path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64operand.h
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64operand.h')
1 files changed, 650 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64operand.h b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64operand.h
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..c64f20eb445
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64operand.h
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+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+#include "../arm/armoperand.h"
+//! \addtogroup asmjit_a64
+//! \{
+class GpW;
+class GpX;
+class VecB;
+class VecH;
+class VecS;
+class VecD;
+class VecV;
+//! General purpose register (AArch64).
+class Gp : public Reg {
+ //! Special register id.
+ enum Id : uint32_t {
+ //! Register that depends on OS, could be used as TLS offset.
+ kIdOs = 18,
+ //! Frame pointer register id.
+ kIdFp = 29,
+ //! Link register id.
+ kIdLr = 30,
+ //! Stack register id.
+ kIdSp = 31,
+ //! Zero register id.
+ //!
+ //! Although zero register has the same id as stack register it has a special treatment, because we need to be
+ //! able to distinguish between these two at API level. Some instructions were designed to be used with SP and
+ //! some other with ZR - so we need a way to distinguish these two to make sure we emit the right thing.
+ //!
+ //! The number 63 is not random, when you perform `id & 31` you would always get 31 for both SP and ZR inputs,
+ //! which is the identifier used by AArch64 ISA to encode either SP or ZR depending on the instruction.
+ kIdZr = 63
+ };
+ //! Test whether this register is ZR register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isZR() const noexcept { return id() == kIdZr; }
+ //! Test whether this register is SP register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isSP() const noexcept { return id() == kIdSp; }
+ //! Cast this register to a 32-bit W register (returns a new operand).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpW w() const noexcept;
+ //! \overload
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpW r32() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 64-bit X register (returns a new operand).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpX x() const noexcept;
+ //! \overload
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpX r64() const noexcept;
+//! 32-bit general purpose W register (AArch64).
+class GpW : public Gp { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(GpW, Gp, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_GpW>); };
+//! 64-bit general purpose X register (AArch64).
+class GpX : public Gp { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(GpX, Gp, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_GpX>); };
+#ifndef _DOXYGEN
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpW Gp::w() const noexcept { return GpW(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpX Gp::x() const noexcept { return GpX(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpW Gp::r32() const noexcept { return GpW(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG GpX Gp::r64() const noexcept { return GpX(id()); }
+//! Vector element type (AArch64).
+enum class VecElementType : uint32_t {
+ //! No element type specified.
+ kNone = 0,
+ //! Byte elements (B8 or B16).
+ kB,
+ //! Halfword elements (H4 or H8).
+ kH,
+ //! Singleword elements (S2 or S4).
+ kS,
+ //! Doubleword elements (D2).
+ kD,
+ //! Byte elements grouped by 4 bytes (B4).
+ //!
+ //! \note This element-type is only used by few instructions.
+ kB4,
+ //! Halfword elements grouped by 2 halfwords (H2).
+ //!
+ //! \note This element-type is only used by few instructions.
+ kH2,
+ //! Maximum value of \ref VecElementType
+ kMaxValue = kH2
+//! Vector register (AArch64).
+class Vec : public BaseVec {
+ //! \cond
+ //! Shortcuts.
+ enum SignatureReg : uint32_t {
+ kSignatureElementB = uint32_t(VecElementType::kB) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
+ kSignatureElementH = uint32_t(VecElementType::kH) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
+ kSignatureElementS = uint32_t(VecElementType::kS) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
+ kSignatureElementD = uint32_t(VecElementType::kD) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
+ kSignatureElementB4 = uint32_t(VecElementType::kB4) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
+ kSignatureElementH2 = uint32_t(VecElementType::kH2) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift
+ };
+ //! \endcond
+ //! Returns whether the register has element type or element index (or both).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool hasElementTypeOrIndex() const noexcept { return _signature.hasField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask | kSignatureRegElementFlagMask>(); }
+ //! Returns whether the vector register has associated a vector element type.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool hasElementType() const noexcept { return _signature.hasField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(); }
+ //! Returns vector element type of the register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr VecElementType elementType() const noexcept { return VecElementType(_signature.getField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>()); }
+ //! Sets vector element type of the register to `elementType`.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void setElementType(VecElementType elementType) noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(uint32_t(elementType)); }
+ //! Resets vector element type to none.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG void resetElementType() noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(0); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecB8() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature | kSignatureElementB); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecH4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature | kSignatureElementH); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecS2() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature | kSignatureElementS); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecD1() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecB16() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementB); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecH8() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementH); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecS4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementS); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecD2() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementD); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecB4x4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementB4); }
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr bool isVecH2x4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementH2); }
+ //! Creates a cloned register with element access.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec at(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept {
+ return Vec((signature() & ~kSignatureRegElementIndexMask) | (elementIndex << kSignatureRegElementIndexShift) | kSignatureRegElementFlagMask, id());
+ }
+ //! Cast this register to an 8-bit B register (AArch64 only).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecB b() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 16-bit H register (AArch64 only).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecH h() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 32-bit S register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecS s() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 64-bit D register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD d() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit Q register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV q() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV v() const noexcept;
+ //! Casts this register to b (clone).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec v8() const noexcept;
+ //! Casts this register to h (clone).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec v16() const noexcept;
+ //! Casts this register to s (clone).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec v32() const noexcept;
+ //! Casts this register to d (clone).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec v64() const noexcept;
+ //! Casts this register to q (clone).
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec v128() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.B[elementIndex] register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV b(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.H[elementIndex] register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV h(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.S[elementIndex] register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV s(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.D[elementIndex] register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV d(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.H2[elementIndex] register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV h2(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.B4[elementIndex] register.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV b4(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.8B.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD b8() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.16B.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV b16() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.2H.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecS h2() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.4H.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD h4() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.8H.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV h8() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.2S.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD s2() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.4S.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV s4() const noexcept;
+ //! Cast this register to V.2D.
+ ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV d2() const noexcept;
+ static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr OperandSignature _makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType elementType, uint32_t elementIndex) noexcept {
+ return OperandSignature{
+ uint32_t(RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature) |
+ uint32_t(kSignatureRegElementFlagMask) |
+ (uint32_t(elementType) << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift) |
+ (uint32_t(elementIndex << kSignatureRegElementIndexShift))};
+ }
+//! 8-bit view (S) of VFP/SIMD register.
+class VecB : public Vec {
+ ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecB, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecB>)
+//! 16-bit view (S) of VFP/SIMD register.
+class VecH : public Vec {
+ ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecH, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecH>)
+//! 32-bit view (S) of VFP/SIMD register.
+class VecS : public Vec {
+ ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecS, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecS>)
+//! 64-bit view (D) of VFP/SIMD register.
+class VecD : public Vec {
+ ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecD, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>)
+//! 128-bit vector register (Q or V).
+class VecV : public Vec {
+ ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecV, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>)
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecB Vec::b() const noexcept { return VecB(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecH Vec::h() const noexcept { return VecH(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecS Vec::s() const noexcept { return VecS(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD Vec::d() const noexcept { return VecD(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::q() const noexcept { return VecV(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::v() const noexcept { return VecV(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec Vec::v8() const noexcept { return VecB(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec Vec::v16() const noexcept { return VecH(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec Vec::v32() const noexcept { return VecS(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec Vec::v64() const noexcept { return VecD(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG Vec Vec::v128() const noexcept { return VecV(id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::b(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType::kB, elementIndex), id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::h(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType::kH, elementIndex), id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::s(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType::kS, elementIndex), id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::d(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType::kD, elementIndex), id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::h2(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType::kH2, elementIndex), id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::b4(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(VecElementType::kB4, elementIndex), id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD Vec::b8() const noexcept { return VecD(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature | kSignatureElementB}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecS Vec::h2() const noexcept { return VecS(OperandSignature{VecS::kSignature | kSignatureElementH}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD Vec::h4() const noexcept { return VecD(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature | kSignatureElementH}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecD Vec::s2() const noexcept { return VecD(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature | kSignatureElementS}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::b16() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementB}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::h8() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementH}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::s4() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementS}, id()); }
+ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG VecV Vec::d2() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementD}, id()); }
+#ifndef _DOXYGEN
+namespace regs {
+//! Creates a 32-bit W register operand.
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr GpW w(uint32_t id) noexcept { return GpW(id); }
+//! Creates a 64-bit X register operand.
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr GpX x(uint32_t id) noexcept { return GpX(id); }
+//! Creates a 32-bit S register operand.
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr VecS s(uint32_t id) noexcept { return VecS(id); }
+//! Creates a 64-bit D register operand.
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr VecD d(uint32_t id) noexcept { return VecD(id); }
+//! Creates a 1282-bit V register operand.
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr VecV v(uint32_t id) noexcept { return VecV(id); }
+static constexpr GpW w0 = GpW(0);
+static constexpr GpW w1 = GpW(1);
+static constexpr GpW w2 = GpW(2);
+static constexpr GpW w3 = GpW(3);
+static constexpr GpW w4 = GpW(4);
+static constexpr GpW w5 = GpW(5);
+static constexpr GpW w6 = GpW(6);
+static constexpr GpW w7 = GpW(7);
+static constexpr GpW w8 = GpW(8);
+static constexpr GpW w9 = GpW(9);
+static constexpr GpW w10 = GpW(10);
+static constexpr GpW w11 = GpW(11);
+static constexpr GpW w12 = GpW(12);
+static constexpr GpW w13 = GpW(13);
+static constexpr GpW w14 = GpW(14);
+static constexpr GpW w15 = GpW(15);
+static constexpr GpW w16 = GpW(16);
+static constexpr GpW w17 = GpW(17);
+static constexpr GpW w18 = GpW(18);
+static constexpr GpW w19 = GpW(19);
+static constexpr GpW w20 = GpW(20);
+static constexpr GpW w21 = GpW(21);
+static constexpr GpW w22 = GpW(22);
+static constexpr GpW w23 = GpW(23);
+static constexpr GpW w24 = GpW(24);
+static constexpr GpW w25 = GpW(25);
+static constexpr GpW w26 = GpW(26);
+static constexpr GpW w27 = GpW(27);
+static constexpr GpW w28 = GpW(28);
+static constexpr GpW w29 = GpW(29);
+static constexpr GpW w30 = GpW(30);
+static constexpr GpW wzr = GpW(Gp::kIdZr);
+static constexpr GpW wsp = GpW(Gp::kIdSp);
+static constexpr GpX x0 = GpX(0);
+static constexpr GpX x1 = GpX(1);
+static constexpr GpX x2 = GpX(2);
+static constexpr GpX x3 = GpX(3);
+static constexpr GpX x4 = GpX(4);
+static constexpr GpX x5 = GpX(5);
+static constexpr GpX x6 = GpX(6);
+static constexpr GpX x7 = GpX(7);
+static constexpr GpX x8 = GpX(8);
+static constexpr GpX x9 = GpX(9);
+static constexpr GpX x10 = GpX(10);
+static constexpr GpX x11 = GpX(11);
+static constexpr GpX x12 = GpX(12);
+static constexpr GpX x13 = GpX(13);
+static constexpr GpX x14 = GpX(14);
+static constexpr GpX x15 = GpX(15);
+static constexpr GpX x16 = GpX(16);
+static constexpr GpX x17 = GpX(17);
+static constexpr GpX x18 = GpX(18);
+static constexpr GpX x19 = GpX(19);
+static constexpr GpX x20 = GpX(20);
+static constexpr GpX x21 = GpX(21);
+static constexpr GpX x22 = GpX(22);
+static constexpr GpX x23 = GpX(23);
+static constexpr GpX x24 = GpX(24);
+static constexpr GpX x25 = GpX(25);
+static constexpr GpX x26 = GpX(26);
+static constexpr GpX x27 = GpX(27);
+static constexpr GpX x28 = GpX(28);
+static constexpr GpX x29 = GpX(29);
+static constexpr GpX x30 = GpX(30);
+static constexpr GpX xzr = GpX(Gp::kIdZr);
+static constexpr GpX sp = GpX(Gp::kIdSp);
+static constexpr VecB b0 = VecB(0);
+static constexpr VecB b1 = VecB(1);
+static constexpr VecB b2 = VecB(2);
+static constexpr VecB b3 = VecB(3);
+static constexpr VecB b4 = VecB(4);
+static constexpr VecB b5 = VecB(5);
+static constexpr VecB b6 = VecB(6);
+static constexpr VecB b7 = VecB(7);
+static constexpr VecB b8 = VecB(8);
+static constexpr VecB b9 = VecB(9);
+static constexpr VecB b10 = VecB(10);
+static constexpr VecB b11 = VecB(11);
+static constexpr VecB b12 = VecB(12);
+static constexpr VecB b13 = VecB(13);
+static constexpr VecB b14 = VecB(14);
+static constexpr VecB b15 = VecB(15);
+static constexpr VecB b16 = VecB(16);
+static constexpr VecB b17 = VecB(17);
+static constexpr VecB b18 = VecB(18);
+static constexpr VecB b19 = VecB(19);
+static constexpr VecB b20 = VecB(20);
+static constexpr VecB b21 = VecB(21);
+static constexpr VecB b22 = VecB(22);
+static constexpr VecB b23 = VecB(23);
+static constexpr VecB b24 = VecB(24);
+static constexpr VecB b25 = VecB(25);
+static constexpr VecB b26 = VecB(26);
+static constexpr VecB b27 = VecB(27);
+static constexpr VecB b28 = VecB(28);
+static constexpr VecB b29 = VecB(29);
+static constexpr VecB b30 = VecB(30);
+static constexpr VecB b31 = VecB(31);
+static constexpr VecH h0 = VecH(0);
+static constexpr VecH h1 = VecH(1);
+static constexpr VecH h2 = VecH(2);
+static constexpr VecH h3 = VecH(3);
+static constexpr VecH h4 = VecH(4);
+static constexpr VecH h5 = VecH(5);
+static constexpr VecH h6 = VecH(6);
+static constexpr VecH h7 = VecH(7);
+static constexpr VecH h8 = VecH(8);
+static constexpr VecH h9 = VecH(9);
+static constexpr VecH h10 = VecH(10);
+static constexpr VecH h11 = VecH(11);
+static constexpr VecH h12 = VecH(12);
+static constexpr VecH h13 = VecH(13);
+static constexpr VecH h14 = VecH(14);
+static constexpr VecH h15 = VecH(15);
+static constexpr VecH h16 = VecH(16);
+static constexpr VecH h17 = VecH(17);
+static constexpr VecH h18 = VecH(18);
+static constexpr VecH h19 = VecH(19);
+static constexpr VecH h20 = VecH(20);
+static constexpr VecH h21 = VecH(21);
+static constexpr VecH h22 = VecH(22);
+static constexpr VecH h23 = VecH(23);
+static constexpr VecH h24 = VecH(24);
+static constexpr VecH h25 = VecH(25);
+static constexpr VecH h26 = VecH(26);
+static constexpr VecH h27 = VecH(27);
+static constexpr VecH h28 = VecH(28);
+static constexpr VecH h29 = VecH(29);
+static constexpr VecH h30 = VecH(30);
+static constexpr VecH h31 = VecH(31);
+static constexpr VecS s0 = VecS(0);
+static constexpr VecS s1 = VecS(1);
+static constexpr VecS s2 = VecS(2);
+static constexpr VecS s3 = VecS(3);
+static constexpr VecS s4 = VecS(4);
+static constexpr VecS s5 = VecS(5);
+static constexpr VecS s6 = VecS(6);
+static constexpr VecS s7 = VecS(7);
+static constexpr VecS s8 = VecS(8);
+static constexpr VecS s9 = VecS(9);
+static constexpr VecS s10 = VecS(10);
+static constexpr VecS s11 = VecS(11);
+static constexpr VecS s12 = VecS(12);
+static constexpr VecS s13 = VecS(13);
+static constexpr VecS s14 = VecS(14);
+static constexpr VecS s15 = VecS(15);
+static constexpr VecS s16 = VecS(16);
+static constexpr VecS s17 = VecS(17);
+static constexpr VecS s18 = VecS(18);
+static constexpr VecS s19 = VecS(19);
+static constexpr VecS s20 = VecS(20);
+static constexpr VecS s21 = VecS(21);
+static constexpr VecS s22 = VecS(22);
+static constexpr VecS s23 = VecS(23);
+static constexpr VecS s24 = VecS(24);
+static constexpr VecS s25 = VecS(25);
+static constexpr VecS s26 = VecS(26);
+static constexpr VecS s27 = VecS(27);
+static constexpr VecS s28 = VecS(28);
+static constexpr VecS s29 = VecS(29);
+static constexpr VecS s30 = VecS(30);
+static constexpr VecS s31 = VecS(31);
+static constexpr VecD d0 = VecD(0);
+static constexpr VecD d1 = VecD(1);
+static constexpr VecD d2 = VecD(2);
+static constexpr VecD d3 = VecD(3);
+static constexpr VecD d4 = VecD(4);
+static constexpr VecD d5 = VecD(5);
+static constexpr VecD d6 = VecD(6);
+static constexpr VecD d7 = VecD(7);
+static constexpr VecD d8 = VecD(8);
+static constexpr VecD d9 = VecD(9);
+static constexpr VecD d10 = VecD(10);
+static constexpr VecD d11 = VecD(11);
+static constexpr VecD d12 = VecD(12);
+static constexpr VecD d13 = VecD(13);
+static constexpr VecD d14 = VecD(14);
+static constexpr VecD d15 = VecD(15);
+static constexpr VecD d16 = VecD(16);
+static constexpr VecD d17 = VecD(17);
+static constexpr VecD d18 = VecD(18);
+static constexpr VecD d19 = VecD(19);
+static constexpr VecD d20 = VecD(20);
+static constexpr VecD d21 = VecD(21);
+static constexpr VecD d22 = VecD(22);
+static constexpr VecD d23 = VecD(23);
+static constexpr VecD d24 = VecD(24);
+static constexpr VecD d25 = VecD(25);
+static constexpr VecD d26 = VecD(26);
+static constexpr VecD d27 = VecD(27);
+static constexpr VecD d28 = VecD(28);
+static constexpr VecD d29 = VecD(29);
+static constexpr VecD d30 = VecD(30);
+static constexpr VecD d31 = VecD(31);
+static constexpr VecV q0 = VecV(0);
+static constexpr VecV q1 = VecV(1);
+static constexpr VecV q2 = VecV(2);
+static constexpr VecV q3 = VecV(3);
+static constexpr VecV q4 = VecV(4);
+static constexpr VecV q5 = VecV(5);
+static constexpr VecV q6 = VecV(6);
+static constexpr VecV q7 = VecV(7);
+static constexpr VecV q8 = VecV(8);
+static constexpr VecV q9 = VecV(9);
+static constexpr VecV q10 = VecV(10);
+static constexpr VecV q11 = VecV(11);
+static constexpr VecV q12 = VecV(12);
+static constexpr VecV q13 = VecV(13);
+static constexpr VecV q14 = VecV(14);
+static constexpr VecV q15 = VecV(15);
+static constexpr VecV q16 = VecV(16);
+static constexpr VecV q17 = VecV(17);
+static constexpr VecV q18 = VecV(18);
+static constexpr VecV q19 = VecV(19);
+static constexpr VecV q20 = VecV(20);
+static constexpr VecV q21 = VecV(21);
+static constexpr VecV q22 = VecV(22);
+static constexpr VecV q23 = VecV(23);
+static constexpr VecV q24 = VecV(24);
+static constexpr VecV q25 = VecV(25);
+static constexpr VecV q26 = VecV(26);
+static constexpr VecV q27 = VecV(27);
+static constexpr VecV q28 = VecV(28);
+static constexpr VecV q29 = VecV(29);
+static constexpr VecV q30 = VecV(30);
+static constexpr VecV q31 = VecV(31);
+static constexpr VecV v0 = VecV(0);
+static constexpr VecV v1 = VecV(1);
+static constexpr VecV v2 = VecV(2);
+static constexpr VecV v3 = VecV(3);
+static constexpr VecV v4 = VecV(4);
+static constexpr VecV v5 = VecV(5);
+static constexpr VecV v6 = VecV(6);
+static constexpr VecV v7 = VecV(7);
+static constexpr VecV v8 = VecV(8);
+static constexpr VecV v9 = VecV(9);
+static constexpr VecV v10 = VecV(10);
+static constexpr VecV v11 = VecV(11);
+static constexpr VecV v12 = VecV(12);
+static constexpr VecV v13 = VecV(13);
+static constexpr VecV v14 = VecV(14);
+static constexpr VecV v15 = VecV(15);
+static constexpr VecV v16 = VecV(16);
+static constexpr VecV v17 = VecV(17);
+static constexpr VecV v18 = VecV(18);
+static constexpr VecV v19 = VecV(19);
+static constexpr VecV v20 = VecV(20);
+static constexpr VecV v21 = VecV(21);
+static constexpr VecV v22 = VecV(22);
+static constexpr VecV v23 = VecV(23);
+static constexpr VecV v24 = VecV(24);
+static constexpr VecV v25 = VecV(25);
+static constexpr VecV v26 = VecV(26);
+static constexpr VecV v27 = VecV(27);
+static constexpr VecV v28 = VecV(28);
+static constexpr VecV v29 = VecV(29);
+static constexpr VecV v30 = VecV(30);
+static constexpr VecV v31 = VecV(31);
+#ifndef _DOXYGEN
+} // {regs}
+// Make `a64::regs` accessible through `a64` namespace as well.
+using namespace regs;
+//! \name Shift Operation Construction
+//! \{
+//! Constructs a `UXTB #value` extend and shift (unsigned byte extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift uxtb(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kUXTB, value); }
+//! Constructs a `UXTH #value` extend and shift (unsigned hword extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift uxth(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kUXTH, value); }
+//! Constructs a `UXTW #value` extend and shift (unsigned word extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift uxtw(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kUXTW, value); }
+//! Constructs a `UXTX #value` extend and shift (unsigned dword extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift uxtx(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kUXTX, value); }
+//! Constructs a `SXTB #value` extend and shift (signed byte extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift sxtb(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kSXTB, value); }
+//! Constructs a `SXTH #value` extend and shift (signed hword extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift sxth(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kSXTH, value); }
+//! Constructs a `SXTW #value` extend and shift (signed word extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift sxtw(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kSXTW, value); }
+//! Constructs a `SXTX #value` extend and shift (signed dword extend) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Shift sxtx(uint32_t value) noexcept { return Shift(ShiftOp::kSXTX, value); }
+//! \}
+//! \name Memory Operand Construction
+//! \{
+//! Creates `[base, offset]` memory operand (offset mode) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr(const Gp& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, offset);
+//! Creates `[base, offset]!` memory operand (pre-index mode) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr_pre(const Gp& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, offset, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemOffsetModeMask>(OffsetMode::kPreIndex));
+//! Creates `[base], offset` memory operand (post-index mode) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr_post(const Gp& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, offset, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemOffsetModeMask>(OffsetMode::kPostIndex));
+//! Creates `[base, index]` memory operand (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr(const Gp& base, const Gp& index) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, index);
+//! Creates `[base, index]!` memory operand (pre-index mode) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr_pre(const Gp& base, const Gp& index) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, index, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemOffsetModeMask>(OffsetMode::kPreIndex));
+//! Creates `[base], index` memory operand (post-index mode) (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr_post(const Gp& base, const Gp& index) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, index, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemOffsetModeMask>(OffsetMode::kPostIndex));
+//! Creates `[base, index, SHIFT_OP #shift]` memory operand (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr(const Gp& base, const Gp& index, const Shift& shift) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, index, shift);
+//! Creates `[base, offset]` memory operand (AArch64).
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr(const Label& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
+ return Mem(base, offset);
+// TODO: [ARM] PC + offset address.
+#if 0
+//! Creates `[PC + offset]` (relative) memory operand.
+static ASMJIT_INLINE_NODEBUG constexpr Mem ptr(const PC& pc, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
+ return Mem(pc, offset);
+//! \}
+//! \}
+//! \cond INTERNAL
+ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(a64::GpW, TypeId::kInt32);
+ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(a64::GpX, TypeId::kInt64);
+ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(a64::VecS, TypeId::kFloat32x1);
+ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(a64::VecD, TypeId::kFloat64x1);
+ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(a64::VecV, TypeId::kInt32x4);
+//! \endcond