path: root/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64emithelper.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64emithelper.cpp')
1 files changed, 470 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64emithelper.cpp b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64emithelper.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000..0cf098250a3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asmjit/src/asmjit/arm/a64emithelper.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,470 @@
+// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
+// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
+// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
+#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
+#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64)
+#include "../core/formatter.h"
+#include "../core/funcargscontext_p.h"
+#include "../core/string.h"
+#include "../core/support.h"
+#include "../core/type.h"
+#include "../arm/a64emithelper_p.h"
+#include "../arm/a64formatter_p.h"
+#include "../arm/a64instapi_p.h"
+#include "../arm/a64operand.h"
+// a64::EmitHelper - Emit Operations
+// =================================
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error EmitHelper::emitRegMove(
+ const Operand_& dst_,
+ const Operand_& src_, TypeId typeId, const char* comment) {
+ Emitter* emitter = _emitter->as<Emitter>();
+ // Invalid or abstract TypeIds are not allowed.
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(TypeUtils::isValid(typeId) && !TypeUtils::isAbstract(typeId));
+ emitter->setInlineComment(comment);
+ if (dst_.isReg() && src_.isMem()) {
+ Reg dst(<Reg>());
+ Mem src(<Mem>());
+ switch (typeId) {
+ case TypeId::kInt8:
+ case TypeId::kUInt8:
+ return emitter->ldrb(<Gp>(), src);
+ case TypeId::kInt16:
+ case TypeId::kUInt16:
+ return emitter->ldrh(<Gp>(), src);
+ case TypeId::kInt32:
+ case TypeId::kUInt32:
+ return emitter->ldr(<Gp>().w(), src);
+ case TypeId::kInt64:
+ case TypeId::kUInt64:
+ return emitter->ldr(<Gp>().x(), src);
+ default: {
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat32(typeId) || TypeUtils::isVec32(typeId))
+ return emitter->ldr(<Vec>().s(), src);
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat64(typeId) || TypeUtils::isVec64(typeId))
+ return emitter->ldr(<Vec>().d(), src);
+ if (TypeUtils::isVec128(typeId))
+ return emitter->ldr(<Vec>().q(), src);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dst_.isMem() && src_.isReg()) {
+ Mem dst(<Mem>());
+ Reg src(<Reg>());
+ switch (typeId) {
+ case TypeId::kInt8:
+ case TypeId::kUInt8:
+ return emitter->strb(<Gp>(), dst);
+ case TypeId::kInt16:
+ case TypeId::kUInt16:
+ return emitter->strh(<Gp>(), dst);
+ case TypeId::kInt32:
+ case TypeId::kUInt32:
+ return emitter->str(<Gp>().w(), dst);
+ case TypeId::kInt64:
+ case TypeId::kUInt64:
+ return emitter->str(<Gp>().x(), dst);
+ default: {
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat32(typeId) || TypeUtils::isVec32(typeId))
+ return emitter->str(<Vec>().s(), dst);
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat64(typeId) || TypeUtils::isVec64(typeId))
+ return emitter->str(<Vec>().d(), dst);
+ if (TypeUtils::isVec128(typeId))
+ return emitter->str(<Vec>().q(), dst);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (dst_.isReg() && src_.isReg()) {
+ Reg dst(<Reg>());
+ Reg src(<Reg>());
+ switch (typeId) {
+ case TypeId::kInt8:
+ case TypeId::kUInt8:
+ case TypeId::kInt16:
+ case TypeId::kUInt16:
+ case TypeId::kInt32:
+ case TypeId::kUInt32:
+ case TypeId::kInt64:
+ case TypeId::kUInt64:
+ return emitter->mov(<Gp>().x(),<Gp>().x());
+ default: {
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat32(typeId) || TypeUtils::isVec32(typeId))
+ return emitter->fmov(<Vec>().s(),<Vec>().s());
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat64(typeId) || TypeUtils::isVec64(typeId))
+ return emitter->mov(<Vec>().b8(),<Vec>().b8());
+ if (TypeUtils::isVec128(typeId))
+ return emitter->mov(<Vec>().b16(),<Vec>().b16());
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ emitter->setInlineComment(nullptr);
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+Error EmitHelper::emitRegSwap(
+ const BaseReg& a,
+ const BaseReg& b, const char* comment) {
+ DebugUtils::unused(a, b, comment);
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+// TODO: [ARM] EmitArgMove is unfinished.
+Error EmitHelper::emitArgMove(
+ const BaseReg& dst_, TypeId dstTypeId,
+ const Operand_& src_, TypeId srcTypeId, const char* comment) {
+ // Deduce optional `dstTypeId`, which may be `TypeId::kVoid` in some cases.
+ if (dstTypeId == TypeId::kVoid) {
+ const ArchTraits& archTraits = ArchTraits::byArch(_emitter->arch());
+ dstTypeId = archTraits.regTypeToTypeId(dst_.type());
+ }
+ // Invalid or abstract TypeIds are not allowed.
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(TypeUtils::isValid(dstTypeId) && !TypeUtils::isAbstract(dstTypeId));
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(TypeUtils::isValid(srcTypeId) && !TypeUtils::isAbstract(srcTypeId));
+ Reg dst(<Reg>());
+ Operand src(src_);
+ uint32_t dstSize = TypeUtils::sizeOf(dstTypeId);
+ uint32_t srcSize = TypeUtils::sizeOf(srcTypeId);
+ if (TypeUtils::isInt(dstTypeId)) {
+ if (TypeUtils::isInt(srcTypeId)) {
+ uint32_t x = uint32_t(dstSize == 8);
+ dst.setSignature(OperandSignature{x ? uint32_t(GpX::kSignature) : uint32_t(GpW::kSignature)});
+ _emitter->setInlineComment(comment);
+ if (src.isReg()) {
+ src.setSignature(dst.signature());
+ return _emitter->emit(Inst::kIdMov, dst, src);
+ }
+ else if (src.isMem()) {
+ InstId instId = Inst::kIdNone;
+ switch (srcTypeId) {
+ case TypeId::kInt8: instId = Inst::kIdLdrsb; break;
+ case TypeId::kUInt8: instId = Inst::kIdLdrb; break;
+ case TypeId::kInt16: instId = Inst::kIdLdrsh; break;
+ case TypeId::kUInt16: instId = Inst::kIdLdrh; break;
+ case TypeId::kInt32: instId = x ? Inst::kIdLdrsw : Inst::kIdLdr; break;
+ case TypeId::kUInt32: instId = Inst::kIdLdr; break;
+ case TypeId::kInt64: instId = Inst::kIdLdr; break;
+ case TypeId::kUInt64: instId = Inst::kIdLdr; break;
+ default:
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ }
+ return _emitter->emit(instId, dst, src);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat(dstTypeId) || TypeUtils::isVec(dstTypeId)) {
+ if (TypeUtils::isFloat(srcTypeId) || TypeUtils::isVec(srcTypeId)) {
+ switch (srcSize) {
+ case 2:<Vec>().setSignature(OperandSignature{VecH::kSignature}); break;
+ case 4:<Vec>().setSignature(OperandSignature{VecS::kSignature}); break;
+ case 8:<Vec>().setSignature(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature}); break;
+ case 16:<Vec>().setSignature(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature}); break;
+ default:
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ }
+ _emitter->setInlineComment(comment);
+ if (src.isReg()) {
+ InstId instId = srcSize <= 4 ? Inst::kIdFmov_v : Inst::kIdMov_v;
+ src.setSignature(dst.signature());
+ return _emitter->emit(instId, dst, src);
+ }
+ else if (src.isMem()) {
+ return _emitter->emit(Inst::kIdLdr_v, dst, src);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+// a64::EmitHelper - Emit Prolog & Epilog
+// ======================================
+struct LoadStoreInstructions {
+ InstId singleInstId;
+ InstId pairInstId;
+struct PrologEpilogInfo {
+ struct RegPair {
+ uint8_t ids[2];
+ uint16_t offset;
+ };
+ struct GroupData {
+ RegPair pairs[16];
+ uint32_t pairCount;
+ };
+ Support::Array<GroupData, 2> groups;
+ uint32_t sizeTotal;
+ Error init(const FuncFrame& frame) noexcept {
+ uint32_t offset = 0;
+ for (RegGroup group : Support::EnumValues<RegGroup, RegGroup::kGp, RegGroup::kVec>{}) {
+ GroupData& data = groups[group];
+ uint32_t n = 0;
+ uint32_t pairCount = 0;
+ RegPair* pairs = data.pairs;
+ uint32_t slotSize = frame.saveRestoreRegSize(group);
+ uint32_t savedRegs = frame.savedRegs(group);
+ if (group == RegGroup::kGp && frame.hasPreservedFP()) {
+ // Must be at the beginning of the push/pop sequence.
+ ASMJIT_ASSERT(pairCount == 0);
+ pairs[0].offset = uint16_t(offset);
+ pairs[0].ids[0] = Gp::kIdFp;
+ pairs[0].ids[1] = Gp::kIdLr;
+ offset += slotSize * 2;
+ pairCount++;
+ savedRegs &= ~Support::bitMask(Gp::kIdFp, Gp::kIdLr);
+ }
+ Support::BitWordIterator<uint32_t> it(savedRegs);
+ while (it.hasNext()) {
+ pairs[pairCount].ids[n] = uint8_t(;
+ if (++n == 2) {
+ pairs[pairCount].offset = uint16_t(offset);
+ offset += slotSize * 2;
+ n = 0;
+ pairCount++;
+ }
+ }
+ if (n == 1) {
+ pairs[pairCount].ids[1] = uint8_t(BaseReg::kIdBad);
+ pairs[pairCount].offset = uint16_t(offset);
+ offset += slotSize * 2;
+ pairCount++;
+ }
+ data.pairCount = pairCount;
+ }
+ sizeTotal = offset;
+ return kErrorOk;
+ }
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error EmitHelper::emitProlog(const FuncFrame& frame) {
+ Emitter* emitter = _emitter->as<Emitter>();
+ PrologEpilogInfo pei;
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(pei.init(frame));
+ static const Support::Array<Reg, 2> groupRegs = {{ x0, d0 }};
+ static const Support::Array<LoadStoreInstructions, 2> groupInsts = {{
+ { Inst::kIdStr , Inst::kIdStp },
+ { Inst::kIdStr_v, Inst::kIdStp_v }
+ }};
+ // Emit: 'bti' (indirect branch protection).
+ if (frame.hasIndirectBranchProtection()) {
+ // TODO: The instruction is not available at the moment (would be ABI break).
+ // ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->bti());
+ }
+ uint32_t adjustInitialOffset = pei.sizeTotal;
+ for (RegGroup group : Support::EnumValues<RegGroup, RegGroup::kGp, RegGroup::kVec>{}) {
+ const PrologEpilogInfo::GroupData& data = pei.groups[group];
+ uint32_t pairCount = data.pairCount;
+ Reg regs[2] = { groupRegs[group], groupRegs[group] };
+ Mem mem = ptr(sp);
+ const LoadStoreInstructions& insts = groupInsts[group];
+ for (uint32_t i = 0; i < pairCount; i++) {
+ const PrologEpilogInfo::RegPair& pair = data.pairs[i];
+ regs[0].setId(pair.ids[0]);
+ regs[1].setId(pair.ids[1]);
+ mem.setOffsetLo32(pair.offset);
+ if (pair.offset == 0 && adjustInitialOffset) {
+ mem.setOffset(-int(adjustInitialOffset));
+ mem.makePreIndex();
+ }
+ if (pair.ids[1] == BaseReg::kIdBad)
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->emit(insts.singleInstId, regs[0], mem));
+ else
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->emit(insts.pairInstId, regs[0], regs[1], mem));
+ mem.resetOffsetMode();
+ if (i == 0 && frame.hasPreservedFP()) {
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->mov(x29, sp));
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (frame.hasStackAdjustment()) {
+ uint32_t adj = frame.stackAdjustment();
+ if (adj <= 0xFFFu) {
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->sub(sp, sp, adj));
+ }
+ else if (adj <= 0xFFFFFFu) {
+ // TODO: [ARM] Prolog - we must touch the pages otherwise it's undefined.
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->sub(sp, sp, adj & 0x000FFFu));
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->sub(sp, sp, adj & 0xFFF000u));
+ }
+ else {
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ }
+ }
+ return kErrorOk;
+// TODO: [ARM] Emit epilog.
+ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error EmitHelper::emitEpilog(const FuncFrame& frame) {
+ Emitter* emitter = _emitter->as<Emitter>();
+ PrologEpilogInfo pei;
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(pei.init(frame));
+ static const Support::Array<Reg, 2> groupRegs = {{ x0, d0 }};
+ static const Support::Array<LoadStoreInstructions, 2> groupInsts = {{
+ { Inst::kIdLdr , Inst::kIdLdp },
+ { Inst::kIdLdr_v, Inst::kIdLdp_v }
+ }};
+ uint32_t adjustInitialOffset = pei.sizeTotal;
+ if (frame.hasStackAdjustment()) {
+ uint32_t adj = frame.stackAdjustment();
+ if (adj <= 0xFFFu) {
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->add(sp, sp, adj));
+ }
+ else if (adj <= 0xFFFFFFu) {
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->add(sp, sp, adj & 0x000FFFu));
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->add(sp, sp, adj & 0xFFF000u));
+ }
+ else {
+ return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
+ }
+ }
+ for (int g = 1; g >= 0; g--) {
+ RegGroup group = RegGroup(g);
+ const PrologEpilogInfo::GroupData& data = pei.groups[group];
+ uint32_t pairCount = data.pairCount;
+ Reg regs[2] = { groupRegs[group], groupRegs[group] };
+ Mem mem = ptr(sp);
+ const LoadStoreInstructions& insts = groupInsts[group];
+ for (int i = int(pairCount) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
+ const PrologEpilogInfo::RegPair& pair = data.pairs[i];
+ regs[0].setId(pair.ids[0]);
+ regs[1].setId(pair.ids[1]);
+ mem.setOffsetLo32(pair.offset);
+ if (pair.offset == 0 && adjustInitialOffset) {
+ mem.setOffset(int(adjustInitialOffset));
+ mem.makePostIndex();
+ }
+ if (pair.ids[1] == BaseReg::kIdBad)
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->emit(insts.singleInstId, regs[0], mem));
+ else
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->emit(insts.pairInstId, regs[0], regs[1], mem));
+ mem.resetOffsetMode();
+ }
+ }
+ ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(emitter->ret(x30));
+ return kErrorOk;
+static Error ASMJIT_CDECL Emitter_emitProlog(BaseEmitter* emitter, const FuncFrame& frame) {
+ EmitHelper emitHelper(emitter);
+ return emitHelper.emitProlog(frame);
+static Error ASMJIT_CDECL Emitter_emitEpilog(BaseEmitter* emitter, const FuncFrame& frame) {
+ EmitHelper emitHelper(emitter);
+ return emitHelper.emitEpilog(frame);
+static Error ASMJIT_CDECL Emitter_emitArgsAssignment(BaseEmitter* emitter, const FuncFrame& frame, const FuncArgsAssignment& args) {
+ EmitHelper emitHelper(emitter);
+ return emitHelper.emitArgsAssignment(frame, args);
+void assignEmitterFuncs(BaseEmitter* emitter) {
+ emitter->_funcs.emitProlog = Emitter_emitProlog;
+ emitter->_funcs.emitEpilog = Emitter_emitEpilog;
+ emitter->_funcs.emitArgsAssignment = Emitter_emitArgsAssignment;
+ emitter->_funcs.formatInstruction = FormatterInternal::formatInstruction;
+ emitter->_funcs.validate = InstInternal::validate;
+#endif // !ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64