noexcept { *this = Expression{}; }
+ //! Sets the value type at `index` to \ref ExpressionValueType::kConstant and its content to `constant`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setValueAsConstant(size_t index, uint64_t constant) noexcept {
+ valueType[index] = ExpressionValueType::kConstant;
+ value[index].constant = constant;
+ }
+ //! Sets the value type at `index` to \ref ExpressionValueType::kLabel and its content to `labelEntry`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setValueAsLabel(size_t index, LabelEntry* labelEntry) noexcept {
+ valueType[index] = ExpressionValueType::kLabel;
+ value[index].label = labelEntry;
+ }
+ //! Sets the value type at `index` to \ref ExpressionValueType::kExpression and its content to `expression`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setValueAsExpression(size_t index, Expression* expression) noexcept {
+ valueType[index] = ExpressionValueType::kExpression;
+ value[index].expression = expression;
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! Section flags, used by \ref Section.
+enum class SectionFlags : uint32_t {
+ //! No flags.
+ kNone = 0,
+ //! Executable (.text sections).
+ kExecutable = 0x00000001u,
+ //! Read-only (.text and .data sections).
+ kReadOnly = 0x00000002u,
+ //! Zero initialized by the loader (BSS).
+ kZeroInitialized = 0x00000004u,
+ //! Info / comment flag.
+ kComment = 0x00000008u,
+ //! Section created implicitly, can be deleted by \ref Target.
+ kImplicit = 0x80000000u
+//! Flags that can be used with \ref CodeHolder::copySectionData() and \ref CodeHolder::copyFlattenedData().
+enum class CopySectionFlags : uint32_t {
+ //! No flags.
+ kNone = 0,
+ //! If virtual size of a section is greater than the size of its \ref CodeBuffer then all bytes between the buffer
+ //! size and virtual size will be zeroed. If this option is not set then those bytes would be left as is, which
+ //! means that if the user didn't initialize them they would have a previous content, which may be unwanted.
+ kPadSectionBuffer = 0x00000001u,
+ //! Clears the target buffer if the flattened data is less than the destination size. This option works
+ //! only with \ref CodeHolder::copyFlattenedData() as it processes multiple sections. It is ignored by
+ //! \ref CodeHolder::copySectionData().
+ kPadTargetBuffer = 0x00000002u
//! Section entry.
class Section {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
//! Section id.
uint32_t _id;
//! Section flags.
- uint32_t _flags;
+ SectionFlags _flags;
//! Section alignment requirements (0 if no requirements).
uint32_t _alignment;
- //! Reserved for future use (padding).
- uint32_t _reserved;
+ //! Order (lower value means higher priority).
+ int32_t _order;
//! Offset of this section from base-address.
uint64_t _offset;
//! Virtual size of the section (zero initialized sections).
@@ -92,305 +169,359 @@ public:
//! Code or data buffer.
CodeBuffer _buffer;
- //! Section flags.
- enum Flags : uint32_t {
- //! Executable (.text sections).
- kFlagExec = 0x00000001u,
- //! Read-only (.text and .data sections).
- kFlagConst = 0x00000002u,
- //! Zero initialized by the loader (BSS).
- kFlagZero = 0x00000004u,
- //! Info / comment flag.
- kFlagInfo = 0x00000008u,
- //! Section created implicitly and can be deleted by \ref Target.
- kFlagImplicit = 0x80000000u
- };
+ //! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Returns the section id.
- inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
//! Returns the section name, as a null terminated string.
- inline const char* name() const noexcept { return _name.str; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const char* name() const noexcept { return _name.str; }
//! Returns the section data.
- inline uint8_t* data() noexcept { return; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint8_t* data() noexcept { return; }
//! \overload
- inline const uint8_t* data() const noexcept { return; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const uint8_t* data() const noexcept { return; }
- //! Returns the section flags, see \ref Flags.
- inline uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
+ //! Returns the section flags.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG SectionFlags flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
//! Tests whether the section has the given `flag`.
- inline bool hasFlag(uint32_t flag) const noexcept { return (_flags & flag) != 0; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasFlag(SectionFlags flag) const noexcept { return Support::test(_flags, flag); }
//! Adds `flags` to the section flags.
- inline void addFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void addFlags(SectionFlags flags) noexcept { _flags |= flags; }
//! Removes `flags` from the section flags.
- inline void clearFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags &= ~flags; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void clearFlags(SectionFlags flags) noexcept { _flags &= ~flags; }
//! Returns the minimum section alignment
- inline uint32_t alignment() const noexcept { return _alignment; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t alignment() const noexcept { return _alignment; }
//! Sets the minimum section alignment
- inline void setAlignment(uint32_t alignment) noexcept { _alignment = alignment; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setAlignment(uint32_t alignment) noexcept { _alignment = alignment; }
+ //! Returns the section order, which has a higher priority than section id.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG int32_t order() const noexcept { return _order; }
//! Returns the section offset, relative to base.
- inline uint64_t offset() const noexcept { return _offset; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t offset() const noexcept { return _offset; }
//! Set the section offset.
- inline void setOffset(uint64_t offset) noexcept { _offset = offset; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setOffset(uint64_t offset) noexcept { _offset = offset; }
//! Returns the virtual size of the section.
- //! Virtual size is initially zero and is never changed by AsmJit. It's normal
- //! if virtual size is smaller than size returned by `bufferSize()` as the buffer
- //! stores real data emitted by assemblers or appended by users.
+ //! Virtual size is initially zero and is never changed by AsmJit. It's normal if virtual size is smaller than
+ //! size returned by `bufferSize()` as the buffer stores real data emitted by assemblers or appended by users.
//! Use `realSize()` to get the real and final size of this section.
- inline uint64_t virtualSize() const noexcept { return _virtualSize; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t virtualSize() const noexcept { return _virtualSize; }
//! Sets the virtual size of the section.
- inline void setVirtualSize(uint64_t virtualSize) noexcept { _virtualSize = virtualSize; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setVirtualSize(uint64_t virtualSize) noexcept { _virtualSize = virtualSize; }
//! Returns the buffer size of the section.
- inline size_t bufferSize() const noexcept { return _buffer.size(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG size_t bufferSize() const noexcept { return _buffer.size(); }
//! Returns the real size of the section calculated from virtual and buffer sizes.
- inline uint64_t realSize() const noexcept { return Support::max<uint64_t>(virtualSize(), bufferSize()); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t realSize() const noexcept { return Support::max<uint64_t>(virtualSize(), bufferSize()); }
//! Returns the `CodeBuffer` used by this section.
- inline CodeBuffer& buffer() noexcept { return _buffer; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG CodeBuffer& buffer() noexcept { return _buffer; }
//! Returns the `CodeBuffer` used by this section (const).
- inline const CodeBuffer& buffer() const noexcept { return _buffer; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const CodeBuffer& buffer() const noexcept { return _buffer; }
//! \}
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::LabelLink]
-// ============================================================================
+//! Entry in an address table.
+class AddressTableEntry : public ZoneTreeNodeT<AddressTableEntry> {
-//! Data structure used to link either unbound labels or cross-section links.
-struct LabelLink {
- //! Next link (single-linked list).
- LabelLink* next;
- //! Section id where the label is bound.
- uint32_t sectionId;
- //! Relocation id or Globals::kInvalidId.
- uint32_t relocId;
- //! Label offset relative to the start of the section.
- size_t offset;
- //! Inlined rel8/rel32.
- intptr_t rel;
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::Expression]
-// ============================================================================
+ //! Address.
+ uint64_t _address;
+ //! Slot.
+ uint32_t _slot;
-//! Expression node that can reference constants, labels, and another expressions.
-struct Expression {
- //! Operation type.
- enum OpType : uint8_t {
- //! Addition.
- kOpAdd = 0,
- //! Subtraction.
- kOpSub = 1,
- //! Multiplication
- kOpMul = 2,
- //! Logical left shift.
- kOpSll = 3,
- //! Logical right shift.
- kOpSrl = 4,
- //! Arithmetic right shift.
- kOpSra = 5
- };
+ //! \}
- //! Type of \ref Value.
- enum ValueType : uint8_t {
- //! No value or invalid.
- kValueNone = 0,
- //! Value is 64-bit unsigned integer (constant).
- kValueConstant = 1,
- //! Value is \ref LabelEntry, which references a \ref Label.
- kValueLabel = 2,
- //! Value is \ref Expression
- kValueExpression = 3
- };
+ //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \{
- //! Expression value.
- union Value {
- //! Constant.
- uint64_t constant;
- //! Pointer to another expression.
- Expression* expression;
- //! Poitner to \ref LabelEntry.
- LabelEntry* label;
- };
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG explicit AddressTableEntry(uint64_t address) noexcept
+ : _address(address),
+ _slot(0xFFFFFFFFu) {}
- //! Operation type.
- uint8_t opType;
- //! Value types of \ref value.
- uint8_t valueType[2];
- //! Reserved for future use, should be initialized to zero.
- uint8_t reserved[5];
- //! Expression left and right values.
- Value value[2];
+ //! \}
- //! Resets the whole expression.
- //!
- //! Changes both values to \ref kValueNone.
- inline void reset() noexcept { memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this)); }
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
- //! Sets the value type at `index` to \ref kValueConstant and its content to `constant`.
- inline void setValueAsConstant(size_t index, uint64_t constant) noexcept {
- valueType[index] = kValueConstant;
- value[index].constant = constant;
- }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t address() const noexcept { return _address; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t slot() const noexcept { return _slot; }
- //! Sets the value type at `index` to \ref kValueLabel and its content to `labelEntry`.
- inline void setValueAsLabel(size_t index, LabelEntry* labelEntry) noexcept {
- valueType[index] = kValueLabel;
- value[index].label = labelEntry;
- }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasAssignedSlot() const noexcept { return _slot != 0xFFFFFFFFu; }
- //! Sets the value type at `index` to \ref kValueExpression and its content to `expression`.
- inline void setValueAsExpression(size_t index, Expression* expression) noexcept {
- valueType[index] = kValueLabel;
- value[index].expression = expression;
- }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator<(const AddressTableEntry& other) const noexcept { return _address < other._address; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator>(const AddressTableEntry& other) const noexcept { return _address > other._address; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator<(uint64_t queryAddress) const noexcept { return _address < queryAddress; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool operator>(uint64_t queryAddress) const noexcept { return _address > queryAddress; }
+ //! \}
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::LabelEntry]
-// ============================================================================
+//! Offset format type, used by \ref OffsetFormat.
+enum class OffsetType : uint8_t {
+ // Common Offset Formats
+ // ---------------------
-//! Label entry.
-//! Contains the following properties:
-//! * Label id - This is the only thing that is set to the `Label` operand.
-//! * Label name - Optional, used mostly to create executables and libraries.
-//! * Label type - Type of the label, default `Label::kTypeAnonymous`.
-//! * Label parent id - Derived from many assemblers that allow to define a
-//! local label that falls under a global label. This allows to define
-//! many labels of the same name that have different parent (global) label.
-//! * Offset - offset of the label bound by `Assembler`.
-//! * Links - single-linked list that contains locations of code that has
-//! to be patched when the label gets bound. Every use of unbound label
-//! adds one link to `_links` list.
-//! * HVal - Hash value of label's name and optionally parentId.
-//! * HashNext - Hash-table implementation detail.
-class LabelEntry : public ZoneHashNode {
- // Let's round the size of `LabelEntry` to 64 bytes (as `ZoneAllocator` has
- // granularity of 32 bytes anyway). This gives `_name` the remaining space,
- // which is should be 16 bytes on 64-bit and 28 bytes on 32-bit architectures.
- static constexpr uint32_t kStaticNameSize =
- 64 - (sizeof(ZoneHashNode) + 8 + sizeof(Section*) + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(LabelLink*));
- //! Label type, see `Label::LabelType`.
- uint8_t _type;
- //! Must be zero.
- uint8_t _flags;
- //! Reserved.
- uint16_t _reserved16;
- //! Label parent id or zero.
- uint32_t _parentId;
- //! Label offset relative to the start of the `_section`.
- uint64_t _offset;
- //! Section where the label was bound.
- Section* _section;
- //! Label links.
- LabelLink* _links;
- //! Label name.
- ZoneString<kStaticNameSize> _name;
+ //! A value having `_immBitCount` bits and shifted by `_immBitShift`.
+ //!
+ //! This offset type is sufficient for many targets that store offset as a continuous set bits within an
+ //! instruction word / sequence of bytes.
+ kSignedOffset,
- //! \name Accessors
- //! \{
+ //! An unsigned value having `_immBitCount` bits and shifted by `_immBitShift`.
+ kUnsignedOffset,
- // NOTE: Label id is stored in `_customData`, which is provided by ZoneHashNode
- // to fill a padding that a C++ compiler targeting 64-bit CPU will add to align
- // the structure to 64-bits.
+ // AArch64 Specific Offset Formats
+ // -------------------------------
- //! Returns label id.
- inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _customData; }
- //! Sets label id (internal, used only by `CodeHolder`).
- inline void _setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _customData = id; }
+ //! AArch64 ADR format of `[.|immlo:2|.....|immhi:19|.....]`.
+ kAArch64_ADR,
- //! Returns label type, see `Label::LabelType`.
- inline uint32_t type() const noexcept { return _type; }
- //! Returns label flags, returns 0 at the moment.
- inline uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
+ //! AArch64 ADRP format of `[.|immlo:2|.....|immhi:19|.....]` (4kB pages).
+ kAArch64_ADRP,
- //! Tests whether the label has a parent label.
- inline bool hasParent() const noexcept { return _parentId != Globals::kInvalidId; }
- //! Returns label's parent id.
- inline uint32_t parentId() const noexcept { return _parentId; }
+ // AArch32 Specific Offset Formats (T16 & T32)
+ // -------------------------------------------
- //! Returns the section where the label was bound.
+ //! AArch32 THUMBv2 immediate encoding of 'ADR' instruction (12-bit payload and sign bit):
- //! If the label was not yet bound the return value is `nullptr`.
- inline Section* section() const noexcept { return _section; }
+ //! `|.....|imm:1|..N.N|......|imm:3|....|imm:8|`
+ //!
+ //! Where `N` is one if the offset is negative. The immediate is encoded as absolute value of the offset if negative.
+ kThumb32_ADR,
- //! Tests whether the label has name.
- inline bool hasName() const noexcept { return !_name.empty(); }
+ //! AArch32 THUMBv2 immediate encoding of 'BLX' instruction (23-bit immediate payload, multiplied by 4):
+ //!
+ //! `|.....|imm[22]|imm[19:10]|..|ja|1|jb|imm[9:0]|0`
+ //!
+ //! Where:
+ //!
+ //! - `ja` is calculated as imm[22] ^ imm[21] ^ 1.
+ //! - `jb` is calculated as imm[22] ^ imm[20] ^ 1.
+ kThumb32_BLX,
- //! Returns the label's name.
+ //! AArch32 THUMBv2 immediate encoding of 'B' instruction without `<cond>` (24-bit immediate payload, multiplied by 2):
+ //!
+ //! `|.....|imm[23]|imm[20:11]|..|ja|1|jb|imm[10:0]`
+ //!
+ //! Where:
- //! \note Local labels will return their local name without their parent
- //! part, for example ".L1".
- inline const char* name() const noexcept { return; }
+ //! - `ja` is calculated as imm[23] ^ imm[22] ^ 1.
+ //! - `jb` is calculated as imm[23] ^ imm[21] ^ 1.
+ kThumb32_B,
- //! Returns size of label's name.
+ //! AArch32 THUMBv2 immediate encoding of 'B' instruction with `<cond>` (20-bit immediate payload, multiplied by 2).
+ //!
+ //! `|.....|imm[19]|....|imm[16:11]|..|ja|1|jb|imm[10:0]`
- //! \note Label name is always null terminated, so you can use `strlen()` to
- //! get it, however, it's also cached in `LabelEntry` itself, so if you want
- //! to know the size the fastest way is to call `LabelEntry::nameSize()`.
- inline uint32_t nameSize() const noexcept { return _name.size(); }
+ //! Where:
+ //!
+ //! - `ja` is calculated as imm[19] ^ imm[18] ^ 1.
+ //! - `jb` is calculated as imm[19] ^ imm[17] ^ 1.
+ kThumb32_BCond,
- //! Returns links associated with this label.
- inline LabelLink* links() const noexcept { return _links; }
+ // AArch32 Specific Offset Formats (A32)
+ // -------------------------------------
- //! Tests whether the label is bound.
- inline bool isBound() const noexcept { return _section != nullptr; }
- //! Tests whether the label is bound to a the given `sectionId`.
- inline bool isBoundTo(Section* section) const noexcept { return _section == section; }
+ //! AArch32 ADR instruction, which uses a standard 12-bit immediate encoding that is used by other ARM instructions.
+ kAArch32_ADR,
- //! Returns the label offset (only useful if the label is bound).
- inline uint64_t offset() const noexcept { return _offset; }
+ //! AArch32 signed offset that is similar to `kSignedOffset`, however it uses absolute value of the offset and its
+ //! sign is encoded in 23rd bit of the opcode.
+ //!
+ //! `|........|U.......|........|........|`
+ //!
+ kAArch32_U23_SignedOffset,
- //! Returns the hash-value of label's name and its parent label (if any).
+ //! AArch32 offset format that encodes 8-bit offset as:
- //! Label hash is calculated as `HASH(Name) ^ ParentId`. The hash function
- //! is implemented in `Support::hashString()` and `Support::hashRound()`.
- inline uint32_t hashCode() const noexcept { return _hashCode; }
+ //! `|........|U.......|....|imm[7:4]|....|imm[3:0]|`
+ //!
+ //! in a 32-bit word, where U is a sign of the displacement and the displacement itself is encoded as its absolute
+ //! value.
+ kAArch32_U23_0To3At0_4To7At8,
- //! \}
+ //! AArch32 offset format that encodes a signed 25-bit offset as:
+ //!
+ //! `|.......|imm[0]|imm[24:1]|`
+ //!
+ //! in a 32-bit word.
+ kAArch32_1To24At0_0At24,
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::RelocEntry]
-// ============================================================================
+ //! Maximum value of `OffsetFormatType`.
+ kMaxValue = kAArch32_1To24At0_0At24
-//! Relocation entry.
+//! Provides information about formatting offsets, absolute addresses, or their parts. Offset format is used by both
+//! \ref RelocEntry and \ref LabelLink. The illustration below describes the relation of region size and offset size.
+//! Region size is the size of the whole unit whereas offset size is the size of the unit that will be patched.
-//! We describe relocation data in the following way:
+//! ```
+//! +-> Code buffer | The subject of the relocation (region) |
+//! | | (Word-Offset) (Word-Size) |
+//! |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|................|*PATCHED*|................|xxxxxxxxxxxx->
+//! | |
+//! [Word Offset points here]----+ +--- [WordOffset + WordSize]
+//! ```
+//! Once the offset word has been located it can be patched like this:
//! ```
-//! +- Start of the buffer +- End of the data
-//! | |*PATCHED*| | or instruction
-//! |xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx|LeadSize|ValueSize|TrailSize|xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx->
-//! |
-//! +- Source offset
+//! |ImmDiscardLSB (discard LSB bits).
+//! |..
+//! [0000000000000iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiDD] - Offset value (32-bit)
+//! [000000000000000iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii] - Offset value after discard LSB.
+//! [00000000000iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii0000] - Offset value shifted by ImmBitShift.
+//! [xxxxxxxxxxxiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiixxxx] - Patched word (32-bit)
+//! |...............|
+//! (ImmBitCount) +- ImmBitShift
//! ```
+struct OffsetFormat {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
+ //! Type of the offset.
+ OffsetType _type;
+ //! Encoding flags.
+ uint8_t _flags;
+ //! Size of the region (in bytes) containing the offset value, if the offset value is part of an instruction,
+ //! otherwise it would be the same as `_valueSize`.
+ uint8_t _regionSize;
+ //! Size of the offset value, in bytes (1, 2, 4, or 8).
+ uint8_t _valueSize;
+ //! Offset of the offset value, in bytes, relative to the start of the region or data. Value offset would be
+ //! zero if both region size and value size are equal.
+ uint8_t _valueOffset;
+ //! Size of the offset immediate value in bits.
+ uint8_t _immBitCount;
+ //! Shift of the offset immediate value in bits in the target word.
+ uint8_t _immBitShift;
+ //! Number of least significant bits to discard before writing the immediate to the destination. All discarded
+ //! bits must be zero otherwise the value is invalid.
+ uint8_t _immDiscardLsb;
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Accessors
+ //! \{
+ //! Returns the type of the offset.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG OffsetType type() const noexcept { return _type; }
+ //! Returns whether the offset is encoded as an absolute value of the offset with additional field(s) that represent
+ //! the sign (AArch32 U/N fields in the opcode).
+ //!
+ //! If true, the offset itself is always positive and a separate U/N field is used to indicate the sign of the offset
+ //! (usually `U==1` means ADD, but sometimes `N==1` means negative offset, which implies SUB).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasSignBit() const noexcept {
+ return _type == OffsetType::kThumb32_ADR ||
+ _type == OffsetType::kAArch32_ADR ||
+ _type == OffsetType::kAArch32_U23_SignedOffset ||
+ _type == OffsetType::kAArch32_U23_0To3At0_4To7At8;
+ }
+ //! Returns flags.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
+ //! Returns the size of the region/instruction where the offset is encoded.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t regionSize() const noexcept { return _regionSize; }
+ //! Returns the offset of the word relative to the start of the region where the offset is.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t valueOffset() const noexcept { return _valueOffset; }
+ //! Returns the size of the data-type (word) that contains the offset, in bytes.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t valueSize() const noexcept { return _valueSize; }
+ //! Returns the count of bits of the offset value in the data it's stored in.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t immBitCount() const noexcept { return _immBitCount; }
+ //! Returns the bit-shift of the offset value in the data it's stored in.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t immBitShift() const noexcept { return _immBitShift; }
+ //! Returns the number of least significant bits of the offset value, that must be zero and that are not part of
+ //! the encoded data.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t immDiscardLsb() const noexcept { return _immDiscardLsb; }
+ //! Resets this offset format to a simple data value of `dataSize` bytes.
+ //!
+ //! The region will be the same size as data and immediate bits would correspond to `dataSize * 8`. There will be
+ //! no immediate bit shift or discarded bits.
+ inline void resetToSimpleValue(OffsetType type, size_t valueSize) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(valueSize <= 8u);
+ _type = type;
+ _flags = uint8_t(0);
+ _regionSize = uint8_t(valueSize);
+ _valueSize = uint8_t(valueSize);
+ _valueOffset = uint8_t(0);
+ _immBitCount = uint8_t(valueSize * 8u);
+ _immBitShift = uint8_t(0);
+ _immDiscardLsb = uint8_t(0);
+ }
+ inline void resetToImmValue(OffsetType type, size_t valueSize, uint32_t immBitShift, uint32_t immBitCount, uint32_t immDiscardLsb) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(valueSize <= 8u);
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(immBitShift < valueSize * 8u);
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(immBitCount <= 64u);
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(immDiscardLsb <= 64u);
+ _type = type;
+ _flags = uint8_t(0);
+ _regionSize = uint8_t(valueSize);
+ _valueSize = uint8_t(valueSize);
+ _valueOffset = uint8_t(0);
+ _immBitCount = uint8_t(immBitCount);
+ _immBitShift = uint8_t(immBitShift);
+ _immDiscardLsb = uint8_t(immDiscardLsb);
+ }
+ inline void setRegion(size_t regionSize, size_t valueOffset) noexcept {
+ _regionSize = uint8_t(regionSize);
+ _valueOffset = uint8_t(valueOffset);
+ }
+ inline void setLeadingAndTrailingSize(size_t leadingSize, size_t trailingSize) noexcept {
+ _regionSize = uint8_t(leadingSize + trailingSize + _valueSize);
+ _valueOffset = uint8_t(leadingSize);
+ }
+ //! \}
+//! Relocation type.
+enum class RelocType : uint32_t {
+ //! None/deleted (no relocation).
+ kNone = 0,
+ //! Expression evaluation, `_payload` is pointer to `Expression`.
+ kExpression = 1,
+ //! Relocate absolute to absolute.
+ kAbsToAbs = 2,
+ //! Relocate relative to absolute.
+ kRelToAbs = 3,
+ //! Relocate absolute to relative.
+ kAbsToRel = 4,
+ //! Relocate absolute to relative or use trampoline.
+ kX64AddressEntry = 5
+//! Relocation entry.
struct RelocEntry {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
//! Relocation id.
uint32_t _id;
//! Type of the relocation.
- uint8_t _relocType;
- //! Size of the relocation data/value (1, 2, 4 or 8 bytes).
- uint8_t _valueSize;
- //! Number of bytes after `_sourceOffset` to reach the value to be patched.
- uint8_t _leadingSize;
- //! Number of bytes after `_sourceOffset + _valueSize` to reach end of the
- //! instruction.
- uint8_t _trailingSize;
+ RelocType _relocType;
+ //! Format of the relocated value.
+ OffsetFormat _format;
//! Source section id.
uint32_t _sourceSectionId;
//! Target section id.
@@ -400,106 +531,197 @@ struct RelocEntry {
//! Payload (target offset, target address, expression, etc).
uint64_t _payload;
- //! Relocation type.
- enum RelocType : uint32_t {
- //! None/deleted (no relocation).
- kTypeNone = 0,
- //! Expression evaluation, `_payload` is pointer to `Expression`.
- kTypeExpression = 1,
- //! Relocate absolute to absolute.
- kTypeAbsToAbs = 2,
- //! Relocate relative to absolute.
- kTypeRelToAbs = 3,
- //! Relocate absolute to relative.
- kTypeAbsToRel = 4,
- //! Relocate absolute to relative or use trampoline.
- kTypeX64AddressEntry = 5
- };
+ //! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
- inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
- inline uint32_t relocType() const noexcept { return _relocType; }
- inline uint32_t valueSize() const noexcept { return _valueSize; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
- inline uint32_t leadingSize() const noexcept { return _leadingSize; }
- inline uint32_t trailingSize() const noexcept { return _trailingSize; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RelocType relocType() const noexcept { return _relocType; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const OffsetFormat& format() const noexcept { return _format; }
- inline uint32_t sourceSectionId() const noexcept { return _sourceSectionId; }
- inline uint32_t targetSectionId() const noexcept { return _targetSectionId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t sourceSectionId() const noexcept { return _sourceSectionId; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t targetSectionId() const noexcept { return _targetSectionId; }
- inline uint64_t sourceOffset() const noexcept { return _sourceOffset; }
- inline uint64_t payload() const noexcept { return _payload; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t sourceOffset() const noexcept { return _sourceOffset; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t payload() const noexcept { return _payload; }
- Expression* payloadAsExpression() const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Expression* payloadAsExpression() const noexcept {
return reinterpret_cast<Expression*>(uintptr_t(_payload));
//! \}
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::AddressTableEntry]
-// ============================================================================
+//! Type of the \ref Label.
+enum class LabelType : uint8_t {
+ //! Anonymous label that can optionally have a name, which is only used for debugging purposes.
+ kAnonymous = 0,
+ //! Local label (always has parentId).
+ kLocal = 1,
+ //! Global label (never has parentId).
+ kGlobal = 2,
+ //! External label (references an external symbol).
+ kExternal = 3,
+ //! Maximum value of `LabelType`.
+ kMaxValue = kExternal
-//! Entry in an address table.
-class AddressTableEntry : public ZoneTreeNodeT<AddressTableEntry> {
+//! Data structure used to link either unbound labels or cross-section links.
+struct LabelLink {
+ //! Next link (single-linked list).
+ LabelLink* next;
+ //! Section id where the label is bound.
+ uint32_t sectionId;
+ //! Relocation id or Globals::kInvalidId.
+ uint32_t relocId;
+ //! Label offset relative to the start of the section.
+ size_t offset;
+ //! Inlined rel8/rel32.
+ intptr_t rel;
+ //! Offset format information.
+ OffsetFormat format;
+//! Label entry.
+//! Contains the following properties:
+//! - Label id - This is the only thing that is set to the `Label` operand.
+//! - Label name - Optional, used mostly to create executables and libraries.
+//! - Label type - Type of the label, default `LabelType::kAnonymous`.
+//! - Label parent id - Derived from many assemblers that allow to define a local label that falls under a global
+//! label. This allows to define many labels of the same name that have different parent (global) label.
+//! - Offset - offset of the label bound by `Assembler`.
+//! - Links - single-linked list that contains locations of code that has to be patched when the label gets bound.
+//! Every use of unbound label adds one link to `_links` list.
+//! - HVal - Hash value of label's name and optionally parentId.
+//! - HashNext - Hash-table implementation detail.
+class LabelEntry : public ZoneHashNode {
+ //! \name Constants
+ //! \{
- //! Address.
- uint64_t _address;
- //! Slot.
- uint32_t _slot;
+ enum : uint32_t {
+ //! SSO size of \ref _name.
+ //!
+ //! \cond INTERNAL
+ //! Let's round the size of `LabelEntry` to 64 bytes (as `ZoneAllocator` has granularity of 32 bytes anyway). This
+ //! gives `_name` the remaining space, which is should be 16 bytes on 64-bit and 28 bytes on 32-bit architectures.
+ //! \endcond
+ kStaticNameSize = 64 - (sizeof(ZoneHashNode) + 8 + sizeof(Section*) + sizeof(size_t) + sizeof(LabelLink*))
+ };
- //! \name Construction & Destruction
+ //! \}
+ //! \name Members
//! \{
- inline explicit AddressTableEntry(uint64_t address) noexcept
- : _address(address),
- _slot(0xFFFFFFFFu) {}
+ //! Type of the label.
+ LabelType _type;
+ //! Must be zero.
+ uint8_t _reserved[3];
+ //! Label parent id or zero.
+ uint32_t _parentId;
+ //! Label offset relative to the start of the `_section`.
+ uint64_t _offset;
+ //! Section where the label was bound.
+ Section* _section;
+ //! Label links.
+ LabelLink* _links;
+ //! Label name.
+ ZoneString<kStaticNameSize> _name;
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
- inline uint64_t address() const noexcept { return _address; }
- inline uint32_t slot() const noexcept { return _slot; }
+ // NOTE: Label id is stored in `_customData`, which is provided by ZoneHashNode to fill a padding that a C++
+ // compiler targeting 64-bit CPU will add to align the structure to 64-bits.
- inline bool hasAssignedSlot() const noexcept { return _slot != 0xFFFFFFFFu; }
+ //! Returns label id.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _customData; }
+ //! Sets label id (internal, used only by `CodeHolder`).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void _setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _customData = id; }
- inline bool operator<(const AddressTableEntry& other) const noexcept { return _address < other._address; }
- inline bool operator>(const AddressTableEntry& other) const noexcept { return _address > other._address; }
+ //! Returns label type.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG LabelType type() const noexcept { return _type; }
- inline bool operator<(uint64_t queryAddress) const noexcept { return _address < queryAddress; }
- inline bool operator>(uint64_t queryAddress) const noexcept { return _address > queryAddress; }
+ //! Tests whether the label has a parent label.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasParent() const noexcept { return _parentId != Globals::kInvalidId; }
+ //! Returns label's parent id.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t parentId() const noexcept { return _parentId; }
+ //! Returns the section where the label was bound.
+ //!
+ //! If the label was not yet bound the return value is `nullptr`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Section* section() const noexcept { return _section; }
+ //! Tests whether the label has name.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasName() const noexcept { return !_name.empty(); }
+ //! Returns the label's name.
+ //!
+ //! \note Local labels will return their local name without their parent part, for example ".L1".
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const char* name() const noexcept { return; }
+ //! Returns size of label's name.
+ //!
+ //! \note Label name is always null terminated, so you can use `strlen()` to get it, however, it's also cached in
+ //! `LabelEntry` itself, so if you want to know the size the fastest way is to call `LabelEntry::nameSize()`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t nameSize() const noexcept { return _name.size(); }
+ //! Returns links associated with this label.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG LabelLink* links() const noexcept { return _links; }
+ //! Tests whether the label is bound.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isBound() const noexcept { return _section != nullptr; }
+ //! Tests whether the label is bound to a the given `sectionId`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isBoundTo(Section* section) const noexcept { return _section == section; }
+ //! Returns the label offset (only useful if the label is bound).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t offset() const noexcept { return _offset; }
+ //! Returns the hash-value of label's name and its parent label (if any).
+ //!
+ //! Label hash is calculated as `HASH(Name) ^ ParentId`. The hash function is implemented in `Support::hashString()`
+ //! and `Support::hashRound()`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t hashCode() const noexcept { return _hashCode; }
//! \}
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::CodeHolder]
-// ============================================================================
-//! Contains basic information about the target architecture and its options.
+//! Holds assembled code and data (including sections, labels, and relocation information).
+//! CodeHolder connects emitters with their targets. It provides them interface that can be used to query information
+//! about the target environment (architecture, etc...) and API to create labels, sections, relocations, and to write
+//! data to a \ref CodeBuffer, which is always part of \ref Section. More than one emitter can be attached to a single
+//! CodeHolder instance at a time, which is used in practice
+//! CodeHolder provides interface for all emitter types. Assemblers use CodeHolder to write into \ref CodeBuffer, and
+//! higher level emitters like Builder and Compiler use CodeHolder to manage labels and sections so higher level code
+//! can be serialized to Assembler by \ref BaseEmitter::finalize() and \ref BaseBuilder::serializeTo().
-//! In addition, it holds assembled code & data (including sections, labels, and
-//! relocation information). `CodeHolder` can store both binary and intermediate
-//! representation of assembly, which can be generated by \ref BaseAssembler,
-//! \ref BaseBuilder, and \ref BaseCompiler
+//! In order to use CodeHolder, it must be first initialized by \ref init(). After the CodeHolder has been successfully
+//! initialized it can be used to hold assembled code, sections, labels, relocations, and to attach / detach code
+//! emitters. After the end of code generation it can be used to query physical locations of labels and to relocate
+//! the assembled code into the right address.
-//! \note `CodeHolder` has an ability to attach an \ref ErrorHandler, however,
-//! the error handler is not triggered by `CodeHolder` itself, it's instead
-//! propagated to all emitters that attach to it.
+//! \note \ref CodeHolder has an ability to attach an \ref ErrorHandler, however, the error handler is not triggered
+//! by \ref CodeHolder itself, it's instead propagated to all emitters that attach to it.
class CodeHolder {
+ //! \name Members
+ //! \{
//! Environment information.
Environment _environment;
+ //! CPU features of the target architecture.
+ CpuFeatures _cpuFeatures;
//! Base address or \ref Globals::kNoBaseAddress.
uint64_t _baseAddress;
@@ -517,6 +739,8 @@ public:
ZoneVector<BaseEmitter*> _emitters;
//! Section entries.
ZoneVector<Section*> _sections;
+ //! Section entries sorted by section order and then section id.
+ ZoneVector<Section*> _sectionsByOrder;
//! Label entries.
ZoneVector<LabelEntry*> _labelEntries;
//! Relocation entries.
@@ -531,42 +755,35 @@ public:
//! Address table entries.
ZoneTree<AddressTableEntry> _addressTableEntries;
- //! Options that can be used with \ref copySectionData() and \ref copyFlattenedData().
- enum CopyOptions : uint32_t {
- //! If virtual size of a section is greater than the size of its \ref CodeBuffer
- //! then all bytes between the buffer size and virtual size will be zeroed.
- //! If this option is not set then those bytes would be left as is, which
- //! means that if the user didn't initialize them they would have a previous
- //! content, which may be unwanted.
- kCopyPadSectionBuffer = 0x00000001u,
- kCopyWithPadding = kCopyPadSectionBuffer,
- //! Zeroes the target buffer if the flattened data is less than the destination
- //! size. This option works only with \ref copyFlattenedData() as it processes
- //! multiple sections. It is ignored by \ref copySectionData().
- kCopyPadTargetBuffer = 0x00000002u
- };
+ //! \}
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates an uninitialized CodeHolder (you must init() it before it can be used).
- ASMJIT_API CodeHolder() noexcept;
- //! Destroys the CodeHolder.
+ //!
+ //! An optional `temporary` argument can be used to initialize the first block of \ref Zone that the CodeHolder
+ //! uses into a temporary memory provided by the user.
+ ASMJIT_API explicit CodeHolder(const Support::Temporary* temporary = nullptr) noexcept;
+ //! \overload
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG explicit CodeHolder(const Support::Temporary& temporary) noexcept
+ : CodeHolder(&temporary) {}
+ //! Destroys the CodeHolder and frees all resources it has allocated.
ASMJIT_API ~CodeHolder() noexcept;
//! Tests whether the `CodeHolder` has been initialized.
//! Emitters can be only attached to initialized `CodeHolder` instances.
- inline bool isInitialized() const noexcept { return _environment.isInitialized(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isInitialized() const noexcept { return _environment.isInitialized(); }
- //! Initializes CodeHolder to hold code described by code `info`.
+ //! Initializes CodeHolder to hold code described by the given `environment` and `baseAddress`.
ASMJIT_API Error init(const Environment& environment, uint64_t baseAddress = Globals::kNoBaseAddress) noexcept;
+ //! Initializes CodeHolder to hold code described by the given `environment`, `cpuFeatures`, and `baseAddress`.
+ ASMJIT_API Error init(const Environment& environment, const CpuFeatures& cpuFeatures, uint64_t baseAddress = Globals::kNoBaseAddress) noexcept;
//! Detaches all code-generators attached and resets the `CodeHolder`.
- ASMJIT_API void reset(uint32_t resetPolicy = Globals::kResetSoft) noexcept;
+ ASMJIT_API void reset(ResetPolicy resetPolicy = ResetPolicy::kSoft) noexcept;
//! \}
@@ -585,29 +802,31 @@ public:
//! Returns the allocator that the `CodeHolder` uses.
- //! \note This should be only used for AsmJit's purposes. Code holder uses
- //! arena allocator to allocate everything, so anything allocated through
- //! this allocator will be invalidated by \ref CodeHolder::reset() or by
- //! CodeHolder's destructor.
- inline ZoneAllocator* allocator() const noexcept { return const_cast<ZoneAllocator*>(&_allocator); }
+ //! \note This should be only used for AsmJit's purposes. Code holder uses arena allocator to allocate everything,
+ //! so anything allocated through this allocator will be invalidated by \ref CodeHolder::reset() or by CodeHolder's
+ //! destructor.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG ZoneAllocator* allocator() const noexcept { return const_cast<ZoneAllocator*>(&_allocator); }
//! \}
//! \name Code & Architecture
//! \{
- //! Returns the target environment information, see \ref Environment.
- inline const Environment& environment() const noexcept { return _environment; }
+ //! Returns the target environment information.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const Environment& environment() const noexcept { return _environment; }
//! Returns the target architecture.
- inline uint32_t arch() const noexcept { return environment().arch(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Arch arch() const noexcept { return environment().arch(); }
//! Returns the target sub-architecture.
- inline uint32_t subArch() const noexcept { return environment().subArch(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG SubArch subArch() const noexcept { return environment().subArch(); }
+ //! Returns the minimum CPU features of the target architecture.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const CpuFeatures& cpuFeatures() const noexcept { return _cpuFeatures; }
//! Tests whether a static base-address is set.
- inline bool hasBaseAddress() const noexcept { return _baseAddress != Globals::kNoBaseAddress; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasBaseAddress() const noexcept { return _baseAddress != Globals::kNoBaseAddress; }
//! Returns a static base-address or \ref Globals::kNoBaseAddress, if not set.
- inline uint64_t baseAddress() const noexcept { return _baseAddress; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t baseAddress() const noexcept { return _baseAddress; }
//! \}
@@ -615,31 +834,31 @@ public:
//! \{
//! Returns a vector of attached emitters.
- inline const ZoneVector<BaseEmitter*>& emitters() const noexcept { return _emitters; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const ZoneVector<BaseEmitter*>& emitters() const noexcept { return _emitters; }
//! \}
//! \name Logging
//! \{
- //! Returns the attached logger, see \ref Logger.
- inline Logger* logger() const noexcept { return _logger; }
+ //! Returns the attached logger.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Logger* logger() const noexcept { return _logger; }
//! Attaches a `logger` to CodeHolder and propagates it to all attached emitters.
ASMJIT_API void setLogger(Logger* logger) noexcept;
//! Resets the logger to none.
- inline void resetLogger() noexcept { setLogger(nullptr); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void resetLogger() noexcept { setLogger(nullptr); }
//! \name Error Handling
//! \{
//! Tests whether the CodeHolder has an attached error handler, see \ref ErrorHandler.
- inline bool hasErrorHandler() const noexcept { return _errorHandler != nullptr; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasErrorHandler() const noexcept { return _errorHandler != nullptr; }
//! Returns the attached error handler.
- inline ErrorHandler* errorHandler() const noexcept { return _errorHandler; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG ErrorHandler* errorHandler() const noexcept { return _errorHandler; }
//! Attach an error handler to this `CodeHolder`.
ASMJIT_API void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler* errorHandler) noexcept;
//! Resets the error handler to none.
- inline void resetErrorHandler() noexcept { setErrorHandler(nullptr); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void resetErrorHandler() noexcept { setErrorHandler(nullptr); }
//! \}
@@ -648,14 +867,12 @@ public:
//! Makes sure that at least `n` bytes can be added to CodeHolder's buffer `cb`.
- //! \note The buffer `cb` must be managed by `CodeHolder` - otherwise the
- //! behavior of the function is undefined.
+ //! \note The buffer `cb` must be managed by `CodeHolder` - otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
ASMJIT_API Error growBuffer(CodeBuffer* cb, size_t n) noexcept;
//! Reserves the size of `cb` to at least `n` bytes.
- //! \note The buffer `cb` must be managed by `CodeHolder` - otherwise the
- //! behavior of the function is undefined.
+ //! \note The buffer `cb` must be managed by `CodeHolder` - otherwise the behavior of the function is undefined.
ASMJIT_API Error reserveBuffer(CodeBuffer* cb, size_t n) noexcept;
//! \}
@@ -664,20 +881,22 @@ public:
//! \{
//! Returns an array of `Section*` records.
- inline const ZoneVector<Section*>& sections() const noexcept { return _sections; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const ZoneVector<Section*>& sections() const noexcept { return _sections; }
+ //! Returns an array of `Section*` records sorted according to section order first, then section id.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const ZoneVector<Section*>& sectionsByOrder() const noexcept { return _sectionsByOrder; }
//! Returns the number of sections.
- inline uint32_t sectionCount() const noexcept { return _sections.size(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t sectionCount() const noexcept { return _sections.size(); }
//! Tests whether the given `sectionId` is valid.
- inline bool isSectionValid(uint32_t sectionId) const noexcept { return sectionId < _sections.size(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isSectionValid(uint32_t sectionId) const noexcept { return sectionId < _sections.size(); }
//! Creates a new section and return its pointer in `sectionOut`.
//! Returns `Error`, does not report a possible error to `ErrorHandler`.
- ASMJIT_API Error newSection(Section** sectionOut, const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, uint32_t flags = 0, uint32_t alignment = 1) noexcept;
+ ASMJIT_API Error newSection(Section** sectionOut, const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, SectionFlags flags = SectionFlags::kNone, uint32_t alignment = 1, int32_t order = 0) noexcept;
//! Returns a section entry of the given index.
- inline Section* sectionById(uint32_t sectionId) const noexcept { return _sections[sectionId]; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Section* sectionById(uint32_t sectionId) const noexcept { return _sections[sectionId]; }
//! Returns section-id that matches the given `name`.
@@ -687,10 +906,10 @@ public:
//! Returns '.text' section (section that commonly represents code).
//! \note Text section is always the first section in \ref CodeHolder::sections() array.
- inline Section* textSection() const noexcept { return _sections[0]; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Section* textSection() const noexcept { return _sections[0]; }
//! Tests whether '.addrtab' section exists.
- inline bool hasAddressTable() const noexcept { return _addressTableSection != nullptr; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasAddressTable() const noexcept { return _addressTableSection != nullptr; }
//! Returns '.addrtab' section.
@@ -698,7 +917,7 @@ public:
//! addresses that cannot be encoded in instructions like 'jmp' or 'call'.
//! \note This section is created on demand, the returned pointer can be null.
- inline Section* addressTableSection() const noexcept { return _addressTableSection; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Section* addressTableSection() const noexcept { return _addressTableSection; }
//! Ensures that '.addrtab' section exists (creates it if it doesn't) and
//! returns it. Can return `nullptr` on out of memory condition.
@@ -706,14 +925,12 @@ public:
//! Used to add an address to an address table.
- //! This implicitly calls `ensureAddressTableSection()` and then creates
- //! `AddressTableEntry` that is inserted to `_addressTableEntries`. If the
- //! address already exists this operation does nothing as the same addresses
+ //! This implicitly calls `ensureAddressTableSection()` and then creates `AddressTableEntry` that is inserted
+ //! to `_addressTableEntries`. If the address already exists this operation does nothing as the same addresses
//! use the same slot.
- //! This function should be considered internal as it's used by assemblers to
- //! insert an absolute address into the address table. Inserting address into
- //! address table without creating a particula relocation entry makes no sense.
+ //! This function should be considered internal as it's used by assemblers to insert an absolute address into the
+ //! address table. Inserting address into address table without creating a particular relocation entry makes no sense.
ASMJIT_API Error addAddressToAddressTable(uint64_t address) noexcept;
//! \}
@@ -722,62 +939,61 @@ public:
//! \{
//! Returns array of `LabelEntry*` records.
- inline const ZoneVector<LabelEntry*>& labelEntries() const noexcept { return _labelEntries; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const ZoneVector<LabelEntry*>& labelEntries() const noexcept { return _labelEntries; }
//! Returns number of labels created.
- inline uint32_t labelCount() const noexcept { return _labelEntries.size(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint32_t labelCount() const noexcept { return _labelEntries.size(); }
//! Tests whether the label having `id` is valid (i.e. created by `newLabelEntry()`).
- inline bool isLabelValid(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLabelValid(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
return labelId < _labelEntries.size();
//! Tests whether the `label` is valid (i.e. created by `newLabelEntry()`).
- inline bool isLabelValid(const Label& label) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLabelValid(const Label& label) const noexcept {
return < _labelEntries.size();
//! \overload
- inline bool isLabelBound(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLabelBound(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
return isLabelValid(labelId) && _labelEntries[labelId]->isBound();
//! Tests whether the `label` is already bound.
//! Returns `false` if the `label` is not valid.
- inline bool isLabelBound(const Label& label) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool isLabelBound(const Label& label) const noexcept {
return isLabelBound(;
//! Returns LabelEntry of the given label `id`.
- inline LabelEntry* labelEntry(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG LabelEntry* labelEntry(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
return isLabelValid(labelId) ? _labelEntries[labelId] : static_cast<LabelEntry*>(nullptr);
//! Returns LabelEntry of the given `label`.
- inline LabelEntry* labelEntry(const Label& label) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG LabelEntry* labelEntry(const Label& label) const noexcept {
return labelEntry(;
//! Returns offset of a `Label` by its `labelId`.
- //! The offset returned is relative to the start of the section. Zero offset
- //! is returned for unbound labels, which is their initial offset value.
- inline uint64_t labelOffset(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
+ //! The offset returned is relative to the start of the section. Zero offset is returned for unbound labels,
+ //! which is their initial offset value.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t labelOffset(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
return _labelEntries[labelId]->offset();
//! \overload
- inline uint64_t labelOffset(const Label& label) const noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG uint64_t labelOffset(const Label& label) const noexcept {
return labelOffset(;
//! Returns offset of a label by it's `labelId` relative to the base offset.
- //! \remarks The offset of the section where the label is bound must be valid
- //! in order to use this function, otherwise the value returned will not be
- //! reliable.
+ //! \remarks The offset of the section where the label is bound must be valid in order to use this function,
+ //! otherwise the value returned will not be reliable.
inline uint64_t labelOffsetFromBase(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept {
const LabelEntry* le = _labelEntries[labelId];
@@ -798,26 +1014,24 @@ public:
//! \param entryOut Where to store the created \ref LabelEntry.
//! \param name The name of the label.
- //! \param nameSize The length of `name` argument, or `SIZE_MAX` if `name` is
- //! a null terminated string, which means that the `CodeHolder` will
- //! use `strlen()` to determine the length.
- //! \param type The type of the label to create, see \ref Label::LabelType.
- //! \param parentId Parent id of a local label, otherwise it must be
- //! \ref Globals::kInvalidId.
+ //! \param nameSize The length of `name` argument, or `SIZE_MAX` if `name` is a null terminated string, which
+ //! means that the `CodeHolder` will use `strlen()` to determine the length.
+ //! \param type The type of the label to create, see \ref LabelType.
+ //! \param parentId Parent id of a local label, otherwise it must be \ref Globals::kInvalidId.
+ //! \retval Always returns \ref Error, does not report a possible error to the attached \ref ErrorHandler.
- //! \retval Always returns \ref Error, does not report a possible error to
- //! the attached \ref ErrorHandler.
- //!
- //! AsmJit has a support for local labels (\ref Label::kTypeLocal) which
- //! require a parent label id (parentId). The names of local labels can
- //! conflict with names of other local labels that have a different parent.
- ASMJIT_API Error newNamedLabelEntry(LabelEntry** entryOut, const char* name, size_t nameSize, uint32_t type, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept;
+ //! AsmJit has a support for local labels (\ref LabelType::kLocal) which require a parent label id (parentId).
+ //! The names of local labels can conflict with names of other local labels that have a different parent. In
+ //! addition, AsmJit supports named anonymous labels, which are useful only for debugging purposes as the
+ //! anonymous name will have a name, which will be formatted, but the label itself cannot be queried by such
+ //! name.
+ ASMJIT_API Error newNamedLabelEntry(LabelEntry** entryOut, const char* name, size_t nameSize, LabelType type, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept;
//! Returns a label by name.
//! If the named label doesn't a default constructed \ref Label is returned,
//! which has its id set to \ref Globals::kInvalidId.
- inline Label labelByName(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept {
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Label labelByName(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept {
return Label(labelIdByName(name, nameSize, parentId));
@@ -827,19 +1041,18 @@ public:
ASMJIT_API uint32_t labelIdByName(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept;
//! Tests whether there are any unresolved label links.
- inline bool hasUnresolvedLinks() const noexcept { return _unresolvedLinkCount != 0; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasUnresolvedLinks() const noexcept { return _unresolvedLinkCount != 0; }
//! Returns the number of label links, which are unresolved.
- inline size_t unresolvedLinkCount() const noexcept { return _unresolvedLinkCount; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG size_t unresolvedLinkCount() const noexcept { return _unresolvedLinkCount; }
//! Creates a new label-link used to store information about yet unbound labels.
//! Returns `null` if the allocation failed.
- ASMJIT_API LabelLink* newLabelLink(LabelEntry* le, uint32_t sectionId, size_t offset, intptr_t rel) noexcept;
+ ASMJIT_API LabelLink* newLabelLink(LabelEntry* le, uint32_t sectionId, size_t offset, intptr_t rel, const OffsetFormat& format) noexcept;
- //! Resolves cross-section links (`LabelLink`) associated with each label that
- //! was used as a destination in code of a different section. It's only useful
- //! to people that use multiple sections as it will do nothing if the code only
- //! contains a single section in which cross-section links are not possible.
+ //! Resolves cross-section links (`LabelLink`) associated with each label that was used as a destination in code
+ //! of a different section. It's only useful to people that use multiple sections as it will do nothing if the code
+ //! only contains a single section in which cross-section links are not possible.
ASMJIT_API Error resolveUnresolvedLinks() noexcept;
//! Binds a label to a given `sectionId` and `offset` (relative to start of the section).
@@ -853,17 +1066,17 @@ public:
//! \{
//! Tests whether the code contains relocation entries.
- inline bool hasRelocEntries() const noexcept { return !_relocations.empty(); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG bool hasRelocEntries() const noexcept { return !_relocations.empty(); }
//! Returns array of `RelocEntry*` records.
- inline const ZoneVector<RelocEntry*>& relocEntries() const noexcept { return _relocations; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG const ZoneVector<RelocEntry*>& relocEntries() const noexcept { return _relocations; }
//! Returns a RelocEntry of the given `id`.
- inline RelocEntry* relocEntry(uint32_t id) const noexcept { return _relocations[id]; }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG RelocEntry* relocEntry(uint32_t id) const noexcept { return _relocations[id]; }
- //! Creates a new relocation entry of type `relocType` and size `valueSize`.
+ //! Creates a new relocation entry of type `relocType`.
//! Additional fields can be set after the relocation entry was created.
- ASMJIT_API Error newRelocEntry(RelocEntry** dst, uint32_t relocType, uint32_t valueSize) noexcept;
+ ASMJIT_API Error newRelocEntry(RelocEntry** dst, RelocType relocType) noexcept;
//! \}
@@ -877,49 +1090,30 @@ public:
//! Returns computed the size of code & data of all sections.
- //! \note All sections will be iterated over and the code size returned
- //! would represent the minimum code size of all combined sections after
- //! applying minimum alignment. Code size may decrease after calling
- //! `flatten()` and `relocateToBase()`.
+ //! \note All sections will be iterated over and the code size returned would represent the minimum code size of
+ //! all combined sections after applying minimum alignment. Code size may decrease after calling `flatten()` and
+ //! `relocateToBase()`.
ASMJIT_API size_t codeSize() const noexcept;
//! Relocates the code to the given `baseAddress`.
- //! \param baseAddress Absolute base address where the code will be relocated
- //! to. Please note that nothing is copied to such base address, it's just an
- //! absolute value used by the relocator to resolve all stored relocations.
+ //! \param baseAddress Absolute base address where the code will be relocated to. Please note that nothing is
+ //! copied to such base address, it's just an absolute value used by the relocation code to resolve all stored
+ //! relocations.
//! \note This should never be called more than once.
ASMJIT_API Error relocateToBase(uint64_t baseAddress) noexcept;
//! Copies a single section into `dst`.
- ASMJIT_API Error copySectionData(void* dst, size_t dstSize, uint32_t sectionId, uint32_t copyOptions = 0) noexcept;
+ ASMJIT_API Error copySectionData(void* dst, size_t dstSize, uint32_t sectionId, CopySectionFlags copyFlags = CopySectionFlags::kNone) noexcept;
//! Copies all sections into `dst`.
- //! This should only be used if the data was flattened and there are no gaps
- //! between the sections. The `dstSize` is always checked and the copy will
- //! never write anything outside the provided buffer.
- ASMJIT_API Error copyFlattenedData(void* dst, size_t dstSize, uint32_t copyOptions = 0) noexcept;
+ //! This should only be used if the data was flattened and there are no gaps between the sections. The `dstSize`
+ //! is always checked and the copy will never write anything outside the provided buffer.
+ ASMJIT_API Error copyFlattenedData(void* dst, size_t dstSize, CopySectionFlags copyFlags = CopySectionFlags::kNone) noexcept;
//! \}
- ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use 'CodeHolder::init(const Environment& environment, uint64_t baseAddress)' instead")
- inline Error init(const CodeInfo& codeInfo) noexcept { return init(codeInfo._environment, codeInfo._baseAddress); }
- ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use nevironment() instead")
- inline CodeInfo codeInfo() const noexcept { return CodeInfo(_environment, _baseAddress); }
- ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use BaseEmitter::encodingOptions() - this function always returns zero")
- inline uint32_t emitterOptions() const noexcept { return 0; }
- ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use BaseEmitter::addEncodingOptions() - this function does nothing")
- inline void addEmitterOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { DebugUtils::unused(options); }
- ASMJIT_DEPRECATED("Use BaseEmitter::clearEncodingOptions() - this function does nothing")
- inline void clearEmitterOptions(uint32_t options) noexcept { DebugUtils::unused(options); }
//! \}