path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64instapi.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64instapi.cpp')
1 files changed, 231 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64instapi.cpp b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64instapi.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..97e23fd9452
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64instapi.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
+#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64)
+#include "../core/cpuinfo.h"
+#include "../core/misc_p.h"
+#include "../core/support_p.h"
+#include "../arm/a64instapi_p.h"
+#include "../arm/a64instdb_p.h"
+#include "../arm/a64operand.h"
+namespace InstInternal {
+// a64::InstInternal - Text
+// ========================
+Error instIdToString(InstId instId, String& output) noexcept {
+ uint32_t realId = instId & uint32_t(InstIdParts::kRealId);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Inst::isDefinedId(realId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ return InstNameUtils::decode(output, InstDB::_instNameIndexTable[realId], InstDB::_instNameStringTable);
+InstId stringToInstId(const char* s, size_t len) noexcept {
+ return InstNameUtils::find(s, len, InstDB::instNameIndex, InstDB::_instNameIndexTable, InstDB::_instNameStringTable);
+#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_TEXT
+// a64::InstInternal - Validate
+// ============================
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error validate(const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, ValidationFlags validationFlags) noexcept {
+ // TODO:
+ DebugUtils::unused(inst, operands, opCount, validationFlags);
+ return kErrorOk;
+// a64::InstInternal - QueryRWInfo
+// ===============================
+struct InstRWInfoData {
+ uint8_t rwx[Globals::kMaxOpCount];
+static const InstRWInfoData instRWInfoData[] = {
+ #define R uint8_t(OpRWFlags::kRead)
+ #define W uint8_t(OpRWFlags::kWrite)
+ #define X uint8_t(OpRWFlags::kRW)
+ {{ R, R, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_R
+ {{ R, W, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_RW
+ {{ R, X, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_RX
+ {{ R, R, W, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_RRW
+ {{ R, W, X, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_RWX
+ {{ W, R, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_W
+ {{ W, R, W, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_WRW
+ {{ W, R, X, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_WRX
+ {{ W, R, R, W, R, R }}, // kRWI_WRRW
+ {{ W, R, R, X, R, R }}, // kRWI_WRRX
+ {{ W, W, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_WW
+ {{ X, R, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_X
+ {{ X, R, X, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_XRX
+ {{ X, X, R, R, X, R }}, // kRWI_XXRRX
+ {{ W, R, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_LDn
+ {{ R, W, R, R, R, R }}, // kRWI_STn
+ {{ R, R, R, R, R, R }} // kRWI_TODO
+ #undef R
+ #undef W
+ #undef X
+static const uint8_t elementTypeSize[8] = { 0, 1, 2, 4, 8, 4, 4, 0 };
+Error queryRWInfo(const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, InstRWInfo* out) noexcept {
+ // Get the instruction data.
+ uint32_t realId = & uint32_t(InstIdParts::kRealId);
+ if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Inst::isDefinedId(realId)))
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidInstruction);
+ out->_instFlags = InstRWFlags::kNone;
+ out->_opCount = uint8_t(opCount);
+ out->_rmFeature = 0;
+ out->_extraReg.reset();
+ out->_readFlags = CpuRWFlags::kNone; // TODO: [ARM] Read PSTATUS.
+ out->_writeFlags = CpuRWFlags::kNone; // TODO: [ARM] Write PSTATUS
+ const InstDB::InstInfo& instInfo = InstDB::_instInfoTable[realId];
+ const InstRWInfoData& rwInfo = instRWInfoData[instInfo.rwInfoIndex()];
+ if (instInfo.hasFlag(InstDB::kInstFlagConsecutive) && opCount > 2) {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
+ OpRWInfo& op = out->_operands[i];
+ const Operand_& srcOp = operands[i];
+ if (!srcOp.isRegOrMem()) {
+ op.reset();
+ continue;
+ }
+ OpRWFlags rwFlags = i < opCount - 1 ? (OpRWFlags)rwInfo.rwx[0] : (OpRWFlags)rwInfo.rwx[1];
+ op._opFlags = rwFlags & ~(OpRWFlags::kZExt);
+ op._physId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
+ op._rmSize = 0;
+ op._resetReserved();
+ uint64_t rByteMask = op.isRead() ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu : 0x0000000000000000u;
+ uint64_t wByteMask = op.isWrite() ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu : 0x0000000000000000u;
+ op._readByteMask = rByteMask;
+ op._writeByteMask = wByteMask;
+ op._extendByteMask = 0;
+ op._consecutiveLeadCount = 0;
+ if (srcOp.isReg()) {
+ if (i == 0)
+ op._consecutiveLeadCount = uint8_t(opCount - 1);
+ else
+ op.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kConsecutive);
+ }
+ else {
+ const Mem& memOp =<Mem>();
+ if (memOp.hasBase()) {
+ op.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kMemBaseRead);
+ }
+ if (memOp.hasIndex()) {
+ op.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRead);
+ op.addOpFlags(memOp.isPreOrPost() ? OpRWFlags::kMemIndexWrite : OpRWFlags::kNone);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
+ OpRWInfo& op = out->_operands[i];
+ const Operand_& srcOp = operands[i];
+ if (!srcOp.isRegOrMem()) {
+ op.reset();
+ continue;
+ }
+ OpRWFlags rwFlags = (OpRWFlags)rwInfo.rwx[i];
+ op._opFlags = rwFlags & ~(OpRWFlags::kZExt);
+ op._physId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
+ op._rmSize = 0;
+ op._resetReserved();
+ uint64_t rByteMask = op.isRead() ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu : 0x0000000000000000u;
+ uint64_t wByteMask = op.isWrite() ? 0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFu : 0x0000000000000000u;
+ op._readByteMask = rByteMask;
+ op._writeByteMask = wByteMask;
+ op._extendByteMask = 0;
+ op._consecutiveLeadCount = 0;
+ if (srcOp.isReg()) {
+ if (<Vec>().hasElementIndex()) {
+ // Only part of the vector is accessed if element index [] is used.
+ VecElementType elementType =<Vec>().elementType();
+ uint32_t elementIndex =<Vec>().elementIndex();
+ uint32_t elementSize = elementTypeSize[size_t(elementType)];
+ uint64_t accessMask = uint64_t(Support::lsbMask<uint32_t>(elementSize)) << (elementIndex * elementSize);
+ op._readByteMask &= accessMask;
+ op._writeByteMask &= accessMask;
+ }
+ // TODO: [ARM] RW info is not finished.
+ }
+ else {
+ const Mem& memOp =<Mem>();
+ if (memOp.hasBase()) {
+ op.addOpFlags(OpRWFlags::kMemBaseRead);
+ }
+ if (memOp.hasIndex()) {
+ op.addOpFlags(memOp.isPreOrPost() ? OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRW : OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRead);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+// a64::InstInternal - QueryFeatures
+// =================================
+Error queryFeatures(const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, CpuFeatures* out) noexcept {
+ // TODO: [ARM] QueryFeatures not implemented yet.
+ DebugUtils::unused(inst, operands, opCount, out);
+ return kErrorOk;
+} // {InstInternal}
+// a64::InstInternal - Unit
+// ========================
+#if defined(ASMJIT_TEST)
+UNIT(arm_inst_api_text) {
+ // TODO:
+#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64