path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/core/callconv.h
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-// AsmJit - Machine code generation for C++
-// * Official AsmJit Home Page:
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-// Copyright (c) 2008-2020 The AsmJit Authors
-// This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
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-// Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
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-#include "../core/arch.h"
-#include "../core/operand.h"
-#include "../core/support.h"
-//! \addtogroup asmjit_function
-//! \{
-// ============================================================================
-// [asmjit::CallConv]
-// ============================================================================
-//! Function calling convention.
-//! Function calling convention is a scheme that defines how function parameters
-//! are passed and how function returns its result. AsmJit defines a variety of
-//! architecture and OS specific calling conventions and also provides a compile
-//! time detection to make the code-generation easier.
-struct CallConv {
- //! Calling convention id, see `Id`.
- uint8_t _id;
- //! Architecture identifier, see \ref Environment::Arch.
- uint8_t _arch;
- //! Register assignment strategy.
- uint8_t _strategy;
- //! Flags.
- uint8_t _flags;
- //! Red zone size (AMD64 == 128 bytes).
- uint8_t _redZoneSize;
- //! Spill zone size (WIN64 == 32 bytes).
- uint8_t _spillZoneSize;
- //! Natural stack alignment as defined by OS/ABI.
- uint8_t _naturalStackAlignment;
- uint8_t _reserved[1];
- //! Mask of all passed registers, per group.
- uint32_t _passedRegs[BaseReg::kGroupVirt];
- //! Mask of all preserved registers, per group.
- uint32_t _preservedRegs[BaseReg::kGroupVirt];
- //! Internal limits of AsmJit's CallConv.
- enum Limits : uint32_t {
- kMaxRegArgsPerGroup = 16
- };
- //! Passed registers' order.
- union RegOrder {
- //! Passed registers, ordered.
- uint8_t id[kMaxRegArgsPerGroup];
- uint32_t packed[(kMaxRegArgsPerGroup + 3) / 4];
- };
- //! Passed registers' order, per register group.
- RegOrder _passedOrder[BaseReg::kGroupVirt];
- //! Calling convention id.
- //!
- //! Calling conventions can be divided into the following groups:
- //!
- //! - Universal - calling conventions are applicable to any target. They
- //! will be converted to a target dependent calling convention at runtime
- //! by \ref init(). The purpose of these conventions is to make using
- //! functions less target dependent and closer to how they are declared
- //! in C and C++.
- //!
- //! - Target specific - calling conventions that are used by a particular
- //! architecture and ABI. For example Windows 64-bit calling convention
- //! and AMD64 SystemV calling convention.
- enum Id : uint32_t {
- //! None or invalid (can't be used).
- kIdNone = 0,
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // [Universal Calling Conventions]
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- //! Standard function call or explicit `__cdecl` where it can be specified.
- //!
- //! This is a universal convention, which is used to initialize specific
- //! calling connventions based on architecture, platform, and its ABI.
- kIdCDecl = 1,
- //! `__stdcall` on targets that support this calling convention.
- //!
- //! \note This calling convention is only supported on 32-bit X86. If used
- //! on environment that doesn't support this calling convention \ref kIdCDecl
- //! will be used instead.
- kIdStdCall = 2,
- //! `__fastcall` on targets that support this calling convention.
- //!
- //! \note This calling convention is only supported on 32-bit X86. If used
- //! on environment that doesn't support this calling convention \ref kIdCDecl
- //! will be used instead.
- kIdFastCall = 3,
- //! `__vectorcall` on targets that support this calling convention.
- //!
- //! \note This calling convention is only supported on 32-bit and 64-bit
- //! X86 architecture on Windows platform. If used on environment that doesn't
- //! support this calling convention \ref kIdCDecl will be used instead.
- kIdVectorCall = 4,
- //! `__thiscall` on targets that support this calling convention.
- //!
- //! \note This calling convention is only supported on 32-bit X86 Windows
- //! platform. If used on environment that doesn't support this calling
- //! convention \ref kIdCDecl will be used instead.
- kIdThisCall = 5,
- //! `__attribute__((regparm(1)))` convention (GCC and Clang).
- kIdRegParm1 = 6,
- //! `__attribute__((regparm(2)))` convention (GCC and Clang).
- kIdRegParm2 = 7,
- //! `__attribute__((regparm(3)))` convention (GCC and Clang).
- kIdRegParm3 = 8,
- //! Soft-float calling convention (ARM).
- //!
- //! Floating point arguments are passed via general purpose registers.
- kIdSoftFloat = 9,
- //! Hard-float calling convention (ARM).
- //!
- //! Floating point arguments are passed via SIMD registers.
- kIdHardFloat = 10,
- //! AsmJit specific calling convention designed for calling functions
- //! inside a multimedia code that don't use many registers internally,
- //! but are long enough to be called and not inlined. These functions are
- //! usually used to calculate trigonometric functions, logarithms, etc...
- kIdLightCall2 = 16,
- kIdLightCall3 = 17,
- kIdLightCall4 = 18,
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // [ABI-Specific Calling Conventions]
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- kIdX64SystemV = 32,
- kIdX64Windows = 33,
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // [Host]
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- kIdHost =
-#if ASMJIT_ARCH_ARM == 32 && defined(__SOFTFP__)
- kIdSoftFloat
-#elif ASMJIT_ARCH_ARM == 32 && !defined(__SOFTFP__)
- kIdHardFloat
- kIdCDecl
- , kIdHostCDecl = kIdCDecl
- , kIdHostStdCall = kIdStdCall
- , kIdHostFastCall = kIdFastCall
- , kIdHostLightCall2 = kIdLightCall2
- , kIdHostLightCall3 = kIdLightCall3
- , kIdHostLightCall4 = kIdLightCall4
- };
- //! Strategy used to assign registers to function arguments.
- //!
- //! This is AsmJit specific. It basically describes how AsmJit should convert
- //! the function arguments defined by `FuncSignature` into register IDs and
- //! stack offsets. The default strategy `kStrategyDefault` assigns registers
- //! and then stack whereas `kStrategyWin64` strategy does register shadowing
- //! as defined by WIN64 calling convention - it applies to 64-bit calling
- //! conventions only.
- enum Strategy : uint32_t {
- //! Default register assignment strategy.
- kStrategyDefault = 0,
- //! Windows 64-bit ABI register assignment strategy.
- kStrategyX64Windows = 1,
- //! Windows 64-bit __vectorcall register assignment strategy.
- kStrategyX64VectorCall = 2,
- //! Number of assignment strategies.
- kStrategyCount = 3
- };
- //! Calling convention flags.
- enum Flags : uint32_t {
- //! Callee is responsible for cleaning up the stack.
- kFlagCalleePopsStack = 0x01u,
- //! Pass vector arguments indirectly (as a pointer).
- kFlagIndirectVecArgs = 0x02u,
- //! Pass F32 and F64 arguments by VEC128 register.
- kFlagPassFloatsByVec = 0x04u,
- //! Pass MMX and vector arguments by stack if the function has variable arguments.
- kFlagPassVecByStackIfVA = 0x08u,
- //! MMX registers are passed and returned via GP registers.
- kFlagPassMmxByGp = 0x10u,
- //! MMX registers are passed and returned via XMM registers.
- kFlagPassMmxByXmm = 0x20u,
- //! Calling convention can be used with variable arguments.
- kFlagVarArgCompatible = 0x80u
- };
- //! \name Construction & Destruction
- //! \{
- //! Initializes this calling convention to the given `ccId` based on the
- //! `environment`.
- //!
- //! See \ref Id and \ref Environment for more details.
- ASMJIT_API Error init(uint32_t ccId, const Environment& environment) noexcept;
- //! Resets this CallConv struct into a defined state.
- //!
- //! It's recommended to reset the \ref CallConv struct in case you would
- //! like create a custom calling convention as it prevents from using an
- //! uninitialized data (CallConv doesn't have a constructor that would
- //! initialize it, it's just a struct).
- inline void reset() noexcept {
- memset(this, 0, sizeof(*this));
- memset(_passedOrder, 0xFF, sizeof(_passedOrder));
- }
- //! \}
- //! \name Accessors
- //! \{
- //! Returns the calling convention id, see `Id`.
- inline uint32_t id() const noexcept { return _id; }
- //! Sets the calling convention id, see `Id`.
- inline void setId(uint32_t id) noexcept { _id = uint8_t(id); }
- //! Returns the calling function architecture id.
- inline uint32_t arch() const noexcept { return _arch; }
- //! Sets the calling function architecture id.
- inline void setArch(uint32_t arch) noexcept { _arch = uint8_t(arch); }
- //! Returns the strategy used to assign registers to arguments, see `Strategy`.
- inline uint32_t strategy() const noexcept { return _strategy; }
- //! Sets the strategy used to assign registers to arguments, see `Strategy`.
- inline void setStrategy(uint32_t strategy) noexcept { _strategy = uint8_t(strategy); }
- //! Tests whether the calling convention has the given `flag` set.
- inline bool hasFlag(uint32_t flag) const noexcept { return (uint32_t(_flags) & flag) != 0; }
- //! Returns the calling convention flags, see `Flags`.
- inline uint32_t flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
- //! Adds the calling convention flags, see `Flags`.
- inline void setFlags(uint32_t flag) noexcept { _flags = uint8_t(flag); };
- //! Adds the calling convention flags, see `Flags`.
- inline void addFlags(uint32_t flags) noexcept { _flags = uint8_t(_flags | flags); };
- //! Tests whether this calling convention specifies 'RedZone'.
- inline bool hasRedZone() const noexcept { return _redZoneSize != 0; }
- //! Tests whether this calling convention specifies 'SpillZone'.
- inline bool hasSpillZone() const noexcept { return _spillZoneSize != 0; }
- //! Returns size of 'RedZone'.
- inline uint32_t redZoneSize() const noexcept { return _redZoneSize; }
- //! Returns size of 'SpillZone'.
- inline uint32_t spillZoneSize() const noexcept { return _spillZoneSize; }
- //! Sets size of 'RedZone'.
- inline void setRedZoneSize(uint32_t size) noexcept { _redZoneSize = uint8_t(size); }
- //! Sets size of 'SpillZone'.
- inline void setSpillZoneSize(uint32_t size) noexcept { _spillZoneSize = uint8_t(size); }
- //! Returns a natural stack alignment.
- inline uint32_t naturalStackAlignment() const noexcept { return _naturalStackAlignment; }
- //! Sets a natural stack alignment.
- //!
- //! This function can be used to override the default stack alignment in case
- //! that you know that it's alignment is different. For example it allows to
- //! implement custom calling conventions that guarantee higher stack alignment.
- inline void setNaturalStackAlignment(uint32_t value) noexcept { _naturalStackAlignment = uint8_t(value); }
- //! Returns the order of passed registers of the given `group`, see \ref BaseReg::RegGroup.
- inline const uint8_t* passedOrder(uint32_t group) const noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- return _passedOrder[group].id;
- }
- //! Returns the mask of passed registers of the given `group`, see \ref BaseReg::RegGroup.
- inline uint32_t passedRegs(uint32_t group) const noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- return _passedRegs[group];
- }
- inline void _setPassedPacked(uint32_t group, uint32_t p0, uint32_t p1, uint32_t p2, uint32_t p3) noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- _passedOrder[group].packed[0] = p0;
- _passedOrder[group].packed[1] = p1;
- _passedOrder[group].packed[2] = p2;
- _passedOrder[group].packed[3] = p3;
- }
- //! Resets the order and mask of passed registers.
- inline void setPassedToNone(uint32_t group) noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- _setPassedPacked(group, 0xFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFFFFFFFu, 0xFFFFFFFFu);
- _passedRegs[group] = 0u;
- }
- //! Sets the order and mask of passed registers.
- inline void setPassedOrder(uint32_t group, uint32_t a0, uint32_t a1 = 0xFF, uint32_t a2 = 0xFF, uint32_t a3 = 0xFF, uint32_t a4 = 0xFF, uint32_t a5 = 0xFF, uint32_t a6 = 0xFF, uint32_t a7 = 0xFF) noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- // NOTE: This should always be called with all arguments known at compile time,
- // so even if it looks scary it should be translated into few instructions.
- _setPassedPacked(group, Support::bytepack32_4x8(a0, a1, a2, a3),
- Support::bytepack32_4x8(a4, a5, a6, a7),
- _passedRegs[group] = (a0 != 0xFF ? 1u << a0 : 0u) |
- (a1 != 0xFF ? 1u << a1 : 0u) |
- (a2 != 0xFF ? 1u << a2 : 0u) |
- (a3 != 0xFF ? 1u << a3 : 0u) |
- (a4 != 0xFF ? 1u << a4 : 0u) |
- (a5 != 0xFF ? 1u << a5 : 0u) |
- (a6 != 0xFF ? 1u << a6 : 0u) |
- (a7 != 0xFF ? 1u << a7 : 0u) ;
- }
- //! Returns preserved register mask of the given `group`, see \ref BaseReg::RegGroup.
- inline uint32_t preservedRegs(uint32_t group) const noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- return _preservedRegs[group];
- }
- //! Sets preserved register mask of the given `group`, see \ref BaseReg::RegGroup.
- inline void setPreservedRegs(uint32_t group, uint32_t regs) noexcept {
- ASMJIT_ASSERT(group < BaseReg::kGroupVirt);
- _preservedRegs[group] = regs;
- }
- //! \}
-//! \}