path: root/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/require_concept.hpp
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Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/asio/include/asio/require_concept.hpp')
1 files changed, 343 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/require_concept.hpp b/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/require_concept.hpp
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index 00000000000..b735b669952
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/asio/include/asio/require_concept.hpp
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+// require_concept.hpp
+// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+// Copyright (c) 2003-2024 Christopher M. Kohlhoff (chris at kohlhoff dot com)
+// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying
+// file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at
+#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+# pragma once
+#endif // defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200)
+#include "asio/detail/config.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/type_traits.hpp"
+#include "asio/is_applicable_property.hpp"
+#include "asio/traits/require_concept_member.hpp"
+#include "asio/traits/require_concept_free.hpp"
+#include "asio/traits/static_require_concept.hpp"
+#include "asio/detail/push_options.hpp"
+namespace asio {
+/// A customisation point that applies a concept-enforcing property to an
+/// object.
+ * The name <tt>require_concept</tt> denotes a customization point object. The
+ * expression <tt>asio::require_concept(E, P)</tt> for some
+ * subexpressions <tt>E</tt> and <tt>P</tt> (with types <tt>T =
+ * decay_t<decltype(E)></tt> and <tt>Prop = decay_t<decltype(P)></tt>) is
+ * expression-equivalent to:
+ *
+ * @li If <tt>is_applicable_property_v<T, Prop> &&
+ * Prop::is_requirable_concept</tt> is not a well-formed constant expression
+ * with value <tt>true</tt>, <tt>asio::require_concept(E, P)</tt> is
+ * ill-formed.
+ *
+ * @li Otherwise, <tt>E</tt> if the expression <tt>Prop::template
+ * static_query_v<T> == Prop::value()</tt> is a well-formed constant
+ * expression with value <tt>true</tt>.
+ *
+ * @li Otherwise, <tt>(E).require_concept(P)</tt> if the expression
+ * <tt>(E).require_concept(P)</tt> is well-formed.
+ *
+ * @li Otherwise, <tt>require_concept(E, P)</tt> if the expression
+ * <tt>require_concept(E, P)</tt> is a valid expression with overload
+ * resolution performed in a context that does not include the declaration
+ * of the <tt>require_concept</tt> customization point object.
+ *
+ * @li Otherwise, <tt>asio::require_concept(E, P)</tt> is ill-formed.
+ */
+inline constexpr unspecified require_concept = unspecified;
+/// A type trait that determines whether a @c require_concept expression is
+/// well-formed.
+ * Class template @c can_require_concept is a trait that is derived from
+ * @c true_type if the expression
+ * <tt>asio::require_concept(std::declval<T>(),
+ * std::declval<Property>())</tt> is well formed; otherwise @c false_type.
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+struct can_require_concept :
+ integral_constant<bool, automatically_determined>
+/// A type trait that determines whether a @c require_concept expression will
+/// not throw.
+ * Class template @c is_nothrow_require_concept is a trait that is derived from
+ * @c true_type if the expression
+ * <tt>asio::require_concept(std::declval<T>(),
+ * std::declval<Property>())</tt> is @c noexcept; otherwise @c false_type.
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+struct is_nothrow_require_concept :
+ integral_constant<bool, automatically_determined>
+/// A type trait that determines the result type of a @c require_concept
+/// expression.
+ * Class template @c require_concept_result is a trait that determines the
+ * result type of the expression
+ * <tt>asio::require_concept(std::declval<T>(),
+ * std::declval<Property>())</tt>.
+ */
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+struct require_concept_result
+ /// The result of the @c require_concept expression.
+ typedef automatically_determined type;
+} // namespace asio
+namespace asio_require_concept_fn {
+using asio::conditional_t;
+using asio::decay_t;
+using asio::declval;
+using asio::enable_if_t;
+using asio::is_applicable_property;
+using asio::traits::require_concept_free;
+using asio::traits::require_concept_member;
+using asio::traits::static_require_concept;
+void require_concept();
+enum overload_type
+ identity,
+ call_member,
+ call_free,
+ ill_formed
+template <typename Impl, typename T, typename Properties, typename = void,
+ typename = void, typename = void, typename = void, typename = void>
+struct call_traits
+ static constexpr overload_type overload = ill_formed;
+ static constexpr bool is_noexcept = false;
+ typedef void result_type;
+template <typename Impl, typename T, typename Property>
+struct call_traits<Impl, T, void(Property),
+ enable_if_t<
+ is_applicable_property<
+ decay_t<T>,
+ decay_t<Property>
+ >::value
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ decay_t<Property>::is_requirable_concept
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ static_require_concept<T, Property>::is_valid
+ >>
+ static constexpr overload_type overload = identity;
+ static constexpr bool is_noexcept = true;
+ typedef T&& result_type;
+template <typename Impl, typename T, typename Property>
+struct call_traits<Impl, T, void(Property),
+ enable_if_t<
+ is_applicable_property<
+ decay_t<T>,
+ decay_t<Property>
+ >::value
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ decay_t<Property>::is_requirable_concept
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ !static_require_concept<T, Property>::is_valid
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ require_concept_member<
+ typename Impl::template proxy<T>::type,
+ Property
+ >::is_valid
+ >> :
+ require_concept_member<
+ typename Impl::template proxy<T>::type,
+ Property
+ >
+ static constexpr overload_type overload = call_member;
+template <typename Impl, typename T, typename Property>
+struct call_traits<Impl, T, void(Property),
+ enable_if_t<
+ is_applicable_property<
+ decay_t<T>,
+ decay_t<Property>
+ >::value
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ decay_t<Property>::is_requirable_concept
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ !static_require_concept<T, Property>::is_valid
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ !require_concept_member<
+ typename Impl::template proxy<T>::type,
+ Property
+ >::is_valid
+ >,
+ enable_if_t<
+ require_concept_free<T, Property>::is_valid
+ >> :
+ require_concept_free<T, Property>
+ static constexpr overload_type overload = call_free;
+struct impl
+ template <typename T>
+ struct proxy
+ {
+ struct type
+ {
+ template <typename P>
+ auto require_concept(P&& p)
+ noexcept(
+ noexcept(
+ declval<conditional_t<true, T, P>>().require_concept(
+ static_cast<P&&>(p))
+ )
+ )
+ -> decltype(
+ declval<conditional_t<true, T, P>>().require_concept(
+ static_cast<P&&>(p))
+ );
+ };
+ typedef T type;
+ };
+ template <typename T, typename Property>
+ ASIO_NODISCARD constexpr enable_if_t<
+ call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::overload == identity,
+ typename call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::result_type
+ >
+ operator()(T&& t, Property&&) const
+ noexcept(call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::is_noexcept)
+ {
+ return static_cast<T&&>(t);
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename Property>
+ ASIO_NODISCARD constexpr enable_if_t<
+ call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::overload == call_member,
+ typename call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::result_type
+ >
+ operator()(T&& t, Property&& p) const
+ noexcept(call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::is_noexcept)
+ {
+ return static_cast<T&&>(t).require_concept(static_cast<Property&&>(p));
+ }
+ template <typename T, typename Property>
+ ASIO_NODISCARD constexpr enable_if_t<
+ call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::overload == call_free,
+ typename call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::result_type
+ >
+ operator()(T&& t, Property&& p) const
+ noexcept(call_traits<impl, T, void(Property)>::is_noexcept)
+ {
+ return require_concept(static_cast<T&&>(t), static_cast<Property&&>(p));
+ }
+template <typename T = impl>
+struct static_instance
+ static const T instance;
+template <typename T>
+const T static_instance<T>::instance = {};
+} // namespace asio_require_concept_fn
+namespace asio {
+namespace {
+static constexpr const asio_require_concept_fn::impl&
+ require_concept = asio_require_concept_fn::static_instance<>::instance;
+} // namespace
+typedef asio_require_concept_fn::impl require_concept_t;
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+struct can_require_concept :
+ integral_constant<bool,
+ asio_require_concept_fn::call_traits<
+ require_concept_t, T, void(Property)>::overload !=
+ asio_require_concept_fn::ill_formed>
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+constexpr bool can_require_concept_v = can_require_concept<T, Property>::value;
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+struct is_nothrow_require_concept :
+ integral_constant<bool,
+ asio_require_concept_fn::call_traits<
+ require_concept_t, T, void(Property)>::is_noexcept>
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+constexpr bool is_nothrow_require_concept_v
+ = is_nothrow_require_concept<T, Property>::value;
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+struct require_concept_result
+ typedef typename asio_require_concept_fn::call_traits<
+ require_concept_t, T, void(Property)>::result_type type;
+template <typename T, typename Property>
+using require_concept_result_t =
+ typename require_concept_result<T, Property>::type;
+} // namespace asio
+#include "asio/detail/pop_options.hpp"